Chapter I - The Research Problem: Introduction/Background of The Study

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Chapter I - The research Problem

Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaves, Onion (Allium

Cepa) roots and Ringworm bush (Senna alata) extracts as

an alternative repellent for mosquitoes

Introduction/Background of the study

Statement of the Problem (General and Specific


General objective -This study aims to determine the effect of

Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaves, Onion (Allium Cepa) roots

and Ringworm bush (Senna alata) extracts as an a alternative

repellent for mosquitoes

Specific objective

Specifically it seeks answers to the following questions:


2. Which among the concentrations Ampalaya leaves, Onion roots

and Ringworm bush extracts as an a alternative repellent for

vmosquitoes is the most effective?

3. Is there a significance/difference effect of

Ampalaya leaves, Onion roots and Ringworm bush extracts to

Hypothesis (Ho/Null)
There is no significance effect using

Significance of the Study Ampalaya (Momordica

charantia) leaves, Onion (Allium Cepa)roots and

Ringworm bush (Senna alata) extracts as an alternative

repellent for mosquitoes.

Significance of the study

This will provide brief description in the various

Significance of the study .This study will benefit the


DOST. This study can inform the department of Science and

Technology (DOST) that Ampalaya leaves, Onion roots and

Ringworm bush extracts can be used as an alternative repellent

for mosquitoes.

Environment: If proven effective, this study will helping

decreasing the use of some non-organic sanitizers and

disinfecting. It will naturally reduce spreading dengue from all


Department of Health: This can help to reduce people that are

suffering diseases that are caused by mosquitoes. It can help DOH

through, by having a new cure that is actually affordable for

Filipino’s that have the disease caused by the mosquitoes.

Farmers: If proven effective, it will reduce losses of labor,

productivity and agricultural incomes, and slows the adoption of

new agricultural practices.

Future Researches: The result of the study will serve

as basis and guide for the future researchers in

conducting further study regarding the uses of Ampalaya

(Momordica charantia) leaves ,Onion (Allium Cepa)roots

and Ringworm bush (Senna alatap) extracts as an

alternative repellent for mosquitoes

Scope And Delimitation

This study focuses on the determining the effect of

Ampalaya (Momordica charantia )leaves ,Onion (Allium

Cepa) roots and Ringworm bush (Senna alata) extracts as

an alternative repellent for mosquitoes. The main

materials to be used is Ampalaya leaves, Onion roots

and Ringworm bush. This study is experimental.

Definition of Terms
In order to give clarification on our study the following shows

the definition of terms:

Bitter melon — also known as bitter gourd or Momordica

charantia — is a tropical vine that belongs to the

gourd family and is closely related to zucchini,

squash, pumpkin, and cucumber. It’s cultivated around

the world for its edible fruit, which is considered a

staple in many types of Asian cuisine. The Chinese

variety is typically long, pale green, and covered

with wart-like bumps. On the other hand, the Indian

variety is more narrow and has pointed ends with

rough, jagged spikes on the rind. In addition to its

sharp flavor and distinct appearance, bitter melon has

been associated with several impressive health


Onion-According to Wikipedia ,the onion also known as

the bulb onion or common onion, is a vegetable that is

the most widely cultivated species of the genus

Allium. Its close relatives include the garlic,

Scallion ,shallot, leek, chive, and Chinese onion

Ringworm bush-Senna alata is an important medicinal

tree, as well as an ornamental flowering plant in the

subfamily Caesalpinioideae. It also known as emperor's

candlesticks, candle bush, candelabra bush, Christmas

candles, empress candle plant, ringworm shrub, or

candle tree

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