Introduction To Mips Assembly Language: Objective Theory

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LAB # 2


Introduction to MIPS Assembly language.

The MIPS Architecture

MIPS (originally an acronym for Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages) is a

Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC). MIPS is a register based architecture, meaning the
CPU uses registers to perform operations on. Registers are memory just like RAM, except
registers are much smaller than RAM, and are much faster. In MIPS the CPU can only do
operations on registers, and special immediate values. MIPS processors have 32 registers, but
some of these are reserved. A fair number of registers however are available for your use.

MIPS: registers

The MIPS registers are arranged into a structure called a Register File. MIPS comes with 32
general purpose registers named $0. . . $31. Registers also have symbolic names reflecting their
conventional use:

Introduction to MIPS Assembly Language

Assembly Language Program Template

# Title: Filename:
# Author: Date:
# Description:
# Input:
# Output:
################# Data segment #####################
################# Code segment #####################
.global main
... # main program entry
li $v0, 10 # Exit program

Assembly language instruction format

Assembly language source code lines follow this format:

[label:] [instruction/directive] [operands] [#comment]

where [label] is an optional symbolic name; [instruction/directive] is either the mnemonic for an
instruction or pseudo-instruction or directive; [operands] contains a combination of one, two, or
three constants, memory references, and register references, as required by the particular
instruction or directive; [#comment] is an optional comment.


Labels are nothing more than names used for referring to numbers and character strings or
memory locations within a program. Labels let you give names to memory variables, values, and
the locations of particular instructions.

The label main is equivalent to the address of the first instruction in program1.
li $v0, 5

Directives are required in every assembler program in order to define and control memory space
usage. Directives only provide the framework for an assembler program, though; you also need
lines in your source code that actually DO something, lines like
Beq $v0, $0, end

.DATA directive
 Defines the data segment of a program containing data
 The program's variables should be defined under this directive
 Assembler will allocate and initialize the storage of variables
 You should place your memory variables in this segment. For example,

First: .space 100
Second: .word 1, 2, 3
Third: .byte 99, 2, 3

.TEXT directive
 Defines the code segment of a program containing instructions

.GLOBL directive
 Declares a symbol as global
 Global symbols can be referenced from other files
 We use this directive to declare main procedure of a program

.ASCII Directive
 Allocates a sequence of bytes for an ASCII string

.ASCIIZ Directive
 Same as .ASCII directive, but adds a NULL char at end of string
 Strings are null-terminated, as in the C programming language

.SPACEn Directive
 Allocates space of n uninitialized bytes in the data segment

Pseudo-instructions give MIPS architecture set of assembly language instructions than those
implemented by the hardware. For example, one of the frequent steps needed in programming
is to copy the value of one register into another register. This actually can be solved easily by
the instruction:
add $t0, $zero, $t1

However, it is more natural to use the pseudo-instruction

move $t0, $t1.

The assembler converts this pseudo-instruction into the machine language equivalent of the
prior instruction.


Instructions Description
la Rdest, var Load Address. Loads the address of var into Rdest.
li Rdest, imm Load Immediate. Loads the immediate value imm into


 Programs do input/output through system calls

 MIPS provides a special syscall instruction
 To obtain services from the operating system
 Many services are provided in the MARS simulators
 There are10 different services provided.
 Using the syscall system services
 Load the service number in register $v0
 Load argument values, if any, in registers $a0, $a1, etc.
 Issue the syscall instruction
 Retrieve return values, if any, from result registers

Service Code in $v0 Argument(s) Result(s)

Print integer 1 $a0 = number to be printed
Print String 4 $a0 = address of string in
Read Integer 5 Number returned in $v0.
Read String 8 $a0= address of input buffer
In memory.
$a1 = length of buffer (n)
Exit 10
Print Char 11 $a0 = character to print
Read Char 12 $v0 = character read

1. Write an assembly program that Print a string of characters
2. Write a program to prompt and read an integer from a user

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