Material Specification For Preformed Plastic Pavement Marking Tape
Material Specification For Preformed Plastic Pavement Marking Tape
Material Specification For Preformed Plastic Pavement Marking Tape
1715.01 SCOPE
1715.05.01 General
.02 Colour
.03 Adhesive
.04 Material Composition
.05 Physical Property Requirements
.06 Service Test
1715.07.01 General
.02 Quality Control
1715.01 SCOPE
This specification covers the requirements for reflective and non-reflective preformed plastic pavement
marking tapes which are suitable for use onto concrete and bituminous pavements.
ASTM D1000-88a - Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive-Coated Tapes Used for Electrical and Electronic
ASTM D4505-85 - Preformed Plastic Pavement Marking Tape for Extended Service Life
ASTM D4592-86 - Preformed Plastic Pavement Marking Tape for Limited Service Life
ASTM E97-82(1987) - Method for 45-deg., 0-deg. Directional Reflectance Factor of Opaque
Specimens by Broad-Band Filter
ASTM E303-83 - Measuring Surface Frictional Properties Using the British Pendulum Tester
CIE 1976 - L*,a*,b* Uniform Colour Space and Colour Difference Equation.
For the purpose of this specification, the following definitions shall apply:
Compliance Certification: refers to the procedure and requirements for establishing an approved
Source of Materials.
Durable Preformed Plastic Pavement Marking Tape: refers to preformed plastic pavement marking
tape with extended service life period, with a minimum service period of 2 years when placed conforming
to the manufacturer's recommended procedures on pavement surfaces with an annual average daily
traffic, AADT of about 20,000.
Fingerprinting: refers to the testing of preformed plastic pavement marking tape by Gas
Chromatographic method and other techniques for verification purposes.
Reflectorization: refers to a material, treatment or process to enable incident light to be returned in high
proportions in the general direction of the light source.
Service Test: refers to the evaluation of pavement marking materials on a test deck and performance
rating prior to compliance certification.
Temporary Preformed Plastic Pavement Marking Tape: refers to preformed plastic pavement marking
tape with a limited service life, and a minimum service period of 3 months when placed in conformance
with the manufacturer's recommended procedures on pavement surfaces with an annual average daily
traffic, AADT of about 20,000.
1715.05.01 General
Only material properties which are necessary for proper installation and satisfactory performance of
preformed plastic pavement marking tape are specified here. The material as supplied, shall be free of
cracks, and have edges true, straight and unbroken conforming to ASTM D4505. Preformed plastic
pavement marking tape of all types shall have a uniform width and thickness.
The material used in the manufacture of preformed plastic pavement marking tape shall be of high quality
so that the appearance will not change in service to impair the colour or the visibility of the delineation.
1715.05.02 Colour
The preformed plastic pavement marking tape shall conform to the following colour requirements:
Yellow - hall match either the yellow traffic paint chip of the Ministry of Transportation, Ontario or U.S.
Federal 595B, Yellow 33538.
The tolerance in colour allowed is as follows in CIE L*, a*, b* Uniform Colour Space and Colour
Difference Equation when calculated from instrumentally measured colour differences conforming to
ASTM D 2244:
The preformed plastic pavement marking tape shall be either precoated with a factory applied adhesive at
the base or supplied with a suitable adhesive and any other material such as a primer that is necessary
for installation of the tape onto the pavement.
The material composition of the preformed plastic pavement marking tape shall be at the discretion of the
manufacturer and shall be certified by the Authority.
The physical properties of the preformed plastic pavement marking tape submitted for compliance
certification shall conform to Table 1.
Samples are required by the Authority for laboratory testing. The supplier shall submit with each test
sample, one complete set of data on physical properties, application procedure, and material safety for
Preformed Plastic Pavement Marking Tape.
Preformed plastic pavement marking tape conforming to 1715.05.06, Table 1 shall be submitted for
service test when requested by the Authority.
Preformed plastic pavement marking tape for extended service, durable preformed plastic tape will be
service tested conforming to the following:
a. Test deck location and time for installation shall be determined by the Authority.
b. The test strips shall be 10 cm in width and installed transversely across the lanes of the road. The
installation of the preformed plastic pavement marking tape will be made by personnel from the
supplier/manufacturer or his agent using the pieces of equipment recommended by the manufacturer
for installation.
c. A service test shall consist of installation of test stripes of pre-formed plastic pavement marking
tape(s), onto bituminous or a concrete pavement with about 20,000 AADT.
d. Ease of application and quality and nature of the stripes will be assessed.
e. The installed tape will be inspected periodically and its service performance will be rated by the
Authority as outlined in Table 2.
f. Approval will be given after two years of service rating of durable preformed plastic pavement
marking tape, providing the material conforms to Table 2 and meets the conditions of 1715.05.05.
Temporary preformed plastic pavement marking tape(s) of removable type shall conform to this
specification and also to ASTM D 4592 except that the required minimum service life is 3 months at about
20,000 AADT.
1715.07.01 General
In order to qualify as a supplier of preformed plastic marking tape, a manufacturer must satisfy the
following minimum requirements:
b. A laboratory sufficiently equipped and staffed to provide a quality control program which will ensure
compliance with this specification; and
A manufacturer shall be responsible for carrying out a quality control program to ensure that the
preformed plastic pavement marking tape(s) conform(s) to this specification.
The Authority may request samples to be taken from the shipments of preformed plastic pavement
marking tape for quality assurance testing. Samples shall be taken from each batch produced for delivery
to the Authority. Criteria for accepting the preformed tape include the following requirements and
a. Composition as determined by fingerprinting and other tests shall not vary by more than ± 5% from
that of the reference sample.
b. Colour difference, ∆E shall be within ± 1.5 of the value established on the reference sample.
c. Directional Reflectance, Y shall not vary by more than ± 3 and have a minimum value of 65 and 45 for
white and yellow tapes respectively.
Viscosity and the infrared spectograph of any adhesive and/or primer shall match that obtained for the
approved reference samples.
a. One metre sections of each type and colour of the tapes, and a section of legends and/or symbols
shall be supplied to the Authority for laboratory testing from each production batch.
b. 200 ml of primer or adhesive, if the use of such surface preparation material or adhesive is
recommended by the manufacturer, from each production batch, to be supplied to the Authority.
1715.08.03 Storage
The preformed plastic pavement marking tape shall conform to this specification after storage.
The manufacturer shall submit a certificate of compliance, with tenders, indicating that the physical
properties, material composition, and installation characteristics of all of the manufacturer's production
batches of preformed plastic pavement marking tapes for the Authority shall conform to this specification
and shall not deviate from the allowable tolerances, unless approved by the Authority.
The delivery schedule, delivery location, colour, type, and quantity shall be as specified on the Authority's
Purchase Order.
Each package of preformed plastic pavement marking tape shall be clearly identified with the following
The unit of measurement for preformed plastic pavement marking tapes will be in metres. All legends
and symbols will be numerically counted.
Payment for supplying preformed plastic pavement marking tape shall as specified on the Authority's
purchase order.
In order for a Supplier to be considered for addition to the List of Designated Sources of the Ministry of
Transportation, Ontario, for preformed plastic pavement marking tape, the manufacturer shall supply a
production sample of the preformed plastic pavement marking tape to the Ministry along with complete
material data in a prescribed form PAV.M.1715, available at the Ministry for conformance testing.
If the test sample conforms to this specification and the Ministry is satisfied that the Supplier has the
equipment and ability to produce the material in bulk quantities, then the Ministry, upon written request to
the Manager, Purchasing and Supply Office of the Ministry of Transportation, 1201 Wilson Ave.,
Downsview, Ontario, M3M 1J8 will place the Supplier on the List of Designated Sources for Materials.
Subsequent changes in formulation, the inability to maintain quality production or to meet commitments,
or failure to conform to this specification shall be cause for cancellation of approval and shall necessitate
application for reapproval.
Retroreflectance Instrument
mcd/m2/lux Mirolux 12
White ** **
Yellow ** **
Black Temporary **
Adhesion at
10°C 500 500 D1000
24°C 500 500 D1000
g/25.4 mm of width
** Values to be established.
Performance Requirements
White * * * * * * Instrument
Yellow * * * * * * Mirolux
Black Temporary * 12
* Values to be established.
** Durability is calculated, first by estimating the % wear from the photographs/video images of stripes
taken at test sites, and then deducting the value obtained from 100.
Commercial/Trade Name of Sample _____________________________________________
Manufacturer’s Code No. ______________________________________
Batch No. ______________________________________
Colour ______________________________________
Width ______________________________________
Thickness ______________________________________
Date of Manufacture ______________________________________
Resins and Conditioners wt % ___________________________________________________
Pigments and Fillers wt % ___________________________________________________
Beads wt, % ___________________________________________________
1. Preformed Tape
a. Tensile strength, Mpa ASTM D638
at 24°C 0.6 cm/min ___________________
3. Air Temperature
Minimum °C __________________________________
* Refers to the age of the pavement, the surface texture, e.g. OFC, DFC, and whether it is asphalt
or concrete.
NOTE: This form must be completed in full and forwarded with tape sample. Samples submitted
without a completed Data Form will not be considered.