DDAL 8-3 Dock Ward Double Cross v1.0 (2hr)
DDAL 8-3 Dock Ward Double Cross v1.0 (2hr)
DDAL 8-3 Dock Ward Double Cross v1.0 (2hr)
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Adventure Primer • Episode 2: In Pursuit of Vengeance Main. Here, the
characters must locate the source of the maps hidden
somewhere in the Dock Ward. This is the Story
“Little crimes breed big crimes. You smile at little crimes Objective A.
and then big crimes blow your head off.” • Episode 3. The Ship’s Prow. The characters finally
—Terry Pratchett, Snuff infiltrate the safehouse and deal with the cunning drow
that oversees it—revealing that Bregan D’aerthe has
Background been behind the false maps the whole time. This is
Story Objective B.
In pursuit of the dragon’s cache, cunning JARLAXLE
BAENRE has spread rumors, clues, and FALSE MAPS Bonus Objectives
abound to thin out the competition. One of his cleverer
plans was tricking would-be-treasure hunters into the lair However, this adventure also includes two, 1-hour
of a masked lord of Waterdeep, ARTOR MORLIN, who bonus objectives that the characters can pursue if
also happens to be a vampire—a secret that few including they have additional time to do so—earning additional
Jarlaxle know. advancement and treasure checkpoints in the process.
After killing a number of these deluded souls, Artor has These bonus objectives are found in this adventure’s
become curious. Eventually, he discerned not only that the appendices, as follows:
false maps are playing a role in the sudden interest in his • Bonus Objective A: The Court of Public Opinion. In
lair, but that the TREASURE itself just may, in fact, exist. pursuit of the maps’ source, the characters might rally
Not content to let someone else claim the treasure, Artor local law enforcement, other denizens of the ward, or
has now thrown his own hat into the ring. even rival organizations against the drow mercenary
This isn’t to say that he plans to let their slights go band. This bonus objective is found in Appendix 5.
unaddressed. Instead, he’s opting to teach the culprits • Bonus Objective B: Business Interrupted. While
a lesson. In exchange for their lives, Artor dispatches investigating the sewers beneath the Dock Ward, the
the adventurers to the DOCK WARD to find out who is characters may thwart Bregan D’aerthe’s other criminal
behind the ruse and put an end to it. dealings within the city. This bonus objective is found
in Appendix 6.
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DDAL08-03 Dock Ward Double-Cross (v1.0)
Adventure Flowchart
This section provides a basic understanding of not only the flow of the episode, but also the outline of the different paths
that your players may take in reaching their stated objective.
Blood Bound
(Call to Action)
In Pursuit of
Vengeance (Story
Objective A)
The Court of
Public Opinion Business, Interrupted
(Bonus Objective A) (Bonus Objective B)
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DDAL08-03 Dock Ward Double-Cross (v1.0)
Episode 1: Blood-Bound
Estimated Duration: 15 minutes Creatures/NPCs
In the Presence of Evil Artor Morlin (a powerful vampire) is here along with his
envoy of bodyguards (two werewolves).
The adventure begins in the lair of the masked lord Artor Objectives/Goals. Artor’s had enough of the intrusions
Morlin, a vampire. How the characters came to be in the upon his lair, but his curiosity has been piqued, and he
presence of such evil depends on whether they played in wants in on the action. For the time being, however, he’s
the adventures prior to this one: more concerned about the sanctity of his domain than
• Played Previous Adventure. The characters were riches. The werewolves are in human form and defend
lured to the vampire’s lair by a treasure map supposedly Artor to the death.
leading them to a vast treasure, only to find out that it What Does He Know? All the treasure seekers who
was leading them to their doom. trespassed upon Artor’s lair were led there by similar
• Didn’t Play Previous Adventure. The characters have maps (if the characters don’t possess a map, he provides
been contacted by a friend or relative of a missing them with one recovered from a recent “visitor”). While
adventurer who ventured out in search of the treasure they all appeared to be quite old, inspection revealed them
and hasn’t returned, or perhaps even by Artor himself, to be clever forgeries. If the heroes show a false map to
who’s become annoyed by the increasing number Artor, he confirms it’s similar those he’s seen, though
of intrusions and wants to find out who’s behind the specific paths that they provide to his lair are usually
distributing the maps. different. The vampire doesn’t know who is responsible
for spreading the maps (“If I knew, I’d simply drain you of
your life’s blood and deal with them myself.”) but suspects
Area Information they’re in the Dock Ward (“The maps reek of brine and
The area has the following features: poverty”); he suggests the characters begin their search
Dimensions & Terrain. While this small room is there.
spartan in design and décor, the craftsmanship is
exquisite. Tapestries of thick wool flank a metal door on Call to Action
the western wall, and brass candelabra are set in each
corner of the room in addition to an elaborate brass-and- Artor charges the characters with two tasks: To find out
crystal chandelier hanging from above. who is responsible for distributing the maps and to stop
Weather and Lighting. The candelabras and the them from continuing to do so (or as he says: “reward
chandelier brightly light the room. them for their reckless ambitions”).
Smell and Sounds. Despite the finery, the room bears
the lingering odor of ancient, dusty death.
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DDAL08-03 Dock Ward Double-Cross (v1.0)
Episode 2: In Pursuit of Vengeance
Estimated Duration: 60 minutes characters begin this portion of the adventure, so make
sure that they know that success hinges.
Setting: The Dock Ward The scenes that follow provide suggested encounters
that lead the characters to the Ship’s Prow. Each scene
The Dock Ward is poor and rough-and-tumble; it’s home contains a suggested clue, but, you’re not limited to these
to hard-working folk and sailors hungry for excitement scenes list; if they think of other ways of finding these
after months at sea. The City Watch keeps the peace clues, let the characters guide the investigation:
here—ever looking out for trouble. • Paper Shops or Cartographers. The characters are
able to learn more about the paper and ink used to
Complications: Optional Encounters create the map in Scene A.
• Other Adventurers/Treasure Hunters. The characters
As they pursue leads, the characters may come
encounter other adventurers or that possess the same
across other denizens of the Dock Ward. Each scene
map in Scene B.
includes a sidebar with additional information for these
potential encounters. • Criminal Organizations. The characters encounter
While it’s recommended that the characters encounter the ward’s criminal elements (thieves, forgers, etc.) in
at least one complication, participating in these Scene C.
encounters provide no additional rewards, so choosing • The City Watch. If all else fails, the characters ask a
not to utilize them denies the players nothing but fun; nearby City Watch patrol to see what they know of the
they’re provided to demonstrate that others have been situation in Scene D.
swept up in the search for the fabled treasure that the
maps appear to lead to. Area Information
The area has the following features:
Dimensions & Terrain. The Dock Ward is a rather
Prerequisites dangerous part of Waterdeep—constantly alive with
The characters must complete the Call to Action before activity. It’s filled with winding streets lined with
beginning this episode. ramshackle inns, warehouses, festhalls, taverns, and the
occasional residence. The streets are filthy and the entire
Story Objective A ward reeks of excrement and the sea.
Weather and Lighting. The ward is blanketed by low-
The only clue the characters have is the map itself, hanging fog. During the day, the area is brightly lit, but
and the drow have dug themselves in deep. Locating visibility is lightly obscured beyond 100 feet. At night,
the source of the false maps is Story Objective A. In the area is dimly lit (moonlight and lamps), but anything
order to so, the characters must search for people in the beyond 100 feet is totally obscured.
know within the Dock Ward. Details are sparse as the
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DDAL08-03 Dock Ward Double-Cross (v1.0)
Sounds and Smells. Artor was right; the ward reeks of Creatures/NPCs
brine and poverty—the smell of sweaty unwashed bodies The characters meet a group of three adventuring thugs
and fish hangs heavy in the salty sea air. The streets are who—over rounds of drinks—claim to possess a map to a
busy and alive with the sounds of the docks: chatter, hidden treasure.
wagon wheels on cobbles, distant ship bells tolling, and Objectives. The thugs are celebrating their new-found
cawing gulls. wealth a bit early. They’re here to have fun.
What Do They Know? None of the adventurers are
Scene A. Paper Shops & from Waterdeep. They’re excited to see where it leads in
Cartographers, the morning; none of them have reason to suspect that the
map is a forgery.
The characters find a shop run by Dwitt Serpentil and his Suggested Clue. If the characters succeed on a DC 9
son, Jym. They sell maps, paper, and ink. Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check, the thugs
reveal that they purchased the map from a cobbler on
Creatures/NPCs Ship Street (Ian? Splee-ann?). The check is made with
Dwitt and Jym Serpentil (human commoners) run advantage if they spend at least 5 sp on drinks for their
Serpentil Books and Folios. Dwitt assists customers while new-found friends.
Jym works on his papermaking skills in back. BONUS OBJECTIVE A: If using this bonus objective,
Objectives. Dwitt is annoyed by those who visit but buy the characters overhear some locals (or the thugs) about
nothing. However, he’s impressed by the paper that the a strange, new criminal organizations taking over their
false map is made of. ward. Over a few drinks, the locals suggest seeking out
What Do They Know? After thoroughly touching, some of the ward’s various organizations if they plan on
smelling, tasting, and intrusively investigating the paper, “rootin’ out whoever it that needs rootin’ out” and need a
Dwitt determines the paper is made from a Sussur tree, a hand doing it.
rare tree that grows in the Underdark, and squid ink—the
latter being very common here.
Suggested Clue. Dwitt stocks the rare paper, but it Complication: What’d You Call Me?!
seldom sells. The last sale was about four tenday ago to a (Optional)
young woman with bright red hair.
Whether it’s the booze or a slip of the tongue on the part
of the characters, one of the NPC adventurers becomes
Complication: Give us the Map! angry or suspicious of the characters and accuses them
(Optional) of trying to get to the treasure first. The thug can be
calmed with a successful DC 15 Charisma (Deception or
Unbeknownst to the characters, they’re being watched. Persuasion) check but attempts to Intimidate him or her
Three drow thugs watch for anyone that seems to only provoke him. If unsuccessful, the three thugs attack.
possess a treasure map. They know that Xzand’re (see Adjusting the Scene. Here are some suggestions for
NPC Summary) is searching for clues to a great treasure. adjusting this scene, according to your group.
On her orders, they’ve been on the lookout for folks
talking about treasure or possessing anything that looks • Very Weak or Weak: Remove a thug
like a treasure map. • Strong or Very Strong: Add a thug
Under the guise of fellow treasure seekers, the thugs
confront the characters as they leave the store and ask
them about the map and the treasure it leads to. If the Scene C. Criminal Organizations
characters succeed on a DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation) Finding a criminal contact requires a successful
check, they convince the thugs that they’re not worth DC 9 Charisma (Persuasion) check. Characters that
the trouble. Otherwise, the thugs may attempt to take spend at least 5 gp in bribes make this check with
the map by force if they don’t see any City Watch patrols advantage, while those with the Criminal Contact or
nearby. Otherwise, they tail the characters as they similar background features succeed automatically.
explore the ward. There are a few organizations in the ward (the Plague
Adjusting the Scene. Here are some suggestions for Rats and the Xanathar, to name a few), but more than
adjusting this scene, according to your group. enough unaffiliated thieves.
• Very Weak or Weak: Remove a thug
• Strong or Very Strong: Add a thug Creatures/NPCs
On Ship Street, the characters encounter a cobbler
named Ian Forksful who is actually a moderately
Scene B. Inns, Taverns, & successful thief on the side. If the characters were
seeking out someone from a specific organization, Ian is a
Festhalls member. Otherwise, he’s unaffiliated.
Objectives. Ian doesn’t want his role in the distribution
There’s no end of establishments in the ward for locals,
of the false maps known, but he’s more interested in
sailors, and would-be adventurers to drink their troubles
saving his own skin than his reputation.
away. The characters can find what they’re looking for
What Do They Know? Three tendays ago, Ian found
without any difficulty. Some popular establishments
a backpack containing a score of treasure maps. Ever
include The Mermaid’s Arms, The Splintered Stair, the
looking for ways to make some gold, he began selling
Hanged Man, the Grog House, and the Thirsty Throat.
them to gullible adventurers. Ian may be persuaded or
intimidated into revealing where found the backpack
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DDAL08-03 Dock Ward Double-Cross (v1.0)
(an alley off Odd Street). The directions provided by the Chase Complications
treasure hunters in Scene B., lead the characters to Ian.
BONUS OBJECTIVE B: If using this bonus objective, Ian D6 Complication
passes along rumors of unusual smuggling operations that 1 The characters must succeed on a DC 15
may be happening in the sewers beneath the Dock Ward. Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to get past a horse
2 The characters must succeed on DC 10 Strength
Complication: Assassination! (Optional) (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (their
As the characters speak with Ian, A spy and a thug from a choice) to make their way through a busy crowd.
competing organization attack. Characters with a passive
3 The characters must succeed on a DC 10
Perception score of 15 or higher aren’t surprised as Ian
Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Intelligence check (their
slumps in his chair—a pair of arrows protruding from his
choice) to navigate a maze of barrels, crates, and
back. The spies leap in through the now-broken window
to ransack the joint and kill or knock out any witnesses.
One of the spies has a false map in her possession 4 Make a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to get
but doesn’t suspect that it’s false and has no idea who through a pack of dogs fighting over scraps of
is spreading them around town. If saved (by stabilizing meat. On a failed check, each are bitten and take
him before he bleeds out in three rounds), Ian is grateful 1d4 piercing damage.
and offers whatever support he can lend. He serves 5 The characters must succeed on a DC 10
as a contact with his organization, and the characters Strength (Athletics), Dexterity (Acrobatics), or
automatically succeed in obtaining their assistance in Charisma (Intimidation) check (their choice) to
Bonus Objective A. (if that portion of the adventure is slip past a loud, insistent beggar. Anyone who
being run). tosses the beggar a coin succeeds automatically.
Adjusting the Scene. Here are some suggestions for 6 No Complication
adjusting this scene, according to your group.
• Very Weak or Weak: Replace a spy with a thug
• Strong or Very Strong: Add a thug Wrapping Up the Episode
Hopefully, the characters obtained the following clues
from the scenes above:
Scene D. The City Watch • There’s been increased gang activity around Ship and
A City Watch patrol passes by about every 20 minutes. Fish Street;
Characters actively searching for them find a patrol in half • A “cobbler” on Ship Street is
that time. selling the maps;
• The cobbler found them in
Creatures/NPCs an alley off Old Street;
The City Watch patrol consists of eight guards. • A young, red-haired
Objectives. The guards are interested primarily in woman bought the rare
keeping the peace, though they’re not above earning a few paper used to make the
coins in bribes in the process. map the characters
What Do They Know? The guards don’t know anything own;
about treasure maps—false or otherwise—but inquiries
Review them with
pique the guards’ interest. They do know there’s been an
the characters. The
influx of fighting between the various gangs in the ward—
clues easily lead
particularly on Ship and Fish Streets. They give a curt
the characters to
warning before leaving.
the vicinity of the
Ship’s Prow—a well-
Complication: Stop in the Name of the regarded inn at the
Law! (Optional) intersection of Ship
Always suspicious, the City Watch tails the characters and Fish Street. It’s
after their exchange if they seem to be up to no good. early evening as the
Characters with a passive Insight score of 15 or higher characters arrive
realize that they’re being followed by the City Watch. just in time to see a
If they try to give them the slip, they must succeed on young, red-haired
a group check, as determined by each character rolling a woman enter the
d6 and consulting the Chase Complication table. If they inn. This is Xzand’re
fail, each character must pay 5 gp in “fines,” though a Hsyl’ran disguised
successful DC 11 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) as Meggin (though the
check reduces this to 1 gp. Characters with the Folk Hero characters have no way
or Soldier background make this check with advantage, of knowing this).
while Waterdhavian Nobles or Nobles make it with Proceed to Episode 3.
If they don’t flee, or act suspicious or hostile, the guards
eventually get bored and stop following the characters.
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DDAL08-03 Dock Ward Double-Cross (v1.0)
Episode 3: The Ship’s Prow
Estimated Duration: 45 minutes Area Information
Setting: The Ship’s Prow The area has the following features:
Dimensions & Terrain. The interior of the Ship’s Prow
This rather conspicuous inn is a converted ship’s prow at is large and spacious—about 40-feet wide and 50-feet
the intersection of Fish and Ship Street. The prices and deep. The ceilings are somewhat low (about 10-feet high),
services are good, and it’s well-regarded among locals and but the structure is four stories tall. The first two are filled
visitors, alike. with small tables with three chairs each, and the ceiling
is open to the floors above. The top two floors consist of
Prerequisites rented rooms.
Lighting. The interior of the inn is brightly lit with fish
There are no prerequisites to this episode. Though it
oil lamps and candles burning day and night.
is likely the characters only arrive at this part of the
Smells and Sounds. The bar reeks of fish, brine,
adventure once they’ve discovered that the Ship’s Prow
fish, and burning fish oil. Oh, and more fish. Music,
has something to do with the false maps, they may
shouting, singing, and yelling makes it difficult to hold a
blunder in the doors on their own.
conversation within the Ship’s Prow.
Story Objective B Reinforcements
Revealing Xzand’re Hsyl’ran as a Bregan D’aerthe agent
If combat erupts, Xzand’re sounds an alarm audible to
and shutting down the safehouse is Story Objective B.
anyone within a half mile of the Ship’s Prow. At the end of
The characters complete the objective for doing so, but
every even-numbered round of combat, Bregan D’aerthe
how they do it is up to them. Here are some examples of
reinforcements (all humans) arrive at the inn—either from
how they might do so:
the street or from the secret entrance to the sewers (see
• Killing Xzand’re Hsyl’ran and her underlings. B. Kitchen). The NPCs that arrive to reinforce Bregan
• Deposing Xzand’re Hsyl’ran by turning the Dock Ward’s D’aerthe are determined by the characters’ strength, as
denizens against her. follows:
• Providing evidence (real or planted) of criminal activity • Very Weak and Weak: A thug.
to the City Watch, who request the characters’ aid in • Average: A thug and a spy.
arresting Xzand’re Hsyl’ran.
• Strong: Two thugs and a spy.
• Destroying the Ship’s Prow (though the denizens of the
• Very Strong: A pistoleer.
ward would be pretty upset to see it go).
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Bonus Objectives Reinforcements livelihood is concerned. The patrons are here to relax. If
combat breaks out, however, they flee to find somewhere
If the characters participated in Bonus Objective A, safer to relax.
however, they may have their own help. What Do They Know? Xzand’re has fallen out of favor
NPCs from the organizations that the characters with Jarlaxle but is nevertheless undyingly loyal to him
contacted arrive at the end of the first round. Refer to and won’t willingly betray him. She knows of his search
each organization’s card; it contains guidance as to how it for the dragon’s treasure and his plans to circulate false
behaves in the final episode. maps that would lead would-be competition to their
In situations where the organizations send an NPC doom at Artor Morlin’s doorstep. She also knows the
to assist the characters, don’t let it steal the show; the inner workings of Bregan D’aerthe’s smuggling ring in
reinforcements should turn the tide of a fight, but the the Dock Ward. The drow don’t know about the false
characters are the heroes here—even if it means that they maps but do know that Xzand’re has been smuggling
don’t do much more than give the characters a tip of a hat goods throughout the city via the sewers—something they
and a thankful grin. happily reveal if they think doing so will save their neck.
They won’t do this in Xzand’re’s presence, however—
Scene A. Common Area they’re way too afraid of her.
The common area is wide and open to the second floor
above. Wooden chandeliers hang from the ceiling above Adjusting the Scene
on lengths of thick rope moored to cleats mounted on the
walls. Two doors behind the bar lead to the kitchen and Here are some suggestions for adjusting this scene:
storerooms in the rear of the establishment. • Very Weak: Replace the pistoleer and the spy with a
• Weak: Replace the pistoleer with a spy.
They’ve Got Guns!? • Strong: Add two thugs.
The drow of Bregan D’aerthe are resourceful lot; they’ve • Very Strong: Add a pistoleer and a spy.
taken to using firearms. While your players know what
a gun is, their characters likely have never encountered
them before. To facilitate the “shock and awe” that they Treasure & Rewards
should instill to those unfamiliar with them, describe If Xzand’re’s is defeated, the characters find:
firearms in such a way as they’re not immediately • Xzand’re’s hat of disguise
identifiable as one, such as “unusual hand crossbows • Two false maps carried in a concealed pocket.
without a string,” or “a strange wand” That way, when • A letter revealing plans to throw would-be treasure
the weapon belches smoke and fills the air with a clap hunters off the trail. The letter is written in flowing,
of thunder, your players will be just as surprised as their elegant script and signed, “Jarlaxle.”
characters are.
Scene B. Kitchen
Creatures/NPCs The kitchen is bustling and chaotic place full of cooks
Xzand’re Hsyl’ran (a drow pistoleer disguised as Meggin, and other waitstaff. The attached storage area beside the
a young woman with fiery red hair) is here serving drinks kitchen is full of food, crates, and kegs.
and rubbing elbows. Two drow thugs and a drow spy sit Creatures/NPCs
at a table by the door—pretending to be patrons. Two-
The staff members (commoners) are the only ones in the
dozen patrons (commoners and nobles) mill about:
kitchen on a regular basis.
drinking, eating, and merry-making.
Objectives/Goals. The staff is concerned only with
Objectives/Goals. Xzand’re’s main goal is to maintain
making and serving delicious food.
her disguise as the Prow’s proprietress, so she can
What Do They Know? None of the staff know that
continue smuggling goods into the city via the sewers.
Meggin is Xzand’re, nor do they know about the entrance
She doesn’t willingly remove her hat of disguise. The
to the sewers in the storage room (which Xzand’re’s
drow are loyal to Xzand’re, but only in-so-far as their
agents only access after-hours).
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Area Information • Scythe Blade. A hidden blade attacks (+6 to hit) each
The area has the following information: character within 10 feet of the trap door, dealing 14
Trapped Hatch. There is a cleverly hidden hatch set (4d6) slashing damage on a hit. Consider this trap if the
into the floor of the storage room corner that leads into group isn’t being careful about traps or if a couple of
the sewers below the Ship’s Prow (see Bonus Objective the characters insist on leaving the others on their own
B). If the Bonus Objective isn’t being used, the hatch while looking for treasure. If the group is strong or very
isn’t here. The hatch requires a successful DC 15 strong, increase the slashing damage to 21 (6d6).
Intelligence (Investigation) check to detect. The hatch’s • Fireball. A magical rune explodes and fills the
trap is triggered if the hatch without first depressing a room with eldritch flame. Each creature in the room
secret catch. Characters succeeding on a DC 15 Wisdom must succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or
(Perception) check find the catch. Choose one of the take 7 (2d6) fire damage. A successful save reduces
following traps: this damage to half. Consider using this trap if the
• Poison Gas. A spray of poison gas fills the storage characters have strong healing abilities. If the group is
room. Each creature in the room must succeed on a DC strong or very strong, increase the fire damage to 14
11 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. (4d6).
Consider this trap if group is lacking in characters with
abilities that can heal others. Scene C. Rooms
There’s usually a dozen or so rooms available at any given
time at the Ship’s Prow.
The rooms are occupied by patrons and employees
(nobles and commoners), with a pilfering thief (spy) or
two sprinkled in for good measure.
Objectives/Goals. Patrons are here to rest and recover
from work, adventuring, or just having too much fun in
the common area downstairs. They’re hostile if attacked
first, and don’t appreciate being intruded upon. If combat
spills into a room, they panic and try to flee. They may try
to push hostile creatures over the railing to the common
area below.
What Do They Know? Neither the patrons nor
employees know nothing about Bregan D’aerthe’s
presence in the inn; as far as they know, Meggin is still
running the show.
Adventure Rewards
Upon completing the adventure, the characters each
receive rewards based upon their accomplishments.
These rewards include advancement and treasure, and
may include special rewards, such as story awards or new
downtime activities, as follows:
Player Rewards
The characters earn the following player rewards for
completing the adventure:
Magic Item Unlock
Characters completing the adventure unlock:
Hat of Disguise. The entire length of this broad, red-
silk ribbon is embroidered in gold thread. While wearing
it, the wearer can read and understand, but not speak,
Undercommon. This item can be found in Appendix 7.
Appendix 1: Locations & NPCs
The following NPCs and locations feature prominently in
this adventure.
• Artor Morlin (ARR Tore MORE linn). Known also as
The Baron of Blood. This masked lord is a vampire, but
very few live to hold this knowledge. While wholly evil,
Artor is calculating and respectful. His clothing, while
fine, is outdated in fashion and he smells of dust and
ancient blood.
Personality: I send minions to deal with threats.
Ideal: I’m always one step ahead of my enemy.
Bond: Knowing my secrets means death.
Flaw: If I must fight, my bloodlust consumes me.
• Meggin (MAY ginn). At a glance, Meggin is a red-haired
woman in her mid-twenties that’s run “the Prow” for
a few years now, having won the inn in a high-stakes
Three Dragon Ante game that the locals talk about to
this day. However, about six months ago, Meggin was
murdered by Xzand’re Hsyl’ran. Xzand’re uses her hat of
disguise to maintain the illusion of Meggin’s ownership
of the inn—exhibiting the following traits while doing so.
Personality: I’m friendly, but no nonsense.
Ideal: Making folks happy makes me happy.
Bond: I seek to preserve the Ship’s Prow legacy.
Flaw: I’ve got a short temper.
• Xzand’re Hsyl’ran (SHAN dray sill RAN). This
female drow is clever, creative, and fiercely loyal to
Jarlaxle Baenre. In addition to supplying Jarlaxle with
information, she runs a rather lucrative smuggling ring
in the Dock Wards.
Personality: I tolerate neither failure nor betrayal.
Ideal: Why use two words when one bullet will do?
Bond: Jarlaxle Baenre will realize my true worth.
Flaw: I’m nothing if not overconfident.
• The Ship’s Prow. This well-regarded inn is a mainstay
of the Dock Ward; residents and visitors alike frequent
it. Its prices are reasonable in consideration of its
quality. It is purveyed by a no-nonsense woman named
Personality: She’s a bit rough, but well-loved.
Ideal: By price and fare, she aims to please.
Bond: She’s long been a staple of the Dock Ward.
Flaw: She doesn’t attract the best and brightest.
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Appendix 2: Creature Statistics
This appendix details monsters that are encountered in Reactions
this adventure.
Parry. The noble adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack
Commoner that would hit it. To do so, the noble must see the attacker and
be wielding a melee weapon.
Medium Humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 4 (1d8) The Drow of Bregan D’aerthe
Speed 30 ft. If drow NPCs are present in a given encounter, the stat
blocks found in this appendix are modified as follows:
• Type: Medium humanoid (elf), neutral evil
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
• Senses. Darkvision 120 ft.
Senses passive Perception 10 • Language: Common, Elvish, Undercommon
Languages any one language (usually Common) • Fey Ancestry. The drow has advantage on saving throws
Challenge 0 (10 XP) against being charmed, and magic can’t put it to sleep.
• Innate Spellcasting. The drow’s spellcasting ability is
Actions Charisma (spell DC 10 + Charisma Modifier). It can
innately cast the following spells, requiring no material
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. components.
Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage. At will: dancing lights
1/day each: darkness, faerie fire, levitate (self only)
• Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the spy has
Guard disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
Medium Humanoid (any race), any alignment (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
• Pistol. In addition, replace the NPCs ranged weapon
Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield) attack with a pistol that deals 5 (1d10) piercing
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) damage, plus any ability score or other modifiers
Speed 30 ft.
provided in the stat block. NOTE: The pistoleer’s stat
block isn’t modified in this way
13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Skills Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Armor Class 16 (studded leather)
Hit Points 84 (13d8 + 26)
Actions Speed 30 ft.
Scimitar. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +4, Wis +3
Skills Deception +4, Perception +3, Stealth +8
Senses passive Perception 13
Noble Languages Common
Medium Humanoid (any race), any alignment Challenge 3 (700 XP)
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Spy Werewolf
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger), chaotic evil
Skills Intimidation +2
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
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Appendix 3: Dock Ward Map
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Appendix 4A: Ship’s Prow Map (Floors 1 & 2)
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Appendix 4B: Ship’s Prow Map (Floors 3 & 4)
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Appendix 5: The Court of Public Opinion
(Bonus Objective A.)
Estimated Duration: 1 hour (approx. 20 minutes each) Scene A. City Watch
Setting: Dock Ward Denizens If the characters seek out a patrol of city watchmen, they
find a patrol in hot pursuit of a band of thugs!
During Episode 2, the characters learn the location of
the Bregan D’aerthe safehouse, but also that the drow Creatures/NPCs
are likely to receive reinforcements if the Ship’s Prow is The characters encounter a patrol (consisting of eight
attacked. To that end, the characters may wish to seek out guards) in pursuit of three Plague Rats thugs.
reinforcements of their own. Objectives/Goals. The guards want to catch the thugs,
and the thugs want to escape. Simple enough.
Prerequisites What Do They Know? The guards witnessed the
The characters may pursue this bonus objective once Plague Rats casing a nearby building, and as the City
they’ve completed the Call to Action and entered the Watch moved to question them, they fled. The thugs were
Dock Ward. Once they begin Episode 3, this Bonus doing exactly what they’re suspected of doing.
Objective is unavailable.
Area Information
Bonus Objective A This area has the following features:
Obtaining the help of at least two organizations is Bonus Dimensions & Terrain. The Plague Rats are cornered
Objective A. Each organization that the characters in a 15-foot wide alley behind some shops and residences.
successfully interact with help them during the final The ground is level, but piles of crates and barrels provide
scene at the Ship’s Prow, while those that they fail to cover in areas.
convince hinder them instead. The characters may Lighting. The alley is blanketed by low-hanging fog.
pursue the assistance of more than one organization if During the day, the area is brightly lit, but visibility is
time permits. lightly obscured beyond 100 feet. At night, the area is
Convincing the Organization. To obtain help from an dimly lit (moonlight and lamps), but anything beyond 100
organization, the characters must succeed on a DC 11 feet is totally obscured.
group ability check depending on what the characters
choose to do to obtain their help. Combat isn’t the Objective
goal here, but if the potential exists, stat blocks may be The characters must help the City Watch catch the thugs
included. to obtain their aid during Episode 3. If they want to help
Before attempting the check, the characters should the Plague Rats, use Scene C, instead.
decide on what they want to do. Though they aren’t bound Some ways of doing this include:
to them, each scene provides some suggestions for the • Strength (Athletics). They chase the thugs!
characters. However, if they describe something else that • Dexterity (Stealth). They sneakily trail the thugs and
they’d like them to do, run with it! Similarly, if a character jump them when least suspected!
exhibits clever thinking or displays excellent roleplaying,
• Charisma (Intimidation). They browbeat the thugs into
grant them inspiration on the check! Additionally, they
may have Backgrounds or tool proficiencies that
may come in handy. For example, grant advantage to a • The Bregan D’aerthe Ledger. If the characters
character with the Folk Hero background with checks completed Bonus Objective B. prior to this scene, they
made with the residents of the Dock Ward (see Scene may have proof of Bregan D’aerthe’s dealings in the
E) or to Criminals or Urchins on checks made with the Dock Ward in the form of a ledger found in the staging
Plague Rats (Scene B). Easy! area. If presented to the City Watch, they accompany
If successful, the organization vows to help the the characters to the Ship’s Prow and are present when
characters in Episode 3: The Ship’s Prow. If they fail, the scene begins—removing the delay indicated on their
though, the organization hinders them. See the Help & Help & Hinder card.
Hinder cards for additional details.
Scene B. Dungsweepers
Characters looking for the Dungsweepers find them easily
Help & Hinder Cards enough. On Ship street, the characters encounter a large,
Prepare each organization’s card by checking the “Help” dung-filled wagon with a broken wheel in the middle of
or “Hinder” box depending on the result of the group the street.
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A halfling named Gillin drives the wagon, assisted by two
other halflings: Gor and Tak (commoners).
Objectives/Goals. The Dungsweepers are all quite
frustrated. They’ve had a long day and just want to get rid
of their load, so they can go home and rest.
What Do They Know? They’ve been performing back-
breaking work and their wagon has broken.
Helping the Dungsweepers
The characters must fix the Dungsweepers’ wagon to
obtain their aid during Episode 3.
Some ways of doing this include:
• Strength (Athletics). They lift the wagon while Gor and
Tak fix the wheel.
• Wisdom (Carpenter’s Tools). They repair the wagon’s
broken wheel themselves.
• Charisma (Persuasion). The characters persuade a
couple heavies to help push the wagon to the side of the
road until a replacement is located.
The Dungsweepers
This guild has the distasteful job of sweeping cleaning
streets and stables of manure and other foulness.
Despite their unglamorous profession, they wield a
surprising amount of power in the ward due to their
propensity for being conveniently “too busy” to aid those
who arouse their ire.
Helping the Plague Rats
The Red Sashes
The characters must help the Plague Rats escape to
obtain their aid during Episode 3. If the characters want This vigilante group is divided into individual cells—one
to help the City Watch, use Scene A, instead. for each ward of the city. They are led by an unknown
Some ways of doing this include: entity known as “The One.” While they aren’t excessively
• Dexterity (Stealth). They help the thugs hide! violent, they don’t hesitate to use it to arrest the guilt or
free the innocent when the City Watch can’t—or won’t—
• Wisdom (Insight). The guards may be susceptible to
do so.
bribes! Each character pays 2 gp.
• Charisma (Deception). They distract the City Watch
with claims of a larger crime in progress.
Scene E. Ward Residents
• The Bregan D’aerthe Ledger. If the characters
completed Bonus Objective B. prior to this scene, they Residents of the ward are everywhere: in every shop,
may have proof of Bregan D’aerthe’s dealings in the Dock street, and alley.
Ward in the form of a ledger found in the staging area. If Creatures/NPCs
presented to the Plague Rats, the thieves are unlikely to
There are thousands of residents (commoners) in the
take the news of outsiders infringing on their turf lightly…
ward that the characters could come across. Be creative;
this is an opportunity to bring the city to life through its
The Plague Rats people and their trivial problems.
Objectives/Goals. Their daily problems may even
This guild is an infamous group of thieves, assassins,
outnumber the residents themselves: City Watch
and wererats (the latter arising from a lycanthropic
harassment, problems with a less-than-scrupulous
plague that was never fully stemmed) that operate within
landlord, to losing their cat. The sky’s the limit.
the Dock Ward. No one is quite sure who leads the
group. Helping the Ward Residents
The characters must assist the residents any way they can
to obtain their aid during Episode 3.
Scene D. Red Sashes Some ways of doing this include:
Finding the Red Sashes can be tricky; they operate in • Strength (Athletics). They help a resident carry in a
small, independently operating cells. Locating them particularly heavy load of groceries.
requires a successful DC 11 Charisma (Persuasion) • Wisdom (Animal Handling). They lure a lady’s cat
group check. Characters with the Criminal or Mercenary down from a tree using a tasty bit of fish.
background or those that are members of the Harpers • Intelligence (History). They help an old man facing
make this check with advantage. eviction navigate the city’s tenancy laws.
Creatures/NPCs • Charisma (Persuasion). They are just generally
The characters encounter a Red Sash named Hranna pleasant or provide a rousing speech to the locals.
(a spy without the Fey Ancestry, Innate Spellcasting, or
Sunlight Sensitivity traits).
Objectives/Goals. Hranna is plotting to assist a local
man in escaping from City Watch custody (he’s guarded
by eight City Watch guards).
What Do They Know? The man in custody was framed
for the murder of a woman. In truth, the woman was
murdered by a rival suitor.
Helping the Red Sashes
The characters must secure the man’s freedom to obtain
the Red Sash’s aid during Episode 3.
Some ways of doing this include:
• Strength (Athletics)/Dexterity (Acrobatics). They
assist Hranna in infiltrating the City Watch guard post
and freeing the man.
• Intelligence (History). They research Waterdhavian law
and secure the man’s release.
• Charisma (Persuasion). They convince an influential
noble to plead the man’s case to City Watch who, in
turn, releases the man.
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Appendix 6: Business Interrupted
(Bonus Objective B.)
Estimated Duration: 1 hour Scene A. Quiet Cellar
Setting: Dock Ward Sewers At first glance, this room appears to be an empty cellar
but a hastily concealed entrance to the sewers is on the
In this bonus objective, the characters seek out and northern wall. Xzand’re uses this area of the sewers to
disrupt Bregan D’aerthe smuggling operations in the smuggle goods into and out of the city.
sewers beneath the Dock Ward.
Area Information
Prerequisites This area has the following features:
The characters may pursue this bonus objective after Dimensions & Terrain. This 25-by-20-foot room is
completing Episode 1. largely empty except a few crates, barrels, and other
Bonus Objective B containers full of foodstuffs and linen.
Lighting. Two torches sit in sconces by the door and a
Disrupting the flow of Bregan D’aerthe contraband being
candle rests on the writing desk. They’re currently unlit
smuggled in the sewers beneath the Dock Ward is Bonus
(these are used by the drow if their darkvision prevents
Objective B. Rooting out the drow in this area of the
seeing something properly).
sewers and taking possession of their goods (or reporting
it to the City Watch or the Plague Rats) completes this
Scene B. Watchpoint
The area has the following features:
Area Information Dimensions & Terrain. The channel here collects into
This area has the following features: a large pool but is covered by an iron grate at the same
Dimensions & Terrain. The ceilings here are 10 feet level as the walkway, which continues around the edge of
high, and 5-foot wide walkways flank central channels this area.
funneling sewer water through the area. Lighting. There is no light here except that which the
Sewer Water. Water mixed with rubbish and other characters bring with them.
unmentionable filth fills 5-foot deep channels between Footbridges. The boards used as bridges across the
raised, stone walkways. Any creature submerged in the channels are old and in poor repair. There is a 1-in-4
water must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving chance that a bridge collapses when a creature crosses
throw or be poisoned for one hour. The stone walkways it. If this happens, the creature must succeed on a DC 11
are level and smooth, but slick from moisture, mildew, Dexterity saving throw or fall into a channel below.
and muck. Lamp Oil. A 10-foot stretch of the walkway leading to
Lighting. Unless otherwise specified, there is no light Area C is covered in straw and cloth soaked with lamp oil.
here. Occasional manholes or sewer grates shed a The smell of the oil is masked by the overpowering stench
column of light that might provide bright, dim, or no light of the sewers and discerning its presence from smell
(depending on the time of day) in a 5-foot radius. The only alone requires a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
other light that exists is that which the characters bring check. If struck with fire or a spark, the oil ignites. Any
with them. creature in the area when it ignites or that later passes
through the fire must succeed on a DC 9 Dexterity saving
throw or take 7 (2d6) fire damage.
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Illegal Wares. A ledger containing detailed logs of
They’ve Got Guns!? incoming and outgoing shipments sits in a locked drawer
The drow of Bregan D’aerthe are resourceful lot; they’ve of the desk. Unlocking the drawer requires a set of
taken to using firearms. While your players know what a thieves’ tools and a successful DC 13 Dexterity check.
gun is, their characters likely have never encountered them The drawer may be trapped (see Episode 3, Scene B
before. To facilitate the “shock and awe” that they should for traps) The characters may use the ledger as evidence
instill to those unfamiliar with them, describe firearms in against Bregan D’aerthe—specifically with the City Watch
such a way as they’re not immediately identifiable as one, or the Plague Rats.
such as “unusual hand crossbows without a string,” or “a Salted Corpse. One of the barrels in the chamber
strange wand” That way, when the weapon belches smoke contains the corpse of a woman in her mid-twenties with
and fills the air with a clap of thunder, your players will be fiery red hair, packed in salt. This is the body of Meggin—
just as surprised as their characters are. the owner of the Ship’s Prow.
Two drow spies and three drow thugs are here at any
Creatures/NPCs given time: cataloguing, loading, and unloading goods
This area is usually monitored by a lone drow spy hiding
being smuggled into and out of Waterdeep.
in an alcove above the walkway.
Objectives/Goals. Xzand’re has entrusted the daily
Objectives/Goals. The spy is here to watch for
operations of the efforts to one of the spies. Any other
intruders but spent the night prior drinking and is likely
drow present are working hard to stay in Xzand’re’s good
asleep when the characters pass through the area. If
so, the characters needn’t make any Dexterity (Stealth)
What Do They Know? All of the drow know about the
checks to pass by unnoticed. But the pistoleer awakens
smuggling activities, but nothing about the false maps
to sounds of combat in Area C and arrives at the end of
that Jarlaxle has been spreading around town. The spy
round three to investigate.
in charge heard from other members of Bregan D’aerthe
What Do They Know? The spy knows about the
that Xzand’re has fallen out of favor with Jarlaxle but
smuggling activities, but nothing about the false maps that
isn’t sure why, though he dares not mention it to her. He
Jarlaxle has been spreading around town.
suspects that her recent efforts are attempts to regain
Jarlaxle’s trust.
Adjusting the Scene
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this scene: Adjusting the Scene
• Very Weak: Replace the spy with a thug.
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this scene:
• Weak: Replace the spy with a thug; add another thug
• Very Weak: Remove the spies and a thug.
• Strong: Add a spy.
• Weak: Replace the spies with a thug.
• Very Strong: Add a pistoleer.
• Strong: Add a spy and a thug.
• Very Strong: Replace the spies with a pistoleer.
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Appendix 7: Hat of Disguise (Player Handout)
Characters completing this adventure’s objective unlock
this magic item. Once unlocked, the item may be
purchased once using treasure checkpoints. Once this
item has been purchased, it’s no longer available unless
later unlocked by other means.
Hat of Disguise
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
While wearing this hat, you can use an action to cast the
disguise self spell from it at-will. The spell ends if the hat
is removed. This item is found on Magic Item Table F in
the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
The entire length of this broad, red-silk ribbon is
embroidered in gold thread. While wearing it, the wearer
can read and understand, but not speak, Undercommon.
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Appendix 8: Dungeon Master Tips
This adventure is designed for three to seven 1st-4th Each player is responsible for maintaining an accurate
level characters and is optimized for five characters with logsheet. If you have time, you can do a quick scan of
an average party level (APL) of 3. Characters outside this a player’s character sheet to ensure that nothing looks
level range cannot participate in this adventure. out of order. If you see magic items of very high rarities
or strange arrays of ability scores, you can ask players
to provide documentation for the irregularities. If they
New to D&D Adventurers League? cannot, feel free to restrict item use or ask them to use a
http://dnd.wizards.com/playevents/organized-play standard ability score array.
Point players to the D&D Adventurers League Players
New to Waterdeep? Guide for reference. If players wish to spend downtime
http://dnd.wizards.com/story/waterdeep days and it’s the beginning of an adventure or episode,
they can declare their activity and spend the days now,
New to Being the Dungeon Master? or they can do so at the end of the adventure or episode.
http://dndadventurersleague.org/storyline-seasons/ Players should select their characters’ spells and other
waterdeep-adventures/ daily options prior to the start of the adventure, unless
the adventure specifies otherwise. Feel free to reread the
adventure description to help give players hints about
To DM an adventure, you must have 3 to 7 players— what they might face.
each with their own character whose level is within the
adventure’s level range. Characters playing in a hardcover
adventure may continue to play to but if they play a
Adjusting This Adventure
different hardcover adventure, they can’t return to the When combat is a possibility, the adventure will provide
first one if they’re outside its level range. a sidebar that helps you to determine the best mix/
number of opponents to provide them with to create an
Preparing the Adventure appropriate challenge. While you’re not bound to these
adjustments; they’re here for your convenience and
Before you start play, consider the following: consideration.
• Read through the adventure, taking notes of anything To determine whether you should consider adjusting the
you’d like to highlight or remind yourself of while adventure, add up the total levels of all the characters and
running the adventure, such as a way you’d like to divide the result by the number of characters (rounding .5
portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like to use in a combat. or greater up; .4 or less down). This is the group’s average
Familiar yourself with the adventure’s appendices and party level (APL). To approximate the party strength for
handouts. the adventure, consult the table below.
• Gather any resources you’d like to use to aid you in
running this adventure--such as notecards, a DM screen, Determining Party Strength
miniatures, and battlemaps.
Party Composition Party Party Strength
• Ask the players to provide you with relevant character
information, such as name, race, class, and level; 3-4 characters, APL less than Very weak
passive Wisdom (Perception), and anything specified as 3-4 characters, APL equivalent Weak
notable by the adventure (such as backgrounds, traits,
flaws, etc.) 3-4 characters, APL greater than Average
Players can play an adventure they previously played as 5 characters, APL less than Weak
a Player or Dungeon Master but may only play it once with 5 characters, APL equivalent Average
a given character. Ensure each player has their character’s
adventure logsheet (if not, get one from the organizer). 5 characters, APL greater than Strong
The players fill out the adventure name, session number, 6-7 characters, APL less than Average
date, and your name and DCI number. In addition, the
6-7 characters, APL equivalent Strong
player also fills in the starting values for advancement and
treasure checkpoints, downtime days, and renown. These 6-7 characters, APL greater than Very strong
are updated at the conclusion of the session.
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