Panicum Capillare Adalah Spesies Tumbuhan Yang Tergolong Ke Dalam Famili Poaceae. Spesies
Panicum Capillare Adalah Spesies Tumbuhan Yang Tergolong Ke Dalam Famili Poaceae. Spesies
Panicum Capillare Adalah Spesies Tumbuhan Yang Tergolong Ke Dalam Famili Poaceae. Spesies
Klasifikasi ilmiah
Kerajaan: Plantae
Divisi: Tracheophyta
Kelas: Liliopsida
Ordo: Poales
Famili: Poaceae
Genus: Panicum
Nama binomial
Panicum capillare L.
Switch Grass
Panicum virgatum
Grass family (Poaceae)
Description: This perennial grass is 3-6' tall and more or less erect; usually it
forms tufts of leafy culms that are erect to ascending. The culms are light to
medium green (less often light blue and glaucous), terete, glabrous, and fairly
stout. Several alternate leaves occur along the entire length of each culm;
their blades are ascending to widely spreading. The leaf blades are up to 15
mm. across and 2' long; they are usually medium green (less often light blue
and glaucous), hairless to mostly hairless, and either flat or slightly indented
along their midveins. The leaf sheaths are about the same color as the blades
and hairless; they are open at their apices, forming a V-shape. The ligules
have bands of white hairs, while the nodes are swollen and often dark-
Range & Habitat: The native Switch Grass is a common plant that has been
found in most areas of Illinois, except for a few counties in the southern half
of the state (see Distribution Map). Habitats include black soil prairies, clay
prairies, sand prairies, typical savannas and sandy savannas, open woodlands,
rocky bluffs, sand dunes, edges of marshes, sandy pannes, banks of rivers
and ponds, prairie restorations, areas along railroads, roadsides, ditches, and
abandoned fields. Because of its above-average tolerance of salt, this species
can become the dominant grass along little-mowed roadsides where salt is
applied during the winter. Like other prairie species, this native grass recovers
readily from occasional wildfires. It is more tolerant of disturbance and habitat
degradation than most prairie grasses. Sometimes Switch Grass is cultivated
in gardens as an ornamental plant.