L'O S S E Rvator E Romano: Pope Francis in Sicily
L'O S S E Rvator E Romano: Pope Francis in Sicily
L'O S S E Rvator E Romano: Pope Francis in Sicily
Unicuique suum Non praevalebunt
Fifty-first year, number 38 (2564) Vatican City Friday, 21 September 2018
Pope Francis
in Sicily
In the sign of a priest
A priest figures in the background of
the papal journey to Sicily; a priest,
Fr Pino Puglisi, well known in Italy,
apart from churchgoers. He is known
by many for his tragic end, assassin-
ated at the hands of the mafia and
declared a Blessed and a Martyr be-
cause he was killed “in hatred of the
faith”. As, in fact, Pope Bergoglio
confirmed in the wake of his Prede-
cessors, in his homily in Palermo,
when he stated that members of the
mafia “do not live as Christians”, but
instead “blaspheme with their life the
name of God-Love”. Condemning the
mafia and the mafia mentality, the
Pope invoked “brothers” and “sisters”
in the mafia to change, to convert.
The year before Fr Puglisi’s assas-
sination, 22-year-old Rosaria Costa
had tearfully implored, “be Christians
again”, at the funeral of her husband
Vito Schifani, a police officer who
was killed in the terrible ambush at
Capaci that had also killed Giovanni
Falcone, his wife and security detail.
“Convert to the true God of Jesus
Christ, dear brothers and sisters! I say
to you, mafiosi: if you do not do this,
your own life will be lost and it will
be the worst of defeats”, the Pope
warned in Palermo on Sunday, 17
September, reminding many of the
young widow’s heartrending cry.
The scenario evoked by Francis is
radical, because one must “choose:
love or selfishness”, which means
money, power, pleasure. And “today
we are called to choose which side to
stand on: to live for ourselves or to
give life” — as Puglisi did, the Pope
said. “Twenty-five years ago as today,
when he died on his birthday, he
crowned his victory with a smile, with
that smile that did not let his killer
sleep at night”. His killer said: “there
was a kind of light in that smile”. Fr
Pino was defenceless, “but his smile
transmitted the power of God: not a
blinding glare, but a gentle light that
delves in and enlightens the heart”,
the Pope recalled. Only in this way
can one overcome evil. “Fr Pino
taught it: he was not ostentatious; he
did not live by making anti-mafia ap-
page 2 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 21 September 2018, number 38
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number 38, Friday, 21 September 2018 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 3
“Achieving a full and happy life depends on the proper recognition of those where every act is a mission re- This 22 September, in Neampt,
who have brought us into the world”. These were Pope Francis’ words at the ceived from him. Romania, Veronica Antal will be
General Audience in Saint Peter’s Square on Wednesday, 19 September. Our wounds begin to be beatified. This faithful laywoman
Continuing a series of catecheses on the Decalogue, the Pontiff focused on the strengths when we discover by of the Secular Franciscan Order
Commandment to honour our father and mother. The following is a grace that the true enigma is no was killed ‘in odium fidei’ in 1958.
translation of the Holy Father’s catechesis, which he gave in Italian. longer ‘why?’ but ‘for whom?’; for Let us thank God for this cour-
whom did this happen to me? In ageous woman who, in giving up
view of what result did God her own life, bore witness to true
Dear Brothers and Sisters, But the fourth Commandment mould me throughout my history?
Good morning! tells us even more. It does not love for God and for brothers and
Here everything is overturned; sisters.
speak of parents’ goodness; it everything becomes precious;
On the journey within the Ten
does not ask that fathers and everything becomes constructive. I offer a special thought to
Words, today we come to the
mothers be perfect. It speaks How can my even sad and painful young people, to the elderly, to the
Commandment on the father and
about an act of the child, apart experience become, in the light of sick and to newlyweds. From
mother. It speaks of the honour
from the merits of the parents, love, a source of salvation for oth- whatever background you come, I
owed to parents. What is this
and says something extraordinary ers — for whom? So we can begin exhort you, dear ones, to always
‘honour’? The Hebrew term indic-
and liberating: even if not all par- to honour our parents with the be courageously oriented toward
ates glory, value, literally ‘import- ents are good and not every child- freedom of adult children and Christ. Indeed, only in him is the
ance’, consistent with reality. It is hood serene, all children can be with merciful acceptance of their true Father, who invites us to be
not a question of external forms happy, because achieving a full limitations.1 ‘born anew’ from above, made
but of truth. To honour God, in and happy life depends on the
the Scriptures, means recognizing Honour parents: they gave us manifest. Thank you!
proper recognition of those who life! If you are distant from your
his reality, acknowledging his pres- have brought us into the world. 1
parents, make an effort and re- Cf. Saint Augustine, Sermon on
ence; this is also expressed with
Let us think about how this turn, go back to them; perhaps Matthew, 72, A, 4: “Thus Christ
rites, but above all it means giving
Word can be constructive for they are elderly.... They gave you teaches you to reject your parents,
God his proper place in life. life. Then, there is a habit among
Thus, honouring our father and many young people who come and at the same time to love
from stories of pain and for all us to say bad things, even to them. Thus, parents are loved sys-
mother also means recognizing curse.... Please, never, never ever
their importance with practical ac- those who have suffered in their tematically and with the spirit of
own youth. Many saints — and insult other people’s parents. Nev- faith when they are not preferred
tions, which express dedication, er! One should never insult a
countless Christians — after a over God: ‘one who loves’ — these
affection and care. But it is more mother, never insult a father. Nev-
painful childhood, have lived a lu- are the words of the Lord — ‘his
than this. er! Never! Take this interior de-
minous life, because, thanks to father and mother more than me
The Fourth Word has a particu- Jesus Christ, they became recon- cision yourselves: from now on I
will never insult anyone’s mother is not worthy of me’. With these
lar characteristic: it is the Com- ciled with life. Let us consider
or father. They gave life! They words he almost seems to admon-
mandment that contains a result. that young man — blessed now
In fact, it says: “Honour your must never be insulted. ish you not to love them; but in-
and next month a saint — Sulpriz- stead, on the contrary, he is ad-
father and your mother, as the io, who at 19 years of age ended This wonderful life is offered to
Lord your God commanded you; us, not imposed: reborn in Christ monishing you to love them. In
his life reconciled, despite much fact he could have said: ‘one who
that your days may be prolonged, suffering, with many issues, be- is a grace to be freely accepted (cf.
and that it may go well with you, in Jn 1:11-13), and it is the treasure of loves his father or mother is not
cause his heart was at peace and
the land which the Lord your God our Baptism, in which, by the worthy of me’. But he did not say
he never denied his parents. Let
gives you” (Dt 5:16). Honouring work of the Holy Spirit, we have this, so as not to speak against the
us think of Saint Camillus de Lel-
our parents leads to a long and only one Father, the one in heaven law given by him, since it was He
lis, who from a disorderly child-
happy life. The word ‘well’ in the (cf. Mt 23:9; 1 Cor 8:6; Eph 4:6). who, through his servant Moses,
hood built a life of love and of Thank you!
Decalogue appears only linked to service; of Saint Josephine gave the law in which it is written:
the relationship with parents. Bakhita, who grew up in terrible ‘Honour your father and your
This pluri-millenial wisdom de- slavery; or of Blessed Carlo Gnoc- mother’. He did not promulgate a
clares what human sciences have chi, orphaned and poor; and of contrary law but confirmed it;
Saint John Paul II himself, marked I greet the English-speaking pil- then, he taught you the order; he
been able to establish for just a
by the loss of his mother at a grims and visitors taking part in did not eliminate the duty of love
little more than a century: that the
tender age. today’s Audience, especially those owed to parents: one who loves
influence of childhood marks our from England, Scotland, Den-
entire life. It can often be easy to People, from whatever back- his father and mother, but more
mark, Norway, Kenya, South than me. Therefore, one must love
understand if someone has grown ground they come, receive from Africa, Tanzania, Australia, In-
up in a healthy and balanced en- this Commandment the direction them, but not more than me: God
donesia, Malaysia, the Philippines,
vironment. But likewise to under- that leads to Christ: indeed, mani- Canada and the United States of is God, man is man. Love your
stand if a person has experienced fest in him is the true Father, who America. I thank the choirs from parents, obey your parents, hon-
neglect or violence. Our child- invites us to be ‘born anew’ from Indonesia and Australia for their our you parents; but if God calls
hood is a bit like indelible ink; it above (cf. Jn 3:3-8). The enigma of praise of God in song. Upon all you to a more important mission,
is evident in tastes, in ways of be- our lives is illuminated when we of you, and your families, I invoke in which affection for your parents
ing, even if some try to hide the discover that God has always pre- the Lord’s blessings of joy and could be an impediment, respect
wounds of their own origins. pared for us a life as his children, peace. God bless you! the order, do not suppress charity”.
page 4 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 21 September 2018, number 38
number 38, Friday, 21 September 2018 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 5
Dear Brothers and Sisters, For too many years the conflicts faith and encourages them
Good morning! of bloodshed in that region, and through closeness in prayer and
the situation of peoples in Syria, concrete charity not to give in to
I greet all of you warmly and Iraq and neighbouring countries, the darkness of violence and to
thank you for taking part in this have continued to cause great con- keep alive the light of hope. The
sixth meeting for coordinating the cern. Every day, in prayer, I bring witness of love with which the
Church’s response to the crisis in before the Lord the suffering and Church listens and responds to
Iraq, Syria and neighbouring needs of the Churches and the the cry for help from all, starting
countries, a meeting which this peoples of these beloved lands, as with the weakest and poorest, is a
year includes also the Section for too the needs of those seeking to source of light in the present and
Migrants and Refugees. provide help. And this is true: a seed of hope that will bear fruit
every day. in the future.
I thank particularly Cardinal
Peter Turkson and the Dicastery With this third study regarding This particularly fine Christian
for Promoting Integral Human humanitarian aid provided by ec- project reminds me of some pas-
Development who have organized clesial groups, you are offering an sages from the prayer attributed to
this meeting, in conjunction with important contribution to better Saint Francis of Assisi: “Where
the Secretariat of State and the understand the needs of these there is hatred, let me bring
Congregation for the Oriental populations and to coordinate aid love… Where there is despair, let
Churches. I am grateful also to to them. me bring hope. Where there is
Mr Filippo Grandi, United Na- As I have recalled on several oc- sadness, let me bring joy”.
tions High Commissioner for casions, there is the real risk that Among the many praiseworthy
Refugees, for his presence and his the Christian presence may disap- initiatives you promote, it is im-
work helping refugees. Thank you pear in the very land from which portant this year to mention the
very much! the light of the Gospel first eman- great project of supporting the re-
turn of Christian communities to
the Nineveh Plain in Iraq, in a
special way through the Open
Hospitals project.
Friars of the people Dear brothers and sisters, by light”. Being instruments of peace
God’s grace let us look together and light: this is what I wish for
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 ance. You are men of reconcili- to the future. I encourage you, each of you. From the depths of
ation. I remember your church who work in the name of the my heart: thank you for
topher. Closeness: I would like in Buenos Aires: so many Church, to continue to provide for everything you are doing each day,
this word to stay with you, as a people, from all over the city, the education of children, employ- together with so many other men
programme. Closeness to the would go to make confession ment for young people, closeness and women of good will. Thank
people. Because the people have there. Because these men listen to the elderly and those who are you, thank you! May the Lord
great respect for the Franciscan to you, smile at you, do not ask psychologically wounded; without bless you and may Our Lady ac-
habit. Cardinal Quarracino once you things, and forgive you. forgetting the wounds of the company you.
told me that, in Argentina, at This does not mean being ‘over- heart, which the Church is called
times some ‘anti-clericals’ would indulgent’, no. This is the wis- to heal: “Where there is offence,
say a swear word to a priest, but let me bring pardon. Where there
dom of reconciliation. Preserve
a Franciscan habit was never, is discord, let me bring harmony”.
the apostolate of confession, of
ever insulted, because it is a
grace. And you Capuchins have forgiveness: it is one of the most Finally, and forcefully, I ask the With the style of
beautiful things you have, to re- international community not to
this closeness: preserve it. Al-
ways be close to the people. Be- concile people. Both in the sac- neglect the many needs of the vic-
tims of this crisis, and above all to
cause you are friars of the rament and in families: recon-
cile, reconcile. It requires pa- set aside special interests in order CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4
tience for this, not words, few to be at the service of peace, and
Recently, in [Dublin,] Ireland, to bring an end to war. Your charismatic identity, enriched by
I saw your work with the most words, but closeness and pa-
tience. We cannot close our eyes to the the cultural variety of your religious
discarded and I was moved. It Family, is valid now more than ever,
is a beautiful thing that the Su- Then, another thing that I reasons that have forced millions
of people to leave — painfully — and is an attractive proposal for many
perior of that house said, the have seen in your life: simple young people in the world, who are in
elderly founder. He said: “Here prayer. You are men of prayer, their home countries. At the same
time, I encourage all parties in- search of authenticity and the essential.
we do not ask where you come but simple. A face-to-face prayer May fraternity shine as a qualifying ele-
from, who you are: you are a with the Lord, with Our Lady, volved, and the international com-
munity, to renew their commit- ment of your consecrated life, distan-
child of God”. This is one of with the Saints.... Preserve this
ment to ensuring the safe return cing from you every elitist attitude, ur-
the traits. To really understand simplicity in prayer. Pray a lot,
of displaced persons to their ging you to always seek encounter
the persons, by ‘smell’, uncondi- but with this simplicity. Men of
homes. Ensuring their protection among yourselves and with everyone,
tionally. Come in, then we will peace, of simple prayer, men of
and their future is a demand im- especially with those thirsty for the mer-
see. Closeness is your charism. the people, men of reconcili-
posed by civilized behaviour. It ciful love that only Christ can offer us.
Preserve it. Then, another thing ation. This is how the Church
typical of Capuchins: you are will be through drying the tears of May the Lord fill you with his graces
wants you to be: preserve this. children who have seen nothing and, in the spirit of Saint Francis, may
men capable of resolving con- And with that freedom and sim-
flicts, of making peace, with but ruins, death and destruction you continue, happy and secure, always
plicity that is precisely your cha- that the world will recover its dig- in the grateful awareness of belonging
that wisdom that comes pre-
rism. nity (cf. Address at the Conclusion to the holy faithful People of God and
cisely from closeness; and above
all to make peace in con- I thank you for all that you of the Dialogue, Bari, 7 July 2018). to serve Him with humility. May the
sciences. That ‘here we do not do for the Church. I thank you In this regard, I reiterate my ap- Apostolic Blessing, which I whole-
ask, we listen’, that I said of very much. Continue this way. preciation for the great efforts un- heartedly impart to you, Chapter Fath-
that Irish Capuchin, you exer- Continue this way, ‘alla cap- dertaken on behalf of refugees by ers, and to your entire Order, accom-
cise a great deal in the Sacra- puccina’ [‘Capuchin style’].... various countries of the region pany you. And please, do not forget to
ment of Confession and Pen- [laughter] Thank you! and by a variety of organizations, pray for me. Thank you!
number 38, Friday, 21 September 2018 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 6/7
the celebration of an open air Mass at love, not men and women of honour;
Twenty-five years ago as today, of service, not of oppression. We peals; nor was he content to do no harm
the Foro Italico, for the liturgical me- when he died on his birthday, he
morial of Blessed Pino Puglisi. The need to walk together, not pursue but rather, he sowed good, so much
crowned his victory with a smile, power. If the mafia’s litany is: ‘You good”.
Mass was concelebrated by Cardinals with that smile that kept his killer
Romeo, De Giorgi and Montenegro. do not know who I am’, the Christi- Before this Martyr’s example we must
awake at night. His killer said: “there an one is: ‘I need you’. If the mafia’s ask ourselves: “What can I do for others,
During his homily the Pope said was a kind of light in that smile”. Fr
that we have a choice to make: to live threat is: ‘You will pay for this’, the for the Church, for society? Do not wait
Pino was defenceless, but his smile Christian one is: ‘Lord, help me to for the Church to do something for you:
for ourselves and thus to lose our en-
transmitted the power of God: not a love’. Thus, I say to mafiosi, change, you can start. Do not wait for society to
tire life, or to live for others, thus
blinding glare, but a gentle light that brothers and sisters! Stop thinking of do it, you can begin!”, the Pontiff said
finding the true meaning of life. Fr
delves in and enlightens the heart. It yourselves and your money. You again. Adding that the only “Christian
Puglisi chose to live for others. He
is the light of love, of giving, of ser- know, you all know, that ‘the shroud populism” is to “listen and serve the
“knew that he was taking a risk, but
he knew above all that the true vice. We need many smiling priests. has no pockets’. You cannot take people, without shouting, accusing and
danger in life lies not in taking risks, We need many smiling Christians, not anything with you. Convert to the causing disputes”.
but in getting by amid comforts, because they take things lightly, but true God of Jesus Christ, dear broth- Several hours earlier, the Pope had
ploys and shortcuts”. While paying because they are rich only in the joy ers and sisters! I say to you, mafiosi: opened his Sicilian day in Piazza Armerina,
homage to Fr Puglisi, the Pontiff im- of God, because they believe in love if you do not do this, your own life where Fr Puglisi had been one month be-
plored members of the mafia to and live to serve. It is in giving one’s will be lost and it will be the worst fore he was assassinated. And here, in the
change and convert, echoing the his- life that joy is found, because there is of defeats. heart of the island, Pope Bergoglio de-
toric warning Saint John Paul II had more joy in giving than in receiving Today’s Gospel passage ends with nounced the widespread evils in many soci-
made 25 years earlier in Agrigento. (cf. Acts 20:35). So, I would like to Jesus’ invitation: “If any one serves eties, but in order to seek “new ways of an-
“One cannot believe in God and be ask you: do you too wish to live this me, he must follow me” (Jn 12:26). nouncing and offering mercy above all to
mafioso”, the Holy Father stressed. way? Do you want to give your life, He must follow me, that is, set out brothers and sisters who have fallen prey to
without expecting others to take the on the path. One cannot follow Jesus disinterest, to diffidence, to a crisis of
“Those who are mafiosi do not live as
first step? Do you want to do good with ideas, one must get to work. “If faith”. He observed immediately after that
Christians”. Directly addressing mem-
without expecting to be repaid, “to consider the wounds of society and of
bers of the mafia, the Holy Father is- everyone does something, a great
without waiting for the world to be- the Church is not a denigrating and pess-
sued a warning and made an appeal: deal can be done”, Fr Pino used to
come better? Dear brothers and sis- imistic action”, but a necessary step for in-
“Change, brothers and sisters! Stop say. How many of us put these words
carnation and for proclaiming the Gospel.
thinking of yourselves and your ters, do you wish to risk taking this into practice? Today, before him, let
money .... Convert to the true God of path, to take a risk for the Lord? us ask ourselves: what can I do? G.M.V.
page 8 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 21 September 2018, number 38
Mr President, On Monday, 17 September, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, significantly to the alleviation of
I have the great honour of con- Secretary for Relations with States, addressed the International poverty and the ability of coun-
veying to you and to all the dis- Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) during its 62nd General Conference tries to meet their development
tinguished participants at this in Vienna. The following is the English text of his discourse. goals in a sustainable way.
62nd General Conference of the The Agency plays a proactive
International Atomic Energy role at all levels in developing
Agency, the best wishes and cor- The use of IAEA safeguards con- The Holy See recognizes the
stitutes an important tool in important contribution of the strategies for the Programme of
dial greetings of His Holiness
moving towards the goal of de- IAEA to creating a world free of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT),
Pope Francis.
Mr President, on behalf of nuclearization. nuclear weapons. This role is and in establishing and enhan-
the Delegation of the Holy See, The non-proliferation regime characterized by the effective cing radiotherapy programmes.
I congratulate you and the must work as tirelessly for a combination of those measures In this regard, the Holy See ex-
members of the Board on your comprehensive nuclear-test ban available under comprehensive presses its gratitude and appre-
election by this distinguished as it does for nuclear disarma- safeguards agreements (CSAs) to- ciation to the Agency for help-
Conference. I would also like to ment. For that reason the Holy gether with various additional ing low and middle income
take the opportunity to express See signed and ratified the protocols (APs). Furthermore, ef- Member States to improve the
Treaty on the Prohibition of forts to ensure nuclear safety
our appreciation and gratitude effectiveness of their radiation
Nuclear Weapons with the aim and security, as well as to foster
to Director General Yukiya medicine services as part of a
of moving beyond nuclear de- a culture of safety have been
Amano and to the Secretariat comprehensive cancer control
terrence to a world entirely free greatly improved due to IAEA’s
for their dedicated work for the strategy, for supporting the
of nuclear weapons (cf. Pope strategies of strengthening glob-
benefit of the whole IAEA family. al, regional and national net- training of health professionals,
On this occasion, the Holy Francis, Message to the United
Nations Conference to Negoti- works and forums, and by ex- and for engaging in fundraising
See, along with various states,
welcomes and congratulates ate a Legally Binding Instru-
Grenada on becoming a mem- ment to Prohibit Nuclear
ber of the IAEA. Weapons, Leading Towards
Mr President, their Total Elimination, 23
The Holy See commends and March 2017).
supports the many activities of Nuclear tests involve the sub-
the IAEA that have strengthened stantial and uncontrolled release
international cooperation and of radioactive materials directly
contributed in a significant way into the environment. They have
to the prevention of nuclear resulted in the largest cumulat-
proliferation and to the promo- ive dose of man-made radiation
tion of nuclear disarmament. unleashed thus far upon popu-
Such activities, in fact, also help lations and the global environ-
to foster integral human devel- ment (cf. UNSCEAR 2000 Report
opment, by promoting technical to the General Assembly, Expos-
cooperation in the nuclear sci- ures to the public from man-
ences and their applications, made sources of radiation,
and by advancing the peaceful Volume I, Annex C, pp. 158-180.
use of nuclear technologies. United Nations, New York,
I wish now to address briefly 2000). As Pope Francis has said
some of the relevant aspects of “the natural environment is a panding capability and capacity to boost cancer control pro-
IAEA’s fundamental work. collective good, the patrimony in nuclear, radiation, transport grammes and activities.
The nuclear non-proliferation of all humanity and the respons- and waste safety, and also in On this occasion, the Holy
regime is strongly supported by ibility of everyone. If we make emergency preparedness and re- See recalls the urgent need for a
IAEA safeguards, which are fo- something our own, it is only to sponse. The broader goals of modern global ethic of respons-
cused on strengthening its ef- administer it for the good of all. nuclear non-proliferation, nucle- ibility, solidarity and cooperative
fectiveness and improving its ef- If we do not, we burden our ar disarmament, and the peace- security, which must replace the
ficiency. For example, the IAEA’s consciences with the weight of ful uses of nuclear technologies, old ways of thinking that have
participation in the verification having denied the existence of each depend upon these crucial so often been driven by self-in-
and monitoring of Iran’s com- others” (cf. Pope Francis, En- IAEA strategies. terest and distrust. We must re-
mitments under the Joint Com- cyclical Letter Laudato Si’, § 95, The Holy See welcomes and cognize that our own peace and
prehensive Plan of Action (JC- 24 May 2015). Therefore we af- commends the Agency’s efforts security depends ultimately on
PoA) provides an indispensable firm that nuclear weapons are in establishing an “Inter-depart- the peace and security of others.
component for assessing wheth- arms of mass and environmental mental Task Force on Climate Therefore, the Holy See ap-
er all nuclear material is being destruction. Change”, and in organizing this peals to all leaders and nations
used for peaceful purposes, and Pope Francis has also noted year’s IAEA Scientific Forum fo- to work towards the common
thus contributes to greater peace that “the escalation of the arms cused on “Nuclear Technology goals of promoting nuclear non-
and security in the Middle East. race continues unabated and the for Climate: Mitigation, Monit- proliferation and disarmament,
Furthermore, the Holy See price of modernizing and devel- oring and Adaptation”. The role the peaceful development and
supports the continued and pa- oping weaponry, not only nucle- of science, technology and in- use of nuclear technologies, and
tient efforts of the international ar weapons, represents a consid- novation within the framework a sustainable integral human de-
community to revive negoti- erable expense for nations. As a of the United Nations’ Sustain- velopment, particularly for the
ations around the nuclear pro- result, the real priorities facing able Development Goals (SD Gs), poorest countries. The pursuit
gramme of the Democratic our human family, such as the can be supported by various of such goals will contribute in
People’s Republic of Korea, fight against poverty, the pro- nuclear technologies and their no small way to a true and last-
which threatens the integrity of motion of peace, the undertak- applications as outlined in IAEA ing global peace.
the non-proliferation regime. ing of educational, ecological developmental protocols, and Mr President,
There is no military solution to and healthcare projects, and the thus promote integral develop- In conclusion, the Holy See
this threat. IAEA safeguards, re- development of human rights, ment, enhancing our steward- reiterates its sincere gratitude
flecting the Agency’s critical role are relegated to second place” ship of God’s creation. Indeed, and affirms its unwavering sup-
in nuclear verification in the re- (cf. Pope Francis, Message to IAEA technical cooperation pro- port for the IAEA’s many contri-
gion, represent an essential con- the International Symposium on jects in the fields of human butions to nuclear non-prolifera-
tribution to promoting peace the Prospects for a World Free health, water and environment, tion and disarmament, as well as
and security and help to build of Nuclear Weapons and for In- climate change, food security to the safe, secure, and peaceful,
up a climate of confidence in tegral Disarmament, 10 Novem- and smart agriculture, among development and operation of
place of mutual recriminations. ber 2017). others, have already contributed nuclear technologies. Thank you.
page 12 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 21 September 2018, number 38