Europass Curriculum Vitae Exemple
Europass Curriculum Vitae Exemple
Europass Curriculum Vitae Exemple
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
Work experience
Dates September 2006–May 2007
Occupation or position held Scientific Initiation Scholarship (BIC)
Main activities and Development of a compiler for the prototype language MIL, presenting a multithreaded
responsibilities typed assembly. Development of a compiler for a language based on the π-calculus
that targets MIL. Technologies used: Java, JavaCUP, JFlex, Maven, JUnit, and Easy-
Name and address of employer CITI, Deparamento de Informática, FCT/UNL, Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA,
Type of business or sector Software Engineering
Dates 2005–2006
Occupation or position held Software Developer
Main activities and Developed two web applications: a real estate web site (
responsibilities and a content management system for treating biology field researches (http://dddd. Technologies used: Python, PEAK, CherryPy, HTML, CSS,
and SQLite.
Name and address of employer 4D Produções
Type of business or sector Web Development
Dates 2004
Occupation or position held Software Developer
Main activities and Developed an educational application that implements encryption algorithms. Tech-
responsibilities nologies used: Python and PyGtk.
Name and address of employer Tetra-Pi – Centro de Actividades Educacionais
Type of business or sector Educational Software
Dates 2005–present
Occupation or position held Maintainer
Main activities and Created a application to create Audio-CD’s for GNOME. Its main features are tight
responsibilities integration in the desktop environment, simple to use, and broad support for audio
formats. Technologies used: Python, C, PyGtk, nautilus-burn, and GStreamer.
Dates 2005–2007
Occupation or position held Contributer
Organizational skills and I am a member of the GLOSS research team of LaSIGE, a research unit at the De-
competences partment of Informatics, University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences. I was part of the
team responsible for the reactivation of the Informatics Group at the University of Azo-
res. I was vice-president of the Informatics Group at the University of Azores. I was
part of the team responsible for creating a Programming Marathon at the University of
Azores. I was a member of the direction and performed a talk in the first Informatics
Workshop, at the University of Azores, organized by stutends.
Informatics skills and Programming Languages: Python, Java, C, Haskell, Prolog, Perl, PHP, Visual Basic,
competences Tcl/Tk, m4, and Pascal.
Technologies: XML, XSLT, XPath, GStreamer, GNOME, XML-RPC, Posix Threads,
Maven, ant, BSD Sockets, Java SWING, and Gtk+.
Additional information
Personal Interests Programming languages, typing systems, sensor networks, compilers, Test Driven
Development, Agile Development, traveling, and Capoeira.