BJMP Programs
BJMP Programs
BJMP Programs
Major Programs
There are four (4) major programs under the mandate of BJMP and they are the
1. PDL custody, security and control program.
2. PDL welfare and development program.
3. Decongestion program.
4. Good governance.
Core Programs
All PDL under custody are provided with three (3) meals (breakfast, lunch and supper).
Adequate supply of potable water is made available to them at all times. Likewise, upon
admission, each PDL is issued his or her PDL uniform consisting of the yellow shirt and
brown jogging pants. Hygiene kits are also distributed to the PDL on monthly or
quarterly basis. Occasionally, the provision of basic needs for the PDL is
supplemented by the food and non-food donations from local government units, non-
government organizations, business sector and private individuals.
B. Health Services
Health services for PDL consist of interventions towards the prevention, promotion,
treatment of illnesses and rehabilitation. All PDL undergo medical assessment upon
admission. During confinement, PDL are provided with health education and
counseling, medical consultations, regular health monitoring, and provided medicines
subject to availability. To maintain the physical health of PDL, they are allowed daily
sunning and physical exercises.
C. Educational Program
The educational program aims to provide opportunities for PDL to achieve mandatory
education. For this reason, BJMP adopted the Alternative Learning System (ALS) of
the Department of Education for the PDL to earn their elementary and high school
diplomas. Teachers in the jail-based ALS are BJMP Personnel who are professional
teachers and trained on the Instructional Method for ALS. In jails where there are no
personnel trained to handle ALS classes, the ALS teachers would be coming from the
Department of Education. All PDL enrolled in the ALS earn their respective Time
Allowance for Teaching, Studying and Mentoring (TASTM) pursuant to RA 10592.
The objective of the skills training program is to equip the PDL with technical/vocational
skills which they can use in seeking employment or starting their own business after
release from confinement. To make the PDL as competitive as other potential job
seekers, the skills trainings preferred are those accredited by the Technical Education
and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) so that the PDL will be able to earn National
Certifications. Thus, only the PDL who meet the eligibility requirements of the specific
skills training program being offered can participate.
E. Livelihood Program
G. Interfaith Program
PDL are provided with the opportunity to practice their faith while under custody without
discrimination, subject only to usual safety and security measures. The BJMP
chaplains and imams provide different religious services such as but not limited to mass
celebrations, communal prayers, spiritual counseling, catechism, and others. Religious
organizations and their respective ministers/pastors and leaders are accredited by
BJMP to facilitate their regular contact with PDL for the provision of religious services.
H. Cultural and Sports Program
The cultural program aims to promote camaraderie among PDL, encourage the
development of self-confidence and sharing of cultural talents as form of positive
entertainment. Cultural activities allowed in jails include dance, singing, theatre/drama,
and art workshops. Also, through this program, PDL experience some sense of social
normalcy through the communal celebrations of socio-cultural events like birthdays,
Valentine’s Day, Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day, Christmas, Lent and Easter, Ramadan,
local festivals and other similar activities.
I. Paralegal Program
The main objective of the Paralegal Program is to address the overcrowding in jail
facilities. Through the paralegal program, PDL are assisted in availing of the different
early modes of release. Regional and jail paralegal officers conduct continuous
informative seminars/orientations to PDL on their rights, modes of early release, and
other paralegal/legal remedies which can be availed of by them. Other paralegal
services include paralegal counseling and case follow-up in the courts by the jail
paralegal officers.
J. E-Dalaw
Support Services
A. Human Rights Desks
Every jail facility operates a 24-hour Human Rights Desk handled by a designated
Human Rights Affairs Officer. The main function of the Human Rights Desk is to
receive complaints concerning human rights violations from PDL and visitors and to
report the complaints thru the appropriate reporting system to the concerned BJMP
offices and to the Commission on Human Rights for investigation and appropriate
B. Help Desk
In line with the government’s policy of providing timely and speedy access to
government services, each jail facility has established its own Help Desk managed by a
designated Held Desk Officer. The Help Desk functions as a referral unit where PDL
and visitors can lodge their request for assistance concerning personal or family needs.
These requests are evaluated by the Help Desk Officer and all requests for assistance
that cannot be addressed by the jail are referred to the concerned government agencies
for appropriate action.
Although BJMP recognizes the importance of aftercare program for PDL to be released
for them to start a new, it is limited only to providing welfare and developmental
programs to PDL while they are in custody. Nevertheless, to ensure continuity of care of
PDL upon release, the jail unit Welfare and Development Officer facilitate referrals to
different community resources. These referrals addressed to the local government units,
non-government organizations and the business sector usually include but not limited to
seeking immediate financial assistance for PDL’s repatriation, employment/livelihood
assistance, educational/vocational training scholarships, medical and psychological
Pregnant PDL, by reason of their medical condition, are given special attention by the
jail nurses to ensure compliance to pre-natal and post-natal care, timely provision of
other pregnancy-related needs, and assistance for the care of the newborn until the
latter is endorsed to the immediate family or accredited child-caring agency.
In addition to implementing measures to protect the senior citizen PDL and PDL with
disabilities from discrimination and establishing functional priority lanes for them, the
primary policy is to link them to the local Office of Senior Citizen Affairs Office (OSCA)
and Person with Disability Affairs Office (PDAO) for the acquisition of their respective
Identification Cards. The respective identification cards issued by the local government
unit are the PDL’s access key to the different services for senior citizens and persons
with disabilities mandated by the Senior Citizen’s Act and Magna Carta for Persons with
PDL who are members of the LGBT community maybe segregated from the general
population in terms of housing to prevent potential mistreatments towards them by
reason of their gender expression and other vulnerabilities. Nevertheless, they receive
the same programs and services provided to the general population and they are
encouraged to participate fully in the socio-cultural activities of the jail.
PDL with substance use disorder or have history of illegal drug use and who were
granted plea bargaining under A.M. No. 18-03-16 SC, are provided with drug counseling
using the Katatagan Kontra Droga sa Komunidad (KKDK) approach. The KKDK is a
psycho-educational drug counseling program developed consisting of twenty-four (24)
modules: eighteen (18) modules to be completed by the PDL in a small group setting
with fellow PDL and six (6) family modules to be participated by the PDL’s family. The
drug counseling runs for maximum duration of four (4) months.