Calculate Days Open

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Calculate days open

Ticket # Opened Closed Days open

10123 30-Jan-21 31-Jan-21 1
10124 9-Feb-21 19-Feb-21 10
10125 19-Feb-21 23-Feb-21 4
10126 2-Mar-21 251
10127 7-Mar-21 10-Mar-21 3
10128 21-Mar-21 1-Apr-21 11
10129 25-Mar-21 26-Mar-21 1
10130 4-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 9
10131 4-Apr-21 218
10132 11-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 9
10133 13-Apr-21 209

Note: this formula uses the TODAY function so days open

will continue to increase if there is no closed date.

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