Special Crime Investigation Iba
Special Crime Investigation Iba
Special Crime Investigation Iba
1. Perseverance
Refers to the steadfastness, persistence and resolution to bring
the desired physical in spite of obstacles connected with criminal
2. Endurance
This is the ability to last physically and mentally hence; he must
have the extraordinary physical and mental energy, enduring
sleepless nights and tiresome days.
3. Incorruptible Honesty and Integrity
In the practice of his art, there is the ever temptations of money,
women and drinks where these are present in every corner laying
tricks of temptations.
4. The Intelligence and Wisdom of Solomon
This is very important in order that the investigator could easily
decipher falsehood from truth and separate the gain from the
5. Acting Activity
It is the ability to go down to the level of the minor, the prostitute
or the slum dwellers, or the level of the other professionals or the
members of the elite.
6. Mastery of the Oral and Written Communication in order that he
will not suffer setback in getting the accurate facts especially in
the preparation of reports and or transmittal of information.
7. The Keen Power of Observation and Description
These are very important in crime scene investigation and in
interview and interrogation.
8. Courage
It is the moral fortitude to tell the truth no matter who will be
9. Working Knowledge of Criminal Law, Evidence, Criminal Procedure,
and Penal Special Laws.
10. The Power to “Read between the Lines”
This is the ability of investigator to interpret the words or phrases
encountered in the process of investigation in their deeper meaning in
order to arrive with concrete meaning of a certain statement.
11. Working Knowledge of Martial Arts and Firearms Proficiency
He will find himself in many occasions that he will be alone in
confronting, arresting, bringing to headquarters and interrogating the
a. Sociological Death
Type of death wherein the withdrawal and separation from the
patient by others producing isolation and abandonment. It can
last for years of patient abandoned by the family, unvisited and
let alone to die.
b. Psychic Death
The condition wherein the patient regresses, gives up and or
surrenders accepting death prematurely and refuses to continue
c. Biologic Death
Type of death characterized by the absence of cognitive function
or awareness, although artificial support system may maintain
organs functioning.
d. Physiologic Death
Type of death when all vital organs cease to function.
Molecular Death or Cellular Death
1. Physical Injury
Use of physical force.
2. Thermal Injury
Cause by heat or cold.
3. Electrical Injury
Death caused by electrical injury.
4. Atmospheric Injury
Death or injury cause by change in atmosphere
5. Chemical Injury
Death and injury caused by chemicals.
6. Radiation
Death or injury caused by radioactive substances.
“As to kind of Instrument used
1. Lacerated Wound
Produced by blunt instruments.
2. Incised Wound
Wound produced by sharp edge instruments.
3. Stabbed Wound
Wound produced by sharp edge and sharp
pointed instruments.
4. Punctured Wound
Wound produced by sharp pointed instrument.
5. Wound produced by tearing force
“As to the relation of the site of the application or force and
the location of the injury.
1. Coup Injury
Injury which found at the site of the application of force.
2. Contre Coup Injury
Injury which is not found at the site but opposite the site of
the application of force.
3. Coup Contre Coup Injury
Injury which is found at the site and also opposite the site
of application of force.
4. Locus Minor’s Resistencia
It is the injury found at the site or opposite the site of the
application of force but in some areas offering least
resistance to the force applied.
5. Extensive Injury
It is the type of injury involving greater areas beyond the
site of application of force.
a. Contact Fire
The entrance wound is irregular with busting tissues due to
the expanded heated gas with flame. There is singeing hair,
presence of wads as well as particles of gunpowder inside
the entrance wound.
e. Distance at 4 yards
Small group of pellets may penetrate the tissues.
Evidence to Support Homicidal Hanging
No signs of struggle.
History of ineffective suicidal attempts.
Presence of suicidal notes
History of reverses in life, loss of loves ones,
failure in job and love.
“Forms of Strangulations
a. By witnesses
the first who discovered the fire
c. Charring
The char will generally be deepest from where the fire originated.
When the fire is extinguished quickly, the charring is only
slightly below the surface.
d. Alligatoring
Fire burning for a longer period indicates a char pattern that is
deep and pronounced. The charring on the woods exactly looks
like the hide of a black alligator. Fire extinguished quickly
produces this alligatoring patterns.
Syndicated Illegal Recruitment
If the illegal recruitment is carried out by a
group of three (3) or more persons conspiring
or confederating with one another.
c. Blind Ads
Advertisement for overseas employment published in the dailies
does not indicate the name of the recruiter but provides a P.O.
Box to which applications may be submitted.
d. By correspondence
• Applicants are encouraged to submit their requirements through
mail together with a minimal fee.
e. Backdoor Exit
Workers leave through the southern ports of exit where
immigration control is lax. They usually leave on cargo
ships or on boats.
f. Assumed Identity
Workers leave another name either using the name of
another worker or through the baklas system or obtaining
passports through fake birth certificates and other
documents. Minors are usually deployed through this
g. Direct Hiring
Workers are recruited directly by the foreign employer and
deployed either as tourists or through any of the other
illegal means.
h. Trainee-Worker Scheme
Workers are recruited and deployed as trainees on a
training agreement. More often, HRM students leaving in
the guise of traineeship program for hotels abroad but
eventually landing jobs in hotels/restaurants abroad.
i. Tie-Up or Kabit System
Unlicensed recruiter’s tie-up with a license agencies and
recruit workers through the facilities of the latter. Workers
are either deployed under the job order of the license
agency but actually work for another employer abroad or
the foreign principal of the unlicensed recruiter is
registered or accredited under the licensed agency’s name.
j. Visa Assistance or Immigration Consultancy Scheme
Entities operating under the guise of consultancy or
offering services for visa facilitation are actually engaged in
recruitment by offering placement abroad on immigrant
visa. Some of them also operate through the conduct of
orientation seminars, which are actually recruiting
k. Mail Order Bride Scheme
Marriage is arranged by brokers between Filipino woman
and foreigners. The Filipino wife ends up of being a
domestic helper to her husband’s and his family or in worst
situations abroad.
Three Forms of Terrorism
1. Criminal
Terrorist who simply engage in all types of crime since they
recognize no law.
2. Political
As a state repression, ideological revolutionary activities or
Nationalistic Revolutions.
a. State Repression
Refers to government using terrorism to keep citizens in line.
b. Ideological Revolutionary Terrorism
Focuses on violence to change a political system.
c. Nationalistic Terrorism
Emphasize the ethnic structure of the government over its
ideological underpinnings.
3. State Sponsored
Both nationalistic and revolutionary terrorism can be sponsored
by the State, as its aims in a surreptitious manner or a statute to
promote its personal ends.
Some Types of Terrorist Activities
Drug trafficking
Human Smuggling and Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Immigration Crimes
Includes but not limited to violation of citizen law of a
R.A. 9225 – an act making Filipino Citizens who acquired
foreign citizenship permanent, amending of
Commonwealth Act. No. 63.
A surprise invasion of a building of area. It is a
small-scale attack of a limited territory. Legal
Basis – a raid must be legal, having its basis in
lawful process and conducted in a legal manner.
This will be in the form of a search warrant or
warrant of arrest. The raid may be in pursuit of a
person reasonably believed to be guilty a felony
when it is known that the felony has just been
1. Accuracy
The report should be a true presentation of the facts to the
best of the investigator’s ability. Information both
favorable and unfavorable to the suspect should be
included. Information should be verified b the statement
of other witnesses and by the reference to official records
or to other reliable sources, take action on the matter.
2. Completeness
The question of “when, what, where, why and how?” should
be answered. The elements of the rime should be
established, and the additional facts developed should
tend to prove these elements. The report should be
documented by appending important statements/letters,
finding of other agencies and laboratory reports.
3. Brevity
Irrelevant or unnecessary materials should be
4. Fairness
The investigator should take the facts as he finds
them, and if ever he has theories, it must be
consistent with these facts.
5. Form and Style
The arrangement of the materials presented should
be in a manner which will make the report easy to
read. Form includes proper paragraphing,
underscoring, capitalization and heading. The report
should be written in the third person, the investigator
referring to himself as “the investigator”.
Points considered:
1. Conciseness
2. Clarity
3. Organization
4. Thoroughness
5. Accuracy
6. Adequacy and pertinence of leads
Errors of form:
1. Misspelling
2. Typographical error
3. Wrong file number
4. Wrong block
5. Others of the same nature
Errors of substance: