Seagoing Personnel Application

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Maritime Career Center

Seagoing Personnel Application

C.O.C. Rank Engine Cadet

Rank appling for: Engine Cadet

Please complete this accurately, giving as many details as possible of your skills and experience relating to this job
application. Guide lines will be presented when intended field is selected. Please note that the fields highlited in light orange
shading are mandatory fields and must not be left blank.

Reg. No.

First Name Middle Name Last Name / Surname

Youssef Amr Kataya

Nationality Date of Birth Place of Birth Gender

Egyptian 06-06-1999 Alexandria Male

Home Phone Number Mobile Phone Number Email Address Home Address
No 31, Farouk Abdelwahab St,
+2035577392 +201012175353
sidi bisher, Alexandria, Egypt.

Identification Number:
29906060200759 Expiry Date 16-10-2022
( ‫لقوم‬44‫م ا‬4‫لرق‬44‫)ا‬

Passport Number: ‫م‬4‫ق‬4‫ر‬

A24315226 Expiry Date 10-02-2026
‫لسفر‬44‫جواز ا‬

Seaman Book Number:

Expiry Date
‫لبحرى‬44‫لسفر ا‬44‫م جواز ا‬4‫ق‬4‫ر‬

Military service Status Postponed ‫ل‬

( 4‫ؤج‬4‫)م‬


A)  High School Diploma (‫)ش هادة ا لثانوية ا لع امة أو ما ي ع ادلها‬

Date (Year only) 2017 Grade (%) 66.50%

Department Engine/ETO

B) Marine Engineering Basic Studies ( ‫ية‬4‫ألساس‬44‫ساتا‬4‫لدرا‬44‫) ا‬

Date (Year only) 2019 3.33
C) Bachelor of Marine Engineering Technology
Date (Year only)
3. SEA SERVICE EXPERIENCE (‫لبحرية‬44‫لخبرة ا‬44‫)ا‬

Vessel Name DW KW Vessel Type Rank From To

4. Other Relevent Experience

Summer training at Landmark Marine Company. For ship management and marine survey.

It is of utmost importance that all illnesses other than minor afflictions should be stated.

(A) Have you optained a Seafarer Medical Certificate?

If yes, please provide following details:
Place of Issue Date of Issue Expiary Date

(B) Have you optained the Yellow Fever Vaccination?

(C) Have you ever signed off a ship due to medical reasons?

If yes, please provide following details:

Name of vessel Date of Occurance Place of Occurance

Brief description of signed off


(D) Do you suffer of any health or diability problem?

6. Language

Please provide following details:

Specify Language Select Language Fluency Level

Native Language Arabic Fluent
First Language English Fluent
Second Language French Good
Other Language

Language certificates if any

(A) Have you optained Marlins Certificate?

If yes, please provide following details:
Date of Issue Certificate Type Certificate Score

(B) Have you optained Seagull Certificate?

If yes, please provide following details:
Date of Issue Certificate Type Certificate Score

(C) Have you optained IELTS Certificate?

If yes, please provide following details:
Date of Issue Certificate Type Certificate Score

(D) Have you optained TOEFL Certificate?

If yes, please provide following details:
Date of Issue Certificate Type Certificate Score

7. OTHER COURSES (‫ك‬4‫ل‬4‫ ذ‬4‫به‬44‫ما ش‬4‫لكمبيوتر و‬44‫اتوا‬4‫لغ‬44‫تا‬4‫ثلدورا‬4‫)م‬

Please list any training you have received or courses which you feel is relevant to the Application.

Course Name Date of Issue

Computer Skills , AAST. 1-07-2014
8. HOBBIES & INTERESTS ( ‫ية‬4‫ياض‬4‫شطة ر‬4‫ن‬4‫هتماماتوأ‬4‫)إ‬

Please list your hobbies and interests

1- Basket ball Registerd player.
2- Ragby reigisterd player.
3- Swimming.
4- reading , on line search.
5- travling

9. SHORT COURSES (‫لحتمية‬44‫تا‬4‫ادا‬4‫لشه‬44‫)ا‬

For each of the following courses please select yes for acquired courses and state both the issue date and the expiry

Course Name Yes/No Date of Issue Expiry Date

Elementary First Aid A-VI/1-3
Personal Survival Techniques & Search and Rescue
Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities
Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting
Advanced Personal Survival Techniques
Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques.
Medical First Aid
Medical Studies
Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety
Crowed Management, Familiarization
Proficiency in Survival Crafts
Advanced Fire Fighting
Proficiency in fast Rescue Boats
Advanced Communication
International Code for the Security of Ships, and Port Facilities
Ship Security Officer
Company Security Officer
Port Security Officer
Proficiency as a Ship Security
STCW convention Familiarization
Port State Control Course for Seafarers
Basic Knowledge of GMDSS
Shipboard Safety Officer
Implementation of International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG)
Code on board Ships
Oil Tanker Familiarization
Liquefied Gas Tanker Familiarization
Advanced Chemical Tanker Operations
Marine Radar and Automatic Radar Plotting Aids
Radar Simulator
General radio Officer Certificate (GOC)
Other courses if exist

Course Name Date of Issue Expiry Date

Current Date : 7/4/2019

Printed Name : Youssef Amr Kataya

Maritime Career Center
Seagoing Personnel Application

C.O.C. Rank Engine Cadet

Rank applied
for: Engine Cadet

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