Part 1: Understanding Self: COM-115 Assignment 1: Self-Concept Worksheet & Plan
Part 1: Understanding Self: COM-115 Assignment 1: Self-Concept Worksheet & Plan
Part 1: Understanding Self: COM-115 Assignment 1: Self-Concept Worksheet & Plan
Write ten “I am” statements. Refer to Ch. 2 in your text for guidance.
1. I am
2. I am
3. I am
4. I am
5. I am
6. I am
7. I am
8. I am
9. I am
10. I am
List one thing that you dislike (attitude). How does this affect your day to day life?
List two strong beliefs you have and describe how each of these beliefs affects your
behavior and/or your interaction with others.
List two of your values and describe how each of these values affects your behavior
and/or your interaction with others.
Part 2: Communication Social Style and Self
What’s Your Communication Social Style?
The following questionnaire lists twenty personality characteristics. Please indicate the degree
to which you believe each of these characteristics applies to you, as you normally communicate
with others, by marking whether you (5) strongly agree that it applies, (4) agree that it applies,
(3) are undecided, (2) disagree that it applies, or (1) strongly disagree that it applies. There are
no right or wrong answers. Work quickly; record your first impression.
1. helpful
3. independent
4. responsive to others
5. forceful
7. sympathetic
8. compassionate
9. assertive
11. dominant
12. sincere
13. gentle
15. warm
16. tender
17. friendly
18. acts as a leader
19. aggressive
20. competitive
Scoring the Questionnaire
Items 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 14, 18, 19, and 20 measure assertiveness. Add the scores on these items
to get your assertiveness score. Items 1, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, and 17 measure
responsiveness. Add the scores on these items to get your responsiveness score. Scores range
from 50 to 10. The higher your scores, the higher your orientation toward assertiveness and
responsiveness. Record your scores below:
Based on your answers to the questionnaire above, answer the following questions.
Are you more likely or less likely to self-disclose? Explain your thoughts.
Based on the questionnaire results, answer the questions below as you reflect on your
communication social style and self.
Consider two different people that you know well. What do you identify as their
dominant communication social style? List at least three specific behaviors to justify
your response. Answer in the space below.
Describe a situation in which you would adapt or not adapt your communication social
style. Would you be more assertive or responsive toward someone else in that
situation? Explain your response. Answer in the space below.
o Who is the person you are referencing in this section? Describe this relationship.
o What is the level of control in this relationship?