Affidavit of Loss: (Change The Declaration Below To The Actual Circumstances)
Affidavit of Loss: (Change The Declaration Below To The Actual Circumstances)
Affidavit of Loss: (Change The Declaration Below To The Actual Circumstances)
_____________________________ ) S.S.
I, (Name of Affiant)., Filipino, of legal age, residing at (Address of Affiant), after having been
sworn in accordance with law hereby depose and state:
That I am the true and lawful owner of a certain motor vehicle which is
more particularly described as follows:
(Change the declaration below to the actual circumstances)
That sometime in June of this year, I was looking for the original
Certificate of Registration of my car but to my surprise, said Owner’s original
Copy could not found;
That I took pains to look for said Certificate of Registration, but to no
That I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing
and to request from the Land Transportation Office of Angeles City, a copy of
said Certificate of Registration.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _____ day of _______________. 20___
at _________________________.
(Name Over Signature of
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this ____ day of ______________, 20___ in
___________________ City, with affiant exhibiting his CTC No. _______________ ,
Issued on ______________________ at _________________________.
Until December 31, 200___
Doc. No. : ________;
Page No. : ________;
Book No. : ________;
Series of 20_______.
That I am indebted in the sum of________ (amount in words) __________ PESOS (P:
000,000.000), Philippine Currency, to _________________________________________ also a
Filipino, of legal age, single / married to _______________________________________ with postal
address at ______________________________________________________.
That I shall pay the sum of _________________________________ PESOS (P 000,000.00) unto the
said ____________________________ within a period of (state the repayment period -
days/months/years) from the execution hereof, with interest at the rate of (state the interest
rate in words) (0.0 %) percent per year.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have affixed my signature hereto this _____ day of ____________, 20__
at ___________________________. at___________________________, Philippines.
(Printed Name Over Signature)
________________________ _______________________
_____________________________ ) SS.
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, this ____day of ________________, personally appeared the
Name CTC Number Date/Place Issued
(Name of Debtor) 10000000 January 15, 20__ / Manila
(Name of Creditor) 10000000 February 24, 20__ / Pasig
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand the day, year and place above written.
Notary Public
THIS IS TO AUTHORIZE (Name), of legal age, a resident of (Address) , to do and perform any
and all of the following acts:
(In case of a corporation, replace above with: THIS IS TO AUTHORIZE [Name of Corporation], a
domestic corporation existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Philippines, with principal
office located at [Address], to do and perform the following acts:)
TO SELL (or TO RENT OUT) my house and lot located at (Address), more particularly described as
Block No. _________ Lot No. __________ Lot Area: __________ square meters
Transfer Certificate of Title No. __________
That (Name /Corporation) shall receive a commission fee equivalent to FIVE (5%) PERCENT
of the total selling price as stipulated in the Deed of Sale or Contract to Sell, payable upon the
execution of the instrument.
(In case of rent, replace above with: That (Name /Corporation) shall receive a commission fee
equivalent to ONE MONTH RENT as stipulated in the Rental /Lease Contract, payable upon the
execution of the instrument.
In case of renewal of lease, (Name /Corporation) shall receive an equivalent of ONE MONTH
RENT for every year of lease as stipulated in the Rental /Lease Contract, payable upon the
execution of the instrument.)
(Add terms as required)
This exclusive (or Non-Exclusive) authority shall become ineffective only after 30 (60 or 90)
days from receipt of either party of a written notice terminating such authority.
Signature Over Printed Name
Name of Owner: _________________________________________
Spouse: _________________________________________________
Home Address: __________________________________________
Telephone Nos. __________________________________________
Office Address: __________________________________________
Telephone Nos. __________________________________________
Date: _______________________
This CONTRACT TO SELL, made and executed this ____ day of _________, 20__ by and between:
(NAME OF SELLER /VENDOR), of legal age, single/married to (Name of spouse if
any), Filipino, and with residence and postal address at (Address), hereinafter referred to as
(NAME OF BUYER/VENDEE), Filipino and with residence and postal address at
(Address), hereinafter referred to as the "BUYER/VENDEE".
WHEREAS, the SELLER/VENDOR is the absolute and registered owner of a parcel of
land consisting of LAND AREA IN WORDS (000) square meters, more or less, located at
(Address of property to be sold) and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. (TCT Number)
issued by the Registry of Deeds of (Name of Town or City);
WHEREAS, the BUYER/VENDEE has offered to buy and the SELLER /VENDOR has
agreed to sell the above mentioned property under the terms and conditions herein below set
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the total sum of (Amount in words)
(Php: 000,000.00) Philippine Currency, and of the covenants herein after set forth the
SELLER/VENDOR agrees to sell and the BUYER/VENDEE agrees to buy the aforesaid
property subject to the following terms and conditions: (Note: Terms and Conditions below
are sample only, please revise)
1. The total consideration shall be One Million (Php: 1,000,000.00) PESOS, Philippine
Currency, payable as follows:
a) The amount of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND (Php: 300,000.00) PESOS, representing
earnest money shall be payable by the BUYER/VENDEE to the SELLER/VENDOR upon
signing of this Contract to Sell;
b) The remaining balance in the amount of SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND (Php: 700,000.00)
PESOS, shall be paid in Cash on or before ___________, 20__.
c) In case the check representing the payment for the balance provided in paragraph b hereof,
is dishonored by the drawee bank, the earnest money in the amount of THREE HUNDRED
THOUSAND (Php: 300,000.00) PESOS, shall be forfeited in favor of the SELLER/VENDOR.
2. Capital Gains Tax and Real Estate Tax, shall be for the account of the SELLER/VENDOR;
3. Documentary Stamps Tax, Registration Fee, registration expenses, and all other
miscellaneous fees and expenses shall be to the account of the BUYER/VENDEE;
4. Possession to the subject property shall be delivered by the SELLER/VENDOR to the
BUYER/VENDEE upon full payment of the total consideration;
5. Upon full payment of the total price, the SELLER/VENDOR shall sign and execute a DEED
OF ABSOLUTE SALE in favor of the BUYER/VENDEE. The SELLER/VENDOR shall likewise
execute and/or deliver any and all documents, including but not limited to the original copy of
Transfer Certificate of Title, Tax Declaration and all other documents necessary for the transfer
of ownership from SELLER/VENDOR to the BUYER/VENDEE.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures, this ___ day of
____________, 20__ at ______________________, Philippines.
Name Name
________________________ _________________________
Name of Seller/Vendor's Spouse Name of Buyer/Vendee's Spouse
__________________________ ____________________________
That the MORTGAGOR is indebted unto the MORTGAGEE in the sum of (Amount in Words)
(000,000.00), Philippine Currency, receipt of which is acknowledged by the MORTGAGOR upon the signing of
this instrument, payable within a period of _____ years, with interest thereon at the rate of (___) % per
That for, and consideration of , this indebtedness, and to assure the performance of said obligation to pay, the
MORTGAGOR hereby conveys by way of CHATTEL MORTGAGE unto the MORTGAGEE, his
heirs and assigns, the following personality now in the possession of said MORTGAGOR
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands, this ____day of ____________ 20___ at
____ Philippines.
____________________________ _____________________________
____________________________ _____________________________
Republic of the Philippines)
________________________ ) S.S
Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument
and acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place first above written.
Notary Public
Doc. No.______;
Page No. _____;
Book No.______;
Series of 20___.
This CONTRACT TO SELL, made and executed this ____ day of _________, 20__ by and between:
(NAME OF SELLER /VENDOR), of legal age, single/married to (Name of spouse if
any), Filipino, and with residence and postal address at (Address), hereinafter referred to as
(NAME OF BUYER/VENDEE), Filipino and with residence and postal address at
(Address), hereinafter referred to as the "BUYER/VENDEE".
WHEREAS, the SELLER/VENDOR is the absolute and registered owner of a parcel of
land consisting of LAND AREA IN WORDS (000) square meters, more or less, located at
(Address of property to be sold) and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. (TCT Number)
issued by the Registry of Deeds of (Name of Town or City);
WHEREAS, the BUYER/VENDEE has offered to buy and the SELLER /VENDOR has
agreed to sell the above mentioned property under the terms and conditions herein below set
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the total sum of (Amount in words)
(Php: 000,000.00) Philippine Currency, and of the covenants herein after set forth the
SELLER/VENDOR agrees to sell and the BUYER/VENDEE agrees to buy the aforesaid
property subject to the following terms and conditions: (Note: Terms and Conditions below
are sample only, please revise)
1. The total consideration shall be One Million (Php: 1,000,000.00) PESOS, Philippine
Currency, payable as follows:
a) The amount of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND (Php: 300,000.00) PESOS, representing
earnest money shall be payable by the BUYER/VENDEE to the SELLER/VENDOR upon
signing of this Contract to Sell;
b) The remaining balance in the amount of SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND (Php: 700,000.00)
PESOS, shall be paid in Cash on or before ___________, 20__.
c) In case the check representing the payment for the balance provided in paragraph b hereof,
is dishonored by the drawee bank, the earnest money in the amount of THREE HUNDRED
THOUSAND (Php: 300,000.00) PESOS, shall be forfeited in favor of the SELLER/VENDOR.
2. Capital Gains Tax and Real Estate Tax, shall be for the account of the SELLER/VENDOR;
3. Documentary Stamps Tax, Registration Fee, registration expenses, and all other
miscellaneous fees and expenses shall be to the account of the BUYER/VENDEE;
4. Possession to the subject property shall be delivered by the SELLER/VENDOR to the
BUYER/VENDEE upon full payment of the total consideration;
5. Upon full payment of the total price, the SELLER/VENDOR shall sign and execute a DEED
OF ABSOLUTE SALE in favor of the BUYER/VENDEE. The SELLER/VENDOR shall likewise
execute and/or deliver any and all documents, including but not limited to the original copy of
Transfer Certificate of Title, Tax Declaration and all other documents necessary for the transfer
of ownership from SELLER/VENDOR to the BUYER/VENDEE.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures, this ___ day of
____________, 20__ at ______________________, Philippines.
Name Name
________________________ _________________________
Name of Seller/Vendor's Spouse Name of Buyer/Vendee's Spouse
__________________________ ____________________________
This CONTRACT OF LEASE is made and executed at the City of _____, this day of
_______________, 20____, by and between:
(NAME OF LESSOR), of legal age, single/married to (Name of spouse if any), Filipino,
and with residence and postal address at (Address), hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR.
(NAME OF LESSEE), Filipino and with residence and postal address at (Address),
hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE.
WHEREAS, the LESSOR is the owner of THE LEASED PREMISES, a residential property
situated at (Address of property to be leased);
WHEREAS, the LESSOR agrees to lease-out the property to the LESSEE and the LESSEE is
willing to lease the same;
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the LESSOR leases
unto the LESSEE and the LESSEE hereby accepts from the LESSOR the LEASED premises,
subject to the following:
1. PURPOSES: That premises hereby leased shall be used exclusively by the LESSEE for
residential purposes only and shall not be diverted to other uses. It is hereby expressly agreed
that if at any time the premises are used for other purposes, the LESSOR shall have the right
to rescind this contract without prejudice to its other rights under the law.
2. TERM: This term of lease is for ONE (1) YEAR. from (Date) to (Date) inclusive. Upon its
expiration, this lease may be renewed under such terms and conditions as my be mutually
agreed upon by both parties, written notice of intention to renew the lease shall be served to
the LESSOR not later than seven (7) days prior to the expiry date of the period herein agreed
3. RENTAL RATE: The monthly rental rate for the leased premises shall be in PESOS:
AMOUNT IN WORDS (P 00,000.00), Philippine Currency. All rental payments shall be payable
to the LESSOR.
4. DEPOSIT: That the LESSEE shall deposit to the LESSOR upon signing of this contract and
prior to move-in an amount equivalent to the rent for THREE (3) MONTHS or the sum of
PESOS: AMOUNT IN WORDS (P 00,000.00), Philippine Currency. wherein the two (2) months
deposit shall be applied as rent for the 11th and 12th months and the remaining one (1) month
deposit shall answer partially for damages and any other obligations, for utilities such as
Water, Electricity, CATV, Telephone, Association Dues or resulting from violation(s) of any of
the provision of this contract.
5. DEFAULT PAYMENT: In case of default by the LESSEE in the payment of the rent, such as
when the checks are dishonored, the LESSOR at its option may terminate this contract and
eject the LESSEE. The LESSOR has the right to padlock the premises when the LESSEE is in
default of payment for One (1) month and may forfeit whatever rental deposit or advances have
been given by the LESSEE.
6. SUB-LEASE: The LESSEE shall not directly or indirectly sublet, allow or permit the leased
premises to be occupied in whole or in part by any person, form or corporation, neither shall
the LESSEE assign its rights hereunder to any other person or entity and no right of interest
thereto or therein shall be conferred on or vested in anyone by the LESSEE without the
LESSOR'S written approval.
7. PUBLIC UTILITIES: The LESSEE shall pay for its telephone, electric, cable TV, water,
Internet, association dues and other public services and utilities during the duration of the
8. FORCE MAJEURE: If whole or any part of the leased premises shall be destroyed or
damaged by fire, flood, lightning, typhoon, earthquake, storm, riot or any other unforeseen
disabling cause of acts of God, as to render the leased premises during the term substantially
unfit for use and occupation of the LESSEE, then this lease contract may be terminated
without compensation by the LESSOR or by the LESSEE by notice in writing to the other.
9. LESSOR'S RIGHT OF ENTRY: The LESSOR or its authorized agent shall after giving due
notice to the LESSEE shall have the right to enter the premises in the presence of the LESSEE
or its representative at any reasonable hour to examine the same or make repairs therein or for
the operation and maintenance of the building or to exhibit the leased premises to prospective
LESSEE, or for any other lawful purposes which it may deem necessary.
10. EXPIRATION OF LEASE: At the expiration of the term of this lease or cancellation
thereof, as herein provided, the LESSEE will promptly deliver to the LESSOR the leased
premises with all corresponding keys and in as good and tenable condition as the same is now,
ordinary wear and tear expected devoid of all occupants, movable furniture, articles and effects
of any kind. Non-compliance with the terms of this clause by the LESSEE will give the LESSOR
the right, at the latter's option, to refuse to accept the delivery of the premises and compel the
LESSEE to pay rent therefrom at the same rate plus Twenty Five (25) % thereof as penalty until
the LESSEE shall have complied with the terms hereof. The same penalty shall be imposed in
case the LESSEE fails to leave the premises after the expiration of this Contract of Lease or
termination for any reason whatsoever.
11. JUDICIAL RELIEF: Should any one of the parties herein be compelled to seek judicial
relief against the other, the losing party shall pay an amount of One Hundred (100) % of the
amount clamed in the complaint as attorney's fees which shall in no case be less than
P50,000.00 pesos in addition to other cost and damages which the said party may be entitled
to under the law.
12. This CONTRACT OF LEASE shall be valid and binding between the parties, their
successors-in-interest and assigns.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties herein affixed their signatures on the date and place above
(Name of Lessor) (Name of Lessee)
_________________________) S.S
BEFORE ME, personally appeared:
Name CTC Number Date/Place Issued
(Name of Lessor) 10000000 February 24, 20__ / Cavite City
Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument
and acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.
This instrument consisting of ____ page/s, including the page on which this acknowledgement
is written, has been signed on each and every page thereof by the concerned parties and their
witnesses, and and sealed with my notarial seal.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place first above written.
Doc. No.______;
Book No.______;
Series of 20___.
This deed, made and entered into this ___ day of __________, 20__ at the City of Manila,
by and between:
Juan de la Cruz, Filipino Citizen, of legal age, married to Juanita de la Cruz with
residence and postal address at 1234 Oak Lane, Standard Subdivision, Quezon City,
hereinafter referred to as the "ASSIGNOR"
Pedro San Juan, Filipino Citizen, of legal age, married to Patricia San Juan with
residence and postal address at 123A Somerville Plaza Tower, 5678 Mahogany
Avenue, Manila, hereinafter referred to as the "ASSIGNEE".
WHEREAS the ASSIGNOR is the buyer of a 2-bedroom unit, located at 18C, Grand
Towers Condominium, 234 Taft Avenue, Manila, with an area of SEVENTY EIGHT (78)
SQUARE METERS more or less, covered by Condominium Certificate Title No. 98765 of the
register of Deeds of Manila, registered in the name of the Bank of the Philippine Islands.;
WHEREAS, the ASSIGNOR has offered to assign all his rights, title and interest over the
above unit, as referred in said Contract to Sell and the ASSIGNEE hereby accepts the assignment
in accordance with the terms herein set forth;
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and the sum of
hereby acknowledged to have received from the ASSIGNEE, the ASSIGNOR hereby assigns,
transfers and conveys unto the ASSIGNEE, all his rights, title and interest to the aforementioned
property and and appurtenant interest in the Condominium project pursuant to this Agreement
and the ASSIGNEE by these presents hereby accepts the assignment and agrees to be bound by
the terms and conditions of the Contract to Sell and the rules and regulations, and restrictions
pertaining to the said unit.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands on the date and place first
above written.
BEFORE ME, a notary for and in the City of Manila, personally appeared:
known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Deed of Assignment
and transfer of Rights and acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place first above written.
Notary Public
Doc. No.______;
Book No.______;
Series of 20____
That the DONOR is the registered owner of a parcel of land, more particularly described as
(Insert description of property to be donated)
That the DONEE is a cousin of the DONOR, who has lovingly dedicated five (5) years of his life
as the latter's personal caregiver and companion;
That FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the DONEE'S trust, devotion and affection shown to
the DONOR, and as an act of gratitude and liberality on his part, the DONOR hereby voluntarily
GIVES, TRANSFERS, and CONVEYS by way of donation, unto the said DONEE, his heirs and
assigns, the above described property, together with all the improvements found thereon, free
from all liens and encumbrances;
That the DONOR affirms that this donation is not made with intent to deceive his creditors, and
that he has reserved for himself sufficient funds and property;
That the DONEE hereby accepts and receives this donation made in his favor by the DONOR,
and hereby manifests his gratefulness for the latter's generosity.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, both the DONOR & DONEE have hereunder subscribed their names
this __________ day of __________________ 20__ at _____________________, Philippines.
_________________________ ________________________
_________________________ ________________________
______________________) S.S
BEFORE ME, a notary for and in the City of Makati, personally appeared:
known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Deed of Donation
and acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place first above written.
Notary Public
Doc. No._____;
Book No._____;
Series of 20___.
This DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE is made, executed and entered into by:
(NAME OF SELLER), of legal age, single/married to (Name of spouse if any), Filipino, and
with residence and postal address at (Address of Seller), hereinafter referred to as the SELLER
(NAME OF BUYER), Filipino and with residence and postal address at (Address of Buyer),
hereinafter referred to as the BUYER.
WHEREAS, the SELLER is the registered owner of a parcel of land with improvements
located at (Address of property to be sold) and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No.
(TCT Number) containing a total area of (Land Area of Property in Words) (000) SQUARE
METERS, more or less, and more particularly described as follows:
"(Insert the technical description of the property on the title) Example: A PARCEL
OF LAND (Lot 20 Blk 54 of consolidation subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-13265, being a portion of
the consolidation of Lots 4751-A and 4751-B (LRC) Psd-50533, Lot 3, Psd-100703, Lot 1, Psd-
150980, LRC Rec. Nos. Nos. N-27024, 51768, 89632, N-11782, N-13466, and 21071 situated
in the Bo. of San Donisio, Mun of Paranaque, Prov of Rizal, Is. of Luzon. Bounded on NE.,
point 4 to 1 by Road Lot 22, the point of beginning; containing an area of (280) square
meters more or less..."
WHEREAS, the BUYER has offered to buy and the SELLER has agreed to sell the above
mentioned property for the amount of (Amount in words) (P 000,000.00) Philippine Currency;
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of (Amount in words) (P
000,000.00) Philippine Currency, hand paid by the vendee to the vendor, the SELLER DO
HEREBY SELL, TRANSFER, and CONVEY by way of Absolute Sale unto the said BUYER, his
heirs and assigns, the certain parcel of land together with all the improvements found thereon,
free from all liens and encumbrances of whatever nature including real estate taxes as of the
date of this sale.
Seller Buyer
__________________________ ____________________________
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of ___________________, personally appeared:
Name CTC Number Date/Place Issued
(Name of Seller) 10000000 Jan 15, 20__ / Angeles City
(Name of Buyer) 10000000 Jan 9, 20__ / Manila
Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument
and acknowledged to me that the same are their free act and voluntary deed.
This instrument, consisting of (__) pages, including the page on which this acknowledgment is
written, has been signed on the left margin of each and every page thereof by the concerned
parties and their witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on this ___day of __________________20__ at_______________.
Notary Public
Doc. No. ........;
Page No. .......;
Book No. .......;
Series of 20__.
C.R. NO. :
That for and in consideration of the sum of Amount in Words (P000.000.00)
PESOS, Philippine Currency, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged to my entire
satisfaction, I hereby sell, transfer and convey by way of Absolute Sale unto (Name of
Buyer), Filipino, of legal age, and resident of (Address of Buyer), the above described
motor vehicle, free from all liens and encumbrances.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto affixed our hands this____ day of
_______________ at ________________.
(Name of Buyer) (Name of Seller)
Vendee Vendor
Signed in the presence of:
_____________________________ ______________________________
Republic of the Philippines )
) S.S
(Name of Seller) 10000000 Jan 01, __ / Angeles City
(Name of Buyer) 10000000 Jan 04, __ / Manila
Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
instrument and acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place first above written.
Notary Public
Doc. No.______;
Page No. ______;
Book No.______;
Series of 20___.
(Real Estate)
Mr. Jerry Benitez
18 Sunflower St, New Manila,
Quezon City
Re: Blk.___ Lot___, Camilla St., Manila; with
lot area of _____sqm. more or less; covered
by T.C.T. No. ______________
Dear Mr. Benitez,
This is to express our firm offer to buy the above stated property through our authorized brokers,
Alex Ortiz, subject to the following terms and conditions:
Purchase Price PhP: ______________________
Terms and Conditions:
1) Upon acceptance of this offer, earnest money in the amount of amount in
words (Php:________) shall be paid and shall be credited as part of the
purchase price.
2) The balance, in the amount of amount in words (Php:________) shall be
paid in full within 15 working days.
3) The Capital Gains Tax and Broker's commission shall be for the account of the
SELLER, while the Documentary Stamps, Transfer Tax and Registration Fees
shall be for the account of the BUYER.
Note: Revise and/or add terms and conditions of your offer. Also, change the
names of the parties as applicable to you.
If the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you, please signify your conformity by
signing on the space provided below.
Truly yours,
James Santos, Jr.
Victor Benitez
I, (Name of Principal), of legal age, single/married to (Name of spouse if any), Filipino, a
resident of (Address), do hereby name, constitute, and appoint (Name of Agent /Attorney-In-
Fact), to be my true and lawful attorney, for me and in my name, place, and stead, to do and
perform the following acts and things to wit:
To ask, demand, collect any and all sums of money, sue to recover debts, dues, accounts,
dividends, legacies, bequests, interests , and other things of value of whatever nature or kind
as may now be or may hereafter become due owing, payable or belonging to me, and to have,
sue, and to take any all lawful ways and means for the recovery thereof by suit, attachment,
compromise or otherwise;
To make, sign, execute, and deliver contracts, agreements, documents and other writings of
whatever nature or kind, with any and all third persons, entities or concerns, upon terms and
conditions acceptable to my said attorney;
To delegate in whole or in part any all of the powers herein granted or conferred, by means
of an instrument in writing, favor of any third persons whom my said attorney may select;
HEREBY GIVING AND GRANTING unto my said attorney full power and authority
whatsoever requisite or necessary or proper to be done in and about the premises as fully to all
intents and purposes as I might and could lawfully do if personally present, with power of
substitution and revocation, and hereby, ratifying and confirming all that my said attorney or
his substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done under and by virtue of these presents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto affixed our signatures this ___________ day of
____________________ , 20__ in ______________________, Philippines.
_____________________________ _______________________________
(Principal) (Agent /Attorney-In-Fact)
Signed in the presence of:
_____________________________ ______________________________
BEFORE ME, personally appeared:
Name CTC Number Date/Place Issued
(Name of Principal) 10000000 February 24, 20__ / Paranaque City
Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument
and acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place first above written.
Doc. No.______;
Book No.______;
Series of 20___.
WE, (Insert Name of Principal) single/married (insert name of spouse if married), of legal age, with
residence and postal address at (Address) do hereby APPOINT (Insert name of Agent /Attorney-In-
Fact)) single/married (insert name of spouse if married), likewise of legal age, with postal address at
(Address) as our true and legal representative to act for and in our name and stead and to perform
the following acts:
To sell, offer for sale, and come to an agreement as to the purchase price and
thereafter to sign for us and in our name and receive payment from the sale of our
property more particularly described as follows: (Insert Description of Property)
HEREBY GRANTING unto our representative full power and authority to execute and
perform every act necessary to render effective the power to sell the foregoing properties, as
though we ourselves, have so performed it, and HEREBY APPROVING ALL that he may do by
virtue hereof with full right of substitution of his person and revocation of this instrument.
_______________ 20__, AT (Insert Place of execution of this Instrument).
____________________________ _______________________________
(Name of Principal) (Name of Agent /Attorney-In-Fact)
________________________________ ____________________________________
Republic of the Philippines )
_________________________) S.S
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place first above written.
Notary Public
Doc. No.______;
Page No. ______;
Book No.______;
Series of 20___.
I, ____name of testator_____ , Filipino citizen, of legal age, single/married to ___insert name of
spouse if any___, born on the ____th of ______________, ____ , a resident of __insert address__ ,
being of sound and disposing mind and memory, and not acting under undue influence or
intimidation from anyone, do hereby declare and proclaim this instrument to be my Last Will
and Testament, in English, the language which I am well conversant. And I hereby declare
I. I desire that should I die, it is my wish to be buried according to the rites of the
Roman Catholic Church and interred at our family mausoleum in Manila;
II. To my beloved wife _____name of wife_____, I give and bequeath the following
property to wit:_________________________ ;
VII. I hereby direct that the executor and administrator of this Last Will and
Testament or his substitute need not present any bond;
VIII. I hereby revoke, set aside and annul any and all of my other will or testamentary
dispositions that I have made, executed, signed or published preceding this Last Will
and Testament.
(Signature of Testator over Printed Name)
We, the undersigned attesting witnesses, do hereby affirm that the forgoing is the last Will and
Testament of ___name of testator___ and we certify that the testator executed this document
while of sound mind and memory. That the testator signed this document in our presence, at
the bottom of the last page and on the left hand margin of each and every page, and we, in
turn, at the testator's behest have witnessed and signed the same in every page thereof, on the
left margin, in the presence of the testator and of the notary public, this _____ day of
__________, 20__ at____________.
______________________________ ____________________________________________
Signature of Witness Address
______________________________ ____________________________________________
Signature of Witness Address
______________________________ ____________________________________________
Signature of Witness Address
BEFORE ME, Notary Public for and in the city of ________________, personally appeared:
The testator ________________, with CTC No. __________ issued at ___________ on ____________;
all known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Will, the first as testator
and the last three as instrumental witnesses, and they respectively acknowledged to me that
the same as their own free act and deed.
This Last Will and Testament consists of __ page/s, including the page on which this
acknowledgment is written, and has been signed on the left margin of each and every page
thereof by the testator and his witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand the day, year, and place above written.
Notary Public
Doc. No. _____;
Page No._____;
Book No._____;
Series of 20__.
– versus –
Declaration of Nullity of
This Judicial Affidavit of __________________, the Petitioner, is executed to serve as her direct
testimony in the instant case.
A) All the allegations in the Petition including all annexes appended thereto and which were
already marked as exhibits during the Pre-Trial of this case;
B) All other related matters, facts and circumstances relevant and material to this case.
This Judicial Affidavit was taken at the office of Atty. ________________ at Unit 7827, RCB
Tower, 108 Legaspi St., Legaspi Village, Makati City.
Questions were propounded by Atty. ________________ and these questions are numbered
consecutively and each question is followed by the answer of the witness.
1. Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?
I do.
2. Are you aware that you may face criminal liability for false testimony or perjury if you will
not tell the truth?
I am.
Yes, he is my husband.
Series of ________.
I hereby state, under oath, that I faithfully recorded the questions I asked and the corresponding
answers that the witness gave and that neither I nor any other person present or assisting me has
coached the witness regarding the latter’s statement.
ATTY. ______________________
Series of ________.
Copy Furnished:
Makati City
Complaint Affidavit for Filing of BP 22 Case
That sometime in the morning of __date of issue__, at __place of issue__, Philippines, the said
__Respondent__ issued in my favor a __Name of Bank__ Check No. _____________ in the
amount of P_____________ as supposed payment for the loan accommodation of
P_____________, which I have extended to (him/her);
That the said check is drawn against the account of the said __Respondent__ at __Name of
Bank__ with Account No. _____________;
That at the time the said __Respondent__ issued the delivered the said check to me, (he/she)
made the assurance and representation that the said check is a good check and would be covered
by sufficient funds when presented for payment;
However, when the above-mentioned check was deposited, the same was dishonored and
returned by the bank on the ground that the same was drawn against a “CLOSED ACCOUNT”.A
true and faithful machine reproduction of the said check is hereto attached as Annex “____”;
As such, I immediately notified said __Respondent__ of the dishonor and return of the said
check and demanded from (him/her) that (he/she) make good the said check within
_____________ (____) days from receipt thereof. A true and faithful machine reproduction of
my demand letter to (him/her) is hereto attached as Annex “____”
When said __Respondent__ failed to heed my demands, I endorsed the said check to my legal
counsel who immediately sent a formal demand letter through registered mail with return card on
_____________, which was received by the said __Respondent__ on _____________.As of date
however, __Respondent__ has unjustifiably ignored all these demands to pay the said account
and/or to redeem the said returned check. A true and faithful machine reproduction of my
demand letter to (him/her) is hereto attached as Annex ____”
Administering Officer
he undersigned, _____________, accuses _____________ of the crime of adultery, committed as
follows, to wit:
Contrary to law.
Compromise Agreement Labor Case
We, Complainant _____________, and the Respondent _____________, hereby enter into this
Compromise Agreement / Settlement of Any and All Claims, and by virtue thereof manifest as
That Complainant _____________, by these presents, and for and in consideration of the total
amount of __________________________ (P_____________), which he acknowledged to have
received to his full and complete satisfaction from the Respondent _____________, hereby
declares that he has no further claims whatsoever against the Respondent _____________ or any
of its managers, staff, directors or officers and that he hereby releases and forever discharges the
said Respondent from any and all claims, demands, cause of action, or liability of whatever
nature arising out of his employment with the said Respondent;
That Complainant _____________ further manifests that the aforementioned amount that he
received from Respondent _____________ shall be in full and final settlement of all his claims
and benefits from the said Respondent, including those treated in the above-captioned case and
that the payment so received as provided herein should not in any way be construed as an
admission of liability on the part of Respondent _____________;
That this Compromise Agreement / Settlement of Any and All Claims constitutes a Release,
Waiver and Quitclaim and that no further claim, suit or proceeding of whatever nature may be
filed in any court or agency of the government against the herein Respondent or any person
acting in its interest, since any and all claims in connection with the previous employment of the
said Complainant have been finally settled once and for all.
As such, the parties hereto respectfully request the National Labor Relations Commission to treat
the above-captioned case as CLOSED and/or finally DISMISSED with prejudice.
__________________ __________________
Petition for Extra Judicial Foreclosure of
Chattel Mortgage under Act 1508
S I R:
Mortgagee _____________, of legal age, Filipino, (single / married / widow), and a resident of
_____________, Philippines, most respectfully alleges:
2. That to the best of my knowledge, the mortgaged property is subject to no prior mortgage or
any lien whatsoever and is now in the possession and full control of the above-named
3. That the Mortgagor-Debtor defaulted in his obligation under the aforementioned Chattel
Mortgage Contract and Promissory Note;
4.That under the terms and conditions of the Chattel Mortgage Contract, the Mortgagee is
entitled to foreclose extra-judicially the mortgaged property, which is more particularly
described as follows, to wit:
Make:____________Motor No.:_____________
Series:__________Chassis No.:____________
5.That by the terms and conditions of the Chattel Mortgage Contract herein-above referred to,
the principal obligation of the Mortgagor which has become overdue as of _____________ is in
the amount of __________________________ (P___________), excluding penalties, liquidated
damages, past due interest, attorney’s fee representing _______% of the total obligation due,
other charges and expenses of foreclosure.
WHEREFORE, I respectfully request you to take possession of the property described in the
aforementioned Chattel Mortgage Contract and sell the same at Public Auction in accordance
with the provisions of Act 1508.Please furnish the undersigned and the Mortgagor-Debtor with
copies of your Notice of Sale at least ten (10) days before the sale.
S I R:
Mortgagee _____________, of legal age, Filipino, (single / married / widow), and a resident of
_____________, Philippines, most respectfully alleges:
2. That to the best of my knowledge, the mortgaged property is subject to no prior mortgage or
any lien whatsoever and is now in the possession and full control of the above-named
3.That the Mortgagor-Debtor defaulted in its obligation under the aforementioned Real Estate
Mortgage Contract and Promissory Note;
4.That under the terms and conditions of the Real Estate Mortgage Contract, the Mortgagee is
entitled to foreclose extra-judicially the mortgaged property, which is more particularly
described as follows:
4.That by the terms and conditions of the Real Estate Mortgage Contract herein-above referred
to, the principal obligation of the Mortgagor which has become overdue as of _____________ is
in the amount of __________________________ (P___________), excluding penalties,
liquidated damages, past due interest, attorney’s fee representing ______% of the total obligation
due, other charges and expenses of foreclosure.
WHEREFORE, I respectfully request you to take possession of the property described in the
aforementioned Real Estate Mortgage and sell the same at Public Auction in accordance with the
provisions of Act 3135 as amended. Please furnish the undersigned and the Mortgagor-Debtor
with copies of your notice of Sale at least ten (10) days before the sale.
Petition for Bail for Non Bailable Offense
COMES NOW Defendant _____________, by the undersigned counsel and unto this Honorable
Court, most respectfully states:
That the Defendant is in custody for the alleged commission of an offense punishable by (life
imprisonment / reclusion perpetua);
That no bail has been recommended for (his/her) temporary release, on the assumption that the
evidence of guilt is strong;
That the burden of showing that evidence of guilt is strong is on the prosecution, and unless this
fact is satisfactorily shown, the defendant is entitled to bail as a matter of right.
WHEREFORE, upon prior notice and hearing, it is respectfully prayed that the Defendant
_____________ be admitted to bail in such amount as this Honorable Court may fix.
Petition for Change of First Name
6. I submit the following documents to support this petition: (Use additional sheets, if necessary.)
a) ____________________________________________________________
b) ____________________________________________________________
c) ____________________________________________________________
d) ____________________________________________________________
7. I have not filed and similar petition and that, to the best of my knowledge, no longer similar
petition is pending with any LCRO, Court or Philippine Consulate.
Signature over printed name of petitioner
Sir / Madam:
We are pleased to propose the following revolving fund arrangement between you and our Law
1. Commencement Date:_____________.
2. Purpose and coverage: The revolving fund shall operate as a trust account which shall be
administered by our Law Firm and which shall be used exclusively as a source of fund to defray
all expenses which may be incurred in all cases and matters being handled by the Firm in your
4. Revolving fund replenishment: You shall receive a request for replenishment of the fund
whenever the amount of the fund is already very low and expenses are anticipated;
5. Liquidation: You shall receive a summary of expenses charged on the revolving fund every
quarter of the year or upon your request. The fund shall be also be subject to liquidation at any
time upon request. Any excess of the fund after the termination of this agreement shall be
returned to you.
Should the foregoing terms and conditions be acceptable to you, please indicate your conformity
by signing on the space provided below and immediately transmitting the original to us for our
files. We look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship and should you have any questions
regarding the foregoing, please do not hesitate to call. Regards.
Pre-Nuptial Agreement
THAT the parties hereto are about to enter into a contract of marriage, tentatively scheduled to
take place sometime in _____month_______ 20___;
THAT they hereby mutually agree that all the property, real and personal, now owned by the
future wife, MARIA REYES, shall remain to be own exclusive and separate property, subject to
her disposition, administration, and enjoyment; while those of the future husband, shall likewise
remain also to be his own exclusive and separate property, subject to his absolute disposition and
THAT all properties and earnings acquired after marriage by any party or jointly by both parties
shall constitute conjugal properties or funds which, among other common purposes, shall defray
or take care of family expenses, including the rearing and education of future children that may
be begotten or that may be adopted during the marriage;
THAT this agreement shall take effect upon the celebration of the marriage.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed their names unto this document on the
date and at the place first above written.
_________________________ __________________________
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal on the
date and place first above written.
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, I, we, either, or any of us, jointly and severally, promise to pay
__Name of Payee__ or Order the principal sum of __________________________
(_____________), Philippine Currency, without need of demand on or before _____________.
(OR within a period of _____________ (_____) (days/weeks/months/years), payable in equal
(daily/weekly/monthly/yearly) installment of __________________________
(P_____________) each.
That, I, _____________, Filipino, of legal age, (single / married / widow), and a resident of
_____________, Philippines, by virtue of a certain public instrument made and executed on
_____________ at _____________, Philippines, and entered on the Notarial Register of Notary
Public _____________ as Doc. No. ______, Page No. ______, Book No. ______, Series of
______, did voluntarily and freely give, by way of donation, unto _____________, who is also
of legal age, Filipino, (single / married / widow), and a resident of _____________, Philippines
(hereinafter referred to as the “DONEE”), a certain parcel of land more particularly described as
WHEREAS, the DONEE undertook to render support to the undersigned DONOR such that the
undersigned then willingly and voluntarily donated the aforementioned parcel of land to the
WHEREAS, in an act of ingratitude, the DONEE has refused to, still refuses and continues to
refuse to give support to the DONOR.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, _____________, by virtue of Article 765 of the New Civil Code, do
hereby revoke, avoid, and cancel the above-mentioned donation, and demand from said DONEE,
_____________, the immediate reconveyance of title of the above-described property in the
name of the undersigned and turn-over of possession thereof from the date hereof.
__________________ __________________