NST Supported by Original Data (Age)
NST Supported by Original Data (Age)
NST Supported by Original Data (Age)
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Article history: Objective: Controversies exist as to the suitability of various nutrition screening tools for various
Received 29 July 2011 age groups, the incorporation of age and age-related criteria into some tools, and the procedures
Accepted 7 November 2011 associated with tool selection.
Methods: Reviews of the literature and national and local datasets were used to identify the types
Keywords: of screening tools available for different age groups, the origins of age-related criteria, and the
Nutrition screening
value of tool selection procedures based on predicting clinical outcomes.
Results: Nutrition screening can be undertaken in fetuses, children, and adults over narrow or wide
Body mass index
Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool age ranges, for diagnostic or prognostic purposes, with or without nutritional interventions.
Subjective Global Assessment Certain tools can establish malnutrition risk without using any nutritional criteria, whereas others
Mini Nutritional Assessment can do so only with nutritional criteria. The incorporation of age and age-specific body mass index
Nutritional Risk Screening–2002 criteria into adult screening tools can influence the prevalence and age distribution of malnutri-
tion, but no justification is usually provided for their use. In several circumstances, age alone can
predict mortality and length of hospital stay much better than screening tools. We identified
various methodologic problems in nutrition screening tool selection.
Conclusions: A comparison of nutrition screening tools designed for different age groups and
different purposes can be problematic. Age and screening tools incorporating risk factors that are
non-modifiable or generally weakly modifiable by nutritional support (e.g., age, disease severity)
may predict outcomes of disease, but they are not necessarily suitable for predicting outcomes of
nutritional support. To contextualize the findings, a framework for screening tool selection is
suggested that takes into account a matrix of needs.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0899-9007/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
478 M. Elia, R. J. Stratton / Nutrition 28 (2012) 477–494
was developed as a prognostic instrument (to predict clinical between them, which suggests a risk that patients requiring
outcomes such as complications of disease) rather than as nutritional support may not get it and vice versa. Most nutrition
a diagnostic instrument, using data from observational rather intervention studies have not used the commonly cited tools
than interventional studies. Similarly, the Prognostic Nutritional [26], no head-to-head randomized controlled trials have been
Index of Buzby et al. [5,6] and the Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index undertaken, and there have been no indirect comparisons using
[7], which incorporate blood results (circulating albumin a common denominator. In the absence of such information,
concentration), were also originally designed as prognostic clinical workers have made recommendations to the clinical
instruments using data from observational studies. Compre- community about the choice of nutrition screening tool for
hensive reviews on nutrition screening [8–11] include instru- routine clinical practice based on their ability to predict
ments that incorporate blood tests. However, many workers have outcomes in the absence of any specific nutritional interventions.
pointed out the limitations of such instruments, especially in Such studies, which are discussed later, have typically involved
settings where blood tests are not routinely undertaken and comparisons of commonly used or cited adult screening tools,
where there is substantial delay before analysis and reporting. such as the SGA, MNA, NRS-2002, and MUST; and they have
Conversely, this may not be a problem in clinical settings, where involved tools with and without age components, tools designed
routine blood tests are undertaken and quickly reported on an for use in different age ranges, and tools with different body
electronic system together with other results of nutrition mass index (BMI) cutoff values.
The tool by Wolinsky et al. [12] was primarily developed to Scope of the review
predict health care use in older people living in the community.
In contrast, the Nutritional Risk Screening–2002 (NRS-2002) [12] This review on nutrition screening aims to examine three
was developed with the aim of predicting outcomes of inter- age-related issues by:
ventions in hospitalized patients, an important issue that is
discussed later. 1. identifying the spectrum of tools available for different age
Given the diverse nature of nutrition screening tools, it is not groups, pinpointing adult screening tools that incorporate
surprising that they incorporate different criteria and/or apply age into their scoring systems, and examining any scientific
different weightings to the same criteria. For example, the SGA, rationale that is provided for incorporating age into such
which has been described as a tool that measures “sickness” as tools
much as nutritional status, incorporates disease stress factors 2. assessing the effect of age alone in predicting clinically
and clinical manifestations of disease, e.g., ascites [13,14], which relevant outcomes, comparing it with the ability of nutrition
are not included in other screening tools. Certain tools can screening tools to predict the same outcomes, and system-
establish a malnutrition risk category without any contribution atically examining methodologic issues that can influence
from nutritional indices, such as measurements of thinness, predictive validity
weight loss, and/or dietary intake. Indeed, it may be difficult for 3. evaluating the scientific basis and implications of incorpo-
some tools to establish a malnutrition risk using only nutritional rating different BMI thresholds for underweight into
criteria, e.g., using the tool by Elmore et al. [15], which is domi- screening tools from clinical and public health perspectives.
nated non-nutritional criteria, such as type of disease, disease
severity, previous hospitalization, domicile, and age. In contrast, By fulfilling these aims, we hope to achieve a better under-
other nutrition screening tools can only establish a malnutrition standing of the merits and limitations of using age and different
risk category using the nutritional indices described earlier [3, BMI cutoff values in various screening tools. The amalgamated
16–18] and certain tools can do both depending on the patient information should help clinicians understand the clinical
(e.g., [19–21]). Figure 1 suggests that the selection process should implications of using different screening tools, because there is
be based not only on the quality of the tool, including no malnutrition screening tool “gold” standard and a lack of
evidence-based criteria such as validity and reliability, but also comparative data to otherwise guide them. Figure 1, which
on the matrix of needs and potential applications of the tool, illustrates issues that need to be considered in screening tool
some of which are used for one setting and one condition, selection, is used to put the findings into perspective.
whereas others are used for all care settings and all types of It is beyond the scope of this review to comprehensively
conditions. One of the important considerations concerns age. examine all screening tools, of which there are probably several
This is not only because nutrition screening can be undertaken at hundred, mostly unpublished tools. We also do not aim to
any age, from before birth to shortly before death, but also examine all the characteristics of screening tools, such as their
because some tools were developed for application over acceptability by staff and patients, their reproducibility, and all
a narrow age range, whereas others were designed for use over aspects of their validity. The reader is referred to other reviews
a wide age range, sometimes spanning almost the entire age for a discussion of these issues [1,8–11,22–25]. The effect of
range of adults and children. However, because there have been nutritional support on clinical outcomes in malnourished and
some controversies about the choice of screening tools for non-malnourished subjects identified in different ways can also
specific age groups and controversies about the incorporation of be found elsewhere [22,26].
age-related criteria into some of them, these issues are reviewed Much of the recent literature comparing screening tools has
here, especially because they have not been critically evaluated involved commonly used (MNA, NRS-2002, MUST) or cited (SGA)
in previous reviews [1,8–11,22–25]. tools, which provide by far the richest source of information for
Although nutrition screening tools are helpful in addressing examining certain age-related issues, such as the prediction of
diverse needs and have diverse applications, in clinical practice, clinical outcomes in the absence of nutritional support. To
the response to nutritional support is valued most highly [22,26]. facilitate an understanding of the issues involved, the Appendix
Unfortunately, there is insufficient evidence to rank nutrition summarizes the background to the SGA, MNA, NRS-2002, and
screening tools according to their ability to predict outcomes of MUST and describes their scoring systems. However, a wide
nutritional interventions. There is concern about poor agreement range of other screening tools, whose histories are not given in
M. Elia, R. J. Stratton / Nutrition 28 (2012) 477–494 479
Fig. 1. A framework for screening tool selection based on the matrix of needs and quality of the tool. The screening program includes the screening test (screening tool),
management, and follow-up. It is based on a modification of a previous framework by Elia and Stratton [1]. The screening test refers to the result of nutrition screening, and
the screening program refers to the broader activity that includes nutrition screening, management, and follow-up.
the Appendix, are also considered, particularly those that Measurement of femur volumes by three-dimensional ultraso-
incorporate age and different BMI cutoff points. The absence of nography has also been used [27]. For obvious reasons, sequen-
any screening tool from this review should not be taken to imply tial measurements are more useful than single measurements.
that it is not important or not valuable for routine clinical Although there are many causes of IUGR, including constitutional
practice. and disease-related factors, which may involve chromosomal
Unlike many previous reviews, this one focuses on the abnormalities, in many cases the placenta is small or poorly
nutritional and pathophysiologic principles associated with functioning so that it does not supply sufficient nutrition to the
certain criteria incorporated into screening tools. It aims to growing baby. Ultrasonography [28] can also measure pulsatility
provide necessary background and potential explanations on key and waveforms of placental blood flow, which supplies nutrients
issues, so that it can help readers to make up their own minds on to the fetus. Bedside palpation to detect small-for-gestational age
controversial scientific issues and conflicting recommendations has poor sensitivity and specificity compared with fetal imaging
about the choice of screening tool for routine clinical practice. techniques and measurements made at birth.
contribute to the malnutrition scores, and specific anthropo- be used in children 15 y old.
metric cutoff points to indicate underweight in older people [23]. In this tool, patients with normal gut function and desirable body weight,
dietary intake, and other desirable characteristics accumulate a score, which
Age-specific BMI cutoff points to indicate chronic protein–energy amounts to 6 without the age effect. This means that, with the age effect, in all
malnutrition are of considerable clinical interest and they patients 75 y old cannot score less than 10, which means that they will at least
considered near the end of this review. qualify as being at moderate risk of malnutrition.
M. Elia, R. J. Stratton / Nutrition 28 (2012) 477–494 481
some instruments [41,42], age makes a relatively small contri- The inclusion of age in the NRS-2002 appears to have origi-
bution to the maximum score or to the threshold indicating the nated from a retrospective analysis of 128 studies. Age and three
need for treatment, such as using oral nutritional supplements other variables (severity of disease, use of parenteral nutrition,
and referral to the dietitian. In contrast, other tools, such as and impaired nutritional status) were reported to predict
that developed by Burden et al. [43], automatically assigns a positive outcome, mostly in studies of hospital inpatients,
a moderate risk of malnutrition simply by the inclusion of the which mostly used parenteral nutrition (w56%) rather than
oldest age category (in the absence of any other abnormality); enteral tube feeding (w20%) or oral nutrition (w24%, mainly in
the tool developed by Doyle et al. [21] assigns a moderate risk of the form of oral nutritional supplements). The studies were
malnutrition in the oldest age group from the contribution of any divided into two groups according to whether the authors of the
nutritional or non-nutritional item. Using the NRS-2002, which NRS-2002 study judged them to have at least one positive clin-
dichotomizes the final score into <3/7 and 3/7, the age ically relevant outcome, such as decreased mortality, complica-
contribution can significantly alter the distribution between the tions, and hospital length of stay (LOS) or improved activities of
low- and high-risk categories (a score of 2, which is not daily living. The predictor variables were age (<70 versus 70 y,
uncommon in the hospital setting, can be increased to a score of according to the average value obtained from each study),
3 by the age of the individual). severity of disease, use of parenteral nutrition, and impaired
nutritional status, which is influenced by weight status.
Basis for incorporating age into adult screening tools However, because a heterogeneous group of 20 studies from
The studies describing the screening tools listed in Table 1 various countries, published during the 30-y period before the
have not generally explained the reason for including age into NRS-2002, did not provide any concise information about weight
their scoring systems or the weighting applied to them. It is (or other aspects of nutritional status such as height, weight,
possible that age was included because of the belief that older BMI, and recent weight loss), weight was subjectively estab-
people are more likely to be malnourished. However, because lished by the authors of the NRS-2002. They assigned a value of
many screening tools use nutritional criteria to establish the 60 kg to all studies in which they considered the population to be
nutritional risk of individual patients, including older patients, malnourished and 70 kg to those they considered to be non-
the insertion of a score for age might be considered unnecessary. malnourished. The following issues are noteworthy.
In contrast, older people tend to recover from illness more First, age (<70 versus 70 y) was reported to be an inde-
slowly, take longer to mobilize, and run a greater risk of pendent, significant predictor (P ¼ 0.019) of clinical outcome(s)
becoming dependent on others, especially when they are close to because 8 of 10 of studies in the older age group were considered
the threshold of disability [45,46]. Therefore, an argument can be to yield positive results compared with a smaller proportion in
put forward for recognizing the risk of malnutrition at an earlier the younger age group (48/116 based on the results presented in
stage in older than in younger individuals so that interventions Table 2 of the NRS-2002 study [20]). The relation was not found
can be put in place to prevent deterioration and the development to be strong, because a change in the outcome of a single study
of overt malnutrition. The incorporation of age in the NRS-2002 (e.g., if seven instead of eight studies in the older age group had
is discussed in some detail below, partly because the NRS-2002 is a positive outcome) would be sufficient to tip the balance from
unusual in offering an explanation for including its age score, a significant to a non-significant age effect. A small stroke study
partly because an understanding of the principles that led to its (n ¼ 42) in an older age group reported no significant survival
development is of general scientific and clinical interest, and advantage at 3 mo (P ¼ 0.127, Fisher’s exact test; P ¼ 0.066,
partly because the tool has been used as a reference standard to Kaplan–Meier test), but the relaxed criteria used by the authors
“judge” and also to be “judged” against malnutrition risk cate- of the NRS-2002 (P < 0.08) justified the inclusion of this study
gories established by other tools. A further reason is that the into the positive outcome group.
NRS-2002 has featured in a number of studies aiming to estab- Second, the use of parenteral nutrition, which accounted for
lish a ranking order of various tools according to their ability to most studies in the NRS-2002 database, was found to be a highly
predict clinical outcomes. In several of the situations discussed significant independent predictor of outcome (P ¼ 0.001), but,
below, age alone can be shown to be as good, if not better, unlike age, it does not feature in the final scoring system of the
a predictor of clinical outcomes (e.g., mortality) than a range of currently used NRS-2002. Presumably a different model or
screening tools, the implications of which will be discussed a different set of considerations was used to establish the scoring
shortly. structure of the currently used tool.
The NRS-2002 was developed with the aim of predicting Third, from this discussion, it should be evident that the
responsiveness to nutritional support, mainly artificial nutri- statistical procedure described in the NRS-2002 study involved
tional support. It increases the total risk score of any patient a comparison of unmatched clinical trials to establish whether
70 y old [20], irrespective of disease, gender, or nutritional nutritional support in studies involving an older age group of
status. The tool states, “if age 70 y: add 1 to total score to subjects is more likely to produce a positive outcome than in
correct for frailty of the elderly,” to produce a final score that is studies involving a younger group of subjects with a very
described as an age-adjusted score (although frailty was not different case-mix of conditions and receiving different treat-
defined, the reader is referred to other publications for views on ments (e.g., apparently four fracture femur studies in the older
this issue [47–49]). The NRS-2002 scoring system, developed age group compared with none in younger age group; one
according to the methodology described below, implies that parenteral nutrition study in the older age group compared with
a higher final score is more likely to be associated with a posi- 70 in the younger age group). Although such information is of
tive response to nutritional treatment. It implies that older age interest, it does not allow clinicians to know if nutritional
and more severe disease are more likely to be associated with support, or a particular type of support, will produce a better
a positive response to nutritional support than younger age and outcome in their patients.
less severe disease, even when the degree of malnutrition is Fourth, like other databases, the NRS-2002 database of 128
fixed. Because some of these propositions may appear coun- studies that were used to establish the age effect in the tool may
terintuitive, their origins are examined below. merit updating, because evidence bases can change substantially
482 M. Elia, R. J. Stratton / Nutrition 28 (2012) 477–494
over time. For example, a Cochrane Database Systematic Review sensitivity/specificity analysis [61], whereas in another study the
on nutritional support in patients with hip fracture [50] has NRS-2002 was used to “judge” the SGA (and other tools)
recently undergone its sixth revision since its initial publication employing the same type of analysis [53]. Another study used
in 2000. Thirteen randomized clinical trials were published body composition measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
before 1998, but the number has increased to 24 in the latest and references ranges obtained by impedance in another country
review (only two involving vitamin supplements.). to assess the “inaccuracies” of a range of screening tools, all of
In summary, from a therapeutic perspective (response to which performed poorly [62]. Not surprisingly, the overall infor-
nutritional support), there appears to be generally little or no mation that has emerged from the investigation of all these issues
information as to why age was included in different screening has been variable, conflicting, and somewhat confusing [1].
tools and no information about the variable age cutoff points or In the absence of a generally accepted reference standard,
the variable age weightings applied to their scoring systems. attempts have been made to rank nutrition screening tools
However, the presence of a score for age in some screening tools according to their ability to predict actual outcomes, such as
(Table 1) and not in others could influence the prevalence and death or complications of disease. Essentially these outcomes
distribution of malnutrition according to age and the prediction have been used as the gold standard with which to judge the
of outcomes, such as death and hospital LOS, because they are value and relative value of a range of nutrition screening tools,
well known to be associated with age. This means that tools that with the aim of influencing screening tool selection in routine
include age and/or indices of disease severity in their scoring clinical care. However, even this predictive approach can be
systems are expected to have an advantage over tools that do not problematic despite being used to develop prognostic tools such
include such items. This is simply because older people generally as the SGA [4]. One of the reservations is that the ability of
have a slower recovery from illness, longer hospital LOS, and nutrition screening tools to predict outcomes without nutritional
greater mortality and/or morbidity than younger people. interventions is only one of many characteristics that should be
However, the extent of this advantage is likely to vary according taken into account in screening tool selection. Complete reliance
to the distribution of age and disease severity scores within the or a disproportionately high reliance on one such criterion is
populations studied and the weightings applied to them. Apart likely to be risky. In this respect, it should be remembered that
from some uncertainty that may arise when different sources of many tools were designed for diagnostic rather than prognostic
information are used to make general recommendations about purposes (Fig. 1). Another reservation is that a tool that is good at
screening tool selection for routine clinical care, the changes predicting outcomes in the absence of nutritional interventions
induced by nutritional support have not been evaluated is not necessarily good at predicting outcomes induced by
adequately because of a lack of comparative data. The next nutritional interventions. Furthermore, if screening tools are to
section begins by providing the background to the use of the be recommended predominantly on the basis of their ability to
predictive approach for this purpose. predict clinical outcomes in the absence of nutritional inter-
ventions, they would find little use in clinical practice if another
Predicting clinical outcomes using screening tools and age much simpler predictor can be shown to be superior at pre-
dicting the same outcome. Age alone can fulfill such a role in at
Lack of a “gold” standard least some circumstances.
In the absence of a nutrition screening tool that can act as Comparison of the predictive effect of nutritional indices,
a “gold” standard, information on the agreement between tools screening tools, and age
(concurrent validity) can be valuable, especially when the
comparison involves tools developed for the same purpose and Predictive effect of nutritional indices and screening tools
when no judgment is made about the superiority of one tool over The use of nutritional indices or nutrition screening tools
another. The following are examples of tools that have been (which do not involve laboratory tests) to predict mortality in the
examined in this way (e.g., with the k statistic [51–59]): the SGA, hospital has generally been modest at best. For example, when
NRS-2002, MNA, MUST, Nutrition Screening Initiative, Admis- two categories of malnutrition risk (e.g., low versus high risk)
sions Nutrition Screening Tool, McWhirter and Pennington’s tool, have been used to predict mortality, the reported odds ratios
Undernutrition Risk Score, Nutrition Risk Score, Hickson and Hill’s (ORs) have generally ranged from about 1.5 to 4.0 during the
tool, and Ferguson’s Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST), and hospital stay [63–67] and after discharge from the hospital (e.g.,
a range of anthropometric indices, including BMI and weight loss, [68]), although unusually high ORs have occasionally been
which are used in screening procedures alone or with other reported [56]. Modest ORs (typically 1.2–4.0) have also been
variables. However, sometimes a specific nutrition screening tool generally reported when nutrition screening tools have been
has been chosen to act as a reference or “gold” standard with used to predict a prolonged hospital LOS (e.g., using cutoff values
which to rank a range of other tools designed for different of 7 d [59], >8 d [53], 15 d [64], or 28 d [67]) and compli-
purposes. This seems to be a risky procedure, especially because cations of a procedure or disease [56,64,65,67,69]. These studies
frequently no evidence is provided to support the proposition that have generally focused on the commonly used or cited tools
the gold standard is superior to the alternative tools that it is described in the Appendix (MNA, NRS-2002, MUST, and SGA),
“judging.” The absence of such evidence, consistent with the but other tools such as Reilly’s Nutritional Risk Score (Nutritional
absence of a universally accepted definition for malnutrition [3,4, Risk Index [NRI]) [64,66] and Ferguson’s MST have also been
26,60], can help explain why a wide range of different screening used in the analysis [59]. Although some studies have involved
tools, typically the SGA, MNA, MUST, and NRS-2002, have not only only older people [53,66,68], other studies have involved a wide
been used as reference standards to “judge” or assess the range of age groups from younger to older adults [56,63,65,67,
malnutrition risk categorization of other tool(s), but they have 69]. However, in several circumstances, age alone, even when
also been “judged” against a series of alternative “reference” tools divided into only two categories, can yield more impressive
[1]. For example, one study used the SGA as the reference with results (higher odds ratios) than those obtained with a range of
which to “judge” the NRS-2002 (and other tools) employing screening tools or nutritional indices.
M. Elia, R. J. Stratton / Nutrition 28 (2012) 477–494 483
Odds ratio
The OR depends on the geographic location within a country, 15
gender, and race/ethnicity. For example, using 2007 national
statistics from the USA [70], the risk of death in adults 70 y
(compared with 20–69 y) is associated with an OR of 14.988 *
(95% confidence interval [CI] 14.947–15.029). It is lower in
American Indians and Alaskans (OR 9.995) and blacks (OR 5 **
11.052) and higher in whites (OR 15.616, 95% CI 15.569– screening tools and/or various
15.663), Hispanics (OR 17.592), and Pacific Asians (OR 19.589). nutritional indices countries
For the general population of England and Wales (2009; Fig. 3) 0
the OR is also high (18.914, 95% CI 18.787–19.041), and, as in USA England England England
the USA, it is higher in women (OR 23.227, 95% CI 22.989– & Wales
23.468) than in men (OR 16.370, 95% CI 16.224–16.518; calcu- Fig. 3. The effect of age and nutritional indices/nutrition screening tools on the risk
lated using the population and mortality statistics provided by (odds ratio) of death, prolonged hospital LOS, and complications during the hospital
the National Office for Statistics [71]). There is little change in stay. The dotted lines represent typical odds ratios reported (or calculated from
published data) obtained when screening tools/nutritional indices are used to
the OR when the cutoff point for age is decreased from 70 to
predict mortality, prolonged hospital LOS, and complications during the hospital
65 y (OR 19.199) or when the age range is extended to include stay. For the general population (subjects 20 y old), calculations for the risk of
subjects 15 y (OR 20.604). When the age is restricted to death in the USA were based on 1-y national mortality statistics for 2007 [70] and
40 y, so that a comparison can be made between those 40 to in England and Wales for 2009 [71] (solid symbols, men and women; open circles,
69 and those 70 y, the OR remains above 10 (12.037, 95% CI men; open squares, women). For the hospital population, mortality calculations
were based on *mortality data for England (subjects 15–54 versus 65 y) obtained
11.954–12.121), and the values for women are higher (14.696) from the Office of National Statistics for 2009 and 1-y hospital episode statistics for
than for men (10.319). In contrast, analyses based on BMI finished consultant episodes for 1 y (2009–2010) from the Hospital Episode
categories, e.g., <20 kg/m2 versus the referent range (typically Statistics for the same age groups [73] (finished consultant episodes were 1.156
20–25 or 22.5–25 kg/m2) generally yield much lower ORs (e.g., times admission episodes, because each hospital admission episode may involve
more than one consultant episode), **data from adults (20–69 versus 70 y)
<3). Figure 4, based on data from about 900 000 subjects,
admitted to a single hospital from March 2009 through March 2010 (excluding day
cases), ***data obtained from 992 adults (20–69 versus 70 y) participating in
a nutrition screening survey in a general hospital in England. For hospital LOS, the
single result is calculated from data for hospital LOS (<15 versus 15 d) obtained
250 from adults (20–69 versus 70 y) admitted to a general hospital for 1 y (excluding
day cases, n ¼ 51 171). For complications, no new data are provided (odds ratios
reported in the literature when using screening tools typically fall between the
dotted lines). For further details see text. LOS, length of stay.
Deaths /year/ 1000 population
70-79 y
Four points emerge from these considerations.
64 First, although age can predict clinical outcomes in observa-
tional studies, especially when there is a wide age distribution
within studies, it cannot do so when the population comprises
32 60-69 y individuals of the same age. Similarly, age is not expected to
explain differences in mortality (or hospital LOS or complica-
tions) between the nutritional intervention and control groups
16 when these two groups are matched for age or at least are very
similar to each other, as in many randomized controlled trials. In
contrast, nutritional support has been reported to produce
8 a range of main effects in randomized control trials, including
35-59 y
improvements in nutritional status and various clinical
outcomes, such as mortality, hospital LOS, complications of
4 disease, and functional outcomes in favor of the intervention
BMI (kg/m2)
group [22,26]. This is because, unlike age, nutritional status and
risk factor dietary nutritional intake are modifiable risk factors and
2 considered part of the causal pathway, influencing clinical and
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 physiologic functions of the body and its tissues.
Second, observational studies do not primarily set out to
Baseline BMI (kg/m2)
examine the effects of nutritional intervention, and attempts to
Fig. 4. BMI–all-cause mortality curves according to age categories and BMI. The do so may result in erroneous conclusions. Just because a vari-
effect from age, a non-modifiable risk factor, is much larger than that from BMI, able (e.g., age) may be good at predicting certain outcomes, it
a modifiable risk factor. The BMI associated with the lowest mortality is essentially does not mean that it is also good at predicting responsiveness to
the same for all age groups. The curves, depicted on a semilogarithmic scale, were
a nutritional intervention (it may even be very poor at predicting
constructed using numeric data provided by Whitlock et al. [72]. BMI, body mass
index. such outcomes). This principle is well established within and
outside the biomedical field. Therefore, when choosing
a screening tool for use in clinical practice, it is necessary to
that the mortality in those 40 to 69 y old could be compared with consider its purpose. Is it simply to diagnose poor nutritional
those 70 y old. In contrast, a much higher OR of 22.95 (95% CI status? Is it to predict poor outcome? (In which case, there are
5.433–91.485, P < 0.00) was found when the same age categories simple parameters that may be able do this more effectively than
(20–69 versus 70 y) were used to predict mortality in a study of the currently available screening tools.) Is it to predict respon-
nutrition screening that included a vulnerable older group of siveness to nutritional support? Because in clinical practice, the
patients and a less vulnerable younger group of patients (overall latter is of critical importance, consideration should be given to
mean age 70.6 19.1 y, overall mortality 7.3% among 992 the likelihood that this could be achieved through the use of the
subjects) distributed in various wards of the same hospital, criteria incorporated into the scoring system of screening tools.
including medical, surgical, and care wards of the elderly, but Some tools may be strongly influenced by disease-related
not psychiatric, maternity, or gynecology wards. The MUST, like factors, such as disease stress factors, which are often not
alternative tools used in other hospitals, also predicted risk modifiable to any great extent by nutritional intervention, and by
of death with a much lower OR (2.523, 95% CI 1.538–4.139, age, which is not at all modifiable. Such tools, especially those in
P < 0.001). When the two variables were used to predict which there is little input from nutritional indices, may perform
mortality in the same regression model, there was little overlap well at predicting clinical outcomes in observational studies, but
between them: the independent effect of age was associated perhaps not so well at predicting outcomes produced by nutri-
with an OR of 20.348, and the independent effect of the MUST tional interventions. In contrast, screening tools based entirely or
was associated with an OR of 2.13. When the analysis was predominantly on factors that are modifiable by nutritional
restricted to subjects 40 y so that the risk of death in those 40 to support, especially those considered to be part of the causal
69 y old could be compared with the older age group (70 y), the pathway, would be expected to predict outcomes of nutritional
OR remained highly significant (OR 17.0, P < 0.001). interventions better than tools using components that are largely
non-modifiable by nutritional support. The confirmation of these
Effect of age on hospital LOS. Using the annual admission data suggestions in a quantitative manner needs to be established.
(n ¼ 51172) from the same hospital, it was found that age (20–69 Third, several studies appear to have placed considerable
versus 70 y) predicted a prolonged LOS of 15 d (versus <15 d) weight on the ability of screening tools to predict outcomes
with an OR of 3.406 (95% CI 3.210–3.602), of 10 d (versus <10 d) without interventions, despite the more impressive effect of age
with an OR of 3.144 (95% CI 3.002–3.292), and of 20 d (versus alone, as suggested earlier. The results of such studies have been
M. Elia, R. J. Stratton / Nutrition 28 (2012) 477–494 485
variable and conflicting, at least in part because they have been have little effect on the prevalence of malnutrition (chi-square
based on different study designs, different methods of analysis for trend ¼ 0.06). From the reported data, it can be estimated
and interpretation, and different populations receiving treatment that the prevalence in those >70 y old (or >65 y) was only
in distinct health care systems in various countries. For example, about 20% higher than in those 31 to 70 y old (or 31–65 y). In
a study in a tertiary Brazilian hospital involving medical and contrast, a survey of German hospitals using the SGA showed
surgical patients (n ¼ 705) reported that the NRS-2002 was a more pronounced increase in the prevalence of malnutrition
generally better than the short-form MNA and MUST at predicting with age, and another survey of Swiss hospitals [82] using the
clinically relevant outcomes, including a very long hospital LOS NRS-2002 yielded results from which it was possible to esti-
(>15 d) [76]. This conclusion is based on what appears to be mate a three-fold higher prevalence in those 65 y old
a largely unimpressive set of areas under the receiver operating compared with those <65 y old. Although these variable results
characteristic curves (the larger the area, the better the overall may be due to differences in the type of diseases and type of
prediction). For example, for a very long LOS, the values for the patients admitted to hospitals in countries with distinctive
three tools were reported to be only 0.6508, 0.6197, and 0.6109 health care systems, they may also depend on the type of
(out of a total maximum of 1.0000, with 0.5000 indicating the screening tool used. In the Swiss study, the universal addition of
result of a useless test), although a different set of results was an extra score for all those 70 y old would have contributed to
presented in tabular form. In any case, in a subsequent article of the sharp increase in the prevalence of malnutrition in older
the same study, it was reported that the NRS-2002 was not even age. The results of such studies could influence health care
close to being a significant predictor of this outcome (OR 1.5, 95% planners and policy makers who may allocate resources to
CI 0.8–2.5, P ¼ 0.19) [65]. This implies that all three screening tools combat malnutrition according to its distribution between age
(MNA-SF, MUST, and NRS-2002) performed poorly when pre- groups. However, such policy decisions should also consider the
dicting a very long LOS in this particular population. Perhaps underlying principles and assumptions of the screening tools,
more important than attempting to rank screening tools based on including those related to age, as well as the purpose for which
their generally poor overall predictive performance in that setting the tools were designed.
is the explanation for the generally unimpressive results. One All these observation taken together suggest that there is
possibility is that the tools were developed for use in the USA and a difficulty is selecting a general purpose screening tool based on
Europe using different populations from those in a South Amer- its ability to predict clinical outcome in a specific set of circum-
ican country, with its distinct health care system. (This is an stances, especially when the selection procedure involves
important general issue of relevance to screening tool selection observations of outcome without nutritional interventions and
because mortality, body composition, lifestyle factors, including without considerations of differences in study designs and other
dietary/cultural habits, assessed using screening tool question- methodologic problems.
naires varies between Western and non-Western populations.) In
a separate study in Germany, it was reported that in a group of Methodologic issues associated with use of screening tools to
patients >65 y, LOS was significantly predicted by the MNA and predict clinical outcomes
not by the NRS-2002 (or SGA) [55], suggesting a different ranking
order from the Brazilian study. Yet another ranking order can be A wide range of potential methodologic problems can affect
established using the results of a study involving oncology the results and interpretation of studies investigating the
patients in Portugal, where the observed LOS was significantly predictive validity and adequacy of procedures for nutrition
predicted by the MUST and not by the NRS-2002 (although screening tool selection. Some of these problems are specific to
significance was achieved after an adjustment for age and sex) or age, whereas others are more general, affecting screening tools
Ferguson’s MST [59]. In a small surgical study [64], the Nutrition with and without age-related criteria.
Risk Score was found to significantly predict mortality and not
complications, whereas the NRS-2002 significantly predicted Development of a screening tool for one age group and
complications and not mortality. application to another group
Fourth, the distribution of malnutrition according to age Care should be taken when screening tools developed and
might vary according to the type of screening tool used. Three validated for use in one age group are applied to different age
national surveys in the UK [77–79] undertaken by the British groups. For example, the MNA was developed for use in older
Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN) in people (65 y), so its scoring system includes items such as
collaboration with the Royal College of Nursing, the British dementia and measurements of thinness based on thresholds
Dietetic Association, and the National Patient Safety Agency (cutoff points) for calf and midupper arm circumferences
(Department of Health) involving more than 20 000 hospital deemed to be appropriate for older people, although these may
admissions examined the distribution of malnutrition according not be the most appropriate values for younger people.
to age. They reported that the prevalence in those 65 y was However, the MNA has been used to screen predominantly
20% to 40% greater than for those <65 y. Similarly, a survey in younger groups of subjects [76,83], and it has been ranked with
the Netherlands [80], which used an unintentional weight loss other screening tools according to their ability to predict clinical
greater 5% of body weight in the previous 6 mo to identify outcomes in observational studies involving predominantly
subjects at risk of malnutrition, found that elderly patients in younger subjects (<65 y) [76]. This may have underscored the
hospitals (81%) and to a lesser extent care homes and at homes value of the MNA for two reasons. First, it was developed for use
had relatively small increases in malnutrition prevalence in older people as a diagnostic instrument, but it has been
compared with younger subjects (OR 1.36, CI 1.17–1.57). A larger judged according to its ability to act as a prognostic instrument.
and more recent cross-sectional national survey in the Second, it has been compared with instruments, including
Netherlands [81] involving 8028 hospitalized patients with prognostic instruments, that were developed for use in adults of
a mean age of 65.2 y used a malnutrition instrument based on all ages. It is possible that the MNA is of value in subjects <65 y
BMI, weight loss, and decreased recent dietary intake. Age old, especially those 50 to 64 y old, but its validation in the
(categories 31–45, 45–60, 61–75, and 76–90 y) was found to non-elderly is required.
486 M. Elia, R. J. Stratton / Nutrition 28 (2012) 477–494
Odds ratio
the other two do not incorporate an age score (MUST and NRI). 9
Therefore, the age adjustment for the NRS-2002 can be regarded 8
a second adjustment, whereas for the other two tools it can be 6
regarded only as a single adjustment. Another study [59] also 5
examined the ability of three screening tools to predict a pro- 4 Weight
3 loss
longed LOS, one with a score for age (NRS-2002) and two 2
without (MUST and MST). This study reported the results before 1
and after the adjustment for age (and gender), with some subtle 0
changes in results. The effects of such age adjustments are likely 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
to vary with the type of tool, the age distribution of the pop- LOS cut off point (days)
ulation, and the weight assigned to age in those tools with
Fig. 5. Risk of longer versus shorter hospital LOS (odds ratio) according to BMI (<20
a score for age.
versus 20 kg/m2), weight loss (<5% versus 5% in previous 3–6 mo), and the
cutoff point used to dichotomize LOS in a group of 138 patients admitted to an
Effect of altering cutoff points of predictor and outcome variables orthopedic ward. Weight loss was significant only for the points shown, between
The extent to which the scoring system of a screening tool, or the 75th and 90th centile for LOS, and BMI only for the points 90th centile for LOS.
individual items within screening tools, can explain outcomes BMI, body mass index; LOS, length of stay.
produce a score of 0 to 7, only two categories are ultimately have often been recommended, partly because of simplicity in
established, one with scores <3 and the other with scores 3. the diagnosis, monitoring, and surveillance, and partly because
However, one study [61] created three NRS-2002 categories (low the justification to use specific BMI classification systems, e.g.,
risk ¼ 0–1, medium risk ¼ 3–4, and high risk ¼ 5) and appar- according to gender, disease and age, appears to have been
ently omitted score 2, which falls between the low-risk and insufficiently strong. Any justification for a specific BMI classifi-
medium-risk groups (although it is possible that the omission cation system needs to take into account the intended applica-
was an inadvertent typographic error). Then, using binary tions, such as physiologic, clinical, and public health applications,
logistic regression analysis, the investigators examined the and primary end points, such as the identification of an abnormal
extent to which the NRS-2002 and other tools with three risk nutritional status, the prediction of risk of death or morbidity, or
categories predicted a prolonged hospital LOS (11 d). It was the response to treatment. The issues are analogous to those
found that the high-risk group of all the tools (SGA, NRI, MUST, already discussed in relation to screening tool selection (see also
and NRS-2002) significantly predicted a prolonged LOS (NRI, OR Elia and Stratton [1]). Although there are obvious limitations to
2.4, P < 0.034; MUST, OR 3.1, P < 0.001), but only the medium risk the use of a single threshold to distinguish underweight from
of the NRS-2002 significantly predicted a long LOS. It appears non-underweight individuals or obese from non-obese individ-
that the investigators concluded that overall the NRS-2002 uals, the choice has important clinical, public health, and polit-
predicted this outcome better than the other tools, including ical consequences, affecting, e.g., the perceptions about the
the SGA, which was paradoxically used in the same article as the burden of malnutrition and the resources needed to combat it.
reference standard for sensitivity analysis to establish misclas-
sifications by the NRS-2002, MUST, and NRI. However, a potential Spectrum of BMI cutoff points
problem, not commented on by the authors of this work or those
citing it [76,84], concerns the procedure used to create the three Various cutoff points from 17 to 24 kg/m2 have been used to
NRS-2002 categories. In addition, there is at least the theoretical identify underweight in different populations including the
possibility of the omission of an intermediate score between the elderly [26], but it is difficult to justify local, national, or inter-
“no-risk” and “medium-risk” categories of a screening tool, national policies when a wide range of different principles and
which could also exaggerate the differences between these two criteria (BMI cutoff points) are used alone or in combination with
categories, artificially increasing the OR in favor of that tool. The other criteria in screening tools to estimate the burden of
plausibility of this principle is illustrated using data obtained by malnutrition. However, most screening tools use BMI cutoff
a tool with a 6-point scoring system, from which two risk cate- values from 18.5 to 20 kg/m2 to distinguish underweight from
gories are established, one with a score of 0 and the other with non-underweight adults, including the elderly, and they may
a score of 1, as with low- and medium- plus high-risk MUST also use lower cutoff points so that more severe chronic protein–
categories. These categories are used to predict mortality during energy malnutrition can be identified. Most screening tools that
hospital stay. The OR (N ¼ 992, 7% death rate) was found to be incorporate a BMI use a cutoff value of 20 kg/m2 [16,35,41,85–87]
2.23 (95% CI 1.538–4.139) with the originally intended classifi- or 19 kg/m2 [17,88,89] and occasionally a lower value (e.g., 18.5
cation, increasing to 2.747 (1.610–4.687, n ¼ 852) when a score of kg/m2, if there is 3-kg weight loss in the previous 3 mo) [16].
1 was omitted from the analysis (n ¼ 852) and increasing further Some screening instruments rely on appearance [13,21,39,42,90],
to 3.568 (1.851–6.880, n ¼ 689) when a score of 2 was also others record weight and/or height without specifying cutoff
omitted from the analysis. The same principle can be demon- points [36,91–93], and yet others use a scoring system based on
strated for tools with three risk categories. the percentage of ideal body weight [94–97], which is not always
The identical procedure of creating three NRS-2002 catego- defined [95–97]. Most tools do not justify the choice of BMI
rizes with the omission of score 2, as indicated earlier [61], has cutoff point, although some do [3,20].
been reported in at least one other subsequent publication Very few nutrition screening tools use an upper BMI cutoff
examining the relative merits of different screening procedures value >20 kg/m2 to identify underweight. The NRS-2002 uses
[62]. More consistent results between studies might be obtained only the slightly higher value of 20.5 kg/m2 for all adult age
if the tools were used as originally intended, without the omis- groups based on (Appendix of the NRS-2002 study [20]) the
sion of scores or the generation of new risk categories. positive results obtained by a study conducted in patients with
moderately severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Combination of factors (COPD) undergoing pulmonary rehabilitation [98]. Although BMI
The problems raised earlier about age adjustments, the was not reported in the original study of these patients with
creation of new risk categories (and the possible omission of COPD, in the depleted subjects with <90% of ideal body weight,
a score from a tool), and use of single cutoff point for LOS (when the NRS-2002 workers estimated the BMI to be <20.5 kg/m2, but
others could have been used) may coexist [61], increasing the their mean weight was 84.1% of ideal body weight (Metropolitan
likelihood of multiple interactions, with unpredictable results Life Insurance Tables), from which the mean BMI of this group
that could influence recommendations about screening tool can be estimated to be about 19 kg/m2. The intervention, which
selection. involved not only nutritional supplementation (with or without
anabolic steroids) but also exercise as part of the pulmonary
BMI cutoff values to establish malnutrition and influence rehabilitation program, produced significant benefits in the
of age depleted and non-depleted groups of patients, with no signifi-
cant differences between them.
The choice of BMI cutoff points to identify underweight or The MNA uses an upper cutoff point of 23 kg/m2 to identify
overweight can have a major influence on the prevalence of a degree of malnutrition in the elderly. It also uses two other
these conditions. Establishing BMI cutoff points by age, gender, lower cutoff points so that it can assign different scores to indi-
ethnicity, and the presence or absence of disease is a difficult task viduals with BMIs 21 to 23, 19 to 21, and <19 kg/m2. Little pub-
that has challenged various national and international organi- lished information was found to reveal the origin of this scoring
zations and agencies for many decades. Generic cutoff points system, although those involved in its development indicated in
488 M. Elia, R. J. Stratton / Nutrition 28 (2012) 477–494
an early publication that a BMI <20 kg/m2, a serum albumin for those >65 y old). Values of 24 kg/m2 (or <22 kg/m2) to
<30 g/L, and a lymphocyte count >1500/mL require an inter- indicate underweight [105,106] were incorporated into studies
vention (nutritional support) [99]. It seems that the final MNA and surveys and manuals for professionals caring for older
malnutrition risk categories were defined, or adjusted, using Americans [107]. However, the idea that the desirable or optimal
plasma albumin concentration [100]. Subjects were excluded BMI range for older people should be higher than in younger
from the analysis when a low serum albumin concentration was people met with some criticisms, which included a failure to
associated with a moderately increased C-reactive protein adequately take into account confounding variables, such as
concentration (>20 mg/L), a situation that commonly exists in smoking and disease. The result was that the 1995 report from
acutely ill hospitalized patients. Such information helps define the Department of Agriculture [108], unlike the previous one, did
the older population that was used to develop the MNA and its not recommend age-specific BMI ranges. Furthermore, a recent
scoring system. More recent reviews about the MNA, one of study involving about 900 000 subjects and 57 prospective
which includes historical perspectives [2], provide little further studies reported that the optimal BMI for all-cause mortality was
insight about the choice of the BMI cutoff points. 22.5 to 25 kg/m2 for women and men and at all age categories
The MNA has frequently been reported to indicate a higher including those of older people [108]. Similar data emerged from
prevalence of “malnutrition plus possible malnutrition” another recent analysis involving 1.46 million predominantly
compared with other screening tools, and one of the possible white adults [109]. These observations argue against the use of
explanations is that BMI values between 20 kg/m2 (20.5 kg/m2 sex- and age-specific BMI cutoff points to define chronic pro-
in the NRS-2002) and <23 kg/m2 contribute to the malnutrition tein–energy nutritional status (at least for predicting all-cause
score in the MNA but not in the other instruments. Tools may mortality), irrespective of any effects of age or gender on
also produce widely different prevalence figures for malnutri- BMI–percentage of fat relations (the relevance to nutrition
tion for other reasons, including the choice of criteria that are screening tool selection is discussed below). The same argu-
used to establish an overall malnutrition score and the way this ments can be used in relation to race and ethnicity-specific BMI
score is subdivided by specific cutoff points to identify malnu- cutoff points. For example, a recent analysis of more than 1
trition or various degrees of malnutrition. A lower threshold for million Asians involved in 19 cohort studies suggested that the
detecting the risk of malnutrition offers the opportunity of optimal BMI range, associated with the lowest risk of death, is
implementing preventive and early therapeutic measures, essentially the same in East Asian populations as in the
especially in older people with a decreased functional reserve. predominantly European populations reported in previous
As with any other screening tool, it is necessary to consider the studies. Therefore, the authors of the study strongly argued
risk of providing unnecessary treatment in those who are well against the use of race or ethnicity-specific cutoff points [110].
nourished. This argument would still hold (at least for predicting mortality)
even when acknowledging the known differences in BMI–
Origins of BMI cutoff points and effect of age percentage of fat relations between Caucasian and certain Asian
groups, which tend to have greater percentage of body fat for
Apart from the above argument, at least three other argu- a given BMI than Caucasians [111,112].
ments have been used to support the use of a higher cutoff point When adopting BMI classification systems, it is also impor-
to identify underweight in older people. First, at a given BMI, tant to consider the procedures used to establish them. Major
older people tend to have a smaller proportion of lean body mass classification systems aiming to predict all-cause mortality,
than younger people, but the extent to which this is due to aging, mainly from cardiovascular disease, have generally been based
inactivity, and malnutrition continues to be debated. Also on studies making observations over many years in initially
debated is the extent to which the age-related decrease in lean “healthy” individuals (those without overt disease). The studies
body mass and its functions can be improved or attenuated by have also generally excluded subjects who died during
nutritional support compared with other forms of treatment, “washout” periods, often lasting several years. These “washout”
such as increased physical activity, including exercise, or periods have been included in the designs of studies aiming to
combinations of these. establish BMI–mortality curves in an attempt to decease or
Second, people tend to shorten with age, mainly due to the attenuate the effect of a pre-existing disease. Such procedures
compression of an osteoporotic spine. A 5-cm decrease in height and the frequent exclusion of individuals with overt disease
from an initial height of 165 to 180 cm would increase an asso- before the start of the observations have generated the well-
ciated initial BMI of 20 kg/m2 to 21.16 to 21.26 kg/m2. The extent known BMI–mortality curves for the general population.
of height loss in adults varies [101,102], and the rate increases However, the requirements in routine clinical practice are very
with age. Based on 13 studies in men, it has been estimated that different because they relate to subjects with existing disease,
the cumulative height loss between 30 and 80 y is about 5 cm, sometimes severe disease. During hospitalization, the focus is on
and from 11 studies in women the height loss is about 6 cm [101]. current events or those likely to occur in the near future as
The extent of kyphosis that invalidates the use of BMI as an index a result of the existing disease(s), rather than on the risk of risk of
of weight status in older people is unknown. death from other diseases, which may develop many years later.
The third argument, which was particularly controversial in Chronic malnutrition is also important because it adversely
the 1990s [103], when the MNA was being developed, is that the influences well-being, the ability to work, and different bodily
nadir of the BMI–mortality curve (the BMI associated with the functions that are relevant to clinical care. However, some of
lowest mortality) was considered by some workers to increase these considerations are so different from those associated with
progressively with age, producing an optimal BMI for older the mortality risk, mainly from cardiovascular disease, many
people that is up to several units higher than in young adults. A years into the future in initially healthy individuals that care
case for this was made by the National Research Council (USA) in should be taken when adopting existing classifications. A brief
1989 and by the Department of Agriculture in 1990 [104]. The background to one or two of the major BMI classification systems
desirable BMI was reported to increase by 1 kg/m2 by per decade (see below) can help understand some of the clinical implica-
(20–25 kg/m2 for those 25–34 y old, increasing to 24–29 kg/m2 tions, including those related to age.
M. Elia, R. J. Stratton / Nutrition 28 (2012) 477–494 489
The need for a method to identify protein–energy malnutri- clinical guidelines for primary and secondary care [121], identi-
tion in adults in low- and high-income countries was a key topic fied malnutrition according to the presence of a BMI <18.5
at the first meeting of the International Dietary Consultancy kg/m2, an unintentional weight loss of >10% within the previous
Group (IDECG), which was held in Guatemala in 1987. A year 3 to 6 mo, or a BMI 18.5 to 20.0 kg/m2 and an unintentional
later, a publication on behalf of the IDECG suggested a classifi- weight loss >5% within the previous 6 mo in adults of all ages
cation for chronic protein–energy malnutrition that included (consistent with the MUST). Furthermore, the National Clinical
a BMI cutoff point of 18.5 kg/m2 and an estimate of total energy Guideline Centre, which produces guidelines for the NICE, rec-
expenditure [113]. By 1992, a simplified version was suggested, ommended using a BMI <20 kg/m2 as a marker of underweight
eliminating total energy expenditure, which can be difficult to (rather than <18.5 kg/m2) in patients with COPD (who are often
measure with accuracy, and preserving the upper BMI cutoff older) and as a criterion for use of nutritional supplements in
point of 18.5 kg/m2 [114]. During this period, the WHO together this patient group [122]. Workers in other countries, such as
with the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Germany, have also indicated that, according to the Deutsche
Nations was determined to take stronger action to solve Gesellschaft fur Ernahurungsmedizin, a cutoff point for diag-
malnutrition problems throughout the world, and it selected BMI nosing malnutrition by BMI is 20 kg/m2 [55,123].
as a potentially valuable monitoring approach. The develop-
ments were summarized in a document commissioned by the BMI–mortality curves in patients with established disease and
FAO [115], which also reviewed a range of detrimental effects effect of age
associated with increasingly severe malnutrition (marked by
lower BMIs). These included behavioral changes induced by The optimal BMI thresholds to define weight status may also
experimental malnutrition, morbidity and health status, work depend (as implied earlier) on whether the subjects are initially
output, productivity, income-generating ability, socially desir- healthy or unhealthy, an issue that is of key clinical importance.
able leisure activities, low birth weight, and susceptibility to In the previous decade, a large literature has emerged examining
infection. Several of these items are relevant to the determina- the effect of BMI on mortality and to a lesser extent on morbidity
tion of nutritional status and the use of nutritional support in and resource use in patients with established disease, sometimes
clinical practice. However, by this time, Garrow’s classification of severe or end-stage disease. However, the relations between BMI
obesity, which involved a normal BMI range of 20 to 25 kg/m2, and clinical outcomes (e.g., mortality and morbidity without
was adopted by the WHO and used in a WHO report (1990) [116]. nutritional interventions) are complex and conflicting. For
It was based on mortality risk, which was lowest in the range of example, after adjusting for age several epidemiologic studies
20 to 24.9 kg/m2, slightly increased in the range of 25 to 29.9 suggested a better survival in overweight and/or obese individuals
kg/m2, double in the midpoint of the range of 30 to 40 kg/m2, and compared with normal-weight individuals (typically BMI 18.5–20
incompatible with normal employment or health at >40 kg/m2. or 20–25 kg/m2) and underweight individuals with a pre-existing
Although this risk-based classification was not underpinned by disease, such as renal failure [124] (hemodialysis), COPD [125],
the adverse effects of progressively severe underweight on well- heart failure [126], and cardiovascular disease [127]. Other
being, bodily functions, or need for nutritional support, it epidemiologic studies involving infections suggested that under-
implied that individuals with a BMI <20 kg/m2 were under- weight and obese individuals fare worse than normal-weight
weight (at least in relation to all-cause mortality). individuals [128]. Other studies also suggested that overweight/
Over time, the various thought processes addressing different obesity is associated with significantly worse mortality and/or
aspects of the BMI were considered together. Some of these complications after accidental injury (M. Elia, unpublished meta-
primarily involved the effect of overweight/obesity on mortality, analysis), pancreatitis [129], and certain surgical procedures,
whereas others primarily involved the effect of underweight on such as colectomy for cancer, which has been reported to be
a variety of outcomes including morbidity and body/tissue associated with an increase in various complications [130]. In
function in individuals in developed and developing countries. addition, obesity has been associated with increased mortality in
These thought processes appear to have influenced the WHO several conditions, such as breast cancer. The optimal BMI(s) for
classification of weight status, which provided a broad classifi- patients with different disease(s) remains controversial for several
cation system that included “underweight” (<18.5 kg/m2), reasons. It is not entirely clear from some of the studies whether
“normal weight” (18.5–24.9 kg/m2), “overweight” (25.0–29.9 a lower BMI causes the disease complications, including death,, or
kg/m2), “obese” (30.0–39.9 kg/m2), and “extremely obese” (>40 whether it has resulted from more active disease (or a combina-
kg/m2) [117]. The new classification, which represented a modi- tion of both). In at least some studies, adjustments for the severity
fication of the previous Garrow classification, used a BMI <18.5 of the primary disease and for other associated diseases, comor-
kg/m2 (instead of <20 kg/m2) to indicate underweight, in bidities, and other risk factors, such as smoking, appear to have
keeping with proposals that followed the IDECG meeting in been inadequate. In addition, overweight/obesity may induce
Guatemala and with the FAO publication [115,118]. No certain symptoms and risk factors, such as hyperlipidemia and
age-specific BMI cutoff points were produced, despite being high blood pressure, which may respond to weight loss. This
considered by various organizations on a number of occasions. raises the possibility that less severe disease becomes overt at an
In the UK, various government departments including the earlier stage than in leaner individuals, making it difficult to
Department of Health, have traditionally used a BMI of <20 compare different BMI groups using consistent criteria. In addi-
kg/m2 to identify underweight, and this classification was tion, because the studies cited are observational, it is difficult to
incorporated into various National Diet and Nutrition Surveys in come to definitive conclusions about the effects of nutritional
younger [119] and older (65 y) [120] adults. However, the interventions. It is beyond the scope of this article to review this
international WHO classification has influenced recent national interesting topic in detail, but it seems there is no clear consensus
surveys, which have adopted a cutoff point of 18.5 rather than about the optimal BMI thresholds for predicting mortality in those
<20 kg/m2 to indicate underweight in adults of all age groups with a range of established diseases. As expected, mortality in
including the elderly. The National Institute for Health and patients with established disease is strongly influenced by age, but
Clinical Excellence (NICE), which produced extensive national age-specific BMI cutoff points have hardly been explored.
490 M. Elia, R. J. Stratton / Nutrition 28 (2012) 477–494
differs from that of the MNA-FF (maximum score 30), so that the criteria to detect and manage malnutrition in all types of patients
scores that divide “normal nutrition” from “malnutrition” and (including those who are unconscious or unable to have their
“possible malnutrition” differ between the two tools. weight and height measured) in all care settings (hospitals, care
The establishment of the cutoff points for the MNA-FF homes, and community settings). This would avoid possible
involved the use of circulating albumin concentrations [102]. confusion arising from the use of different screening tools and
Thresholds were selected by cross-tabulations of cutoffs for facilitate a continuity of care within and between care settings.
albumin and MNA scores. Unlike other tools in which the risk or By applying a broad range of clinical and nutritional principles, it
severity of malnutrition is reflected by a higher score, in the aimed to establish a nutritional status and the need for nutrition
MNA-FF and MNA-SF, a higher score indicates “good nutrition” support, which in turn would be expected to relate to the clinical
and a lower score indicates “possible malnutrition.” outcome and response to treatment. Although the MUST was not
primarily developed for use in the community, as stated in
Nutritional Risk Screening–2002 a recent review of nutrition screening in hospitals [141], some
criteria had been previously included into a community tool,
This tool originated from the work of Kondrup et al. [137,138] which differs from the MUST in many ways [142]. Most initial
in Denmark, and with the subsequent involvement of the validity and reliability studies involving the MUST (>20 studies)
European Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ESPEN) were undertaken in the hospital setting before its launch in
working group, an age component to the pre-existing tool (a 2003, although studies in the community and care home settings
score for subjects 70 y old) was added to establish the final had also been undertaken [3] and field tested in more than 200
NRS-2002. This was published in Clinical Nutrition, the ESPEN centers (hospitals, care homes, and in the community)
journal in 2003 [139], and shortly thereafter it was followed by throughout the UK. The scoring structure and the method of
the publication of the ESPEN guidelines on nutrition screening classification of people as having a low, medium, or high risk of
by Kondrup et al. [140] (an ad hoc ESPEN working group), which malnutrition have remained unchanged since its launch.
promoted its use in hospitals. Unlike the MNA, which was The MUST consists of three components: weight status (BMI
developed for use in elderly people in and outside hospitals, categories <18.5, 18.5–20, and >20 kg/m2), change in weight
and unlike the MUST, which was developed specifically for all status (<5%, 5–10%, and >10% of body weight in previous 3–6
care settings, including hospitals, the NRS-2002 was primarily mo), and in the hospital setting from an acute disease effect
developed and promoted for use in adults in the hospital (absence of food intake in previous 5 d or likely absence in the
setting. It aimed to establish a screening procedure that would next 5 d). The three components can be taken to represent
relate to clinically relevant outcomes resulting from nutritional a journey from the past (change in weight, which could reflect
interventions. the effect of a chronic disease) to the present (current weight
The NRS-2002 has three components: 1) nutritional status, status, BMI) and the future (unlikely to eat for the next 5 d).
which incorporates three separate items: categories of BMI Objective measurements are used when possible, and more
(<18.5, 18.5–20.5 [plus an additional item of impaired general subjective measurements or surrogate measurements of height
condition for these two categories], and >20.5 kg/m2), cate- or BMI are used when necessary. In those for whom objective
gories about weight loss (>5% in 3 mo, >5% in 2 mo, and >5% measurements of weight or height cannot be made, other criteria
in 1 mo [w>15% in 3 mo]), and the assessment of food intake can be used, e.g., surrogate measurements of height (e.g., self-
as a proportion of the normal requirement in the preceding reported height or knee height/ulna length, charts provided) or
week (0–25%, 25–50%, 50–75%, and >75%); 2) disease severity; BMI (midupper arm circumference). The final risk category is
and 3) age, with all subjects 70 y being given an additional linked to a care plan (low risk, routine care; medium risk,
score. The total score can range from 0 to 7, with values 3 observe; and high risk, treat). The guidance notes for the tool
indicating a likelihood of benefit from nutritional intervention. have been reviewed intermittently.
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scoring system was developed with the specific aim of pre- developed specifically to identify undernutrition and obesity in
dicting response to treatment. The tool was developed from all care settings in adults of all ages using objective criteria
a framework that implies, for a given degree of malnutrition, whenever possible and more subjective criteria when necessary.
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