Universiti Putra Malaysia: Nutritive Value of Barley Fodder Grown in A Hydroponics System
Universiti Putra Malaysia: Nutritive Value of Barley Fodder Grown in A Hydroponics System
Universiti Putra Malaysia: Nutritive Value of Barley Fodder Grown in A Hydroponics System
FP 2001 24
September 2001
Abstract of the thesis presented to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia in
fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science
September 2001
Faculty: Agriculture
A series of experiments were conducted to evaluate barley fodder (BF) as a feed for
barley seeds from day 0 (dO) to day 10 (dIO, n=ll) and samples were collected daily
for chemical composition analysis. In the second experiment, the rumen simulation
technique (RUSITEC) was used to measure the in vitro dry matter (DM) and crude
protein (CP) digestibility and the volatile fatty acids (VFA) produced by BF at
different times. The nylon bag technique was also used to measure the DM
The third experiment on the intake and digestibility of eight-day old BF was
measured by an in vivo technique, using four bucks. The fourth experiment involved
the measurement of rumen fluid parameters (pH, ammonia and VFA) in three rumen
The CP, organic matter (OM), ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid
detergent fibre (ADF) and crude fibre (CF) contents of BF from dl to dIO increased,
but the DM content decreased with the age of BF. DM content at d7 and d8 were 1 6
(Ca), phosphorus (P) and Nitrate (N03) did not change significantly throughout
sprouting time. The in vivo, in vitro and in sacco DM degradability studies showed
DM intake was lower in the third experiment although digestion coefficient (DC) of
BF was very high (98%). This condition was probably due to the abnormal growth
of BF during the experimental period. Rumen fluid pH was 5.9-6.0 and ammonia-N
(NH3-N) content was 7.0 to 8.8 mglmL. Total fatty acids production was 70 to 1 00
ratios were 58:36: 1 .3, 68:25 :2, 6 1 :35:1 .2, 64:33 :0.7 and 65:32:1 at 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8
hours, respectively.
Overall results showed that VFA and �onia-nitrogen (NH3-N) were produced at a
minimum level when BF was given ad libitum although the digestibility was higher
in both in sacco and in vitro studies. BF should be given at different levels in order
Abstrak tesis yang dikemukakan kepada Senat Universiti Putra Malaysia sebagai
memenuhi keperluan untuk ijazah Master Sains
September 2001
Fakulti: Pertanian
Beberapa siri eksperimen telah dijalankan bagi menilai rumput barli (BF) sebagai
khas yang bersuhu di antara 15- 18°C. Eksperimen pertama ialah dengan melakukan
pertumbuhan dan persampelan BF dari umur 0 (dO) hingga umur 10 hari (d 10,
bahan kering (BK), protin kasar (CP) dan pengeluaran asid lemak meruap (VFA)
pada masa-masa yang berlainan. Teknik nilon beg digunakan untuk mengukur
pada umur lapan hari secara in vivo ke atas empat ekor kambing jantan. Eksperimen
keempat melibatkan pengukuran parameter cecair rumen (pH, ammonia dan VFA) di
dalam tiga ekor kambing berfistula yang diberi BF berumur lapan hari secara ad
Kandungan CP, bahan organic (OM), ekstrak eter (EE), serat asid detergent (ADF)
dan serat kasar (CF) dalam BF semasa d l hingga diO meningkat tetapi kandungan
kalsium (Ca), fosforus (P) dan nitrat (N03") tidak menunjukkan sebarang perubahan
yang ketara di sepanjang tempoh pertumbuhan. Kajian in vivo, in vitro dan in sacco
penghadaman (DC) adalah tinggi «98%). Keadaan ini mungkin disebabkan oleh
ialah diantara 5.9-6.0 dan kandungan ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) ialah 7.0 hingga
8.8 mg/mL. Jumlah pengeluaran VFA ialah 70- 1 00 mmollL semasa pengutipan
sampel dilakukan pada dua dan lapan jam. Nisbah acetic:propionic:butyric masing
masing ialah 58:36: 1 .3, 68:25 :2, 6 1 : 35 : 1 .2, 64:3 3 :0.7 dan 65 : 32 : 1 semasa 0, 2, 4, 6
Dr. Zainal Aznam Mohd Jelan for his advice and supervision. I thank Prof Madya
Dr. Norhani Abdullah for her advice and guidance in the preparation of my thesis
and Prof Madya Dr. Liang Juan Boo for his valuable advice, guidance and
providing me the feed materials, and also to his worker, Pak Wan for his help during
my experiments.
Animal Science for their help, in particular Mr. Ibrahim Mohsin, Mr. Saparin and
Opart, Darlis and Thongsuk for their full support and encouragement.
Last but not least, I would like to thank my husband and parents for their
I certify that an Examination Committee met on 3rd September 200 1 to conduct the
final examination of Azila Abdullah on her Master of Science thesis entitled
"Nutritive Value of Barley Fodder Grown in a Hydroponics System" in accordance
with Universiti Putra Malaysia (Higher Degree) Act 1980 and Universiti Putra
Malaysia (Higher Degree) Regulations 1981. The Committee recommends that the
candidate be awarded the relevant degree. Members of the Examination Committee
are as follows:
Associate Professor,
Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies,
Universiti Putra Malaysia.
-----;;.., ;
- --------------------------------
This thesis submitted to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia has been accepted as
fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science.
I hereby declare that the thesis is based on my original work except for quotations
and citations which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been
previously or concurrently submitted for any other degree at UPM or other
2. 1 Introduction 4
2.2 Methods of Growing Fodder 5
2.3 Types of Fodder 6
2.4 Nutritive Value of Fodder 7
2.5 Effects of Feeding Sprouted Fodder to Animals 9
2.6 Feed Intake 10
2.7 Rumen Fermentation 11
2.8 Rumen pH 12
2.9 Volatile Fatty Acids 12
2. 1 0 Digestibility 14
2. 1 1 Laboratory Techniques (In Vitro Methods) 16
2. 1 1 . 1 Tilley and Terry 16
2. 1 1 .2 Gas Technique 16
2. 1 1 . 3 Rumen Simulation Technique (RUSITEC) 16
3 .3 Results 26
3 . 3 . 1 Growth Characteristics ofBarley Fodder 26
3 .3 .2 Nutrient Content ofBarley Fodder 31
3 . 3 .2. 1 Dry matter (DM) 31
3 .3 .2.2 Crude Protein (CP) 33
3 . 3 .2.3 Fibers 33
3 . 3 .2.4 Ash 34
3 . 3 .2.5 Ether extract (EE) 35
3 . 3 .2.6 Minerals 35
3 . 3 . 3 Comparison in Nutrient Contents between
Barley Seed 36
3 .4 Discussion 38
3.5 Conclusion 41
5.3 Results 69
5.3 . 1 Experiment I-Intake And Digestibility of
Barley Fodder 69
5 . 3 . 2 Experiment 2 Fluid Characteristics of
Barley Fodder 74
5.4.2 Experiment 2 Fluid Characteristics of
Table Page
5.2 Total Faecal Output (gld), Intake (gld) and DC (%) of Six
Goats Fed 8th Day Old BF ad libitum. 71
Figure Page
3.4 Crude Fibre (CF), Acid Detergent Fibre (ADF) and Neutral
Detergent Fibre (NDF) Contents in BF at Different Ages of
Growth. 34
Plate Page
had been used in ruminant particularly grass and legume species. Leucaena
leucocephala, Gliricidia sepium and guinea grass (Panicum maximum) are among
the fodder shrubs and grasses, respectively that are currently being utilized as
ruminant feeds (Halim, 1993; Wong and Annuar, 1999; Khamseekhew et al., 1999
& 2000). Their growth and performances depend on the soil type and weather
condition with intensive labor work and management. Varieties of them are of low
nutritive value due to the faster rate of maturity. Minson (1990) reported that the
average crude protein (CP) was the lowest for tropical grasses when compared to
temperate grasses because of their rapid growth. Other grasses such as Axonopus
low in dry matter production and CP (4-15 t/hectare/year and 4-9%, respectively,
Halim, 1993).
Beside fodders and grasses, the ruminant can also consume agricultural by
products like oil palm fronds (OPF), pineapple waste and rice straw either in fresh or
treated form. These materials are known to have low nutritive value due to its high
crude fiber (CF) content. OPF for example have been reported to have high CF
content of more than 400g/kg DM (Islam et aI., 1998). Rice straw and pineapple
waste have only 4 and 6% CP and about 30 and 13% of CF, respectively (Alimon,
In Malaysia, large pasturelands are limited when compared to the high
ruminant population. Malaysia has more than 83000 buffaloes, 680000 cattle and
500000 sheep and goats (NAP 3). Most farmers prefer the cash and profitable crops
such as oil palm, rubber, cocoa or rice instead of fodder plantations. Nevertheless,
several commercial ruminant farms have opened improved pastures and fodder
Due to all these limitations, steps must be taken to diversify the fodder
availability through the introduction of exotic species that have been identified to
soiless culture of vegetables commonly used for human consumption. One unit of
the system was brought to Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) in 1 996 to produce feed
for horses and ruminants that require high energy feed. The system can increase the
The main objective of this study was to investigate the potential use of barley
The specific objectives are:
of growth.
2. to determine the nutritive value of barley fodder for the best age of
2.1 Introduction
been practiced for centuries. The term hydroponics was given by Dr. W.F Gericke
in 1936 who did several studies on planting vegetables using water. This system was
used to grow vegetables on a commercial scale to supply fresh food products for
human. Vegetables grown by this method were claimed to be fresh and tasty. No
The introduction of sprouted fodder for animals using hydroponics had been
consisted of cabinets with uniform unit sections, shallow tank shelves and removable
perforated trays. A daily yield was 273 kg fodder for 10 days rotation. The most
modem system consists of a cabin with controlled environment for germination and
BF is used to feed high valued animals like racehorses, dairy goats and cattle.
fodder. One unit of this system could produce one tonne of fodder per day.
Compared with the traditional crop grown on land, it needs about four hectares of
land to grow grass that is equivalent to the amount produced by the system.
The current method to grow fodder is almost similar to the system used
earlier. In a 'cabinet culture' by Spangenberg, 1930 (as cited by Leitch, 1939), 2.7
kg of seed per tray was soaked for 24 hours and then removed to another shelf,
irrigated by turning on the tap water for three minutes daily. The germinating
capacity for seed maize was about 96% (Leitch, 1939), and was about 60 to 65% in
barley (peer and Leeson, 1985a). Trubey (1969) had pre-germinated the seeds by
plugging the water outlets of the culture and adding water until the seeds submerged.
Four hours later, the water was drained and the process was repeated after 20 hours.
The author reported that the seeds began to sprout at the end of 48 hours. The
method was also used by Hillier and Perry (1969) to grow oats for six days. Water
absorption by the seed caused rupture of the seed coat and started the germination
process. Some proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes together with the secretion from
the scutellum that surrounded the embryo prepared the stored material to be
transported to and from the growing embryo. Carbohydrates and fats will be used
With modem technology, the cabinet was modified. A big container, which
The germinating capacity increased up to 90%. The seeds still need to be soaked,
but only for about 2 to 3 hours and spread evenly on white plastic trays instead of
using baskets (Trubey, 1969). The germinating time till the time the fodder can be
artificially grown fodder (BFGA) by Maity et aI., 1996, oat grass (Hillier and Perry,
1969), oats seedlings (Trubey et al., 1969) or sprouted seed (Falen and Petersen,
1969). As far as the thesis is concerned, the seed produced in this system will be
Many types of seed can be grown as fodder. Among the usual types of seed
used are maize/com (Rule et aI., 1986), barley and soybeans (peer and Leeson,
1985a,b & c; Maity et aI., 1996; Ong et aI., 1997), oats (Trubey et aI., 1969; Hillier
and Perry, 1969) and wheat (Farlin et ai., 1971). Because of the environmentally
controlled system, temperate seeds can be fully adapted to the suitable environment.
Peer and Leeson (1985b) fed 4-day old BF to young growing pigs and found
that the digestibilities of dry matter (DDM), digestible protein (DP) and digestible
energy (DE) were low. The use of BF in dairy cattle did not improve milk
production and milk composition (Maity et ai., 1996). Feeding BF at different levels
to sows also did not have any effect on the litter size performance although they
provided an addition of 4.7 MJ of ME when given to the sows (Ong et ai., 1997).
2.4 Nutritive Value of Fodder
carbohydrate, protein, fibre, minerals and also vitamins. These nutrients determine
the nutritive values of the feed. Nutritive value is a role of the feed intake and the
efficiency of nutrients extracted from the feed during digestion (Norton, 2000).
Animals provided with high nutritive values feed produce high levels of growth and
Trubey et al., (1969) compared the nutrient composition of oat seedlings grown
under light or dark conditions and the influence of culture solution at three and six
days of sprouting. They found that six-day old seedlings had a higher fresh weight,
CP, ash and soluble carbohydrate (CHO) content. However the dry matter (OM)
was higher in three-day old seedlings. There was no significant effect of light on the
Hillier and Perry (1969) stated that the CP and CF contents of oat sprout
based on DM basis was about 20.7 and 21.1%, respectively as compared to the oat
grain itself. However the DM content was much lower. Peer and Leeson (1985a &
b) carried out two subsequent analyses on the composition and nutritive value of BF.
They also found that the younger the age of the sprout, the higher the DM content.
CP did not significantly increase throughout the sprouting period. During growth,
threonine, glycine and gamma amino butyric acid, but proline and glutamic acid
'Test and Testimonials on Fometa Mechanical Fodder Production System '. The
fodder produced by this unit increased animal productivity such as milk yield,
growth and improved animal health. BF has high CP content (Table 2.1) and high
digestibility (80 - 85%). It also contains a high content of carotene (Vitamin A),
time but fibre content increased. DM digestibility, digestible protein and energy
were lower compared to ground barley, but superior to whole barley (peer and
Leeson, 1985 a). Digestion trials showed that the digestible energy of BF was 12. 5
MJ/kg compared to ground barley which was 15 .9 MJ/kg. The DM content was low