Schotten - Arendt's Eichmann Reconsidered
Schotten - Arendt's Eichmann Reconsidered
Schotten - Arendt's Eichmann Reconsidered
Peter Schotten
DOES THINKING prevent evil? Can critical self- ters.2 Her works addressing this issue are
reflection protect a person from partici- widely acknowledged to be substantial
pating in evil, particularly in a totalitar- and provocative. Yet, in the end, like most
ian regime? The distinguished political intellectuals, Arendt overvalued the power
philosopher Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) of thinking, in this instance overestimat-
thought so. Her famous 1963 case study ing its influence on individual conduct.
Eichmann in Jerusalem advanced the the- We know now that Arendt’s descrip-
sis that Adolf Eichmann’s inability to tion of a “new type of criminal” uninflu-
think—his extraordinary shallowness— enced by ideology and unmotivated by
led him blindly to pursue evil. His super- wickedness simply was not a factual de-
vision of genocide could not be attrib- scription of Eichmann. David Cesarani’s
uted to great vice, to culpable passions, biography of Eichmann carefully details
to the influence of ideology, or to the the Nazi’s moral disintegration in the face
existence of misplaced idealism. He was of a debased ideology and a morally cor-
not monstrous, or demonic, or even stu- rupt bureaucracy.3 Arendt’s thesis none-
pid, merely banal. Eichmann was the sort theless remains provocative. Even if her
of mindless bureaucrat who was essen- banality-of-evil thesis did not accurately
tial to the functioning of a totalitarian describe Eichmann, she believed that her
state. understanding captured a broader truth
Arendt was one of her age’s greatest explaining how so many ordinary people
intellectuals. She highly valued thinking. could so effortlessly and enthusiastically
She valued it for its own sake. Yet, in commit evil acts in a totalitarian state.
Eichmann in Jerusalem, she provided an “The Trouble with Eichmann,” wrote
additional, utilitarian rationale for think- Arendt, “was precisely that there were so
ing.1 Properly exercised, it could help many like him, and that the many were
people avoid moral catastrophe. Arendt neither perverted nor sadistic, that they
spent the last twelve years of life theoriz- were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly
ing about what it meant to think, and normal.”4
specifically what it meant to think in prac- Although Arendt believed that
tical terms about moral and political mat- Eichmann and those like him were re-
sponsible for their actions and therefore
PETER SCHOTTEN teaches in the Department of deserved to be punished, she nonethe-
Government at Augustana College in Sioux Falls, less was particularly troubled by this ba-
South Dakota. nal genocidal-minded bureaucrat who
1. Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report larly important article is “Thinking and Moral
on the Banality of Evil, rev. and enl. ed. (New York, Considerations,” in Responsibility and Judgment,
1978). Hereafter cited as Banality. 2. A particu- ed. Jerome Kohn (New York, 2003), 159-189. The