Petrel Training

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1 Importing Wells Data

1. Create Wells folder by selecting Insert in the Menu bar

2. Select New Well Folder
3. New Folder appear in the Input pane called Wells

1-1 Importing Well Header

1. Right click on Wells folder and select Import (on Selection)
2. Browse for the Input Data Folder
3. In the Wells Folder select the Wellheader file and the correct format [Well heads(*.*)]
4. Press Open
5. In the Import Well heads window, attach each attribute to its correct column
6. It's possible to add columns and make them User defined for different attribute types
7. Input the number of header lines, it will be 1 in this example
8. Click OK
9. Display the Wells in the 3D display window
10. Double click on Wells folder and change the setting of well display

2-1 Importing Well Deviations

1. Right click on Wells folder and select Import (on Selection)
2. Browse for the Input Data Folder
3. Select the deviation files to import (.dev)
4. Select the correct format (Well path/deviation (ASCII) (*.*) or Multiple well path/
deviation (ASCII) (*.*)
5. Use the first format when each well has separate deviation survey (as in example) and
the second when all the deviation surveys are in one file
6. Click Open
7. In the window (Match filename and well) that opens , make sure the deviation surveys
and well headers match
8. Click OK , Import well path / deviation window dialog appear
9. Go to Input Data tab
10. Select Input data type
11. Go to Unit tab
12. Select offshore type for well
13. Click OK for All
14. Display the well in 3D window
15. You can view the deviation surveys by right-click on a well and selecting Spreadsheet
3-1 Importing Well Logs
1. Right click on Wells folder and select Import (on Selection)
2. Browse for the Input Data Folder
3. Select all the .las files , select the correct file format (Well logs (ASCII)(*.*))
4. Press Open
5. In the window that open , make sure the well names for the log curve files and well
headers match
6. Click OK, the Import Well logs window will open
7. Go to Input Data tab
8. Choose Specify logs to be loaded
9. Specify the correct property template for the NetGross log and press OK for All
10. In the Input pane , expand the Global Well logs and review the results of the log import
11. Logs are also stored locally under each well
12. Display the well then their logs in 3D window by clicking the yellow box to the left of the
logs in the Global Well folder
13. Display specific logs for just one well in 3D window , e.g. A10

4-1 Importing Well tops

1. Insert a new main folder by selecting Insert in the menu bar and choose New Well Tops
2. Right click on Well Tops folder and select Import (on Selection)
3. Select the correct format (Petrel Well Tops(ASCII)(*.*))
4. Select the Well Tops file from the Well Tops folder
5. Press Open
6. Press OK for All on the Import petrel Well Tops window that opens
7. Press OK on the message window that appears
8. Display the Well Tops in 3D window
9. You can change the setting of the display for the Well Tops by double click on the
folder to change the setting
10. By default the value for Well Tops appear in the Display window
11. To display the name of the Formation , go to Attribute folder in the Well Tops folder and
expand it the choose Surface instead of Z

2 Importing Seismic Data

1-2 Importing SEGY Data

1. Choose New Seismic main folder from Insert menu
2. New Seismic folder appear in the Input pane
3. Right click on Seismic folder and select Insert Seismic Survey
4. A sub folder (Survey1) creates inside Seismic folder in the Input pane
5. Right click on Survey1 and choose Import (0n selection)
6. Browse for the Input Data Folder
7. Go to Seismic data folder , select the (.segy) data format file called (ST8511r92.segy)
8. Press Open
9. Click OK to the Ventage Selection window appear
10. Another window appears ( Input data dialog), also click OK for All
11. Also a message appears , close it
12. A new icon ST8511r92 will be displayed with Inlines and Xlines
13. You change the name to Gullfaks.segy
14. You can display the segy lines and visualize Inline and Xline sections for quality control
15. Click on box left to Xline and use the arrow in the task bar to display all section lines
16. You can use Manpulate Plane (M) and then use the mouse to move the section plane
17. You can display more than one window at the time by going to Window in the Menu bar
and select Tile vertical. 3D window for Inline and Xline section, 2D window for Base
map view Inline and Xline, Interpretation window (active section)
18. You can add Z in addition to Inline and Xline by right click on ST8511r92.segy and
choose Insert time slice intersection

2-2 Importing Horizons

1. Go to the sub folder Interpretation in the Seismic folder in the Input pane
2. Right-click and choose Import (on Selection)
3. Browse for the Input Data Folder
4. Select the folder Seismic Interpretation (Time) and open
5. Select the correct format (Seiswork 3D interpretation)
6. Choose all Horizons the folder and Open
7. Press OK many times for the windows which will appear
8. The Horizons will appear in the Input pane
9. Display these Horizons in 3D window

3-2 Importing Fault Polygons

1. Go to the sub folder Interpretation in the Seismic folder in the Input pane
2. Right-click and choose Import (on Selection)
3. Browse for the Input Data Folder
4. Select the folder Fault Polygons (Time) and open
5. Select the correct format (Z-map+ line (ASCII)(*.*))
6. Choose all the Faults polygons and open
7. Input Data dialog box appear
8. Change the template to Elevation time
9. Press OK for all windows
10. The Faults polygons will be appear in the Input pane
3 Importing Data from another Project
1. Go to File and select Reference Project Tools
2. Browse for the project (Seismic Project)
3. Two windows appear , first is the Working project, the second is the Background
4. Selects all the folders you need in the Background project and by using arrow to copy
them to your working project
5. Save and close the windows
6. In case you want to display the Isochore (depth) and Surface (time), choose Any for
the Domain in the Tool bar

4 Compress Loaded Data Volume

1. Call the project GF_Input_Data
2. Right-click on the folder Gullfaks.segy
3. Select Realize , a setting window appears
4. You can see the Realized volume size (35.4 MB), while the original volume size of the
file before loading (123MB)
5. Press the Realize button, a new Gullfaks.segy [Realized]1 appears in the Input pane
6. You must use this folder in your work flow
7. With Realized folder you can copy your project to another PC without any problem,
while if you didn't make Realize the Xline and Inline will not work
8. Right click on the Gullfaks.segy [Realized]1 folder and select Insert virtual cropped
9. A new folder Gullfaks.segy [Realized]1 [Crop]1 appears in the Input pane
10. Double click on this folder , a dialog box will appears
11. Choose the Cropping tab, set the range of Inline and Xline also vertical range
12. Display the Inline and Xline on 3D windows
13. Use Manipulate plane (M) icon in the function bar to move the Inline and Xline to resize
the data
14. Press Apply

5 Area of Interest Interpretation

1. Right click on the Interpretation folder
2. Select Insert Seismic Horizon
3. Open three windows, one for 2D base map , second for 3D for wells and sections, third
for Interpretation window
4. Double click on seismic interpretation in the Process pane
5. Go to Function bar and select the icon (H) Interpret grid horizon , then the icon Manual
6. In the Interpretation window the mouse pointer change to (+)
7. Try to pick the Inline and Xline Horizons
8. Now you get a grid in your base map
9. Try create a surface from this horizon grid

6 Make / Edit Surface

1-6 Create Surface(Time)

1. Go to Process pane
2. In the Utilities folder double click on Make / edit surface
3. In the Make / edit surface window which appears enter the Horizon grids in the Main
input , these horizons are located in the Input pane in the 3D Seismic lines (Time)
folder, use the Blue arrow to drag and drop the Horizons
4. Give a Name output for each Horizon
5. Click the Suggest settings from input, drop down menu will appear
6. Select Seismic Lines (high density)
7. Petrel will automatically take you to the Algorithm tab and suggest the best algorithm
for the data
8. In the Algorithm tab , use the default settings (Convergent Interpolation)
9. In the Geometry tab select Automatic (from input data/boundary)
10. Click Apply , Surfaces will appear in the Input pane
11. In the result surface you must remove the created surface to start entering new horizon
12. Display the created surface time in 3D window

2-6 Edit Surface

1. Activate the Make/edit surface process (make it bold)
2. Use Ctrl C + V to make a copy of the Top Tarbert (time) surface
3. Display the Top Tarbert surface in 3D window
4. Select the Peak remover icon and remove the peak

3-6 Defining a Cross Section Plane (General Intersection)

1. Deselect all your data and display only the Top Tarbert surface in the 3D window
2. Right click on Surfaces(Time) folder and select Insert General Intersection
3. A blue plane will be inserted running north-south through your model
4. An entry on the Input pane will be made in the Surfaces folder
5. There is a player associated with this plane , found in the bottom of petrel window
6. The blue box Toggle Visualization on plane, is the “magic” button that must be active
(clicked) when defining what to be displayed on the plane itself (not in 3D)
7. When this button is clicked, many of the previously white check boxes in the Input
pane will turn blue . This data can now be displayed on the active G.I.
8. To display the data on the plane click the blue button on the player bar
9. Click in the box in front of all the surfaces
10. Go to the Settings window for the G.I. and change the surfaces width in the Input
settings tab
11. Click OK

To snap the plane to a desired position , first deactivate the Align Plane icons in the player
and select display image from above icon found in the tool bar, then click on the Snap
intersection plane to 2 points tool located in the player at the bottom of petrel window and
click on two points on the Top Tarbert surface to snap the plane through these two points

4-6 Defining a Vertical Well Section

1. Call the GF_Input_Data project
2. In the Input pane, expand the Wells folder and Right click on one of the wells and
select Create Vertical Well Intersection
3. The Well Intersection plane will be stored in the Wells folder
4. Use the blue button in the lower left corner of petrel window to display items on the well
5. Toggle on the seismic volume (Gullfaks.segy) to display the seismic on the intersection

5-6 Surface Calculator

1. Make a copy of both the Base Cretaceous and Top Tarbert surfaces
2. Right click on the Copy of the Base Cretaceous surface and select calculator
3. Type this ( New=Copy Base_Cretaceous – Copy Top_Tarbert
4. Use only buttons in the calculator , not on the keyboard, to avoid any syntax errors
5. Press Enter; the New surface is stored in the Input pane
6. This surface map represents a thickness map (Isochore)
7. As isochores are thickness maps, note that negative values may be a result of poorly
interpreted seismic

6-6 Give Z-values to fault polygons

1. In 3D window , display the edited version of the Top Tarbert (Time) surface you created
previously , together with the Tarbert Fault Polygons
2. As the Fault polygons have no Z-values, they will appear high above the Structural
3. Click View all icon to position the display in the manner that both the surface and the
polygons can be seen
4. Open the Settings for Tarbert fault polygons and go to the Calculations tab
5. Activate the Top Tarbert 2D time grid (the surface that does not contain any spike)
6. Insert it in the setting window using the blue arrow
7. Click on the Assign Z=A
8. In 3D window the Tarbert fault polygons are now draped on the Top Tarbert surface
9. Repeat for Ness and Etive fault polygons . Use their respective 2D grids/surfaces

7-6 Surface with Fault Polygons

1. Open the Settings for the Top Etive seismic horizon in the 3D Seismic Lines (Time)
main folder
2. Under the Operations tab , expand the Convert points/polygons/surfaces folder and
select (Create fault polygons and map)
3. Drop in the folder called Fault Sticks (Time) using the blue arrow next to Faults folder
4. Drop in the sub-folder called Seismic Data under the Top Etive main horizon
interpretation folder using the blue arrow next to Get surface geometry from
5. Click Run
6. New folder called Top Etive will now be generated at the bottom of the Input pane
7. Display the different output objects in a 3D window

7 Fault Modeling Process

1. Open Project GF_Edited_Input
2. Save the project with other name
3. In the Process pane double click on Define model in the Structural Model folder
4. A dialog box appear asking you to give a name for this model
5. Type the name, then press OK
6. In the Model pane a new Model will appear with Fault model
7. Double click on Fault Model; setting window will appear
8. Change the Domain to Elevation time, then OK

1-7 Creating Fault using Selected Fault Sticks

1. In the Input pane go to the folder (Fault Sticks Time) and open it
2. Select one of the faults to display in 3D window
3. Highlight Fault Modelling in the process pane
4. In the function bar select the curved pillar
5. Activate the icon (Select/pick mode[p])
6. Pick all the sticks using the mouse with Shift key
7. Click on the icon Add to or create faults from selected fault sticks
8. A new fault will be appear (Fault1) in Faults folder in the Model pane
9. To create another fault you must deactivate the first one
10. You can change the pillar type to Linear instead of curved in the second fault
2-7 Fault Editing
1. You can add a pillar to the fault by selecting the last pillar in the fault, then use the icon
(Add Pillar to end)
2. You can add a pillar between two pillars by selecting them, use the icon (Add Pillar
3. You can fill the area between pillars with a color by using the icon (Toggle fill between
4. When you select any point on the pillar a plane with vertical cylinder appear, select any
one of them , its color become yellow, also the direction of movement appears, you can
change the direction by using Ctrl key
5. You can move only the shape point by selecting the icon (select shape points) or move
the pillar by selecting icon (select pillar) or move set of pillars by selecting any point on
the line between pillars
6. You change type of pillars of the fault by selecting all and choose any of pillar type

3-7 Connect two Faults

1. Activate the Select Pillars icon, then the Select/Pick Mode icon in the function bar
2. Select the two Key Pillars you want to connect them in the two faults
3. Click on the icon (Connect two faults)
4. A dialog box pops up
5. Select appropriate option and click OK
6. A common key pillar connected the two faults appears with gray color
7. To disconnect the two faults , select the two key pillars , then click on the icon
(Disconnect Faults)

4-7 Create Branch Fault

1. Select the key pillar where you want the crossing or branching fault to be initiated from
2. Click on either the icon (New Branching Fault) or icon (New Crossing Fault) to
generate a new fault
3. Continue building the new branching fault by adding new key pillars or merge with an
existing one

5-7 Create Faults from all Fault Sticks

1. From the Input pane display the fault sticks in the For “Create from FS” folder in the
Fault Sticks (time) folder
2. Select Vertical, Linear, Curved or Listric Pillars depending on type of fault you are
3. Activate the icon (Select/Pick mode) in the function bar
4. Select one of the Sticks fault in the Input pane to display in 3D windows
5. The fault Highlighted in the Input pane
6. Click on the icon (Create Fault from Fault Sticks, Surface or Interpretation)
7. A dialog box appears , click OK
8. You can automatically create the fault in the Model pane by right click on the Sticks
Fault in the Input pane and select (Convert to faults in Fault Model)
9. Continue doing the necessary editing of Key Pillars as described previously

6-7 Auto Connection of Faults

1. Display all the Faults that created in the Fault Model folder in the Model pane
2. Double click on Fault Modeling process in Process pane
3. A dialog box appears
4. Select the Operation Tab
5. In the Extend distance type 250
6. Click on Auto connect tab
7. Check the connections and do the manual editing if necessary

7-7 Automatic Adjustment of Key Pillars

1. Display all the generated Key Pillars together with the Base Cretaceous surface
2. Double click on Fault Modeling process in the Process pane
3. Go to Operations tab from the dialog box pops up
4. Select the Base Cretaceous surface in the Input pane and make it bold
5. Click on the box next to Top limit in the Operations tab and use the blue arrow
6. Click on the button Cut/Extend
7. Observe that all the Key Pillars will be cut by or extended to the Base Cretaceous level
generating smooth transitions between Key Pillars
8. There are some Pillars not respond , therefor you go to change the Min pillar height
in the Operations tab

8-7 Digitize Key Pillars using 2D Structure Grid

1. Display the Top Tarbert surface , the fault model you have generated in the 3D window
and the already built Key Pillars
2. Zoom in on one of the big faults that do not have a Key Pillar built for it yet
3. Remove the other Key Pillars (Fault Model) from the display
4. Digitize the top shape points for the Key Pillars using the icon (Add New Pillar by One
5. Toggle off the Top Tarbert surface and display in 3D window the Top Etive surface
6. It is probably easier to see what you do if you turn the surface so that you view it from
7. Digitize the base shape points for the Key Pillars using the icon (Snap Selected Shape
Point) in the function bar
8. In the 3D window , click on a base shape point and snap it to the base surface by
clicking on it
9. Continue until all base shape points have been snapped to the surface
10. Display the grids to quality control the results
11. Edit and connect the faults . The Top shape points need to be extended above the
Base Cretaceous

9-7 Digitize Key Pillars on a General Intersection

1. Display the Top Etive surface and all the faults in the fault model
2. Find a surface that should be faulted but does not have a fault model representing that
3. Display a General Intersection in the 3D window and move it perpendicular to the fault
4. Display all the surfaces on the intersection using the blue box in the lower left corner
5. In the Model pane , ensure that no other fault is active (bold) in the model
6. Select pillar geometry
7. Digitize the Key Pillars by using the icon (Add New Pillar)
8. Petrel will generate a new fault in the fault model
9. Move the intersection to start digitizing another Key Pillar on the same fault
10. Continue to move the Intersection and digitizing Key Pillars until a fault created

8 Pillar Gridding Process

1-8 Creating a new grid
1. Before beginning Pillar Gridding , a series of checks need to be performed to ensure
that the fault modeling process is complete
2. Open the project . Save the project with any name
3. Double click on Pillar Gridding process
4. A dialog box will appear and the projection of the faults appears in display window
5. In the Setting tab enter the name of 3D grid and specify I & J increment (100)
6. Deselect the option (Make zig-zag type fault), this will simplify the geometry of the fault
plane in the fault model. Zig-Zag type faults are used for simulation purposes
7. Move the Pillar Gridding window out of the way, but leave it up

2-8 Create a simple grid boundary and quality check your fault model
1. Display one of the time surfaces in the Input pane in the 2D window, this will be used
as a guide when digitizing the boundary
2. Click on the icon (Create external grid boundary) in the function bar
3. Start digitizing the boundary , double click the last point to close the boundary
4. A new boundary will appear in the Model pane in the Fault Model folder
5. You can only operate with one boundary, so if you create new one , you must delete
the old one
6. You can check the 2D grid by clicking on Apply button in the Pillar gridding window
7. If the boundary is not closed, then close it
8. Key Pillars that are crossing each other will be marked with yellow dots

3-8 Create a segment grid boundary

1. Delete the simple grid boundary you just created
2. In the 2D window display one of the time surfaces
3. Click on the icon (Create external grid boundary segment)
4. Start by making faults (on the left side of the area) as a part of the boundary
5. Note that when clicking on the line connecting the shape points on the fault (the dots)
all of the shape points on the fault become yellow, this means that the fault selected
6. Alternatively, you can click one shape point (start point) then hold the shift key and
press the end shape point (both the start and end shape point will now turn yellow)
7. Click on icon (Set Part of Grid Boundary)
8. Note that the fault or part of the fault will be marked with a double blue line
9. Continue the boundary from fault to fault on the south , east and north sides of the
10. Select the icon (Create external grid boundary segment) to fill in the boundary in the
areas between the faults
11. Note that you must use combination of (Create external grid boundary segment) and
(Set Part of Grid Boundary) icons
12. Quality check the 2D grid by pressing Apply

4-8 Procedure for inserting trends and directions

1. Look for the overall fault pattern in the 2D window
2. In this case the major faults are oriented N-S
3. Give the main fault(s) aligned N-S a red J direction using the icon (Set J-direction)
4. Give a perpendicular fault a green I direction using the icon (Set I-direction)
5. Set Apply in the process window and observe the changes in the skeleton grid
6. Note that the cells along the directed faults are aligned parallel to the fault , whereas
the cells along the arbitrary fault (white) are cut towards the fault
7. Insert I direction (green) between two faults in the J direction (red) using the icon (New
I-trend) then the icon (Set I-direction), then Apply
8. You can canceled the inset I direction by selecting it , then the key delete
9. In case the gridding failed, some point shapes appear with yellow color, so it must be
reprocessed the trends and change the fault to Arbitrary trend
10. You can fix I & J automatically using the icon (Automatic direction assignment)
11. Make sure that the direction and trend are ok by conducting a quality check of the mid-
skeleton grid in the 2D window
12. Go to Pillar geometry tab in the pillar gridding process window
You must be sure that the option Curved deselected in Non faulted pillar geometry, this
will create a simple 3D Grid geometry with less chance for problem
13. Click Apply
14. When the result satisfactory, click OK a message appears says that the mid-skeleton
has been generated. Do you want to continue generating the top and base skeleton
15. Press Yes, a new folder generated in the Models pane called Gullfaks (Skeleton)
16. you can display the skeletons in the 3D windows by clicking on the box left to Skeleton
17. You can display any segment or all in the Segment Filter folder

5-8 QC of Skeleton grid

1. Activate the 3D grid (make bold) in the Models pane
2. Open the Skeleton folder in the newly created 3D grid
3. Display each of the Top, Mid and Base grids and perform a visual check of the grids
individually in the 3D window, look for spikes and irregularities
4. Display the Key Pillars from the fault model to locate the problem
5. In the 3D window, display a J-intersection from the Intersections folder
6. Click on the name to make it bold
7. An intersection player should appear at the base , above the status bar
8. Double click on the intersection folder and select to show pillars in the style tab settings
9. Use the player to move the intersection along the grid
10. Check the pillar geometries for crossing pillars
11. Perform the necessary corrections in the Fault Modeling process to improve the
skeleton grids (you will have to run the Pillar Gridding process again)

6-8 Specify No. of Cells

1. In the 2D window , find an area where you have two faults with the same direction next
to each other
2. Define a trend between the two faults, use the icon (New I trend), if you already have
one , you can use it
3. Make the trend active in the Models pane
4. Define the number of cells that should be exist along one of defined trends using the
icon tool (Set Number of Cells on Connection[N]), make it significantly different from
those currently existing along the trend
5. Press Apply in the Pillar Gridding process and observe how Petrel inserts the specific
number of cells in the entire interval between the directed faults
6. If the number of cells looks acceptable then leave it
7. If there appears to be a problem, then alter the number and re-Apply the Pillar Gridding

7-8 Defining Segments using Trends

1. In the Pillar Gridding process window, in the setting tab, choose Create new and give
the grid a different name, for instance, 3D grid making segments
2. Digitize an appropriate trend using the icon (New J-trend) or (New I-trend) from a point
of the fault and attach it to intersecting shape point on the other fault or boundary
3. This trend will now work as any other trend and guide the gridding process but not act
as a segment divider
4. To define the trend as a segment divider, click on the icon (Set Part of Segment
5. After this feature is applied , the trend will have brighter color
6. Click Apply and OK to generate new 3D grid with Skeleton grids
7. Display the skeleton grid colored with different colors for the segments
8. Open settings for the skeleton folder in the previous 3D grid and under the Solid tab ,
toggle on show solid as segments
9. Do the same for additional trends and note the difference in the segments
10. To set a trend not work as a segment boundary, click on the trend line to have a
segment boundary designation turned off
11. Click on the icon (Set Nob Boundary)
12. To set fault undefined, select the fault or part of the fault in the 2D window
13. Click on the icon (Set No Fault)
14. The selected part of the fault will become dotted
15. To set fault not part of segment boundary, click on the icon (Set No Boundary)
16. The selected part of the fault will become gray
17. If the fault already has a J-direction, it will show as a solid line with a dark red color
18. Do Save As of your project to use it in the next exercise

9 Make Horizons

1-9 Define the 3D grid domain

1. In this exercise , the input surfaces are in the time domain
2. Open the project ( and be sure that the 3D grid called (Gullfaks
[Skeleton]) is active
3. Double click on the folder Gullfaks (Skeleton) , Setting window open
4. The icon of the 3D grid has a yellow color (time domain), if not you must change the
domain to Elevation time in the setting window

2-9 Insert Surfaces into the 3D skeleton grid

1. Double click on Make Horizon process, a dialog box will pop up
2. Select Horizon tab
3. Use either the icon (Append item in the table) or the icon (Set number of items in table)
4. Go to the folder Surfaces (Time) and expand it
5. Use blue arrow to add the surfaces in the Input #1 column
6. The Horizon column will be updated with same surfaces names
7. You can change the names of the Horizons
8. You can add all the surfaces at the same time by right click on the folder on the 2D
surfaces (Time) and select Sort by Z-values
9. In the make horizons process window click on the icon (Multiple drop), this allows to
drop a range of data by only selecting the top most one in a folder
10. Select the Base Cretaceous surface from the Surface (Time) folder in Input pane
11. Click on blue arrow below Input#1 , all the input objects will be added in the correct
order, and the Horizon column will be updated with the same names
12. Select the Horizon tab , for each horizon , define the horizon's geological character
13. Set Base Cretaceous to be Erosional and the other surfaces to be Conformable
14. In the Settings tab use the default settings
15. In the Faults tab , set the fault distance to 100 for all faults
16. It is better to set to set Base Cretaceous as Not Active , so there will be no artificial
throw related to the 100 m extrapolation, this can be done by expanding the Base
Cretaceous folder in the white dialog window and select all the faults
17. Deselect the Use default option
18. Deselect the Active faults option
19. All the faults for Base Cretaceous will be indicated as not active
20. In the Wells tab, make sure that there is no well adjustment selected, as the wells are
in depth and the 3D grid is in time
21. Press OK
22. In the Model pane you will now find four new horizons in the horizon folder
23. Display the generated horizons and QC the fault cuts

10 Domain Conversion

1-10 Create Velocity Model

1. Open project called
2. Double click on Make Velocity Model in the Processes pane in the Geophysics folder
3. Delete any row appears in the opened Make velocity model window
4. Insert new 5 rows by repeatedly clicking Append item icon
5. Select to create new Velocity Model to convert from TWT to Z (depth)
6. Choose Seismic Reference Datum (SRD) as datum
7. Find the Seabed time surface in the Surfaces (Time) folder in the Input pane
8. Drop the Seabed surface in the first row of the Base column which should be surface
9. Expand the Horizons folder under the the Gullfaks (Skeleton ) time grid which identified
by its yellow cube icon
10. Add 4 rows which should be horizons type
11. Click on Base Cretaceous
12. Click on the Multiple drop in the table icon
13. Drop the Horizon into the second row in the Base column
14. The other horizons will dropped in the other rows
15. In the Correction column change the preset corrections from none to Well Tops for the
4 horizons
16. Right click on Well Tops folder & select spreadsheet
17. Make sure that all well tops except Base Cretaceous for well B8 , are part of the
corrections by toggling it off in the Used in Depth Conversion column
18. Go to Well Tops folder in the Input pane
19. Select each of the well tops corresponding to the horizons inserted previously
20. Select a constant velocity ( V=VInt ) from Datum to Seabed & type 1480m/s
21. For the remaining Horizon intervals, select Linvel method ( V=V0+K * Z )
22. Choose V0: Surface
23. Choose pre-made V0 velocity surface for each of the intervals, these surfaces are
stored in the Velocity Data folder in the Input pane
24. Drop each of them in using blue arrow
25. Choose K:constant for all horizons & type -0.4 for Base Cretaceous , -0.22 for Top
Tarbert , -0.23 for Top Ness , -0.11 for Etive
26. Click on the show or hide setting icon ( )
27. In the correction section select Adjust and use an influence radius of 1000
28. In the output section select Time log & Velocity log , Mdinc=10
29. Click Apply . A new velocity model create and stored in Velocity Model folder in Model
30. Time and Velocity logs are stored for the different wells (Global well logs)
31. A spreadsheet with the result of Velocity model process is now visible in the Display
window. This can be copiedinto other applications such as Excel.

2-10 Depth converted the 3D grid

1. Make sure the Gullfaks (Skeleton) time grid is active (bold) in the Models pane
2. Double click on the Depth Convert 3D Grid process in the Process pane in the
Structural Modeling folder
3. Choose Velocity Model1 (or the one you created in the previous exercise) as the
Velocity model to be used
4. Select Use existing pillar geometry for both faulted and non-faulted pillars
5. Click OK
6. Display the different Horizons for grid called Gullfaks (Skeleton) (Velocity Model 1)
together with Wells and Well Tops in a 3D Window
7. Make sure Change time/depth settings for the window is set to TVD in the toolbar

3-10 General Depth Conversion

1. Use the Velocity model made in the previous exercise
2. Open the General depth conversion process (under the Geophysics)
3. Select the appropriate velocity model
4. In the Input pane, select the all surfaces in the Surface (Time) folder and use the icon
(App[end selected item (in Petrel explorer) to the list) to put them in the Object column
5. Press OK
6. Switch the active window to the appropriate domain and the object will appear correctly

11 Make Zones and Layering

1-11 Create Isochores

1. Open the project and save it with a different name
2. Go to the Well Tops folder in the Input pane and highlight the Top Tarbert well top in the
Stratigraphy folder, the well top become bold
3. Right click directly on the Base Cretaceous and select Convert to Isochore Points
4. Click No on the Petrel message log that pops up
5. A new point data set is generated at the bottom of the Input pane called (Base
Cretaceous-Top Tarbert)
6. Expand this folder and expand the folder called Attributes
7. Select the Thickness attribute instead of Z attribute , right click on Thickness and select
Use as visual vertical position
8. Display the Base Cretaceous-Top Tarbert (points set)
9. Double click on Z attribute and Thickness attribute to see the difference between them
in the Statistics tab (for QC)
10. If the thickness values are all negative , right click on the thickness attribute and select
Convert to Points , a new point data set is created called (Base Cretaceous-Top
Tarbert) (Thickness)
11. Go to Calculations tab in the settings for this point data and press the Assign:Z=-Z
12. Double click on Make/Edit Surface process
13. Highlight the Isochore points and drop them into the Main input and change the
attribute to Thickness
14. In the Name field type the name (BC-TT)
15. Press the Suggest setting from input button and select the Isochore points/residual
16. Petrel will suggest the Convergent Interpolation method in the Algorithm tab
17. Go to Geometry tab and select Automatic (from input data/boundary)
18. Select the check box in Boundary and select zero cell extension
19. Click OK
20. A new surface with a thickness template is generated in the Input pane called BC-TT
21. Display this surface in 3D window together with the original isochore points

2-11 Make Zones

1. Make sure your depth converted grid (Gullfaks (Skeleton ) (Velocity Model1)) is active
2. Double click on Make Zones process, a dialog window will pop up
3. Select the Stratigraphic interval to be worked first
4. This interval will be completed (parameter specified) and the Apply button must be
pressed before moving to the next interval
5. For the Top Tarbert-Top Ness interval there are three isochores (3 zones)
6. For the Top Ness-Top Etive interval there are two isochores (2 zones)
7. Use either the icon (Append item in the table) or the icon (Set number of items in table)
in the dialog window to insert rows, representing zones and their corresponding
horizons, into the table
8. In the Input pane select the Isochores from the Isochores folder
9. Insert the Isochores by using the blue arrow in the Input field
10. Inset well tops between the isochores by going to Well Tops folder (in the Stratigraphy)
11. Select the Well Tops that correspond with the Stratigraphic interval you are working on
12. Select Build from [ Base horizon] and distribute the Volume correction as [Proportional
correction] among the various intervals
13. Select to Build along [Vertical thickness (TVT)]
14. For the Well adjustment tab , set well adjustment Inside segment only
15. Press Apply to generate the intermediate horizons and zones
16. Repeat the procedure for the next Stratigraphic interval (Top Ness-Top Etive)
17. Press Apply and see the updates in the 3D window

3-11 Using Intersection plane for QC

1. Display the base horizon (Top Etive) of the Depth model (blue box) in a 3D window
2. Go to Intersection folder and activate I & J Intersection (click on its name to make it
3. Check the box to view the intersection in the 3D window
4. Click on the Player to move the intersection
5. Click on Stop icon to stop the intersection from playing

4-11 Export the intermediate horizons and zones

1. In the Model pane , right click on a horizon name (in the Horizons folder of the depth
grid) and select Settings
2. Go to Operations tab and define increments and X,Y coordinates by inserting a surface
(in the surface time folder)
3. Check Fill in faulted areas
4. Press Make Surface , the 2D surface will be generated and placed in the Input pane
5. Right click on converted surface and select Export
6. To export Zones, double click on zone in the Zone filter folder in the Model pane and
follow the same procedure as above

5-11 Define Layering

1. Make sure that the model that include geological zones is active (Gullfaks (Skeleton)
(Velocity Model1))
2. Double click on the Layering process , a dialog will pop up
3. For each zone define define your layering
4. Use a variety of Zone Divisions
5. In the Common Settings, select Build along Vertical Thickness[TVT]
6. In the Ness-1 zone , select Follow Tops Zone Division . It is optional to input reference
surface that will further subdivide this zone, in addition to the cell thickness layering
7. Go to the Other data folder in the Input pane and select Depositional Surface and drop
it in the Reference Surface field using blue arrow
8. Press Apply and check Statistics settings for the 3D grid . It should be more than 3
million 3D cells. This due to the Depositional Surface; remove it and press Apply again.
Now it should be down to around 800,000 cells
9. Press Apply to see the result in the 3D window. If you are not happy about the way the
layers terminate (truncate/onlap), then go back to the layering process dialog and
select Use minimum cell thickness
10. Choose also Include Proportional / fraction , start from Base
11. Some of the strange truncations should be eliminated, since there is a minimum
thickness of the layers
12. Also, the converging effect will be avoided in proportional or fractional layers as they
can start from Base or Top as well (changes are visible in the margins between the
light blue and orange zones, and between the orange and the yellow zones)

12 Well Correlation

1-12 Define Property Template

1. Open the project (GF_Edited_Input
2. Go to Templates pane
3. Expand the folder Discrete property templates
4. Right click on Facies template, select settings
5. Go to color tab and give each facies codes a name and a color
6. Close the window
7. Make a copy of Fluvial Facies templates, call it Fluvial Facies Edit
8. Open the settings for Fluvial Facies Edit
9. In the color tab give each facies codes a name and color, then close it

2-12 Create a Well Section Fence

1. Continue the same project above
2. Insert a New Well Section window from the Window menu
3. Select the wells C6,C5,C4 and B8 to be included in the well section
4. Open 3D window and then toggle on the Well Section Fence under the New Well
Section window in the Window pane

3-12 Displaying Logs and Well Tops

1. Click on Well Section you previously made, stored in the Windows pane
2. The Well Section will appear in the Well Section window as four well panels
3. Click on the Perm, Gamma and Porosity logs from the Global Well Logs folder in Wells
main folder
4. Both the Wells panel and log track panel can be re-organized by dragging and
dropping them into the desired position (in the Windows pane)
5. For Well C6 , try to re-organize the log track panels
6. Display the Well Tops by toggling on the check box in front of the Well Tops folder

4-12 Scrolling and Zooming

1. Position the cursor over the white area in the depth track. A hand will appear
2. Press the left mouse button to scroll up and down
3. Position the cursor over the border between the white and gray area in the scroll bar. A
double arrow will appear
4. Press the left mouse button to zoom in/out

5-12 Flatten on horizon

1. Open the Settings for Well Section 1 in the Windows pane and go to the Settings tab
2. Select Flatten on well top, select the well top to flatten on (make it bold in the Well Tops
folder), and click on the blue arrow
3. Press Apply and see the change in the Well Section window

6-12 Set an absolute scale

1. In the settings tab for Well Section, select Absolute (printed scale) 1:1000
2. Observe that if you now try to scroll or zoom , then the wells will be synchronized and
all of them will move
3. Press the icon (Fit Window to Paper Width) to view all of the wells in the Well Section
4. This will give you a better picture of the flattening and scale

7-12 Grouping of Logs

1. For C6 , expand the Wells folder in the Well Section in the Windows pane, expand all
tracks containing logs
2. Drag and drop the Gamma log into the Porosity log track
3. The old track for the Gamma is now called Empty track

8-12 Color Fill

1. Make Well C6 active
2. Select the icon (Create/Edit Curve Fill)
3. Click in the area between the left panel edge and the Perm log to fill color in that
4. Double click on the Porosity Track panel in the active Well section in the Window pane
5. Go to the Curve Filling tab
6. Click on the icon (Append new curve filling) button twice
7. Click on (highlight) the upper-most Color fill in the white area
8. Keep the Depth Interval as default
9. In the Fill Edge section, select from curve Porosity to curve Gamma and select a Fill
color and pattern in the Fill Style section
10. For the lower -most Color Fill , select from curve Gamma to curve Porosity and Fill
color and pattern
11. Press OK
12. See the log view in the Well Section window

9-12 Using a Template Well

1. Well C6 contains a setup with grouping of well logs and color fill (as defined in the
previous exercise)
2. Right click on C6 in the Well Section folder and select Use as Well Template.
3. It will turn purple
4. Apply the settings as defined for C6 to All of other wells by pressing the icon (Apply the
Template to all) located in the Function bar
5. A pop up window appears asking you which well section template to use , select the
C6-Well Sectin1

10-12 Create ghost curves

1. Activate one of the Well Section you have created and stored in Windows pane
2. Click on the header for a well in the Well Section and drag it to one side
3. The ghost curve will now appear in the window
4. The ghost curve is stored at the bottom of the Well Section in the Window pane
5. When you have found a well and curve to correlate , you may turn off the dynamic
adaptation to the underlying curve
6. Double click on the ghost curve in the Well Section in the Window pane
7. In Settings dialog which pop up , go to Style tab and set Dynamic adaptation to None
8. Insert a depth panel by right clicking on the ghost curve in the Windows pane and
select Insert depth panel

11-12 Edit Well Tops

1. Make sure all Well tops are displayed
2. Activate the Create / Edit Well Tops icon
3. Be sure that the Restricted Well Tops icon is deselected
4. This makes it possible to move well tops past stratigraphically higher/lower well tops
5. Position the cursor on top of one of the lines representing a well top
6. A double arrow will appear
7. Right click on the well top in the Well Section window while the Create/Edit Well Tops
icon is active
8. A window pop up
9. Enter the depth value of the well top for the current well , then press OK
10. Display well B8 and make sure you see Base Cretaceous and Top Tarbert well tops
(they should be overlap)
11. Double click on Base Cretaceous in the Input pane, and go to Settings tab
12. Change Horizon Type from Conformable to Erosional and click on Lock well top
13. Click OK on the message , if a Petrel default message log pops up, and see the update
in the Well Section window
14. At this point, it should not be possible to move the Base Cretaceous well top in the
Well Section , because it has a padlock icon next to it
15. Top Tarbert can still be edited

12-12 Creating Well Top

1. Activate the icon (Create/Edit Well Tops) and then click on the icon (Add New Well Top
2. Now none of the well tops in the Well Tops folder is active
3. Select the type of well top to interpret by making the type bold in the well tops folder in
the Input pane
4. The choices are Stratigraphy, Faults or Other, for this exercise , choose Stratigraphy
5. Click between 2 horizons to insert a new well top
6. The new well top will get the name Horizon1 and it will be placed in the correct
stratigraphic order in the list of the well tops in the Well Tops folder
7. If the icon (Restricted Well Tops) is active , it will force the well tops that you create to
stay within stratigraphic borders when you try to edit them later
8. If the icon (Restricted Well Tops) is not active , then you are allowed to insert /edit well
tops that are crossing stratigraphic borders (both inside each well and between wells)
9. To interpret this well top in another well, keep Horizon1 active (bold) in the Well Tops
folder before starting before starting to interpret the well top in another well
10. The new well top will be added to this well top type
11. To insert a sub-horizon, right click on the Stratigraphy folder in the Well Tops folder and
select Show Zone Icons , then right click on one of the Zones and select Insert/Horizon
12. This will insert a new sub-horizon into the Stratigraphy folder (Horizon 2.1 below)
13. Make sure this is active (bold) and click in the Well Section window inside the zone you
created it from
14. The new horizon is now interpreted
15. To quality check , inspect exact depth, and more; right click on the Well Tops folder and
select Spreadsheet
16. Now filter wells so that only well B8 is listed
13-12 Deleting Well Tops
1. You can delete well top by going to Spreadsheet
2. Find the well top (Horizon1) and select the entire row containing this well top
3. Remove the row by pressing the icon (Delete Selected Row(s) from the Table)

14-12 Creating a Discrete (facies) Log

1. Open the Well Section created in the previous exercise by clicking on it once
2. It will become bold
3. Right click on the Wells folder and select Calculator
4. Use the criteria listed in the table below to write the expression as shown below the

Criteria Facies
Porosity <13% Clay
13%<Porosity<20% Silt
Porosity >20% Sand

New_Facies = If(Porosity<0.13,0,If(Porosity<0.2,2,1))

5. Use predefined IF function and click on the Porosity log in the list instead of writing
Porosity and IF in the expression.
6. The facies template has been defined in previous exercise as : Code 0=Clay,
Code1=Sand, Code2=Silt and Code3=Fine Silt
7. Use Facies as the Type (template)
8. It is a good idea to check the template visually before you use codes to make sure they
are correct
9. Go to Template pane , expand Discrete Property Templates folder and open Settings
for Facies
10. Upon pressing ENTER the New_Facies log will be created and stored in Global Well
11. Note that there will be an error message related to the fact that there is no Porosity log
for B1 (the New_Facies is made for all wells)
12. Just read the messages and click OK and OK for All
13. Display the New_Facies log in the Well Section window together with the Porosity log
14. This is mainly for quality control of the Calculator operation

15-12 Use a Facies log as back-drop in other log curve panels

1. Visualize well B8 in the Well Section window
2. Go to the Well Section in the Window pane, expand Well B8 and go to Settings for the
Perm log by double clicking on its track
3. In the Curve filling tab, click once on the Color fill in the white area
4. Now this color fill is the active one, and it's now possible to alter its settings
5. Toggle on Pattern in the Fill Style section and choose a style from the pull down menu
6. Leave Fill Color to be As property , then select the New_Facies log that you made
7. Click Apply and see the update in the Well Section window for B8

16-12 Sedimentological facies Interpretation

1. Create a new log by clicking the icon (Paint Discrete Log Class) and icon (Create new
discrete log) in the function bar.
2. Select the Fluvial Facies template and press OK
3. The new log will be added to the Global log list in the Wells folder
4. Rename the log to New_Fluv_Fac
5. Display the New_Fluv_Fac log in the Well Section window, it will be empty
6. Display the logs to be used when interpreting the facies log (Gamma & Porosity can be
7. Click on the icon (Paint Discrete Log Class)
8. Right click in the New_Fluv_Fac column in the Well Section panel and select the
background facies (Background Floodplain)
9. Left click in New_Fluv_Fac column to flood fill the panel
10. Hold down the left mouse -button while painting the entire empty panel from top-down
11. Right click in the New_Fluv_Fac column and select another facies to paint
12. Click and drag in thr New_Fluv_Fac column with the left mouse button over the depth
rang(s) where you think the selected facies exists
13. Repeat process for remaining facies
14. You can also change the type of fill in an existing interval by clicking on the icon ( Pick
up discrete log class value)
15. Pick up the class (type of the facies in the existing New_Fluv_Fac log) you want to use
again by clicking on the interval where that facies exist
16. The cursor icon changes to a paintbrush
17. Now fill the interval you want to change by using left mouse-button and dragging over
the area
18. To make a simple flood fill , use the Flood Fill Discrete log class icon and flood fill
19. To change facies, right click in the curve panel you would like to change and select the
new facies type
13 Geometrical Property Modeling

1-13 Grid quality check - Creating a bulk volume property

1. Open the project
2. Double click on Geometrical Modeling process in Processes pane
3. Select Create new property
4. Select Cell Volume as Method
5. Use Bulk Volume as Property Template and click Apply to generate it
6. The Bulk Volume property is now stored in the properties folder within active 3D grid
7. View the Bulk Volume property in a 3D window
8. Check the Statistics by opening the Settings dialog and go to Statistics tab

2-13 Grid quality check – Creating a cell angle property

1. Double click on Geometrical Modeling process
2. Select Create new Property
3. Select the Cell angle Method
4. Accept the default property template
5. The cell angle property gives the deviation , from 90 degrees, of angles in each cell
6. Display the Cell angle property in 3D window
7. Create a value filter , right click on the Cell angle property and select Create 1D filter
8. Under the Definition tab , specify the angles that should be filtered
9. Use a minimum value of 20
10. Remember that values above 20 can be bad for simulation
11. The filter is created once you click OK and it is stored in the Filters folder in the Input
12. Turn the filter on and off and visualize the results

3-13 SW calculations – Create Above Contact Property

1. In the Geometrical Modeling dialog , reselect Create new property
2. Select Above contact as method and set the Contact level to constant value=-2010m
3. Select the method to be By center of the part of the cell above contact
4. Press OK to generate the Above Contact property
5. In the Model pane , expand the Properties folder and display the properties Bulk
volume and Above Contact
6. Press the Show/Hide Auto Legend in the Tool bar

4-13 Create a simple Facies Property

1. In the Geometrical Modeling dialog , reselect Create new property
2. Select Assign between surfaces and polygons as Method
3. The top and base need to be converted to surfaces
4. Since we have a depth converted grid, we want to use those horizons, but they have to
be converted to surfaces first
5. Double click on Top Tarbert and Top Ness horizons in the Horizon folder of the 3D grid
6. Go to the Operations tab for each horizon and make sure to select Fill in faulted areas
(default), and press Make surface
7. The two horizons are now converted to surfaces and stored in the Input pane
8. Drop them into Top (Top Tarbert) and Base (Top Ness) surface in the Geometrical
Modeling dialog window
9. Now select Fluvial facies as the Property template in the Geometrical Modeling dialog
10. Drop in the Simple Facies polygon as boundary , located in the Other Data folder in the
Input pane
11. Since we selected the Fluvial facies as the template , we wish to use only two facies
12. We want to assign Fluvial channel (assigned value:2) inside the polygon and
Background floodplain (assigned value:0) outside
13. Open the Fluvial facies template within the Discrete property templates from the
Templates pane to check that the codes are correct
14. Press OK in the Geometrical Modeling window, and see the results
15. The results refer that only two facies distributed in one zone
16. Note that you can change the facies colors and only display a single K-player to get a
more pronounced picture

14 Scale up Well Logs

1-14 Scale up well logs

1. Open the project and activate the folder Gullfaks
(Skeleton) (Velocity Model1) grid
2. In the Processes pane , open the Scale up well log process by double clicking on it in
the Property Modeling folder
3. In the Scale up well logs process dialog , select Create new property
4. Select the wells to be included in the process and select input from Well Logs
5. Select the Fluvial facies log to be upscaled from the drop down menu
6. Define the Scale up Settings
7. Use the defaults ( Most of, As lines and Neighbor cells ) and press Apply
8. The new property is stored in the Properties folder of the active 3D grid
9. Display it in 3D window
10. Reselect Create new property and choose Porosity as the log to be upscaled
11. Define the upscaled settings
12. Use the defaults (Arithmetic as average Method, treat the log As lines and use
Neighbor cell as Method)
13. You can click on Use Bias and select the Fluvial facies[U] property (you just upscaled
and not the one you created in the Geometrical Modeling process)
14. Press Apply to create the upscaled property
15. Now press the Show result in Well Section button in the upper right-hand corner, which
turned active after you generated the Porosity model
16. A well section window will open and automatically display the original log and upscaled
17. This is a great way to quality check the upscaling process parameters and settings
18. If you want to make changes and recreate the upscaled logs, set up two tracks; one for
the raw log and one for the upscaled log
19. In this way it's easier to edit the result
20. Use the Create/edit curve fill tool from the function bar to fill the original porosity log
21. Click on the Well Tops for visualization in the Well section
22. If you prefer to view the upscaled porosity and the raw log in separate tracks, right click
the well and select Insert new track panel
23. Upscale the permeability in the same manner
24. Display the new properties in 3D window and Well Section window

2-14 Statistical check of the scaled up well logs

1. Open the settings dialog for one of the upscaled logs and select Statistics tab
2. Note that statistics are given both for the raw log and scaled up cells of the property
3. Select the Histogram tab to view the histogram of the raw log and the scaled up well

15 Facies Modeling

1-15 Sequential Indicator Simulation (SIS)

1. Open the project
2. Activate the Gullfaks (Velocity Model1)
3. You should have 3 upscaled logs stored in the Properties folder (Porosity, Perm and
Fluvial facies)
4. Copy the Upscaled Facies well log (Fluvial Facies [U]) and rename it Fluvial facies
5. Double click on Facies Modeling process in the Processes pane
6. Select Fluvial facies model as propert to be used
7. Select Tarbert1 as the zone to be modeled
8. Unlock the Leave Zone Unchanged icon in order to change the settings and select
Sequential indicator simulation as the method
9. Drop in the four defined facies codes from the left window, using the Blue arrow
10. The choosen facies will be stored in the right most window
11. Uncheck 'Same variogram for all facies'
12. Specify the variogram settings for the four facies according to the table below by
highlight the facies name to edit settings for the selected facies
13. Exponential variogram type can be used for all facies
Variogram Settings for Facies

Major dir. Minor dir. Vertical Azimuth

Range Range Range
Floodplain 5000 700 10 19
Levee 1000 500 10 25
Channel 3500 1500 10 25
Crevasses 850 500 10 25

14. Go to Fraction tab and select Trust fractions or trends for each of the facies
15. Click Apply to run the model and the lock the process by re-selecting the Leave Zone
Unchanged icon for Tarbert1
16. Set the Zone Filter in the 3D grid to show only zone Tarbert1 and display the Fluvial
Facies model property in 3D window
17. Check the completed Petrel Message Log and compare the actual created fractions to
the fractions set up in the process dialog

2-15 Object modeling – Fluvial Channels

1. Be sure that the depth converted grid (Velocity Model1) is active
2. Select the Fluvial Facies Model property
3. Open the Facies Modeling process
4. In the Modeling Settings tab, select Use Existing Property and select the Fluvial Facies
Model property from the pull down menu
5. Select zone Tarbert2 from the Zones drop down list and deselect the Leave Zone
Unchanged icon to create a realization
6. Select Object Modeling (Stochastic) from the pull down menu for Method
7. Select the Facies Bodies tab and click on the Add a new channel icon
8. In the Facies Bodies tab, Settings sub tab, select the appropriate Facies codes that
correspond to Channel and Levee facies, respectively
9. Click on the blue arrow to estimate the combined facies fraction for the Channel and
Levee system from the upscaled cells
10. Define the channel and levee geometries in the Layout, Channel and Levee tabs
11. Default settings can be used
12. Go to the Background tab and select the Background Floodplain from the Constant
drop down list
13. Click Apply to generate the model
14. Use the Zone Filter in the depth converted model to look only at zone Tarbert2 and
display the Fluvial Facies Model , located in the Properties folder
15. Go back to the Facies Modeling process
16. Copy the settings from the Tarbert2 zone to the Tarbert3 zone by using the Copy
settings from the selected zone icon , then re-select the Leave Zone Unchanged icon
to lock settings for Tarbert2
17. Open the Tarber3 zone and paste the settings by using the icon Paste settings to the
selected zone
18. Enter 70% in the Fraction (%) section of the settings tab in order to specify the
channel/levee density (alternatively, click on the blue arrow to estimate the combined
facies fractions for the Channel and Levee system from the up-scaled cells)
19. Click Apply to generate the model
20. Use the Zone Filter to look only at zone Tarbert3 , and display the Fluvial Facies Model
located in the Properties folder

3-15 Object modeling – Adding general objects

1. Copy the Fluvial Facies Model property and name the copy Fluvial Facies object
2. Open the settings for Fluvial Facies object property and go to the Info tab
3. Press the shortcut color template icon to the right of the template box & set the colors
4. Insert new code called Oxbow lake and choose a color and a pattern for it
5. Open the Facies Modeling process
6. Select Use Existing Property and select the Fluvial Facies Object property
7. Select zone Ness 2 and deselect the Leave Zone Unchanged icon
8. Select Object Modeling as the method
9. In the Facies Body tab, Add a new Fluvial channel like you did for Tarbert 3 and choose
a facies fraction of 40% , do not estimate from upscaled wells by clicking the blue
arrow button
10. Select the facies codes that represent channel and levee facies , respectively
11. Click on the Add a New Body icon
12. In the Facies Bodies tab, ensure that the ellipse body is selected from the list and go to
the Settings tab and select Oxbow lakes from the Facies drop-down list
13. Set the fraction to 5%
14. Go to the Geometry tab and select Oxbow lakes as Body shape from the drop down
15. Go to the Rules tab and check the Replace All other facies option
16. Click Apply to create the model
17. Re-select the Leave Zone Unchanged icon to lock the change
18. Display zone Ness 2 in 3D window only to verify the result
19. Click on the Toggle Simbox View icon in the Function bar to see the model without
structure , i.e. as a regular grid where the structural patterns due to the faults and the
horizons have been removed

4-15 Using trend data in the Object Modeling process

1. Open the Facies Modeling process
2. Select Use Existing Property and select Fluvial Facies Modeling property from the pull
down menu
3. Select zone Ness 1 and deselect the Leave Zone Unchanged icon to define the
settings for that zone
4. Select Object Modeling (Stochastic) as the method
5. In the Facies Bodies tab click on the Add new fluvial channel icon
6. Select the facies codes that represent channel and levee facies, respectively, and
update the combined fraction for channels and levees by clicking on the blue arrow
7. Change any other settings in the Layout , Channel and Levee tabs that you wish
8. In the Trends tab, click on the Flow lines option
9. Go to the Input pane and expand the Facies Input folder
10. Select the Flow-lines data and insert it into the window by pressing the blue arrow
11. Click Apply to create the model and re-select the Leave Zone Unchanged icon
QC the output in the 3D window; display Ness 1 zone only, activate the Toggle SimBox
View and view from top using the Map View Position icon
12. Use the K-player in the Function bar and scroll through the layers
13. K-player 76 can show good indications of channels
14. To best see whether the fluvial objects fit the flowlines , display the flowlines and click
the Orthogonal view to eliminate prespective
15. To use a Source Points, select the Fluvial Facies Model property then open the Facies
modeling process
16. Select zone Tarbert 2 and deselect the Leave Zone Unchanged icon
17. Choose the Object Modeling process and type 30% as the facies fraction for the
Channel and Levee facies
18. In the Layout tab, change orientation to 175, 180 and 190 degree for Min Med and Max
19. In the Trend tab , select the Source point(s)
20. Select the Source Points in the Facies Input folder in the Input pane and apply it to the
facies model by clicking the blue arrow next to the Source Point(s)

5-15 Interactive Facies Modeling

1. Activate the 3D grid
2. Copy the 3D propert Fluvial Facies Model and rename to Facies Object Drawing
3. In the Interactive Facies Modeling there is no undo button
4. Click on Facies Modeling process to display the Facies Modeling tools (func. bar)
5. Display the selected property model in the 3D window , use the Zone Filter to display
only one zone
6. Click on the Brush icon
7. Use the profile icons to select a width, hight and shape of the brush
8. Click on the Select Facies icon and choose the facies code to draw
9. Start drawing facies objects on the model displayed in the 3D window
10. Change the brush type and profile and keep drawing

6-15 Connected volumes

1. Activate your 3D grid
2. Go to Models pane and expand the active grid
3. Double click on the Geometrical Modeling process
4. Select Connected Volume as the method
5. It automatically uses a connected volumes template
6. Choose Fluvial facies object as the property to analyze
7. Select Only for facies type and select Channel
8. Click on Cross faults and then press Apply
9. Display the generated Connected Volumes property model in the 3D window
16 Petrophysical Modeling

1-16 Deterministic Modeling

1. Open the project
2. Activate the depth converted grid
3. Open the Petrophysical Modeling process
4. Make a copy of your upscaled Porosity[U] and rename it Porosity_model
5. Select Use Existing Property and select the Porosity_model as the property to modeled
from the drop down menu
6. Select Tarbert 1 zone and click on Leave Zone Unchanged icon for that zone to create
a realization
7. Select the Moving average as the Method; leave all other settings as default
8. Click OK to create the propert model and display the model in 3D window
9. Use the Zone Filter to display the Tarbert 1 , toggle off all zones except Tarbert 1
10. Bring up a New Histogram Window from a window menu
11. Display the Porosity property and use the Zone Filter to look at modeled zone
12. Compare the histogram distribution (using icons in Function bar) for the well logs, the
upscaled cells and the whole property,also click the %
13. This can be done in the Settings in the Histogram tab for the Porosity property
14. Double click on the Porosity property in the Properties folder and check the Statistics

2-16 Stochastic Modeling

1. Activate your depth converted 3D grid
2. Open Petrophysical Modeling process
3. Go to Existing Property and select Porosity_model from drop down list
4. Click the lock icon for Tarbert 1 to lock it
5. Select zone Ness 2, and click the lock icon to unlock it
6. Select Sequential Gaussian Simulation as the method for Ness 2
7. In the Variogram tab, select Exponential Variogram type, 3500 as Major Range, 1500
as Minor range,10 as Vertical Range and 25 degree as Azimuth
8. Click OK to create the property model
9. Bring up Histogram window from Windows menu and select Tile Vertical
10. Use the Zone Filter to display the 3D property model and the Histogram distribution for
the well logs, the up-scaled cells and the whole property (in Function bar) for zone
Ness 2
11. To change the model , click on the 3D window to make it active and click on the Open
Dialog for Active Process icon in the Function bar
12. Go to the Distribution tab in the Petrophysical Modeling process window
13. In Output data range click on Estimate (this will estimate the porosity range from the
up-scaled cells within the zone)
14. Click Apply and observe the changes in the model
15. Lock the Ness 2 zone
3-16 Stochastic Modeling – Conditioning to Facies
1. Open the Petrophysical Modeling process
2. Select the Porosity[U] as the propert to model
3. Go to the Common button and set the Number of realizations to 3
4. Go to Zone Settings and select Tarbert 2 as the Zone to model and click the Reset
Settings of current zone to default icon to reset the setting for this zone
5. Click on the lock icon for Tarbert 2 to open the settings, and select Sequential
Gaussian Simulation as method
6. Click on the Facies button and select the Fluvial Facies model [U] from drop down list
7. Select Background Floodplain facies from the facies drop down list and specify the
variogram settings for this facies according to the table listed below

Major dir. Minor dir. Vertical Azimuth

Range Range Range
Floodplain 5000 700 10 19
Levee 1000 500 10 25
Channel 3500 1500 10 25
Crevasses Splay 850 500 10 25

8. Go to the Distribution tab in the Petrophysical Modeling process window

9. In Output data range, click on Estimate to define the minimum and maximum porosity
values of the resulting model
10. Do this for all four facies
11. Click Apply to create the model (remember to toggle off the realizations option from the
Common button after you have finished)
12. QC the result by toggling on the Porosity 1[U], 2[U] or 3[U]
13. Use the Zone Filter in converted grid model to only visualize Tarbert 2 (zone 2) in 3D
14. Right click the Properties folder in the Models pane , go to the Operations tab in the
15. Select all the 3 porosity realizations (suffix with number 1-3), and calculate the
Arithmetic Mean value by pressing the Calculate button
16. Display the new Arithmetic Mean porosity model and compare with the Fluvial Facies
model used as input
17. Use the Zone Filter to view only Tarbert 2

4-16 Property Calculator

1. To create new propert, right click on the Properties folder and select Calculator from
the pull down menu
2. Change the Properties template to Net/Gross and type into the white formula field
3. Make sure the Use filter option is not toggled on to ensure calculation on the entire grid
4. Press ENTER
5. Type in NetVol= and then select the Bulk volume property from within the calculator
and multiply it by the NG property selected from within the calculator
6. By selecting existing properties from within the calculator you avoid having to type
property names and avoid mistakes
7. Display the new NetVol property in a 3D window
8. The Calculator may be used as a normal calculator or for returns of single values using
properties and/or logs
9. First create a new Pore Volume property , using the NetVol multiplied by Porosity_
model (1)
10. Click Enter and click 'no' on the pop up message to not employ the calculator to all
realizations of the porosity in your Properties folder
11. The new PoreVolume property is stored in the properties folder and in the Field in the
12. Now do a simple operation using the Functions feature in the calculator to calculate the
Sum of the all the data for the PoreVolume property
13. Select the PoreVolume propert from within the calculator to put it into the equation area
14. Remove an equal sign that appears after the property name
15. Click the Functions button in the calculator
16. Choose 'Sum' from the Functions pop up selector
17. By pressing ENTER Petrel will output the pore volume in the Calculator field
18. Remember that it is given in the project units set for the Petrel project
19. If you are uncertain; go to Project Settings in the Menu bar – Unit and coordinates tab

5-16 Histogram and Filter Functionality

1. In the Model pane open the settings window for an individual property (e.g. Porosity [U]
by double clicking on it
2. Within the Settings window, view the Histogram tab
3. Select the zone you want to study
4. Click on/off the boxes for displaying the entire property and well logs (both original and
upscaled (the 3 icons in the function bar)

6-16 Create a Value Filter to display the Histogram of a

Property Filtered by a Well
1. Open the Geometrical Modeling precess and create a Well Index, Apply
2. Go to the Settings for Properties folder and under the Filter tab select “Use value filter”
3. Select Well Index from “Wells” in the Value filter window and toggle on Use Filter
4. Deselect all of the wells by clicking None and select the well you want to filter (for
example A10)
5. Click Apply
6. In the Settings for the Porosity model (1) [U] , click the Show histogram for the filtered
cells only option
7. Deselect for zone: Tarbert 2 (Zone 2) and visualize the histogram for the well A10
8. Perform the same operation on a different well and see the changes in the histogram
9. To stop using the filter, toggle off the Use filter option in the Settings for the “Properties”

7-16 SW Calculation using the Calculator

1. In the Input pane Insert a new folder from the Insert menu bar, name it Functions
2. Right click and select Create new function
3. Name the function Sw_function
4. On the X axis (height) specify the Xmin to be 0 and Xmax to be 316 (or check the
Statistics tab for the Above contact property to find the values)
5. On the Y axis (Sw) specify the Ymin to be 1 and the Ymax to be 0 , set 6 points and
click OK
6. Edit the 6 points to define the geometry of the function, you can add and remove as
many points as you want
7. Check your Properties folder in your Depth converted grid and check that you have
generated a High Above Contact
8. Otherwise, go to Geometrical Modeling process , select Method Above Contact and
insert O/W contact
9. Rename the new property to something simple (e.g. Above_Contact)
10. Activate the Gullfaks (Velocity Model 1) grid
11. Right click the Properties folder and select the Calculator
12. In the formula bar , type in the formula: Sw1=Sw_function(Above_contact)
13. To bring in the Sw_function use the blue arrow next to the formula bar
14. Click enter and newly created Sw1 will be stored under the Properties folderin the
Models pane
15. Visualize and compare it to the Above Contact property

17 Make Contacts

1 – 17 Create a new Fluid Contacts Set

1. Open the project (
2. Delete the existing Fluid Contacts folder in the Models pane
3. Double click on Make Contacts process in the Processes pane
4. Create a Gas Oil Contact by selecting it in the Make Contacts dialog box so that it is
highlighted in green
5. In the field below the column All Segments , type a depth of -1880 project units
6. Create an Oil Water Contact by selecting it in the Make Contacts dialog box so that it is
highlighted in blue
7. In the field below the column All Segments , type a depth of -2010 project units
8. Click OK , a Fluid Contacts folder with the new set of contacts will appear in the Model
pane below the segment filter
2 – 17 Visualize Contacts as Properties in 3D
1. Right click on Contact Set and Select settings
2. In the settings window view the Operation tab
3. Select Gas Zone as the Code above the highest contact
4. In the column Facies value below contact , specify: Oil Zone below the Gas Oil
Contact, and Water Zone below the Oil Water Contact
5. Click Make Property and a new property called Contacts will be added inside the
Properties folder, then click OK
6. Display the Contacts propert in the 3D window
7. Visualize the propert on a General Intersection plane (blue button) and clip the plane in
front or behind to get a cross-sectional view of the model

18 Volume Calculation

1- 18 Define a Case and calculate Bulk Volume above contact

1. Open project
2. Open the Volume Calculation process in the Processes pane
3. Select to Create new case and call it Case_1
4. Select the 3D depth converted (Velocity Model 1) you made earlier
5. Click on the both Oil and Gas , this will activate the Contact options in the Contacts tab
6. Highlight both contacts made in the previous exercise (in Models pane) and drop them
in using the blue arrows
7. In the General Properties tab, specify 0.8 for Net/Gross and deselect constant property
and use Porosity(1)
8. Note that all the properties that can be selected, should not only be upscaled but also
populated in 3D using Petrophysical methods previously mentioned in the Petrophy-
sical modeling chapter
9. In the Oil properties tab , keep the Constant property option selected and use a
constant (0.3) for Sw
10. Use a constant Formation Volume Factor of Oil (Bo) of 1.21
11. Go to the Gas properties tab and use the Constant property here also (Sw of 0.3)
12. Type in a constant Formation Volume Factor of Gas (Bg) of 0.0009
13. Set So at 0.4
14. Now go to the Results tab
15. Turn on the properties
16. All the properties you select here will be created and stored in the Properties folder of
your 3D grid in the Models pane
17. Go to the Facies tab and select the Fluvial facies object propert created earlier
18. This option makes it possible to locate in which facies type the properties you create
are located (make sure to output it in the Report)
19. If you want to output a report at the same time as you run the case, press the Report
Settings … in the Results/Output tab
20. This will open a new dialog window for setting up a report
21. Set it up , then click OK (do not click Make Report)
22. Make sure the Make spreadsheet report is selected in the Output tab, and then click
Apply on the main dialog
23. Apply will only save the settings and will not run the Volumetrics
24. See both the Results pane and the Cases pane
25. Now press the Run button
26. A report will be created and properties will be stored in the Models pane, inspect both
27. Click the Save icon and save it as .txt document
28. Instead of visualizing a report in Petrel as you do a Run , you can select the Output to
file option in the Report settings …. dialog

2- 18 Creating a STOIIP Map

1. Close the report window
2. Open the Volume Calculation process again
3. Use the same settings as defined previously , but click on STOIIP in the Make volume
height map section in Results>Output tab
4. You can select the Overwrite existing properties (in the lower left part of the window) to
not create all the same properties over again
5. Leave the map post-processing section default, then Apply and Run
6. After running the process , the map will be placed in a folder in the bottom of the Input
7. Display the map in a 3D window
8. You will probably have to click on the View All icon and View from Above icon to be
able to see it, then click on the map name in the Input pane and refresh the color scale
using the Adjust Color Table on Selected icon

3- 18 Draping the STOIIP map on a depth surface

1. Open the settings for Top Tarbert horizon , found in the Horizon folder in 3D Grid
(Velocity Model 1) in the Models pane
2. In the Operations tab , press the Make Surface button
3. The generated surface will be stored in the Input pane
4. Right click on the STOIIP (Case) map in the Volume Maps folder and select Copy as
surface attribute
5. Right click on the Top Tarbert depth surface in the Input pane and select Paste as
surface attribute
6. Display the Top Tarbert depth surface with the STOIIP map draped over it
7. Toggle on the Top Tarbert depth surface with the STOIIP attribute
8. Go to the Templates pane and under the Volume templates folder, toggle on the
STOIIP attribute
4- 18 Creating a Cumulative Distribution Function
1. Create a new case (Case_2)
2. Just change the N/G in General Properties tab to 0.7 , the Sw in Oil Properties tab to
0.4 and Sw in Gas Properties tab to 0.6
3. Also remember to toggle off Make volume height map for STOIIP in the Results tab
under the Output tab . Press Apply and Run
4. Open a New Histogram window from the Window menu
5. Go to the Cases pane and select which cases to compare (Case_1 and Case_2)
6. Go to the Results pane and filter which properties to compare
7. Set up the Results pane and press the Show CDF icon in Function bar to show the
Cumulative Distribution Curve in the Histogram

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