Petrel Training
Petrel Training
Petrel Training
To snap the plane to a desired position , first deactivate the Align Plane icons in the player
and select display image from above icon found in the tool bar, then click on the Snap
intersection plane to 2 points tool located in the player at the bottom of petrel window and
click on two points on the Top Tarbert surface to snap the plane through these two points
2-8 Create a simple grid boundary and quality check your fault model
1. Display one of the time surfaces in the Input pane in the 2D window, this will be used
as a guide when digitizing the boundary
2. Click on the icon (Create external grid boundary) in the function bar
3. Start digitizing the boundary , double click the last point to close the boundary
4. A new boundary will appear in the Model pane in the Fault Model folder
5. You can only operate with one boundary, so if you create new one , you must delete
the old one
6. You can check the 2D grid by clicking on Apply button in the Pillar gridding window
7. If the boundary is not closed, then close it
8. Key Pillars that are crossing each other will be marked with yellow dots
9 Make Horizons
10 Domain Conversion
12 Well Correlation
Criteria Facies
Porosity <13% Clay
13%<Porosity<20% Silt
Porosity >20% Sand
New_Facies = If(Porosity<0.13,0,If(Porosity<0.2,2,1))
5. Use predefined IF function and click on the Porosity log in the list instead of writing
Porosity and IF in the expression.
6. The facies template has been defined in previous exercise as : Code 0=Clay,
Code1=Sand, Code2=Silt and Code3=Fine Silt
7. Use Facies as the Type (template)
8. It is a good idea to check the template visually before you use codes to make sure they
are correct
9. Go to Template pane , expand Discrete Property Templates folder and open Settings
for Facies
10. Upon pressing ENTER the New_Facies log will be created and stored in Global Well
11. Note that there will be an error message related to the fact that there is no Porosity log
for B1 (the New_Facies is made for all wells)
12. Just read the messages and click OK and OK for All
13. Display the New_Facies log in the Well Section window together with the Porosity log
14. This is mainly for quality control of the Calculator operation
15 Facies Modeling
14. Go to Fraction tab and select Trust fractions or trends for each of the facies
15. Click Apply to run the model and the lock the process by re-selecting the Leave Zone
Unchanged icon for Tarbert1
16. Set the Zone Filter in the 3D grid to show only zone Tarbert1 and display the Fluvial
Facies model property in 3D window
17. Check the completed Petrel Message Log and compare the actual created fractions to
the fractions set up in the process dialog
17 Make Contacts
18 Volume Calculation