Promethean The Created - The Refuse - Ready Made Pc's

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A throng of ready-made player characters

for Promethean: The Created

Written by Matthew McFarland Developed by Eddy Webb Edited by Genevieve Podleski Layout by Jessica Mullins Art: Avery Butterworth

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The Refuse throng came together piece by The Prometheans formed a branded throng
piece, like garbage accumulating at a bend in shortly thereafter. Their symbol, a circle of ar-
a river. All five of the Prometheans have been rows with one arrow broken off and pointing out,
left behind, abandoned, cast off or otherwise represents their nature as beings that have been
discarded, but in each other, they have found a thrown away rather than allowed to find their
kind of family. potential. They have agreed to help one another
The throng began when Gargoyle met up along on their Pilgrimages. That isn’t always a
with Denison 23rd. The Galateid was searching pleasant or easy job — it involves coping with
for clues about her creation, and had already Denison’s bitterness, holding Worm down when
uncovered some important information when he rages or extricating Hellas from his latest ro-
the urban shaman felt her Azoth and tracked mantic entanglement.
her down. Together, they learned that Denison The road takes them to various places, since none
23rd had been created in a cosmetic surgery of them want to risk creating a natural disaster
clinic, one that occasionally rented the space like Worm’s Wasteland. They usually travel on
to doctors practicing without a license. After foot, but have been known to take abandoned
Denison’s confrontation with her creator, she vehicles and get them moving again, using a com-
felt that she had learned everything that the bination of luck, Worm’s instinctive know-how
world could teach her about creation and the and the Jolt Transmutation. They scrape together
Divine Fire. She created her own child, Hel- what money they can from panhandling, odd
las, and attempted (unsuccessfully) to find the jobs and even occasionally prostitution (Hellas,
New Dawn. in particular, finds he can always find someone
Gargoyle, attempting to keep Denison from de- to pay him for his time), or steal what the need
pression, steered the trio out of the area and kept from thrift stores.
them on the move. They eventually heard tell The throng has been known to squat in aban-
of a massive, constant electrical storm centered doned buildings for longer periods of time, but
over a landfill. Recognizing a Wasteland, they seldom more than a month or two. Their Waste-
made their way there and freed Worm from his lands mingle, and the results can be disastrous. Their
cruel imprisonment. Finally, venturing back into status as a branded throng means that it doesn’t
an urban environment, they met Dove, who quite spread as fast as it otherwise would, but even so,
literally stumbled out of nowhere. They realized the Prometheans know the price of staying in one
that she had died and come back from the River place too long.
of Death, but that she remembered very little of In order to decide where to go next, each mem-
her life before this event. ber of the throng puts forth his or her opinion and

reasons for a destination. If the group can come about her past. Dove herself isn’t sure, she only
to consensus, then they pick up their belongings knows that the phrase “Actioni contrariam semper
and go, meaning that the Prometheans often try et æqualem esse reactionem” (“For a force there is
to choose locations that might have something always an equal and opposite reaction” – New-
to offer the others. If some disagreement still ton’s third law) has become a recurrent theme
remains, they vote, with Gargoyle acting as tie- in her visions.
breaker if necessary. Of late, these discussions The throng continues to travel, each member
have become more heated. Dove’s Elpis visions looking for his or her own personal milestones. An
are growing more intense, and fire is becoming unstated but constantly considered problem is this:
a common theme. While Gargoyle and Worm What happens when one member reaches the New
believe that her visions are showing her some Dawn and forgets the rest? Will the throng have the
catastrophe to come, Hellas and Denison feel strength to let this member go when they become
that they might be urging her to find out more cast off and discarded again?

Denison 23rd
Quotes: “It’s not your fault. It’s me.”
“I just don’t see what I missed.”
“You’d better stay away for a while.”
Virtue: Temperance. Denison is thorough and meticulous.
She thinks through her problems, and weighs decisions before
Vice: Envy. Denison was always somewhat on the bitter
side, and after her failure to achieve the New Dawn, she’s
become downright spiteful.
Background: Denison doesn’t remember her creator.
She “woke up” standing on the corner of Denison Av-
enue and 23rd Street, and for almost a day afterward,
“Denison 23rd” was all she could say. A local homeless
man started calling her that, and she kept the name.
Her creation might have remained a mystery for longer
than it did, but a passerby commented that she was
“one of those women who got all prettied up at the
clinic.” Investigating (with the help of Gargoyle),
she discovered that she had been stitched together
from a shapely corpse (stolen from the city morgue)
and beautified at a cosmetic surgery clinic before her creator had
breathed the Divine Fire into her. She confronted her creator,
learned why he had simply abandoned her on the street, and
came to realize that appreciation of the beauty of the human
form could not be the quest for perfection—human bodies
were always imperfect, and fell further from the ideal over
time. The only way to appreciate the beauty of the form was
with its imperfections.
Laden with Vitriol from these revelations, she created her
own child, Hellas. She stayed with him until she felt he was
ready for her to leave, said her goodbyes to him and Gargoyle,
and attempted to find the New Dawn. She failed.
She rejoined the throng, bitter, dejected and humiliated. She has
reluctantly begun her Pilgrimage again, but she has no idea what she
needs to learn. She has confronted and accepted the circumstances of her
own creation, and fashioned a new Promethean. What more remains?

Description: Denison appears to be in her mid-20s. She is perfectly proportioned and athletic in build,
with a heart-shaped face and soft brown eyes. Her hair hangs chin-length, and she keeps her nails immacu-
late. She stole several sets of scrubs from the clinic where she was “born,” and usually wears them when out
with her throng — she finds that they lend her an appearance of legitimacy.
When Denison’s disfigurements flare, her eyes, cheek bones, neck, breasts and arms all sag, as though
imperfectly attached. She emits a medicinal smell, and dotted lines (the sort that a plastic surgeon might
draw) appear on her flesh.
Roleplaying Hints: Denison’s two driving emotions are her bitterness over failing to find the New Dawn
and her love for Hellas. While she does sometimes feel that she might be better off dead, she also knows
that if she takes that route, she stands no chance of fixing her mistakes. Gradually, she is becoming curious
about the Pilgrimage again, rather than worn down by it, but she still has a great deal of progress to make.
She refuses to succumb to despair when Hellas is around, though. She is aware that she treats him like an
actual child sometimes, rather than what he is (a young Promethean), but she has a hard time recognizing
it in the moment.
Notes: Denison starts with a lowered Morality, in exchange for 10 experience points. Her original Refine-
ment was Mercurius, but she switched to Stannum after her failure.


Name: Denison 23 rd Concept: Bitter Creator Lineage: Galatea
Player: Virtue: Refinement: Stannum
Envy Refuse
Chronicle: Vice: Throng:

Power Intelligence OOOOO Strength OOOOO Presence OOOOO
Finesse Wits OOOOO Dexterity OOOOO Manipulation O O O O O
Resistance Resolve OOOOO Stamina OOOOO Composure O O O O O


Mental Merits HEALTH
(-3 unskilled) Striking Looks
.................................................................................O OOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO
Academics....................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O oooooooooooo
Computer......................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
.................................................................................O O O O O willpower
Crafts.................................................................O O O O O
Investigation...............................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O OOOOOOOOOO
Medicine........................................................O OOOO .................................................................................O O O O O oooooooooo
Occult................................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Politics..............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Science............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Physical bestowment
(-1 unskilled) azoth
Mesmerizing Appearance
.............................................................................................................. OOOOOOOOOO
Athletics..........................................................O O O O O
Brawl..................................................................O OOOO equipment humanity
Drive...................................................................O O O O O .............................................................................................................. 10...................................O
Firearms.........................................................O O O O O 9.....................................O
Larceny...........................................................O O O O O 8.....................................O
Stealth...............................................................O O O O O ..............................................................................................................
Survival...........................................................O O O O O 6.....................................O
Weaponry.......................................................O O O O O Armor.............................................................................................
Initiative Mod....................................................................... 4.....................................O
(-1 unskilled) Size.................................................................................................... 3.....................................O
Speed.............................................................................................. 2.....................................O
Animal Ken.................................................O O O O O
Experience. .............................................................................. 1.....................................O
Empathy.........................................................O O O O O
Expression...................................................O O O O O transmutations
Alchemicus — (Forging the Master’s Tools)
Intimidation................................................O O O O O ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Persuasion....................................................O O O O O Alchemicus — (Identification )
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Socialize..........................................................O O O O O Disquietism — (Scapegoat )
Streetwise.Crooked Doctors O O O O
...................................................O ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Vulcanus — (Sense Flux)
Subterfuge....................................................O O O O O ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Attributes 5/4/3 • Skills 11/7/4 (+3 Specialties) • Lineage (record Lineage Be-
stowment) • Refinement • Azoth 1 (may be increased with Merit points) • Trans-
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
mutations 3 (1 dot must be Refinement affinity) • Merits 7 • (Buying the fifth dot in
Attributes, Skills, or Merits cost two points) • Health = Stamina + Size • Willpower
= Resolve + Composure • Size = 5 for adult human-sized Prometheans • Defense
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
= Lowest of Dexterity or Wits • Initiative Mod = Dexterity + Composure • Speed =
Strength + Dexterity + 5 • Starting Humanity = 7 • Pyros = Humanity ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............

Name: Denison 23 rd Concept: Bitter Creator Lineage: Galatea
Player: Virtue: Refinement: Stannum
Envy Refuse
Chronicle: Vice: Throng:

Power Intelligence OOOOO Strength OOOOO Presence OOOOO
Finesse Wits OOOOO Dexterity OOOOO Manipulation O O O O O
Resistance Resolve OOOOO Stamina OOOOO Composure O O O O O


Mental Merits HEALTH
(-3 unskilled) Striking Looks
.................................................................................O OOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO
Academics....................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O oooooooooooo
Computer......................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
.................................................................................O O O O O willpower
Crafts.................................................................O O O O O
Investigation...............................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O OOOOOOOOOO
Medicine........................................................O OOOO .................................................................................O O O O O oooooooooo
Occult................................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Politics..............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Science............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Physical bestowment
(-1 unskilled) azoth
Mesmerizing Appearance
.............................................................................................................. OOOOOOOOOO
Athletics..........................................................O O O O O
Brawl..................................................................O OOOO equipment humanity
Drive...................................................................O O O O O .............................................................................................................. 10...................................O
Firearms.........................................................O O O O O 9.....................................O
Larceny...........................................................O O O O O 8.....................................O
Stealth...............................................................O O O O O ..............................................................................................................
Survival...........................................................O O O O O 6.....................................O
Weaponry.......................................................O O O O O Armor.............................................................................................
Social Initiative Mod.......................................................................
(-1 unskilled) Size....................................................................................................
37/15 Vitrol
Animal Ken.................................................O O O O O
Experience. 1.....................................O
Empathy.........................................................O O O O O
Expression...................................................O O O O O transmutations
Intimidation................................................O O O O O Alchemicus — (Forging the Master’s Tools) Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Persuasion....................................................O O O O O Alchemicus — (Identification )
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Socialize..........................................................O O O O O
Crooked Doctors O O O O Disquietism — (Scapegoat )
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Subterfuge....................................................O O O O O Disquietism — (tension in the air)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Attributes 5/4/3 • Skills 11/7/4 (+3 Specialties) • Lineage (record Lineage Be- Vulcanus — (Sense Flux)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
stowment) • Refinement • Azoth 1 (may be increased with Merit points) • Trans-
mutations 3 (1 dot must be Refinement affinity) • Merits 7 • (Buying the fifth dot in
Attributes, Skills, or Merits cost two points) • Health = Stamina + Size • Willpower
= Resolve + Composure • Size = 5 for adult human-sized Prometheans • Defense
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
= Lowest of Dexterity or Wits • Initiative Mod = Dexterity + Composure • Speed =
Strength + Dexterity + 5 • Starting Humanity = 7 • Pyros = Humanity ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Quotes: “Look, don’t touch.”
“There’s no point in hiding. They’re everywhere.”
“I’ll get a bird’s-eye view.”
Virtue: Hope. Gargoyle takes a Zen-like attitude to the Pilgrimage,
knowing that although the Created suffer, succumbing to despair makes
the wait interminable.
Vice: Sloth. Unfortunately, he sometimes hunkers down and watches the
world go by, letting his stoicism give way to simple laziness.
Background: Gargoyle was created in a big city, on top of a sky-
scraper. He remembers the gargoyles watching him as he awoke.
He achieved full cognition almost immediately and spoke with
his creator, who told him that understanding the spirits of
the city was crucial to becoming human — the city,
after all, was where most of the humans lived. Gar-
goyle did not spend long with his creator. They
had a difference of opinion; she wanted to
go down and minister to the humans, and
Gargoyle felt more comfortable watching
them from above. As far as he knew, his
creator was still there in the city, trying
desperately to get people to accept her.
Gargoyle left the city of his birth and wandered, eventually
stumbling across Denison 23rd as she searched for the answers
to her own creation. He has been with her ever since, and
watched as she transformed from an inquisitive, driven Pro-
methean into a bitter, unsure soul. He hoped that their rescue
of Worm and discovery of Dove would shake her out of it, but
it hasn’t, and Gargoyle is beginning to wonder what he needs
to do to help her.
Description: Gargoyle is tall, slim and muscular. His fingers
are dirty and split from climbing buildings, and he has to steal
sneakers often, as he puts them through a great deal of punish-
ment in his runs. Gargoyle’s gray eyes rarely blink, and he wears his
strange almost-gray hair tied back into a ponytail. Gargoyle isn’t good
at mimicking humans’ social niceties like bathing, and he often smells
like rain or garbage.

When his disfigurements show, Gargoyle displays the torn flesh and seeping ectoplasm common to his
Lineage. The flesh on his back falls loose, thin enough to billow around him like a cloak or a pair of wings,
and his ribcage is noticeably split and cracked.
Roleplaying Hints: Gargoyle is friendly, if not exactly cheerful. He loves the city and loves climbing up
buildings and racing across rooftops, but he knows that the others can’t keep up with him. He sees himself
as the de facto leader of the Refuse throng, since he is the oldest in terms of raw experience, if not years
(Worm probably has that distinction). In some dark part of his mind, he wonders if by watching Denison
attempt to meet the New Dawn, he didn’t taint it somehow. She doesn’t know that he was watching, and
he has grappled with whether and how to tell her for months.
Notes: Gargoyle practices the art of parkour, or urban running. Full rules for this Merit appear in Strange
Alchemies (p. 74-75). The first three dots are as follows: Flow (•): When running or using the Foot Chase
rules (World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 65), Gargoyle character reduces hazardous terrain penalties by three.
Additionally, the roll to gauge a jump distance (World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 67) is a reflexive action.
Cat Leap (••): When using a Dexterity + Athletics roll to mitigate damage from falling (World of Dark-
ness Rulebook, p. 179), Gargoyle gains one automatic success. Additionally, add three to the threshold of
damage that can be removed through this roll. Wall Run (•••): When using Athletics to climb (World
of Darkness Rulebook, p. 64), Gargoyle is capable of scaling heights of 25 feet + 5 feet per dot in Athlet-
ics as an instant action (rather than the normal 10 feet), though he suffers a -1 penalty for attempting the
full distance. Expert Traceur (••••): Gargoyle may designate any Athletics roll that involves running,
jumping and climbing as a rote action (World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 134) at the expense of losing his
Defense that turn.


Name: Gargoyle Urban
Concept: Shaman Ulgan
Player: Virtue: Refinement: Cuprum
Sloth Refuse
Chronicle: Vice: Throng:

Power Intelligence OOOOO Strength OOOOO Presence OOOOO
Finesse Wits OOOOO Dexterity OOOOO Manipulation O O O O O
Resistance Resolve OOOOO Stamina OOOOO Composure O O O O O


Mental Merits HEALTH
(-3 unskilled) Fast Reflexes
.................................................................................O OOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO
Fleet of Foot
.................................................................................O OOOO oooooooooooo
Academics....................................................O O O O O
Computer......................................................O O O O O Parkour
.................................................................................O O O O O
.................................................................................O O O O O willpower
Crafts.................................................................O O O O O
Investigation...............................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O OOOOOOOOOO
Medicine........................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O oooooooooo
Urban Spirits
Occult................................................................O OOOO .................................................................................O O O O O
Politics..............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Science............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Physical bestowment
(-1 unskilled) azoth
Ephemeral Flesh
.............................................................................................................. OOOOOOOOOO
Athletics..........................................................O O O O O
Brawl..................................................................O O O O O equipment humanity
Drive...................................................................O O O O O .............................................................................................................. 10...................................O
Firearms.........................................................O O O O O 9.....................................O
Larceny...........................................................O O O O O 8.....................................O
Stealth...............................................................O O O O O ..............................................................................................................
Survival...........................................................O OOOO 6.....................................O
Weaponry.......................................................O O O O O Armor.............................................................................................
Defense........................................................................................ 5.....................................O
Social 7
Initiative Mod....................................................................... 4.....................................O
(-1 unskilled) 5
Size.................................................................................................... 3.....................................O
Speed.............................................................................................. 2.....................................O
Animal Ken.................................................O O O O O
Experience. .............................................................................. 1.....................................O
Empathy.........................................................O O O O O
Expression...................................................O O O O O transmutations
Intimidation................................................O O O O O Electrification — (Feel the Spark)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Persuasion....................................................O O O O O Metamorphosis — Redundant Organ (spleen)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Socialize..........................................................O O O O O
Streetwise....................................................O OOOO ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Subterfuge....................................................O O O O O ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Attributes 5/4/3 • Skills 11/7/4 (+3 Specialties) • Lineage (record Lineage Be-
stowment) • Refinement • Azoth 1 (may be increased with Merit points) • Trans-
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
mutations 3 (1 dot must be Refinement affinity) • Merits 7 • (Buying the fifth dot in
Attributes, Skills, or Merits cost two points) • Health = Stamina + Size • Willpower
= Resolve + Composure • Size = 5 for adult human-sized Prometheans • Defense
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
= Lowest of Dexterity or Wits • Initiative Mod = Dexterity + Composure • Speed =
Strength + Dexterity + 5 • Starting Humanity = 7 • Pyros = Humanity ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............

Name: Gargoyle Urban
Concept: Shaman Ulgan
Player: Virtue: Refinement: Ferrum
Sloth Refuse
Chronicle: Vice: Throng:

Power Intelligence OOOOO Strength OOOOO Presence OOOOO
Finesse Wits OOOOO Dexterity OOOOO Manipulation O O O O O
Resistance Resolve OOOOO Stamina OOOOO Composure O O O O O


Mental Merits HEALTH
(-3 unskilled) Fast Reflexes
.................................................................................O OOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO
Fleet of Foot
.................................................................................O OOOO oooooooooooo
Academics....................................................O O O O O
Computer......................................................O O O O O Parkour
.................................................................................O O O O O
.................................................................................O O O O O willpower
Crafts.................................................................O O O O O
Investigation...............................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O OOOOOOOOOO
Medicine........................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O oooooooooo
Urban Spirits
Occult................................................................O OOOO .................................................................................O O O O O
Politics..............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Science............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Physical bestowment
(-1 unskilled) azoth
Ephemeral Flesh
.............................................................................................................. OOOOOOOOOO
Athletics..........................................................O O O O O
Brawl..................................................................O O O O O equipment humanity
Drive...................................................................O O O O O .............................................................................................................. 10...................................O
Firearms.........................................................O O O O O 9.....................................O
Larceny...........................................................O O O O O 8.....................................O
Stealth...............................................................O O O O O ..............................................................................................................
Survival...........................................................O OOOO 6.....................................O
Weaponry.......................................................O O O O O Armor.............................................................................................
Defense........................................................................................ 5.....................................O
Social 7
Initiative Mod....................................................................... 4.....................................O
(-1 unskilled) 5
Size.................................................................................................... 3.....................................O
Speed.............................................................................................. 2.....................................O
Animal Ken.................................................O O O O O
Experience. ..............................................................................
41/10 vitrol 1.....................................O
Empathy.........................................................O O O O O
Expression...................................................O O O O O transmutations
Intimidation................................................O O O O O Electrification — (Feel the Spark)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Persuasion....................................................O O O O O Metamorphosis — Redundant Organ (spleen)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Socialize..........................................................O O O O O
corporeum - (swift feet )
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Streetwise....................................................O OOOO
Subterfuge....................................................O O O O O corporeum - (uncanny dexterity)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Attributes 5/4/3 • Skills 11/7/4 (+3 Specialties) • Lineage (record Lineage Be-
stowment) • Refinement • Azoth 1 (may be increased with Merit points) • Trans-
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
mutations 3 (1 dot must be Refinement affinity) • Merits 7 • (Buying the fifth dot in
Attributes, Skills, or Merits cost two points) • Health = Stamina + Size • Willpower
= Resolve + Composure • Size = 5 for adult human-sized Prometheans • Defense
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
= Lowest of Dexterity or Wits • Initiative Mod = Dexterity + Composure • Speed =
Strength + Dexterity + 5 • Starting Humanity = 7 • Pyros = Humanity ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Quotes: “That man, there. What religion is he? What? Why can’t you tell?”
“I wish I’d been born with tattoos, like her.”
“Please stop crying. Should I tell a joke?”
Virtue: Charity. Hellas has very little sense of ownership or property, and he
is therefore generous, perhaps to fault.
Vice: Lust. Hellas knows that human women (and men) sometimes
react to his beautiful body by wanting sex. He is unsure why sometimes
this feels right and sometimes feels wrong, but he enjoys it either way,
which worries him.
Background: Created on the same operating table as his “mother,”
Denison, Hellas is the youngest of the Refuse throng. Only a few
months old, he is learning quickly and soaks up whatever the others
tell him, but what fascinates him most is humanity. He knows that
humans divide themselves up into groups based on belief, upbringing,
language and a thousand other variables. He does not quite understand,
however, that some of these variables are inborn, some are chosen and
some are instilled by parents. He also has some embarrassing gaps in his
knowledge about physiology, though he already has extensive experience
with human sexuality (something that makes both Denison and Dove
extremely uncomfortable).
Hellas’ role in the throng is still in development, but thus far he serves
as a kind of foil. As the only Mimic in the group, he has the most to gain
through human interaction, but he is so naïve about it that he winds up
bringing the throng into unexpected situations simply by asking the wrong
question at the wrong time, or making an offer of help that the throng then
feels compelled to follow up on. Hellas is, in some ways, the “baby” of the
group, and as he grows and develops in his Pilgrimage, that role will have to
change. For now, however, he often gets his way because the others don’t
want to crush his wide-eyed joy at the world.
Description: Like Denison, Hellas is beautiful. He is as chiseled and well-
defined as a Greek god, muscular, smooth and graceful. He has a young
face, curly black hair and sparkling blue eyes. He takes clothes from male
lovers (sometimes with their knowledge, sometimes not), but the shirt
that Denison gave him on the day he was created is never far from his
person. It’s a simple black t-shirt, but it reminds him of how he awakened
with his “mother” gazing down on him, hope and joy in her eyes.

Hellas’ disfigurements make him look like a statue. His skin becomes mottled like stone, his eyes lose
color and mobility and his proportions become too perfect. No human being is so symmetrical.
Roleplaying Hints: Hellas is a challenging character. He is simple because of lack of experience, not
lack of ability, and he learns at an impressive rate. He is still grappling with language and how it works, and
while he is socially adept most of the time, occasionally he asks or says something completely inappropriate
the situation. Hellas has very little ability to recognize sarcasm, he doesn’t understand bias or prejudice,
and he does tend to take things somewhat literally. That’s not to say that he doesn’t understand figurative
language, just that he doesn’t always recognize it. Once he learns the meaning of a given turn of phrase,
he doesn’t forget it.
He’s also extremely empathetic — he can tell when someone is hurting, and he has a strong drive to
make such feelings stop. Hellas isn’t without his dark side, however; he knows that Disquiet sometimes
makes people desire him, and he lets them indulge even though he knows that they might come to
regret it. If he could articulate his feelings on the matter, he might say that it serves them right for
succumbing to Disquiet.


Name: Hellas Concept: Work in Progress Lineage: Galatea

Player: Virtue: Charity Refinement: Aurum
Lust Refuse
Chronicle: Vice: Throng:

Power Intelligence OOOOO Strength OOOOO Presence OOOOO
Finesse Wits OOOOO Dexterity OOOOO Manipulation O O O O O
Resistance Resolve OOOOO Stamina OOOOO Composure O O O O O


Mental Merits HEALTH
(-3 unskilled) Ambidextrous
.................................................................................O OOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO
Striking Looks
.................................................................................O OOOO oooooooooooo
Academics....................................................O O O O O
Computer......................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
.................................................................................O O O O O willpower
Crafts.................................................................O O O O O
Investigation...............................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O OOOOOOOOOO
Medicine........................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O oooooooooo
Occult................................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Politics..............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Science............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Physical bestowment
(-1 unskilled) azoth
Mesmerizing Appearance
.............................................................................................................. OOOOOOOOOO
Athletics..........................................................O O O O O
Brawl..................................................................O OOOO equipment humanity
Drive...................................................................O O O O O .............................................................................................................. 10...................................O
Firearms.........................................................O O O O O 9.....................................O
Larceny...........................................................O O O O O 8.....................................O
Stealth...............................................................O O O O O ..............................................................................................................
Survival...........................................................O O O O O 6.....................................O
Weaponry.......................................................O O O O O Armor.............................................................................................
Defense........................................................................................ 5.....................................O
Social 4
Initiative Mod....................................................................... 4.....................................O
(-1 unskilled) 5
Size.................................................................................................... 3.....................................O
Speed.............................................................................................. 2.....................................O
Animal Ken.................................................O O O O O
Pain Experience. .............................................................................. 1.....................................O
Empathy.........................................................O OOOO
Expression...................................................O O O O O transmutations
Intimidation................................................O O O O O Mesmerism — (Suggestion )
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Persuasion....................................................O OOOO Vitality — (Shoulders of Atlas )
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Socialize..........................................................O O O O O
Streetwise....................................................O O O O O ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Subterfuge....................................................O O O O O ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Attributes 5/4/3 • Skills 11/7/4 (+3 Specialties) • Lineage (record Lineage Be-
stowment) • Refinement • Azoth 1 (may be increased with Merit points) • Trans-
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
mutations 3 (1 dot must be Refinement affinity) • Merits 7 • (Buying the fifth dot in
Attributes, Skills, or Merits cost two points) • Health = Stamina + Size • Willpower
= Resolve + Composure • Size = 5 for adult human-sized Prometheans • Defense
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
= Lowest of Dexterity or Wits • Initiative Mod = Dexterity + Composure • Speed =
Strength + Dexterity + 5 • Starting Humanity = 7 • Pyros = Humanity ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............

Name: Hellas Concept: Work in Progress Lineage: Galatea

Player: Virtue: Charity Refinement: Aurum
Lust Refuse
Chronicle: Vice: Throng:

Power Intelligence OOOOO Strength OOOOO Presence OOOOO
Finesse Wits OOOOO Dexterity OOOOO Manipulation O O O O O
Resistance Resolve OOOOO Stamina OOOOO Composure O O O O O


Mental Merits HEALTH
(-3 unskilled) Ambidextrous
.................................................................................O OOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO
Striking Looks
.................................................................................O OOOO oooooooooooo
Academics....................................................O O O O O
Computer......................................................O O O O O Danger Sense
.................................................................................O O O O O
.................................................................................O O O O O willpower
Crafts.................................................................O O O O O
Investigation...............................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O OOOOOOOOOO
Medicine........................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O oooooooooo
Occult................................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Politics..............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Science............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Physical bestowment
(-1 unskilled) azoth
Mesmerizing Appearance
.............................................................................................................. OOOOOOOOOO
Athletics..........................................................O O O O O
Brawl..................................................................O OOOO equipment humanity
Drive...................................................................O O O O O .............................................................................................................. 10...................................O
Firearms.........................................................O O O O O 9.....................................O
Larceny...........................................................O O O O O 8.....................................O
Stealth...............................................................O O O O O ..............................................................................................................
Survival...........................................................O O O O O 6.....................................O
Weaponry.......................................................O O O O O Armor.............................................................................................
Defense........................................................................................ 5.....................................O
Social 4
Initiative Mod....................................................................... 4.....................................O
(-1 unskilled) 5
Size.................................................................................................... 3.....................................O
Speed.............................................................................................. 2.....................................O
Animal Ken.................................................O O O O O
Pain Experience. ..............................................................................
37/10 vitrol 1.....................................O
Empathy.........................................................O OOOO
Expression...................................................O O O O O transmutations
Intimidation................................................O O O O O Mesmerism — (Suggestion )
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Persuasion....................................................O OOOO Vitality — (Shoulders of Atlas )
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Socialize..........................................................O O O O O
Deception - (color of man)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Streetwise....................................................O OOOO
Subterfuge....................................................O O O O O Mesmerism — (fixed stare)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Attributes 5/4/3 • Skills 11/7/4 (+3 Specialties) • Lineage (record Lineage Be- Deception - (incognito)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
stowment) • Refinement • Azoth 1 (may be increased with Merit points) • Trans-
mutations 3 (1 dot must be Refinement affinity) • Merits 7 • (Buying the fifth dot in
Attributes, Skills, or Merits cost two points) • Health = Stamina + Size • Willpower
= Resolve + Composure • Size = 5 for adult human-sized Prometheans • Defense
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
= Lowest of Dexterity or Wits • Initiative Mod = Dexterity + Composure • Speed =
Strength + Dexterity + 5 • Starting Humanity = 7 • Pyros = Humanity ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Quotes: “I will never be captive again.”
“Run. I’ll kill them. “
“Why does my arm ache when you say that?”
Virtue: Fortitude. It was Worm’s inner strength that kept him from madness
during his long captivity.
Vice: Wrath. Worm would like nothing more than to find his captors and rip
them apart. Sometimes he vents that rage at other targets.
Background: Worm was stitched together from the bodies of six people, all of
whom made the mistake of attacking his creator. The Franken-
stein, a brute at the best of times, ripped his assailants to pieces
and made a child out of their bodies, and then discovered that
looking at his child reminded him of human intolerance. He
left Worm near a landfill a day after his creation, and a local
gang of thugs assaulted the fledgling Promethean and buried him
in the trash.
Trapped in the dark and unable to
gain enough leverage to hoist himself
out, Worm ate whatever he could. He
crunched down rats and insects, organic
garbage. He drank the runoff from the end-
less trash heap. And he watched as, day by
day, more refuse was piled on top of him.
Of course, since he was immobile, his Wasteland kept getting worse.
Eventually, the lightning storms got so intense that no machinery
would function. Experts came and studied it, but no one could
figure out why the air was so electric in this particular landfill.
Environmentalists pointed to it as proof that people were
despoiling the planet, but the Refuse throng recognized it
as a Promethean’s Wasteland. They freed Worm, and he
immediately joined the throng.
Worm took his name from his long imprisonment under-
ground, eating garbage. The others use the name, but they
try to make him understand that he isn’t in prison anymore.
In fact he’s vital to their survival—Worm protects the throng,
and anything that looks even remotely violent has to get past
him before it hurts any of them. He is especially protective of
Dove; since she has already died once, he is afraid that if she
again visits the River of Death, she won’t return.

Description: Worm is short, squat and bulging with muscle. He is missing several teeth, and his eyes are
different colors. His blond hair juts out like wet straw, and he has two halves of different tribal tattoos meet-
ing in the middle of his neck. He smells like fresh soap most of the time, because he showers compulsively
— he’s been known to break into hotels or private homes if he has no other choice. He wears whatever he
can steal or find, and he pays no heed to matching up styles or colors.
When his disfigurements are visible, Worm’s stitches appear. His creator sewed him together with bailing
wire and strips of fabric. His left arm is especially poorly attached, and it hangs loosely when Worm is at
rest. His right eye — the blue one — oozes aqueous humor constantly.
Roleplaying Hints: Worm is a junkyard dog — vicious, hungry and thoroughly loyal. He meets any
threat to his throng head-on, and sometimes meets people who aren’t threats with the same vigor. Worm,
having been imprisoned for the first year of his life, wants nothing more than to be active and physical, but
his rage spins that toward battle.
Alone with his throng, however, Worm is usually cheerful. Like many Wretched, he is versatile, and any
given afternoon might find him playing chess with Dove, trying to keep up with Gargoyle, sparring with
Hellas or commiserating with Denison. He sometimes suffers fits of depression in which he claims that he
is made from murderers, and so that’s all he can ever be. He also feels guilty for the massive Wasteland over
his place of imprisonment. These black moods usually pass after he sleeps.
Notes: Worm can access the following Skills with Residual Memory: Drive, Firearms, Larceny and
Streetwise. Derangement — depression (mild). Only active when Residual Memory dice run out and the
player fails a Humanity roll


Name: Worm Concept: Promethean Unbound Frankenstein
Player: Virtue: Refinement: Ferrum
Wrath Refuse
Chronicle: Vice: Throng:

Power Intelligence OOOOO Strength OOOOO Presence OOOOO
Finesse Wits OOOOO Dexterity OOOOO Manipulation O O O O O
Resistance Resolve OOOOO Stamina OOOOO Composure O O O O O


Mental Merits HEALTH
(-3 unskilled) Residual Memory
.................................................................................O OOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO
Academics....................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O oooooooooooo
Computer......................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Auto Repair
Crafts.................................................................O OOOO .................................................................................O O O O O willpower
Investigation...............................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O OOOOOOOOOO
Medicine........................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O oooooooooo
Occult................................................................O OOOO .................................................................................O O O O O
Politics..............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Science............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Physical bestowment
(-1 unskilled) azoth
Unholy Strength
.............................................................................................................. OOOOOOOOOO
Athletics..........................................................O O O O O
Brawl..................................................................O O O O O equipment humanity
Drive...................................................................O O O O O .............................................................................................................. 10...................................O
Firearms.........................................................O O O O O 9.....................................O
Larceny...........................................................O O O O O 8.....................................O
Stealth...............................................................O O O O O ..............................................................................................................
Survival...........................................................O O O O O 6.....................................O
Weaponry.......................................................O OOOO Armor.............................................................................................
Defense........................................................................................ 5.....................................O
Social 5
Initiative Mod....................................................................... 4.....................................O
(-1 unskilled) 5
Size.................................................................................................... 3.....................................O
Speed.............................................................................................. 2.....................................O
Animal Ken.................................................O O O O O
Experience. .............................................................................. 1.....................................O
Empathy.........................................................O O O O O
Expression...................................................O O O O O transmutations
Intimidation................................................O O O O O Sensorium — (Sensitive Ears )
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Persuasion....................................................O O O O O Vitality — (Might )
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Socialize..........................................................O O O O O
Streetwise....................................................O O O O O ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Subterfuge....................................................O O O O O ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Attributes 5/4/3 • Skills 11/7/4 (+3 Specialties) • Lineage (record Lineage Be-
stowment) • Refinement • Azoth 1 (may be increased with Merit points) • Trans-
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
mutations 3 (1 dot must be Refinement affinity) • Merits 7 • (Buying the fifth dot in
Attributes, Skills, or Merits cost two points) • Health = Stamina + Size • Willpower
= Resolve + Composure • Size = 5 for adult human-sized Prometheans • Defense
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
= Lowest of Dexterity or Wits • Initiative Mod = Dexterity + Composure • Speed =
Strength + Dexterity + 5 • Starting Humanity = 7 • Pyros = Humanity ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............

Name: Worm Concept: Promethean Unbound Frankenstein
Player: Virtue: Refinement: Stannum
Wrath Refuse
Chronicle: Vice: Throng:

Power Intelligence OOOOO Strength OOOOO Presence OOOOO
Finesse Wits OOOOO Dexterity OOOOO Manipulation O O O O O
Resistance Resolve OOOOO Stamina OOOOO Composure O O O O O


Mental Merits HEALTH
(-3 unskilled) Residual Memory
.................................................................................O OOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO
Fighting Style (Boxing) O O O O
.................................................................................O oooooooooooo
Academics....................................................O O O O O
Computer......................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Auto Repair
Crafts.................................................................O OOOO .................................................................................O O O O O willpower
Investigation...............................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O OOOOOOOOOO
Medicine........................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O oooooooooo
Occult................................................................O OOOO .................................................................................O O O O O
Politics..............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Science............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Physical bestowment
(-1 unskilled) azoth
Unholy Strength
.............................................................................................................. OOOOOOOOOO
Athletics..........................................................O O O O O
Brawl..................................................................O OOOO equipment humanity
Drive...................................................................O O O O O .............................................................................................................. 10...................................O
Firearms.........................................................O O O O O 9.....................................O
Larceny...........................................................O O O O O 8.....................................O
Stealth...............................................................O O O O O ..............................................................................................................
Survival...........................................................O O O O O 6.....................................O
Weaponry.......................................................O OOOO Armor.............................................................................................
Defense........................................................................................ 5.....................................O
Social 5
Initiative Mod....................................................................... 4.....................................O
(-1 unskilled) 5
Size.................................................................................................... 3.....................................O
Speed.............................................................................................. 2.....................................O
Animal Ken.................................................O O O O O
Experience. ..............................................................................
35/10 vitrol 1.....................................O
Empathy.........................................................O O O O O
Expression...................................................O O O O O transmutations
Intimidation................................................O OOOO Sensorium — (Sensitive Ears )
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Persuasion....................................................O O O O O Vitality — (Might )
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Socialize..........................................................O O O O O
Electrification - (jolt)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Streetwise....................................................O O O O O
Subterfuge....................................................O O O O O metamorphosis - (natural weaponry) Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Attributes 5/4/3 • Skills 11/7/4 (+3 Specialties) • Lineage (record Lineage Be-
stowment) • Refinement • Azoth 1 (may be increased with Merit points) • Trans-
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
mutations 3 (1 dot must be Refinement affinity) • Merits 7 • (Buying the fifth dot in
Attributes, Skills, or Merits cost two points) • Health = Stamina + Size • Willpower
= Resolve + Composure • Size = 5 for adult human-sized Prometheans • Defense
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
= Lowest of Dexterity or Wits • Initiative Mod = Dexterity + Composure • Speed =
Strength + Dexterity + 5 • Starting Humanity = 7 • Pyros = Humanity ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Quotes: “I remember…water. No, wait. Fire. Both, I think.”
“Can you fly? I swear someone could.”
“I could get back, I think. If I went to the River again. I could get back,
Virtue: Faith. Dove believes that the River of Death holds the answers to
her Pilgrimage, and that she can learn them as soon as she goes back.
Vice: Pride. She also believes that she is too important to the throng
to risk death until she is sure. Only she has visions, after all.
Background: Dove doesn’t remember how she died. She has
conflicting visions about it, visions that don’t make any sense. She
remembers the River of Death vividly, though. After she died,
however it happened, she woke up standing on the bank of the
River. The land around her was vast, and she could see rocky walls
and tunnels, but it was the River—lit by lanterns of green fire—
that caught her attention. She saw a man on a raft, a man in a hood, and
thought: He is the Ferryman come to take me to my reward. She boarded his
raft, but then woke up back in the world of the living, at the feet of the
Refuse throng.
Dove took up the Refinement of Quicksilver at that point, and began
to study death and resurrection. She learned the mythology of dozens
of cultures on the subject, and found that the notion of returning
from death was common, but the specifics varied. She enjoys talking
to other Prometheans about their experiences with death, but this
opportunity seldom presents itself. She needs practical experience.
She needs to see the River again. Her visions are clear on that, but
she doesn’t feel that jumping off a building is the right way to go
about it.
Her most recent vision seems to indicate that Worm is going to send
her to the River next time. Dove is unsure how she feels about that.
Description: Dove is a slight black woman in her late teens. She
loves silver jewelry and usually wears at least a ring or two. Dove typi-
cally dresses in black, and wears a tiny white plastic dove necklace.
She uses scented oils, but varies the scent day to day, creating an odd
personal odor — spice, dried flowers, perhaps cinnamon. Unlike some
Osirans, Dove’s missing body part isn’t immediately visible. That’s
because her reproductive organs are flayed and useless.

When Dove’s disfigurements flare, her skin swells and leaks water. Her eyes bug out of her skull, and her
mouth drips with brackish river water whenever she speaks. Water leaks from wounds all over her body,
but the water running down her legs is tinged with blood.
Roleplaying Hints: Dove is obsessed with finding out how she died and why, but unlike many other Pro-
metheans, doesn’t care as much why she was created. She reasons that whoever made her must have gone
on to the New Dawn already (although she studiously ignores the fact that Denison’s continued existence
as a Promethean puts lie to that notion). Dove activates her Elpis Merit as often as she can, looking for
information about her death and visit to the River, but she’s received so many visions now that she can’t
remember the context for all of the clues.
Dove is distant from the other members of the throng, but she never forgets that they helped her when
she needed it. Secretly, she hopes to be the one to show them how to reach the New Dawn, but whether
that means getting their first or helping them on their way, she isn’t sure. She has begun acting strangely
toward Worm — sometimes avoiding him, sometimes sticking close to him in battle.
Notes: Dove’s Corpse Tongue Bestowment can be found in Strange Alchemies, p. 39. It allows her to
ask three questions of a corpse (this requires an Intelligence + Azoth roll). These questions must be yes/
no, but the player can spend one point of Pyros and ask one more question; this question can be answered
with a sentence or two. Dove can only use this power on a given corpse once.


Name: Dove Concept: Necronaut Osiran
Player: Virtue: Refinement: Mercurius
Pride Refuse
Chronicle: Vice: Throng:

Power Intelligence OOOOO Strength OOOOO Presence OOOOO
Finesse Wits OOOOO Dexterity OOOOO Manipulation O O O O O
Resistance Resolve OOOOO Stamina OOOOO Composure O O O O O


Mental Merits HEALTH
(-3 unskilled) Direction Sense
.................................................................................O OOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO
Eidetic Memory
.................................................................................O OOOO oooooooooooo
Academics....................................................O O O O O
.................................................................................O O O O O
Computer......................................................O O O O O
Crafts.................................................................O O O O O Quick Draw
.................................................................................O OOOO willpower
Investigation...............................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O OOOOOOOOOO
Medicine........................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O oooooooooo
Occult................................................................O OOOO .................................................................................O O O O O
Politics..............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Science............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Physical bestowment
(-1 unskilled) azoth
Corpse Tongue
.............................................................................................................. OOOOOOOOOO
Athletics..........................................................O O O O O
Brawl..................................................................O O O O O equipment humanity
Drive...................................................................O O O O O Pistol 2 L
.............................................................................................................. 10...................................O
Firearms.........................................................O OOOO
.............................................................................................................. 9.....................................O
Larceny...........................................................O O O O O 8.....................................O
Stealth...............................................................O O O O O ..............................................................................................................
Survival...........................................................O O O O O 6.....................................O
Weaponry.......................................................O O O O O Armor.............................................................................................
Defense........................................................................................ 5.....................................O
Social 4
Initiative Mod....................................................................... 4.....................................O
(-1 unskilled) 5
Size.................................................................................................... 3.....................................O
Speed.............................................................................................. 2.....................................O
Animal Ken.................................................O O O O O
Experience. .............................................................................. 1.....................................O
Empathy.........................................................O O O O O
Expression...................................................O O O O O transmutations
Intimidation................................................O O O O O Electrification — (Jolt)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Reasonable OOOO
Persuasion....................................................O Vulcanus — (Firebrand)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Socialize..........................................................O O O O O
Vulcanus — (Sense Pyros)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Streetwise....................................................O O O O O
Subterfuge....................................................O O O O O ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Attributes 5/4/3 • Skills 11/7/4 (+3 Specialties) • Lineage (record Lineage Be-
stowment) • Refinement • Azoth 1 (may be increased with Merit points) • Trans-
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
mutations 3 (1 dot must be Refinement affinity) • Merits 7 • (Buying the fifth dot in
Attributes, Skills, or Merits cost two points) • Health = Stamina + Size • Willpower
= Resolve + Composure • Size = 5 for adult human-sized Prometheans • Defense
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
= Lowest of Dexterity or Wits • Initiative Mod = Dexterity + Composure • Speed =
Strength + Dexterity + 5 • Starting Humanity = 7 • Pyros = Humanity ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............

Name: Dove Concept: Necronaut Osiran
Player: Virtue: Refinement: Mercurius
Pride Refuse
Chronicle: Vice: Throng:

Power Intelligence OOOOO Strength OOOOO Presence OOOOO
Finesse Wits OOOOO Dexterity OOOOO Manipulation O O O O O
Resistance Resolve OOOOO Stamina OOOOO Composure O O O O O


Mental Merits HEALTH
(-3 unskilled) Direction Sense
.................................................................................O OOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO
Eidetic Memory
.................................................................................O OOOO oooooooooooo
Academics....................................................O O O O O
.................................................................................O O O O O
Computer......................................................O O O O O
Crafts.................................................................O O O O O Quick Draw
.................................................................................O OOOO willpower
Investigation...............................................O O O O O Language (Latin)
.................................................................................O OOOO OOOOOOOOOO
Medicine........................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O oooooooooo
Occult................................................................O OOOO .................................................................................O O O O O
Politics..............................................................O O O O O .................................................................................O O O O O
Chemistry oooooooooo
Science............................................................O OOOO .................................................................................O O O O O
Physical bestowment
(-1 unskilled) azoth
Corpse Tongue
.............................................................................................................. OOOOOOOOOO
Athletics..........................................................O O O O O
Brawl..................................................................O O O O O equipment humanity
Drive...................................................................O O O O O Pistol 2 L
.............................................................................................................. 10...................................O
Firearms.........................................................O OOOO
.............................................................................................................. 9.....................................O
Larceny...........................................................O O O O O 8.....................................O
Stealth...............................................................O O O O O ..............................................................................................................
Survival...........................................................O O O O O 6.....................................O
Weaponry.......................................................O O O O O Armor.............................................................................................
Defense........................................................................................ 5.....................................O
Social 4
Initiative Mod....................................................................... 4.....................................O
(-1 unskilled) 5
Size.................................................................................................... 3.....................................O
Speed.............................................................................................. 2.....................................O
Animal Ken.................................................O O O O O
Experience. ..............................................................................
35/14 vitrol 1.....................................O
Empathy.........................................................O O O O O
Expression...................................................O O O O O transmutations
Intimidation................................................O O O O O Electrification — (Jolt)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Reasonable OOOO
Persuasion....................................................O Vulcanus — (Firebrand)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Socialize..........................................................O O O O O
Vulcanus — (Sense Pyros)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Streetwise....................................................O O O O O
Subterfuge....................................................O O O O O alchemicus - (identification)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Attributes 5/4/3 • Skills 11/7/4 (+3 Specialties) • Lineage (record Lineage Be- alchemicus - (fortification)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
stowment) • Refinement • Azoth 1 (may be increased with Merit points) • Trans-
mutations 3 (1 dot must be Refinement affinity) • Merits 7 • (Buying the fifth dot in
Attributes, Skills, or Merits cost two points) • Health = Stamina + Size • Willpower alchemicus - (dissolve)
............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
= Resolve + Composure • Size = 5 for adult human-sized Prometheans • Defense
= Lowest of Dexterity or Wits • Initiative Mod = Dexterity + Composure • Speed =
Strength + Dexterity + 5 • Starting Humanity = 7 • Pyros = Humanity ............................................................................................................................................................ Dice Pool........................... Page...............
Storyteller Advice turn people against them. These facets of the
game are crucial to maintaining the themes and
Running Promethean: The Created can be a
mood—the world is against the Created. If it’s not,
challenge for any Storyteller, simply because of the
much of the drive to become human is gone. Even
logistics involved. Prometheans create Wastelands,
a branded throng, which has several advantages
they cause Disquiet, they don’t worry about food but
in the fight against Disquiet and the Wasteland,
they still need shelter, and so forth. Chapter Four
is eventually going to fall foul of either or both.
of Promethean: The Created has some excellent
Any given locale must become inhospitable, and
advice on running the game. Here, we’ll focus on
that’s not a bad thing. Whether it becomes inhos-
the Refuse throng.
pitable soon enough to force your troupe’s throng
First, with regards to Wastelands, remember
to move on depends on how long you want the
that the throng contains two Galateids, one
chronicle to run.
Ulgan, one Frankenstein and one Osiran. This
The second reason that Promethean groups
means that any Wastelands the characters
work well as nomads is the Pilgrimage. All Pro-
create take a great deal longer to spread past
metheans have a number of milestones to achieve,
stage-one, but that Wastelands that Denison
and in order to place themselves into situations
or Hellas create spread farther (since they are
in which they might achieve them, they need to
of the same Lineage). As an example, Denison
find new surroundings. A large city—New York,
would take four months to create a stage-three
London, Los Angeles, Detroit—might provide
Wasteland, while Worm would take five months.
enough area and enough diversity to keep a
Denison’s, however, would be considerably larger.
throng busy for years. But the characters might
Wasteland spread is explained on pp. 174-176
also benefit from long journeys, from discover-
of Promethean: The Created.
ing the differences between small towns and big
Second, when checking for Disquiet, the throng
cities, learning what happens to weirdoes in the
members take penalties to the Azoth roll. The two
suburbs and so on.
Galateids take a -3 penalty (for three non-Galateid
The Refuse throng is designed to be modular.
throng members), and the others take a -4. This
If you wish to keep the throng to a relatively
is quite sufficient to give the players a chance die
confined geographical area, we recommend some-
to roll on Disquiet checks, which bodes well…
place where industrial parks, landfills, factories
but remember that in order for a human being to
and the like are common. America’s “Rust Belt”
resist Disquiet, his successes have to exceed the
is one recommendation; some of the story hooks
Promethean’s. If both rolls fail, the person still falls
below tie in with To The Flame, which by ne-
into Disquiet.
cessity takes place in a town with a coal-burning
Finally, since the characters have formed an
power plant.
alchemical pact, they enjoy all of the benefits that
this situation brings — bonuses to certain Transmu- Angst
tations, the ability to share Pyros and a dampened Prometheans, and these characters in particular,
Azothic radiance. See pp. 165-166 of Promethean: have much to be unhappy about. This can lead to
The Created for more information. players feeling that the characters are too “angst-
ridden,” meaning they mope about complaining
Dealing with a Throng about their lot. And indeed, some of the milestones
Quiet apart from the problems that Wastelands
that they must achieve (see below) involve discus-
and Disquiet cause, the Storyteller will have
sion of these problems.
other issues when running Promethean. A throng
The trick to avoiding angst, though, is to remain
doesn’t have to be nomadic, for instance, but the
active. The characters are also all provided with
game lends itself well to this sort of chronicle for
goals, story hooks and things that make them
two reasons. One is that, as mentioned earlier,
happy. Yes, Prometheans have it rough, but they
Prometheans poison the land around them and

have each other, and the Refuse throng is meant • Protect a human being from the supernatural
to be able to hang together even when things (Major; 4 Vitriol). Gargoyle chose his name for
look dark. If the characters (or the players) seem a reason. Some stories say that gargoyles were
to be focusing on the negative a bit too much, designed to watch out for evil spirits, and the
introduce a challenge that requires them to work Ulgan is well-suited to doing so.
together, or give them time to relax and ask • Master the Pilgrim Marks (Minor; 3 Vitriol).
what they do with that time. The Promethean Gargoyle is the leader of the throng, and as
condition is never exactly comfortable, but this such should be the one to become expert in
is a game, and it shouldn’t be horrible all the this system of communication.
time, either.
• Change Refinements (Major; 8 Vitriol). Gar-
Milestones goyle will eventually come to learn everything he
One of the biggest challenges of running Pro- can from the Refinement of Copper. Whatever
methean is creating milestones for each character. his next stop on the Pilgrimage, being willing to
Here are some suggested milestones for the char- make that shift is a milestone in itself.
acters in this throng: • Go on a quest into the Shadow (Superlative;
Denison 9 Vitriol). To truly be a shaman, Gargoyle
• Enter Torment (Minor; 2 Vitriol). By entering must enter the spirit realm and face the hor-
Torment, Denison gives vent to her frustrations rors therein.
and, hopefully, lets them go. Hellas
• Protect a human child (Major; 5 Vitriol). Her • Refuse to have sex with a human (Minor; 2
own child doesn’t need her protection (physi- Vitriol). Hellas needs to learn the difference be-
cally), but Denison still needs to understand the tween sex for fun and sex as lashing out. In effect,
fear that all parents feel when their children to complete this milestone is to deny his Vice.
are in danger.
• Attend a class taught by a human being (Minor;
• Try—and fail—to save a human life (Major, 3 Vitriol). Even a one-day seminar at a learning
7 Vitriol). Denison is medically skilled, but has annex would be enough. Hellas must observe
no idea how fragile humans are. She needs to how humans instruct each other, so that he can
learn this. properly learn from them.
• Help Hellas achieve a milestone (Minor; 3 • Confront Denison about her failure (Major; 5
Vitriol). Even if the milestone is something Vitriol). Hellas knows that Denison carries rage
simple, Denison needs to help her child along on from something, but isn’t clear on what. He also
his own Pilgrimage before finishing her own. knows she lashes out at him about it sometimes,
• Forgive herself for her failure (Superlative; 10 but so far he hasn’t stood up for himself, allow-
Vitriol). Probably one of the last steps on her ing Worm or Gargoyle to protect him.
Pilgrimage, or at least the last step on her journey • Obtain and hold a job for at least a week
on the Refinement of Tin, will be to realize that (Major, 6 Vitriol). Hellas has little concept
she didn’t fail because she did something wrong, of employment or true obligation. He stands
she just wasn’t ready to find the New Dawn. to learn much (not all of it pleasant) by be-
Gargoyle ing employed.
• Confess his fear that he sabotaged Denison’s • Create his own child without help from
attempt at Mortality (Minor; 2 Vitriol). That Denison (Superlative; 10 Vitriol). All Pro-
Gargoyle was watching had nothing to do with metheans must create their own child, but
it, but he needs to confess his fears so that he in Hellas’ case, doing so marks a transition
can come to terms with them. between child and adult.

Worm • Speak with another Osiran Promethean (Major;
• Die while protecting his throng (Major; 8 8 Vitriol). Achieving this milestone would allow
Vitriol). Whether it’s at the hands of a torch- Dove to learn the Resurrection Bestowment,
wielding mob, under the claws of a Pandoran and possibly even visit the River of Death again.
or in the lashing winds of a Firestorm, Worm Depending on how she approaches it, it might
needs to make the ultimate sacrifice for his also take her into contact with her creator.
friends. Once he’s actually been a martyr, he • Find the creature that killed her and take re-
can stop obsessing over it. venge (Superlative; 10 Vitriol). As written, we’ve
• Find and confront at least one of his cap- left this creature’s identity up to the Storyteller,
tors (Minor; 3 Vitriol). Worm does not have though certain hints point to Moth, the crazed
to kill one of his captors to complete this monster detailed in To The Flame. Dove needs
milestone, and in fact he might well learn to learn the truth and take steps to get justice.
that killing them won’t solve anything. If he The above milestones are by no means meant to
does kill, however, that might be a learning be the only ones that these characters should have
experience, too. to achieve. As the players in your troupe inhabit
• Get a tattoo that crosses one of his “stitch these characters and fill in some of the gaps, you
points” (Minor; 2 Vitriol). This action is sym- should add milestones to flesh out their Pilgrim-
bolic of Worm accepting that while he is made ages. Also, as characters change in Refinement, you
of different people, he is unique and whole. should add on one or two “Refinement milestones”
to help indicate what the character is meant to learn
• Fight a Sublimatus (Major; 7 Vitriol). Worm by following that particular Refinement.
thinks of himself as a monster, but he needs to
realize that the World of Darkness holds worse Changes to the Group
monsters by far. If you have fewer than five players, you could
• Return to the site of his imprisonment drop any of the characters. Here are the implica-
and assist in its cleanup (Superlative; 9 tions of doing so:
Vitriol). Environmentalists work nonstop • Dropping Denison: The throng loses the
to try and clean up that landfill, and Worm character with medical know-how. The story
needs to confront his fear of it and try to about her creating Hellas becomes backstory
help mitigate some of the damage he inad- for him. In this case, maybe she succeeded in
vertently caused. reaching the New Dawn and could return as a
Dove Storyteller character, probably not remember-
ing her creation in the slightest (which could
• Speak at a funeral (Minor; 2 Vitriol). Dove be good milestone fodder).
sees death as temporary, but it isn’t, at least
not to humans. • Dropping Gargoyle: The throng loses its leader
and its ability to speak with spirits. In this case, it
• Lay a ghost to rest (Major; 7 Vitriol). Again, was probably Dove that brought the throng to-
Dove doesn’t see death the way humans do, and gether, which changes the chronology a little.
this block stands in her way of becoming human.
Helping a ghost pass on to whatever awaits it • Dropping Hellas: The throng loses the most
will help her understand the finality of it. socially adept of its members. Maybe Denison
never attempted to create a child (meaning
• Find the place of her creation (Minor; 3 Vit- that her attempt at the New Dawn was doomed
riol). Dove’s creator might or might not still be anyway), or maybe she tried and failed, making
around, but Dove needs to follow her visions one or more Pandorans. In this case, her anguish
and learn about her past and why she forgot it over failure might be for this event, rather than
before she can move forward. an attempt at Mortality.

• Dropping Worm: The throng loses its • The throng finds a lair full of Pilgrim Marks, sealed
combat monster. Maybe the characters from the inside. As they go deeper, they learn the
simply never found Worm, meaning that Ramble of the Promethean that once inhabited it,
if he gets free on his own, he could track imprisoned like Worm was. The Ramble indicates
them down and exact revenge (making him that this Promethean tried to escape but could not,
a good antagonist). even as his body weakened from lack of food. He
• Dropping Dove: The throng loses its most describes his captors in detail, hoping that someone
scholarly member and the ability to talk to will avenge him. The characters find his remains in
corpses, not to mention the Elpis Merit. Dove the deepest chamber. They might also find evidence
simply never crossed the throng’s path, or maybe that he was one of their creators. Will they go look-
she never resurrected. ing for his captor? What other hints did he leave
behind? Ambitious Storytellers might use this setup
If you have more than five players, you could to tell mini-stories in flashback, perhaps allowing
have the extras create children of Worm, Dove or the players to take the roles of peripheral characters
Gargoyle. This is especially appropriate if you use or people that this Promethean once knew.
the “seasoned” versions of the throng.

Story Suggestions: Story Suggestions:

The Throng Individual Characters
The throng as presented has several easy possibili- • Denison: Denison’s important personal story,
ties for story hooks. of course, is her failure to achieve the New Dawn.
• Dove’s creation, early “life” and death The player should determine some details about her
are a mystery to her. One possibility is that creator, though, most notably where he is now and
Moth, the antagonist of the Promethean on what terms they parted. She might need to find
SAS To The Flame, attacked and killed him later, especially if she wants to ask his help. Her
her. The quote from Newton’s third law that experienced version has her progressing in power
keeps recurring in her visions is a prod to get and refining her ability to diffuse Disquiet, and
her to find the town of Newton, which is learning to mimic humanity a bit more effectively,
where this story takes place. Since Newton but not quite letting go of her anger yet.
is presented as an industrial town, it might • Gargoyle: Stories focused on Gargoyle probably
be near the landfill in which Worm was involve conversations with spirits or ghosts, but con-
imprisoned. If so, going there and playing sider what might happen if he joins a parkour club
through the SAS could be an important or tries to teach the other characters how to jump
story for these characters. from rooftop to rooftop? His experienced version
• The Refuse throng is attempting to has him embracing Ferrum (changing Refinements
take what was discarded and make it into is a milestone for him, so if you use this version
treasure—lead into gold. A possible story you might consider this one already fulfilled) and
playing on this theme could involve a focusing on his physical development.
human alchemist (possibly a mage, maybe • Hellas: How much you want to focus on his sex
just an occultist). The character wants to life depends on your troupe’s comfort levels, but
find a way to make not just gold, but per- a story exploring the sexual attitudes of human
fected, Platonic gold. Can the characters beings of different genders and orientations might
help him? In doing so, what do they learn make for an interesting experience for Hellas. His
about their own situation? What if this experienced version remains on the Refinement
alchemist decides he needs Vitriol and of Gold, but focuses more on the “blending in”
he’s going to get it if he has to slit the aspect of the Refinement — what happened to
characters open? Hellas to make him step out of the spotlight?

• Worm: Returning to his prison should be a • Dove: As the “Necronaut,” an explorer of
major story for the whole throng. Worm by death, Dove has the potential to bring trouble
himself needs to cope with his own disparate to the throng, to say nothing of her Elpis vi-
parts (classic story for any Frankenstein). sions. Her mysterious past should involve the
Entering Torment and doing something he whole group somehow. By herself, Dove is
later comes to regret might also be a good focused largely on the supernatural, and so a
source of drama. Worm’s experienced ver- good story might bring her into some human
sion sees him embracing his rage and falling culture a bit more firmly. Another possibility
to Stannum, though if you have access to would be to have her meet and befriend a
Magnum Opus, you could take him in a dif- Centimanus. Her experienced version remains
ferent direction and have him take up the on Mercurius, and delves deeper into the ma-
Refinement of Bronze. nipulation of Pyros.


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