Ch3 Forces

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Fifth Edition
in SI Units

Chapter 3: Forces

By: Anthony Bedford and Wallace Fowler

Made by Prof. Kyuho Sim at SNUT and modified by Prof. Cho for GNTECH
Learning Objective
The forces due to the weight of the bridge are transferred
to the vertical support towers by cables.

This chapter uses free-body diagrams to analyze the

forces acting on objects in equilibrium.
Chapter Outline
• Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body Diagrams
• Two-Dimensional Force Systems
• Three-Dimensional Force Systems
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Line of Action: 동일선상
• The straight line collinear with the force vector
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
작용선의 관점에
• System of Forces: 서 분류
동일평면 • Coplanar or 2 dimensional –
line of action of the forces lie
in a plane
• 3 dimensional Concurrent

• Concurrent – lines of action of
the forces intersect at a point
평행력 • Parallel – lines of action are
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• External & Internal Forces:
• External force – given object is subjected to a
force exerted by a different object
• Internal force – one part of a given object is
subjected to a force by another part of the same
• Requires clear definition of object in consideration

외력 : 물체에 다른 물체가 가하는 힘 (예: 마루와 사람, 오른손과 왼손)

내력 : 물체의 어떤 부분에 그 물체의 다른 부분이 가하는 힘
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Body & Surface Forces:
• Body Force – force acting on the volume of an
• E.g. gravitational force on an object
• Surface Force – force acting on the surface of an
• Can be exerted on an object by contact with
another object
• Both body & contact forces can result from
electromagnetic effects
체적력 : 물체의 체적에 작용하는 힘 (예: 중력)
표면력 : 물체의 표면에 작용하는 힘 (예: 다른 물체와 접촉하는 물체)
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Gravitational Forces:
• The force exerted on an object by the earth’s gravity
• Gravitational force, or weight, of
an object can be represented by a vector
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Gravitational Forces:
• Magnitude of an object’s weight is related to its mass
|W| = mg
where g = 9.81 m/s2 in SI units
(acceleration due to gravity at sea level)
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Gravitational forces & electromagnetic forces act at a
• The objects they act on are not necessarily in
contact with the objects exerting the forces
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Contact Forces:
• Forces that result from contacts between objects
• E.g. push on a wall  exert a contact force
• Surface of hand exerts a force F on surface of
• Wall exerts an equal & opposite force F on your
hand (Newton’s 3rd Law)
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Surfaces:
• Consider 2 plane surfaces in contact:


접촉하고 있는 오른쪽 표면에 접촉 표면에 대해 표면이 매끄러울 때 :

두 평면의 표면들 작용하는 힘 F 수직과 수평 성분 마찰을 무시
으로 분해된 힘 F  법선력만 존재
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Surfaces:
• Force exerted on right surface by left surface F
• Resolve F into:
• Normal force N (normal to surface)
• Friction force f (parallel to surface)
• Smooth surfaces – friction force assumed
to be negligible
• Rough surfaces – friction force cannot be
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• If the contacting surfaces are curved:

곡면 접촉인 경우로 점선은 접촉 오른쪽 표면에 작용하는

점에서 표면에 접하는 평면을 표시 법선력과 마찰력
• Normal force & friction force are perpendicular &
parallel to the plane tangent to the surface at their
point of contact
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Ropes & Cables:
• Contact force can be exerted on an object by
attaching a rope or cable to the object & pulling on
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Ropes & Cables:
• Example:
• Cable exerts a force T on container
• Magnitude of T – tension in cable
• Line of action of T collinear with cable
• Cable exerts an equal & opposite force T on

로프와 케이블 : 직선으로 가정(자중이 인장력에 비하여 무시할 수 있을 정도로 작을 경우)

 인장력은 로프와 케이블의 길이 방향으로 작용하고, 전체 구간에서 일정
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Assumption:
• Cable is straight
• Tension where cable is connected to container
= tension near crane
• Approximately true if weight of cable
<< tension
케이블이 컨테이너에
작용하는 인장력 T

케이블이 크레인에
작용하는 인장력 -T
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Pulley - wheel with grooved rim that can be used to
change the direction of a rope or cable

풀리 : 로프나 케이블의 방향을 바꾸는데 풀리의 양쪽에 작용하는

사용하는 홈이 있는 바퀴 인장력은 동일하다고 가정
(풀리가 자유롭게 회전할 수 있을 떄)
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Assumption: 마찰력 0

• Tension is the same on both sides of a pulley

• True when pulley can turn freely & the rope or
cable is either stationary or turns at a constant
rate 가속도 0
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Springs:
• To exert contact forces in mechanical devices
• E.g. suspension of cars
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
신장시키지 않은 길이 L0인 스프링

• Consider a coil spring of

unstretched length: Lo
• When stretched: L  Lo L < L0 로 신장된 스프링

• Pulls on the object to which

it is attached with force F
스프링이 물체에 작용하는 힘 F
• Object exerts an equal &
opposite force F on spring
• When compressed: L  Lo
물체가 스프링에 작용하는 힘 -F
• Compressed too much 
과도하게 압축할 경우의 스프링
휨 상태 (좌굴)
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Spring designed to exert a force by being
compressed is often provided with lateral support
to prevent buckling:
• E.g. enclosing it in a cylindrical sleeve
• Shock absorbers within coils in car
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Coil springs commonly used in mechanical
devices exert a force approximately proportional
to the change in length:
|F| = k|L  Lo| = kd (3.1)

• Force is a linear function of change in length:

linear spring

d : 스프링의 길이 변화
L : 스프링의 길이
L0 : 스프링의 자유 길이
k : 스프링 상수 (spring constant)
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Spring constant k
depends on
material & design
of spring
(units: force/length)

• From Eqn (3.1)

k = magnitude of the force required to stretch or
compress the spring a unit of length
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body

Example: Lo = 1 m & k = 3000 N/m, L = 1.2 m

Magnitude of the pull spring exerts:
k|L  Lo| = 3000(1.2  1) = 600 N
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Springs can be used to model
situations in which
forces depend on displacements
• E.g. force necessary to bend steel
beam is a linear function
of displacement d if d is not too
|F| = kd
 model force-deflection be
haviour of beam with a li
near spring
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Equilibrium:
• Unchanging state – state of balance
• Examples:
• Objects are at rest (stationary) relative to the
building are in equilibrium
• Objects within a train traveling at a constant
speed on a straight track, that are at rest relative
to the train, are in equilibrium
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• If the train begin increasing or decreasing its
speed, the person standing in the aisle would no
longer be in equilibrium & might lose his balance
• Definition: an object is in equilibrium only if each point
of the object has the same constant velocity (steady
• The velocity must be measured relative to a frame of
reference in which Newton’s laws are valid
• A frame of reference fixed with respect to the earth:
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Assumption: objects in steady translation relative to
the earth can be assumed to be in equilibrium
• Vector sum of external forces acting on an object in
equilibrium = 0:
F=0 (3.2)
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Free-Body Diagrams:
• Serves to focus attention on the object of interest &
helps identify the external forces acting on it
• Also used in dynamics to study the motions of objects
• Drawing of an isolated or freed object & the external
forces acting on it
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Drawing a free-body diagram involves 3 steps:
1. Identify the object to isolate – the choice is often d
ictated by particular forces you want to determine
2. Draw a sketch of the object isolated from its surro
undings & show relevant dimensions & angles
3. Draw & label vectors representing all the external
forces acting on the isolated object – don’t forget t
o include the gravitational force
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• A coordinate system is necessary to express the
forces on the isolated object in terms of components
– E.g. to determine the Equilibrium equation:
tensions in the 2 cables: F = TABj – Wj = (TAB  W)j = 0

a) Isolate lower block Tension in cable AB is TAB = W

& part of cable AB
b) Indicate the external
forces: W & TAB
c) Introduce a
coordinate system
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Isolate upper block
• External forces: W, TCD
• Equilibrium equation:
F = TCDj – TABj – Wj
= (TCD – TAB  W)j = 0
Since TAB = W, TCD = 2W
Forces, Equilibrium, & Free-Body
• Alternatively, treat the 2 blocks & cable AB as a
single object:
• Equilibrium equation:
F = TCDj – Wj – Wj
= (TCD – 2W)j = 0
Again, TCD = 2W
Two-Dimensional Force Systems
• By orienting a coordinate system so that external forces
acting on an object lie in the x-y plane:
F = (Fx)i – (Fy)j = 0
where Fx & Fy are the sums of the x & y components
of the forces
• A vector is zero only if each of its components is zero 
Scalar equilibrium equations:
Fx = 0, Fy = 0 (3.3)
Example 3.1
Using Equilibrium to Determine

The 1440-kg car is held i

n place on the inclined r
amp by the horizontal ca
ble from A to B.

The car’s brakes are not engaged, so the tires exert only
normal forces on the inclined ramp. Determine the magn
itude of the force exerted on the car by the cable.
Example 3.1 (continued)
Since the car is in equilibrium, we can draw its free-body
diagram & use Eqn (3.3) to determine the forces exerted
on the car by the cable & use the inclined surface.
Example 3.1 (continued)
Draw the Free-Body Diagram:
First, draw a free-body diagram of the
car isolated from its surroundings.

Complete the free-body diagram by

showing the force exerted by the
car’s weight, the force T exerted by
the cable & the total normal force N
exerted on the car’s tires by the
inclined surface.
Example 3.1 (continued)
Apply the Equilibrium Equations:
Introduce a coordinate system & resolve the normal force
into x & y components:

Fx = T  N sin 20° = 0

Fy = N cos 20°  mg = 0
Example 3.1 (continued)
Resolve the 2nd equilibrium equation for N:

mg (1440 kg )(9.81 m s 2 )
N   15,000 N
cos 20  cos 20 

Then we solve the 1st equilibrium equation for

tension T:
T = N sin 20° = 5140 N
Example 3.1 (continued)
Practice Problem
Suppose that cable attachment point B is moved upward
so that the cable is parallel to the ramp. Determine the
magnitude of the force exerted on the car by the cable.

Answer: 4830 N
Three-Dimensional Force Systems
When the system of external forces acting on an object in
equilibrium is 3 dimensional:

 F = (Fx)i + (Fy)j + (Fz)k = 0

Each component of this equation must = 0, resulting in 3

equilibrium equations:

Fx = 0, Fy = 0, Fz = 0 (3.5)

Example 3.5
Applying Equilibrium in 3

The 100-kg cylinder is

suspended from the c
eiling by cables attac
hed at points B, C & D
. What are the tensio
ns in cables AB, AC &
Example 3.5 (continued)
By isolating part of the cable system near point A, we
will obtain a free-body diagram subjected to forces due
to the tensions in the cables. Because the sums of the
external forces in the x, y, and z directions must each
equal zero, we can obtain three equilibrium equations
for the three unknown tensions. To do so, we must
express the forces exerted by the tensions in terms of
their components.
Example 3.5 (continued)
Draw the Free-Body Diagram & Apply Equilibrium
Example 3.5 (continued)
Isolate part of the cable system near point A and show
the forces exerted by the tensions in the cables. The
sum of the forces must equal zero:

F = TAB + TAC + TAD  (981 N)j = 0

Example 3.5 (continued)
Write the Forces in Terms of Their Components
Obtain a unit vector that has the same direction as the
force TAB by dividing the position vector rAB from point A
to point B by its magnitude.
rAB = (xB  xA)i + (yB  yA)j + (zB  zA)k
= 4i + 4j +2k (m)
Example 3.5 (continued)

e AB   0.667i  0.667 j  0.333k
Example 3.5 (continued)
Express the force TAB in terms of its components by
writing it as the product of the tension TAB in cable AB
and the unit vector eAB.
TAB = TABeAB = TAB (0.667i + 0. 667j + 0.333k)

Express the forces TAC & TAD in terms of their

components using the same procedure.
TAC = TAC (0.408i + 0.816j  0.408k)
TAD = TAD (0.514i + 0.686j  0.514k)
Example 3.5 (continued)
Substitute these expressions into the equilibrium equation
TAB + TAC + TAD  (981 N)j = 0

Because the i, j, & k components must each equal zero,

this results in three equations:
Example 3.5 (continued)
0.667TAB  0.408TAC  0.514TAD = 0
0.667TAB + 0.816TAC + 0.686TAD = 0
0.333TAB  0.408TAC  0.514TAD = 0

Solving these equations, we find that the tensions are

TAB = 519 N, TAC = 636 N & TAD = 168 N
Example 3.5 (continued)
Practice Problem
Suppose that cables AB, AC, and AD are lengthened so
that the attachment point A is located at the point (0,6, 0)
m. What are the tensions in the cables?

Answer: TAB = 432 N, TAC = 574 N & TAD = 141 N

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