TS MOD 2020 en Create Models
TS MOD 2020 en Create Models
TS MOD 2020 en Create Models
Create models
March 2020
Snap to points by using snap switches............................................................................... 86
Visual cues in snapping................................................................................................... 86
Main snap switches.......................................................................................................... 87
Snap switches and snap points...................................................................................... 88
Override the current snap switch settings.................................................................... 89
Snap to points by using exact distance or coordinates - numeric snapping................. 90
Enter a distance or coordinates......................................................................................90
Snapping example: Track along a line towards a snap point..................................... 90
Change the snapping mode............................................................................................ 94
Options for coordinates.................................................................................................. 94
Snap to lines, edges, and extension lines........................................................................... 96
Snap to a line or an edge.................................................................................................96
Snap to extension lines....................................................................................................97
Lock X, Y, or Z coordinate on a line.............................................................................. 101
Align objects using a snap grid..................................................................................... 102
Snap in orthogonal directions............................................................................................102
Activate the Ortho tool.................................................................................................. 102
Snap to orthogonal points............................................................................................ 103
Snap in orthogonal direction relative to previously picked points.......................... 104
Set a temporary reference point.................................................................................. 106
Settings for the Ortho tool............................................................................................ 107
Snap settings........................................................................................................................ 107
1.4 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures........................................... 108
Examples of model objects................................................................................................ 109
Create or delete a model object........................................................................................ 109
View and modify model object properties by using the property pane.......................110
Which model objects to modify with the property pane...........................................110
Open the property pane................................................................................................111
Modify model object properties...................................................................................112
Switch between automatic and manual applying of properties.............................. 113
Modify the common properties of different model object types............................ 114
Control the visibility of properties in the property pane...........................................115
Search in the property pane......................................................................................... 116
Property pane settings.................................................................................................. 116
Resize and reshape model objects....................................................................................117
Copy properties from another object............................................................................... 123
Copy model object properties by using the property pane......................................124
Copy object properties by using the contextual toolbar...........................................125
Save and load object properties........................................................................................ 125
Save and load properties in the property pane......................................................... 126
Save and load properties in a dialog box.................................................................... 128
Remove existing properties.......................................................................................... 128
Undo modeling and drawing changes ............................................................................. 128
1.5 Select objects................................................................................................. 130
Select single objects............................................................................................................ 130
Select multiple objects using area selection.................................................................... 131
Select all objects.................................................................................................................. 132
Select previous objects....................................................................................................... 132
Select objects by identifier................................................................................................. 133
Select handles...................................................................................................................... 135
Modify the selection............................................................................................................ 137
Selecting toolbar................................................................................................................. 137
Select assemblies, cast units, and nested objects........................................................... 141
Select assemblies and cast units.................................................................................. 142
Select nested objects..................................................................................................... 142
Select reference models, reference model objects and assemblies.............................143
Select an entire reference model................................................................................. 143
Select a reference model object................................................................................... 143
Select a reference model assembly............................................................................. 144
Tips for selecting objects.................................................................................................... 144
Switch rollover highlight on or off................................................................................144
Select on right-click........................................................................................................ 145
If you cannot select objects...........................................................................................145
Interrupt object selection..............................................................................................145
1.6 Copy and move objects.................................................................................146
Copy objects......................................................................................................................... 147
Copy by picking two points........................................................................................... 148
Copy linearly................................................................................................................... 149
Copy by specifying a distance from origin.................................................................. 150
Copy using drag-and-drop............................................................................................ 150
Copy objects to another object.................................................................................... 151
Copy all content to another object.............................................................................. 152
Copy to another plane................................................................................................... 152
Copy from another model.............................................................................................153
Copy objects using linear array tool............................................................................ 153
Copy objects using radial array tool............................................................................ 156
Copy objects using Array of objects (29) component .............................................. 158
Move objects........................................................................................................................ 159
Move by picking two points.......................................................................................... 160
Move linearly...................................................................................................................161
Move by specifying a distance from origin................................................................. 162
Move using drag-and-drop........................................................................................... 162
Move to another plane.................................................................................................. 164
Move objects to another object....................................................................................164
Rotate objects...................................................................................................................... 165
Rotate around a line...................................................................................................... 165
Rotate around the z axis............................................................................................... 166
Rotate drawing objects..................................................................................................168
Rotation settings............................................................................................................ 169
Mirror objects.......................................................................................................................169
Mirror model objects..................................................................................................... 169
Mirror drawing objects.................................................................................................. 170
1.7 Filter objects.................................................................................................. 170
Use existing filters............................................................................................................... 171
How to use a view filter................................................................................................. 171
How to use a selection filter......................................................................................... 173
Create new filters................................................................................................................ 174
Create a view filter......................................................................................................... 174
Create a selection filter..................................................................................................176
Create a drawing filter................................................................................................... 176
Create a drawing view filter.......................................................................................... 179
Create a drawing selection filter.................................................................................. 181
Filtering techniques............................................................................................................. 181
Object properties in filtering.............................................................................................. 184
Template attributes in filtering......................................................................................... 200
Wildcards ............................................................................................................................ 201
Examples of filters............................................................................................................... 201
Filter parts based on their name..................................................................................201
Filter main parts............................................................................................................. 202
Filter bolts based on their size......................................................................................203
Filter parts based on their assembly type...................................................................204
Filter sub-assemblies..................................................................................................... 205
Filter reference model objects......................................................................................205
Filter parts within component...................................................................................... 206
Filter reinforcement in pour units based on pour object type................................. 207
Filter all contents of a pour unit................................................................................... 207
Copy and remove filters..................................................................................................... 208
Copy a filter to another model..................................................................................... 208
Remove a filter................................................................................................................209
Select values from the model............................................................................................ 209
1.8 Customize the basic user interface elements .......................................... 210
Customize the ribbon..........................................................................................................210
Add a button to the ribbon........................................................................................... 212
Move a button................................................................................................................ 217
Resize a button............................................................................................................... 217
Change the appearance of a button............................................................................ 218
Create a user-defined command with Command editor.......................................... 220
Add a separator bar....................................................................................................... 222
Remove a button............................................................................................................ 222
Add, hide, and edit tabs.................................................................................................222
Save the ribbon ............................................................................................................. 223
Check the changes......................................................................................................... 224
Back up and restore ribbons........................................................................................ 225
Customize the property pane layout................................................................................ 225
Add a property or a property group............................................................................ 227
Change the name of a property or a property group................................................229
Copy properties from one object type to another object type ................................230
Set the default visibility for a property group.............................................................232
Remove a customization............................................................................................... 233
Save the changes............................................................................................................233
User-defined attributes (UDAs) in the customized property pane.......................... 233
Example: How to add IFC related user-defined attributes to the property pane
layout and copy them to another object type............................................................................ 234
Customize the keyboard shortcuts................................................................................... 239
Define new keyboard shortcuts................................................................................... 239
Clear and reset shortcuts.............................................................................................. 240
Export keyboard shortcuts............................................................................................240
Import keyboard shortcuts........................................................................................... 241
Customize the Selecting, Snapping, and Snap override toolbars..................................241
Customize the contextual toolbar..................................................................................... 242
Customize contextual toolbar...................................................................................... 242
Create user profiles for contextual toolbars...............................................................243
Back up and share contextual toolbars.......................................................................244
1.9 Tips for large models.................................................................................... 244
1.10 Create model templates...............................................................................246
Create a new model template............................................................................................247
Modify an existing model template...................................................................................248
Download model templates...............................................................................................248
Model template options..................................................................................................... 248
Steel column properties................................................................................................ 254
Create a steel beam............................................................................................................ 255
Modify steel beam properties...................................................................................... 256
Steel beam properties................................................................................................... 256
Create a steel polybeam..................................................................................................... 258
Modify steel polybeam properties............................................................................... 259
Steel beam properties................................................................................................... 259
Create a curved steel beam................................................................................................261
Modify curved beam properties...................................................................................262
Steel beam properties................................................................................................... 262
Create a twin profile............................................................................................................264
Modify twin profile properties......................................................................................264
Twin profile properties.................................................................................................. 265
Create an orthogonal beam............................................................................................... 266
Modify orthogonal beam properties........................................................................... 267
Orthogonal beam properties........................................................................................267
Create a steel spiral beam..................................................................................................268
Basic concepts related to spiral beams....................................................................... 268
Create a spiral beam......................................................................................................269
Create a contour plate........................................................................................................ 271
Create a round contour plate....................................................................................... 272
Modify contour plate properties.................................................................................. 273
Contour plate properties...............................................................................................273
Create a conical or a cylindrical bent plate...................................................................... 274
Create a cylindrical bent plate...................................................................................... 275
Create a conical bent plate........................................................................................... 278
Modify the bend radius................................................................................................. 281
Modify the shape of a bent plate................................................................................. 283
Remove curved sections................................................................................................287
Examples......................................................................................................................... 288
Modify bent plate properties........................................................................................ 289
Bent plate properties.....................................................................................................289
Create a stand-alone bent plate........................................................................................ 290
Create a stand-alone bent plate...................................................................................290
Modify the shape of a stand-alone bent plate........................................................... 293
Modify bent plate properties........................................................................................ 296
Bent plate properties.....................................................................................................296
Create a steel lofted plate.................................................................................................. 297
Prerequisites and examples of lofted plates.............................................................. 297
Create a lofted plate...................................................................................................... 300
Modify the shape of a lofted plate............................................................................... 304
Split a lofted plate.......................................................................................................... 305
Swap the end handle points to correct the geometry of a lofted plate.................. 306
Unfold lofted plates....................................................................................................... 307
Modify lofted plate properties......................................................................................308
Lofted plate properties..................................................................................................308
Create a concrete column.................................................................................................. 310
Modify concrete column properties............................................................................ 310
Concrete column properties.........................................................................................311
Create a concrete beam..................................................................................................... 312
Modify concrete beam properties............................................................................... 313
Concrete beam properties............................................................................................ 313
Create a concrete polybeam.............................................................................................. 315
Modify concrete polybeam properties........................................................................ 316
Concrete beam properties............................................................................................ 316
Create a concrete spiral beam........................................................................................... 318
Basic concepts related to spiral beams....................................................................... 318
Create a spiral beam......................................................................................................319
Create a concrete panel or wall......................................................................................... 321
Modify concrete panel or wall properties................................................................... 322
Concrete panel or wall properties............................................................................... 322
Create a concrete slab........................................................................................................ 324
Create a round concrete slab....................................................................................... 325
Modify concrete slab properties.................................................................................. 326
Concrete slab properties...............................................................................................326
Create a concrete lofted slab............................................................................................. 327
Prerequisites and examples of lofted slabs................................................................327
Create a lofted slab........................................................................................................ 329
Modify the shape of a lofted slab.................................................................................333
Split a lofted slab............................................................................................................ 334
Swap the end handle points to correct the geometry of a lofted slab.................... 334
Modify concrete lofted slab properties....................................................................... 335
Lofted slab properties................................................................................................... 335
Create a pad footing............................................................................................................336
Modify pad footing properties......................................................................................337
Pad footing properties...................................................................................................337
Create a strip footing.......................................................................................................... 339
Modify strip footing properties.................................................................................... 340
Strip footing properties................................................................................................. 340
Create items......................................................................................................................... 341
Create an item or a concrete item............................................................................... 342
Modify item or concrete item properties.................................................................... 344
Change the shape of an item........................................................................................344
Convert a part to an item.............................................................................................. 344
Item and concrete item properties.............................................................................. 345
2.2 Adjust part position and show part information...................................... 347
Show part handles and part reference lines in a model view........................................348
Show part handles......................................................................................................... 348
Show part reference lines in a model view................................................................. 350
Modify the position of a part............................................................................................. 351
Part position on the work plane.................................................................................. 352
Part rotation....................................................................................................................354
Part position depth........................................................................................................ 355
Part vertical position...................................................................................................... 356
Part horizontal position.................................................................................................358
Part end offsets.............................................................................................................. 359
Select and change the profile or material of a part........................................................ 361
Select and change the profile of a part....................................................................... 361
Select and change the material of a part.................................................................... 363
Examples of user-defined attributes (UDAs) for parts....................................................364
Show part information by using part labels.....................................................................365
Create curved parts.............................................................................................................366
Create horizontal parts....................................................................................................... 367
Create beams close to each other.....................................................................................368
Position columns, pad footings, and orthogonal beams................................................368
How to model identical areas........................................................................................... 369
2.3 Modify parts...................................................................................................370
Split parts..............................................................................................................................370
Split a straight or curved part or polybeam................................................................370
Split a plate or slab using a polygon............................................................................ 370
Combine parts..................................................................................................................... 371
Attach parts to each other..................................................................................................372
Attach a part to another part........................................................................................372
Detach an attached part................................................................................................373
Explode attached parts..................................................................................................373
Warp a part...........................................................................................................................373
Warp a beam or a column using deformation angles............................................... 373
Warp a concrete slab by moving chamfers.................................................................374
Warp a Floor Bay (66) slab.............................................................................................374
Camber a part...................................................................................................................... 375
Modify items.........................................................................................................................376
Start geometry editing...................................................................................................376
Modify the geometry of an item...................................................................................377
Add an edge to an item................................................................................................. 379
Add a vertex to an item................................................................................................. 379
Save a modified item and shape.................................................................................. 381
2.4 Add details to parts.......................................................................................382
Create bolts.......................................................................................................................... 382
Create a bolt group........................................................................................................ 383
Create a single bolt........................................................................................................ 383
Create bolts using the Auto bolt component............................................................. 384
Create a bolt group by exploding a component........................................................ 387
Change or add bolted parts.......................................................................................... 387
Bolt group shape............................................................................................................ 388
Bolt properties................................................................................................................389
Create studs......................................................................................................................... 393
Create bolt holes................................................................................................................. 394
Create round holes........................................................................................................ 394
Create oversized holes.................................................................................................. 395
Create slotted holes....................................................................................................... 395
Create welds.........................................................................................................................397
Create a weld between parts........................................................................................ 397
Create a weld to a part.................................................................................................. 398
Create a polygon weld................................................................................................... 398
Weld properties.............................................................................................................. 399
List of weld types............................................................................................................405
Welds in components.................................................................................................... 407
Weld preparation........................................................................................................... 407
Set the visibility and appearance of welds..................................................................409
Change a weld to a polygon weld................................................................................ 410
Split a polygon weld....................................................................................................... 410
Create user-defined cross sections for welds.............................................................411
Create fittings.......................................................................................................................412
Create cuts............................................................................................................................413
Cut parts with a line....................................................................................................... 413
Cut parts with a polygon............................................................................................... 413
Cut parts with another part.......................................................................................... 415
Hide cut lines in a model view...................................................................................... 416
Tips on how to cut efficiently........................................................................................ 416
Polygon cut properties.................................................................................................. 417
Part cut properties......................................................................................................... 418
Create part chamfers.......................................................................................................... 418
Chamfer part corners.................................................................................................... 419
Chamfer part edges....................................................................................................... 419
Corner chamfer properties........................................................................................... 420
Edge chamfer properties...............................................................................................423
Add surface treatment to parts......................................................................................... 424
Add surface treatment to an entire part face.............................................................425
Add surface treatment to a selected area on a part face......................................... 425
Add surface treatment to all faces of a part............................................................... 425
Add surface treatment to cut faces............................................................................. 425
Surface treatment on chamfered parts.......................................................................426
Surface treatment on parts with openings and recesses......................................... 427
Modify surface treatment properties.......................................................................... 427
Surface treatment properties....................................................................................... 427
Define new surface treatment subtypes..................................................................... 429
Tiled surface treatment................................................................................................. 430
Create an unpainted area using the No paint area component.............................. 434
Add surfaces to part faces and pour object faces........................................................... 436
Add a surface to a face.................................................................................................. 437
Modify surface properties.............................................................................................437
Modify the adaptivity of reinforcement, surface treatment, or edge chamfers
in parts.................................................................................................................................. 437
Define default adaptivity settings................................................................................ 438
Modify the adaptivity of an individual model object................................................. 438
Display detailing of a part...................................................................................................438
2.5 Create assemblies......................................................................................... 438
Create an assembly............................................................................................................. 439
Create a sub-assembly........................................................................................................439
Use bolts to create assemblies.......................................................................................... 439
Bolt sub-assemblies to an existing assembly...................................................................440
Use welds to create assemblies.........................................................................................440
Weld sub-assemblies to an existing assembly.................................................................441
Add objects to assemblies..................................................................................................441
Assembly hierarchy........................................................................................................442
Add parts to an assembly..............................................................................................442
Create a nested assembly............................................................................................. 443
Join assemblies............................................................................................................... 443
Modify assemblies...............................................................................................................443
Change the assembly main part...................................................................................443
Change the main assembly in a nested assembly..................................................... 444
Remove objects from an assembly.............................................................................. 444
Check and highlight objects in an assembly............................................................... 444
Explode an assembly..................................................................................................... 444
Assembly examples....................................................................................................... 445
2.6 Create cast units........................................................................................... 446
Define the cast unit type of a part.....................................................................................446
Create a cast unit.................................................................................................................447
Add objects to a cast unit................................................................................................... 447
Modify cast units..................................................................................................................448
Change the cast unit main part.................................................................................... 448
Remove objects from a cast unit..................................................................................448
Check and highlight objects in a cast unit................................................................... 448
Explode a cast unit......................................................................................................... 448
Casting direction.................................................................................................................. 449
Casting direction for concrete and non-concrete parts............................................ 449
Define the casting direction of a part.......................................................................... 450
Show the top-in-form face............................................................................................ 450
2.7 Manage pours................................................................................................ 451
Enable pour management..................................................................................................452
Disable pour management temporarily......................................................................452
View cast-in-place concrete structures............................................................................. 453
Set the appearance of cast-in-place concrete structures..........................................453
Part view vs. pour view.................................................................................................. 455
Define the pour phase of a part........................................................................................ 456
Pour objects......................................................................................................................... 457
Change the color and transparency of pour objects................................................. 458
Modify the properties of a pour object....................................................................... 460
Pour units............................................................................................................................. 460
Calculate pour units....................................................................................................... 461
Check and inquire objects in a pour unit.................................................................... 461
Add objects to a pour unit.............................................................................................462
Remove objects from a pour unit................................................................................ 463
Reset pour unit relations...............................................................................................463
Modify the properties of a pour unit........................................................................... 463
How Tekla Structures automatically adds objects to pour units..............................464
Pour breaks.......................................................................................................................... 465
Pour break adaptivity.................................................................................................... 467
Set the visibility of pour breaks.................................................................................... 467
Create a pour break....................................................................................................... 468
Select a pour break........................................................................................................ 470
Copy a pour break..........................................................................................................470
Move a pour break......................................................................................................... 470
Modify a pour break...................................................................................................... 471
Remove a pour break.................................................................................................... 472
Troubleshoot pours.............................................................................................................472
Example: Create concrete geometry and work with pours............................................475
2.8 Create reinforcement................................................................................... 477
Create a rebar set................................................................................................................ 478
Basic concepts related to rebar sets............................................................................478
Create longitudinal rebars............................................................................................ 480
Create crossing rebars...................................................................................................482
Create rebars by face.....................................................................................................485
Create rebars by guidelines.......................................................................................... 487
Create rebars by point input.........................................................................................489
Rebar set properties...................................................................................................... 490
Create a rebar set using Rebar shape placing tool.................................................... 491
Examples: Rebar sets in curved structures................................................................. 497
Create a single reinforcing bar...........................................................................................503
Create a reinforcing bar group.......................................................................................... 504
Create a reinforcing bar group using Rebar shape catalog...................................... 506
Create a curved reinforcing bar group........................................................................ 513
Create a circular reinforcing bar group....................................................................... 515
Create a tapered or spiral reinforcing bar group.......................................................517
Create a reinforcement mesh............................................................................................ 519
Create a rectangular reinforcement mesh................................................................. 520
Create a polygonal reinforcement mesh.................................................................... 521
Create a bent reinforcement mesh..............................................................................523
Create a customized reinforcement mesh................................................................. 525
Create a reinforcement strand pattern............................................................................ 525
Debond reinforcement strands....................................................................................527
Create a reinforcement splice............................................................................................528
2.9 Modify reinforcement...................................................................................529
Modify a rebar set............................................................................................................... 530
Modify the properties of a rebar set............................................................................530
Change the layer order of a rebar set......................................................................... 531
Modify a rebar set using guidelines.............................................................................531
Modify a rebar set using leg faces................................................................................532
Modify a rebar set locally using modifiers.................................................................. 539
How to cut rebar sets.................................................................................................... 546
Distribute bars in a rebar set........................................................................................ 547
Modify a single reinforcing bar, bar group, or mesh...................................................... 549
Distribute bars in a reinforcing bar group.................................................................. 553
Delete bars from a reinforcing bar group................................................................... 555
Ungroup a reinforcement............................................................................................. 556
Group reinforcement.....................................................................................................557
Combine two reinforcing bars or reinforcing bar groups into one......................... 559
Split a reinforcing bar group ........................................................................................ 559
Use handles to modify a reinforcement......................................................................560
Add hooks to reinforcing bars........................................................................................... 561
Define the reinforcement cover thickness....................................................................... 564
Select the definition for a reinforcement......................................................................... 566
Use adaptivity to modify a reinforcement........................................................................567
Attach a reinforcement to a concrete part.......................................................................568
Check the validity of reinforcement geometry................................................................ 569
Split and splice a reinforcement........................................................................................ 570
Assign running numbers to reinforcement......................................................................572
Classify reinforcement to layers........................................................................................ 572
How to calculate the reinforcing bar length.....................................................................573
How to calculate the reinforcing bar leg length...............................................................576
Reinforcement shape recognition..................................................................................... 577
Rebar shape manager in reinforcement shape recognition.....................................578
Hard-coded bending type identifiers in reinforcement shape recognition............ 590
Reinforcement in templates......................................................................................... 614
2.10 Create construction objects and points..................................................... 616
Create a construction line.................................................................................................. 617
Create a construction plane............................................................................................... 617
Create a construction circle................................................................................................618
Create a construction arc................................................................................................... 619
Create a construction polycurve........................................................................................620
Copy a construction object with offset............................................................................. 621
Modify a construction object............................................................................................. 622
Create points.......................................................................................................................625
Create points on a line...................................................................................................626
Create points on a plane............................................................................................... 627
Create points parallel to two points.............................................................................627
Create points along the extension line of two points................................................628
Create projected points on a line................................................................................. 629
Create points along an arc using center and arc points............................................629
Create points along an arc using three arc points..................................................... 630
Create points tangent to a circle.................................................................................. 631
Create points at any position........................................................................................631
Create bolt points...........................................................................................................632
Create points at the intersection of two lines.............................................................632
Create points at the intersection of a plane and a line............................................. 632
Create points at the intersection of a part and a line................................................632
Create points at the intersection of a circle and a line.............................................. 633
Create points at the intersection of two part axes.................................................... 633
Import points.................................................................................................................. 634
Point properties..............................................................................................................634
4.4 Create a clip plane.........................................................................................671
4.5 Show parts, components, or assemblies in a selected view angle..........673
4.6 Inquire object properties............................................................................. 674
Object property report templates..................................................................................... 676
Custom inquiry.................................................................................................................... 676
Use the Custom Inquiry tool......................................................................................... 677
Define what information is shown by Custom Inquiry tool...................................... 677
Modify the default attributes in InquiryTool.config file.............................................679
4.7 Measure objects............................................................................................ 680
Measure distances.............................................................................................................. 680
Measure angles....................................................................................................................681
Measure arcs........................................................................................................................681
Measure bolt spacing..........................................................................................................682
4.8 Detect clashes................................................................................................682
Find clashes in a model.......................................................................................................683
Manage clash check results................................................................................................684
Symbols used in clash checking................................................................................... 684
About clash types........................................................................................................... 685
Manage the list of clashes............................................................................................. 688
Search for clashes.......................................................................................................... 689
Change the status of clashes........................................................................................ 689
Change the priority of clashes...................................................................................... 689
Group and ungroup clashes...............................................................................................690
View the details of a clash.................................................................................................. 690
Add comments to a clash................................................................................................... 691
Modify a clash comment............................................................................................... 691
Remove a clash comment............................................................................................. 691
View the history of a clash..................................................................................................692
Print a list of clashes........................................................................................................... 692
Preview a list of clashes before printing..................................................................... 692
Set the paper size, margins and page orientation..................................................... 693
Open and save clash check sessions................................................................................ 694
Define a clash check clearance area for bolts..................................................................695
4.9 Compare parts or assemblies...................................................................... 695
4.10 View solid errors............................................................................................696
4.11 Diagnose and repair the model................................................................... 697
4.12 Find distant objects...................................................................................... 699
Change the family number of an object......................................................................709
5.2 Adjust the numbering settings....................................................................709
5.3 Number parts................................................................................................ 710
Number a series of parts....................................................................................................710
Number assemblies and cast units................................................................................... 711
Number reinforcement.......................................................................................................712
Number welds......................................................................................................................713
Save preliminary numbers................................................................................................. 713
5.4 Change existing numbers.............................................................................713
5.5 Clear existing numbers.................................................................................714
5.6 Check the numbering................................................................................... 715
5.7 View the numbering history........................................................................ 717
5.8 Repair numbering errors..............................................................................718
5.9 Renumber the model.................................................................................... 719
5.10 Control numbers........................................................................................... 719
Assign control numbers to parts....................................................................................... 720
Control number order........................................................................................................ 721
Display control numbers in the model............................................................................. 722
Remove control numbers...................................................................................................723
Lock or unlock control numbers........................................................................................724
Example: Use control numbers to indicate the erection order .................................... 724
5.11 Number parts by design group....................................................................726
5.12 Numbering examples................................................................................... 729
Example: Number identical beams................................................................................... 729
Example: Use family numbers........................................................................................... 730
Example: Number selected part types..............................................................................731
Example: Number parts in selected phases.....................................................................732
5.13 Tips for numbering........................................................................................734
Numbering settings during a project................................................................................ 734
Create a standard-part model........................................................................................... 735
6 Applications................................................................................737
6.1 Working with applications........................................................................... 739
6.2 Import a .tsep extension to the Applications & components catalog.... 743
6.3 Publish a group in the Applications & components catalog.................... 744
7 Components............................................................................... 747
7.1 Component properties................................................................................. 748
7.2 Add a component to a model.......................................................................750
7.3 View a component in a model..................................................................... 752
7.4 Component tips............................................................................................. 753
7.5 How to use the Applications & components catalog................................ 754
Groups in the catalog..........................................................................................................754
Search for a component in the catalog.............................................................................755
Change the view in the catalog.......................................................................................... 756
Show selected components in the catalog.......................................................................756
View and modify component information in the catalog...............................................757
Add a thumbnail image for a component in the catalog................................................757
Publish a component in the catalog..................................................................................758
Create and modify groups in the catalog......................................................................... 758
Change the order of groups in the catalog...................................................................... 759
Hide groups and components in the catalog...................................................................760
Show the catalog message log...........................................................................................760
Catalog definitions...............................................................................................................761
7.6 Converting a conceptual or a detailed component.................................. 761
7.7 Automate connection creation .................................................................. 762
AutoConnection................................................................................................................... 762
Define AutoConnection settings and rules................................................................. 763
Create a connection using AutoConnection............................................................... 766
AutoDefaults........................................................................................................................ 767
Define AutoDefaults settings and rules.......................................................................768
Modify a connection using AutoDefaults.................................................................... 772
AutoConnection and AutoDefaults rules..........................................................................773
Combining and iterating properties for AutoDefaults...............................................775
AutoDefaults example: Using iteration with connection check................................777
Using reaction forces and UDLs in AutoDefaults and AutoConnection.................. 779
7.8 Advanced component settings ................................................................... 780
Define connection properties in the joints.def file..........................................................781
How to use the joints.def file........................................................................................ 781
Example: How Tekla Structures uses the joints.def file.............................................783
General defaults in the joints.def file.......................................................................... 784
Bolt diameter and number of bolts in the joints.def file...........................................785
Bolt and part properties in the joints.def file............................................................. 787
Excel spreadsheets in connection design.........................................................................793
Files used in Excel spreadsheet connection design................................................... 794
Example of an Excel spreadsheet in connection design........................................... 795
Example of visualizing the Excel connection design process................................... 799
Showing connection status in Excel connection design............................................ 803
General tab...........................................................................................................................803
Design and Design type tabs..............................................................................................805
Analysis tab.......................................................................................................................... 807
8.8 Add variables to a custom component ......................................................836
Bind component objects to a plane.................................................................................. 837
Bind objects automatically............................................................................................ 837
Bind objects manually................................................................................................... 839
Test a binding................................................................................................................. 842
Check a binding.............................................................................................................. 843
Delete a binding............................................................................................................. 843
Example: Bind an end plate to a plane........................................................................844
Bind component objects using magnetic construction planes or lines........................846
Bind handles using a magnetic construction plane................................................... 846
Bind handles using a magnetic construction line...................................................... 848
Add a distance between component objects...................................................................848
Set object properties by using parametric variables...................................................... 851
Copy properties and property references from another object................................... 854
Create a variable formula................................................................................................... 856
Functions in variable formulas.......................................................................................... 858
Arithmetic operators......................................................................................................858
Logical and comparison operators.............................................................................. 859
Reference functions....................................................................................................... 859
ASCII file as a reference function................................................................................. 861
Mathematical functions.................................................................................................862
Statistical functions........................................................................................................ 863
Data type conversion functions....................................................................................864
String operations............................................................................................................865
Trigonometric functions................................................................................................ 866
Market size function...................................................................................................... 867
Framing condition functions.........................................................................................868
How to avoid cyclic dependencies in formulas.......................................................... 870
8.9 Examples of parametric variables and variable formulas in
custom components..................................................................................... 871
Example of a variable formula: Set the end plate material............................................873
Example of a variable formula: Create a nested connection with stiffeners............... 874
Example of a variable formula: Create new component objects.................................. 877
Example of a variable formula: Replace sub-components.............................................878
Example of a variable formula: Modify a sub-component by using a
component attribute file.....................................................................................................880
Example of a variable formula: Define the stiffener position using
construction planes.............................................................................................................881
Example of a variable formula: Determine the bolt size and bolt standard................ 884
Example of a variable formula: Calculate the bolt group distance............................... 885
Example of a variable formula: Calculate the number of bolt rows............................. 887
Example of a variable formula: Link variables to user-defined attributes................... 888
Example of a variable formula: Calculate the number of handrail posts using
a template attribute............................................................................................................ 890
Example of a variable formula: Link an Excel spreadsheet to a custom component. 894
Examples of a variable formula: Rebar set modifiers in custom components............894
Example: Define the class and size of rebar set bars using a property modifier...895
Example: Create and modify rebar hooks using an end detail modifier................ 898
8.10 Import and export custom components.................................................... 901
Export a custom component..............................................................................................901
Import a custom component............................................................................................. 902
8.11 Hints and tips for using and sharing custom components...................... 902
Tips for creating custom components.............................................................................. 903
Tips for sharing custom components............................................................................... 904
Tips for updating custom components to a new version...............................................904
8.12 Customize the dialog boxes of custom components................................ 904
Modify the dialog box of a custom component...............................................................905
Custom component input files.......................................................................................... 907
Lock or unlock the custom component input file............................................................908
Custom component dialog editor settings.......................................................................908
Customize the dialog boxes of custom components by using a text editor................ 909
Add new tabs.................................................................................................................. 910
Add text boxes................................................................................................................910
Add images..................................................................................................................... 911
Change the order of boxes........................................................................................... 912
Change the location of boxes....................................................................................... 912
Example: Add a group of check boxes in the custom component dialog box....... 913
Example: Customize the dialog box of a custom stiffener detail.................................. 917
Example: Create a custom stiffener detail with variables......................................... 918
Example: Add a list with images in a custom component dialog box..................... 929
Example: Arrange text boxes and labels in a custom component dialog box....... 934
Example: Dim unavailable options in a custom component dialog box................. 936
8.13 Custom component settings........................................................................939
Custom component properties in the Custom Component Wizard............................. 940
Type/Notes tab properties............................................................................................ 940
Position tab properties.................................................................................................. 941
Advanced tab properties............................................................................................... 942
Default properties of a custom component dialog box................................................. 943
Default properties of custom connections, details, and seams............................... 943
Default properties of custom parts............................................................................. 945
Plane types........................................................................................................................... 947
Examples of component planes................................................................................... 949
Variable properties .............................................................................................................950
9.17 Folded plates..................................................................................................971
9.18 Hat profiles.................................................................................................... 978
9.19 I beams (concrete).........................................................................................979
9.20 Ledger beams (concrete).............................................................................. 979
9.21 T profiles (concrete)...................................................................................... 980
9.22 Irregular beams (concrete).......................................................................... 982
9.23 Panels............................................................................................................. 985
9.24 Variable cross sections................................................................................. 988
9.25 Others............................................................................................................. 990
11 Disclaimer.................................................................................1020
1 Get to know Tekla Structures
basic working methods
Before starting to create models and drawings, get to know some basic
working methods that you will need to work efficiently both in the Tekla
Structures models and in the drawings.
We recommend you to familiarize yourself how to
• work with grids (page 20) and views
• define the work area and coordinates (page 51) that affect your work
• zoom and rotate the model
• create (page 250), select (page 130) and move objects
• position objects by using snapping (page 84)
• filter objects (page 170) both in the modeling mode and in the drawing
See also
Create parts and modify part properties (page 251)
(1) Grid origin is the point where the zero points of each coordinate axis
(2) Grid line extensions define how far the grid lines extend in each direction
(3) Grid labels are the names of the grid lines shown in views
Single grid lines have handles (page 348). If the Select grid line selection
switch (page 137) is active and you select a grid line, the handles appear in
magenta. If you move the handles to make a skewed grid, you can do this only
on the local XY plane (page 31) of the grid.
NOTE When working with very large grids, always having the grid labels visible might
slow down Tekla Structures. To hide the grid labels when you zoom in, use the
advanced option XS_ADJUST_GRID_LABELS.
Modify a grid
Double-click an existing grid to modify it.
1. Ensure that the Select grid selection switch (page 137) is active.
2. Double-click a grid line.
Depending on the type of the grid, the Rectangular grid or the Radial
grid properties open in the property pane.
3. Change the grid properties.
4. Click Modify to apply the changes.
Delete a grid
When you delete an entire grid, ensure that you do not have any other objects
selected. Otherwise Tekla Structures only deletes the objects, not the grid.
1. Ensure that only the Select grid selection switch (page 137) is active.
2. Select the grid.
Grid properties
Use the Rectangular grid or the Radial grid properties in the property pane
to view and modify the properties of a grid. To open the properties, double-
click the grid. The file name extension of a rectangular grid property file is
*.grd. The file name extension of a radial grid property file is *.rgrd.
If you have customized the property pane layout, the list of properties may be
Setting Description
Coordinates In the Rectangular grid properties:
Coordinates of the grid in the x, y, and z directions.
X: grid lines vertical to the work plane
Y: grid lines horizontal to the work plane
Z: elevations in the structure
You can enter a maximum of 1024 characters. Use a
zero at the start to represent a grid on the 0,0
coordinate and spaces as separators for
The x and y coordinates are relative, which means
that the entries for X and Y are always relative to
the previous entry. The Z coordinates are absolute,
which means that entries for z are absolute
distances from the work plane origin.
You can either define the coordinates individually,
or you can define several grid lines with equal
spacing. Both of the following coordinate entries
create three grid lines with the spacing of 4000:
0 4000 4000
0 2*4000
In the Radial grid properties:
Radial and angular values of the grid lines.
Elevations is the value of the grid in z direction.
Radial: curved grid lines. If you enter only one value
for radius, it must be >0.
Angular: straight grid lines. You can enter negative
angle values, if needed.
Elevations: elevations in the structure
2. Ensure that the Select grid selection switch (page 137) is active.
3. Select an existing grid to attach the grid line to.
4. Click the symbol between two existing grid lines or outside the grid.
Tekla Structures creates the grid line and gives it a label using the labels of
the adjacent grid lines. For example, a new grid line between the grid lines
1 and 2 receives the label 12*.
1. Ensure that the Select grid line selection switch (page 137) is active.
2. If the property pane is not open, double-click the grid line to open the
Grid line properties.
3. Change (page 110) the properties as needed.
4. Click Modify to apply the changes.
2. Ensure that the Select grid selection switch (page 137) is active.
3. Select the grid.
4. Select the grid line you want to move.
5. Drag the grid line to a new location.
You can also use the keyboard to enter a numeric location.
To start with the negative sign (-), use the numeric keypad. To enter an
absolute coordinate, first enter $, then the value. Press Enter to confirm.
2. Ensure that the Select grid line selection switch (page 137) is active.
3. Select a grid line.
4. On the contextual toolbar, enter a new label.
2. Ensure that the Select grid selection switch (page 137) is active.
3. Select the rectangular grid.
4. Select the grid line.
2. Ensure that the Select grid selection switch (page 137) is active.
3. Select the grid line.
4. On the contextual toolbar, click the Turn grid line stretching off
The units depend on the settings in File menu --> Settings --> Options -->
Units and decimals .
Setting Description
Label Name of the grid line.
Depth in view plane Height of the grid plane
perpendicular to the view plane.
1. Ensure that the Select grid line selection switch (page 137) is active.
2. Select the grid line you want to delete.
3. Ensure that you do not have any other objects selected.
If you also have other objects selected, Tekla Structures only deletes the
objects, not the grid line.
4. Right-click and select Delete from the pop-up menu.
5. Confirm that you want to delete the grid line.
View plane
Each view has a view plane on which the grids (page 20) are visible and points
are represented as blue crosses. Points that are located outside the view plane
are red. You can move the view plane (page 33) like any other object.
Basic views
Basic views are those parallel to the global basic planes (xy, xz, and zy). In basic
views, two axes always define the view plane and the axes appear in the plane
name. The third axis is perpendicular to the view plane. It does not appear in
the plane name. In the basic plane view, the model is shown from the
direction of the third axis.
When you create basic views (page 34), you must define the view plane's
distance (the view plane coordinate) from the global origin in the direction of
the third axis.
Examples of basic views:
Other views
For other view types, you either define the view plane and coordinate by
picking points, or the points are defined automatically, depending on the
creation method.
1. On the View tab, click New view --> Using two points .
2. Pick a point to indicate the origin of the view plane.
3. Pick a second point to indicate the direction of the x axis.
The y axis is perpendicular to the view plane on which you picked the
second point.
1. On the View tab, click New view --> Using three points .
2. Pick a point to indicate the origin of the view plane.
3. Pick a second point to indicate the direction of the x axis.
4. Pick a third point to indicate the direction of the y axis.
2. On the View tab, click New view --> Along grid lines .
3. Modify the grid view properties if needed.
a. In the Number of views list, select how many views you want to
b. In the View name prefix box, enter a prefix.
c. In the View properties list, define which view properties (applied or
saved) you want to use.
4. Click Create.
The Views dialog box opens.
This example shows how to create vertical views of the grid lines 1–7 on the
following model:
In the Creation of Views Along Grid Lines dialog box, select All for the view
plane XZ and None for the view planes XY and ZY. Use the default settings for
the view name prefix and the view properties.
After creating the grid views, move the view named Grid 2 to the Visible views
TIP Alternatively, to create a view on the front, top, back, or bottom plane of
a part, you can also use the following commands available on the View
• On part front plane
• On part top plane
• On part back plane
• On part bottom plane
To use these commands, first select a command and then the part.
1. On the View tab, click New view --> Default part views .
2. Select the part.
Tekla Structures creates the four default views all at once, using the
properties defined in part_front_view, part_top_view,
part_end_view, and part_persp_view property files.
1. On the View tab, click New view --> Undeformed part view .
2. Select the part.
For example, select a warped beam. Tekla Structures displays the beam in
a separate view in undeformed form.
Open a view
You can have up to nine views on the screen at the same time. If you are
unable to open a view, check how many views you already have open - you
may need to close some of them first.
Save a view
If you need to re-open views later on, give each view a unique name. When
you exit the model, Tekla Structures only saves the named views. Temporary
views disappear when you close them.
Before you start, create one or more views (page 33) in the model.
1. Double-click the view to open the View Properties dialog box.
2. Enter a unique name in the Name box.
Temporary views have a default name in parentheses. Do not use
parentheses when naming a view, or the view will not be saved for later
3. Click Modify.
Tekla Structures will automatically save all named views when you close
the model.
Modify a view
You can modify a view simply by double-clicking it.
1. Double-click the view to open the View Properties dialog box.
2. Modify the view properties (page 46).
3. Click Modify.
Delete a view
You can permanently delete named views.
1. Select the view, and click View angle on the contextual toolbar.
2. Select a top, back, right, bottom, front, or left view.
To Do this
Update the current view Right-click the view and select Update window.
Update all of the views On the View tab, click Redraw --> Erase
temporary graphics.
Redraw the current view Right-click the view and select Redraw View.
Redraw all of the views
On the View tab, click .
See also
Switch between views (page 45)
View properties
Use the View Properties dialog box to view and modify the model view
Option Description
Name The name of the view.
Angle Whether the view angle is Plane or
Projection The projection type of views.
Orthogonal: All objects are of equal
size (no perspective). When you
zoom, text and point size remains the
See also
Open, save, modify, or delete a view (page 43)
See also
Create model views (page 33)
1. On the View tab, click Work area and select one of the following:
2. On the View tab, click Work area and select one of the following:
1. On the View tab, click Work area and select Using two points.
2. Pick the first point.
3. Pick the second point.
3. To make the box visible again, click Redraw --> Redraw all views again.
See also
Define the work area (page 48)
Coordinate system
Tekla Structures uses two coordinate systems: the global and the local
coordinate system. The local coordinate system is also known as the work
Do not place the model far away from the origin. If you create model objects
far away from the origin, snapping to points (page 84) in the model views
may become inaccurate. The further away from the origin you model, the less
precise all computations become.
If you need to use another coordinate system for inserting reference models
or exporting IFC models, you can use base points. When you use base points,
you can keep the coordinates small and locate the model wherever needed.
The work plane is model specific, so it is the same in all views. The red work
plane arrow symbol shows the xy plane. The z direction follows the right-hand
rule (page 52).
To control which work plane or base point you currently have in use in the
model, use the work plane handler toolbar.
Right-hand rule
Right-hand rule indicates the direction of the coordinate axes. When you hold
the thumb, index finger, and middle finger of your right hand so that they
form three right angles, then the thumb symbolizes the x axis, the index finger
the y axis, and the middle finger the z axis.
2. To hide the grid, select View plane from the same list.
See also
Shift the work plane (page 53)
2. Pick a point.
Base points
The base points (control points) allow you to use a coordinate system based
on the civil origin or other coordinate system for interoperability and
collaboration. For example, you can use base points when inserting reference
models, exporting IFC models, in drawings, in Layout manager, and in reports
and templates.
Civil origin is the datum point or fundamental benchmark point of the national
land survey network.
When you use base points, you can keep the coordinates small and locate the
model wherever needed. You can create as many base points as you need,
and select one of those to be the project base point.
TIP You can inquire the point coordinates in Tekla Structures: On the ribbon,
click the down arrow next to , and then select Point coordinates.
For more information, see Inquire object properties (page 674).
TIP You can also set a base point as the project base point in the Base point
dialog box by selecting a base point from the list at the top and then
selecting the Project base point check box.
7. Click the Add model button. Tekla Structures inserts the reference model
relative to the selected base point by using the coordinate system values,
elevation and angle in the base point definition in the model Project
The following table lists the template attributes where you can use _PROJECT
and _BASEPOINT at the end, for example,
current base point in the same way as the workplane uses the current
workplane. If there is no current base point defined, _BASEPOINT provides
values relative to model origin (Global).
See also
Coordinate system (page 51)
TIP Alternatively, if you wish to change the color settings at one go without using the
advanced options, you can use the Background Color Tool, which is available in
Tekla Warehouse.
Below are some examples of possible background colors that you can define.
The first RGB value refers to the advanced option XS_BACKGROUND_COLOR1,
the second value to the advanced option XS_BACKGROUND_COLOR2, and so
TIP To quickly find all color related advanced options, type color in the
Search box and press Enter. Make sure the In all categories check
box is selected.
NOTE If you use Tekla Structures via remote connections, the DirectX rendering may
not work as expected: parts that you have created may not show in the
model, or the model is working slowly. If you experience such problems,
switch the DirectX rendering off.
Depth accuracy
In DirectX rendered model views, the accuracy in depth buffer is improved so
that when the model is zoomed, parts are not shown through other parts'
faces as often as previously.
DirectX OpenGL
Dynamic states
In DirectX rendered model views, in dynamic states, such as in selection and in
preselection highlight, the selection is clearer and the highlight is less
DirectX OpenGL
DirectX OpenGL
DirectX OpenGL
To Do this
Zoom in Scroll forward with the mouse wheel.
Alternatively, press Page Up.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 81 Zoom and rotate the model
To Do this
Zoom out Scroll backward with the mouse
Alternatively, press Page Down.
Zoom to selected objects 1. Select the objects.
2. On the View tab, click Zoom --
> Zoom selected.
Zoom with menu commands On the View tab, click Zoom and
select one of the zoom commands.
Keep the center point of zooming in On the File menu, click Settings and
the middle of the view select Centered zooms.
Define the zoom ratio Use these advanced options:
To Do this
Rotate using the middle mouse 1. On the View tab, click
button Navigate --> Set view point.
You can also press V.
2. To set the view point, pick a
position in the view.
The following symbol appears in
the model:
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 82 Zoom and rotate the model
To Do this
Rotate using the left mouse button 1. On the View tab, click
Navigate --> Rotate with
You can also press Ctrl+R.
2. To set the view point, pick a
position in the view.
The following symbol appears in
the model:
To Do this
Move the model using the middle 1. On the File menu, click Settings
mouse button and check that the Middle
button pan check box is
2. Hold down the middle mouse
button and drag the model.
Move the model using the left mouse 1. To activate dynamic panning, go
button to the View tab and click
Navigate --> Pan.
You can also press P.
The mouse pointer changes to a
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 83 Zoom and rotate the model
To Do this
2. Hold down the left mouse button
and drag the model.
3. To stop panning, press Esc.
Use the snap switches (page 86) on the Snapping toolbar to control which
positions you can snap to.
For example, you can snap to
• different points, such as end points and midpoints
• centers
• intersections
• lines and edges
• dimensions and mark lines, drawing layout items and drawing frames
If you want to use exact distances or coordinates when snapping to positions,
use numeric snapping.
With the combination of different snapping tools, you can, for example, snap
to the closest orthogonal point (page 102) on the plane, both in the model and
in the drawings. Additionally, you can follow a line and pick a point at a
specified distance along the line, or create a temporary reference point to use
as a local origin, both in the model and in the drawings.
Tekla Structures displays snap dimensions in the model, which means you can
easily create objects of a desired length. Use the advanced option XS_DISPLAY_
Snapping toolbar
Use the Snapping toolbar to activate snap switches and to access additional
snapping options.
(1) Use the snap switches (page 86) to control which positions you can pick
when placing objects. Snap switches define exact locations on objects, for
example, end points, midpoints, and intersections.
(2) Use the first list to define the snap depth.
(3) Use the second list to switch between the view plane and work plane
(page 52).
(4) Use the third list to set the plane type. The plane type defines what planes
you can select in the model.
(5) You can hide (page 241) selected switches from the toolbar.
By default, the Snapping toolbar is located at the bottom of the screen. If you
are cannot find the toolbar, click File --> Settings , and in the Toolbars list
ensure that the Snapping toolbar is selected.
Snap zone
Each object has a snap zone. It defines how close you need to pick to hit a
position. When you pick within the snap zone of an object, Tekla Structures
automatically snaps to the closest pickable point on that object.
You can set the snap zone using the advanced option XS_PIXEL_TOLERANCE.
Snap priority
If you pick and hit several positions simultaneously, Tekla Structures
automatically snaps to the point with the highest snap priority. To control
which positions you can pick, use snap switches. Snap switches define the
snap priority of positions.
Snapping in drawings
In drawings, you can snap in positions in the same way as in the model. You
can also snap to orthogonal angles while placing drawing objects or sketching.
Additionally, Tekla Structures indicates in which direction the picked points are
located. When the Ortho (page 102) tool is active, Tekla Structures displays a
rubber band line between the last point picked and the snap point. The color
of the cursor and the rubber band line follow the color of the work plane axis:
red for x-axis, green for y-axis and blue for z-axis. For any other direction the
color of the rubber band line and the cursor is black.
Make sure that you do not have too many snap switches on when snapping, as
it may easily lead to inaccuracies and errors in snapping. Be particularly
careful when you use the Snap to any position snap switch.
4. Move the mouse pointer over the grid line intersection so that it locks
onto the snap point, but do not click the mouse button.
NOTE If you want to change the special character for any of the three
snapping modes, use the advanced options , , and .
1. Ensure that the Snap to line snap switch (page 88) is active.
2. Run a command that requires you to pick two or more points.
For example, start creating a beam. When you move the mouse pointer
over a grid line or a nearby object, Tekla Structures automatically picks
both ends of the line. The yellow arrow symbol indicates the direction of
the points.
NOTE If you use the Snap to line snap switch with a command that requires
only one point to be picked, for example when creating a column, only
the start point of the line is used to position the part.
• When you snap to the extension lines of nearby objects, the extension line
snaps to the direction of the nearby object and the extension line indicates
the direction that is followed in snapping. Snapping to the extension lines
of nearby objects can be useful, for example, when you want to align
objects with one another.
1. Ensure that the correct snap switches (page 88) are active:
When a line is found, you can move the pointer further away while
keeping the snap.
4. Pick the rest of the points.
pick points using the Snap to any position snap switch (page 88).
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Snap settings .
2. Define the grid spacing intervals in the Spacing boxes.
For example, if the spacing of the x coordinate is 500, you can snap to
positions at intervals of 500 units in the x direction.
3. If needed, define offsets for the snap grid origin in the Origin boxes.
4. To activate the snap grid, select the Active (when free snap is on) check
5. Click OK.
Now when you pick points using the Snap to any position snap
switch, you can only snap to positions at set intervals. The snap grid itself
is invisible in the model.
NOTE The Ortho tool has the lowest priority among snap points.
Even if you have activated the Ortho tool, but Tekla Structures detects any
other possible snap point than an orthogonal point, Tekla Structures uses the
found snap point instead of the orthogonal snap point. If there are no other
possible snap points found, then Tekla Structures uses the orthogonal snap
When the snap is orthogonal to the previous points, the color of the angle
symbol is black.
Snap settings
Use the Model snap settings dialog box to view and modify the snap settings
in the model. The Drawing snap settings dialog box has the same options for
drawings. These settings are user specific.
See also
Snapping toolbar (page 85)
Snap to points by using snap switches (page 86)
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 108 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
You can create different types of model objects, such as parts and items, bolts,
reinforcement, and cuts, by using the commands on the ribbon.
Some ribbon commands have a keyboard shortcut that speed up your
modeling work. You can customize the keyboard shortcuts and assign your
own shortcuts for the most used commands.
Alternatively, you can use Quick Launch or the property pane (page 110) to
start many of the commands that create model objects.
After you have created the model objects, you can view and modify the model
object properties by using the property pane.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 109 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
• On the ribbon: click a command. For example, click to create a
steel beam.
• By using Quick Launch: enter a search term. For example, type steel
beam to find the Create steel beam command.
• In the property pane: ensure that you have nothing selected in the
model. Click the Object type list button and select from the list
the object you want to create.
2. Pick points (page 84) to place the model object in the model.
Tekla Structures creates the model object using the current properties of
the object type.
3. Follow the status bar messages to get instructions on how to proceed.
4. To create more model objects with the same properties, pick more points.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 110 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
• assemblies (page 438) and cast units (page 446)
• surface treatment (page 424)
• surfaces (page 436)
Note that you can have only one property pane window open at a time. This
means that you can view the properties of only one object type at a time.
You can customize the property pane (page 225). You can select separately for
each object type which properties you wish to see in the property pane. For
example, you can organize the settings as you wish, or remove the settings
you do not need.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 111 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
Modify model object properties
1. To start modifying the properties, double-click a model object.
The property pane opens and shows the current properties of the object.
2. Modify the properties as needed.
Tekla Structures highlights the modified properties in yellow in the
property pane.
3. If you want to discard some of the changes, click the check marks next to
each setting to remove them.
You can clear the check marks one by one, or select a whole section and
all its properties.
You can use the Select All and Select None switches at the bottom of the
property pane to select all the changes or to clear all the changes.
4. When you are ready with the modifications, click Modify to apply the
5. If you want to create an object using the standard values instead of the
values you just applied, load the standard file first.
Note that if you use contextual toolbar or direct modification (page 117) to
modify a model object, the current properties do not change and are not
automatically applied when you create the next object of the same type.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 112 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
Switch between automatic and manual applying of properties
When you modify object properties in the property pane, you can switch
between automatic and manual applying of properties. This means that you
can select whether only the selected object is modified, or if also the next
objects of the same type that you create use the current values.
You can switch between manual and automatic applying of properties at any
time in the Property pane settings by selecting the Set default values
automatically option. The option is not dependent on the selected object
NOTE When you are using dialog boxes to view and modify the properties of various
objects, the OK, Apply and Modify buttons control whether the current
values are used for the next objects of the same type.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 113 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
3. Ensure that the Set default values automatically option is selected.
When the Set default values automatically option is selected, Tekla
Structures automatically uses the current values for the next objects of
the same type.
4. Change the property values as needed.
5. Click Modify.
Tekla Structures modifies the object and creates the next object of the
same type using the current values.
a. To modify the object selection, hold down Ctrl and click the object
types in the list that you want to exclude or include in the selection.
The content of the property pane can change according to your
b. If you want to select all the objects, click the Select all button.
Property pane shows the properties that are common for all the selected
The settings which have several options have the text Varies, and the
values or options are shown in a list. If there are no common properties,
the property pane is empty.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 114 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
2. Modify the selected object properties.
Tekla Structures highlights the modified properties in yellow.
3. Click Modify.
The selected properties are modified.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 115 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
You can show and hide only the main level property groups, not
nested groups.
The Show properties based on visibility settings option is common
for all object types. If different object types have property groups of
the same name, the visibility of a property group is adjusted for all the
object types. For example, if you select a steel beam and hide the
Position property group, and then select a concrete beam, the
Position property group is hidden for the concrete beam as well.
To easily define the default visibility of property groups, use the Property
pane editor (page 225). Note that the changes in the visibility settings in
the property pane override the default settings done in the Property
pane editor.
4. If you need to customize the property pane, click Customize... to open
the Property pane editor.
If you have several different object types selected in the model, the search
finds properties that are common to the all selected object types. UDAs that
match to the search criteria are shown even if they have not been added to
the property pane layout.
If you enter a single asterisk * in the search box, all properties and UDAs
available for the selected object type are shown. You can then easily enter a
value for a property or for an UDA, even if the property or the UDA is not
visible in the property pane by default.
settings button and selecting an option, the current settings are saved to
the PropertyPaneSettings.xml file in the ..\Users\<user>\AppData
\Local\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>\UI\PropertyPane\
folder. If you do not change the settings, the PropertyPaneSettings.xml
file is not created.
The settings in the PropertyPaneSettings.xml file are:
• FilterMode: ByData for Show properties that have a value
• FilterMode: ByGroup for Show properties based on visibility settings
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 116 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
• AutoApply: True when Set default values automatically is selected
• AutoApply: False when Set default values automatically is not selected
The PropertyPaneSettings.xml file is read when Tekla Structures is started
and a model is opened.
If the settings in the PropertyPaneSettings.xml file are customized, the
company administrators can distribute the customized property pane settings
to other users in the company. The PropertyPaneSettings.xml file needs
to be placed in the \PropertyPane\ subfolder in a model, project
(XS_PROJECT), firm (XS_FIRM) or environment (XS_SYSTEM) folder. The
property pane settings in the ..\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Trimble
\Tekla Structures\<version>\UI\PropertyPane\ folder has the
highest priority, and after that Tekla Structures uses the default search order.
If the PropertyPaneSettings.xml file is placed in several different folder
locations, Tekla Structures reads the settings from different folders and
merges them.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 117 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures displays the handles that you can use to modify the
The relevant dimensions are shown when you move the mouse pointer
slowly over the object's edges. The dimension colors follow the colors of
the work plane coordinate axes: red in the X direction, green in the Y
direction, and blue in the Z direction. Diagonal dimensions are magenta.
3. To reshape the object, drag any of the handles.
Handle Description
Midpoint handle
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 118 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
Handle Description
Plane handle
Line handle
TIP You can use the snap switches (page 86) when dragging a handle. To
temporarily disable the snap switches, hold down the Shift key
when dragging a handle.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 119 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
b. Type a new value.
The yellow arrow defines the direction in which the object is extended
or shortened. You can change the direction by clicking the arrows.
c. Press Enter to confirm the new value.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 120 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
b. Type the distance or coordinates.
When you start typing, Tekla Structures displays the Enter a Numeric
Location dialog box. Click OK to confirm the dimension.
Move a handle to
any location in the
3D space.
Move a handle in the
XY plane only.
Move a handle in the
Z direction only.
Move a handle along
the reference line
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 121 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
Click this button To do this Location
Move a handle
parallel to a certain
plane only. Select the
plane and drag the
handle to a new
This option can be
useful when working
with a sloped roof,
for example.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 122 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
Click this button To do this Location
length is
Show or hide
midpoint handles.
See also
Modify a construction object (page 622)
Modify a single grid line (page 28)
Modify a single reinforcing bar, bar group, or mesh (page 549)
Modify a rebar set (page 530)
Modify a pour break (page 471)
Add custom components to a model (page 832)
Use the Copy properties command in the property pane to copy model
object properties from one model object to another. Alternatively, you can use
the contextual toolbar if you want to quickly copy properties to a few objects
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 123 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
Copy model object properties by using the property pane
You can use the property pane to copy properties between any objects as long
as both of the objects have the same property available. Use this method
when you need to copy properties to a large number of objects.
1. Select the object you want to copy properties from.
You can clear the check marks one by one, or select a whole section and
all its properties, or use the Select All and Select None switches at the
bottom of the property pane to select all the changes or to clear all the
5. Click Modify or press Enter.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 124 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
When the properties have been copied, the mouse pointer returns to
Note that if you have customized the property pane and added user-
defined attributes (UDAs) to it, the values of the UDAs are copied when
you use the Copy properties command in the property pane. Values of
the UDAs that are visible only in the UDA dialog boxes are not copied with
the object. Unique user-defined attributes (unique_attribute) are not
copied with the object.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 125 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
For example, you can define the properties for each object type you plan to
create before you start modeling, and then use these user-defined property
files when you are creating new objects. Tekla Structures stores the user-
defined property files, including the properties of sub-dialog boxes, in the
current model’s \attributes folder.
You can save and load object properties either in the property pane or in a
dialog box, depending on the object type.
3. In the box next to the button, enter a name for the property file in
which the properties are saved.
For example, MyProperties.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 126 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
The property file is now saved in the current model folder:
5. When you want to load the saved properties, select the property file from
the list.
• If you select an object in the model and load a property file in the
property pane, the properties and the user-defined attributes (UDAs)
are loaded immediately. Changed values are highlighted in yellow in
the property pane. Click Modify to apply the new values.
If there are changes only in the UDA values in the UDA dialog box and
not in the values in the property pane, the Modify button in the
property pane does not become active. Click Modify in the UDA dialog
box to active the UDA values.
• If you start an object creation command in the model and load a
property file in the property pane, the properties and the user-defined
attributes (UDAs) are used immediately and Tekla Structures creates
the object using the loaded values.
NOTE If the UDA dialog box is open when you load a property file in the
property pane, the UDA dialog box updates and shows the values
of the UDAs that are saved in the property file. However, if you
first select an object and load a property file and only then open
the UDA dialog box, the dialog box shows the UDA values of the
selected object.
To check which UDA values are saved in a property file, you need
to open the UDA dialog box first, or load the property file again
after opening the UDA dialog box.
c. Click .
Tekla Structures saves the changes in the property file shown in the
list, overwriting the old property file.
Tekla Structures uses the new properties the next time you create an
object of the same type.
If you want to create an object using the standard values instead of
the saved properties, load the standard file.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 127 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
Save and load properties in a dialog box
Use this method with properties that are displayed in a traditional dialog box.
For example, with drawing object properties.
1. Open the properties dialog box.
2. In the dialog box, modify or enter the properties you want to save.
3. In the box next to the Save as button, enter a name for the property file in
which the properties are saved.
For example, MyProperties.
4. Click Save as to save the properties in the property file.
The property file is now saved in the current model folder:
5. When you want to load the saved properties, select the property file from
the list, and click Load.
6. If you want to make changes to an existing property file:
a. Load the property file you want to change.
b. Modify the properties.
c. Click Save.
Tekla Structures saves the changes in the property file shown in the
list, overwriting the old property file.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 128 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
How to use Undo history
To open the Undo history dialog box, click the button on the Quick Access
Toolbar, next to the Undo and Redo buttons. Alternatively, use Quick Launch
to open the dialog box.
To Do this
Undo commands Click any row on the list.
If the undo operation takes a long
time, Tekla Structures highlights the
clicked row to show what was
All the modifications you have done
after the selected command are
undone. The modifications you have
undone have a dark gray background
color in the list.
Redo previously undone commands Click any row with a dark gray
background color in the list.
All the modifications you have done
before the selected command are
Add a bookmark Move your mouse pointer over any
row. A bookmark icon is shown.
Click the bookmark icon to mark
certain commands.
Use the bookmarks to mark
important commands or actions. You
can later return to these commands
or actions if the changes in the model
are not satisfactory.
To remove a bookmark, click the
bookmark icon again.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 129 Work with model objects in Tekla Structures
The hierarchy is marked with an arrow in the list. You can undo or redo
commands at any point in the hierarchy, making it possible to undo
commands that you have previously redone.
This means that after you have undone a command, you can continue
working with the model, and you still have the option to go back to the
commands you have used first.
NOTE When direct modification (page 117) is switched on, the object
dimensions and dimension lines are always hidden. Only the direct
modification dimensions are then shown. This makes it easier to know which
dimensions can be edited.
4. If you want to change how area selection works, click File menu -->
Settings and select or clear the Crossing selection check box. By default,
the option is switched off. When the option is off, the dragging direction
affects the selection of objects. When the option is on, all objects that fall
at least partially inside the rectangular area are selected, regardless of the
dragging direction.
To Do this
Find objects based on 1. Do one of the following:
the object GUID, ID, or
• In the modeling mode: on the ribbon, click
IFC GUID identifier
the small down arrow next to the arrow
Select handles
Sometimes you need to select only the handles of a part, for example when
moving the part.
Before you start, make sure that Crossing selection is switched off. Ensure
NOTE When direct modification (page 117) is switched on, Tekla Structures
also displays the direct modification handles for reference points, corners,
Selecting toolbar
The selection switches on the Selecting toolbar are special commands that
control which objects and object types you can select. For example, if you
select the entire model area but only the Select parts switch is active, only the
parts become selected.
Click the selection switches on the Selecting toolbar to switch them on or off.
By default, the Selecting toolbar is located at the bottom of the screen. If you
are unable to find the toolbar, click File --> Settings, and in the Toolbars list
ensure that the Selecting toolbar is selected.
Alternatively, you can control the selection switches with Quick Launch. Start
typing the name of the selection switch, for example, select, and click the
name of the selection switch on the search results list to activate the switch.
See also
Tips for selecting objects (page 144)
DirectX OpenGL
Tekla Structures highlights the objects Tekla Structures highlights the objects
by showing them with darker object by showing them with light edge line
color. color.
For example: For example:
Select on right-click
You can change the settings so that you can select objects also with the right
mouse button.
1. On the File menu, click Settings and select the following check boxes:
• Select on right-click
• Rollover highlight
2. Right-click an object to select it. Tekla Structures highlights the object and
shows the related shortcut menu.
Duplicate objects
Two objects are considered duplicates if they have the same properties and
location. Tekla Structures checks for duplicate objects when you copy and
move objects or create new objects in the same location as an existing object.
If duplicates are found, you can choose whether to keep or delete them.
to define the maximum number of objects that can be counted as duplicates
while copying or moving objects.
NOTE Tekla Structures does not check for duplicates when you copy objects
using a modeling tool, such as the Array of objects (29) component.
Connected objects
When you copy objects that are connected to another part (such as
connections and bolts), Tekla Structures tries to find suitable new main parts
for these copied objects. If none are found, some of the connected objects
may not be copied at all. After copying, check that all of the objects have been
copied correctly.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 146 Copy and move objects
Assemblies and cast units
If you copy or move objects from an assembly or cast unit, Tekla Structures
copies the assembly structure if possible. For example, sub-assemblies are
copied as sub-assemblies if a parent object is found.
Drawing objects
You can copy and move drawing objects between drawing views that have
different scales.
Copy objects
You can copy objects in a number of different ways. When you copy an object,
Tekla Structures copies all objects connected to it, including the components.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 147 Copy and move objects
Copy by picking two points
The basic way to copy objects in a model or drawing is by defining the origin
and one or more destination points.
1. Select the object you want to copy.
2. Run the Copy command:
The objects are copied immediately. The Copy command remains active.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 148 Copy and move objects
5. If you want to undo the latest copy operation, click the Undo button
on the top left corner of the Tekla Structures main window.
The Copy command still remains active.
6. To stop copying, press Esc.
Copy linearly
In the model, you can create multiple copies of an object in the same linear
1. Select the objects you want to copy.
TIP If the dialog box is open but the command is no longer active, click
the Pick... button to re-activate the command.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 149 Copy and move objects
Copy by specifying a distance from origin
You can copy objects to a new position in the model or drawing by specifying a
distance from the origin. Use the Enter a Numeric Location dialog box to
specify the distance.
1. Select the objects you want to copy.
2. Run the Copy command:
3. Hold down the Ctrl key and drag the objects to a new location.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 150 Copy and move objects
The point you start dragging from (center, corner, or middle point) affects
the object's alignment in the new location.
NOTE To copy grid labels in a drawing, first select the grid label and then either
activate the Select grid line selection switch (page 137) or select the grid
label handle.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 151 Copy and move objects
Copy all content to another object
In the model, you can copy objects from an assembly or cast unit to other
similar assemblies or cast units without individually selecting each object to
copy. This is useful, for example, when you have detailed an assembly and
want to copy all details to another similar assembly.
3. On the Edit tab, click Copy special --> All content to another
4. Select the assemblies or cast units to copy to (target objects).
As a result, Tekla Structures copies the following objects:
• Secondary parts
• Reinforcement, bolts, and welds
• Cuts, fittings, and edge chamfers
• Sub-assemblies
• Components
NOTE Tekla Structures does not copy pour breaks, or secondary parts
created by a component that has also created the assembly main part.
If some of the objects to be copied already exist in the assembly or
cast unit to copy to, Tekla Structures may create duplicate objects.
Tekla Structures warns you about duplicate secondary parts,
reinforcement, and sub-assemblies, but not about duplicate bolts,
welds, cuts, or components.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 152 Copy and move objects
Copy from another model
You can copy objects from another model based on phase numbers. Note that
Tekla Structures copies secondary parts from the model only if they belong to
the same phase as their main part. This also applies to component objects.
1. On the Edit tab, click Copy special --> From another model.
The Copy from Model dialog box opens.
2. In the Model directories list, select the model to copy from.
This is the source model. Note that the target model must have been
created using the same or newer version of Tekla Structures as the source
model. You cannot copy from a newer version to an older version.
3. In the Phase numbers box, enter the numbers of the phases from which
to copy objects, separated by spaces.
For example, 2 7.
4. Click Copy.
5. Close the dialog box.
NOTE If you copy pour breaks from another model, the copied pour breaks
automatically adapt to the target model. Always check that the copied
pour breaks have adapted correctly.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 153 Copy and move objects
• Selected objects only
This is the default. Only the selected objects are copied.
• All associated objects
Selected objects and all objects associated with them are copied. For
example, cuts and fittings applied to a part.
• Advanced
This option is similar to All associated objects, but works better with
modifications. For example, when you have stairs that have posts
welded to the steps, and you modify the distance between steps.
4. Select the Copy origin. The options are:
• Object to be copied
This is the default. Copies are relative to the input objects.
• Origin point
Copies are relative to the input origin point.
5. Define the settings.
6. Select the objects to copy.
7. Click OK to close the dialog box.
8. Click the middle mouse button.
9. Pick origin point.
10. Pick axis direction X.
11. Pick axis direction Y.
The selected objects are copied.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 154 Copy and move objects
How to define the settings
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 155 Copy and move objects
6 Spacing method. The options are:
• Equal (default)
Copies are equally spaced based on the length of the X or Y axis.
• Specified
Copies are spaced according to the number and spacing values given.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 156 Copy and move objects
7. Select the objects to copy.
8. Click OK to close the dialog box.
9. Click the middle mouse button.
10. Pick origin point.
11. Pick axis direction X.
12. Pick axis direction Y.
The selected objects are copied.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 157 Copy and move objects
5 Copy direction. The options are:
• Normal (default)
Spacing values are calculated from the origin in positive direction
along the axis.
• Reverse
Spacing values are calculated from the origin in negative
direction along the axis.
• Centered
Copies are centered on the origin.
• Mirror
Spacing values are calculated from the origin in both positive
and negative direction. Mirrored copying doubles the number of
6 Radial distance.
The radial distance should be equivalent to the distance you picked
when applying the component.
If the radial distance is smaller or greater than the picked distance,
the spacing between the copied objects is not the same as given in
the Space between copies box (4).
Tekla Structures calculates the rotation angle according to the dialog
box values (spacing and radial distance), and the rotation angle
overrides the spacing given in the dialog box.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 158 Copy and move objects
• Copy at equal distances (Ignore spacing values): Select Yes if you
want to create the objects at equal distances. Spacing value will be
4. Click OK to save the settings.
5. Select the objects to copy.
6. Click the middle mouse button to finish selecting.
7. Pick a point to indicate the start of the line along which to arrange copied
8. Pick a point to indicate the end of the line.
Example Description
An array of steel objects.
Move objects
You can move objects in a number of different ways, especially in models.
When you move an object, Tekla Structures also copies all objects connected
to it, including the components.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 159 Copy and move objects
Move by picking two points
The basic way to move objects in a model or drawing is by defining the origin
and one or more destination points.
1. Select the object you want to move.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 160 Copy and move objects
The object is moved immediately. The Move command does not remain
Move linearly
You can move objects linearly to a new position in the model.
1. Select the objects you want to move.
4. Click Move.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 161 Copy and move objects
TIP If the dialog box is open but the command is not active anymore, click the Pick...
button to re-activate the command.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 162 Copy and move objects
3. Drag the objects to a new location.
The point you start dragging from (center, corner, or middle point) affects
the object's alignment in the new location.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 163 Copy and move objects
NOTE For some objects, you may need to switch on Smart select to
drag from handles without selecting them first. To switch it on,
click File --> Settings and select the Smart select check box.
NOTE To move grid labels in a drawing, first select the grid label and
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 164 Copy and move objects
4. Select the objects to move to (target object).
Rotate objects
You can copy or move an object in a model by rotating it around any line you
choose. In a drawing, you can copy or move an object by rotating it around a
given line on the work plane.
NOTE Positive rotation is according to the right-hand rule (page 52) (clockwise when
looking from the start point of the rotation axis).
• To copy and rotate, go to the Edit tab and click Copy special -->
The Copy - Rotate dialog box opens.
• To move and rotate, go to the Edit tab and click Move special -->
The Move - Rotate dialog box opens.
3. In the Around list, select line.
4. Pick the start point of the rotation axis, or enter its coordinates.
5. Pick the end point of the rotation axis, or enter its coordinates.
6. If you are copying, enter the number of copies.
7. If needed, enter the dZ value, which is the difference in position between
the original and copied object in the z direction.
8. Enter the rotation angle.
9. Click Copy or Move.
The objects are rotated accordingly.
In this example, a fitting plate is copied and rotated around a construction line
that is located at the following coordinates.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 165 Copy and move objects
As a result, the copied fitting plates follow the curve of the concrete panel.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 166 Copy and move objects
2. Activate the rotation command.
• To copy and rotate, go to the Edit tab and click Copy special -->
The Copy - Rotate dialog box opens.
• To move and rotate, go to the Edit tab and click Move special -->
The Move - Rotate dialog box opens.
3. Select Z in the Around list.
4. Pick a point to define the rotation axis, or enter its coordinates.
In the example below, the red cross indicates the picked point.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 167 Copy and move objects
8. Click Copy or Move.
The objects are rotated accordingly.
• To copy and rotate, go to the Drawing tab and click Copy -->
The Copy - Rotate dialog box opens.
• To move and rotate, go to the Drawing tab and click Move -->
The Move - Rotate dialog box opens.
3. Pick a point, or enter its coordinates.
4. If you are copying, enter the number of copies.
5. Enter the rotation angle.
6. Click Copy or Move.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 168 Copy and move objects
Rotation settings
Use the Copy - Rotate and Move - Rotate dialog boxes to view and modify
the settings that are used when you rotate objects in Tekla Structures. The
units depend on the settings in File menu --> Settings --> Options --> Units
and decimals .
Option Description
X0 The x and y coordinates of the start
Y0 point of the rotation axis.
Origin angle The angle of the rotation axis when
rotating around a line on the work
Number of copies Define the number of copies created.
dZ The difference in position between
the original and copied object in the z
Rotation angle The rotation angle between the
original and new position.
Around Define whether the rotation axis is a
line on the work plane or in the z
Mirror objects
When you copy or move objects, you can mirror them through a plane that is
perpendicular to the work plane and passes through a line you specify.
Note that Tekla Structures cannot create mirrored copies of object properties.
For example, the Copy special > Mirror command does not fully mirror
objects if they include components with asymmetrically positioned parts, or
reinforcement objects with asymmetric properties such as spacing.
• To copy and mirror, go to the Edit tab and click Copy special -->
The Copy - Mirror dialog box opens.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 169 Copy and move objects
• To move and mirror, go to the Edit tab and click Move special -->
The Move - Mirror dialog box opens.
3. Pick the start point of the mirroring plane, or enter its coordinates.
4. Pick the end point of the mirroring plane, or enter its coordinates.
5. Enter the angle.
6. Click Copy or Move.
• To copy and mirror, go to the Edit tab and click Copy special -->
The Copy - Mirror dialog box opens.
• To move and mirror, go to the Edit tab and click Move special -->
The Move - Mirror dialog box opens.
3. Pick the start point of the mirroring plane, or enter its coordinates.
4. Pick the end point of the mirroring plane, or enter its coordinates.
5. Enter the angle.
6. Click Copy or Move.
See also
Use existing filters (page 171)
Create new filters (page 173)
Filtering techniques (page 181)
Examples of filters (page 201)
3. Click Modify.
3. If you cannot select all objects defined by the selection filter, check your
view filter settings and ensure that you have switched on all the needed
selection switches (page 137).
4. To stop using the filter, go to the Selecting toolbar and select the
standard filter.
All objects are selectable again.
The values can be complete strings, such as the profile name UC310*97.
You can also use incomplete strings together with wildcards (page 201).
For example, the value UC* will match with all parts whose profile name
begins with the characters UC*. Empty values are matched to empty
object properties.
If you use multiple values, separate the strings with blank spaces (for
example, 12 5). If a value consists of multiple strings, enclose the entire
value in quotation marks (for example, "custom panel"), or use a
question mark (for example, custom?panel) to replace the space.
9. Repeat steps 4–8 to create as many filter rules as needed.
You can apply several filter rules at the same time.
10. Use the And/Or options and brackets (page 181) to define how multiple
rows work together.
11. Select the check boxes next to all filter rules that you want to enable.
If the check box is selected, the filter rule is enabled and effective. For
The values can be complete strings, such as the profile name UC310*97.
You can also use incomplete strings together with wildcards (page 201).
For example, the value UC* will match with all parts whose profile name
The values can be complete strings, such as the profile name UC310*97.
You can also use incomplete strings together with wildcards (page 201).
For example, the value UC* will match with all parts whose profile name
begins with the characters UC*. Empty values are matched to empty
object properties.
If you use multiple values, separate the strings with blank spaces (for
example, 12 5). If a value consists of multiple strings, enclose the entire
value in quotation marks (for example, "custom panel"), or use a
question mark (for example, custom?panel) to replace the space.
10. Repeat steps 4–8 to create as many filter rules as needed.
You can apply several filter rules at the same time.
11. Use the And/Or options and brackets (page 181) to define how multiple
rows work together.
12. Select the check boxes next to all filter rules that you want to enable.
If the check box is selected, the filter rule is enabled and effective. For
15. When you are done, click Cancel to close the filter properties dialog box.
Filtering techniques
By using conditions, brackets, and the And/Or options you can create filters
that can be as complex as needed.
Use conditions to define how filter criteria relate to one another. Note that
when you create filters (page 173), you are always defining what should be
shown (or be selectable) in the model or drawing. Therefore, if you enter
"Component name does not contain gusset", you are telling Tekla Structures
Condition Description
Equals Use this condition when the filter
value must be matched exactly. For
example, "Part name equals BEAM."
Does not equal Filters out objects that contain the
value you enter. For example, "Part
profile does not equal BL200*20"
means that Tekla Structures will hide
(or not select) the objects whose
profile is BL200*20. The rest of the
objects will be shown (or selected).
Begins with Finds all objects that start with the
value you enter. For example,
"Component name begins with
Does not begin with Filters out objects that start with the
value you enter. For example,
"Component name does not begin
with shear" means that Tekla
Structures will hide (or not select) the
objects whose name begins with the
word "shear". The rest of the objects
will be shown (or selected).
Ends with Finds all objects that end with the
value you enter. For example,
"Component name ends with plate."
Does not end with Filters out objects that end with the
value you enter. For example,
"Component name does not end with
angle" means that Tekla Structures
will hide (or not select) the objects
whose name ends with the word
"angle". The rest of the objects will be
shown or selected.
Contains Finds all objects that include the value
you enter. For example, "Component
name contains plate" would find
base plate and shear plate
Does not contain Filters out objects that include the
value you enter. For example,
"Component name does not contain
Option Description
And Use to find objects that match both
When you create filter rules between
objects whose Category settings
differ, use the And option when
possible to avoid potential problems
with more complex rules.
Or Use to find objects that match either
empty (= And) Empty means the same as And.
You can use single, double, and triple brackets to create more complex filter
Example 1. Use the format "A and (B or C)" to find objects that match the first
filter rule and either of the last two rules.
Example 2. Use the format "(A and B) or C" to find objects that match both of
the first two rules or the third.
Property Description
GUID To filter objects based on their
globally unique identifier (GUID). For
example, "Object GUID begins with
Phase To filter objects based on their phase
number. For example, "Object phase
does not equal 3."
Object type To filter objects based on their type.
Select an object type from the Value
list, or use the Select from model...
or Multi-select from model option.
NOTE: We recommend that you
include one filter rule for the Object
type property in each filter you
create. This ensures that only objects
of this type are filtered in. If you leave
the object type out, the filtering
outcome will be different, and objects
that do not match the category in
further filter rules may be filtered in.
The following object types can be
selected from the list:
• Assembly
• Bolt group
• Connection
• Part
• Pour break
• Pour object
• Pour unit
• Reference object
• Reinforcing bar
• Surface
• Surface treatment
• Weld
The following object types are shown
as numeric values only:
Some object types are not visible directly, but only when the objects that make
them up are visible. For example, assemblies are visible when parts are visible,
and pour units are visible when pour objects are visible. Therefore, using the
object type Assembly or Pour unit alone in a view filter in the model or in
drawings does not show anything. However, selection filters are able to select
object types like assemblies and pour units.
Category: Part
Use the Part category to filter parts (page 251) based on their common
Property Description
Name To filter objects based on their name.
For example, "Part name equals
Profile To filter objects based on their profile.
For example, "Part profile does not
equal L20*2."
Material To filter objects based on their
material grade. For example, "Part
material equals C25/30."
Finish To filter objects based on how the
part surface has been treated. For
example, "Part finish equals "FP -
Fire proofing"."
Property Description
Name To filter components based on their
name. For example, "Component
name equals "shear plate
Connection code To filter components based on their
connection code, which can be either
a text string or a number. For
example, "Component connection
code equals 200_2."
Running number To filter components based on their
unique running number. For example,
"Component running number less
than 150."
Phase To filter components based on their
phase number. For example,
"Component phase equals 2."
Is conceptual To filter components based on their
type. Components can be either
detailed or conceptual. Yes =
conceptual, No = detailed. For
example, "Component is conceptual
equals Yes."
Category: Bolt
Use the Bolt category to filter bolts based on their common properties.
Property Description
Size To filter bolts based on their
diameter. For example, "Bolt size less
than 20.00."
Standard To filter bolts based on their bolt
assembly standard/grade. For
example, "Bolt standard equals
Site/Workshop To filter bolts based on their
assembly type. Site = 0, Workshop =
1. For example, "Bolt Site/Workshop
equals 1."
Category: Weld
Use the Weld property to filter welds (page 397) based on their common
Property Description
Size above line To filter welds based on their size. For
example, "Weld size above line equals
Size below line
Reference text To filter welds based on their
reference text, which is a user-
definable value in the Weld
properties. For example, "Weld
reference text contains 12345."
Phase To filter welds based on their phase
number. For example, "Weld phase
equals 3."
Type above line To filter welds based on their weld
type (page 405). Select the type from
Type below line
the Value list.
Length above line To filter welds based on their length
value. For example, "Weld length
Length below line
greater than 0.00."
Welding site To filter welds based on where they
should be made. The options are Site
and Workshop.
Position number To filter welds based on their unique
position number. For example, "Weld
position number is greater than 100."
Angle above line To filter welds based on the angle of
weld preparation, bevels, or groove.
Angle below line
For example, "Weld angle below line
greater than 0.000."
Contour above line To filter welds based on their fill type
contour. The options are None,
Contour below line
Flush, Convex, and Concave. For
Property Description
Name To filter reinforcing bars based on
their name. For example, "Reinforcing
bar name equals "STIRRUP"."
Class To filter reinforcing bars based on
their class number. For example,
"Reinforcing bar class equals 3."
Size To filter reinforcing bars based on
their size. The size property depends
on the environment and may contain
letters and special characters. For
example, in the US imperial
environment, "Reinforcing bar size
equals #18."
Diameter To filter reinforcing bars based on
their diameter. Diameter is the
nominal diameter of the bar, not
actual. For example, "Reinforcing bar
diameter less than 12."
Length To filter reinforcing bars based on
their total length. For example,
"Reinforcing bar length greater than
Category: Surface
Use the Surface category to filter surfaces (page 437) based on their common
Property Description
Name To filter surfaces based on their
name. For example, "Surface name
equals SURFACE."
Type To filter surfaces based on their type.
The options are Formwork and
Concrete finish.
Category: Assembly
Use the Assembly category to filter assemblies (page 438) and cast units
(page 446) based on their common properties.
Property Description
Name To filter assemblies and cast units
based on their name. For example,
"Assembly name does not contain
GUID To filter assemblies based on their
globally unique identifier (GUID). For
example, "Assembly GUID equals
Prefix To filter assemblies and cast units
based on their numbering prefix. For
example, "Assembly prefix equals A."
Start number To filter assemblies and cast units
based on their start number. For
example, "Assembly start number
greater than 1."
Position number To filter assemblies and cast units
based on their position number. For
example, "Assembly position number
equals A/13."
Phase To filter assemblies and cast units
based on their phase number. For
example, "Assembly phase does not
equal 1."
Assembly level To filter assemblies and cast units
based on their position in the
assembly hierarchy (page 441). The
larger the value, the lower the
position in the assembly hierarchy. 0
Property Description
Phase To filter construction objects based
on their phase number. For example,
"Construction object phase does not
equal 1."
Type To filter construction objects based
on their type. The options are Line,
Arc, Circle, Plane, and Polycurve.
Category: Load
Use the Load category to filter loads based on their common properties.
Property Description
Load group To filter loads based on which load
group they belong to. For example,
"Load group does not equal
Category: Template
Use the Template category to filter parts and other objects by using template
With this category, you can type the name of any template attribute or user-
defined attribute directly in the Property box, even if it is not on the list. Use
the ASSEMBLY., CAST_UNIT., or POUR_UNIT. prefix in front of the property
name to access higher hierarchy level attributes, and the USERDEFINED.
prefix to access user-defined attributes.
For example, to filter objects that are one hierarchy level below the cast-unit
with the user-defined attribute User field 1, type
In some cases, you can filter objects based on properties of other objects from
lower hierarchy levels. This is possible when there is only one lower level
object to be accessed. For example, there is only one main part in each
assembly or cast unit, so you can access the main part properties from the
assembly or cast unit level using the MAINPART prefix. Similarly, there can only
be one pour object in each pour unit, so you can access the pour object
properties from the pour unit level using the POUR_OBJECT prefix.
For example, to filter objects in assemblies whose main part has a certain
name, type ASSEMBLY.MAINPART.NAME in the Property box.
For example, to filter all reinforcing bars belonging to pour units with a certain
pour object type, type POUR_UNIT.POUR_OBJECT.POUR_TYPE in the Property
Property Description
GUID To filter reference model assemblies
based on their globally unique
identifier (GUID). For example,
"Reference assembly GUID equals
Phase To filter reference model assemblies
based on their phase number. For
example, "Reference assembly phase
equals 2."
Lot To filter reference model assemblies
based on their lot number. For
example, "Reference assembly lot
greater than 1."
Description To filter reference model assemblies
based on their description, which is a
user-definable value in the Reference
object dialog box. For example,
"Reference assembly description
contains "architect model"."
Info text To filter reference model assemblies
based on their info text, which is a
user-definable value in the Reference
object dialog box. For example,
"Reference assembly info text
contains revised."
Locked To filter reference model assemblies
based on whether or not they are
locked. 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 2 =
Logical name To filter reference model assemblies
based on their logical name, which is
a user-definable value in the
Reference object dialog box. For
example, "Reference assembly logical
name equals "MEP heating
Property Description
GUID To filter reference model objects
based on their globally unique
identifier (GUID).
Phase To filter reference model objects
based on their phase number. For
example, "Reference object phase
does not equal 1."
Lot To filter reference model objects
based on their lot number. For
example, "Reference object lot equals
Description To filter reference model objects
based on their description, which is a
user-definable value in the Reference
object dialog box. For example,
"Reference object description
contains "architect model"."
Info text To filter reference model objects
based on their info text, which is a
user-definable value in the Reference
object dialog box. For example,
"Reference object info text contains
Locked To filter reference model objects
based on whether or not they are
locked. 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 2 =
Logical name To filter reference model objects
based on their logical name, which is
a user-definable value in the
Reference object dialog box. For
example, "Reference object logical
name contains "3rd floor"."
TIP You can filter reference model object attributes using the Template
category and the EXTERNAL. prefix in the Property box. For example,
"Reference object EXTERNAL.Material equals A572."
Property Description
Site To filter objects based on which site
category they belong to. For example,
"Location breakdown structure site
equals "Site 2"."
Building To filter objects based on which
building category they belong to. For
example, "Location breakdown
structure building does not equal
"Building A"."
Section To filter objects based on which
section category they belong to. For
example, "Location breakdown
structure section equals Ramp."
Floor To filter objects based on which floor
they are located on. For example,
"Location breakdown structure floor
equals "Floor 4"."
Property Description
Pour number To filter pour objects based on their
pour number. For example, "Pour
number equals 5."
Pour type To filter pour objects based on their
type. For example, "Pour type equals
Concrete mixture To filter pour objects based on the
properties of their concrete mix, for
example, maximum grain size of
aggregate, and/or plasticity of fresh
Material To filter pour objects based on their
material grade. For example,
"Material equals C35/45 ."
Pour phase To filter pour objects based on their
pour phase. For example, "Pour
phase does not equal 0."
Property Description
ID number To filter pour breaks based on their ID
number. For example, "ID number
equals 25237."
Phase To filter pour breaks based on their
phase. For example, "Pour break
phase equals 2 3."
Pour break type To filter pour breaks based on their
type. For example, "Pour break type
equals "Watertight construction
Property Description
Name To filter pour units based on their
name. For example, "Pour unit name
contains beam."
GUID To filter pour units based on their
globally unique identifier (GUID). For
example, "Pour unit GUID contains
Category: Task
Use the Task category to filter scheduled tasks based on their common
Property Description
Name To filter scheduled tasks based on
their name. For example, "Task name
contains floors."
Planned start date To filter scheduled tasks based on
their planned start date. For example,
"Task planned start date earlier than
Review date."
Planned end date To filter scheduled tasks based on
their planned start date. For example,
TIP To check which unit Tekla Structures uses for a particular template attribute, use
the Select from model... option in the Value list in the filtering dialog box.
See also
Create new filters (page 173)
A wildcard is a symbol that stands for one or more characters. You can use
wildcards to shorten strings, for example in filtering.
NOTE The characters * and ? may also be used in object names in Tekla Structures.
If the object name you want to filter contains * or ?, you need to enclose these
characters in square brackets. For example, to find the profile P100*10, enter
P100[*]10 in the filter field.
See also
Filter objects (page 170)
Examples of filters
Here are some examples of filters that you can create. The same filtering
techniques can be used for view, selection, and drawing filters.
Filter sub-assemblies
Create a filter that only selects parts that belong to a sub-assembly.
1. Create a selection filter. (page 173)
2. Click Add row to add a new filter rule.
3. In the Category list, select Template.
4. In the Property list, select ASSEMBLY.HIERARCHY_LEVEL.
5. In the Condition list, select Does not equal.
6. In the Value box, enter 0.
In this context, 0 means that the part does not belong to any sub-
assembly, and 1 would mean that the part does. The filter will show only
those parts whose value is not 0.
7. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
8. Click Save as.
TIP To find the attribute name used by the reference model, select a
reference model object, right-click and select one of the Inquire
commands. Find the property name in the Inquire object dialog
box and copy it.
Remove a filter
1. Remove the filter file from the model’s attributes folder.
2. Restart Tekla Structures.
Before you start, create an empty view or selection filter, or an object group.
1. Create an empty view or selection filter (page 173), or an object group
(page 654).
2. Click Add row.
3. Select options from the Category and Property lists.
4. In the Value list, select one of the options.
The availability of options depends on your selection in the Property list.
You can select dates from the model only if the property is a date.
a. To select an object property, click Select from model... and then
select an object.
b. To select a date, click Select date... to open the Select Date dialog
box, and then select one of the options.
You can either select a date from the calendar, select the review date,
or define the number of days before or after the review date. The
review date is the same as Review date in the Project Status
Visualization dialog box.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 210 Customize the basic user interface elements
To open Ribbon editor, click File menu --> Settings --> Customize -->
Ribbon .
NOTE If you want to customize the modeling ribbon, open the Ribbon
editor in the modeling mode.
If you want to customize the drawing ribbon, open the Ribbon editor
in the drawing mode.
You can only customize the ribbons that are available in your
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 211 Customize the basic user interface elements
The customized ribbons are saved to ..\Users\<user>\AppData\Local
\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>\UI\Ribbons folder. If you
cannot find the folder, ensure that you are able to view the hidden files and
folders on your computer.
Company administrators can distribute the customized ribbons or tabs to the
whole organization, in the same way as customized property pane layouts.
To Do this
Add a button for a single 1. In the Add ribbon item list, select
command Simple button.
2. In the Command list, select the
command you want to add to the
You can also add components, macros,
and extensions. Browse through the list
or use the Search box to filter content.
For example, type mesh to find the
Create reinforcement mesh command
and other mesh related components:
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 212 Customize the basic user interface elements
To Do this
• Select whether the button has any
Add a toggle button that Use this to add any switch from the File
switches a particular command menu --> Settings --> Switches to the
on or off ribbon, for example. You can also add single
snap switches and select switches to the
1. In the Add ribbon item list, select
Check button.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 213 Customize the basic user interface elements
To Do this
2. In the Command list, select a command
that can be switched on or off.
Commands that can be switched on or
off have a check box next to them.
Add a drop-down button with a 1. In the Add ribbon item list, select
group of commands Drop-down button.
underneath it
2. In the Appearance list:
• Select whether the button has an
icon. Browse for the icon image.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 214 Customize the basic user interface elements
To Do this
• Select whether the button has any
3. Preview shows what the button looks
like. Modify the button appearance, if
4. Drag the button to the ribbon.
The button is now an empty placeholder
for single commands. You need to add
commands to the drop-down button to
make it work.
a. In the Add ribbon item list, select
Simple button.
b. In the Command list, select the
command you want to add to the
drop-down list.
c. In the Appearance list, set the
appearance of the button.
d. Drag the button to the drop-down
The blue color indicates the place
where the button will be inserted. If
you hover over a down arrow, a list
will open and you can drag
commands to the list. The list will
remain open until you click the
down arrow again.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 215 Customize the basic user interface elements
To Do this
3. In the Appearance list:
• Select whether the button has an
icon. Select the size of the icon, or
whether you want to use a scalable
icon, or browse for the icon image.
• Select whether the button has any
4. Preview shows what the button looks
like. Modify the button appearance, if
5. Drag the button to the ribbon.
The button now has a single command.
You need to add commands to the
drop-down list.
a. In the Add ribbon item list, select
Simple button.
b. In the Command list, select the
command you want to add to the
drop-down list.
c. In the Appearance list, set the
appearance of the button.
d. Drag the button to the drop-down
The blue color indicates the place
where the button will be inserted. If
you hover over a down arrow, a list
will open and you can drag
commands to the list. The list will
remain open until you click the
down arrow again.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 216 Customize the basic user interface elements
You can also drag commands to the Quick Access Toolbar, which is located
above the ribbon, or to the fixed container on the left side of the ribbon:
Move a button
You can rearrange buttons on the ribbon. Note that you cannot move drop-
down buttons underneath each other.
1. Select the button you want to move.
The button becomes highlighted:
Resize a button
You can change the size of existing buttons.
1. Select the button you want to resize:
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 217 Customize the basic user interface elements
2. Move the mouse pointer over any side or corner of the button to display a
white arrow symbol:
The size of the button changes accordingly. The other buttons are
automatically moved forward on the ribbon, if needed.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 218 Customize the basic user interface elements
• If the button already exists on the ribbon: right-click the selected
button on the ribbon.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 219 Customize the basic user interface elements
b. Command: Large icon: the default large icon (32x32) is used
c. Command: Small icon: the default small icon (16x16) is used
d. Command: Scalable icon: the scalable vector icon is used
e. Gallery (bitmap): select a large or small bitmap icon from the Tekla
Structures icon gallery
f. Gallery (scalable): select a scalable icon from the Tekla Structures
icon gallery
g. Custom: define a custom icon by selecting a suitable image file. The
recommended size is 32x32 pixels for large buttons and 16x16 pixels
for small buttons. If you have problems with your custom image not
appearing the right size, check the DPI setting of the image file. A DPI
of 96 is recommended.
3. To change the name, select one of the options:
• None: no name is used for the button
• Command: Full text: the default full version of the name is used
• Command: Short text: the default short version of the name is used
• Custom: enter a custom name for the button
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 220 Customize the basic user interface elements
4. In the Full name and Short name boxes, enter a name for the command.
This name will be visible in the Tekla Structures user interface. You can
define two alternative names: a full name and a short version. For
example, enter Tekla Discussion Forum as the full name of the
command, and Forum as the short version.
5. In the Large icon, Small icon, and Scalable iconsettings, select an icon
for the command.
You can define three alternative icons: a large one and a small one, or a
scalable vector icon.
You can use your own icon or select a suitable icon from the Tekla
Structures icon gallery.
6. In the Tooltip box enter a tooltip for the command.
For example, enter Go to the Tekla discussion forum.
7. In the Action box define a file or URL.
For example, enter https://forum.tekla.com.
8. In Availability, select the mode where the command will be available.
9. Click Save to save the new command.
10. Go to Ribbon editor.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 221 Customize the basic user interface elements
11. Select the button type.
12. In the Command list, search for the new command you created.
13. In the Appearance list, modify the appearance of the button, if needed.
14. Drag the new button to the ribbon.
Remove a button
1. Select the button on the ribbon.
2. Press Delete on your keyboard.
Alternatively, right-click the button on the ribbon and select Delete.
To Do this
Add a new tab 1. In the Add ribbon item list, select Tab.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 222 Customize the basic user interface elements
To Do this
2. Enter a name for the tab in the Text box.
3. Click Add tab to add it to the ribbon.
Change the order of tabs Drag and drop the tab titles.
on the ribbon
Select how the tabs are Right-click in the ribbon area and select one of
aligned the Navigation mode options:
• Scroll visible: the ribbon movement is
minimal when you switch between the tabs
• Align to left: the icons start from the left side
of the ribbon
• Align to tab: the icons start from the left side
of the current tab
Hide the tabs that you do 1. Rest the mouse pointer on a tab title.
not need in your current
A small eye symbol appears next to the tab
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 223 Customize the basic user interface elements
1. In Ribbon editor, click the Save button.
2. When you return to Tekla Structures and the program asks if you wish to
load the new ribbon, click Yes. The ribbon becomes updated with the
changes you made.
NOTE Original ribbon refers to the ribbon file that came with theTekla
Structures installation for your current configuration.
4. If you have removed a command that you would like to get back, drag it
from the Compare ribbons dialog box to the ribbon.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 224 Customize the basic user interface elements
5. When you are finished, click Close.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 225 Customize the basic user interface elements
To open the Property pane editor, click File menu --> Settings --> Customize
--> Property pane .
NOTE Alternatively, you can use the visibility settings in the property pane
(page 115) to control which properties are shown without customizing the
property pane layout.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 226 Customize the basic user interface elements
Add a property or a property group
The Property pane editor has three columns:
• Object type list on the left. The list shows all the objects which have a
property pane. Select from the list the object type whose property pane
layout you want to modify.
Each object type's tooltip shows the source from where the object type
definition is loaded: the default source, your environment, or a user-
defined customization.
• Property list in the middle. The list shows all the available properties and
user-defined attributes (UDAs) for each object type. You can add these
properties and UDAs to the property pane layout as regular properties.
Properties which are already in use cannot be added for a second time but
you can reorganize them in the property pane layout. Properties which are
incompatible with the selected object type cannot be added.
• Property pane layout on the right. It shows the current layout of the
property pane for the selected object type.
To Do this
Select the object type whose In the object type list on the left, browse
property pane layout you want through the list or use the Search box to
to modify filter content.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 227 Customize the basic user interface elements
To Do this
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 228 Customize the basic user interface elements
To Do this
You can create a new group, or insert a new
group inside an existing group to create
nested groups.
You can reorganize the existing groups by
dragging them.
Add the User-defined If you have accidentally removed the User-
attributes button to the defined attributes button from the
property pane layout property pane layout, you can add it back to
the property pane layout.
1. In the middle column's Add section,
select Special.
To Do this
Rename a property or a 1. In the property pane layout, select the
property group property or the property group that you want
to rename.
Click .
3. In the Rename dialog box, enter a new name
and click OK.
Alternatively, right-click the name of the property
or the property group and select Rename.
Restore the original 1. In the property pane layout, select the group
name of a property or a or the property whose name you want to
property group restore to the original.
2. Right-click and select Restore original name.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 229 Customize the basic user interface elements
Copy properties from one object type to another object type
You can copy properties from one object type to another object type, for
example, from steel beam to steel plate. If needed, you can copy several
property groups at one go.
1. In the object type list on the left, select the object type from which you
want to copy properties.
2. In the property pane layout on the right, select the properties you want to
Use the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple properties.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 230 Customize the basic user interface elements
4. In the object type list on the left, select the object type to which you want
to copy the properties.
5. In the Add section, ensure that the Copied properties option is selected.
6. Drag the Copied properties box from the middle column to the property
pane layout on the right.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 231 Customize the basic user interface elements
The names and the content of the copied groups are shown in the middle
column until you copy another group or close the Property pane editor.
If you copy nested groups, all the nested groups inside the main group
are copied, too.
NOTE Properties that are already in use cannot be added for a second
time. If you copy properties that are already in use, the copied
properties have the text In use in the Content section.
Properties that cannot be added to the selected object type have
the text Incompatible in the Content section.
The eye icon changes to hidden: . The selected property groups are
now by default hidden in the property pane.
3. To have the property groups by default visible again in the property pane,
right-click and select Show by default.
The eye icon changes to visible: . The selected property groups are now
by default visible in the property pane.
Note that visibility changes in the property pane (page 115) override these
default settings.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 232 Customize the basic user interface elements
Remove a customization
To Do this
Delete a property or a property 1. In the property pane layout, select the
group property or the property group to be
Use the Ctrl or Shift key to select
multiple properties.
Click .
Alternatively, right-click a property or a
property group, and select Delete.
Discard changes Click the Revert all button to discard
changes and to revert to the previous save.
Remove a single customization Click the Restore button to remove the
customization of a selected object type's
property pane.
Alternatively, right-click the selected object
type and select Restore to default.
Remove all customizations Click the Restore all button to remove the
customization of all property pane layouts.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 233 Customize the basic user interface elements
Distance, Weight, Force, Moment, Angle, Factor, and Area. UDAs with
other unit types need to be used through the UDA dialog boxes.
NOTE You can control the visibility of UDAs in the property pane also
without customizing the property pane layout. Use the property
visibility options (page 115) and search in the property pane.
2. In the Add section, select Empty group. Enter IFC as the title for the new
3. Drag the group template to the property pane layout on the right.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 234 Customize the basic user interface elements
4. In the Add section, select Property. In the search, enter IFC to search the
IFC related UDAs.
5. Select all the IFC UDAs and drag them to the group you created in the
property pane layout.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 235 Customize the basic user interface elements
6. When you have added the needed UDAs to the new group, copy the
group so that you can add the group also to the steel beam property pane
layout. Select the title of the group and click the Copy selected items
The name of the copied property group and the content of the group is
shown in the middle column. You can see that the properties are copied
from steel column.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 236 Customize the basic user interface elements
7. To add the copied property group in the steel beam property pane layout,
select Steel beam in the object type list.
8. Drag the copied group from the middle column to the steel beam
property pane layout on the right.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 237 Customize the basic user interface elements
Now the IFC related UDAs are available both in the steel column property
pane layout and in the steel beam property pane layout.
9. Click the Save all button to save the changes. When you return to Tekla
Structures, Tekla Structures asks if you wish to reload the changed
property pane templates. Click Yes to take the customized property pane
layout in use.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 238 Customize the basic user interface elements
Customize the keyboard shortcuts
In the Keyboard shortcuts dialog box, you can view a list of all shortcuts
available in Tekla Structures. You can define new keyboard shortcuts and
remove existing ones. After customization, you can export the keyboard
shortcuts and share them with your co-workers.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 239 Customize the basic user interface elements
2. In the Group list, select the shortcut group you want to modify.
A list of commands and shortcuts appears.
3. If you want to search for a particular command or keyboard shortcut,
enter some text in the Filter box.
For example:
• Type grid to only see the commands whose name contains the word
• Type "+" to get a list of shortcuts that consist of two parts (such as Ctrl
• Type "," to get a list of shortcuts that consist of two consecutive keys
(such as M, N).
4. Select a command from the list.
5. Click Enter shortcut.
6. On the keyboard, enter the combination of keys you would like to use as
the shortcut.
7. Check the Conflicts box to see if the keyboard shortcut is already
assigned to another command.
If the shortcut is already in use, enter a different combination of keys.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 240 Customize the basic user interface elements
3. Enter a file name and location.
4. Click Save to export the keyboard shortcuts.
5. To share your keyboard shortcuts with other users, send them the
exported file.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 241 Customize the basic user interface elements
The selected switch becomes visible on the toolbar and the eye icon
changes to visible: .
The list of contextual toolbars shows only the toolbars that are available in
the current mode, meaning in the modeling mode or in the drawing
3. Select and clear check boxes to define which toolbar elements you wish to
show or hide.
The Preview area shows what the toolbar will look like. For example:
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 242 Customize the basic user interface elements
If the element can be modified, the following box appears:
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 243 Customize the basic user interface elements
c. Click OK.
This user profile is now active.
When Tekla Structures is restarted, the last used profile is loaded by default.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 244 Tips for large models
Modeling item Tips
• If you need to use building site
coordinates, drop the first digits if
they are always the same. For
example, instead of coordinate
758 375 6800, use 375 6800.
• Base points allow you to use
another coordinate system
needed for interoperability and
collaboration. You can use
another coordinate system for
inserting reference models and
exporting IFC models. When you
use base points, you can keep the
coordinates small and locate the
model wherever needed. You can
create as many base points as you
need, and select one of those to
be the project base point. For
more information, see Base points
(page 55).
Work area (page 48) and visibility • Keep the work area as small as
• Show only the required parts in
• Use view filters to control the
visibility of parts.
Views (page 31) • Close unnecessary views.
• Close all views when you save
large models.
Selection switches (page 137) • Switch on the Select reference
models selection switch only
when necessary. The speed of
zooming and rotating may be
affected by this switch especially
in large and complicated models
that contain reference models.
Round objects • Create holes with the Create bolts
command instead of using part
cuts with round beams.
• Use studs to model small straight
round objects instead of small
round beams.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 245 Tips for large models
Modeling item Tips
• Model lifting hooks and other
embeds with reinforcement bars
instead of round polybeams.
Hollow core profiles • Use simple fixed (non-parametric)
• Use chamfers for curved corners.
Custom components (page 810) • Do not create overly complex
custom components. When used
in great numbers they consume a
lot of memory.
Numbering (page 700) • Do not number the whole model
in one go. Numbering all objects in
large models may take a
considerable amount of time.
Model database • If your model file is getting large,
repairing the model database can
help to reduce the file size
considerably and therefore help
with memory problems.
Firm and Project folders • Save Firm and Project folders
locally on the hard drive of your
computer instead of a network
drive. This saves time if network
speed is slow.
When working in the multi-user
mode, ensure that the folders are
synchronized on all users’ hard
drives so that important data is
not lost or changed.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 246 Create model templates
Create a new model template
You can create your own model templates and use them for creating new
models. You can select which catalogs, custom components, model
subfolders, drawing templates, and report templates from the model are
included in the model template.
1. Create a new model.
Always start by creating a new empty model. This is because old models
that have been used in live projects cannot be completely cleaned. They
may contain excess information that increases the size of the model even
if you delete all objects and drawings from the model.
2. Add the desired part properties, drawing properties, profiles, materials,
custom components, sketches, and so on, in the model.
You can copy the needed attribute files from another model, for example.
3. On the File menu, click Save as --> Save .
You need to save the model to include custom components in the
xslib.db1 file. If you do not save the model, custom components will not
be included in the model template.
4. On the File menu, click Save as --> Save as model template .
5. Enter a name for the model template.
6. Select which catalogs, drawing templates, report templates, and model
subfolders to include in the model template.
For more information, see Model template options (page 248).
You can only select files and folders that are available in the model folder.
Catalogs are typically located in an environment folder and they are
included in the model folder only if they have been modified.
7. If you want to open the destination folder after creating the model
template, select the check box.
8. Click OK.
You can now use the model template for creating new models.
9. When you create new models in File --> New , you can mark the
important model templates as favorites, or hide the templates that you do
not need.
a. Select a model template in the list.
b. Right-click and select Favorite or Hidden.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 247 Create model templates
If you marked a template as Favorite, it is placed on top of the
template list. Alternatively, use the star icon on the template to mark
it as Favorite, or to remove the marking.
If you marked a template as Hidden, it is removed from the template
list. Select the Show hidden items check box to show it again.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 248 Create model templates
Setting Files and folders included
Reinforcement rebar_database.inp
Meshes mesh_database.inp
Options Includes all options of the current
Drawing templates *.tpl files
Report templates *.rpt files
Include model subfolders Lists all subfolders found in the
model folder. The selected folders are
included in the model template.
The attributes folder, which
contains part and drawing properties,
is included by default.
Get to know Tekla Structures basic working 249 Create model templates
2 Create parts, reinforcement,
and construction objects
When you know the basic principles of how to create and modify different
types of model objects in Tekla Structures, you can start working on more
detailed level with your model.
First, to get your model started, you need to create some parts (page 251).
Parts are the building blocks of the physical model. You can continue working
with the parts by, for example, deforming their shape (page 369), or by adding
some details to the parts (page 382), such as bolts, welds, or cuts or fittings.
When you use a workshop weld or bolt to join parts together, you will learn
how to work with assemblies of steel parts (page 438).
For concrete parts, each concrete part is considered a separate cast unit
(page 446). For construction purposes, you may need to merge several
concrete parts into one cast unit. If you model cast-in-place concrete
structures, you may need to check how to work with pours (page 451). And
once you have created a model of concrete parts, you will need to reinforce
the parts (page 477) to gain higher strength for the parts.
Additionally, you may need to use points or construction objects (page 616) as
modeling aids. Points and construction objects help you to place other objects
in the model.
See also
View and modify model object properties by using the property pane
(page 110)
Adjust how model objects are displayed (page 636)
Change the color and transparency of model objects by using object
representation (page 648)
Check the model (page 658)
Number the model (page 700)
Every part has properties that define it, such as material, profile, and location
(page 351). Also, parts have user-defined attributes (UDAs) (page 364) that you
can use to provide additional information about a part. You can use part
properties in view filters (page 174) and selection filters (page 176) to, for
example, select, modify, and hide parts. You can also include part properties
and UDAs in drawing and report templates.
To view and modify the part properties (page 110), use the property pane. You
can view and modify the properties of a one part type at a time, or the
common properties of several, similar part types. If needed, you can copy
properties (page 123) from one part to another part by using the Copy
properties button in the property pane.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 251 Create parts and modify part properties
The basic steel parts are
• column
• beam
• polybeam
• curved beam
• twin profile
• orthogonal beam
• spiral beam
• plate
• bent plate
• lofted plate (page 297)
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 252 Create parts and modify part properties
• panel
• slab
• lofted slab (page 327)
• pad footing
• strip footing
2. In the property pane, click the Object type list button and select
Steel column from the list.
Tekla Structures starts the command and shows the properties in the
property pane.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 253 Create parts and modify part properties
Modify steel column properties
1. If the property pane is not open, double-click the column to open the
Steel column properties.
2. Change (page 110) the properties as needed.
3. Click Modify.
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of the column.
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Profile Profile (page 361) of the column.
Material Material (page 363) of the column.
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
treated, for example, with anti-
corrosive paint, hot galvanized, fire
retardant coating, and so on.
Class Use to group columns.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
Numbering series
Part numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Assembly numbering Assembly prefix and start number for
the assembly position number
(page 701).
Vertical Vertical position (page 356) of the
column, relative to column's
reference point.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 254 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Rotation Rotation (page 354) of the column
around its axis on the work plane.
Horizontal Horizontal position (page 358) of the
column, relative to column's
reference point.
Top Position of the second end of the
column in the global z direction.
Bottom Position of the first end of the column
in the global z direction.
Warping Use to warp columns using
deformation angles.
Cambering Use to pre-camber (page 375) the
Shortening Use to shorten the column in the
model. The true length of the column
is decreased in the drawing.
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 255 Create parts and modify part properties
Tekla Structures creates the beam between the points you picked, using
the Steel beam properties in the property pane.
2. In the property pane, click the Object type list button and select
Steel beam from the list.
Tekla Structures starts the command and shows the properties in the
property pane.
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 256 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of a beam.
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Profile Profile (page 361) of the beam.
Material Material (page 363) of the beam.
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
treated, for example, with anti-
corrosive paint, hot galvanized, fire
retardant coating, and so on.
Class Use to group beams.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
Numbering series
Part numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Assembly numbering Assembly prefix and start number for
the assembly position number
(page 701).
On plane Beam's position on the work plane
(page 352), relative to the beam's
reference line.
Rotation Rotation (page 354) of the beam
around its axis on the work plane.
At depth Position depth (page 354) of the
beam. The position is always
perpendicular to the work plane.
End offset
Dx Change the length of the beam
(page 359) by moving the beam end
point along the beam's reference line.
Dy Move the beam end (page 359)
perpendicular to the beam's
reference line.
Dz Move the beam end (page 359) in the
z direction of the work plane.
Curved beam
Plane Plane of curvature.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 257 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Radius Radius of the curved beam.
Number of segments Number of segments Tekla Structures
uses when drawing the curved beam.
Warping Use to warp beams using
deformation angles.
Cambering Use to pre-camber (page 375) beams.
Shortening Use to shorten beams in the model.
The true length of the beam is
decreased in the drawing.
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 258 Create parts and modify part properties
For example:
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of a beam.
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Profile Profile (page 361) of the beam.
Material Material (page 363) of the beam.
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
treated, for example, with anti-
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 259 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
corrosive paint, hot galvanized, fire
retardant coating, and so on.
Class Use to group beams.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
Numbering series
Part numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Assembly numbering Assembly prefix and start number for
the assembly position number
(page 701).
On plane Beam's position on the work plane
(page 352), relative to the beam's
reference line.
Rotation Rotation (page 354) of the beam
around its axis on the work plane.
At depth Position depth (page 354) of the
beam. The position is always
perpendicular to the work plane.
End offset
Dx Change the length of the beam
(page 359) by moving the beam end
point along the beam's reference line.
Dy Move the beam end (page 359)
perpendicular to the beam's
reference line.
Dz Move the beam end (page 359) in the
z direction of the work plane.
Curved beam
Plane Plane of curvature.
Radius Radius of the curved beam.
Number of segments Number of segments Tekla Structures
uses when drawing the curved beam.
Warping Use to warp beams using
deformation angles.
Cambering Use to pre-camber (page 375) beams.
Shortening Use to shorten beams in the model.
The true length of the beam is
decreased in the drawing.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 260 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 261 Create parts and modify part properties
Modify curved beam properties
1. If the property pane is not open, double-click the curved beam to open
the Steel beam properties.
2. Change (page 110) the properties as needed.
3. Click Modify.
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of a beam.
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Profile Profile (page 361) of the beam.
Material Material (page 363) of the beam.
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
treated, for example, with anti-
corrosive paint, hot galvanized, fire
retardant coating, and so on.
Class Use to group beams.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 262 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Numbering series
Part numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Assembly numbering Assembly prefix and start number for
the assembly position number
(page 701).
On plane Beam's position on the work plane
(page 352), relative to the beam's
reference line.
Rotation Rotation (page 354) of the beam
around its axis on the work plane.
At depth Position depth (page 354) of the
beam. The position is always
perpendicular to the work plane.
End offset
Dx Change the length of the beam
(page 359) by moving the beam end
point along the beam's reference line.
Dy Move the beam end (page 359)
perpendicular to the beam's
reference line.
Dz Move the beam end (page 359) in the
z direction of the work plane.
Curved beam
Plane Plane of curvature.
Radius Radius of the curved beam.
Number of segments Number of segments Tekla Structures
uses when drawing the curved beam.
Warping Use to warp beams using
deformation angles.
Cambering Use to pre-camber (page 375) beams.
Shortening Use to shorten beams in the model.
The true length of the beam is
decreased in the drawing.
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 263 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
2. In the property pane, click the Object type list button and select
Twin profile from the list.
Tekla Structures starts the command and shows the properties in the
property pane.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 264 Create parts and modify part properties
Twin profile properties
Use the Twin profile properties in the property pane to view and modify the
properties of a twin steel profile. The file name extension of a twin profile
property file is *.dia.
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of a twin profile.
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Profile The profile of both the beams in the
twin profile.
Material Material (page 363) of the beams.
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
treated, for example, with anti-
corrosive paint, hot galvanized, fire
retardant coating, and so on.
Class Use to group twin profiles.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
Twin profile type Define how the profiles are
Numbering series
Part numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Assembly numbering Assembly prefix and start number the
assembly position number (page 701).
On plane Twin profile's position on the work
plane (page 352), relative to the twin
profile's reference line.
Rotation Rotation (page 354) of the twin profile
around its axis on the work plane.
At depth Position depth (page 354) of the twin
profile. The position is always
perpendicular to the work plane.
End offset
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 265 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Dx Change the length of the twin profile
(page 359) by moving the twin profile
end point along the twin profile's
reference line.
Clearance between members
Horizontal The horizontal clearance between the
Vertical The vertical clearance between the
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 266 Create parts and modify part properties
Alternatively, you can start the command in the property pane.
1. Ensure that you have nothing selected in the model.
2. In the property pane, click the Object type list button and select
Orthogonal beam from the list.
Tekla Structures starts the command and shows the properties in the
property pane.
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of the beam.
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Profile Profile (page 361) of the beam.
Material Material (page 363) of the beam.
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
treated, for example, with anti-
corrosive paint, hot galvanized, fire
retardant coating, and so on.
Class Use to group beams.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 267 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Vertical Vertical position (page 356) of the
beam, relative to beam's reference
Rotation Rotation (page 354) of the beam
around its axis on the work plane.
Horizontal Horizontal position (page 358) of the
beam, relative to beam's reference
Top Position of the second end of the
beam in the global z direction.
Bottom Position of the first end of the beam
in the global z direction.
Numbering series
Part numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Assembly numbering Assembly prefix and start number the
assembly position number (page 701).
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 268 Create parts and modify part properties
(1) Start point (the first point picked)
(2) Center point (the second point picked)
(3) Direction of the rotation axis (the optional third point picked)
(4) Center axis
(5) Total rise: the distance from the start point to the end point, parallel to the
center axis
(6) Rotation angle: the rotation angle of the spiral beam, given in degrees.
Note: positive value = counter-clockwise rotation, negative value = clockwise
(7) Radius: the distance from the start point to the center point, perpendicular
to the center axis
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 269 Create parts and modify part properties
4. To set the rotation axis in the work plane +Z direction, click the middle
mouse button to finish.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 270 Create parts and modify part properties
7. To make the spiral more loose, enter a bigger value in the Total rise box.
8. To change the radius, move the start point or center point.
• Spiral beam has a single, constant radius.
• Unfolding of spiral beams whose total rise is larger than 0.00 does not
produce completely straight results in drawings. The amount of deviation
in the part profile outlines and part length depends on several factors: the
type, size, and length of the profile; the amount of total rise; and the
amount of rotation angle and detailing used.
• Spiral beams are not always untwisted in unfolding. If unequal twisting is
applied to the start end and end end, the unfolded drawing shows an
unfolded but twisted part as a result.
• Connections and details may not work as expected with spiral beams.
• DSTV export of spiral beams may not produce a correct result.
• You cannot export spiral beams as parts in IFC export. If you are modeling
cast-in-place structures with spiral beam, you can export the geometry to
IFC as pour objects.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 271 Create parts and modify part properties
Alternatively, you can start the command in the property pane.
1. Ensure that you have nothing selected in the model.
2. In the property pane, click the Object type list button and select
Contour plate from the list.
Tekla Structures starts the command and shows the properties in the
property pane.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 272 Create parts and modify part properties
Modify contour plate properties
1. If the property pane is not open, double-click the plate to open the
Contour plate properties.
2. Change (page 110) the properties as needed.
3. Click Modify.
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of the contour
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Profile Profile (page 361) of the contour
Material Material (page 363) of the contour
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
treated, for example, with anti-
corrosive paint, hot galvanized, fire
retardant coating, and so on.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 273 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Class Use to group contour plates.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
Numbering series
Part numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Assembly numbering Assembly prefix and start number the
assembly position number (page 701).
At depth Position depth (page 354) of the
contour plate. The position is always
perpendicular to the work plane.
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 274 Create parts and modify part properties
Create a cylindrical bent plate
You can create a cylindrical bent plate by selecting two steel parts or two part
faces. Cylindrical bent plate has a radius that you can modify. The bent plate
properties, such as the ID, thickness, class, and material of the plate, are
determined by the first part you select.
You can create cylindrical bent plates also when the selected parts are
1. On the Steel tab, click Plate --> Create cylindrical bent plate .
2. On the bent plate toolbar, select whether you want to create the bent
plate by selecting parts or by selecting part faces.
Additionally, you can enter the radius of the cylindrical bent plate. If no
radius is entered, Tekla Structures creates the bent plate using the default
• If you selected By parts:
a. Select the first part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 275 Create parts and modify part properties
b. Select the second part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 276 Create parts and modify part properties
• If you selected By faces:
a. Select the first part face.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 277 Create parts and modify part properties
Create a conical bent plate
You can create a conical bent plate by selecting two steel parts or two part
faces. Conical bent plate has two radiuses that you can modify. The bent plate
properties, such as the ID, thickness, class, and material of the plate, are
determined by the first part you select.
To be able to create conical bent plates, the selected parts or part faces need
to be of a shape that creating a conical bent plate is possible. If the selected
parts or part faces are such that creating a cylindrical bent plate is possible, a
cylindrical bent plate is created. You can create different shapes of conical
bent plates: inward bend, outward bend, or with 180 degrees opening angle.
1. On the Steel tab, click Plate --> Create conical bent plate .
2. On the bent plate toolbar, select whether you want to create the bent
plate by selecting parts or by selecting part faces.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 278 Create parts and modify part properties
You can enter two radiuses for the conical bent plate. If no radiuses are
entered, Tekla Structures creates the bent plate using the default
• If you selected By parts:
a. Select the first part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 279 Create parts and modify part properties
c. Tekla Structures creates the conical bent plate.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 280 Create parts and modify part properties
b. Select the second part face.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 281 Create parts and modify part properties
A blue line handle appears in the middle of the curved section.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 282 Create parts and modify part properties
• For conical bent plate:
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 283 Create parts and modify part properties
2. Select the bent plate.
A blue line handle appears in the middle of the curved section.
3. Select the line handle.
A contextual toolbar appears.
4. On the contextual toolbar, select one of the predefined shape options:
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 284 Create parts and modify part properties
You can modify the side boundaries or the lateral boundaries of the
bends both in the cylindrical and in the conical bent plate. Tekla
Structures displays the boundary handles in blue:
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 285 Create parts and modify part properties
a. Select the bent plate.
Tekla Structures displays a green selection handle in the middle of
each flat section:
c. Use the direct modification handles to change the shape of the flat
7. To modify the angle of the bent plate:
a. Click the green selection handle in the middle of the flat section
whose angle you want to modify.
b. Select the line handle.
A contextual toolbar appears.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 286 Create parts and modify part properties
The angle manipulator wheel appears in the model.
To Do this
To remove individual curved sections 1.
Ensure that Direct
modification is switched on.
2. Select the curved section you
want to remove.
A blue line handle appears.
3. Select the line handle.
A contextual toolbar appears.
4. On the contextual toolbar, click
Remove bend.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 287 Create parts and modify part properties
To Do this
Tekla Structures removes the
selected curved section. For
To explode the entire bent plate 1. Select one of the curved sections.
2. Right-click and select Explode.
Tekla Structures explodes the
entire bent plate into individual
objects. For example:
Here are some examples of bent plates that you can create:
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 288 Create parts and modify part properties
Starting point End result
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of the plate.
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Profile Profile (page 361) of the plate.
Material Material (page 363) of the plate.
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
treated, for example, with anti-
corrosive paint, hot galvanized, fire
retardant coating, and so on.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 289 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Class Use to group plates.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
Numbering series
Part numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Assembly numbering Assembly prefix and start number for
the assembly position number
(page 701).
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
2. On the Steel tab, click Plate --> Create stand-alone bent plate .
3. Define the first radius of the bend:
a. Pick the center point.
b. Pick the start point for the arc.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 290 Create parts and modify part properties
c. Pick the end point for the arc.
The picking order defines the up direction. For example, if you create an
arc on the xy plane in the counterclockwise direction, the up direction
points to the positive z axis, according to the right-hand rule (page 52).
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 291 Create parts and modify part properties
b. If you want to change the direction of the plate after you have picked
a point, click the left mouse button.
Alternatively, if you want to create a cylindrical bend, click the middle
mouse button. In this case the radius 2=radius 1.
6. To complete the bent plate creation, click the middle mouse button.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 292 Create parts and modify part properties
Modify the shape of a stand-alone bent plate
Use direct modification dimension values and handles to modify the bent
plate shape.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 293 Create parts and modify part properties
• You can change the angle, radiuses and height of the bend by entering new
dimension values.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 294 Create parts and modify part properties
• You can drag and stretch the edges of the bent plate.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 295 Create parts and modify part properties
• You can add and delete intermediate points.
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of the plate.
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Profile Profile (page 361) of the plate.
Material Material (page 363) of the plate.
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
treated, for example, with anti-
corrosive paint, hot galvanized, fire
retardant coating, and so on.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 296 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Class Use to group plates.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
Numbering series
Part numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Assembly numbering Assembly prefix and start number for
the assembly position number
(page 701).
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 297 Create parts and modify part properties
• construction line to construction arc
For example:
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 298 Create parts and modify part properties
• construction circle to construction circle
For example:
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 299 Create parts and modify part properties
Create a lofted plate
1. Create the needed construction objects in the model. The shape of the
lofted plate is based on the construction objects' shape.
You need to have
• construction lines (page 617)
• construction arcs (page 619)
• construction circles (page 618)
• construction polycurves (page 620)
With polycurves, use the Create arc by tangent or Create tangent
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 300 Create parts and modify part properties
b. Select the second construction object.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 301 Create parts and modify part properties
• Use one construction object and a point to create a lofted
a. Select the first construction object: line, arc, circle, or polycurve.
For example, if you are using a construction polycurve and a point
to create a lofted plate.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 302 Create parts and modify part properties
b. Pick a point.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 303 Create parts and modify part properties
Modify the shape of a lofted plate
Use direct modification dimension handles and dimension values to modify
the lofted plate shape.
• Modify, for example, the height and radius of the lofted plate.
• For lines and arcs: drag the arc symbol at the midpoint of a line or an
arc to modify the lofted plate shape.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 304 Create parts and modify part properties
Split a lofted plate
Note that you cannot split closed cylindrical or conical lofted plates.
1. On the Edit tab, click Split.
2. Select the lofted plate you want to split.
3. Pick a point for the dividing line.
Tekla Structures splits the lofted plate.
For example:
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 305 Create parts and modify part properties
Swap the end handle points to correct the geometry of a lofted plate
In some cases when you try to create a lofted plate, the geometry of the plate
would become self-intersecting, meaning that the start and end points of the
top and bottom construction object are opposite of each other. In these cases
the plate is not created.
You can try to resolve the situation and create the lofted plate by changing the
modeling direction of the construction lines or arcs.
1. Select the construction line or the construction arc.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 306 Create parts and modify part properties
2. On the contextual toolbar, click Swap ends.
Tekla Structures changes the modeling direction of the selected
construction object, and the lofted plate can be created correctly.
With construction circles you can try to resolve the situation by moving either
of the circles.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 307 Create parts and modify part properties
Modify lofted plate properties
1. If the property pane is not open, double-click the lofted plate to open the
Lofted plate properties.
2. Change (page 110) the properties as needed.
3. Click Modify.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 308 Create parts and modify part properties
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of the lofted
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Profile Profile (page 361) of the lofted plate.
Material Material (page 363) of the lofted
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
treated, e.g. with anti-corrosive paint,
hot galvanized, fire retardant coating,
Class Use to group lofted plates.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
Numbering series
Part numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Assembly numbering Assembly prefix and start number for
the assembly position number
(page 701).
Face type
Face type Select whether the top and bottom
faces of the plate are flush with the
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 309 Create parts and modify part properties
Create a concrete column
2. In the property pane, click the Object type list button and select
Concrete column from the list.
Tekla Structures starts the command and shows the properties in the
property pane.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 310 Create parts and modify part properties
Concrete column properties
Use the Concrete column properties in the property pane to view and modify
the properties of a concrete column. To open the properties, double-click the
concrete column. The file name extension of a concrete column property file is
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of the column.
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Profile Profile (page 361) of the column.
Material Material (page 363) of the column.
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user-definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
Class Use to group columns.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
Vertical Vertical position (page 356) of the
column, relative to column's
reference point.
Rotation Rotation (page 354) of the column
around its axis on the work plane.
Horizontal Horizontal position (page 358) of the
column, relative to column's
reference point.
Top Position of the second end of the
column in the global z direction.
Bottom Position of the first end of the column
in the global z direction.
Cast unit
Cast unit numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Cast unit Indicate whether the column is
precast or cast-in-place.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 311 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Pour phase Pour phase (page 456) of the cast-in-
place parts. Use to separate pour
objects from one another.
Warping Use to warp columns using
deformation angles.
Cambering Use to pre-camber (page 375) the
Shortening Use to shorten the column in the
model. The true length of the column
is decreased in the drawing.
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 312 Create parts and modify part properties
2. In the property pane, click the Object type list button and select
Concrete beam from the list.
Tekla Structures starts the command and shows the properties in the
property pane.
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of a beam.
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Profile Profile (page 361) of the beam.
Material Material (page 363) of the beam.
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user-definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
Class Use to group beams.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
On plane Beam's position on the work plane
(page 352), relative to the beam's
reference line.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 313 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Rotation Rotation (page 354) of the beam
around its axis on the work plane.
At depth Position depth (page 354) of the
beam. The position is always
perpendicular to the work plane.
End offset
Dx Change the length of the beam
(page 359) by moving the beam end
point along the beam's reference line.
Dy Move the beam end (page 359)
perpendicular to the beam's
reference line.
Dz Move the beam end (page 359) in the
z direction of the work plane.
Curved beam
Plane Plane of curvature.
Radius Radius of the curved beam.
Number of segments Number of segments Tekla Structures
uses when drawing the curved beam.
Cast unit
Cast unit numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Cast unit Indicate whether the beam is precast
or cast in place.
Pour phase Pour phase (page 456) of the cast-in-
place parts. Use to separate pour
objects from one another.
Warping Use to warp beams using
deformation angles.
Cambering Use to pre-camber (page 375) beams.
Shortening Use to shorten beams in the model.
The true length of the beam is
decreased in the drawing.
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 314 Create parts and modify part properties
Create a concrete polybeam
A polybeam can contain straight and curved segments.
1. On the Concrete tab, click Beam --> Polybeam.
2. Pick the points you want the beam to go through.
3. Click the middle mouse button.
Tekla Structures creates the beam between the points you picked, using
the beam's current properties.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 315 Create parts and modify part properties
For example:
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of a beam.
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Profile Profile (page 361) of the beam.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 316 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Material Material (page 363) of the beam.
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user-definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
Class Use to group beams.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
On plane Beam's position on the work plane
(page 352), relative to the beam's
reference line.
Rotation Rotation (page 354) of the beam
around its axis on the work plane.
At depth Position depth (page 354) of the
beam. The position is always
perpendicular to the work plane.
End offset
Dx Change the length of the beam
(page 359) by moving the beam end
point along the beam's reference line.
Dy Move the beam end (page 359)
perpendicular to the beam's
reference line.
Dz Move the beam end (page 359) in the
z direction of the work plane.
Curved beam
Plane Plane of curvature.
Radius Radius of the curved beam.
Number of segments Number of segments Tekla Structures
uses when drawing the curved beam.
Cast unit
Cast unit numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Cast unit Indicate whether the column is
precast or cast in place.
Pour phase Pour phase (page 456) of the cast-in-
place parts. Use to separate pour
objects from one another.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 317 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Warping Use to warp beams using
deformation angles.
Cambering Use to pre-camber (page 375) beams.
Shortening Use to shorten beams in the model.
The true length of the beam is
decreased in the drawing.
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 318 Create parts and modify part properties
(4) Center axis
(5) Total rise: the distance from the start point to the end point, parallel to the
center axis
(6) Rotation angle: the rotation angle of the spiral beam, given in degrees.
Note: positive value = counter-clockwise rotation, negative value = clockwise
(7) Radius: the distance from the start point to the center point, perpendicular
to the center axis
4. To set the rotation axis in the work plane +Z direction, click the middle
mouse button to finish.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 319 Create parts and modify part properties
5. Click the spiral beam to select it.
The contextual toolbar appears with the following options:
• Spiral beam has a single, constant radius.
• Unfolding of spiral beams whose total rise is larger than 0.00 does not
produce completely straight results in drawings. The amount of deviation
in the part profile outlines and part length depends on several factors: the
type, size, and length of the profile; the amount of total rise; and the
amount of rotation angle and detailing used.
• Spiral beams are not always untwisted in unfolding. If unequal twisting is
applied to the start end and end end, the unfolded drawing shows an
unfolded but twisted part as a result.
• Connections and details may not work as expected with spiral beams.
• DSTV export of spiral beams may not produce a correct result.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 320 Create parts and modify part properties
• You cannot export spiral beams as parts in IFC export. If you are modeling
cast-in-place structures with spiral beam, you can export the geometry to
IFC as pour objects.
4. If you want to create curved segments, chamfer the corners of the panel
or wall.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 321 Create parts and modify part properties
For example:
2. In the property pane, click the Object type list button and select
Concrete panel from the list.
Tekla Structures starts the command and shows the properties in the
property pane.
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 322 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of the panel.
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Profile Profile (page 361) of the panel
(thickness × height of the wall).
Material Material (page 363) of the panel.
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user-definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
Class Use to group panels.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
On plane Panel's position on the work plane
(page 352), relative to the panel's
reference line.
Rotation Rotation (page 354) of the panel
around its axis on the work plane.
At depth Position depth (page 354) of the
panel. The position is always
perpendicular to the work plane.
End offset
Dx Change the length of the panel
(page 359) by moving the beam end
point along the panel's reference line.
Dy Move the panel end (page 359)
perpendicular to the panel's
reference line.
Dz Move the panel end (page 359) in the
z direction of the work plane.
Cast unit
Cast unit numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Cast unit Indicate whether the panel or wall is
precast or cast in place.
Pour phase Pour phase (page 456) of the cast-in-
place parts. Use to separate pour
objects from one another.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 323 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Plane Plane of curvature.
Radius Radius of the curved panel.
Number of segments Number of segments Tekla Structures
uses when drawing the curved panel.
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
2. In the property pane, click the Object type list button and select
Concrete slab from the list.
Tekla Structures starts the command and shows the properties in the
property pane.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 324 Create parts and modify part properties
Create a round concrete slab
1. Create a square slab with four equal sides.
2. Select the plate.
3. Double-click a handle.
To make it easier to select the handles of the slab corners, ensure that the
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 325 Create parts and modify part properties
Modify concrete slab properties
1. If the property pane is not open, double-click the slab to open the
Concrete slab properties.
2. Change (page 110) the properties as needed.
3. Click Modify.
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of the slab.
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Thickness Thickness of the slab.
Material Material (page 363) of the slab.
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user-definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
Class Use to group slabs.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
At depth Position depth (page 354) of the
concrete slab. The position is always
perpendicular to the work plane.
Cast unit
Cast unit numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Cast unit Indicate whether the slab is precast or
cast in place.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 326 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Pour phase Pour phase (page 456) of the cast-in-
place parts. Use to separate pour
objects from one another.
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 327 Create parts and modify part properties
• construction arc to construction arc
For example:
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 328 Create parts and modify part properties
• construction polycurve to construction polycurve
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 329 Create parts and modify part properties
a. Select the first construction object: line, arc, circle, or polycurve.
For example, if you are using two construction circles to create a
lofted slab:
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 330 Create parts and modify part properties
• Use one construction object and a point to create a lofted
a. Select the first construction object: line, arc, circle, or polycurve.
For example, if you are using a construction polycurve and a point
to create a lofted slab:
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 331 Create parts and modify part properties
b. Pick a point.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 332 Create parts and modify part properties
Modify the shape of a lofted slab
Use direct modification dimension handles and dimension values to modify
the lofted slab shape.
• Modify, for example, the height and radius of the lofted slab.
• For lines and arcs: drag the arc symbol at the midpoint of a line or an
arc to modify the lofted slab shape.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 333 Create parts and modify part properties
Split a lofted slab
Note that you cannot split closed cylindrical or conical lofted slabs.
1. On the Edit tab, click Split.
2. Select the lofted slab you want to split.
3. Pick a point for the dividing line.
Tekla Structures splits the lofted slab.
For example:
Swap the end handle points to correct the geometry of a lofted slab
In some cases when you try to create a lofted slab, the geometry of the slab
would become self-intersecting, meaning that the start and end points of the
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 334 Create parts and modify part properties
top and bottom construction object are opposite of each other. In these cases
the slab is not created.
You can try to resolve the situation and create the lofted slab by changing the
modeling direction of the construction lines or arcs.
1. Select the construction line or the construction arc.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 335 Create parts and modify part properties
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of the lofted
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Thickness Thickness of the slab.
Material Material (page 363) of the lofted slab.
Finish Type of finish.
Class Use to group lofted slabs.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
Face type
Face type Select whether the top and bottom
faces of the slab are flush with the
Cast unit
Cast unit numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Cast unit Indicate whether the slab is precast or
cast in place.
Pour phase Pour phase (page 456) of the cast-in-
place parts. Use to separate pour
objects from one another.
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 336 Create parts and modify part properties
Tekla Structures creates the pad footing using the Pad footing properties
in the property pane, and at the level (page 368) defined in the properties.
2. In the property pane, click the Object type list button and select Pad
footing from the list.
Tekla Structures starts the command and shows the properties in the
property pane.
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 337 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of the pad
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Profile Profile (page 361) of the pad footing.
Material Material (page 363) of the pad
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user-definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
Class Use to group pad footings.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
Vertical Vertical position (page 356) of the pad
footing, relative to pad footing's
reference point.
Rotation Rotation (page 354) of the pad footing
around its axis on the work plane.
Horizontal Horizontal position (page 358) of the
pad footing, relative to pad footing's
reference point.
Top Position of the top surface of the pad
footing in the global z direction.
Bottom Position of the bottom surface of the
pad footing in the global z direction.
Cast unit
Cast unit numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Cast unit Indicate whether the pad footing is
precast or cast-in-place.
Pour phase Pour phase (page 456) of the cast-in-
place parts. Use to separate pour
objects from one another.
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 338 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
4. If you want to create curved segments, chamfer the corners of the footing.
For example:
2. In the property pane, click the Object type list button and select
Strip footing from the list.
Tekla Structures starts the command and shows the properties in the
property pane.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 339 Create parts and modify part properties
Modify strip footing properties
1. If the property pane is not open, double-click the strip footing to open the
Strip footing properties.
2. Change (page 110) the properties as needed.
3. Click Modify.
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of the strip
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Profile Profile (page 361) of the strip footing.
Material Material (page 363) of the strip
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user-definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
Class Use to group strip footings.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
On plane Strip footing's position on the work
plane (page 352), relative to the
footing's reference line.
Rotation Rotation (page 354) of the strip
footing around its axis on the work
At depth Position depth (page 354) of the strip
footing. The position is always
perpendicular to the work plane.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 340 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
End offset
Dx Change the length of the strip footing
(page 359) by moving the footing end
point along the footing's reference
Dy Move the strip footing end (page 359)
perpendicular to the beam's
reference line.
Dz Move the strip footing (page 359) in
the z direction of the work plane.
Cast unit
Cast unit numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Cast unit Indicate whether the strip footing is
precast or cast-in-place.
Pour phase Pour phase (page 456) of the cast-in-
place parts. Use to separate pour
objects from one another.
Plane Plane of curvature.
Radius Radius of the curved strip footing.
Number of segments Number of segments Tekla Structures
uses when drawing the curved strip
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
Create items
In Tekla Structures, the term item refers to the parts that have a 3D shape.
Shapes are created in an external modeling software, or in Tekla Structures,
and they are available in the Tekla Structures shape catalog.
Items are similar to other parts (page 251), such as beams and columns. The
main difference between items and other types of parts is that a 3D shape
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 341 Create parts and modify part properties
defines the geometry of an item, whereas a part has a 2D profile that is
extruded to create the length of the part.
You can use items to model objects that would otherwise be difficult to model
using basic Tekla Structures parts and commands, such as cutting. You can
also use items to model objects that use shapes modeled in an external
software or by a manufacturer.
Every item has properties that define it, such as shape, material, and location.
If you want to use item properties in view and selection filters or in drawing
and report templates, you need to use the template attributes of parts and
profiles. If you want to separate items from parts, use the IS_ITEM template
Limitations to items
• Items have a geometry according to their shape, so items cannot be scaled,
stretched, or fitted.
• Items cannot be mirrored.
• Items cannot be split or combined. Splitting an imported item creates a
duplicate to the splitting position.
• Items can only be cut or attached to another part if they have a solid
• The gross weight value of an imported item may be different from that of
an identical Tekla Structures part modeled with cuts. This is because the
cuts are not taken into account when calculating the gross weight of parts.
TIP Alternatively, you can start the command in the property pane.
a. Ensure that you have nothing selected in the model.
b. In the property pane, click the Object type list button and
select Item or Concrete Item from the list.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 342 Create parts and modify part properties
Tekla Structures starts the command and shows the properties
in the property pane.
In the property pane, you can modify the item properties and
select the shape, for example.
3. Move the mouse pointer over object faces and edges in the model, and
see how the item turns over and adjusts to the object faces.
If you are adding the item to another object (such as part or pour object),
Tekla Structures also shows location dimensions to the nearest object
4. Pick the first point of the item.
5. To indicate the direction of the item, pick another point.
Tekla Structures places the item between the points you picked starting
from the first point (yellow handle) towards the direction of the second
point (magenta handle), using the Item or Concrete Item properties in
the property pane.
Tekla Structures shows the coordinate axes, rotation handles, and
location dimensions that you can use to fine-tune the location and
rotation of the item. The handles are red, green, and blue, according to
the local coordinate system of the item.
6. To move the item along any of its coordinate axes, drag the relevant axis
handle to a new location.
7. To rotate the item around any of its coordinate axes, drag the relevant
rotation handle to a new location.
Press Tab to rotate the item in 90-degree steps in the direction of the
selected rotation handle.
8. To move or rotate the item by specifying a distance or angle:
a. Select an axis handle, a rotation handle, or a dimension arrowhead.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 343 Create parts and modify part properties
b. Type the value by which you want the dimension to change.
When you start typing, Tekla Structures displays the Enter a Numeric
Location dialog box.
c. Click OK to confirm the new dimension.
9. If you want to add more items to the model, click the middle mouse
button and repeat steps 3–8.
10. To stop adding items, press Esc.
11. If needed, you can modify the item geometry (page 376) further in the
Geometry editing mode.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 344 Create parts and modify part properties
properties and user-defined attributes are not saved. The objects that are
attached to the original part, such as reinforcement and surfaces, are deleted.
Curved beams, spiral beams, bent plates, lofted plates, and lofted slabs cannot
be changed to items.
1. Create the parts (page 251) that you want to change to an item.
2. If you want to include more than one part in the item, attach the parts to
each other (page 372).
3. Select the part.
4. Right-click and select Convert part to item.
Alternatively, you can go to Quick Launch, search for and select the
Convert part to item command, and then select the part.
Tekla Structures changes the part to an item and adds a new shape to the
shape catalog. The shape name is generated using the part name and part
location in the format <grid location>_<elevation>_<part name>. For example:
• 1/D_+0_FOOTING
• 3/C_+0-+3600_COLUMN
• 1-2/A-B_+3600_SLAB
If there is already a shape with the same name in the shape catalog, Tekla
Structures adds two underscore characters and a running number at the end
of the new shape name. For example, 1/D_+0_FOOTING__1.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of an item.
Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and in Document manager,
and to identify parts of the same type.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 345 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Shape Shape of an item.
To select a shape from the shape
catalog, click the ... button next to the
Shape box.
To show the item shape in reports
and drawing tables, use the PROFILE
template attribute.
Material Material (page 363) of the item.
Finish Type of finish.
Finish is user definable. It describes
how the part surface has been
treated, e.g. with anti-corrosive paint,
hot galvanized, fire retardant coating,
Class Use to group items.
For example, you can display parts of
different classes in different colors.
Numbering series (available for items)
Part numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Assembly numbering Assembly prefix and start number for
the assembly position number
(page 701).
On plane Item's position on the work plane
(page 352), relative to the item's
reference line.
Rotation Rotation (page 354) of the item
around its axis on the work plane.
At depth Position depth (page 354) of the item.
The position is always perpendicular
to the work plane.
End offset
Dx Move the item along (page 359) its
reference line.
Dy Move the item perpendicular
(page 359) to its reference line.
Dz Move the item in the z direction
(page 359) of the work plane.
Cast unit (available for concrete items)
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 346 Create parts and modify part properties
Setting Description
Cast unit numbering Part prefix and start number for the
part position number (page 701).
Cast unit Indicate whether the item is precast
or cast-in-place.
Pour phase Pour phase (page 456) of the cast-in-
place parts. Use to separate pour
objects from one another.
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (page 364) (UDAs) of the
part. UDAs provide additional
information about the part.
Part position
In part creation, the part handles and part reference line help you to define
the part position. You can adjust the position of parts (page 351), such as
rotation (page 354), by using the Position and End offset sections in the
property pane, or by using the contextual toolbar.
Also, check the following tips that help you to create and position, for example,
curved and horizontal parts:
• Create curved parts (page 366)
• Create horizontal parts (page 367)
• Create beams close to each other (page 368)
• Position columns, pad footings, and orthogonal beams (page 368)
• How to model identical areas (page 369)
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 347 Adjust part position and show part information
Show part handles and part reference lines in a model view
Part handles can be used to move a model object or to modify the model
object’s shape or size. Part reference line is line between two reference points,
and the reference line has handles at the line ends.
NOTE When you create horizontal parts, such as beams, always pick points in the
same direction, for example, from left to right. This ensures that Tekla
Structures places and dimensions the parts in the same way in drawings, and
that part marks automatically appear at the same part end.
For information on how to select only the handles of a part, see Select objects
(page 130).
If direct modification (page 117) is on, Tekla Structures also displays direct
modification handles for the reference points, corners, segments, and
segment midpoints of the selected part. These handles are blue.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 348 Adjust part position and show part information
Modify the length of a part using handles
If you do not want to use direct modification, you can use the part handles to
modify the length of a part.
WARNING Do not use cuts or fittings (page 412) to change the length of a
part, for the following reasons:
• Cuts may cause shop errors, because cuts do not always
affect part length when you export information to NC files.
• Fittings may cause problems with connections and details.
Swap handles
You can change the modeling direction of a part by using the Swap handles
macro. This changes the yellow start handle to magenta, and the other way
1. Select the part whose modeling direction you want to change.
Tekla Structures shows the part handles.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 349 Adjust part position and show part information
2. Go to Quick Launch, start typing swap handles, and select the
Macro.Swap handles command from the list that appears.
Tekla Structures changes the modeling direction of the part, and swaps
the start and end handles.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 350 Adjust part position and show part information
The part reference lines are displayed.
To Do this
Modify part position using the 1. Double-click a part to open the
property pane (page 110) part properties in the property
2. In the Position or in the End
offset section, modify the
desired position settings, such as
part rotation (page 354) or part
vertical position (page 356).
For example, you can define the
part to be positioned 200 units
above its handles.
3. Click Modify.
Modify part position using the 1.
contextual toolbar Click in the contextual
2. Modify the settings. The object
moves in the model accordingly.
• To change the overall position
of a beam, column, panel, or
footing, use the round
selection dial. Click a sector in
the dial to select a position.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 351 Adjust part position and show part information
To Do this
• To change the rotation angle,
click and drag the green
rotation angle knob.
• To change the Angle, Plane
offset, or Depth offset, enter
a value in the corresponding
TIP The rotation angle knob snaps to every 5 degrees. Hold down Shift to
override this.
See also
Part position on the work plane (page 352)
Part rotation (page 354)
Part position depth (page 354)
Part vertical position (page 356)
Part horizontal position (page 358)
Part end offsets (page 359)
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 352 Adjust part position and show part information
Alternatively, you can use the contextual toolbar (page 351) to modify the
part's position.
Position Example
Middle 300
Right 300
Left 300
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 353 Adjust part position and show part information
Part rotation
Use the Rotation setting in the part properties to view and change the
rotation of a part around its axis on the work plane.
You can also define the angle of rotation. Tekla Structures measures positive
values clockwise around the local x axis.
Alternatively, you can use the contextual toolbar (page 351) to modify the
part's position.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 354 Adjust part position and show part information
Part position depth
Use the At depth setting in the part properties to view and change the
position depth of the part. The position is always relative to the part reference
line between the part handles.
Alternatively, you can use the contextual toolbar (page 351) to modify the
part's position.
Position Example
Middle 400
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 355 Adjust part position and show part information
Position Example
Front 400
Behind 400
Alternatively, you can use the contextual toolbar (page 351) to modify the
part's position.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 356 Adjust part position and show part information
Option Description Example
Down The part is positioned
underneath the
reference point.
Position Example
Middle 200
Down 200
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 357 Adjust part position and show part information
Position Example
Up 200
Alternatively, you can use the contextual toolbar (page 351) to modify the
part's position.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 358 Adjust part position and show part information
Option Description Example
Right The part is positioned on
the right side of the
reference point.
Position Example
Middle 150
Left 150
Right 150
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 359 Adjust part position and show part information
Alternatively, you can use the contextual toolbar (page 351) to modify the
part's position.
Option Description
Dx Changes the length of the part by
moving the part end point along the
reference line.
Dy Moves the part end perpendicular to
the reference line.
Dz Moves the part end in the z direction
of the work plane.
Position Example
End point: 200
End point: -200
End point: 300
End point: -300
End point: 400
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 360 Adjust part position and show part information
Position Example
End point: -400
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 361 Adjust part position and show part information
3. If needed, define what profile information you want to see.
• To display all the profiles of the profile catalog in the list, regardless of
the material the profile types are associated with, select the Show all
profiles check box.
• To see all the properties of profiles, select the Show details check box.
4. Select a profile from the list.
5. If the profile is parametric, define its dimensions on the General tab.
(1) Click the Value box and replace the existing value with a new one.
6. Click OK to close the Select Profile dialog box.
7. Click Modify in the property pane.
Alternatively, if you know the name of the profile, you can enter it directly in
the Profile box in the property pane or in the contextual toolbar.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 362 Adjust part position and show part information
If standardized values have been defined for this profile, the Use industry
standardized values only check box appears on the General tab under
the profile properties:
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 363 Adjust part position and show part information
automatically changes aliases into the standard name when you select
a material grade.
• To see all the properties of materials, select the Show details check
4. Select a material from the list.
5. Click OK to close the Select Material dialog box.
6. Click Modify in the property pane.
Alternatively, if you know the name of the profile, you can enter it directly in
the Profile box in the property pane or in the contextual toolbar.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 364 Adjust part position and show part information
Attribute Can be used...
Moment connection For selecting whether to show moment connection
symbols in drawings or not.
Part labels are textual descriptions that are displayed next to the part they
represent. You can define what information to display in the labels, such as
the name, profile, and position number of the part.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 365 Adjust part position and show part information
6. To remove a property from the Part label list, select a property and click
Remove. The Part label check box is automatically cleared if you remove
all the properties.
7. If needed, define which user-defined attribute or template attribute you
want to display in part labels.
a. Select User-defined attribute in the Properties list.
b. Click Add >. The Part label dialog box appears.
c. Enter the user-defined attribute name exactly as it appears in the
objects.inp file, or the template attribute name. For example,
d. Click OK.
8. In the Show for list, select for which parts you want to show the part
• All: Part labels are shown for all parts in the view.
• Selected: Part labels are only shown for the parts you select.
• Main part for selected: Part labels are only shown for the main parts
of the assemblies you select.
• Main part for all: Part labels are shown for all main parts of all
Note that if you select the Selected or the Main part for selected option,
you need to first apply the changes to the view when the view is selected.
Then continue to select the objects for which you want to show the part
9. Click Modify.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 366 Adjust part position and show part information
6. If needed, define the plane of curvature, which is relative to the current
work plane.
7. Click Modify to bend the part.
Number of segments: 2
Number of segments: 5
Number of segments: 15
See also
Modify the position of a part (page 351)
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 367 Adjust part position and show part information
dimensions the parts in the same way in drawings, and that part marks
automatically appear at the same part end.
To ensure that beam rotation is correct in drawings, set part Rotation to Top
in the part properties.
See also
Create a steel beam (page 255)
Create a twin profile (page 264)
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 368 Adjust part position and show part information
5. Click Modify.
In this example, the concrete columns form a two-story structure. To position
the upper columns correctly, you must modify their bottom level position.
See also
Modify the position of a part (page 351)
TIP For a project that has several identical floors, try modeling an entire floor, then
copying it to several levels.
See also
Copy and move objects (page 146)
Split parts
Use splitting to split a part into two. You can use splitting with straight parts,
polybeams and curved beams without offsets, and normal and tapered
reinforcing bar groups. You can also split plates and slabs by using a polygon.
NOTE If you split contour plates that have bolts, welds or surface treatments, check
the result after splitting.
Combine parts
You can combine two parts into one. This can be useful when you want to
model complex parts (such as folded plates) that are otherwise difficult to
model, or when you want to model prefabricated parts that are delivered to
the workshop already attached to profiles.
1. On the Edit tab, click Combine.
2. Select the first part.
The properties of the first selected part will be used for the combined
3. Select the second part.
The parts are combined into one.
If the center lines of the parts are not in line with each other, Tekla
Structures combines them by taking the largest distance between the
start and end points from both parts. For example:
• Combining does not work for contour plates, polybeams or slabs.
See also
Attach parts to each other (page 372)
• Connections must be added to the part to which other parts have been
attached. You cannot add connections to an attached part.
• All reinforcement components may not work correctly with parts that have
been attached to each other using the Added material commands. The
geometry of the parts is not always kept suitable for adding a component.
For example, the reference points of the attached part may be lost and
therefore the orientation information needed for adding the reinforcement
is not known anymore.
Warp a part
You can warp steel and concrete beams and columns, and concrete slabs. The
warping functionality is available only in the Full, Precast Concrete Detailing,
and Steel Detailing configurations.
Camber a part
You can use cambering to pre-camber parts, in other words, to curve long
heavy sections that will settle on site and become flat. Use cambering to show
the natural camber of a prestressed part in a model. Cambering affects the
position of cuts, skews, and embeds in the model.
1. Double-click the part to open the part properties.
2. Go to the Deforming section.
3. In the Cambering box, define the degree of camber.
4. Click Modify.
Modify items
You can fine-tune the geometry of the model by modifying items. This is how
you can create sloping slabs, for example.
TIP You can create item shapes using existing geometry and parts in the model.
When you modify an item's geometry, you can move item vertexes (corner
points), edges, and faces. However, the faces always need to stay planar, so
you cannot move all vertexes or edges freely. You may first need to add new
edges to split existing faces. These edges act as hinges or turning joints
between the faces.
When you have modified an item's geometry and want to save the changes,
you can choose to update the item's current shape, or to create a new shape.
Tekla Structures also stores temporary shapes in the shape catalog in case you
need to undo actions. The unused temporary shapes will be deleted from the
shape catalog when you save the model.
3. Modify the position settings in the item properties (page 345) so that both
On plane and At depth are set to Middle with offset 0.
1. Click Handles to display handles for the selected item. For example:
Create bolts
To create bolts, you can either create a single bolt group or apply a component
that automatically creates bolt groups.
NOTE Tekla Structures determines the location of the bolt group using
the following values: the bolt group x axis and the work plane.
Dimensions are relative to the bolt group origin, which is the first
point picked. Tekla Structures sets the x direction of the bolt
group using the second point picked. It is important that the
points you pick to create the bolt group are close enough to the
parts you want to connect.
1. On the Steel tab, hold down Shift and click Bolt to open the Bolt
2. Under Bolt group, select Array from the Shape list.
3. In the Bolt dist X and Bolt dist Y boxes, enter 0.
4. Create the bolt the same way you would create a bolt group:
a. Select the main part, to which the secondary parts will be bolted.
b. Select the secondary parts.
c. Click the middle mouse button to finish selecting parts.
d. Pick a point to indicate the bolt origin.
Setting Description
Size Bolt diameter.
Standard Bolt assembly standard/grade.
Bolt type Define whether the bolts are
assembled on-site or in the shop.
Connect as Indicate whether you are bolting a
secondary part or a sub-assembly.
Thread in material Indicate if the thread of the bolt can
be inside the bolted parts. Tekla
Structures does not use this value
when calculating the length of full-
threaded bolts.
Cut length Indicate which parts the bolt
connects. The value defines the area
Tekla Structures should search for
parts that belong to the bolt group.
Using cut length you can determine
whether the bolt will go through one
flange or two.
Tekla Structures searches for parts
using half the cut length value, in
both directions from the bolt group
plane. In the illustration below, A is
the cut length and B is the bolt origin.
Tekla Structures calculates the search
area as A/2 in both directions from
point B.
Create studs
A stud is special type of bolt that is welded to steel parts to transfer loads
between steel and concrete.
Tekla Structures uses the same command for creating bolts (page 382), studs
and holes. When you create studs, select the stud assembly standard in the
Bolt properties. You can create a group of studs or a single stud.
You can also create studs by using the Shear Stud (1010) component.
1. Ensure that the needed studs are added to the bolt catalog and bolt
assembly catalog.
2. On the Steel tab, hold down Shift and click Bolt to open the Bolt
3. In the Standard list, select the bolt assembly standard for the studs.
4. Under Bolt group, do one of the following:
• To create a group of studs, define Shape and the related properties as
• To create a single stud, select Array from the Shape list and type 0 in
the Bolt dist X and Bolt dist Y boxes.
5. Modify the other properties as desired.
6. Select the main part.
7. Click the middle mouse button to finish selecting parts.
8. Pick a point to indicate the origin of the stud or stud group.
1. On the Steel tab, hold down Shift and click Bolt to open the Bolt
2. If you do not want to create any bolts, clear all the Assembly
check boxes.
1. On the Steel tab, hold down Shift and click Bolt to open the Bolt
2. Next to Parts with slotted holes, indicate which plies of the connection
get oversized holes by selecting the desired Special hole check boxes.
For example:
3. If you do not want to create any bolts, clear all the Assembly
check boxes.
3. If you do not want to create any bolts, clear all the Assembly
check boxes.
(1) Tolerance
(2) Slotted hole X or Y
(3) Bolt size
6. If you want to rotate alternate holes by 90 degrees, select Even or Odd in
the Rotate Slots list.
Create welds
You can either create a weld manually, or use a component that automatically
creates welds.
By default, Tekla Structures places the welds to the arrow side using the
Above line properties according to the ISO standard. You can change this to
Below line to comply with the AISC standard with the advanced option
Use the Create weld to part command to weld seams in tubular sections:
TIP To model tubular sections with visible seams, use the SPD profile.
This example shows a double-sided polygon weld along three (outer and
inner) edges of a rectangular hollow profile:
Weld properties
Use the Weld properties to view or modify the properties of a weld. The units
depend on the settings in File menu --> Settings --> Options --> Units and
decimals .
NOTE Some of the properties are only displayed in reports, not in drawings.
Workshop/Site Indicates where the weld should be made. This
setting affects assemblies and drawings.
Position Not available for polygon welds.
Defines the position of a weld relative to the work
plane. The type and position of the parts to be
welded affect the position of the weld.
The options for weld position are:
• +x
• -x
• +y
• -y
• +z
• -z
In most cases, Tekla Structures creates the weld on
the face or side of the part that faces in the
selected direction (x, y, or z). Also the following
factors may affect the position of the weld:
• perpendicularity of the part edge towards the
selected direction (x, y or z)
• length of the part edge
• distance of the part edge in the selected
direction (x, y or z)
The following image shows welds in different
24 Surfacing No No
25 Fold joint No No
26 Inclined joint No No
See also
Create welds (page 397)
Weld preparation
When parts are prepared for welding, their edges can be beveled to produce a
groove for the weld. You can define the angle of bevels and grooves.
You can either prepare a part for welding manually, or apply a component that
does it automatically, or you can use the Preparation options in the Weld
properties or in the component weld properties.
NOTE When you use components' weld preparation options, the supported weld
types (page 405) are placed correctly in the model. If you use cuts for
preparing the part edges, the welds may not be placed correctly.
• Exact
Use this option to show welds as solid objects with weld symbols, and
to display weld marks when you select welds.
See also
Create welds (page 397)
Adjust the display settings (page 639)
See also
Create welds (page 397)
See also
Create welds (page 397)
Change a weld to a polygon weld (page 410)
To find the welds in the model that have a user-defined cross section, set
Category to Weld and Property to User-defined cross section in the
selection or view filter, or in the color and transparency settings.
• User-defined weld cross sections are reported using only the above-line
Create fittings
You can fit the end of a part by creating a straight cutting line between two
points you pick. Use fittings to shorten beams. Do not use fittings for making
considerable beam extensions.
When you create fittings, Tekla Structures fits the part end to the cutting line
and automatically deletes the shortest side of the part. Use plane view
(page 31) when you create fittings.
TIP Ensure that the Snap to nearest points (point on line) snap switch is
active when you create fittings.
• Fittings cannot be used on contour plates.
• If you apply a second fitting on the same part end, Tekla Structures will
ignore the first fitting. This happens if you use the Fit part end command
for cutting and try to make two cuts on the same part end. In situations like
this, use, for example, the Line cut command instead.
1. On the Edit tab, click Fit part end.
2. Select the part you want to cut with a fitting.
3. Pick the first point of the cutting line.
4. Pick the second point of the cutting line.
Tekla Structures creates a fitting between the two points you picked. The
fitting adjusts the end of a beam on a plane, perpendicular to the view
See also
Show part handles and part reference lines in a model view (page 347)
NOTE Do not create cuts with the same planes or vertices. Otherwise, it may be
unclear what should be cut away
Note that the polygon cut properties are available in the property pane only
after a polygon cut has been created and selected. You cannot access or
modify the cut properties before the cut is created.
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name Name of the polygon cut.
Profile Profile of the polygon cut, by default
parametric profile BL.
Material Material of the polygon cut, by default
The cut material cannot be changed.
Class Use to group polygon cuts.
For example, you can display cuts of
different classes in different colors.
At depth Position depth of the polygon cut.
UDAs Click the User-defined attributes
button to open the user-defined
attributes (UDAs) of the cut. UDAs
provide more information about the
• Only the following parts have corner chamfers: contour plates, concrete
slabs, strip footings, steel and concrete polybeams, and concrete panels.
• The end points of a part do not have corner chamfers. The handles that
you select must be at corner points or between two segments of a part.
TIP To make it easier to select the handles of part corners, ensure that the
The units depend on the settings in File menu --> Settings --> Options -->
Units and decimals .
Setting Description
Type Shape of the chamfer. See Corner
chamfer types and dimensions for
more information.
X / Distance X / Radius Dimensions of the chamfer. The
Y / Distance Y / Radius dimension depends on the chamfer
The units depend on the settings in File menu --> Settings --> Options -->
Units and decimals .
(1) The green surface treatment has the Cut by father part cuts set to Yes.
(2) The tiled surface treatment is not cut by the cut in the part: Cut by father
part cuts is set to No.
NOTE If you use the Surface treatment to all faces of part command and
set the Cut by father part cuts to Yes, Tekla Structures automatically
adds surface treatment also to the cut faces.
Note that if you modify the Pattern properties, you need to first click Modify
in the property pane and then redraw the view to make the changes visible.
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Name User-definable name of the surface
Type Select the type of surface treatment.
Subtype Select the subtype of a specific
surface treatment.
Material Depending on the type of the surface
treatment, select the material of the
surface treatment.
Color Depending on the type of the surface
treatment, set the color of the surface
Thickness Depending on the type of the surface
treatment, enter the thickness of the
surface treatment.
Cut by father part cuts To force Tekla Structures to consider
openings and recesses in parts when
adding surface treatment, set this to
In depth Select the location of the surface
treatment, and set the Depth offset
Pattern (for tiled surface treatment)
Pattern If you have set Tile surface as the
Type of the surface treatment, select
the pattern of the tiled surface
Tile width Define the tile width and height.
Tile height
Mortar height Define the mortar height and width.
Mortar width
Tile color If needed, use the color picker to pick
the tile and the mortar color.
Mortar color
3. Go to the sections that define the options for each type of surface
See also
Add surface treatment to parts (page 424)
TIP You may find it easier to copy one of the existing elements, and then
modify it to suit your needs.
4. Repeat adding <TilePattern> elements for all the patterns you want to
5. Save the TilePatternCatalog.xml file.
The predefined tile patterns that are available in the Surface treatment
properties are stored in the following files:
File Description
TilePatternCatalog.xml • Contains the tile pattern
• Located under the \ProgramData
\Trimble\Tekla Structures
TilePatternCatalog.dtd • Document Type Declaration (DTD)
file that defines the elements
allowed in the
TilePatternCatalog.xml file.
• Located in the same folder as the
TilePatternCatalog.xml file.
Thumbnail images • The images that appear in the
Pattern section in the Surface
treatment properties.
• Located in the ..\ProgramData
\Trimble\Tekla Structures
\<version>\Bitmaps folder.
• File names identify the pattern
types. For example,
herringbone.bmp illustrates the
herringbone pattern type.
Element Description
TilePatternCatalog The container for tile patterns.
TilePattern Tile pattern element. Required. This
element can contain the following
elements listed in this table.
HOffset Horizontal offset of the tile pattern.
VOffset Vertical offset of the tile pattern.
c. In the Allowable gap box, enter the maximum distance that can exist
between two plates so that the surface treatment can be created.
4. On the Surfacing attributes tab:
a. Select one of the following Surfacing attributes.
• standard surface treatment properties file
• A custom surface treatment properties file
You can create your own property files in the Surface treatment
properties. The Type has to be Steel finish and the Subtype has
to be UP - Unpainted.
• ...
Define the custom attributes and the position for the surface
5. Click OK.
6. Select a bolt group in the model.
See also
Add surface treatment to parts (page 424)
See also
Add details to parts (page 382)
Adjust how model objects are displayed (page 636)
Create an assembly
Create a sub-assembly
You can create a sub-assembly of parts that are already in an assembly.
1. On the Steel tab, hold down Shift and click Bolt to open the Bolt
2. In the Connect as list, select As sub-assembly.
3. Select a part in the assembly to bolt to.
4. Select a part in the sub-assembly to be bolted.
5. Pick the bolt group origin.
6. Pick a point to indicate the bolt group x direction.
1. On the Steel tab, hold down Shift and click to open the Weld
2. In the Connect as list, select As sub-assembly.
3. Select a part in the assembly to weld to.
4. Select a part in the sub-assembly to be welded.
5. To check that the weld marks look correct, create a drawing.
Join assemblies
You can join existing assemblies without adding any loose parts.
Modify assemblies
1. On the ribbon, click the down arrow next to , and then select
Assembly objects.
2. Select a part that belongs to an assembly.
Tekla Structures highlights the other parts that belong to the same
assembly. The following colors are used:
Explode an assembly
When you explode a nested assembly, Tekla Structures breaks the assembly
hierarchy level by level, always starting from the highest level. You need to use
the Explode command several times to break a nested assembly back to
single parts.
You can also explode sub-assemblies to single parts without breaking the
entire assembly hierarchy.
1. Select the assembly or sub-assembly you want to explode.
2. Do one of the following:
• To explode the entire assembly, right-click and select Assembly -->
Assembly examples
Column corbel
A column corbel is fabricated in one workshop, and then attached to the
column in another workshop. Model the corbel as a sub-assembly of the
column. Then create an assembly drawing for each workshop: one assembly
drawing showing how the corbel is welded together, another assembly
drawing showing how the corbel and the other part are welded to the column.
Built-up profile
In a frame of built-up columns and beams, each built-up profile can be a sub-
assembly. You can create an assembly drawing showing the entire frame, and
separate drawings showing how the columns and beams are constructed.
NOTE It is important to use the correct cast unit type, because some functionalities,
for example numbering, are based on the cast unit type.
See also
Create cast units (page 446)
Modify cast units (page 447)
Casting direction (page 449)
1. On the ribbon, click the down arrow next to , and then select
Assembly objects.
2. Select a part that belongs to a cast unit.
Tekla Structures highlights the other parts that belong to the same cast
unit. The following colors are used:
NOTE In drawings, use the Fixed coordinate system to show the top-in-form face in
the front view.
In the following example, each cast unit gets a different position number,
because the top-in-form setting and the orientation of the panels is different.
The red arrow indicates the modeling direction.
In the following example, the cast units get the same position number,
because their top-in-form setting has not been defined. The red arrow
indicates the modeling direction.
TIP Alternatively, you can do this in the user-defined attributes of the part.
• Concrete parts: Select an option for the Top in form face user-defined
• Non-concrete parts: With set to STEEL, TIMBER, and/or MISC, select an
option for the Fixed drawing main view user-defined attribute.
TIP To hide the top-in-form face again, right-click the view and select Update
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Advanced options to open the
Advanced Options dialog box.
2. Under Concrete Detailing, set XS_ENABLE_POUR_MANAGEMENT to TRUE.
3. Click OK.
4. Save and re-open the model for the change to take effect.
The commands that show and create pour objects and pour breaks are
now available in the model and in drawings.
See also
Disable pour management temporarily (page 452)
NOTE If you are working in a Tekla Model Sharing model, remember to re-enable
pour management before you write out. Similarly, if you are working in the
multi-user mode, re-enable pour management before you save the model. In
this way, information related to pours stays up to date for all users of the
TIP If you have problems opening a large model with pour objects that contain many
parts, you may need to disable pour management before you open the model.
You can do this by modifying the xs_user.[user name] file located in the
model folder. Set PAPB to 0 to disable pours, and then save the file.
When needed, remember to re-enable pour management.
See also
Enable pour management (page 452)
• Pours
6. If you selected Parts for the cast-in-place concrete structures, in the Cast
in place parts list, select either:
• Merged
Tekla Structures shows concrete parts as merged in the model if their
cast unit type is Cast in place, if they have the same material grade
and pour phase (page 456) number, and if they touch or overlap one
another. When these criteria are met, Tekla Structures removes the
outlines of the individual parts within each continuous concrete
TIP To quickly change the representation of the active view from Parts to Pours,
and the other way round, click Pour view on the Concrete tab.
You can also create two views, a pour view and a part view, and keep them both
open side by side on your screen.
Duplicates and overlapping parts are counted only once in the volume
calculations for pour objects. Note that single part and cast-unit volumes are
still calculated the same way as before, which means that the sum of single
part and cast-unit volumes may be higher than the volume of pour objects
that are defined from exactly the same part geometry.
When you reinforce a concrete structure, you need to reinforce the individual
concrete parts within it in part views, or you can reinforce pour objects by
using Reinforcing Bar Shape Catalog or rebar sets in pour views. Therefore,
you can reinforce a part of a continuous concrete structure independently
from the whole continuous concrete structure. All reinforcement are visible
both in part views and in pour views.
NOTE Pay attention to pour phases when you create cast-in-place concrete
parts. For example, use pour phase 0 for horizontal structures, like
beams and slabs, and pour phase 1 for vertical structures, like
columns and walls, to separate them to different pour objects. In this
way you can make sure that the number of parts included in each
single pour object is reasonable, and that your models do not slow
down due to too large pour objects.
NOTE When you define pour phases, make sure that parts in different pour phases
do not overlap. If you use parts (not pour objects) to report geometric
information, overlapping volumes of different pour phases are not merged
but counted twice in calculations, and you may end up with incorrect volume,
area, or weight information.
See also
View cast-in-place concrete structures (page 453)
Pour objects
When pour management is enabled (page 452), each concrete part whose cast
unit type is Cast in place automatically forms a pour object.
Tekla Structures automatically merges multiple cast-in-place concrete parts to
a pour object if they have the same material grade and pour phase (page 456)
number, and if they touch or overlap one another.
By creating pour breaks (page 465) you can split pour objects into smaller pour
NOTE Make sure that the number of parts included in each single pour
object is reasonable. Too large number of parts and part surfaces in a
pour object slows down the model.
Pour objects are visible in pour views (page 453). All pour objects are displayed
using the same color, regardless of the individual parts’ color within a concrete
structure. You can change the default color by using the advanced option XS_
POUR_OBJECT_COLOR in File --> Settings --> Advanced options --> Concrete
Detailing .
TIP You can group pour objects using Organizer or Task manager.
The following commands are not available for pour objects: Copy, Move,
Delete, Split, and Combine. This is because pour object geometry is defined
by parts. If you want to change the geometry of pour objects, you have to
modify the parts instead of pour objects, or you can create pour breaks.
See also
Modify the properties of a pour object (page 459)
Reinforce pour objects using Rebar shape catalog (page 511)
Create a rebar set (page 477)
See also
Change the color and transparency of model objects by using object
representation (page 648)
For example, you can enter a Pour number that you can use to define the
sequence of pours, and a Pour type that you can use to describe each pour
1. Ensure that you are using a pour view. If not, click Pour view on the
Concrete tab to show the pour objects.
See also
Pour objects (page 457)
Pour units
When pour management is enabled, you can create pour units that combine
together pour objects and other objects. A pour unit is an entity for cast-in-
place concrete and it consists of a pour object and all related reinforcement,
embeds, and other objects that need to be in place before concrete can be
poured on the building site.
For each pour object (page 457) in the model, there is a corresponding pour
unit to which the pour object belongs. You can automatically add other objects
to pour units by using the Calculate pour units command. You can also
modify the pour units manually.
The following model objects can be added to pour units:
• Reinforcement, such as single reinforcing bars, bar groups, reinforcement
meshes and strands
• Assemblies (for example, embeds)
• Sub-assemblies (for example, embeds in cast-in-place cast units)
• Bolts (for example, anchor bolts and shear studs)
• Precast cast units
• Surfaces added to the pour object
TIP If you do not have objects selected, you can first start the Add to pour unit
command by using Quick Launch or a customized keyboard shortcut
(page 239), and then select the object that you want to add to the pour unit.
TIP If you do not have objects selected, you can first start the Remove from pour
unit command by using Quick Launch or a customized keyboard shortcut
(page 239), and then select the object that you want to remove from the pour
See also
Pour units (page 460)
Pour breaks
When pour management is enabled, you can use pour breaks to split pour
objects into smaller pour objects.
WARNING If you move or copy a part, pour breaks do not follow the part.
Pour breaks remain at their original locations, and adapt to any
cast-in-place concrete parts (page 467) they still touch.
If a pour break does not split a pour object completely into two, the pour
break is displayed in red by default. This means that it is invalid and needs to
be remodeled.
See also
Set the visibility of pour breaks (page 467)
Create a pour break (page 468)
Select a pour break (page 470)
Copy a pour break (page 470)
Move a pour break (page 470)
Modify a pour break (page 471)
Remove a pour break (page 472)
See also
Pour breaks (page 465)
You can create pour breaks by picking one, two, or more points in the model.
When you create a pour break that traverses more than two points, the pour
break will be limited to the pour object it splits and perpendicular to the
current work plane. If you need to create an inclined or horizontal pour break
using multiple points, shift the work plane (page 53) first.
TIP Use the Snap to nearest points (points on line) snap switch
(page 86) to start or end pour breaks on part or pour object edges.
Use the Snap to any position snap switch (page 86) to pick
intermediate points for pour breaks.
To Do this
Create a pour break, perpendicular to 1. On the Concrete tab, click Pour
a part face, using one point break --> Single point .
2. Pick the location for the pour
Create a pour break that splits all 1. On the Concrete tab, click Pour
cast-in-place concrete parts and pour break --> Two points .
objects located between two points
2. Pick two points to define the
location of the pour break.
Create a pour break using multiple 1. If needed, shift the work plane.
2. On the Concrete tab, click Pour
break --> Multiple points .
3. Pick the points you want the pour
break to go through.
Create a pour break defined by the 1. If needed, shift the work plane.
opposite corners of a rectangle
2. On the Concrete tab, click Pour
break --> Multiple points .
If the pour break you are creating does not split a pour object or cast-in-place
part completely into two, Tekla Structures does not add the pour break to the
model. You may need to use another Pour break command to create a valid
pour break, for example Multiple points instead of Single point.
1. Ensure that the Select pour breaks selection switch (page 137) is
2. Select the pour break.
See also
Pour breaks (page 465)
1. Ensure that the Select pour breaks selection switch (page 137) is
2. Select the pour break.
3. Copy (page 147) the pour break like any other object in Tekla Structures.
For example, right-click and select Copy.
See also
Pour breaks (page 465)
1. Ensure that the Select pour breaks selection switch (page 137) is
2. Select the pour break.
3. Move (page 159) the pour break like any other object in Tekla Structures.
For example, right-click and select Move.
• Ensure that the Select pour breaks selection switch (page 137) is
• Select the pour break.
Tekla Structures displays the handles and dimensions that you can use to
modify the pour break.
To Do this
Change the shape or location Drag a corner point or an end point to a new
of the pour break location.
Change a location dimension Drag a dimension arrowhead to a new
location, or:
1. Select the dimension arrowhead which
you want to move.
2. Using the keyboard, enter the value with
which you want the dimension to change.
To start with the negative sign (-), use the
numeric keypad.
To enter an absolute value for the
dimension, first enter $, then the value.
See also
Pour breaks (page 465)
Resize and reshape model objects (page 117)
1. Ensure that the Select pour breaks selection switch (page 137) is
2. Select the pour break.
3. Press Delete.
See also
Pour breaks (page 465)
Troubleshoot pours
When you work with cast-in-place concrete parts, it is important that you
regularly check the resulting pour objects, and try to get rid of the errors
related to them, before you start detailing, or creating drawings and reports.
The errors in solid pour objects may lead to inaccuracies in volume and other
quantity calculations, and to incorrect representation and hatching in
While you model, use the following methods to check the model for pour-
related errors:
• Check if there are Solid error rows in the session history log file
(page 696).
Checking the session history log file (page 696) and clicking a Solid failure
position row helps you to locate the error in the model (press Ctrl+2 to see
through the parts):
Try moving a beam end so that it is no longer on the same surface as the
column side:
This is how the model and the drawing look like after you have fixed the
See also
View solid errors (page 696)
Manage pours (page 451)
NOTE When you work with rebar sets, ensure that the Direct modification
switch is active.
The position of the guideline affects the bar creation. If you move or lift an end
of the guideline, the bars turn respectively. For example:
5. If needed, modify the cross section size or shape for the bars.
To do this, click on the contextual toolbar, and then drag the cross
section handles.
6. In the selected cross section, select the faces that you want to reinforce.
8. To finish, click the middle mouse button, or click Create the rebar set
on the contextual toolbar.
Tekla Structures creates a rebar set at each selected face, and the bars
perpendicular to the selected cross section.
• To change the cross section size for the bars, click on the contextual
toolbar. Then drag the cross section handles.
6. In the selected cross section, select the bar legs that you want to create.
By default, all legs are selected and Tekla Structures creates a leg for each
object face.
• To unselect a selected leg, hold down Ctrl and click the leg.
7. If you want to rotate the bar shape, for example, to move stirrup hooks to
another corner, press Tab for counterclockwise or Shift+Tab for clockwise
8. If you want to modify the distribution length of the bars, adjust the length
of the rebar set guideline.
Click on the contextual toolbar and then drag the guideline end
handles .
9. To finish, click the middle mouse button, or click Create the rebar set
on the contextual toolbar.
Tekla Structures creates the bars parallel to the selected cross section, and
distributes the bars along the length of the guideline.
3. Pick points to define the shape of the bar at the first cross section.
You can use different snapping (page 84) methods, such as Ortho and
temporary reference points.
4. Click the middle mouse button to finish picking.
5. For the second and subsequent cross sections, pick points to define the
shape of the bar, and then click the middle mouse button to finish picking
at each cross section.
Tekla Structures creates a rebar set with leg faces between each cross section.
See also Rebar set properties (page 1003) and Modify a rebar set (page 530).
13. If you have the Keep cross section check box selected, repeat steps 4–12
to create more rebar sets in the same cross section.
TIP If the Rebar shape placing tool dialog box is already open but the command is
not active, click the Select cross section button to start creating rebar sets
The rebar set has three guidelines: one at each end of the beam and
one in the midpoint of the beam.
d. Select the handle in a polybeam corner, and then select the Arc
point chamfer type on the contextual toolbar.
2. Create crossing bars that follow the bottom and side faces of the beam.
a. On the Concrete tab, click Rebar set --> Create crossing rebars.
b. Move the mouse pointer over the edges of the beam, and select the
cross section that you want to reinforce.
c. In the selected cross section, hold down Ctrl and click the top bar leg
to unselect it.
d. Click the middle mouse button to create the rebar set.
The rebar set guideline is a polyline with three points, and the
midpoint has the Arc point chamfer.
c. Ensure that you are in the single point picking mode ( shown on the
contextual toolbar).
d. Pick the start point for a secondary guideline.
e. Pick the start point for another secondary guideline.
f. Press Esc to finish creating secondary guidelines.
g. If needed, move the guidelines to desired locations by dragging them
or their end point handles.
h. Modify the geometry (page 531) and properties (page 1006) of the
guidelines as needed.
The bars are constructed according to the locations and spacing
settings of these three guidelines.
4. Create crossing bars that follow the bottom and side faces of the beam.
a. On the Concrete tab, click Rebar set --> Create crossing rebars.
b. Move the mouse pointer over the edges of the beam, and select the
cross section that you want to reinforce.
c. In the selected cross section, hold down Ctrl and click the top bar leg
to unselect it.
d. Click the middle mouse button to create the rebar set.
• If curved longitudinal bars have too small start and/or end offset values,
the bars closest to leg face edges may be divided into small bar segments.
To avoid this, increase the offset values.
If you need to modify the properties before you create the reinforcement,
hold down Shift and click the Bar command to open the Single rebar
See also
Create a reinforcing bar group using Rebar shape catalog (page 506)
Create a reinforcing bar group (page 504)
NOTE If you do not want to manually define the bar shape, use Rebar shape
catalog (page 506) and its predefined reinforcement shapes instead.
See also
Create a curved reinforcing bar group (page 513)
Create a circular reinforcing bar group (page 515)
Create a tapered or spiral reinforcing bar group (page 517)
NOTE If you do not want to use the predefined shapes but want to manually
define the bar shape, use the Bar group (page 504) command instead.
1. On the Concrete tab, click Rebar and select Rebar shape catalog.
See also
Create a reinforcing bar group (page 504)
Create a rebar set using Rebar shape placing tool (page 491)
Add more reinforcement shapes to the tree view in Rebar shape catalog
You can modify the tree view in Rebar shape catalog by adding frequently
used shapes to the tree, or deleting the shapes that you do not need.
1. On the Concrete tab, click Rebar and select Rebar shape catalog.
See also
Create a reinforcing bar group using Rebar shape catalog (page 506)
See also
Create a reinforcing bar group using Rebar shape catalog (page 506)
NOTE Rebar sets (page 477) and Rebar shape catalog are the methods to
reinforce pour objects in pour views. If you want to use other
reinforcement commands, such as Bar group (page 504), or
reinforcement components, you need to reinforce single parts in part
views. All reinforcement are visible both in part views and in pour
7. Based on the preview, select a placing for the reinforcement and click the
left mouse button to create the reinforcement.
If you need to modify the properties before you create the reinforcement,
hold down Shift and click the Curved bar group command to open the
Curved bar properties.
2. Select the part to reinforce.
Tekla Structures attaches the bar group to this part.
3. Pick three points on an arc to define the curve.
See also
Create a reinforcing bar group using Rebar shape catalog (page 506)
Create a reinforcing bar group (page 504)
Create a circular reinforcing bar group (page 515)
Create a tapered or spiral reinforcing bar group (page 517)
Modify reinforcement (page 529)
If you need to modify the properties before you create the reinforcement,
hold down Shift and click the Circular bar group command to open the
Circular rebar properties.
2. Select the part to reinforce.
Tekla Structures attaches the bar group to this part.
3. Pick three points on the outer contour of the concrete part to define the
circular bars.
See also
Create a reinforcing bar group using Rebar shape catalog (page 506)
Create a reinforcing bar group (page 504)
Create a curved reinforcing bar group (page 513)
Create a tapered or spiral reinforcing bar group (page 517)
Modify reinforcement (page 529)
See also
Create a reinforcing bar group using Rebar shape catalog (page 506)
Create a reinforcing bar group (page 504)
Reinforcing bar and bar group properties (page 996)
Modify a single reinforcing bar, bar group, or mesh (page 549)
NOTE You cannot change the mesh type once the mesh has been created.
NOTE You cannot change the mesh type once the mesh has been
NOTE You cannot change the mesh type once the mesh has been
NOTE You cannot change the mesh type once the mesh has been
NOTE To allow positioning of the strands, first create points to the part you
are creating the strands for. On the Edit tab, click Points and select
On plane to open the Point Array dialog box. Define the point
See also
Create a reinforcement strand pattern (page 525)
Reinforcement strand properties (page 1017)
If you need to modify the properties before you create the reinforcement,
hold down Shift and click the Splice command to open the Rebar splice
2. Select the first reinforcing bar or bar group.
3. Select the second reinforcing bar or bar group.
Tekla Structures creates the splice. The splices have blue splice symbols
in the model.
Splice properties
Use the Rebar splice properties to view and modify the properties of splices.
The file name extension of a saved splice property file is .rsp.
See also
Create a reinforcing bar group using Rebar shape catalog (page 506)
Create a reinforcing bar group (page 504)
Split and splice a reinforcement (page 570)
Rebar sets
When you modify rebar sets, you can use direct modification on the rebar set
guidelines, leg faces, and modifiers.
See also
Use adaptivity to modify a reinforcement (page 567)
Attach a reinforcement to a concrete part (page 568)
NOTE When you work with rebar sets, ensure that the Direct modification
switch is active.
In case you open an existing model using a new version of Tekla Structures,
always update the existing rebar sets first: on the Concrete tab, click Rebar
set --> Regenerate rebar sets.
See also Modify a rebar set using leg faces (page 532) and Modify a rebar set
locally using modifiers (page 539).
3. Modify the rebar set properties (page 1003) in the property pane.
4. Click Modify to save the changes.
5. To save the properties for later use, enter a name for the property file in
4. Move the mouse pointer over a leg face and click to select it.
Tekla Structures highlights the leg face in yellow.
for example, .
A negative value moves the bars outside the concrete.
12. To flip bars over to the other side of a leg face, select the leg face and click
Flip bar side on the contextual toolbar.
TIP You can modify leg face properties (page 1007) also in the property pane.
Modifiers are lines, or polylines that may have corner chamfers. Modifiers are
projected to rebar set leg faces. Each modifier then only affects the rebar set
bars that its projection touches.
NOTE When you work with rebar sets, ensure that the Direct modification
switch is active.
To select entire rebar sets, or bar groups or individual bars within rebar sets in
the model, you can use the three reinforcement selection switches .
Tekla Structures then shows the existing modifiers that affect the selected
rebar set bars, and the direct modification handles of the modifiers. Different
modifiers have different colors as follows:
Splitter Orange
The button indicates that you can pick one point, and the
button indicates that you can pick multiple points. The button
indicates that the modifier will be created for the selected bars only.
4. Depending on the selected picking mode, do one of the following:
• Pick one point to create a single line modifier for the selected rebar
set, bar group, or bars.
• Pick two points to define the end points of a single line modifier. Then
click the middle mouse button.
• Pick multiple points to create a polyline modifier. Then click the middle
mouse button to finish picking.
5. To end the command, press Esc.
6. To apply local modifications to the rebar set bars at the modifier location:
a. Select the modifier.
b. If you need to change the modifier geometry, drag the direct
modification (page 117) handles.
c. Change the property modifier properties (page 1008) on the
contextual toolbar or in the property pane.
d. If you used the property pane, click Modify to save the changes.
2. On the Rebar set contextual tab on the ribbon, click End detail.
3. Define how you want to place the modifier in the model.
Click the Picking mode button on the contextual tab to cycle through the
picking modes and to select the picking mode.
The button indicates that you can pick one point, and the
button indicates that you can pick multiple points. The button
indicates that the modifier will be created for the selected bars only.
4. Depending on the selected picking mode, do one of the following:
• Pick one point to create a single line modifier for the selected rebar
set, bar group, or bars.
• Pick two points to define the end points of a single line modifier. Then
click the middle mouse button.
• Pick multiple points to create a polyline modifier. Then click the middle
mouse button to finish picking.
5. To end the command, press Esc.
6. To apply local modifications to the rebar set bars at the modifier location:
a. Select the modifier.
b. If you need to change the modifier geometry, drag the direct
modification (page 117) handles.
c. Change the end detail modifier properties (page 1011) on the
contextual toolbar or in the property pane.
Create a splitter
Splitters split bars and create lap or crank splices. Splitters are shown in
The button indicates that you can pick one point, and the
button indicates that you can pick multiple points. The button
indicates that the splitter will be created for the selected bars only.
4. Depending on the selected picking mode, do one of the following:
• Pick one point to create a single line splitter for the selected rebar set,
bar group, or bars.
• Pick two points to define the end points of a single line splitter. Then
click the middle mouse button.
• Pick multiple points to create a polyline splitter. Then click the middle
mouse button to finish picking.
TIP If you want to create the splitter at a rounded distance from a bar
end, and the dimension shown is measured from the other bar end,
hold down Shift when you are placing the splitter in the model to
switch the measuring point to the other bar end.
The button on the contextual tab indicates that you can pick one
point, and the button indicates that you can pick multiple points.
Click the button to change the picking mode.
4. Depending on the picking mode, do one of the following:
• Pick one point to create a single line guideline.
• Pick two points to define the end points of a single line guideline. Then
click the middle mouse button.
• Pick multiple points to create a polyline guideline. Then click the
middle mouse button to finish picking.
5. To create another secondary guideline, repeat steps 3 and 4.
If there are already two secondary guidelines in a rebar set, the tooltip of
TIP Alternatively, you can create secondary guidelines the same way as you copy
other modifiers (page 545): hold down Ctrl and drag the primary guideline.
NOTE When you work with rebar sets, ensure that the Direct modification
switch is active.
To Do this
Add a spacing zone 1.
In the spacing mode, click in the middle of
a spacing zone on the rebar set guideline.
Tekla Structures splits the spacing zone in two.
reinforcement, and a toolbar icon . Click the icon to open the toolbar
and to select the appropriate command. The available commands depend
on the type of the reinforcement you are modifying.
To Do this Command
available for
Change the cover Drag a line handle to the desired Reinforcing bars,
thickness of a location. reinforcing bar
reinforcing bar groups,
See also
Use handles to modify a reinforcement (page 560)
Use adaptivity to modify a reinforcement (page 567)
Check the validity of reinforcement geometry (page 569)
To Do this
Modify the spacings 1.
using direct Ensure that the Direct modification switch
modification is active.
(page 549)
2. Select a reinforcing bar group.
3. On the contextual toolbar, click the Modify the
spacings button .
See also
Create a reinforcing bar group (page 504)
Create a reinforcing bar group using Rebar shape catalog (page 506)
Modify a single reinforcing bar, bar group, or mesh (page 549)
To Do this
Delete bars using direct 1. Ensure that the Direct modification
modification (page 549)
switch is active.
2. Select a reinforcing bar group.
See also
Create a reinforcing bar group (page 504)
Create a reinforcing bar group using Rebar shape catalog (page 506)
Modify a single reinforcing bar, bar group, or mesh (page 549)
Ungroup a reinforcement
You can ungroup reinforcing bar groups and reinforcement meshes. Only
reinforcement where each reinforcing bar is in one plane can be ungrouped.
See also
Modify reinforcement (page 529)
Create a reinforcing bar group using Rebar shape catalog (page 506)
Create a reinforcing bar group (page 504)
Create a reinforcement mesh (page 519)
Group reinforcement
You can group single reinforcing bars and reinforcing bar groups. Only
reinforcement where each reinforcing bar is in one plane can be grouped. All
groups are created with exact spacings. Single reinforcing bars need to have
the same bending shape.
2. Select all the reinforcing bars or reinforcing bar groups that you want to
3. Click the middle mouse button.
4. Select one reinforcing bar or reinforcing bar group to copy the properties
The new group gets the same properties as the selected reinforcing bar.
NOTE The reinforcing bar or reinforcing bar group that you copy the
properties from is also added to the group. This means, for
example, that you cannot copy properties from a separate
reinforcing bar group which you do not want to include in your
new reinforcing bar group.
See also
Modify reinforcement (page 529)
Create a reinforcing bar group using Rebar shape catalog (page 506)
Create a reinforcing bar group (page 504)
Create a single reinforcing bar (page 503)
See also
Create a reinforcing bar group using Rebar shape catalog (page 506)
Create a reinforcing bar group (page 504)
Create a single reinforcing bar (page 503)
Modify reinforcement (page 529)
See also
Create a reinforcing bar group using Rebar shape catalog (page 506)
Create a reinforcing bar group (page 504)
Create a single reinforcing bar (page 503)
Modify a single reinforcing bar, bar group, or mesh (page 549)
NOTE If you want to use the reinforcement handles, ensure that the
See also
Check the validity of reinforcement geometry (page 569)
To Do this
Add hooks using direct 1.
modification (page 549) Ensure that the Direct modification
switch is active.
2. Select a single reinforcing bar or a
reinforcing bar group.
3. Click the start or end point of the
reinforcing bar .
A toolbar for hook properties appears.
4. Select the desired shape for the hook.
5. If you select Custom hook, enter the
angle, radius, and length for the hook.
Click .
Add hooks using the Single 1. Select a single reinforcing bar or a
rebar or Rebar group reinforcing bar group.
2. Double-click the reinforcement to open its
3. In the Hooks section, select a hook type
for the bar start and/or end from the Hook
type list.
4. If you select Custom hook, enter the
angle, radius and length for the hook.
5. Click Modify.
Add hooks to rebar sets See Modify a rebar set locally using modifiers
using end detail modifiers (page 539).
Hook examples
1 Standard 90-degree hook
2 Standard 135-degree hook
3 Standard 180-degree hook
4 Custom hook
If you select a standard hook, the Angle, Radius, and Length use predefined
The rebar_database.inp file contains the predefined minimum bending
radius and minimum hook length for all standard hooks.
See also
Create a reinforcing bar group (page 504)
Create a reinforcing bar group using Rebar shape catalog (page 506)
Modify a single reinforcing bar, bar group, or mesh (page 549)
To Do this
Change the cover 1.
thickness using direct Ensure that the Direct modification switch
modification is active.
(page 549)
2. Select a single reinforcing bar, a reinforcing bar
group, or a mesh.
3. Drag a line handle to the desired location.
See also
Create a reinforcing bar group (page 504)
Create a reinforcing bar group using Rebar shape catalog (page 506)
Create a rebar set (page 477)
Modify reinforcement (page 529)
TIP To modify the general adaptivity settings, click File menu -->
Settings --> Options --> General.
You can also modify the adaptivity settings for each part separately.
These modifications override the general settings in the Options
dialog box.
Reinforcing bars
in their original
Fixed adaptivity
See also
Check the validity of reinforcement geometry (page 569)
Modify a single reinforcing bar, bar group, or mesh (page 549)
TIP Alternatively, you can use the pop-up menu. This is how you attach and detach
rebar sets, or bars in rebar sets, for example.
1. Select the reinforcement that you want to attach or detach.
2. Right-click and select Attach to Part or Detach from Part.
3. If you are attaching the reinforcement, select the part to which you want to
attach the reinforcement.
See also
Modify reinforcement (page 529)
NOTE Reinforcement geometry validity check does not work with circular
(page 515) or curved (page 513) reinforcing bar groups.
See also
Modify a single reinforcing bar, bar group, or mesh (page 549)
Use the Automatic splicing tool macro to split and splice reinforcement that
exceeds the stock length. You can first check the length of the reinforcing bars
in the model according to the manufacturer. You can then define the portion
of the reinforcement to be split and spliced in the same cross section, and the
location, symmetry, type, and length of the splices.
See also
Create a reinforcement splice (page 528)
Use the Rebar sequence numbering macro to assign cast unit specific
running numbers (1, 2, 3...) to the reinforcement in the model. Running
numbers are unique inside each cast unit. The macro does the following:
• Updates the position numbers of the modified model objects using the
Number modified objects command in Drawings & reports --> Perform
numbering .
• Assigns running numbers to the reinforcing bars, reinforcing bar groups,
and reinforcement meshes in the model.
• Saves a running number as the user-defined attribute Rebar sequence
number (REBAR_SEQ_NO) of each bar, group, or mesh.
See also
Number reinforcement (page 712)
If the length value is shown as zero in reports and inquiries, you need to
define the length in Rebar Shape Manager for each shape.
To define the length in Rebar Shape Manager:
1. In Bending schedule fields, right-click in the L cell and select SLL (Sum of
leg lengths) from the pop-up menu.
Using a formula
You can also use a formula in Rebar Shape Manager to calculate the
reinforcing bar total length.
> Advanced options.
For example, to take the bending radius into account and to calculate the
length along the reinforcing bar outer surface, do the following:
1. In Bending schedule fields, right-click in the L cell and select (formula)
from the pop-up menu.
2. Enter the following formula for the length calculation: S1 + S2 +
2*3.14*(RS + DIA)*1/4
• S1 = straight leg length 1 (406)
• S2 = straight leg length 2 (206)
• RS = rounding radius (30)
• DIA = actual diameter (14)
The accuracy of reinforcing bar length is defined in the rebar_config.inp
file. The values can vary in each environment.
For example, the values shown below are from a rebar_config.inp file. In
the default environment the file is located in ..\ProgramData\Trimble
\Tekla Structures\<version>\Environments\default\system\
See also
Rebar shape manager in reinforcement shape recognition (page 578)
• When the angle is > 90 ° and <= 180 °, the tangential length is used
See also
Rebar shape manager in reinforcement shape recognition (page 578)
Reinforcing bar and bar group properties (page 996)
See also
Reinforcement in templates (page 614)
NOTE Rebar shape manager is a tool for recognizing reinforcing bar shapes. You
cannot control the reinforcing bar creation properties, such as cover
thickness, reinforcing bar grade, or size, with this tool.
See also
Tips for reinforcement shape recognition in Rebar shape manager (page 589)
To define Do this
Tolerances Enter tolerance values for the following measurements:
• Dimension (leg lengths and other distances)
• Angle (bending and twist angles)
• Radius (bending radiuses)
• Extra point shortening
• Extra point max angle
• Curve tolerance
The tolerances Extra point shortening and Extra point max
angle are used together for defining whether two bar legs
('1-2' and '2-3' in the image below) can be considered as one
leg ('1-3').
See also
Rebar shape manager in reinforcement shape recognition (page 578)
Option Description
Angle (A) Bending angle between the legs.
Bending angle is always between 0 and +180 degrees. The
angle cannot be negative.
Twist angle (T) Rotation angle of a plane that has been created by two
bars of consecutive lengths. The plane is rotated around
the axis of the last bar creating the plane.
For bars where all the legs lie in the same plane, the twist
angle is either 0 degrees or +180 degrees.
If the bar twists out of the plane, i.e. the bar is in 3D, the
twist angle is between -180 and +180 degrees.
1. Leg 1
2. Leg 2
3. Leg 3
4. Twist angle direction
5. Plane created by legs 1 and 2
Twist angle The twist angle between two planes is +90 degrees. The
example planes are created by legs 1 and 2, and legs 2 and 3.
See also
Define content for templates and reports in Rebar shape manager (page 588)
Rebar shape manager in reinforcement shape recognition (page 578)
NOTE Use the fields S, T, U or V to report angles. If you do not use these
fields, you need to override the default unit settings in the Template
Formula is L1+L3+L5-2*DIA
• L1, L3 and L5 are the leg lengths measured from outer edge to outer edge
• H1 is the total width
• to achieve H1: L1+L3+L5 minus 2*bar diameter
See also
Add new bending shape rules manually in Rebar shape manager (page 582)
Rebar shape manager in reinforcement shape recognition (page 578)
The reinforcing bar shape recognition is based on each shape’s bending shape
rules. The shapes and their rules are listed in the RebarShapeRules.xml file,
located in the ..\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>
\environments\<environment>\system folder by default. Sometimes a
shape matches the rules of two shapes, and Tekla Structures does not
recognize the reinforcing bar shape as expected.
See also
Rebar shape manager in reinforcement shape recognition (page 578)
The bending type identifiers in the table below are internal, hard-coded types
of Tekla Structures. The leg dimensions (D1, D2, and so on) and bending angles
(A1, A2, and so on) of reinforcing bars are Tekla Structures internal dimensions
and angles. You can map the Tekla Structures internal bending types, for
example, to country- or project-specific bending types, and the Tekla
Structures internal dimensions and angles to specific template attributes. You
can do this in the rebar_schedule_config.inp file.
Reinforcing bar bending dimensions are calculated so that the leg dimensions
(D1, D2, and so on) follow the outer edge, or the edge extension, of the
reinforcing bar. The total length is calculated according to the center line of
the reinforcing bar.
If Tekla Structures does not recognize the shape of a reinforcing bar, it assigns
the UNKNOWN bending type to it.
The magenta points in the images in the table below represent the points you
pick in the model when you create reinforcing bars.
Can also be modeled using hooks at both ends (i.e. model D1 and
D5 using 90 degree hooks).
Recognized when the start point and end point are in the same
location and no hooks are used.
FALSE, reinforcing bars with hooks (types 14 and 48) are
recognized as 14_5.
Requires 180 degree hook at one end and 90 degree hook at the
other end.
is set to FALSE.
Requires hook.
Requires hook.
is set to FALSE.
is set to FALSE.
Reinforcement in templates
Sometimes you need to localize reinforcing bar bending types or to create
templates for reinforcing bar bending schedules.
NOTE If you want to customize the hard-coded bending shapes or define new
bending shapes, use Rebar shape catalog. See Define reinforcing bar
bending shapes in Rebar shape manager (page 579).
Reinforcement templates
You can show dimensions, bending angles, and bending types of reinforcing
bars in drawings and reports by including reinforcement-specific attributes,
such as DIM_A, ANG_S, SHAPE, and SHAPE_INTERNAL, in template fields. For
more information on creating templates, see the Template Editor (TplEd) help.
Mapping dimensions
Use the rebar_schedule_config.inp file in the ..\ProgramData
\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>\environments
\<environment>\system folder to map
• Tekla Structures internal reinforcing bar dimensions and angles with
specific template attributes
• Tekla Structures internal reinforcing bar bending types with specific
bending types
These mappings are environment-specific by default. You can modify them to
suit your company or project needs.
You can use equations, functions, and if statements to calculate the
dimensions and angles you need to show.
Use any standard text editor (for example, Microsoft Notepad) to edit the
rebar_schedule_config.inp file.
The following example of the rebar_schedule_config.inp file maps the
internal bending type 5_1 to the bending type identifier E, and the leg
dimensions and bending angles to specific template attributes.
With this mapping, the internal bending type 6_2 becomes XY, and the
template attributes DIM_B and DIM_C will show the horizontal and vertical
dimensions of the second leg D2, and DIM_E and DIM_F the horizontal and
vertical dimensions of the fourth leg D4.
The following example maps the internal bending type 4 to the bending type
identifier A if the dimensions D1 and D3 are the same. Otherwise it maps 4 to
If Tekla Structures does not recognize a reinforcing bar bending shape, it uses
the internal bending type UNKNOWN for it. In the
rebar_schedule_config.inp file you can also define how unknown
bending types appear in drawings and reports. For example, you may just
want to use the bending type identifier ???, and list all leg dimensions and
bending angles.
See also
Hard-coded bending type identifiers in reinforcement shape recognition
(page 590)
Reinforcement shape recognition (page 577)
See also
Create a construction line (page 617)
Create a construction plane (page 617)
Create a construction circle (page 618)
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 616 Create construction objects and points
Create a construction arc (page 619)
Create a construction polycurve (page 620)
Copy a construction object with offset (page 621)
Modify a construction object (page 622)
Create points (page 625)
See also
Create construction objects and points (page 616)
Copy a construction object with offset (page 621)
Modify a construction object (page 622)
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 617 Create construction objects and points
2. Pick three points.
3. Click the middle mouse button.
Tekla Structures draws the plane.
4. To end the command, press Esc.
5. To modify the construction plane properties, double-click the plane in the
The plane properties are shown in the property pane.
a. Enter a name for the plane.
b. If you want to make the construction plane magnetic, select Yes in
the Magnetic list.
c. Click Modify.
See also
Create construction objects and points (page 616)
Modify a construction object (page 622)
• Click , and then pick the center point and a point to define the
radius of the circle.
Tekla Structures creates the circle on the view plane.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 618 Create construction objects and points
• Click , and then pick three points: the center point, a point to define
the radius, and a point to define the plane of the circle.
• Click , and then pick three points along the arc of the circle.
Tekla Structures creates the circle using the points you picked and using
the current properties. Tekla Structures also indicates the center point of
the circle with an X in the model.
3. To end the command, press Esc.
4. To modify the construction circle properties, double-click the circle in the
The circle properties are shown in the property pane.
a. Select a color for the circle.
b. Select a line type for the circle.
c. Click Modify.
See also
Create construction objects and points (page 616)
Copy a construction object with offset (page 621)
Modify a construction object (page 622)
• Click , and then pick three points: the center point, start point, and
end point of the arc.
You can also define the angle or the length of the arc.
• Click , and then pick the start point, end point, and a point along
the arc.
• Click , and then pick a point to define a tangent, and two points
along the arc.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 619 Create construction objects and points
Tekla Structures creates the arc using the points you picked and using the
current properties. Tekla Structures also indicates the center point of the
arc with an X in the model.
See also
Create construction objects and points (page 616)
Copy a construction object with offset (page 621)
Modify a construction object (page 622)
• For a straight segment, click and then pick the start point and the
end point of the segment.
• For a curved segment, click and then pick three points along the
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 620 Create construction objects and points
• For a curved tangential segment, click and then pick a point on the
tangent line, the start point, and the end point of the segment.
• For a straight segment that is tangential to the previous segment, click
See also
Create construction objects and points (page 616)
Copy a construction object with offset (page 621)
Modify a construction object (page 622)
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 621 Create construction objects and points
If you only enter one offset value, Tekla Structures creates one copy of the
To create several copies, enter multiple offset values. For example, 500
1000 1500 or 3*500.
4. Click in the direction where you want to copy the object.
Tekla Structures copies the selected object in the direction you indicated.
For example, if you selected a line, Tekla Structures makes a new copy of the
line in the specified location. If you selected a circle or arc, Tekla Structures
creates a new object that is centered in the same location as the original
object, and adjusts the radius using the offset value that you specified.
See also
Create construction objects and points (page 616)
Modify a construction object (page 622)
When you select a handle and move the mouse pointer over , Tekla
Structures displays a toolbar with more modification options. The available
options depend on the type of the construction object you are modifying.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 622 Create construction objects and points
To Do this Available for
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 623 Create construction objects and points
To Do this Available for
To change the dimension at both
ends, select both arrowheads.
To change the radius of a circle
or arc, select the outer
2. Using the keyboard, enter the
value with which you want the
dimension to change.
To start with the negative sign (-),
use the numeric keypad.
To enter an absolute value for
the dimension, first enter $, then
the value.
3. Press Enter, or click OK in the
Enter a Numeric Location
dialog box.
Chamfer a 1. Select a corner handle. Polycurves
polycurve corner
2. On the toolbar:
Click to create a
rounded chamfer, and then
enter the chamfer radius.
Click to create a straight
chamfer, and then enter the
chamfer dimensions X and Y.
3. Press Enter to confirm the
chamfer dimensions.
Change an arc to Select the arc or segment midpoint Arcs, curved
a line polycurve
handle (with an arc symbol) and segments
Make a curved
press Delete.
segment straight
Change a line to Lines, straight
an arc Drag the arc symbol at the polycurve
midpoint of the line or segment. segments
Make a straight
segment curved
Add a corner Drag a segment midpoint handle to a Polycurves
point and an new location.
segment to a
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 624 Create construction objects and points
To Do this Available for
Remove a corner Select the corner point handle and Polycurves
point and the two press Delete.
Remove the last Select the end point handle and press Polycurves
polycurve Delete.
Change the radius Click the radius dimension, enter a Arcs
of an arc and new value, and press Enter.
keep the end
point locations
Change the radius Curved polycurve
of a polycurve Drag the arc symbol at the segments
segment and keep segment midpoint handle.
the end point
Change the angle Drag the start or end point to a new Arcs
or length of an arc location.
Copy a See Copy a construction object with Lines, circles, arcs,
construction offset (page 621). polycurves
object using offset
Change the Lines, arcs
modeling On the contextual toolbar, click
direction of the Swap ends.
selected This may be needed when you create
construction lofted plates (page 297) or lofted
object slabs (page 329) by using construction
objects and if the geometry of the
plate or slab would become self-
See also
Create construction objects and points (page 616)
Create points (page 625)
Resize and reshape model objects (page 117)
Create points
You can create points to make it easier to place model objects at positions
where no lines or objects intersect.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 625 Create construction objects and points
There are many ways to create points in Tekla Structures. Which method is the
most convenient at each time depends on what you have already created in
the model and which locations you can easily pick.
When you create points, Tekla Structures always places them according to the
work plane coordinate system. Points located on the view plane are by default
blue and points outside the view plane are by default red. You can change the
color of points in the point properties.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 626 Create construction objects and points
Create points on a plane
You can create several equally spaced points in the desired area in the model.
The points are created in relation to the picked origin position.
A point array consists of several points in a rectangular xy(z) pattern relative to
the current work plane. The x, y, and z coordinates of the points define the
array pattern. The x and y coordinates are relative distances between the
points on the work plane. The z coordinates are absolute distances
perpendicular to the work plane.
1. On the Edit tab, click Points --> On plane .
The Point Array dialog box appears.
2. Define the array point coordinates.
Use positive or negative values to define the direction of the array.
Use a zero at the beginning of the row to represent a point in the array
origin. Separate multiple values with spaces.
3. Pick the origin of the array in the view.
Alternatively, you can define the origin in the Point Array dialog box.
4. Click OK.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 627 Create construction objects and points
When you pick points, Tekla Structures uses arrows to indicate the offset
For example, if you enter 500 500 to the Point Input dialog box, the first
pair of new points is created at a 500 mm distance from the picked points,
and the second pair of points is created at a 500 mm distance from the
first pair of points.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 628 Create construction objects and points
TIP Enter a negative value to the Point Input dialog box to create a point between
the start point and the end point.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 629 Create construction objects and points
3. Click OK.
4. Pick the center point.
5. Pick the start point of the arc.
Tekla Structures creates the arc points counterclockwise from the start
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 630 Create construction objects and points
Create points tangent to a circle
1. On the Edit tab, click Points --> Tangent to circle .
2. Pick the center point of the circle (1).
3. Pick a point on the circle to define the radius (2).
4. Pick the end point of the tangent (3).
5. Pick a side to indicate the side on which Tekla Structures creates the
tangent point (4).
NOTE Snap switches (page 86) determine the positions you can pick.
You can also use temporary reference points and numeric snapping to create
a point, for example, to a certain distance from an existing corner or a point.
1. On the Edit tab, click Points --> At any position .
2. Pick the intersection of two part edges (1), or the corner of a part (2).
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 631 Create construction objects and points
Create bolt points
You can create points on the view plane at the center points of single bolts and
bolt group bolts.
1. On the Edit tab, click Points --> Bolt points .
2. Select a bolt or a bolt group.
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 632 Create construction objects and points
Create points at the intersection of a circle and a line
1. On the Edit tab, click Points --> At intersection of circle and line .
2. Pick the center point of the circle (1).
3. Pick a point on the circle to define the radius (2).
4. Pick the first point on the line (3).
5. Pick the second point on the line (4).
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 633 Create construction objects and points
Import points
NOTE During the import process, Tekla Structures ignores all lines in the
import file which do not consist of valid values delimited by tabs
or commas.
Point properties
Use the Point properties to view and modify the properties of a point.
If you have customized (page 225) the property pane layout, the list of
properties may be different.
Setting Description
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 634 Create construction objects and points
Setting Description
Color Change the color of the points.
Note that if you change the point
color, the changed color is not applied
the next time you create points. The
points are created using the default
point color.
X The local (work plane) and global x, y,
and z coordinates of a point. Indicates
the correct location of the point.
TIP You can change the point size in Adjust the display settings (page 639).
Create parts, reinforcement, and construction 635 Create construction objects and points
3 Adjust how model objects are
You can use different methods to adjust how model objects are displayed:
• To change the rendering of parts and components and select whether the
object surfaces or the object outlines are displayed in the views, see
Change the rendering of parts and components (page 636).
• To change the general display settings, Adjust the display settings
(page 639).
• You can temporarily change the part representation to show parts with
exact lines or with high accuracy as explained in Change the part
representation to show parts with exact lines or with high accuracy
(page 643).
• You can temporarily hide selected objects or show only the selected
objects as explained in Temporarily hide model objects or show only
selected model objects (page 644).
• Detailed instructions for changing model object color and transparency can
be found in Change the color and transparency of model objects by using
object representation (page 648)
• You can group model objects using various criteria (for example, profile) to
handle them as a single unit when you define display settings, see Use
object groups in object representation and in filters (page 654).
Adjust how model objects are displayed 636 Change the rendering of parts and components
Option Description Example
Parts Object outlines are displayed, In this wireframe example,
wireframe/ surfaces are not. Objects are component objects are
Components transparent. displayed as rendered.
Adjust how model objects are displayed 637 Change the rendering of parts and components
Option Description Example
Adjust how model objects are displayed 638 Change the rendering of parts and components
Option Description Example
TIP Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+1...5 for parts and Shift
+1...5 for components to switch between the rendering options.
See also
Adjust the display settings (page 639)
Change the rendering mode for model views (page 70)
Adjust how model objects are displayed 639 Adjust the display settings
Set the visibility and representation of model objects in the
Display settings
You can define the visibility and representation separately for different types
of model objects.
1. Double-click the view to open the View Properties dialog box.
2. Click the Display... button to open the Display dialog box.
3. Select or clear check boxes to specify which objects are visible in the view.
You can specify separately the object visibility for the objects in model and
for the objects in components.
4. Select a representation option for parts, bolts, holes, welds, construction
planes and reinforcing bars.
You have the following options:
• Fast
• Exact
• Reference line (only for parts)
• Exact slotted holes (only for holes)
• Exact - no weld mark (only for welds)
5. If you are working with cast-in-place (page 453) concrete structures, and
the pour management functionality is enabled (page 452):
a. In the Cast in place list, select whether you want to show the
structures as Parts or as Pours.
b. If you selected Parts for the cast-in-place concrete structures, select
whether you want to show the parts as Merged or as Separated.
6. Ensure that the view is selected.
7. Click Modify to apply the changes.
NOTE To quickly modify the visibility of objects in model and in components, use the
contextual toolbar. Click the view, and using the eye icon on the contextual
toolbar, set the visibility.
Display settings
Note that some of these settings may affect system performance.
Option Description
Adjust how model objects are displayed 640 Adjust the display settings
Option Description
Parts Defines how parts are displayed.
Fast uses a rapid drawing technique
that displays internal hidden edges,
but skips cuts. The setting does not
automatically affect already modeled
parts. When you switch this setting
on, the fast representation mode will
be applied only to newly created parts
and to parts that are displayed with
the Show with Exact Lines
Exact displays the cuts, but hides the
internal hidden lines of parts.
Reference line shows parts as sticks
(page 350). This option increases
display speed significantly, when
viewing the entire model, or large
parts of it.
Cast-in-place concrete structures can
be displayed as Pours, or as Parts
that can be Merged or Separated.
For more information, see View cast-
in-place concrete structures
(page 453).
Bolts Defines how bolts are displayed.
Fast displays the axis and a cross to
represent the bolt head. This is the
recommended representation mode
for bolts, because it increases display
speed significantly and consumes less
system memory.
Exact shows bolts, washers, and nuts
as solid objects.
Holes Defines how holes are displayed.
Fast only displays the circle in the
first plane. When using this option,
Tekla Structures always displays fast
holes on the first part (counting from
the head of the bolt). If there are
slotted holes in any of the parts, a
slotted hole is displayed on the first
part, even if the hole in that part is
not slotted. The new slotted hole has
the same size and rotation as the first
Adjust how model objects are displayed 641 Adjust the display settings
Option Description
slotted hole (counting from the head
of the bolt).
Holes that are outside a part are
always displayed as fast holes.
Exact shows holes as solid objects.
Exact slotted holes only displays
slotted holes in exact mode and
ordinary holes in fast mode.
Welds Defines how welds are displayed.
Fast displays a symbol for welds.
Exact shows welds as solid objects
and displays the weld symbols. When
you select welds, the weld marks are
Exact - no weld mark shows welds
as solid objects but does not display
the weld symbols, nor the weld marks
when you select welds.
For more information, see Set the
visibility and appearance of welds
(page 409).
Construction planes Defines how construction planes are
Reinforcing bars Defines how reinforcement objects
are displayed.
Fast displays the shape of
reinforcement meshes using an
outline polygon and a diagonal line.
Single reinforcing bars and bar
groups are displayed as solid objects.
Exact shows reinforcing bars, bar
groups, and reinforcement meshes as
solid objects.
Part label See Show part information by using
part labels (page 365).
Point size Defines the size and appearance of
points in views. Also affects the size
Adjust how model objects are displayed 642 Adjust the display settings
Option Description
and appearance of the handles,
together with .
In model increases the point size on
the screen when you zoom in. Shows
points and handles as 3D cubes:
Adjust how model objects are displayed 643 Change the part representation to show parts
with exact lines or with high accuracy
2. Right-click, and then hold down the Shift key while selecting Show with
Exact Lines.
Tekla Structures displays the selected parts with the highest possible level
of accuracy.
3. To clear the high accuracy effect, right-click and select Show with Exact
Adjust how model objects are displayed 644 Temporarily hide model objects or show only
selected model objects
2. Right-click and select Hide.
Tekla Structures shows the hidden parts as part reference lines.
To completely hide the selected parts, hold down the Shift key when
selecting the command.
The selected parts become invisible.
Adjust how model objects are displayed 645 Temporarily hide model objects or show only
selected model objects
3. To make the hidden parts or objects visible again, click on the View
Alternatively, right-click in the view and select Redraw View.
Adjust how model objects are displayed 646 Temporarily hide model objects or show only
selected model objects
Tekla Structures shows the unselected parts almost as transparent.
TIP To completely hide the unselected parts, hold down the Shift key
when selecting the command.
To show the unselected parts as part reference lines, hold down the
Ctrl key when selecting the command.
To Do this
Show the contents of an assembly 1. Right-click an assembly, or a part
in the assembly.
2. Select Assembly --> Show
Assembly .
For a concrete part, select Show
Tekla Structures shows an orange box
around the assembly, and displays all
parts, bolts, welds, and other details
(not cuts or fittings) belonging to the
assembly, even if you had defined
Adjust how model objects are displayed 647 Temporarily hide model objects or show only
selected model objects
To Do this
them as hidden in the display settings
(page 639).
For concrete parts, Tekla Structures
displays reinforcement and surface
treatment (not surfaces), even if you
had defined them as hidden in the
display settings.
Show the contents of a component 1. On the View tab, click Rendering
--> Show component content .
2. Select a component.
Tekla Structures displays all bolts,
welds, and other details belonging to
the component, even if you had
defined them as hidden in the display
settings (page 639).
Reapply the display settings
(page 639) and make assembly or On the View tab, click .
component objects hidden again
Adjust how model objects are displayed 648 Change the color and transparency of model
objects by using object representation
1. Standard color and transparency settings
2. Only parts whose profile name starts with IPE* or HEA* are visible
3. Parts whose user-defined attribute Planned erection date is set to a
certain date are displayed in blue, while all other parts are 90%
Adjust how model objects are displayed 649 Change the color and transparency of model
objects by using object representation
Class numbers above 14 produce the same colors as 1...14. For example,
class numbers 2, 16, 30, 44, and so on, all result in red.
3. To change the part or reinforcement color in the part or reinforcement
a. In the property pane, in the Class box, select a new class.
b. Click Modify.
Alternatively, you can change the Class property on the contextual
NOTE You can also use class numbers to define the default color of pour objects
and pour breaks.
Adjust how model objects are displayed 650 Change the color and transparency of model
objects by using object representation
7. Use the Move up and Move down buttons to change the order of the
The reading order of the rows is from bottom to upwards. If an object
belongs to several groups, the upmost row defines the color and
transparency setting defined for the objects.
8. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
9. Click Save as to save the settings.
NOTE If your setting does not contain the group All, Tekla Structures adds that row
to the bottom of the list when you click Modify, Apply or OK.
Adjust how model objects are displayed 651 Change the color and transparency of model
objects by using object representation
Option Description
Color by analysis utility check Displays parts according to the
utilization ratio in analysis.
Color by attribute Displays parts in different colors
according to the values of a user-
defined attribute.
Adjust how model objects are displayed 652 Change the color and transparency of model
objects by using object representation
• Click a color in the Basic colors palette.
b. Define the color depth by using the color bar on the right, or enter
the exact RGB values.
c. Click Add to Custom Colors.
d. Click the color in the Custom colors palette to select it.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save to save the changes.
Adjust how model objects are displayed 653 Change the color and transparency of model
objects by using object representation
When you open the Object Representation dialog box the next time, the
Color list shows a maximum of 10 colors that you last defined.
Customized colors are shown above the dashed line:
Information about the colors that you define for the object groups is stored in
the used_custom_colors.clr file, which is located in the current model's
\attributes folder.
Information about the colors that you add in the Custom colors palette is
stored in the xs_user.xxx file in the model folder (xxx is your user name).
If you want to delete the settings in the \attributes folder, select the .rep
file and press Delete.
Adjust how model objects are displayed 654 Use object groups in object representation and in
3.6 Use object groups in object representation and in
In object groups the objects are grouped by a set of rules and conditions. Use
the object groups to control the transparency and coloring of model objects in
the model views, and in filters to define which objects are displayed or can be
Adjust how model objects are displayed 655 Use object groups in object representation and in
5. Select options from the Category, Property, and Condition lists.
You can use the same object properties (page 184) and techniques
(page 181) as in filtering.
6. In the Value list, enter a value or select one from the model.
The values can be complete strings, such as the profile name UC310*97.
You can also use incomplete strings together with wildcards (page 201).
For example, the value UC* will match with all parts whose profile name
begins with the characters UC*. Empty values are matched to empty
object properties.
If you use multiple values, separate the strings with blank spaces (for
example, 12 5). If a value consists of multiple strings, enclose the entire
value in quotation marks (for example, "custom panel"), or use a
question mark (for example, custom?panel) to replace the space.
7. Use the And/Or options and brackets (page 181) to define how multiple
rows work together.
8. To temporarily disable rules without deleting them, you can deselect the
check boxes in the first column of the row. Select the check box to re-
enable the rule.
9. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
10. Click Save as to save the object group.
Column Description
Check boxes Select the check box to include the row in the rule.
By default each new row is disabled
Parentheses Use parentheses to create nested rules.
Category Use the Object category with user-defined
attributes or, for example, if you need to create a
selection filter based on GUIDs.
Property Select an available property. All user-defined
attributes can be selected as well.
Condition Numeric, textual, and date properties all have
different set of conditions.
Adjust how model objects are displayed 656 Use object groups in object representation and in
Column Description
Value You can enter the value manually, or select the
value from the model by clicking an object.
For example, if you select Part as Category, and
Name as Property, and click a part in the model,
you get its Name property in the object group rule.
And/Or Use the And/Or column when you create rules
with several rows.
An empty field is the same as if it had the And
option selected.
If you want to delete the object group file in the \attributes folder, select
the .PObjGrp file and press Delete.
Adjust how model objects are displayed 657 Use object groups in object representation and in
4 Check the model
You can use a variety of tools to check and view the model, and to ensure the
model does not contain errors.
• To quickly search for objects in the entire model or within the selected
model objects, see Search for model objects (page 658).
• To take snapshots and to create animations that demonstrate the design
and build options of your model and use them in your presentations, see
Visualize the model (page 661).
• To travel through the model by using the Fly command, see Fly through the
model (page 670). If you need to focus in on required details in the model,
see Create a clip plane (page 671). To show parts in a selected view angle,
see Show parts, components, or assemblies in a selected view angle
(page 673).
• Use the different Inquire commands to get particular information about
model objects, as described in Inquire object properties (page 674).
• Use the Measure commands to measure, for example, distances, as
described in Measure objects (page 680)
• To find colliding objects in a model, see Detect clashes (page 682).
• To check the inconsistencies in a model, you can compare selected parts or
assemblies, view solid errors in a log file, or diagnose and repair the model
to check and repair errors, or to find distant objects. For instructions, see
Compare parts or assemblies (page 695), View solid errors (page 696),
Diagnose and repair the model (page 696) and Find distant objects
(page 699).
3. Click .
Tekla Structures highlights and selects the model objects whose property
values match the search criteria, and shows the object properties in the
property pane.
them by clicking .
Check the model 661 Visualize the model with Trimble Connect
2. On the View tab, click the arrow under Visualize.
Check the model 662 Visualize the model with Trimble Connect
you need to show the class colors to communicate an aspect of the
structural design.
4. Click OK to update the material type mapping.
5. To save the material type mapping as an XML file, do either of the
To Do this
Save the material • When Trimble Connect Visualizer asks you if
mapping to the model you want to save the material mapping to the
folder model, click Yes.
The material type mapping is saved in the model
folder under the \attributes folder. The file
name is VisualizerMaterials.xml.
The material type mapping is saved for all users of
the model, including the users that edit the model
using Tekla Model Sharing or the multi-user mode.
Save the material a. When Trimble Connect Visualizer asks you if
mapping to local you want to save the material mapping to the
application data model, click No.
The material type mapping is saved in the \Users
Structures\<version>\Trimble Connect
Visualizer folder. The file name is
The material type mapping now applies to all
projects that you are working on.
To Do this
Zoom in Do either of the following:
• Scroll forward with the mouse wheel.
• Press the W key on the keyboard.
Check the model 663 Visualize the model with Trimble Connect
To Do this
Zoom out Do either of the following:
• Scroll backward with the mouse wheel.
• Press the S key on the keyboard.
Rotate the model 1. Place the mouse pointer over the point
around which you want to rotate the model.
2. Hold down the left mouse button.
3. Drag the model with the left mouse button.
You can also press the arrow keys on the keyboard
to rotate the model.
Pan the model 1. Hold down the middle mouse button.
2. Drag the model with the middle mouse
You can also press the A and D keys on the
keyboard to pan the model.
To Do this
Change the skybox The skybox that is currently in use is highlighted
with blue. To change the skybox:
• Click another skybox in the skybox selector at
the top of Trimble Connect Visualizer.
Check the model 664 Visualize the model with Trimble Connect
To Do this
2:1. Save the skyboxes in the C:\Users\<user>
\Skyboxes folder. The skyboxes will be available
in the skybox selector the next time you open
Trimble Connect Visualizer.
Rotate the skybox • Move the rotation slider at the top of Trimble
Connect Visualizer.
Check the model 665 Visualize the model with Trimble Connect
To Do this
• To change the height of the sun above the
horizon, move the sun height slider on the left
side of the rendered model.
Show or hide the ground • To switch between showing and hiding the
ground plane, click on the left side of the
rendered model.
When the ground plane is switched on, a slider
Check the model 666 Visualize the model with Trimble Connect
taken, click at the upper-left corner of the Trimble Connect Visualizer
Create animations
You can combine different views of the rendered model to create animations
that show the model from different angles. Do the following:
To Do this
Add a view a. Move the model to get the view that you want
to use.
b. Click + on the toolbar below the view.
Remove a view from the • Click the Close button (X) at the upper-right
animation corner of a view.
Check the model 667 Visualize the model with Trimble Connect
To Do this
Set the time between The time between views determines the speed of
views the animation.
• Type the desired time in seconds in the box
view, click .
Play the animation You can choose to play the animation in a loop
continuously without stopping.
Check the model 668 Visualize the model with Trimble Connect
Show or hide the Trimble Connect Visualizer side pane
Check the model 669 Visualize the model with Trimble Connect
To move in the VR mode with Do this
• To move right, press the D key.
• To move up and down, press the
Q and E keys.
• To rotate around the global
vertical axis, press the X and Z
• To move at running speed, hold
down Shift .
An Xbox One controller When an Xbox One controller is
connected to your computer via
Bluetooth, use the following controls:
• To move the viewer relative to the
view direction, use the left stick.
• To rotate around the global
vertical axis, use the right stick.
• To move up and down, use the left
and right triggers.
• To move at running speed, hold
down the left stick.
Note that the snap depth (page 85) setting on the Snapping toolbar
affects the object faces you can select. Set snap depth to 3D or Auto to
select object faces in the entire 3D space.
4. Select an object face.
The clip plane symbol appears in the model:
8. If you want to move the clip plane scissor symbol to a new location on a
clip plane, hold down Shift and drag the symbol.
This does not move the clip plane, only the scissor symbol.
9. You can delete the clip planes when you do not need them anymore.
• To delete a single clip plane, select the clip plane symbol and press
NOTE Tekla Structures shows the object in the current view, which is the
view where your mouse has last been. If the contextual toolbar is
located, for example, on top of two views, the object is shown in the
view where your mouse has last been and not in the view where the
object was selected.
See also
Adjust how model objects are displayed (page 636)
To inquire Do this
Object properties 1.
On the ribbon, click Object.
2. Select an object.
Tekla Structures displays the object
properties in a separate window.
Point coordinates 1. On the ribbon, click the down arrow next to
See also
Object property report templates (page 675)
See also
Inquire object properties (page 674)
Custom inquiry
You can use the Custom inquiry command to display information about the
selected model object in the side pane. You can define what information you
want to display.
Alternatively, you can click the down arrow next to on the ribbon,
and then select Custom inquiry.
The Custom Inquiry window opens in the side pane.
2. In the Report type list, select the report template you want to use for
showing the object information.
3. Select a model object.
Tekla Structures displays the object properties in the side pane.
If you select several objects or object types, for example parts, bolts, and
reinforcing bars, Tekla Structures displays the quantity of all the selected
objects, regardless of the object types, or the report template used. For
the object properties that differ, Tekla Structures shows Varies.
Alternatively, you can click the down arrow next to on the ribbon,
and then select Custom inquiry.
The Custom Inquiry window opens in the side pane.
The Attributes list contains the attributes that are available by default. In
the Calculated attributes area you can create your own attribute
formulas. The Contents of Custom Inquiry list contains the attributes
whose values will be displayed in the side pane.
3. Define which report templates and attributes are available.
• To modify an existing report template, select it from the top left-hand
list in the Manage contents dialog box.
• To create a new report template, enter a name in the box next to the
Measure distances
You can measure horizontal, vertical and user-defined distances in the model.
1. Press Ctrl+P to switch to the plane view.
2. On the Edit tab, click Measure and select one of the following commands:
• Distance
This command measures the distance between any two points. Use
this command to measure inclined or aligned distances. By default, the
results contain the distance and the coordinates.
• Horizontal distance
This command measures the distance between two points in the
direction of the view plane x axis.
• Vertical distance
This command measures the distance between two points in the
direction of the view plane y axis.
3. Pick the start point.
4. Pick the end point.
5. Pick a point to indicate on which side of the dimension line you want the
measurement to appear.
The measurement is displayed until the next window update or redraw
(page 46).
Measure arcs
You can measure the radius and length of an arc in the model.
1. On the Edit tab, click Measure --> Arc .
2. Pick the start point.
3. Pick the middle point.
This can be any point along the arc between the start and end points.
4. Pick the end point.
The measurement is displayed until the next window update or redraw
(page 46).
See also
Find clashes in a model (page 683)
NOTE For best results, run the clash check only for appropriate sections and floors,
not for the entire model. Use Organizer to select the sections and floors for
which you want to run the clash check. Right-click and select Select in the
NOTE If you cannot find the clashes in the model, change the rendering of objects to
Show only selected part (Ctrl+5) for better visibility.
See also
Manage the list of clashes (page 688)
See also
Find clashes in a model (page 683)
See also
Find clashes in a model (page 683)
Manage clash check results (page 684)
To Do this
Change the sort order of clash Click the heading of the desired column to
results alternate between the ascending and descending
sort order.
Select multiple rows in the list Hold down Ctrl or Shift while selecting rows.
of clashes
Show or hide a column 1. Right-click one of the column headings to
open a menu.
2. Click any of the list items to show or hide
See also
Find clashes in a model (page 683)
4. To display all the clashes again, click next to the Search box.
See also
Find clashes in a model (page 683)
See also
Find clashes in a model (page 683)
See also
Detect clashes (page 682)
For example, you can view the profile, material and class of the objects that
collide. This can be useful especially when you view clash groups (page 690)
that contain more than two objects.
1. Select the clash or clash group whose details you want to view.
2. Right-click and select Clash Information.
NOTE You can view information on one clash or clash group at a time. If
you select more than one clash or clash group, the Clash
Information option is disabled.
See also
Add comments to a clash (page 691)
View the history of a clash (page 692)
See also
Modify a clash comment (page 691)
Remove a clash comment (page 691)
See also
Add comments to a clash (page 691)
Remove a clash comment (page 691)
5. Click .
See also
Add comments to a clash (page 691)
Modify a clash comment (page 691)
See also
View the details of a clash (page 690)
2. Click Print...
3. If needed, modify the print settings.
4. Click Print....
See also
Preview a list of clashes before printing (page 692)
Set the paper size, margins and page orientation (page 693)
To Do this
Open the Print preview... In Clash Check Manager, click the down arrow
dialog box
next to and select Print preview....
Select how many pages to Click one of the Page Layout buttons:
view at a time
See also
Print a list of clashes (page 692)
Set the paper size, margins and page orientation (page 693)
NOTE The options for paper size and paper source are printer-dependent.
To use different paper options, select another printer in the Print
dialog box and click Apply.
1. Click the arrow next to the button and select Page setup.
2. In the Size box, select the paper size you want to use.
3. In the Source box, select the correct paper source.
4. Under Orientation, select one of the page orientation options.
• Portrait: vertical page orientation
• Landscape: horizontal page orientation
5. Under Margins, enter values for the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom
6. Click OK to save the changes.
To Do this
Open a session 1.
Click .
2. In the Open dialog box, select a session.
3. Click Open.
Start a new session
Click .
Clash Check Manager clears the list of clashes
without running clash check.
Save the current session
Click .
Save the current session with a 1.
another name or in another Click the arrow next to the button. A
location menu appears.
Click Save as .
3. In the Save as dialog box, browse to the
folder where you want to save the session.
4. In the File name box, enter a new name.
5. Click Save.
Save only selected clashes 1. In the list of clashes, select the clashes you
want to save.
Click the arrow next to the button. A
menu appears.
Click Save selected .
See also
Detect clashes (page 682)
4. Ensure that you have selected the check box in front of each box.
If you clear the check boxes, the clearance will be zero.
5. Click Apply or OK.
NOTE If Tekla Structures cannot find the bolt head or nut diameter in the bolt
catalog, it uses the shank diameter instead.
See also
Detect clashes (page 682)
See also
Check the model (page 658)
TIP When you click a Solid error row in the log file, hold down the z
key to center the view to the error location.
See also
Troubleshoot pours (page 472)
See also
Check the model (page 658)
This section explains how to change numbering settings and apply numbering
in Tekla Structures.
Click the links below to find out more:
See also
Numbering series (page 701)
Identical parts (page 704)
Identical reinforcement (page 705)
Define what affects numbering (page 706)
User-defined attributes in numbering (page 707)
Family numbers (page 707)
Inquire object properties (page 674)
Numbering series
Use numbering series to divide steel parts, assemblies, and cast units into
groups. For example, you can allocate a separate numbering series to each
phases or part type. Using separate numbering series for different parts
speeds up the numbering operation.
The name of a numbering series consists of a prefix and a start number. You do
not always have to define a part prefix (for example, you may want to omit the
part prefix for minor parts).
NOTE Concrete parts are numbered according to the cast unit numbering settings.
For example, if the cast unit prefix is C and the start number is 1, concrete
parts will get the part prefix Concrete_C-1.
This applies also to concrete components whose part position prefix is
Concrete and start number is 1.
For example, if you define a numbering series with the prefix P and start
number 1001, Tekla Structures numbers that series P1001, P1002, P1003, ...
See also
Plan your numbering series (page 702)
Assign a numbering series to a part (page 703)
Assign a numbering series to an assembly (page 703)
Overlapping numbering series (page 704)
Family numbers (page 707)
One way to plan the numbering series is to create a table:
See also
Numbering series (page 701)
Overlapping numbering series (page 704)
See also
Assign a numbering series to an assembly (page 703)
Numbering series (page 701)
To Do this
To assign a numbering series 1. Check what is the main part of an
to an assembly according to assembly.
its main part
a. On the ribbon, click the down arrow
See also
Assign a numbering series to a part (page 703)
Numbering series (page 701)
See also
Numbering series (page 701)
View the numbering history (page 717)
See also
Casting direction (page 449)
Define what affects numbering (page 706)
User-defined attributes in numbering (page 707)
Identical reinforcement
Tekla Structures treats reinforcing bars as identical, and gives them the same
number, if the following properties are the same:
• Bar geometry
• Numbering series
• Size
• Grade
• Bending radius
See also
Create reinforcement (page 477)
See also
Adjust the numbering settings (page 709)
See also
Examples of user-defined attributes (UDAs) for parts (page 364)
Select and change the profile or material of a part (page 361)
Define what affects numbering (page 706)
Family numbers
With family numbering you can group objects within the same numbering
series into different “families”. This can be used, for example, to find similar
cast units that can be cast in the same bed.
1. Family number
2. Qualifier
Assemblies and cast units that match the comparison criteria you define in the
Numbering Setup dialog box get the same family number. However, if they
have the same family number but different part geometry or materials, they
get unique qualifier numbers.
See also
Numbering series (page 701)
Assign family numbers (page 708)
Change the family number of an object (page 709)
Example: Use family numbers (page 729)
See also
Family numbers (page 707)
Clear existing numbers (page 714)
See also
Family numbers (page 707)
See also
Define what affects numbering (page 706)
Numbering settings during a project (page 734)
Repair numbering errors (page 718)
See also
Number a series of parts (page 710)
Number assemblies and cast units (page 711)
Number reinforcement (page 712)
Number welds (page 713)
Save preliminary numbers (page 713)
Number parts by design group (page 726)
Before you start, we recommend that you plan the numbering series carefully,
and split the model into smaller numbering series, for example by area or
1. Select the parts that have the desired prefix and start number.
Only parts that have the same prefix and start number as the selected
part will be numbered.
2. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Perform numbering --> Number
series of selected objects.
Tekla Structures numbers all parts in the specified numbering series.
See also
Example: Number selected part types (page 731)
Example: Number parts in selected phases (page 732)
The default sort order is XYZ. You have the following options:
NOTE If you add new parts in the model, parts that have already been numbered
are not renumbered to suit the sorting order. In this case you should check
and repair the numbering of those parts.
See also
Repair numbering errors (page 718)
Number reinforcement
To number reinforcement, use the same numbering commands as for
numbering parts.
Note that reinforcement may affect the numbering of parts and cast units. To
force Tekla Structures to give otherwise identical concrete parts and cast units
different numbers if they have different reinforcement, select the Reinforcing
bars check box in the Numbering Setup dialog box.
Part numbering and cast unit numbering do not affect the numbering of
See also
Number parts (page 710)
Identical reinforcement (page 705)
Define what affects numbering (page 706)
User-defined attributes in numbering (page 707)
Assign running numbers to reinforcement (page 571)
See also
Number parts (page 710)
See also
Number parts (page 710)
See also
Number parts (page 710)
See also
Number parts (page 710)
See also
Repair numbering errors (page 718)
NOTE If you work in the multi-user mode, it is very important that you repair
numbering regularly.
See also
Change existing numbers (page 713)
See also
Change existing numbers (page 713)
Clear existing numbers (page 714)
See also
Assign control numbers to parts (page 719)
Control number order (page 720)
Display control numbers in the model (page 722)
Remove control numbers (page 723)
Lock or unlock control numbers (page 724)
Example: Use control numbers to indicate the erection order (page 724)
See also
Control number order (page 720)
Control number settings (page 995)
In the following example, the first direction is X and the second direction is Y.
The numbers 1–8 indicate the control numbers.
See also
Control numbers (page 719)
See also
Control numbers (page 719)
See also
Control numbers (page 719)
Erected as 1st
Erected as 2nd
Erected as 3rd
Erected as 4th
Erected as 5th
Erected as 6th
TIP If you cannot see the control numbers in the model, modify the
display settings. For more information on the required settings, see
Display control numbers in the model (page 722).
NOTE The Design group numbering application only numbers parts that
have a profile extruded to create the length of the part, such as
beams, columns, panels, and footings. Contour plates, slabs, or items
are not numbered.
See also
Number parts (page 710)
3. Apply
4. Ensure that the Column orientation check box is not selected, and then
click Apply.
See also
Number a series of parts (page 710)
See also
Numbering settings during a project (page 734)
Numbering examples (page 729)
Create a standard-part model (page 735)
See also
Example: Number parts in selected phases (page 732)
The standard-part model is only used for comparing parts when you number
parts in a project model. It cannot be used for creating parts in the project
NOTE This functionality only applies to steel parts. Assemblies are not
See also
Number parts (page 710)
All available applications, macros, and drawing plugins are located in the
section Applications of the Applications & components catalog. You can
also record macros of your own and show them on the list.
Macros (page 739) are saved as .cs files in the \drawings or \modeling
folder under the folders that have been defined with the advanced option . By
default, this advanced option is set to ..\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla
In addition to this global folder, you can define a local folder and store local
macros there, for example, environment macros or firm macros. Specify the
local macro folder for the advanced option XS_MACRO_DIRECTORY in addition
to the global folder. Define the global folder first and then the local folder.
When you create a macro you need to set it as global or local, and the macro
will be placed in the global or local folder according to your selection. The
macros in the global folder are read first.
Example of the definition for XS_MACRO_DIRECTORY containing a global folder
and a local folder:
Macro Description
AutoConnectSelectedParts Use to automatically create
(page 766) connections without opening the
AutoConnection dialog box.
AutomaticSplicingTool (page 570) Use to split long reinforcing bars and
bar groups that exceed the stock
length, and create splices in split
ContinuousBeamReinforcement Use to reinforce a continuous beam.
The macro creates main top and
Applications 737
Macro Description
bottom bars, stirrups, fittings, and
additional top and bottom bars using
system components.
Convert_DSTV2DXF Use to create NC files in DXF format
by converting DSTV files to DXF files.
CreateSurfaceView (page 33) Use to create an automatically aligned
surface view.
CreateSurfaceView_wEdge (page 33) Use to create a surface view and align
the work plane along the edge you
DesignGroupNumbering (page 726) Use to number parts by design
groups so that you can differentiate
the parts from each other in drawings
and reports.
DirectoryBrowser Use to to find and modify the location
of the various Tekla Structures files
and folders, and customize user
RebarClassificator (page 572) Use to classify the reinforcing bars
and reinforcement meshes by their
order of depth in concrete slabs and
RebarSeqNumbering (page 571) Use to assign cast unit specific
running numbers (1, 2, 3...) to the
reinforcement in the model.
RebarSplitAndCoupler Use to split a reinforcing bar group
and add couplers in relation to the
direction of the picked points.
UpdateRebarAttributes Use to manage the user-defined
attributes (UDAs) of the couplers and
the end anchor parts created by
Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools.
Macro Description
Add surfacing symbols in drawings Use to add surface treatment
symbols in cast unit drawings.
Copy with offsets (Drawing tools) Use to copy lines, circles, polylines,
polygons and rectangles with offsets.
Create fillets (Drawing tools) Use to connect two intersecting lines
by extending the two selected lines to
their intersection point.
Applications 738
Macro Description
Create chamfers (Drawing tools) Use to create chamfers between two
lines using the distance that you
Moment connection symbols Use to create moment connection
(Drawing tools) symbols to show the beams that are
connected to columns with rigid
Exaggerate selected dimensions Use to exaggerate narrow dimensions
to make them easier to read.
Rebar layering marker Use to mark reinforcing bar layers
with different marking styles and line
types in a drawing.
Rebar mesh view creator Use to create drawing views each
containing one reinforcement mesh.
Remove change clouds Use to remove dimension change
symbols, mark change symbols and
associative note change symbols in
one go from an open drawing.
Extensions (.tsep)
You can download Tekla Structures extensions that have the .tsep file
extension from Tekla Warehouse and import (page 743) these extensions to
the Applications & components catalog. When you restart Tekla Structures,
the imported extensions are installed and added to the Ungrouped items
group in the catalog. You can move them to a suitable group.
To Do this
Record a macro 1. Click the Applications &
See also
Applications (page 737)
NOTE Some Tekla Structures extensions have an .msi installation file. You
have to install these extensions separately. Download the .msi
installation file from Tekla Warehouse and double-click the file to run
the installation.
See also
How to use the Applications & components catalog (page 754)
When you have checked the group, other users can start using it:
• If the group content is already included in other users' Tekla Structures
installation, they can use the group immediately after reloading the catalog
Components are tools that you can use to connect parts in the model.
Components automate tasks and group objects so that Tekla Structures treats
them as a single unit. You can save the properties of a component and use
them in other projects.
Components adapt to changes in the model, which means that Tekla
Structures automatically modifies a component if you modify the parts it
connects. When you copy or move objects, Tekla Structures automatically
copies or moves all the associated components with the objects.
All components are stored in the Applications & components catalog. Click the
Components 747
In the Applications & components catalog, the detailing symbol is .
You can also create your own components, custom components (page 810), if
you do not find a system component that suits your needs. You can use
custom components in the same way as system components.
To Do this
Add a 1. Select the main part.
2. Select the secondary part or parts.
• If there is one secondary part, the connection is
automatically created when you select the secondary part.
When you have added components to the model, you can use the property
pane to list the components:
• If you select one component in the model, the property pane shows the
name and number of that component. You can open the component
properties dialog box by clicking the Component properties button in the
property pane.
• If you select several different components in the model, the property pane
shows lists that have the text Varies. Open the lists to show the names and
numbers of the selected components.
list button in the property pane to open a list of the selected object
types, and select Component to list the components.
Component status
When you have added the component, Tekla Structures shows the component
status using the symbols shown in the table below. Double-click the symbol to
open the component properties.
Color Status
The green symbol shows that the component was created
Valid profiles
Some components work with certain profiles only. If a component is not
created successfully, try entering a valid profile.
You can switch on the Select components switch to be able to select any
object that belongs to the component.
Click the Applications & components button in the side pane to open
the Applications & components catalog. You can also press Ctrl + F.
To use a component (page 747), select it in the catalog and follow the
instructions on the status bar to add the component to the model. Double-
click the component in the catalog to open the component properties dialog
TIP You can use the property pane to list the components that you have selected in
the model. If you select one component, the property pane shows the name and
number of the component. If you select several different components, the
property pane shows lists that have the text Varies. Open the lists to show the
names and numbers of the selected components.
If you select components and other model objects, click the Object type list
button in the property pane to open a list of the selected object types, and
select Component to list the components.
4. If needed, click again to add more tags. You can also remove tags.
5. Click outside the information box to close it.
The descriptions and tags that you add are by default saved in the
ComponentCatalog.xml file in the model folder.
The components are first placed in the Ungrouped items group in the
catalog. They have the name you entered and the thumbnail image of the
original component.
You can move the components to a more appropriate group in the catalog and
change the thumbnail image. For example, you can create a basic component
view in each situation, and use an image of the view as the thumbnail.
To Do this
Create a Right-click in the catalog and select New group.... Drag the
group group to the desired location.
Create a Right-click a group in the catalog and select New group....
Name a Right-click a group, select Rename... and type the name.
Add • Select components in the catalog and drag them to another
components group.
to the group
• Select components in the catalog, right-click and select Add
to group. Then select the group to which the components
are added.
NOTE You cannot add or remove groups in the default groups, and you cannot
modify the content of the default groups. However, you can hide the default
groups and the individual items in the groups.
You can change the sort index by entering either a negative or a positive
integer number, or 0, in the Sort index option box. A negative sort index
You can create conceptual components in the Engineering, Rebar Detailing,
and Construction Modeling configurations.
You can edit conceptual components and convert them to detailed
components in the Full, Primary, Steel Detailing, or Precast Concrete
Detailing configurations.
Modifying part properties, such as the size of the component main part, does
not automatically convert a detailed component to a conceptual component,
or vice versa. For example, if you use the Engineering configuration and
modify the model, detailed components are not converted to conceptual
components. However, when you modify a detailed component in the Rebar
Detailing configuration, the component changes to a conceptual component.
Click the Applications & components button in the side pane to open
the Applications & components catalog.
Do one of the following:
Use the AutoConnection tool to automatically select and apply connections
with predefined properties to selected parts in a model. With AutoConnection,
Tekla Structures automatically creates similar connections for similar framing
You can use AutoConnection to quickly add connections individually, in
phases, or project-wide. This is useful when you are working on a large project
using many connections, modifying a model, or importing modified profiles.
See also
Define AutoConnection settings and rules (page 763)
AutoConnection settings
To open the AutoConnection Setup dialog box, on the File menu, click
Catalogs --> AutoConnection settings.
Rules.zxt file
When you use AutoConnection, Tekla Structures saves the AutoConnection
information in a zipped rules.zxt file in the \attributes folder under the
current model folder.
You can copy the rules.zxt file to the project or firm folder to make it
available in other models. Each time you modify the AutoConnection setup
you need to recopy this file to the firm and project folders. To use the
modified setup in other models, restart Tekla Structures.
When you create a new rule group, Tekla Structures automatically adds the
existing framing conditions in the group.
2. Click the plus icon in front of the rule group to open the tree structure.
NOTE The order of the rules in the tree structure is important. Tekla Structures uses
the first rule that matches the conditions in the model so you should place
the most limiting rule highest in the tree, and the most generic rule lowest.
You can change the priority of a rule set by right-clicking the rule set and
selecting Move up or Move down.
2. Click the plus icon in front of the relevant framing condition and rule
set to find the connection that you want to change.
TIP You can also use the Auto connect selected parts macro to automatically
create connections using the current properties without opening the
AutoConnection dialog box.
Macros are located in the Applications group in the Applications &
components catalog.
See also
Define AutoConnection settings and rules (page 763)
Use AutoDefaults to set up properties for existing connections. AutoDefaults
allows you to modify the default connection properties and save them for use
in specific circumstances. When you use AutoDefaults, Tekla Structures
automatically creates the connections with the predefined AutoDefaults
properties. You can also use AutoDefaults for a single connection.
For example, you can use AutoDefaults to automatically adjust the thickness of
each base plate you create, according to the main part profile. If the main part
profile changes, Tekla Structures automatically adjusts the thickness of the
base plate.
See also
Define AutoDefaults settings and rules (page 768)
Modify a connection using AutoDefaults (page 772)
AutoConnection and AutoDefaults rules (page 773)
AutoDefaults settings
To open the AutoDefaults setup dialog box, click File --> Catalogs -->
AutoDefaults settings.
Defaults.zxt file
When you use AutoDefaults, Tekla Structures saves the AutoDefaults rules in a
zipped defaults.zxt text file in the \attributes folder under the current
model folder.
You can copy the defaults.zxt file to the project or firm folder to make it
available in other models. Each time you modify the AutoDefaults setup, you
need to recopy this file to the firm or project folder. To use the modified setup
in other models, restart Tekla Structures.
NOTE We do not recommend that you edit the defaults.zxt file using a
text editor, but if you do, ensure that you are using the right syntax.
The easiest way to unzip the .zxt file is to change the file
extension .zxt to txt.gz and unzip the file. Change the extension
back to .zxt when you have finished. You do not need to zip the file
after editing it, Tekla Structures can also read the unzipped file.
When you create a new rule group, Tekla Structures automatically adds the
existing components to the group.
2. Click the plus icon in front of the rule group to open the tree structure.
3. Click the plus icon in front of the relevant group of components and
connection .
4. Right-click an existing rule set and select New Rule Set.
5. Right-click the new rule set and select Edit Rule Set....
6. Enter a name for the rule set.
7. Select a rule from the Available rules list.
8. Click the right arrow button to move the selected rule into the list of Rules
in rule set.
9. Enter the values used in the rule: either an exact value, or minimum and
maximum values.
10. Select from the Parameter files selection in rule set list how the
properties are selected in the rule set.
Option Description
Use Tekla Structures uses the properties files it finds in the first
combination of matching sub-rule set and does not check other rule sets.
Iterate until Tekla Structures checks sub-rule sets until it finds matching
connection properties.
symbol is
Iterate until Tekla Structures checks sub-rule sets until it finds matching
connection properties.
symbol is
NOTE The order of the rules (page 775) in the tree structure is important. Tekla
Structures uses the first rule that matches the conditions within the model so
you should place the most limiting rule highest in the tree, and the most
generic rule lowest.
You can change the priority of a rule set by right-clicking the rule set and
selecting Move up or Move down.
2. Click the plus icon in front of the rule group to open the tree structure.
3. Click the plus icon in front of the relevant group of components and
connection .
4. Right-click the standard.j connection file that you want to modify, for
example, standard.j144 and select Edit Connection Parameters....
5. In the connection dialog box, set the properties that you want to save.
Such properties could be, for example, bolt properties, profiles, and
6. Enter a descriptive name for the properties in the box next to the Save as
7. Copy this name in the Connection code option on the General tab.
Using the same name allows you to check which properties Tekla
Structures used in specific situations. Tekla Structures does not
automatically show the AutoDefaults values in the connection dialog box.
NOTE You can view which AutoDefault rules and properties are used:
• To view AutoDefaults rules, select the connection symbol in the model,
right-click and select Inquire .
Tekla Structures shows the rule group, rule sets and properties files used.
See also
Define AutoDefaults settings and rules (page 768)
General rules
• Profile name is the name in the profile catalog.
• Profile type
Orientation rules
Depending on the relative angle of a beam, the connections can be classified
as sloped, skewed, or cant. The angle value can be between - 90 and 90
• Cant angle
For rotated secondary parts
Dimension rules
• Profile depth
• Web depth
For profiles with an upper and lower flange, the web depth is: h-t1-
Or, if t2 is zero: h-2*t-2*r1
For profiles with one flange, the web depth is h-t-r1-r2.
See also
Combining and iterating properties for AutoDefaults (page 775)
AutoDefaults example: Using iteration with connection check (page 777)
Using reaction forces and UDLs in AutoDefaults and AutoConnection
(page 779)
See also
Define AutoDefaults settings and rules (page 768)
TIP If there is no suitable properties file, you can create a new file. Right-
click the standard.j144 file and select Edit Connection
Parameters. Save the needed properties and click Cancel to close
the dialog box. The saved properties are now available in the
Attribute File List.
17. Click Apply to have the changes available in the connection dialog box.
18. Repeat steps 9 to 16 for other rule sets.
19. Open the End plate (144) dialog box.
20. Select <Defaults> from the list next to the Load button and click Load.
21. On the General tab, set the AutoDefaults rule group option to the
Iteration example you created.
22. On the Design type tab, set the Check connection option to Yes.
23. Enter the load from secondary members in the Shear, Tension, and
Moment options.
24. Click OK.
See also
Define AutoDefaults settings and rules (page 768)
Combining and iterating properties for AutoDefaults (page 775)
To Do this
Use UDL for 1. On the Design tab in the connection dialog box, set the
AutoConnectio UDL option to Yes.
2. Enter the UDL percentage in the UDL% box.
If you do not enter any value, Tekla Structures uses a
default percentage set with the
Use UDL for 1. On the Design tab in the connection dialog box, set the
AutoDefaults Use UDL option to Yes.
2. Enter the UDL percentage in the UDL % box.
If you do not enter any value, Tekla Structures uses a
default percentage set using the
See also
Design and Design type tabs (page 805)
• Value 1 means that the default values defined in the joints.def file
are used.
• Value 0 means that the system default values are used.
• The // characters at the beginning of a line mean that the line is a
comment line. Tekla Structures does not use the information on these
Do not add columns to the file. If Tekla Structures cannot find a property in the
connection-specific section, it searches for the default property in the general
defaults section.
Connections that use the joints.def file
The following connections use the joints.def file:
• Welded gusset (10)
• Bolted gusset (11)
• Bracing cross (19)
• Tube gusset (20)
• Tube crossing (22)
• Two sided angle cleat (25)
• Corner tube gusset (56)
• Corner bolted gusset (57)
• Wraparound gusset (58)
• Hollow brace wraparound gusset (59)
• Wraparound gusset cross (60)
• Wrapped cross (61)
• Gusseted cross (62)
• Corner wrapped gusset (63)
• Beam with stiffener (129)
• Column with shear plate (131)
• Bolted moment connection (134)
• Clip angle (141)
• Two sided end plate (142)
• Two sided clip angle (143)
• End plate (144)
• Shear plate simple (146)
Tekla Structures uses the bolt diameter to assign the bolt and part properties.
It searches the DIAGBOLTPART rows for bolt diameter 0.75.
Tekla Structures does not use the connection plate thickness or angle profile
properties in this connection.
Property Description
boltdia Bolt diameter
pitch Distance from the center of one bolt to the center of the
next bolt
clipweld Weld size
angle-cc-inc Tekla Structures adds bolt to bolt distance and web
thickness, then rounds up the result using this value.
Complies with the US AISC standard.
lprofgapinc Tekla Structures rounds up the angle profile gap using this
value. Complies with the US AISC standard.
lsize Size of the angle profile
copedepth Notch size
copelength Notch size
boltedge Edge distance
webplatelen Haunch plate height (h)
webplatewid Haunch plate width (b)
beamedge Setback distance between the end of the beam and the
main part
knifeclr No longer used
clipedge Edge distance for bolts (clip angles only)
For According to
Clip angles Secondary beam height
Shear tabs Secondary beam height
End plates Secondary beam height
Gusset Angle profile length
Diagonal Profile height
Property Description
sec.beam.height Maximum height of the secondary beam for a certain
number of bolts
diameter Bolt diameter. The diameter must exist in the bolt
number_of_bolts Number of bolts vertically
Gusset connections
Tekla Structures calculates the default bolt diameter and the number of bolt
rows horizontally according to the length of the angle profile. You can enter
the following properties:
Property Description
lproflength or Length of the angle profile
diameter Bolt diameter. The diameter must exist in the bolt
number_of_bolts Number of bolts horizontally
Property Description
conn.pl.height Profile height
or profileheight
diameter Bolt diameter. The diameter must exist in the bolt
number_of_bolts Number of bolts horizontally
The example image below shows the properties of the Wraparound gusset
(58) connection on the Picture tab.
1. tol_lprof
2. corner_dy
3. corner_dx
Property Description
boltdia_def Bolt diameter for all bolt groups
Tekla Structures uses this value if the Bolt size box is
empty in the connection dialog box.
dist_gus_diag Gap between the gusset plate and the brace
If the tube profiles are closed with end plates,
dist_gus_diag is the gap between the gusset plate and
the end plate.
See the Tube crossing (22) image below.
dist_in Cut depth in the brace. Enter a negative value to prevent
the connection plate from being inside the tube brace.
See the Tube crossing (22) image below.
dist_dv Brace edge distance to the edge of the connection plate.
This dimension changes the width of the connection plate.
See the Tube crossing (22) image below.
sec_cut_tol On the Brace conn tab:
The example image below shows the properties of the Tube crossing (22)
connection on the Picture tab:
1. dist_dv
2. dist_in
3. dist_gus_diag
Property Description
width Profile width
one bolt For single bolts, distance from the edge of the profile
firsthole angle to the first hole
two bolts For two bolts, distance from the edge of the profile
firsthole angle to the first hole
pitch Distance between bolts from the center of each bolt,
for vertical and horizontal bolts
For example, to find the bolt dimensions to be used with an L6X6X1/2 profile
in a clip angle connection:
1. Tekla Structures first searches the PROFILEBOLTDIM rows for L6X6X1/2
2. If there is no match, Tekla Structures then searches the
File Description
Visual Basic script file The Excel.vb file links Tekla Structures with the
external software and defines the Excel spreadsheet
file names and the locations. The file is located in
the ..\Tekla Structures\<version>
\Environments\common\exceldesign folder.
Component type- The component type-specific spreadsheet contains
specific Excel predefined calculations. When you run the connection
spreadsheet design, the connection properties and information of
the main and secondary parts are transferred to the
Input and Component sheets of the Excel
Excel searches for the relevant spreadsheet file in the
following order:
1. From the \exceldesign folder in the current
model folder: file named as component_ +
number or name + .xls, for
example, ..\test_model\exceldesign
2. From the location defined with the
option as follows:
\exceldesign\) + "component_" + number
+ ".xls"
Connection specific The result file contains the modified connection
result file properties.
• The result file is created automatically from the
Calculation sheet.
• The file is stored in the \exceldesign folder in
the model folder and named with the GUID,
Globally Unique Identifier.
• The file is updated each time you modify the
• The calculation results can be stored as an Excel
spreadsheet, or in HTML or PDF format, depending
on how the calculation spreadsheet is configured.
7. Click Modify.
8. Click OK to continue.
9. Click OK to continue.
The Excel design process now calculates the result output values and then
opens the Outputs sheet. The calculated results values are transferred to
the connection.
NOTE The component symbol color can only be controlled for system components,
not for custom components.
General tab
The General tab is available in steel connections and steel details.
Position in Available only for details. The check boxes next to the
relation to images indicate the position of the definition point of the
primary part detail, relative to the main part.
Horizontal offset and Vertical offset define the
horizontal and vertical alignment of the detail, relative to
the main part.
Detail type Available only for details. This option determines on which
side of the part the detail will be created, but it depends on
where you pick the input point of the detail.
• End detail
Pick a point on a part. The detail will be created from
the picked point towards the start or end point of the
part depending on which one of them is further from
the picked point. If you pick the mid point of the part,
the detail will be created towards the end (magenta
handle) point of the part. If you pick the start point of
the part, the detail will be created towards the end
point (and vice versa).
• Intermediate detail
Pick a point on a part. The detail will be created from
the picked point towards the start (yellow handle) point
of the part. Do not pick the start (yellow handle) point
of the part.
• Intermediate detail (reverse)
Pick a point on a part. The detail will be created from
the picked point towards the end (magenta handle)
point of the part. Do not pick the end (magenta handle)
point of the part.
Locked Prevents modifications.
You can use the privileges.inp file to control the
access to the Locked attribute.
Class A number given to all parts the connection creates. You
can use class to define the color (page 649) of the parts in
the model.
Connection Identifies the connection. Tekla Structures can display this
code connection code in connection marks in drawings.
See also
AutoDefaults (page 767)
AutoConnection (page 762)
Design tab
This design check is intended to be used with imperial units.
To check the design:
1. Go to the Design tab and select Yes in the Use UDL list.
2. To use information in an Excel spreadsheet in the UDL calculation, select
Excel in the External design list.
3. Enter the information you want to use in the calculation.
Analysis tab
Use the Analysis tab in the steel connection or detail dialog box to define how
Tekla Structures handles connections and details in the analysis.
You can define customized connections, parts, seams, and details for your
project. These are called custom components. You can use custom components
in the same way as any Tekla Structures system component. By editing the
custom components you can create intelligent, parametric custom
components that automatically adjust to changes in the model.
When to use
Define a custom component if you cannot find a predefined system
component (page 747) that meets all your needs. Especially if you need to
create a large number of complex model objects and copy them across several
Once you define and store a custom component in the Applications &
components catalog, you can easily access it from the catalog and use it in
another location in the same model. If you must modify the custom
component, you only need to make the changes once. When you save the
changes, they will be automatically applied to all copies of that custom
component in the model. You can also import and export custom components
as .uel files between models and share the custom components with your
colleagues, or store the custom components in a model template (page 246)
so that they are available with each new model that is based on the used
component symbol in
the model. Custom parts
have the same position
properties as beams have.
Custom Creates connection objects
connection and connects the secondary
(page 813) parts to the main part. The
main part may be
continuous at the
connection point.
Built-up beams/columns
Built-up beams
Standard embeds/
Standard beams
Column cut-out
Cast base
Timber base
Column patterns
Lifting details
Side pocket
3. In the Type list, select the component type (page 810): connection, detail,
seam, or part.
4. In the Name box, enter a unique name for the component.
5. Modify the other properties (page 940) on the Type/Notes tab, Position
tab, and Advanced tab, and then click Next >.
6. In the model, select the objects you want to include in the custom
NOTE Pay attention to the order in which you select secondary parts.
Tekla Structures will use the same picking order when you use the
custom component in a model.
11. Define any other properties required for this custom component, such as
detail or seam position.
The properties depend on the component type that you selected in step 4.
12. If you want to adjust any of the settings at this stage, click < Back to
return to the previous page of the Custom Component Wizard.
13. When you are happy with the settings, click Finish to create the custom
The custom component is added in the model and in the Applications &
components catalog.
14. If needed, add a thumbnail image for the custom component.
The thumbnail image is displayed in the Applications & components
catalog. In the thumbnail image you can show a typical situation where
the component can be used.
a. Take a screenshot of the custom component.
b. Add a thumbnail image (page 757) of the custom component in the
Applications & components catalog.
NOTE When you select multiple secondary parts, pay attention to the
order of selection. The custom component will use the same
selection order when you add the component in a model. The
maximum number of secondary parts in a custom component is
You have now defined a simple custom component, which you can use in
locations similar to where it was originally created. This component is not
intelligent and Tekla Structures does not adjust dimensions to suit any
changes in the model. To make the custom component intelligent, you
need to edit (page 827) it in the custom component editor.
component symbol .
Icon Description
Creates a distance.
Select the plane first and then the
handle or chamfer where to bind.
Creates a reference distance.
To Do this
Save changes to all copies of the 1. In the custom component editor,
custom component
click the Save component
2. In the Save confirmation dialog
box, click Yes.
Tekla Structures saves the
changes and applies them to all
copies of the custom component
in the model.
Save the component with a new 1. In the custom component editor,
name click the Save with new name
2. Enter a new name for the
Save and close the component 1. In the custom component editor,
click the Close button.
2. In the Close custom component
editor message, click Yes.
If you click No, the custom
component editor closes without
saving the changes.
Type Symbol
Custom part
Custom detail
3. Select the custom component you want to add.
4. Follow the instructions on the status bar to add the custom component in
the model.
5. To modify the properties, double-click the custom component in the
NOTE This method cannot be used when adding custom parts to faces that
have cuts or edge chamfers. You need to hide the cutting parts and
edge chamfer objects from the view before you add custom parts on
cut or chamfered faces using direct modification.
We do not recommend using this method with custom parts that are
parametric, and in which the input points define the dimensions of
6. Click the middle mouse button to confirm the location and rotation.
Tekla Structures adds the custom part to the model.
7. To move the custom part along any of its coordinate axes, drag the
relevant axis handle to a new location.
Variable types
There are two types of variables:
• Distance variable: The distance between two planes, or between a point
and a plane. A distance variable binds parts together, or works as a
reference distance.
• Parametric variable: Controls all the other properties in a custom
component, such as name, material grade, and bolt size. Parametric
variables are also used in calculations.
Distance variables
Use distance variables to bind custom component objects to a plane, so that
the component objects stay at a fixed distance even if the surrounding objects
change. You can create distance variables manually or automatically.
You can bind the following objects to a plane:
• construction planes
• reference points of parts (only custom component objects)
• reference points of bolt groups
• chamfers
• part and polygon cut handles
• line cuts
• reference points of reinforcing bars
• reference points of reinforcement meshes and strands
• fittings
You can decide which distance variables are shown in the custom
component's dialog box. Show the variables if you want to edit their values in
the dialog box. Hide the variables if you only use them to bind objects to a
Parametric variables
Use parametric variables to to set properties for any object the custom
component creates (page 851). After creating the variable, you will be able to
change the value directly in the custom component's dialog box.
You can decide which parametric variables are shown in the custom
component's dialog box. Show the variables if you want to edit their values in
the dialog box. Hide the variables if you only use them in calculations.
NOTE You cannot bind custom parts (page 812) automatically, because they
do not have a main part.
5. In the custom component editor, click the Add fixed distance button .
NOTE If you cannot highlight the correct plane, change the plane type
(page 947) on the Custom component editor toolbar.
Boundary and component planes work for most profile types, so
try to use them whenever you can.
Test a binding
Test all bindings to see that they work correctly.
To be able to select distances in the model, ensure that the Select distances
TIP Alternatively, you can test the binding in the Variables (page 950)
dialog box:
a. Enter a new value in the Formula box.
Check a binding
You can check what is bound to what by using the Inquire objects command.
To be able to select distances in the model, ensure that the Select distances
Delete a binding
Bindings cannot be modified, but you can delete the existing bindings and
then create new ones to rebind the objects.
To be able to select distances in the model, ensure that the Select distances
NOTE If you cannot highlight the desired plane, change the plane type
(page 947) on the Custom component editor toolbar.
NOTE Only the objects whose reference points are directly on the
magnetic construction plane are affected. By default, the
magnetic distance is 0.2 mm. To change this setting, use the
2. In the custom component editor, click the Add reference distance button
3. Move the mouse pointer in the view to highlight a plane.
This will be the end point for your measurement. If you cannot highlight
the correct plane, change the plane type (page 947) on the Custom
component editor toolbar.
Note that the Add reference distance command remains active. You can
click more planes if you want to measure other distances.
5. To stop measuring, press Esc.
6. To check that the reference distance works correctly, move the handle.
See also
Add variables to a custom component (page 836)
You can now modify the Size above line property by using the Weld
size box in the custom component's dialog box.
10. Repeat step 9 for any other property of the same type, if needed.
If you change the weld size value now, the size of all welds within the
custom component will change accordingly.
See also
Copy properties and property references from another object (page 854)
See also
Examples of parametric variables and variable formulas in custom
components (page 871)
See also
Functions in variable formulas (page 858)
Arithmetic operators
Use arithmetic operators to combine expressions that return numeric values.
You can use the following arithmetic operators:
For example:
=if (D1>200) then 20 else 10 endif
You can use the following operators inside if statements:
Reference functions
Use reference functions to refer to the property of another object, such as the
plate thickness of a secondary part. Tekla Structures refers to the object on
the system level, so if the object property changes, so does the reference
function value.
1. model
2. ..\TeklaStructuresModels\<model>
3. project (set with advanced option XS_PROJECT)
4. firm (set with advanced option XS_FIRM)
5. system (set with advanced option XS_SYSTEM)
The format for reading files is the following:
fVF("filename", "key_value_of_row", column_number)
• Key value of row is a unique text value.
• Column number is an index starting from 1.
NOTE Enter a space at the end of each row in the ASCII file. Otherwise the
information is not read correctly.
Mathematical functions
Use mathematical functions to create more complex mathematical
expressions. You can use the following functions:
1. side1
2. hypotenuse
3. side2
n!(parameter) Returns the factorial of the =n!(P2) returns 24
if P2 = 4
round(parameter, Returns the parameter =round(P1, 0.1)
accuracy) rounded off to the given returns 10.600
if P1 = 10.567
PI Returns the value of pi to 31 =PI returns
decimal places 3.1415926535897932
Statistical functions
Use statistical functions to calculate sums and averages, and to round values.
You can use the following statistical functions:
• "mm"
• "rad"
• "deg"
NOTE The units depend on the settings in File menu --> Settings -->
Options --> Units and decimals .
String operations
Use string operations to manipulate character strings. Strings must be inside
quotation marks in variable formulas.
Example 1
To define profile size PL100*10 with two variables P2 = 100 and P3 = 10, enter
the formula as follows:
Example 2
Tekla Structures handles bolt spacings as strings. To define bolt spacing, set
Value type to Distance list and enter the formula as follows:
=P1+" "+P2
This results in 100 200, if P1 = 100 (length) and P2 = 200 (length).
Trigonometric functions
Use trigonometric functions to calculate angles. You can use the following
trigonometric functions:
NOTE When you use trigonometric functions in variable formulas, you need
to include a prefix to define the unit. If you do not include a prefix,
Tekla Structures uses radians as the default unit.
• d is degree. For example, sin(d180)
• r is radians (default). For example, sin(r3.14) or sin(3.14)
NOTE • These functions do not return positive and negative slope and
skew values. It is not possible to determine up or down slope and
left or right skew with these functions.
• The maximum skew angle to return is 45 degrees.
• Tekla Structures calculates the angles in 2D so that slope and skew
are isolated from each other. For example, the skew angle is not
taken into consideration when calculating the slope angle, which
means that the slope angle value stays the same regardless of the
secondary part's rotation around the primary part.
To find out the true 3D slope with the skew included, you can use
the following mathematical formula:
TRUE_SLOPE = atan( tan(SLOPE) * cos(SKEW))
Example 1
The slope and skew are relative to a beam framing into a column.
1. Column
2. Beam
Example 2
With two beams, the slope is actually the horizontal skew of the beam framing
into the other beam, and the vertical slope of the beam relative to the main is
actually the skew angle.
1. Skew
2. Slope
Cyclic dependencies may also occur when binding handles to other objects or
when using magnetic construction planes. When you create new formulas,
bindings, or magnetic construction planes, Tekla Structures checks if they
create cyclic dependency chains in a custom component. If that happens, a
warning message "Caution. Operation created cycle." is displayed.
5. In the Custom component browser, browse for the end plate material.
NOTE The component name and the component attribute file variables
must always have the same prefix, otherwise they do not work.
11. Repeat steps 9–11 for the stiffener at the other end.
12. In the Formula box, enter =P2 for the two distance variables that bind the
construction planes to the beam ends.
13. Save the custom component.
14. Close the custom component editor.
If you now change the beam length, the position of the stiffeners changes so
that the stiffeners divide the beam into three equally long sections.
NOTE The bolt size and bolt standard variables must always have
the same prefix, otherwise they do not work.
In the formula,
fP(Height,"ID50B8559A-0000-00FD-3133-353432363133") is the
beam height reference copied from the Custom component browser.
The variable gets its value in the following way:
• If the beam height is under 301 mm, the value is 2.
• If the beam height is over 501 mm, the value is 4.
• If the beam height is between 300 and 500 mm, the value is 3.
7. Click Add to create another parametric variable.
8. In the Value type list, select Distance list for the new variable.
9. In the Formula box, enter =P1+"*"+100 for the new variable.
In the formula, 100 is the bolt spacing and the P1 value is the number of
bolt rows.
10. In the Custom component browser, browse for Bolt group distance x.
11. Right-click Bolt group distance x and select Add Equation.
12. Enter P2 after the equal sign, and then press Enter.
13. Save the custom component.
14. Close the custom component editor.
When you now change the beam height, the number of bolt rows changes as
8. Create two new parametric variables and link them to the user-defined
attributes of the other two panels.
9. Save the custom component.
10. Close the custom component editor.
You can now create a view filter (page 173) in the model to hide or show
panels using the User field 1 attribute and the Formula values you entered
for the parametric variables in the filter.
Example: Define the class and size of rebar set bars using a property
This example shows how to use a rebar set property modifier for defining the
class and size of certain rebar set bars in a custom component. You will define
the class and size using parametric variables and modifier-specific Apply
The parametric variable for class will be defined so that if the class is set to 0,
the class value is not applied, but the original class of the rebar set is used.
1. In the model, select a previously created custom component (page 817)
that contains a rebar set and a property modifier.
You can use the component in locations similar to where the component was
originally created. This component is not adaptive and Tekla Structures does
not adjust the component dimensions to suit any changes in the model. To
make the custom component adaptive, you need to modify (page 827) it in the
custom component editor.
Example: Create and modify rebar hooks using an end detail modifier
This example shows how to use a rebar set end detail modifier for creating
hooks at certain rebar set bar ends in a custom component. You will define
the hook properties using parametric variables and modifier-specific Apply
1. In the model, select a previously created custom component (page 817)
that contains a rebar set and an end detail modifier.
You can use the component in locations similar to where the component was
originally created. This component is not adaptive and Tekla Structures does
not adjust the component dimensions to suit any changes in the model. To
make the custom component adaptive, you need to modify (page 827) it in the
custom component editor.
NOTE You can share your custom components in Tekla Warehouse, and also
download custom components made by other users.
Custom components 902 Hints and tips for using and sharing custom
Tips for creating custom components
• Enter short, logical names for custom components.
Use the description field to describe the component and to explain what it
• Create simple components for specific situations.
Simple components are easier and faster to model, and also much easier
to use. Avoid creating a single, complex component which you will use for
every possible purpose.
• Consider creating a separate component model.
Use that model when you create and test custom components.
• Use the simplest part you can with as few handles as possible.
For example, if all you need is a rectangular shape, use a rectangular plate,
not a contour plate. Rectangular plates only have two handles, so you only
need to create a few bindings to manipulate them. Contour plates require
more bindings because they have four handles.
Excessive bindings can cause a slower, less responsive model.
1. Rectangular plate
2. Contour plate
• Model parts only as accurately as you need.
If the only part information required is a part mark in a general
arrangement drawing, plus a quantity on a materials list, create a simple
bar or plate. If you need to include the part in a detailed view later on,
simply re-model the part more accurately at that point.
• Model embeds as custom parts and include them in components.
• You can use custom connections in AutoConnections
• You can use custom components in AutoDefaults
Custom components are listed in the Other components group. Newly
created custom components are not listed in the Other components
group until you have reopened the model. Custom connections, details and
seams work in AutoDefaults.
Custom components 903 Hints and tips for using and sharing custom
Tips for sharing custom components
• Use Tekla Warehouse to share and store custom components.
• Provide essential information.
If you distribute your component to other users, remember to list the
profiles it works with.
• Use fixed profiles (page 361) whenever possible.
• If your custom component contains user-defined profile cross
sections, remember to include them when you copy the custom
component to a new location.
To Do this
View and edit object properties 1. Select a dialog box element. For
example, a text box.
2. Click Modify --> Properties .
Now you can view and edit the
current properties of the dialog
box element. For example, you
can check that you have the
correct text box under each label
in the dialog box.
Alternatively, you can double-click the
dialog box element. If the dialog box
element will not open for viewing and
editing, try double-clicking the space
right underneath the check box:
If someone modifies the custom component in the custom component editor
when the .inp file is locked, the .inp file will not be updated. You can still
modify the dialog box in the Custom Component Dialog Editor even if
the .inp file is locked.
Option Description
Image folder The location of the image folder. To
restore the default folder setting, click
Project folder The location of the project folder.
When you create a completely new
input file by clicking File --> New and
then save it, the file is saved in the
project folder. Note that existing
input files are saved under the model
Parameter width The default width for text boxes.
Attribute width The default width for lists.
Option Description
Language Select a language from the list. Close
and reopen the dialog editor for the
change to take effect. You have the
following options:
• Auto: the dialog editor follows the
language of the Tekla Structures
user interface
• English
• Dutch
• French
• German
• Italian
• Spanish
• Japanese
• Chinese Simplified
• Chinese Traditional
• Czech
• Portuguese Brazilian
• Hungarian
• Polish
• Russian
• Korean
NOTE The fourth tab is reserved for the General properties, so you cannot
add your own parameters to it.
Add images
1. Create an image and save it in bitmap (.bmp) format in
the ..\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>
\Bitmaps folder.
2. Open the .inp file in a text editor.
3. Add an image definition, as shown below:
(1) y = 100
(2) x = 50
(1) x = 374
(2) y = 25
(3) width = 160
3. Save the .inp file.
3. Link the variables (page 851) to the Creation property of the bolts.
For example, link the variable P1 to the Creation property of the first bolt,
the variable P2 to the Creation property of the second bolt, and so on.
(1) x = 200
(2) y = 320
10. Within the toggle_group element, add a line for each check box you
want to add.
The two numeric values after the variable name are offsets from the
toggle group origin. For example, the first definition "P1", 160, -165,
"0" means that the check box for the variable P1 is located 160 steps
right and 165 steps up from the toggle group origin.
Do this
TIP To create the stiffeners, you can use the Stiffeners (1003)
component and then explode the component.
TIP Switch to the plane view (page 45) to select the middle point more
7. Bind the two bottom handles of the stiffener to the inside face of the
bottom flange.
Use the same method as in step 5.
8. Bind the two top handles of the stiffener to the inside face of the top
Use the same method as in step 5.
The list now contains three options, and Both is the default value. The list
options are linked to the variable P4 that controls the creation of the
stiffener plates.
9. Browse for the images you want to use in the dialog box.
If you create new images, make sure they are in the bitmap (.bmp) format.
Save the images in the ..\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures
\<version>\Bitmaps folder.
10. Replace the option texts with the actual file names of the images, but with
the file name extension .xbm.
Arrange the dialog box elements more nicely, in the following manner:
Define that the Left plate class text box is unavailable if only the right plate is
created, and vice versa.
b. Hold down the Ctrl key and click the Left plate class text box.
b. Hold down the Ctrl key and select the Right plate class text box.
6. In the dialog editor, click File --> Save to save the changes.
7. Close and reopen the model for the change to take effect.
TIP If you want to hide unavailable options instead of dimming them in the stiffener
dialog box, add an exclamation mark in the conditions:
The option is now completely hidden when unavailable:
Option Description
Type Select the type of the custom component.
Type affects how you insert the custom
component in the model. Type also defines if the
custom component connects to existing parts.
Name Enter a unique name for the custom component.
Description Enter a short description for the custom
component. Tekla Structures shows the
description in the Applications & components
Component identifier Enter an additional name or reference for the
component, for example a design code reference.
You can define the position for custom connections and seams. You have the
following options:
On the left
Plane types
When you add distance variables to a custom component, you must select a
plane type. The plane type defines what planes you can select.
For more information, see Add variables to a custom component (page 836).
Variable properties
Use the Variables dialog box to view, modify, and create parametric variables,
and to view fixed and reference distance variables.
Option Description
Category Component parameters lists all
variables in the component.
Model parameters lists variables in
the current model (such as bindings
between a part's end point and a grid
Name A unique name of a variable. Use this
name to refer to the variable in the
custom component editor.
To be able to correctly reference a
variable, its name must be 19
characters or shorter. Variables with
longer names will not work correctly
when referenced.
Formula Use this box to enter a value or a
formula (page 856).
Formulas begin with =.
Value Shows the current value of Formula.
Value type Select a value type from the list. The
type determines what kind of value
you can enter for the variable.
Variable type This property can be either Distance
or Parametric.
Visibility Use this setting to control the visibility
of a variable.
Set to Show to display the variable in
the custom component dialog box.
Label in dialog box The name of the variable that Tekla
Structures displays in the custom
component dialog box.
The maximum length is 30 characters.
Option Description
Number A whole (integer) number. Use for
quantity and multiplier.
Length A decimal (floating point) number.
Use for lengths and distances. Length
numbers have unit (mm, inch, etc.)
and they are rounded to two decimal
Text A text (ASCII) string.
Factor A decimal value without a unit. You
can set the number of decimals for
the value type in File menu -->
Settings --> Options --> Units and
decimals .
Angle A decimal number type for storing
angles, stored to one decimal place,
in radians.
Material A data type associated with the
material catalog. Use to select a
material grade from the Select
Material dialog box.
Profile A data type associated with the
profile catalog. Use to select a profile
from the Select Profile dialog box.
Bolt size Data types linked to the bolt catalog.
Bolt size works with Bolt standard.
Bolt standard
They have a fixed naming format:
Px_diameter and Px_screwdin. Do
not change the fixed name.
To show values for these in the
component’s dialog box, x must be
the same for both, for example,
P1_diameter and P1_screwdin.
9.1 I profiles
HIh-s-t*b (symmetric)
I_BLT_B h*b1*t1*s-b2*t2
9.3 L profiles
Z h*b*t
Z_VAR_A h1*b1*b2-s-h2*b3
Z_VAR_B h1*b1*b2-s-h2*b3
Z_VAR_C h1*b1*b2-s-h2*b3
9.6 C profiles
9.7 T profiles
B_WLD_C h*s
B_WLD_D h*b*s*t
B_WLD_E h*b*s*t
B_WLD_F h*b*s*[t]
B_WLD_G h*b*s*t*a
B_WLD_I h*bo*s*to*bu*tu*a
B_WLD_J h1*h2*b*s*t
B_WLD_K h1*h2*b*s*t
B_WLD_L h*wt*wb*s*tt*tb
B_WLD_M h1*p1*p2*p3*p4
9.11 WQ profiles
CCh-t-e-b (symmetric)
CUh-t-h1-b-e (symmetric)
Reference points: 1=right
FPAN a-b-c-t-g
REC_I a-b*h
9.23 Panels
Setting Description
Renumber all All parts get a new number. All information on previous
numbers is lost.
Re-use old numbers Tekla Structures reuses the numbers of parts that have
been deleted. These numbers may be used to number
new or modified parts.
Check for standard If a separate standard-part model has been set up,
parts Tekla Structures compares the parts in the current
model to those in the standard-part model.
If the part to be numbered is identical to a part in the
standard-part model, Tekla Structures uses the same
part number as in the standard-part model.
Compare to old The part gets the same number as a previously
numbered similar part.
Take new number The part gets a new number even if a similar numbered
part already exists.
Keep number if Modified parts maintain their previous numbers if
possible possible. Even if a part or assembly becomes identical
with another part or assembly, the original position
number is maintained.
For example, you might have two different assemblies,
B/1 and B/2, in the model. Later on you modify B/2 so
that it becomes identical with B/1. If the Keep number
if possible option is used, B/2 will maintain its original
position number when you renumber the model.
Synchronize with Use this setting when working in multi-user mode. Tekla
master model (save- Structures locks the master model and performs a save,
numbering-save) numbering, and save sequence, so that all other users
can continue working during the operation.
Automatic cloning If the main part of a drawing is modified and therefore
gets a new assembly position, the existing drawing is
automatically assigned to another part of the position.
If the modified part moves to an assembly position that
does not have a drawing, the original drawing is
See also
Adjust the numbering settings (page 709)
Create a standard-part model (page 735)
Numbering examples (page 729)
Option Description
Start number The number from which the numbering
starts. Tekla Structures automatically
suggests the following free number as
the start number.
See also
Number welds (page 713)
Option Description
Numbering Defines which parts get control
All creates consecutive numbers for all
By numbering series creates control
numbers for parts in a specific
numbering series.
Assembly/Cast unit numbering series Defines the prefix and start number of
the numbering series for which to
create control numbers.
Needed only with the By numbering
series option.
Start number of control numbers The number from which the numbering
Step value Defines the interval between two
control numbers.
See also
Control numbers (page 719)
Option Description
Name User-definable name of the bar.
Tekla Structures uses bar names in reports and drawing
lists, and to identify bars of the same type.
Grade Steel grade of the bar. Size-grade-radius
Size Diameter of the bar. combinations are
predefined in the rebar
Depending on the catalog. Click the ...
environment, the nominal button to open the
diameter of the bar, or a mark Select rebar dialog box.
that defines the diameter. The dialog box shows
Bending radius Internal radius of the bends in the available bar sizes
the bar. for the chosen grade.
You can also select
You can enter a separate value
whether the bar is a
for each bar bend. Separate
main bar, or a stirrup or
the values with spaces.
Bending radius complies with
the design code you are using.
Main bars, stirrups, ties, and
hooks usually have their own
minimum internal bending
radii, which are proportional to
the diameter of the reinforcing
bar. The actual bending radius
is normally chosen to suit the
size of the mandrels on the
bar-bending machine.
Class Use to group reinforcement.
For example, you can display bars of different classes in
different colors.
Option Description
Rebar group What is the type of the See Create a tapered or spiral
type group. reinforcing bar group
Number of (page 517).
cross sections
Option Description
Numbering Mark series of the mesh.
Name User-definable name of the mesh.
Tekla Structures uses mesh names in reports and
drawing lists.
Class Use to group reinforcement.
For example, you can display bars of different classes
in different colors.
Mesh type Shape of the mesh. Select Polygon, Rectangle, or
Cross bar location Define whether the crossing bars are located above or
below the longitudinal bars.
Cut by father part Define whether the polygon or part cuts in the part
cuts also cut the mesh.
See also
Create a reinforcement mesh (page 519)
1. Longitudinal distance
2. Cross distance
3. Longitudinal left overhang
4. Longitudinal right overhang
5. Cross left overhang
6. Cross right overhang
7. Length
8. Width
Option Description
Spacing method Define how the mesh bars are distributed.
• Same distance for all: Use to create meshes with
evenly-spaced bars.
Tekla Structures distributes as many bars as possible
for the length of Length or Width, using the
Distances and Left overhang values.
The Right overhang is calculated automatically, and it
cannot be zero.
See also
Create a reinforcement mesh (page 519)
Reinforcement mesh properties (page 999)
Option Description
Numbering Numbering series of the bars.
Name User-definable name of the bars.
Tekla Structures uses bar names in reports and drawing lists,
and to identify bars of the same type.
Grade Steel grade of the bars. Grade-size-radius
Size Diameter of the bars. combinations are predefined
in the rebar catalog. Click
Depending on the the ... button in the property
environment, the nominal pane to open the Select
diameter of the bars, or a rebar dialog box. The dialog
mark that defines the box shows the available bar
diameter. sizes for the chosen grade.
Bending Internal radius of the bends in You can also select whether
radius the bars. the bars are main bars, or
stirrups or ties.
Bending radius complies with
the design code you are
using. Main bars, stirrups,
ties, and hooks usually have
their own minimum internal
bending radii, which are
proportional to the diameter
of the reinforcing bar. The
actual bending radius is
normally chosen to suit the
Note that if you copy properties (page 123) from one rebar
set to another, the layer number is not copied.
Spacing properties
The file name extension of the spacing zone property file is .rst.zones.
Option Description
Start offset The offsets at the start and end of a rebar set.
End offset By default, Tekla Structures calculates the offset values
according to the concrete cover settings and bar diameter.
Automatic values are shown in square brackets, for example
You can define whether an offset value is an Exact value or a
Minimum value. If you select Minimum, the actual offset
value can be bigger, depending on the spacing properties. In
model views, both the actual and minimum values are shown,
for example 50.00 (> 32.00), where the minimum value is in
Note that the automatic offset values may change if the
outermost rebar set bars are split by splitters and the split
bars would end up in the concrete cover area.
Length The length of each spacing Only two of the three
zone as an absolute value in properties, Length, Number
Advanced: Rounding
Option Description
Straight bars Define whether the lengths of straight
First and last legs bars, first and last legs, and
intermediate legs are rounded, and
Intermediate legs whether the bar lengths are rounded
up, down, or to the nearest suitable
number according to the rounding
Rounding up at splitters At splitter locations, define how much
the bar lengths can be rounded up.
Option Description
Type Define whether the bars are step
tapered, and how the tapering steps
are created.
The options are None, Distance, and
Number of bars.
If you select the Number of bars
option, enter the number of bars in
one tapering step.
Click the User-defined attributes button to open the user-defined attributes
of the rebar sets. The file name extension of the user-defined attribute file
is .rst.more.
You can use user-defined attributes to define or override settings, such as bar
layer prefix and number, or length adjustment settings.
See also
Create a rebar set (page 477)
Modify a rebar set (page 530)
Secondary guideline properties (page 1006)
Leg face properties (page 1007)
Property modifier properties (page 1008)
End detail modifier properties (page 1011)
Splitter properties (page 1014)
Spacing properties
If you want a secondary guideline to have similar spacing properties as the
primary guideline, select Yes from the Inherit from primary list in the
property pane. You can then modify the Start offset and End offset values if
needed. The spacing values and zone lengths are automatically scaled by the
ratio of the secondary guideline length to the primary guideline length.
If you want to define the secondary guideline spacing properties
independently from the primary guideline, select No from the Inherit from
primary list, and then modify the following spacing properties as needed:
Option Description
Start offset The offsets at the start and end of a rebar set.
End offset By default, Tekla Structures calculates the offset values
according to the concrete cover settings and bar diameter.
Automatic values are shown in square brackets, for example
See also
Modify a rebar set locally using modifiers (page 539)
Rebar set properties (page 1003)
Option Description
Layer number Defines the order of the bar layers. The smaller the
layer number, the closer to the concrete surface
the bar layer is. You can use both positive and
negative values.
By default, Tekla Structures arranges the bar layers
according to their creation order. The bar layer
that is created first is closest to the concrete
You can also adjust the layer order by using these
options on the contextual toolbar:
See also
Modify a rebar set using leg faces (page 532)
Rebar set properties (page 1003)
Option Description
Bars affected Select how many bars can be modified in the same
• 1/1 = all bars are modified in the same cross
Option Description
Numbering Numbering series of the bars.
Name User-definable name of the bars.
Tekla Structures uses bar names in reports and drawing lists,
and to identify bars of the same type.
Grade Steel grade of the bars. Grade-size-radius
Size Diameter of the bars. combinations are predefined
in the rebar catalog. Click
Depending on the the ... button in the property
environment, the nominal pane to open the Select
diameter of the bars, or a rebar dialog box. The dialog
mark that defines the box shows the available bar
diameter. sizes for the chosen grade.
Bending Internal radius of the bends in You can also select whether
radius the bars. the bars are main bars, or
stirrups or ties.
Bending radius complies with
the design code you are
Advanced: Rounding
Option Description
Straight bars Define whether the lengths of straight
First and last legs bars, first and last legs, and
intermediate legs are rounded, and
Intermediate legs whether the bar lengths are rounded
up, down, or to the nearest suitable
number according to the rounding
Rounding up at splitters At splitter locations, define how much
the bar lengths can be rounded up.
Option Description
Type Define whether the bars are step
tapered, and how the tapering steps
are created.
The options are None, Distance, and
Number of bars.
If you select the Number of bars
option, enter the number of bars in
one tapering step.
Straight bars If you select the Distance option,
First and last legs enter the tapering step values for
Intermediate legs
Click the User-defined attributes button to open the user-defined attributes
of the rebar set property modifiers. The file name extension of the user-
defined attribute file is .rst_pm.more.
You can use user-defined attributes to define or override settings, such as bar
layer prefix and number, or length adjustment settings.
See also
Modify a rebar set locally using modifiers (page 539)
Rebar set properties (page 1003)
Option Description
Bars affected Select how many bars can be modified in the same
• 1/1 = all bars are modified in the same cross
• 1/2 = every second bar is modified in the same
cross section.
• 1/3 = every third bar is modified in the same
cross section.
• 1/4 = every fourth bar is modified in the same
cross section.
First affected bar Define which is the first bar to be modified,
starting from the first end of the modifier.
Enter a positive number, or use the arrow buttons
to change the number.
End type Select Hook or Cranking.
If you select the empty option, no hooks or cranks
are created, but you can define length
adjustments, end preparations, and user-defined
Option Description
Hook type Shape of the hook. The rebar catalog
Angle Angle of a custom hook. (rebar_database.inp)
contains the predefined
Radius Internal bending radius of a minimum bending radius and
standard hook or custom minimum hook length for all
hook. standard hooks.
Length Length of the straight part of
See Add hooks to reinforcing
a standard or custom hook.
bars (page 561).
Hook Rotation angle of a hook out For example:
rotation of the bar plane. Use to create
3D bars.
These properties are available when End type is Cranking.
Option Description
Cranking type Select No cranking, Standard cranking, or
Custom cranking.
Use the No cranking option to override other end
detail modifiers that create cranks.
With standard cranking, the crank dimensions are
read from the rebar catalog
Crank straight length With custom cranking, enter the length of the
straight segment of the crank.
This is (2) in the image above.
Cranked length With custom cranking, select whether the length of
the cranked segment is defined in the diagonal (4)
or horizontal (3) direction:
Then select and enter the needed distance or a
multiplier of the bar diameter.
Cranked offset With custom cranking, enter the offset distance of
the straight segment of the crank.
This is (5) in the image above.
The default value is 2 * actual bar diameter.
Crank rotation Defines to which angle the crank is rotated.
Length adjustment
Option Description
Adjustment type Select whether and how the bar length is adjusted
(extended or shortened).
• No adjustment: Bar length is not adjusted.
• End offset: Bar length is adjusted according to
the specified end offset.
Use this option to keep the leg faces on the
concrete faces and adaptive to the concrete
faces, but still to extend or shorten the bar
• Leg length: Bar length is adjusted according to
the specified leg length.
Length Depending on the adjustment type, the length of
the end offset or leg.
With end offset, enter a positive value to extend
the bars, or a negative value to shorten the bars.
With leg length, enter a positive value to set the leg
Align bar ends When the lengths of straight bars are rounded
and/or step tapered, select whether the bar ends
nearest to the end detail modifier are aligned or
If you select No, the rounding and step tapering
happens at the tapered edge of the rebar set, and
if both edges are tapered, at the edge that has a
larger angle.
Option Description
Method Select the end method of the bars. The options
• Coupler
• Coupler female
• Coupler male
• Threaded
• Anchor
Type Select the end method type. The options are:
• Standard
• Position
• Bridging
• Transition
• Bolt
• Weldable
Product Product name of the end detail. Can be shown in
Code Product code of the end detail. Can be shown in
Thread type Enter the type of the threading.
Threaded length Length of the threading from the bar end.
Extra fabrication Additional length needed with some threading
length methods. Can be shown in reports, but does not
affect the total length of the bar.
Click the User-defined attributes button to open the user-defined attributes
of the rebar set end detail modifiers. The file name extension of the user-
defined attribute file is .rst_edm.more.
See also
Modify a rebar set locally using modifiers (page 539)
Rebar set properties (page 1003)
symbol close to the midpoint of each splitter indicates the direction and
the left and right sides of the splitter. The arrow points from the start towards
the end of the splitter.
Option Description
Bars affected Select how many bars can be modified in the same
• 1/1 = all bars are modified in the same cross
• 1/2 = every second bar is modified in the same
cross section.
• 1/3 = every third bar is modified in the same
cross section.
• 1/4 = every fourth bar is modified in the same
cross section.
First affected bar Define which is the first bar to be modified,
starting from the first end of the modifier.
Enter a positive number, or use the arrow buttons
to change the number.
Split type Select Lapping or Cranking.
Split offset Defines how far from the splitter the split is
Positive values move the split to the right side and
negative values to the left side of the splitter.
These properties are available when Split type is Lapping.
Option Description
Lapping type Select Standard lapping or Custom lapping.
Lap length With custom lapping, enter the length of the lap
With standard lapping, the lap length is read from
the rebar catalog (rebar_database.inp).
These properties are available when Split type is Cranking.
Option Description
Cranking type Select Standard cranking or Custom cranking.
With standard cranking, the crank dimensions are
read from the rebar catalog
Crank straight length With custom cranking, enter the length of the
straight segment of the crank.
This is (2) in the image above.
Cranked length With custom cranking, select whether the length of
the cranked segment is defined in the diagonal (4)
or horizontal (3) direction:
Then select and enter the needed distance or a
multiplier of the bar diameter.
Cranked offset With custom cranking, enter the offset distance of
the straight segment of the crank.
This is (5) in the image above.
The default value is 2 * actual bar diameter.
Crank side Select to which side of the splitter the crank is
created, Left or Right.
Option Description
Stagger type Select whether and to which direction the splices
are staggered. The options are:
• No stagger
• Stagger left
• Stagger right
• Stagger middle
Stagger offset The offset of the adjacent bars if they are
See also
Modify a rebar set locally using modifiers (page 539)
Rebar set properties (page 1003)
Option Description
Numbering Mark series of the strand.
Name User-definable name of the strand.
Tekla Structures uses strand names in reports and
drawing lists, and to identify strands of the same
Grade Steel grade of the strand.
Size Diameter of the strand.
Depending on the environment, the nominal
diameter of the strand, or a mark that defines the
Bending radius Internal radius of the bends in the strand.
You can enter a separate value for each bend.
Separate the values with spaces.
See also
Create a reinforcement strand pattern (page 525)
Debond reinforcement strands (page 527)
Disclaimer 1020
EPM toolkit © 1995-2006 Jotne EPM Technology a.s., Oslo, Norway. All rights
Open Cascade Express Mesh © 2015 OPEN CASCADE S.A.S. All rights reserved.
PolyBoolean C++ Library © 2001-2012 Complex A5 Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.
FLY SDK - CAD SDK © 2012 VisualIntegrity™. All rights reserved.
Teigha © 2002-2016 Open Design Alliance. All rights reserved.
CADhatch.com © 2017. All rights reserved.
FlexNet Publisher © 2014 Flexera Software LLC. All rights reserved.
This product contains proprietary and confidential technology, information
and creative works owned by Flexera Software LLC and its licensors, if any. Any
use, copying, publication, distribution, display, modification, or transmission of
such technology in whole or in part in any form or by any means without the
prior express written permission of Flexera Software LLC is strictly prohibited.
Except where expressly provided by Flexera Software LLC in writing,
possession of this technology shall not be construed to confer any license or
rights under any Flexera Software LLC intellectual property rights, whether by
estoppel, implication, or otherwise.
To see the third party open source software licenses, go to Tekla Structures,
click File menu --> Help --> About Tekla Structures and then click the 3rd
party licenses option.
The elements of the software described in this Manual are protected by
several patents and possibly pending patent applications in the United States
and/or other countries. For more information go to page http://
Disclaimer 1021
? removing objects...................................443
selecting................................................. 141
? character................................................... 201 showing invisible objects..................... 644
using bolts to create assemblies.........438
A using welds to create assemblies....... 438
asterisk......................................................... 201
adaptivity attaching parts............................................ 372
default settings......................................437 attaching
of individual model objects..................437 reinforcement to part...........................568
of reinforcement................................... 567 auto bolt
adding creating bolts......................................... 382
buttons................................................... 210 AutoConnection.......................................... 762
grid lines................................................... 28 rules.................................................763,773
Analysis tab..................................................780 settings................................................... 763
anchoring hooks......................................... 561 using....................................................... 766
angles........................................................... 680 AutoDefaults........................................ 762,767
Applications & components...................... 810 combining properties........................... 775
Applications & components connection check.................................. 777
exporting custom components........... 901 iterating properties...............................775
importing custom components...........901 rules........................................................ 773
applications in Applications and using....................................................... 772
Components catalog ................................. 737 using reaction forces............................ 779
arcs using UDLs............................................. 779
measuring.............................................. 680
auto boundary planes......................................... 947
in snapping...............................................85 box profiles..................................................958
automatic splicing tool............................... 570 brackets........................................................201
B c profiles.......................................................958
background color calculations.................................................. 856
changing................................................... 67 cambering.................................................... 375
examples.................................................. 67 cambering parts.......................................... 375
backing up cast units...................................................... 446
ribbons................................................... 210 casting direction.................................... 449
base points.................................................... 55 top-in-form face.................................... 449
basepoints..................................................... 55 cast units
beams adding objects....................................... 447
cambering.............................................. 375 cast unit type......................................... 446
concrete beams.....................................312 changing the main part........................ 447
concrete polybeams............................. 315 creating...................................................446
curved beams........................................ 261 exploding............................................... 447
orthogonal beams.................................266 highlighting............................................ 447
spiral beams............................268,269,318 numbering............................................. 711
steel beams............................................255 removing objects...................................447
steel polybeams.................................... 258 selecting................................................. 141
warping...................................................373 cast-in-place.................................................446
bending........................................................ 366 continuous concrete structures.......... 453
bending shapes pour breaks.......465,467,468,470,471,472
in rebar shape manager............... 582,589 pour objects...........................................457
of reinforcement.................... 577,578,579 pours......................... 451,452,456,458,696
rules........................................................ 582 viewing parts..........................................453
bent plates................................................... 274 viewing pour objects.............................453
bent plates................................................... 290 categories
bent mesh....................................................519 in filtering............................................... 184
bind to plane............................................... 837 center planes...............................................947
binding objects chamfering
plane types.............................................947 corner chamfers....................................418
binding objects corner chamfer dimensions................ 418
to a plane............................................... 837 edge chamfers.......................................418
bolt points....................................................625 polybeams..............................................418
bolted parts................................................. 382 chamfers
bolts.......................................................382,438 in warping.............................................. 373
bolt group shape...................................382 changing
bolt spacing............................................680 welds to polygon welds........................ 410
bolting sub-assemblies.........................438 checking the model.................................... 658
clash checking........................................695 circular hollow sections..............................958
creating...................................................382 circular reinforcing bar group................... 515
holes....................................................... 394 circular sections.......................................... 958
modifying............................................... 382 Clash Check Manager................................. 683
studs....................................................... 393 clash checking...............................658,682,683
bolts........................................................ 695 components
changing priority................................... 689 conceptual............................................. 761
changing status..................................... 689 converting.............................................. 761
clash types............................................. 685 components in Applications & components
comments.............................................. 691 .......................................................................754
grouping clashes................................... 690 components
history.....................................................692 catalog.................................................... 754
list of clashes......................................... 688 connections........................................... 747
managing results...................................688 detailing..................................................747
previewing before printing.................. 692 details..................................................... 747
printing lists of clashes................. 692,693 exploding............................................... 817
results..................................................... 684 nested components..............................817
saving clashes........................................694 properties.............................................. 747
searching................................................688 selecting................................................. 141
sessions.................................................. 694 showing invisible objects..................... 644
symbols.................................................. 684 sub-components................................... 817
ungrouping clashes...............................690 views....................................................... 747
clip planes.............................................658,671 concrete parts
closing cast units................................................ 446
custom component editor................... 827 concrete beam properties......................... 312
cold rolled profiles...................................... 958 concrete beams...........................................312
colliding objects.......................................... 682 concrete column properties...................... 309
colors concrete cover
changing color settings...........................67 of reinforcement................................... 564
changing the background color.............67 concrete item properties........................... 341
finding RGB values.................................. 67 concrete items.............................................341
for pour objects.....................................458 concrete panel properties......................... 321
object representation settings............ 648 concrete panels...........................................321
columns concrete parts............................................. 251
concrete columns..................................309 beams..................................................... 312
positioning............................................. 368 casting direction.................................... 449
steel columns.........................................253 columns..................................................309
combining items....................................................... 341
parts........................................................371 lofted slabs.............................................327
reinforcing bar groups......................... 558 pad footings...........................................336
command editor......................................... 210 panels..................................................... 321
commands polybeams..............................................315
customizing............................................210 showing as continuous.........................453
user-defined.......................................... 210 slabs........................................................324
comments strip footings..........................................339
in clash checking................................... 691 walls........................................................ 321
comparing parts or assemblies......... 658,695 concrete parts
comparing spiral beams.......................................... 318
ribbons................................................... 210 concrete polybeam properties..................315
component planes......................................947 concrete slab properties............................ 324
component symbol.....................................810 concrete walls..............................................321
component analysis properties................ 807 conical bent plate........................................274
component catalog.....................................754 conical bent plate........................................290
connection analysis properties................. 807 pour breaks............................................470
connection design properties.............................................. 123
Excel........................................................793 property pane........................................123
connection weld properties.......................406 property references..............................854
connections Radial array tool.................................... 156
custom connections..............................810 with Array of objects (29) component 158
construction objects................................... 327 corner chamfers
construction arcs........................................ 616 properties.............................................. 418
construction circles.....................................616 types and dimensions.......................... 418
construction lines................................ 616,846 create
construction objects............................297,616 assemblies............................................. 250
construction polycurves....................... 620 cast units................................................ 250
construction arcs...................................619 construction circles...............................250
construction circles...............................618 construction lines..................................250
construction lines..................................617 construction planes.............................. 250
construction planes.............................. 617 parts........................................................250
copying with offset................................621 points......................................................250
modifying location................................ 622 pours.......................................................250
construction planes.............................616,846 reinforcement........................................250
construction polycurves.............................616 creating bolts
contextual toolbar auto bolt................................................. 382
customizing............................................242 creating surface treatment
modifying part position........................351 unpainted area...................................... 434
continuous concrete structures................ 453 creating
contour plate properties............................271 assemblies............................................. 438
contour plates............................................. 271 beams close to each other...................368
control numbers......................................... 719 bolts........................................................ 382
assigning to parts..................................719 cast units................................................ 446
directions............................................... 720 clip planes.............................................. 671
displaying in model...............................722 concrete beams.....................................312
example..................................................724 concrete columns..................................309
locking.................................................... 724 concrete items.......................................341
order....................................................... 720 concrete panels..................................... 321
removing................................................ 723 concrete polybeams............................. 315
settings................................................... 995 concrete slabs........................................324
unlocking................................................724 concrete walls........................................321
control points................................................ 55 construction arcs...................................619
converting construction circles...............................618
welds to polygon welds........................ 410 construction lines..................................617
coordinate system........................................ 51 construction planes.............................. 617
coordinates.................................................... 23 construction polycurves....................... 620
copying contour plates....................................... 271
construction objects with offset..........621 curved beams........................................ 261
contextual toolbar.................................123 fittings.....................................................412
filters.......................................................208 grids.......................................................... 23
object groups.........................................654 holes....................................................... 394
objects.............................................146,147 lofted plates........................................... 297
parts........................................................251 lofted slabs.............................................327
model templates................................... 246 closing.....................................................827
nested assemblies................................ 441 saving......................................................827
object groups.........................................654 custom component wizard........................817
orthogonal beams.................................266 properties.............................................. 940
pad footings...........................................336 custom components
parts........................................................251 .inp files.................................................. 909
pour breaks............................................468 adding to model.................................... 832
slabs binding objects...............................837,846
sloping.............................................. 376 construction planes and lines............. 846
sloping slabs.......................................... 376 copying property references............... 854
spiral beams............................268,269,318 default properties................................. 943
standard-part models...........................735 defining.................................................. 817
steel beams............................................255 dialog box files.......................................909
steel columns.........................................253 examples................................................ 872
steel items..............................................341 exporting................................................ 901
steel polybeams.................................... 258 formulas................................................. 858
strip footings..........................................339 importing................................................901
studs....................................................... 393 locking.................................................... 904
sub-assemblies......................................438 modifying the dialog box..................... 904
tile patterns............................................430 nested components..............................817
twin profiles........................................... 264 preventing modifications..................... 904
view filters settings................................................... 939
selection filters................................ 173 sub-components................................... 817
views......................................................... 33 thumbnail images................................. 817
welds.......................................................397 variables................................................. 836
curved parts......................................... 261,366 custom hooks.............................................. 561
curved reinforcing bar group.................... 513 custom inquiry
custom components modifying default attributes................676
examples.... custom parts
877,878,880,881,884,885,887,888,890, adding to model.................................... 832
893 customized mesh........................................519
custom components customizing
about custom components..................810 commands............................................. 210
editing.....................................................827 contextual toolbar.................................210
plane types.............................................947 contextual toolbar.................................242
protecting with password.................... 827 Custom Inquiry tool attributes............ 676
saving......................................................827 keyboard shortcuts....................... 210,238
types....................................................... 810 property pane................................ 210,225
custom component browser..................... 827 ribbon..................................................... 210
custom component editor......................... 827 ribbons................................................... 210
custom component editor toolbar........... 827 tabs......................................................... 210
custom component view............................827 toolbars...........................................210,241
custom component .inp files.....................909 cut planes.....................................................947
Custom component browser.................... 854 cuts
custom component dialog editor hints and tips......................................... 413
changing the language......................... 904 in rebar sets........................................... 546
setting options.......................................904 line cuts.................................................. 413
custom component editor part cuts................................................. 413
polygon cuts.......................................... 413 drawing objects
cyclic dependencies ................................... 870 mirroring................................................ 169
cylindrical bent plate.................................. 274 moving....................................................159
cylindrical bent plate.................................. 290 rotating...................................................165
data type conversion functions.................858 edge chamfers
default adaptivity........................................ 437 properties.............................................. 418
default connection properties...................781 editing
default connection settings....................... 781 custom components.............................827
defining unpainted area geometry................................................ 376
surface treatment................................. 434 editors
defining custom component dialog editor........904
custom components.............................817 end detail modifiers................................... 539
weld cross sections............................... 411 end offsets................................................... 359
deleting exact lines.................................................... 643
clip planes.............................................. 671 examples
views......................................................... 43 adding option to create object in custom
dependencies component.............................................877
in variable formulas.............................. 870 assemblies............................................. 443
design check................................................ 805 background colors.................................. 67
design group numbering........................... 726 component planes................................ 947
Design tab.............................................780,805 creating custom connection................ 817
detaching parts........................................... 372 creating parametric variable............... 872
detail analysis properties...........................807 determining bolt group distance from
detailing parts beam flange........................................... 885
detaching............................................... 372 determining bolt size and bolt standard
exploding............................................... 372 .................................................................884
details determining number of bolt rows in
custom details....................................... 810 custom component...............................887
diagnosing model................................ 658,696 drawing filters........................................201
dialog editor................................................ 904 exploding components.........................817
dialog boxes modifying custom component dialog
loading properties.................................125 box.................................... 917,929,934,936
saving properties.................................. 125 modifying dialog box of stiffener detail....
direct modification 917
modifying............................................... 117 nested components..............................817
display settings............................................639 nested components..............................874
display detailing.......................................... 438 numbering....................... 724,729,731,732
display settings............................................636 rebar set modifiers in custom
displaying components...........................................894
control numbers................................... 722 replacing sub-components in custom
distance variables................................836,837 component.............................................878
distance snapping in model.................................. 90
reference distance................................ 848 sub-components............................817,874
distances tile pattern definition............................430
measuring.............................................. 680
using construction planes in custom examples................................................ 201
component.............................................881 selection................................................. 137
using Excel spreadsheets with custom finding distant objects........................ 658,699
components...........................................893 finding
using properties file in custom clashes.................................................... 683
component.............................................880 model objects........................................ 658
using template attributes in custom fit part end................................................... 412
components...........................................890 fittings...........................................................412
using user-defined attributes in custom fixed profiles................................................361
components...........................................888 flying through model...........................658,670
view and selection filters......................201 folded plates................................................958
excel design................................................. 780 footings................................................. 336,339
Excel formulas
connection design.................................793 arithmetic operators.............................858
using with custom components.......... 893 ASCII file as a reference function........ 858
exploding data type conversion functions...........858
assemblies............................................. 443 framing condition functions................ 858
cast units................................................ 447 in custom components.........................856
components...........................................817 in rebar shape manager.......................588
parts........................................................372 logical and comparison operators...... 858
exporting market size function............................. 858
custom components.............................901 mathematical functions....................... 858
keyboard shortcuts...............................238 reference functions...............................858
extensions in Applications and components statistical functions............................... 858
catalog.......................................................... 737 string operations...................................858
extensions trigonometric functions....................... 858
importing................................................743 framing condition functions...................... 858
functions...................................................... 856
family numbers....................................707,708 G
example..................................................729 General tab...........................................780,803
modifying............................................... 709 geometry
filtering editing.....................................................376
And/Or.................................................... 181 modifying............................................... 376
categories...............................................184 of reinforcement................................... 569
conditions.............................................. 181 global coordinate system.............................51
copying filters........................................ 208 global point of origin.................................... 51
object properties...................................184 graphics card................................................. 70
objects.................................................... 170 grid planes................................................... 947
parentheses........................................... 181 grid lines
removing filters..................................... 208 adding.......................................................28
template attributes........................181,200 deleting.....................................................31
use for.................................................... 170 modifying................................................. 28
view filters properties.................................................28
selection filters................................ 173 grid views
wildcards................................................ 201 properties.................................................47
filters grids
coordinates......................................... 20,23
creating............................................... 20,23 I
deleting................................................20,23 i beams (concrete)...................................... 958
labels................................................... 20,23 i beams (steel)............................................. 958
line extensions.........................................20 i profiles....................................................... 958
modifying............................................ 20,23 identical
origin.........................................................20 areas....................................................... 369
properties........................................... 20,23 parts........................................................704
radial....................................................20,23 reinforcement........................................705
rectangular..........................................20,23 if you cannot select objects....................... 144
grid import items................................................ 341
work plane grid........................................52 importing
grouping custom components.............................901
clashes.................................................... 690 keyboard shortcuts...............................238
reinforcement........................................557 points......................................................625
inquiring....................................................... 658
object properties...................................674
H interrupting
object selection..................................... 144
handles.........................................................347 irregular beams (concrete)........................ 958
in pour breaks....................................... 471 items..................................................... 251,341
of reinforcement................................... 560 changing the shape...............................341
hat profiles...................................................958 limitations.............................................. 341
hiding parts..................................................636
hiding J
cut lines.................................................. 413 joining assemblies...................................... 441
dimensions............................................ 130 joints. def..................................................... 781
part labels.............................................. 365 joints.def...................................................... 780
rebar set modifiers............................... 539
rebar set guidelines.............................. 539
reference lines.......................................347
selected parts........................................ 644
top-in-form face.................................... 449 keyboard shortcuts.....................................238
unselected parts....................................644
work area................................................. 48
high accuracy...............................................643 L
highlighting l profiles....................................................... 958
assemblies............................................. 443 label color
cast units................................................ 447 changing................................................... 67
objects.................................................... 144 labels
history part labels.............................................. 365
of clashes............................................... 692 ledger beams (concrete)............................ 958
holes............................................................. 394 leg faces....................................................... 532
horizontal position......................................358 levels.............................................................368
line cuts........................................................ 413
linear array tool...........................................153
lines drawing objects..................................... 169
exact....................................................... 643 model objects........................................ 169
linking model templates
parametric variables to object properties creating...................................................246
.................................................................851 modifying
loading options..............................................246
saved properties................................... 125 model objects
local coordinate system............................... 51 create......................................................108
locking and unlocking delete......................................................108
custom components.............................904 examples................................................ 108
lofted plates hiding......................................................644
properties.............................................. 297 showing only selected.......................... 644
lofted slab model objects
properties.............................................. 327 mirroring................................................ 169
lofted wall searching................................................658
properties.............................................. 327 model search toolbar................................. 658
log files model views..............................................31,33
pour errors.............................................696 rendering options................................. 636
solid errors.............................................696 representation options........................ 636
logical and comparison operators............858 modeling direction.............................. 347,367
Modeling of floor bay (66)..........................373
M identical areas....................................... 369
macros flying through model............................ 670
adding.....................................................739 moving...................................................... 81
editing.....................................................739 numbering............................................. 700
global...............................................737,739 rotating..................................................... 81
local................................................. 737,739 zooming....................................................81
macro folder.......................................... 737 modifiers
recording................................................ 739 in custom components.........................894
running................................................... 739 showing or hiding................................. 539
magnetic construction planes and lines.. 846 visibility...................................................539
market size function................................... 858 modifying
mathematical functions............................. 858 parts........................................................251
measuring objects............................... 658,680 modifying
angles..................................................... 680 concrete beams.....................................312
arcs..........................................................680 concrete columns..................................309
bolt spacing............................................680 concrete items.......................................341
distances................................................ 680 concrete panels..................................... 321
mesh concrete polybeams............................. 315
bent.........................................................519 concrete slabs........................................324
customized.............................................519 concrete walls........................................321
handles...................................................560 construction objects............................. 622
modifying............................................... 549 contour plates....................................... 271
polygonal................................................519 curved beams........................................ 261
rectangular.............................................519 custom components.............................817
ungrouping............................................ 556 geometry................................................ 376
items................................................341,376 reinforcement................................ 705,712
lofted plates........................................... 297 renumbering..........................................718
lofted slabs.............................................327 series........................................701,702,704
model templates................................... 246 settings......................709,734,993,994,995
objects.................................................... 117 standard-part model............................ 735
orthogonal beams.................................266 user-defined attributes........................ 707
pad footings...........................................336 welds.......................................................713
parts........................................................369 what affects........................................... 706
pour breaks............................................471 numbering
pour object properties......................... 459 design group numbering..................... 726
rebar sets............................................... 530 numbering settings.....................................992
reinforcement................................ 530,549 numeric snapping......................................... 90
steel beams............................................255
steel columns.........................................253
steel polybeams.................................... 258
strip footings..........................................339
twin profiles........................................... 264 object groups
moving copying to another model....................654
buttons................................................... 210 creating...................................................654
drawing objects..................................... 159 deleting...................................................654
models in a view......................................81 filters.......................................................654
objects.............................. 117,146,147,159 object representation settings............ 654
pour breaks............................................470 object groups...............................................636
multi-story structures.................................368 object properties
in filtering............................................... 184
object property report templates............. 675
origin...............................................................51 adding to assembly...............................441
ortho tool..................................................... 102 assemblies............................................. 438
orthogonal beam properties..................... 266 bending.................................................. 366
orthogonal beams cambering.............................................. 375
positioning............................................. 368 changing the material...........................361
orthogonal changing the profile..............................361
snapping.................................................102 combining.............................................. 371
others........................................................... 958 comparing.............................................. 695
outline planes..............................................947 concrete parts....................................... 251
overlapping copying................................................... 251
numbering series.................................. 704 creating...................................................251
oversized holes........................................... 394 curved parts...........................................366
custom parts..........................................810
cutting with another part..................... 413
P handles................................................... 347
pad footing properties............................... 336 horizontal parts..................................... 367
pad footings.................................................336 identical parts........................................ 704
positioning............................................. 368 items....................................................... 341
properties.............................................. 336 labels.......................................................365
page margins...............................................693 location...................................................351
page orientation..........................................693 modifying........................................251,369
paintbrush icon........................................... 123 modifying part shape........................... 117
panels....................................................321,958 numbering...............................703,710,718
panning.......................................................... 81 position........................................... 347,351
paper size.....................................................693 position settings.................................... 992
parametric variables..... 877,878,888,890,893 properties.............................................. 251
parametric profiles..................................... 361 showing only selected parts................ 644
available in Tekla Structures................958 showing with exact lines...................... 643
predefined............................................. 958 showing with high accuracy.................643
parametric variables.... splitting...................................................370
836,872,874,880,881,884,885,887 steel parts.............................................. 251
creating...................................................851 user-defined attributes........................ 364
linking..................................................... 851 passwords
part properties............................................ 110 protecting custom components..........817
part add, see attaching parts.................... 372 performance
part cuts....................................................... 413 modeling tips......................................... 244
part labels phases
showing and hiding...............................365 in numbering......................................... 732
part position................................................ 347 pour phase.............................................456
on the work plane................................. 352 plane types.................................................. 947
part reference lines.................................... 347 plane of curvature...................................... 366
part plane views.................................................... 45
handles...................................................347 plane
position...................................................347 in snapping...............................................85
reference lines.......................................347 plates
parts with exact lines..................................636 bent plates............................................. 274
parts with high accuracy............................ 636 bent plates............................................. 290
points.................................................... 616,625 viewing....................................................453
along arc using center and arc points 625 pour units.................................................... 460
along extension of two points............. 625 adding objects automatically...............464
at any position....................................... 625 pours
at the intersection of a circle and a line changing color and transparency....... 458
.................................................................625 errors...............................................472,696
at the intersection of a part and a line.... example workflow.................................475
625 introduction........................................... 451
at the intersection of a plane and a line pour breaks............................................465
.................................................................625 pour objects...........................................457
at the intersection of two lines............625 pour phase.............................................456
at the intersection of two part axes....625 pour representation............................. 453
importing................................................625 reinforcing..............................................511
on line.....................................................625 switching on/off.....................................452
on plane................................................. 625 viewing....................................................453
parallel to two points............................625 working with.......................................... 475
projected points on line....................... 625 preliminary numbers..................................713
properties.............................................. 625 preparing parts for welding.......................407
tangent to circle.....................................625 prestressed strands
polybeams............................................ 258,315 debonding..............................................527
chamfers................................................ 418 previewing
polygon cuts................................................ 413 lists of clashes........................................692
polygon mesh..............................................519 printing
polygon welds............................................. 397 lists of clashes........................................692
converting.............................................. 410 priority
splitting double-sided to single-sided 410 in clash checking................................... 689
position profiles
depth...................................................... 354 fixed........................................................ 361
end offsets............................................. 359 parametric...................................... 361,958
horizontal............................................... 358 predefined............................................. 958
part position settings............................992 profile names.........................................201
rotation...................................................354 standardized values..............................361
vertical.................................................... 356 twin profiles........................................... 264
pour breaks................................................. 465 properties
adaptivity................................................467 automatically applying......................... 110
copying................................................... 470 copying................................................... 123
creating...................................................468 Custom Component Wizard................ 940
handles...................................................471 custom components.............................943
modifying............................................... 471 grid lines................................................... 28
moving....................................................470 grids.......................................................... 23
removing................................................ 472 manually applying.................................110
selecting................................................. 470 model objects........................................ 110
visibility...................................................467 modifying............................................... 110
pour objects.................................................457 parts........................................................110
changing color and transparency....... 458 property pane........................................110
modifying properties............................ 459 twin profile.............................................264
reinforcing..............................................511 user-defined attributes........................ 110
user-defined attributes........................ 459 variable properties................................950
viewing....................................................110 showing or hiding modifiers................539
property pane spacing................................................... 547
common properties.............................. 110 rebar shape manager.................................577
modifying properties............................ 110 bending shapes...................... 578,579,589
user-defined attributes........................ 110 formulas................................................. 588
visibility of properties........................... 110 rules.................................................582,589
property files............................................... 125 rebar shape placing tool............................ 491
property list................................................. 225 RebarClassificator....................................... 572
property modifiers......................................539 rebars
property pane............................................. 108 adaptivity................................................567
customizing............................................225 bar leg length.........................................576
loading properties.................................125 bending types........................................ 590
properties.............................................. 225 combining.............................................. 558
saving properties.................................. 125 concrete cover....................................... 564
UDAs....................................................... 225 creating........................................... 477,503
property pane editor.................................. 225 geometry................................................ 569
property pane layout..................................225 grouping................................................. 557
publishing groups in Applications & handles................................................... 560
components catalog................................... 744 hooks...................................................... 561
Q shape catalog..........................506,508,509
question mark............................................. 201 ungrouping............................................ 556
quick access toolbar RebarSeqNumbering..................................571
undo history.......................................... 128 recording
rectangular grid.............................................23
R rectangular hollow sections...................... 958
radial array tool...........................................156 rectangular mesh........................................519
radial grid....................................................... 23 rectangular sections................................... 958
radius............................................................366 redrawing views............................................ 46
rebar classificator....................................... 572 reference distance variables.............. 836,848
rebar groups................................................504 reference functions.................................... 858
circular....................................................515 reference lines.............................................347
curved.....................................................513 reference models
spiral....................................................... 517 clash checking........................................682
tapered................................................... 517 refreshing views............................................ 46
rebar sequence numbering.......................571 reinforcement
rebar set modifiers..................................... 539 adaptivity................................................567
rebar sets..................................................... 477 attaching to part....................................568
cutting.....................................................546 bar groups..............................................504
in curved structures..............................497 bar leg length.........................................576
leg faces..................................................532 bar length...............................................573
modifiers................................................ 539 bending shapes..............................578,579
modifiers in custom components....... 894 bending types........................................ 590
modifying........................................530,539 circular bar groups................................515
rebar shape placing tool...................... 491 classifying............................................... 572
combining.............................................. 558 spiral....................................................... 517
concrete cover....................................... 564 splitting...................................................559
curved bar groups.................................513 tapered................................................... 517
customized mesh.................................. 519 ungrouping............................................ 556
debonding strands................................527 reinforcing bars...........................................503
for pour objects.....................................511 bending types........................................ 590
geometry................................................ 569 combining.............................................. 558
grouping................................................. 557 geometry................................................ 569
handles...................................................560 handles................................................... 560
hooks...................................................... 561 hooks...................................................... 561
identical.................................................. 705 leg length................................................576
in templates........................................... 614 length......................................................573
layer information.................................. 572 modifying............................................... 549
mesh....................................................... 519 pours.......................................................511
modifying................................ 529,530,549 shape catalog..........................506,508,509
numbering...................................... 705,712 spacing................................................... 553
omitting bars......................................... 555 reinforcing pour objects.............................511
prestressed strands.............................. 525 removing
rebar sets............................................... 477 filters.......................................................208
running numbers.................................. 571 pour breaks............................................472
selecting from catalog.......................... 566 weld cross sections............................... 411
sequential numbers..............................571 rendering
shape catalog..........................506,508,509 DirectX...................................................... 70
shape codes....................................578,579 OpenGL.....................................................70
shape recognition................................. 577 rendering of parts and components........ 636
single bars..............................................503 rendering
spiral bar group.....................................517 of parts and components.....................636
splice.......................................................528 renumbering................................................718
splicing....................................................570 repairing model...........................................696
splitting...................................................559 repairing
strands....................................................525 numbering errors..................................718
tapered bar group.................................517 report templates
ungrouping............................................ 556 for inquiring object properties............ 675
reinforcing bar groups............................... 504 reports
adaptivity................................................567 on reinforcement...........................588,614
bar leg length.........................................576 representation
bar length...............................................573 of cast-in-place concrete structures... 453
circular....................................................515 of parts and components.....................636
combining.............................................. 558 reshaping
curved.....................................................513 objects.................................................... 117
excluding bars....................................... 555 resizing
geometry................................................ 569 buttons................................................... 210
grouping................................................. 557 RGB values..................................................... 67
handles...................................................560 ribbon........................................................... 108
modifying............................................... 549 ribbon editor............................................... 210
omitting bars......................................... 555 ribbons
pours.......................................................511 backing up..............................................210
shape catalog..........................506,508,509 customizing............................................210
restoring.................................................210 handles...................................................130
right-click interrupting object selection............... 144
selecting................................................. 144 multiple objects.....................................130
right-hand rule.............................................. 52 nested assemblies................................ 141
rollover highlight.........................................144 objects..................................... 130,137,144
rotating objects in components......................... 141
drawing objects..................................... 165 on right-click.......................................... 144
objects.................................................... 165 pour breaks............................................470
parts........................................................354 previous objects.................................... 130
settings................................................... 165 unable to select objects........................144
rotation angle knob.................................... 351 values from model................................ 209
rotation settings..........................................165 selection dial................................................351
round selection filters.....................................137,173
holes....................................................... 394 selection switches....................................... 137
plates...................................................... 271 setting up
slabs........................................................324 grid............................................................ 19
rules views......................................................... 19
in bending shapes.................................582 work area................................................. 19
in rebar shape manager............... 582,589 work plane............................................... 19
running workspace................................................ 19
macros....................................................739 settings
bolt properties.......................................382
S concrete beam properties................... 312
concrete column properties................ 309
saving concrete item properties..................... 341
clashes.................................................... 694 concrete panel properties....................321
custom component...............................827 concrete slab properties...................... 324
dialog box properties........................... 125 contour plate properties...................... 271
property pane properties.................... 125 corner chamfer properties.................. 418
views......................................................... 43 custom component dialog editor........904
seams custom components.............................939
custom seams....................................... 810 display settings......................................639
search in model...........................................658 edge chamfer properties..................... 418
search in model...........................................658 grid line properties..................................28
search in selection...................................... 658 grid properties.........................................23
searching grid view properties................................ 47
clashes.................................................... 688 lofted plate properties..........................297
model objects........................................ 658 lofted slab properties........................... 327
secondary guidelines..................................539 model templates................................... 246
select work plane.......................................... 66 numbering............................................. 734
selecting toolbar......................................... 241 numbering settings. 709,992,993,994,995
selecting toolbar......................................... 137 object representation........................... 648
selecting orthogonal beam properties............... 266
all objects............................................... 130 pad footing properties......................... 336
assemblies............................................. 141 part position settings............................992
by id........................................................ 130 point properties.................................... 625
cast units................................................ 141 reinforcement properties.................... 996
dates from model................................. 209
rotation settings.................................... 165 sloping slabs................................................ 376
snapping.................................................107 slotted holes................................................ 394
steel beam properties.......................... 258 snap symbols.................................................86
steel beam properties................... 255,261 snap grid........................................................ 96
steel column properties....................... 253 snap override toolbar.................................241
steel item properties............................ 341 snap settings............................................... 107
strip footing properties........................ 339 snap switches........................................... 84,86
twin profile properties..........................264 snapping............................................ 84,96,102
units and decimals.................................. 20 align objects............................................. 96
view properties........................................46 edge.......................................................... 96
weld properties..................................... 397 example....................................................90
shape codes extension line.......................................... 96
of reinforcement............. 577,578,579,582 line.............................................................96
shape orthogonal directions........................... 102
modifying part shape........................... 117 settings................................................... 107
shapes snap depth............................................... 85
of items...................................................341 snap zone................................................. 85
shifting the work plane.................................53 snap priority.............................................85
shortcuts, see keyboard shortcuts........... 238 snap switches.......................................... 86
showing and hiding snap symbols........................................... 86
rebar set modifiers............................... 539 to middle points.................................... 347
rebar set guidelines.............................. 539 to numeric coordinates.......................... 90
showing assemblies....................................636 using coordinates....................................90
showing component content.................... 636 snapping toolbar.........................................241
showing only selected parts...................... 636 snapping mode
showing part reference lines.....................347 absolute....................................................90
showing global........................................................ 90
cast-in-place concrete structures........453 relative...................................................... 90
cut lines.................................................. 413 snapping toolbar......................................84,85
dimensions............................................ 130 solid errors...................................................658
invisible assembly objects....................644 spacing in rebar sets.................................. 547
invisible component objects................644 spacing reinforcing bars............................ 553
part labels.............................................. 365 special characters....................................... 201
rebar set modifiers............................... 539 spiral beams................................. 268,269,318
rebar set guidelines.............................. 539 splice.............................................................528
reference lines.......................................347 splicing
top-in-form face.................................... 449 reinforcement........................................570
views......................................................... 43 splitters........................................................ 539
welds.......................................................409 splitting
work area................................................. 48 parts........................................................370
show reinforcing bar group........................... 559
parts with exact lines............................643 stand-alone bent plate............................... 274
parts with high accuracy...................... 643 stand-alone bent plate............................... 290
single bolts...................................................382 standard-part models................................ 735
single-part welds.........................................397 standardized values for parametric profiles
slabs..............................................................324 .......................................................................361
sloping.................................................... 376 statistical functions.....................................858
warping...................................................373 status
in clash checking................................... 689 tiled surface treatment.........................424
steel parts surfaces........................................................436
lofted plates........................................... 297 swap end handles....................................... 327
steel parts swap end handles....................................... 297
assemblies............................................. 438 Swap Handles..............................................347
steel beam properties................................ 255 switching between
steel column properties............................. 253 view angles...............................................45
steel connection properties........ 406,803,805 views......................................................... 45
steel curved beam properties................... 261 switching on/off
steel detail properties................................ 803 pour management................................ 452
steel item properties.................................. 341 system components................................... 747
steel items....................................................341
steel parts.................................................... 251
beams..................................................... 255
bent plates............................................. 274
bent plates............................................. 290 t profiles....................................................... 958
columns..................................................253 t profiles (concrete).....................................958
contour plates....................................... 271 tabs............................................................... 210
curved beams........................................ 261 tail information........................................... 397
items....................................................... 341 template attributes
orthogonal beams.................................266 in filtering............................................... 200
polybeams..............................................258 templates
spiral beams................................... 268,269 model templates................................... 246
twin profiles........................................... 264 thumbnail image
steel polybeam properties.........................258 of custom component.......................... 817
storys tiled surface treatment
creating multi-story structures............368 creating new tile patterns.................... 430
strand pattern pattern definition example.................. 430
of reinforcement................................... 525 pattern definitions................................ 430
string operations.........................................858 pattern elements...................................430
strip footing properties.............................. 339 tips
strip footings............................................... 339 creating beams close to each other....368
studs............................................................. 393 creating curved parts............................366
sub-assemblies............................................438 creating custom components..............902
bolting to existing assembly................ 438 creating horizontal parts......................367
welding to existing assembly...............438 custom components in new Tekla
sub-components Structures version.................................902
examples.........................................817,874 finding RGB values for colors.................67
surface treatment hiding cut lines...................................... 413
add new subtype...................................429 modeling identical areas...................... 369
adding.....................................................424 modeling large models.........................244
modifying............................................... 424 numbering settings...............................734
on all faces of part................................ 424 positioning columns, pad footings and
on chamfered parts.............................. 424 orthogonal beams.................................368
on cut faces............................................424 right-hand rule.........................................52
on part face............................................424 sharing custom components...............902
on parts with openings and recesses. 424 toolbar
on selected areas.................................. 424 selection switches................................. 137
customizing............................................241 in custom components.........................836
model search......................................... 658 parametric variables.............................851
snapping toolbar..................................... 85 value types............................................. 950
top-in-form face.......................................... 449 variable properties................................950
tracking vertical position...........................................356
along line.................................................. 90 view angles............................................. 45,658
transparency view angles
object representation settings............ 648 assembly view angle............................. 673
of pour objects...................................... 458 component view angle......................... 673
trigonometric functions............................. 858 connection view angle.......................... 673
Trimble Connect Visualizer part view angle...................................... 673
create animations................................. 663 view depth..................................................... 50
scene settings........................................ 663 view filters....................................................173
take snapshots...................................... 663 view plane...................................................... 52
twin profiles................................................. 264 view planes
moving...................................................... 33
U cast-in-place concrete parts.................453
u profiles...................................................... 958 numbering history................................ 717
UDL............................................................... 805 pour objects...........................................453
undo history................................................ 128 views............................................................... 31
unfold lofted plates.................................... 297 creating.....................................................33
ungrouping deleting.....................................................43
clashes.................................................... 690 modifying................................................. 43
reinforcement........................................556 naming......................................................43
uniform distributed load............................805 opening.....................................................43
units and decimals........................................20 properties.................................................46
up direction................................................. 803 refreshing................................................. 46
updating views.............................................. 46 saving........................................................43
user-defined attributes switching between views........................45
for parts..................................................364 visibility of objects................................. 50,639
in numbering......................................... 707 visibility
user-defined weld cross sections............. 411 of pour breaks....................................... 467
user-defined visualizer...................................................... 661
commands............................................. 210 manage materials................................. 662
visualizing the model..................................661
materials................................................ 662
V visualizing the model..................................658
value types...................................................950
selecting from model............................209 W
variable cross sections............................... 958 walls..............................................................321
variable formulas........................................ 856 warping........................................................ 373
variables beams..................................................... 373
creating dependencies......................... 851 concrete slabs........................................373
dependencies........................................ 870 weld cross sections
distance variables................................. 837 defining.................................................. 411
removing................................................ 411
weld preparation........................................ 407
welded beam profiles.................................958
welded box profiles.................................... 958
Welds in components.................................780
welds..................................................... 406,438
between parts........................................397
defining cross sections......................... 411
numbering...................................... 713,994
polygon welds........................................397
properties.............................................. 397
removing cross sections.......................411
showing.................................................. 409
single-part welds................................... 397
user-defined cross sections................. 411
visibility in model.................................. 409
weld preparation...................................407
weld types.............................................. 397
welding sub-assemblies....................... 438
wildcards...................................................... 201
work area.................................................. 48,50
hiding........................................................ 48
work plane handler toolbar
base points...............................................66
project base points................................. 66
work plane............................................... 66
work plane
shifting...................................................... 53
show or hide............................................ 52
toolbar...................................................... 66
wq profiles................................................... 958
z profiles.......................................................958
zooming in or out..........................................81