Digital Literacy: Definition, Theoretical Framework, and Competencies

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Digital Literacy:
Definition, Theoretical Framework, and Competencies
Mark D. Osterman
Florida International University, USA

Abstract: This paper offers an overview of existing definitions and theoretical

frameworks for digital literacy. The researcher makes recommendations for an
agreed upon definition and theoretical framework and discusses implications for a
relationship between digital and visual literacy skills.

For some time now, new perspectives on literacy, and the learning processes through
which literacy is acquired, has been emerging (Herbert, 1991). While there is agreement that a
new set of 21st-century skills involving technologies are needed for literacy, there is little
consensus about precisely what knowledge and abilities are necessary for people to be digitally
literate (Ba, Tally, & Tsikalas, 2002). To obtain a consensus, there must be an agreed upon
definition for digital literacy and an identification of its particular competencies. For this to
happen, two initial steps must be taken: (a) Begin the development of an instrument designed to
identify the major dimensions of digital literacy, and (b) conduct an initial validation study of
this instrument. This paper offers an overview of existing digital literacy definitions,
frameworks, and competencies; makes recommendations for the refinement of a digital literacy
model that includes visual literacy as a core skill; and discusses implications for a relationship
between digital and visual literacy skills.
As technology pervades every aspect of our lives, the ability to navigate and successfully
accomplish tasks through technology grows. Whether you are in primary, secondary, or post-
secondary school, and whether you are employed or entering retirement, it is now necessary to
have some technology skills both to communicate with the outside world and to perform
administrative, creative, and educative tasks. The continued increase and use of online media
content for information gathering also challenges the learner to organize and compose
information in a nonlinear fashion while often integrating visual media to synthesize that
information. This skill set is commonly called digital literacy. Digital literacy refers to the
assortment of cognitive-thinking strategies that consumers of digital information utilize (Eshet,
2004). Other terms used alongside or sometimes synonymously with digital literacy include:
21st-century literacies, Internet literacies, multiliteracies, information literacy, information
communication technologies (ICT) literacies, computer literacy, and online reading
comprehension (ORC). Each term has particular definitions, but common assumptions bring
them together under the same theoretical umbrella of new literacies.
Leu, Zawilinski, Castek, Banerjee, Housand, Liu, and O’Neil (2007) conclude that most
new literacies, including digital literacy, share four assumptions: (a) new literacies include the
new skills, strategies, dispositions, and social practices that are required by new technologies for
information and communication; (b) new literacies are central to full participation in a global
community; (c) new literacies regularly change as their defining technologies change; and (d)
new literacies are multifaceted and our understanding of them benefits from multiple points of
view. Leu, O’Byrne, Zawilinski, McVerry, and Everett-Cacopardo (2009) describe how new

Osterman, M. D. (2012). Digital literacy: Definition, theoretical framework, and competencies. In M. S. Plakhotnik,
S. M. Nielsen, & D. M. Pane (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Annual College of Education & GSN
Research Conference (pp. 135-141). Miami: Florida International University. Retrieved from

literacies theory can function on two levels—upper case (New Literacies) and lower case (new
literacies). Digital literacy acts as a lower case dimension to the broader more inclusive concept
of upper case New Literacies. Research conducted in the various lower case fields such as
digital literacy, information literacy, or online reading comprehension inform the larger field of
New Literacies.
Ba and colleagues (2002) offer a broad definition of digital literacy. They describe
digital literacy as a “set of habits through which youngsters use information technologies for
learning, work, and fun” (p. 5). This definition is general, but sheds light on a key paradox in
contemporary education; that is, the skills demanded for an increasingly technological and
changing work-place are not being learned in school, but rather outside the sphere of the school
environment (Beavis, Apperley, Bradford, O'Mara, & Walsh, 2009). As the Internet has become
this generation’s defining technology for literacy and learning, classrooms have yet to take up
Internet integration into the classroom or begin instruction in the new literacy skills the Internet
requires (Leu et al., 2007). Currently, according to the International Association for K-12 Online
Learning, Idaho, Alabama, Florida, and Michigan require students to take online education
courses to graduate.
In light of this, policymakers must begin to recognize the pervasive growth of the Internet
in education, work, and home settings as a reading comprehension (cognitive) issue, not just a
techno-procedural one. Currently, no state in the United States measures students’ ability to read
search engine results during state reading assessments, to critically evaluate information that is
found online to determine its reliability, to compose clear and effective email messages, or to
permit all students to use a word processor on the state writing assessment (Leu, Ataya, & Coiro,
2002). In 2009 the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), known as our nation's
report card, excluded online reading comprehension from the 2009 NAEP reading framework.
The digital divide between school, home, and the workplace is highly problematic, creating a
discord between the learning experiences in each environment. Educators need to correlate
students’ digital literacy habits from their personal lives with instructional practices in school
(Leu et al., 2011). This correlation will begin to address the disconnect that exists between home
and school technology use and make curriculum more relevant to student’s lives.
The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the need for researchers and educators to agree
upon a digital literacy theoretical framework and its accompanying competencies. This will
permit educators to design curriculum that is effective at teaching digital literacy skills.
Literature Review Methodology
The author queried numerous databases including ERIC, ProQuest, EBSCOhost,
FirstSearch, and Google Scholar using the terms: 21st century literacies, Internet literacies,
digital literacies, new media literacies, information literacy, ICT literacies, computer literacy,
and ORC (online reading comprehension). Bibliographies of relevant articles served as a source
of content for the review as well. The author highlighted material available in English and
published within the last 8 years. The author expanded his search to include information literacy
mission statements for colleges and universities across the nation. Digital literacy theoretical
frameworks and information literacy mission statements and/or frameworks were analyzed for
commonalities and differences. The author synthesized these various approaches and made
suggestions for the development of a digital literacy framework and its competencies and
suggests implications for a relationship between digital and visual literacy skills.

Definitions and Frameworks

Primary, secondary, and post-secondary schools have arrived at definitions of
information literacy through their library systems. Presently, most institutions use a definition of
information literacy that focuses on research skills such as posing a question, identifying
appropriate sources, finding, evaluating, or synthesizing information, or using it in a product
(American Association of School Librarians, 1998). Information literacy has a history of
focusing on such research skills, but as a result of changing and evolving technology use, this
research model needs to be expanded to a more holistic definition that includes more
competencies and be re-defined as digital literacy.
The Florida Department of Education (Florida Dept. of Education, 2005) developed the
FINDS research process model as a framework for its information literacy curriculum standards
for media specialists. The FDOE has broken the research process model up into five overarching
themes: focus, investigate, note, develop, and score. All of the indicators in this framework are
important skills, but are limited to the finding, retrieval, and synthesis of information in a
research context. Following in this vein, the 2011 Florida International University Library
Instruction Program Information Literacy Vision Statement asserts that “the libraries seek to
promote information literacy by educating students to understand the organization of knowledge,
gather data of all kinds using both print and information technology resources, and evaluate the
relevance and authority of information in all its forms” (para. 4). The 2011 Hunter College of
New York Information Literacy Mission Statement asserts:
Information literacy enhances the pursuit of knowledge by preparing students to think
critically and use information for their academic, professional and personal lives. The
information literate individual can recognize the need for information, can locate it using
a variety of media and technologies, and can evaluate information in order to use it
effectively. Information literate students have the flexibility to take these skills from
their formal education and use them throughout life as citizens and professionals and as a
means toward continued learning. (para. 4)
This is another example of a research-based focus, though Hunter College does address the
bridge between technology use in school, work, and the home.
Libraries have been leaders in defining information literacy at schools because their
environments have been in the forefront of the transition from printed text to digital text.
Unfortunately, a focus on research competencies as a core framework does not encompass the
full set of skills that can make a student fully successful in a digital environment. Following are
definitions for digital literacy that not only encompass the important capacity for research skills
but also include concepts of visual and media literacy, non-linear thinking, and collaborative/
socio-emotional skills. The 2011 Association of Colleges and Research Libraries, American
Library Association states that
Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when
information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the
needed information. Information literacy also is increasingly important in the
contemporary environment of rapid technological change and proliferating information
resources. In addition, information is available through multiple media, including
graphical, aural, and textual, and these pose new challenges for individuals in evaluating
and understanding it. (para. 3)

The inclusion of graphical, aural, and textual elements that pose new challenges for individuals
in evaluating and understanding addresses the issue of new additional skills that are necessary for
consideration when defining information literacy.
The University Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign uses a broad
definition of digital literacy stating that digital literacy is (a) the ability to use digital technology,
communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information; (b) the ability
to understand and use information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when it is
presented via computers; and (c) a person’s ability to perform tasks effectively in a digital
environment. Literacy includes the ability to read and interpret media, to reproduce data and
images through digital manipulation, and to evaluate and apply new knowledge gained from
digital environments (University of Illinois, 2011, para.1).
The University of Illinois’ definition also goes beyond the finding, retrieval, and
synthesis of information. The third bullet from the above definition mentions concepts of
images, reproduction, and digital manipulation as parts of digital literacy. This broader view
takes into account that a computer is a graphic interface that often gives information, directives,
and cues not just with text but also with images and symbols that need to be deciphered. One
can make the argument that to be digitally literate one must also be visually literate (Jones &
Flannigan, 2006). It is important to begin to acknowledge the fact that digital media represents
cultural forms that are inextricably connected with other visual and audio-visual media
(Buckingham, 2007). The continued use of computers and other digital media places a strong
emphasis on not only visual literacy, but media literacy skills as well when considering the skills
needed to become digitally literate. Current media literacy frameworks can serve as a good
foundation for the development of a digital literacy framework.
The United Kingdom Office of Communications (Ofcom, 2006) defines media literacy
as “the ability to access, understand and create communications in a variety of contexts” (p. 7).
Media literacy as defined by Ofcom (2006) and broadened by Buckingham (2007) indicates
some of the issues that might be addressed in applying this framework to the World Wide Web
to create a digital literacy framework. For Buckingham (2007),
approaching digital media through media education is about much more than simply
‘accessing’ these media, or using them as tools for learning: on the contrary, it means
developing a much broader critical understanding, which addresses the textual
characteristics of media alongside their social, economic and cultural implications. (p. 49)
In response to these trends in research, Eshet-Alkalai (2004) created a five-skill holistic
conceptual model for digital literacy. This framework, expanded in 2009 to include six skills,
offers a useful way to begin creating assessment tools that can be used to increase research and
better understand what core skills are representative of effective digital literacy. Eshet-Alkalai
and Chajut’s (2009) framework consists of the following skill sets:
• Photovisual literacy is the ability to work effectively with digital environments, such as
user interfaces, that employ graphical communication.
• Reproduction literacy is the ability to create authentic, meaningful written and artwork by
reproducing and manipulating preexisting digital text, visuals, and audio pieces.
• Branching literacy is the ability to construct knowledge by a nonlinear navigation through
knowledge domains, such as in the Internet and other hypermedia environments.
• Information literacy is the ability to consume information critically and sort out false and
biased information.

• Socioemotional literacy is the ability to communicate effectively in online

communication platforms such as discussion groups and chatrooms.
• Real-time thinking skill is the ability to process and evaluate large volumes of
information in real time, such as in computer games and chatrooms.
The definition for photo-visual literacy created by Eshet-Alkalai (2004) is limited and should be
expanded to include a set of abilities that enables an individual to effectively find, interpret,
evaluate, use, and create images and visual media. This broadened definition addresses the role
images play in the conveyance of information in the digital age and the need to synthesize that
information visually as stated in the reproduction literacy definition above.
Eshet-Alkalai (2004) concludes that digital literacy is more than the ability to use
software or operate a digital device; it includes a large variety of complex cognitive, motor,
sociological, and emotional skills. This shapes his framework into a holistic tool that includes
three strands: technical-procedural, cognitive, and emotional-social skills (Aviram & Eshet-
Alkalai, 2006). Eshet-Alkalai (2004) states that the
technical-procedural refers to basic computing skills necessary to operate technology
using modern graphic interfaces; surfing the Web in non-linear ways, cognitive deals
with pedagogy issues when considering digital literacy such as comprehension, critical
reflection, and creativity while emotional-social skills is concerned with the social media
aspect of computing in contemporary society. (p. 94)
This holistic view of digital literacy recognizes that the use of technology, specifically the
Internet, is a reading comprehension issue, not just a techno-procedural one. Eshet-Alkalai
(2004) proposes to use this theoretical framework as a diagnostic and evaluative tool for use in
creating precise, user-directed products.
Eshet-Alkalai arrived at this theoretical model from a study in 2002. In order to
investigate various aspects of digital literacy, three groups of participants were selected that
included ten high school students, ten college students, and ten adults. All participants were
given assignments that required performing the ability to use different kinds of digital literacy
skills. For example, to measure branching literacy, participants were asked to plan a trip to a
foreign country by using information from the Internet. The tasks were assessed through
observation and the completion of rubrics by observers. Because of the small sample used in this
group and the qualitative methods used for analysis, it is difficult to infer results to a larger
population. These limitations can be addressed through further research attempts using this
theoretical model.
Recent work by Leu et al. (2008) suggests that online reading comprehension is not
isomorphic with offline reading comprehension. The technology that exists today has brought
about a number of important shifts of emphasis in terms of literacy (Merchant, 2007). One of the
most critical and obvious is a move from fixed to fluid texts where reading and writing paths
have become non-linear in contrast to linear historical texts. Furthermore, the increase in leaner
use of online media content for information gathering challenges the learner to organize and
compose information in a nonlinear fashion while often integrating visual media to synthesize
that information. These shifts pose new challenges for individuals in evaluating and
understanding information and necessitate additional skills for effective literacy.
Eshet-Alkalai’s (2004) definition of digital literacy and a hybrid of the five-skill holistic
conceptual model can be used gain consensus creating assessment tools that can be used to
increase research and better understand what core skills are truly representative of effective

digital literacy. Only through continued research can we come to a consensus on what those
demands and skills are and begin to develop assessments of digital literacy skills that are reliable,
valid, and easy to score. Researchers must then consider how an understanding of the range of
skills that comprise digital literacy might be useful to the learning of literacies in educational
settings. Educators, curriculum writers, and policymakers can then begin making the necessary
adjustments to literacy curricula taught within schools.
Technology growth and evolution has brought about a number of important shifts of
emphasis in terms of literacy over the past two decades. One of the most critical and obvious is a
move from fixed to fluid texts where reading and writing paths have become non-linear in
contrast to linear historical texts (Merchant, 2007). Other shifts include the development of
interwoven texts through the use of such devices as textual hyperlink, reading and writing paths
that are becoming non-linear, and text that has become more densely multimodal (Merchant,
2007). These shifts pose new challenges for individuals in evaluating and understanding
information and necessitate additional skills for effective literacy. These shifts also offer
evidence that online reading must be considered a new form of literacy with its own set of
demands and skills that are both techno-procedural and cognitive in nature.
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Aviram, A., & Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2006). Towards a theory of digital literacy: Three scenarios for
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Ba, H., Tally, W., & Tsikalas, K. (2002). Investigating children’s emerging digital literacies. The
Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1(4), 5-48.
Buckingham, D. (2007). Digital media literacies: Rethinking media education in the age of the
Internet. Research in Comparative and International Education, 2, 42-55.
Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2004). Digital literacy: A conceptual framework for survival skills in the
digital era. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 13, 93-106.
Eshet-Alkalai, Y., & Chajut, E. (2009). Changes over time in digital literacy. Cyberpsychology &
Behavior, 12(6), 421-429.
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Retrieved from
Hiebert, E. H. (1991). Introduction. In E. H. Hiebert (Ed.), Literacy for a diverse society:
Perspectives, practices, and policies, (pp. 1-6). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Hunter College, Hunter College Library, (2011). Information literacy mission statement.
Retrieved from
Leu, D. J., Ataya, R., & Coiro, J. (2002, December). Assessing assessment strategies among the
50 states: Evaluating the literacies of our past or our future? Paper presented at National
Reading Conference, Miami, FL.
Leu, D., Zawilinski, L., Castek, J., Banerjee, M., Housand, B., Liu, Y., & O’Neil, M. (2007).
What is new about the New Literacies of online reading comprehension? In L. Rush, A.
Eakle & A. Berger (Eds.), Secondary school literacy: What research reveals for
classroom. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.

Leu, D. J., Coiro, J., Castek, J., Hartman, D., Henry, L. A., & Reinking, D. (2008). Research on
instruction and assessment in the new literacies of online reading comprehension. In C.
C. Block & S. Parris (Eds.), Comprehension instruction: Research-based best practices.
(2nd ed., pp. 321-346). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Leu, D., McVerry, J., O’Byrne, W., Zawilinski, L., Castek, J., & Hartman, D. (2011). The New
Literacies of online reading comprehension and the irony of No Child Left Behind:
Students who require our assistance the most, actually receive it the least. In L. Morrow,
R. Rueda, D. Lapp, & E. Cooper (Eds.). Handbook of research on literacy and diversity
(pp. 173-180). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
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Expanding the new literacies conversation. Educational Researcher, 38, 264-269.
Merchant, G. (2007). Mind the gap(s): Discourses and discontinuity in digital literacies. E-
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