English Quiz
English Quiz
English Quiz
knowledge clues in the form of answers, and must phrase their responses in the
form of questions. It’ll be broadcasted on the last Sunday of each month. Each
game of the show features three contestants competing in three rounds. Each round
involves trivia clues phrased as answers, to which the contestants must respond in
the form of a question. The first and second rounds each have their own game
boards. These boards consist of six categories with five clues each. The clues are
valued by vn million dong amounts from lowest to highest, ostensibly by
difficulty. The values of the clues increased over time, with those in the second
round always being double the range of the first round.
The gameplay begins when the returning champion selects any position on the
game board. If there is no returning champion, contestant order is chosen via a
random draw prior to the show. The underlying clue is revealed and read aloud by
the host, after which any contestant may ring in using a lock-out device. The first
contestant to ring in successfully is prompted to respond to the clue by stating a
question containing the correct answer to the clue. Any grammatically coherent
question with the correct answer within it counts as a correct response. If the
contestant responds correctly, its vn million dong value is added to the contestant's
score, and they may select a new clue from the board. An incorrect response, or a
failure to respond within five seconds, deducts the clue's value from the
contestant's score and allows the other contestants the opportunity to ring in and
respond. If the response is not technically incorrect but otherwise judged too vague
to be correct, the contestant is given additional time to provide a more specific
response. Whenever none of the contestants ring in and respond correctly, the host
gives the correct response, and the player who selected the previous clue chooses
the next clue. Gameplay continues until the board is cleared or the round's time
length expires, which is typically indicated by a buzzer sound. The contestant who
has the lowest score selects the first clue to start the second round.
During the first round, contestants are not penalized for forgetting to phrase their
response in the form of a question, although the host reminds contestants to watch
their phrasing in future responses. In the second round, the phrasing rule is
followed more strictly, with a response not phrased in the form of a question
counting as wrong if it is not re-phrased before the host or judges make a ruling.
Contestants are encouraged to select the clues in order from lowest to highest
value, as the clues are written in each category to flow from one to the next, as is
the case with game shows that ask questions in a linear string.
Contestants who finish the second round with $0 or a negative score are
automatically eliminated from the game at that point and awarded the third-place
prize (and the second-place prize if a single-player played the final round). And
now comes to the final round.
The final round only features a single clue. At the end of the second round, the host
announces the final round category and a commercial break follows. During the
break, partitions are placed between the contestant lecterns, and each contestant
makes a final wager; they may wager any amount of their earnings, but may not
wager certain numbers with connotations that are deemed inappropriate.
Contestants write their wagers using a light pen on an electronic display on their
lectern. After the break, the final clue is revealed and read by the host. The
contestants have 30 seconds to write their responses on the electronic display,
while the show's "Think!" music plays. If either the display or the pen
malfunctions, contestants can manually write their responses and wagers using an
index card and marker.
Contestants' responses are revealed in order of their pre-final round scores from
lowest to highest. Once a correct response is revealed the host confirms it.
Otherwise, the host reveals the correct response if all contestants responded
incorrectly. A correct response adds the amount of the contestant's wager to his/her
score. A miss, failure to respond, insufficiently specific response, or failure to
phrase the response as a question (even if correct) deducts it.
The contestant with the highest score at the end of the round is the winner. If there
is a tie for second place, consolation prizes are awarded based on the scores going
into the final round. If all three contestants finish with $0, no one returns as
champion for the next show, and based on scores going into the final round, the
two contestants who were first and second receive the second-place prize, and the
contestant in third receives the third-place prize. The winner of each episode
returns to compete against two new contestants on the next episode. Originally, a
contestant who won five consecutive days retired undefeated and was guaranteed a
spot in the Tournament of Champions.