Hydrology Report - Kamala River 1

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The key takeaways are that a hydrological study was conducted to determine parameters like peak discharge, scour depth, and vertical clearance needed for design of a bridge over the Kamala River in Nepal. Methods like WECS/DHM and Modified Dicken's were used to calculate flood flows for different return periods. The design flood discharge was determined to be 5764 cumecs and the waterway considered was 1400 meters.

The main hydrological parameters required for the bridge design are the instantaneous peak discharge for 100 years return period, linear waterway, normal and maximum scour depths and vertical clearance and afflux.

The WECS/DHM study method and Modified Dicken's method were used to calculate the flood flows for different return periods. The WECS/DHM method uses formulas based on catchment area to calculate flows while the Modified Dicken's method is a rainfall-runoff model.

Hydrology of Kamala River Bridge

1.1 General
The proposed bridge site lies in between Siraha Municipality -13 (Left Bank) of Siraha
District and Janaknandini Rural Municipality - 6, (Right Bank) of Dhanusha District. The
detail hydrological study has been carried out to find out the hydrological design
parameters required for the design of bridge. Instantaneous peak discharge for 100 yrs.
return period, linear waterway, normal and maximum scour depths and vertical clearance
and afflux are main hydrological parameters required for the bridge design. The
coordinate of the bridge axis at the Kamala river is: 86° 10' 13" E and 26° 39' 39"N.

1.2 Catchment Characteristics

The Kamala river is a perennial river. The catchment area of Kamala river at proposed
bridge site is 2037 km2 according to basin map delineation in Shuttle Radar Topography
Mission (SRTM) of 30mx30m resolution using GIS with HEC-GeoHMS extension tool.
Elevation of the river varies from 77 m to 2200 m above mean sea level. Length of the
river (longest path) is about 144.3 km. Catchment area is covered with approximately
60% of forest and 35% of agricultural land. The catchment area is fan-shaped.

Table: Physiographic Parameters of the study basin

Description Unit Value
1 Catchment area km2 2037
2 Perimeter of catchment km 382.7
3 Maximum elevation along the river m 1876
4 Minimum elevation along the river m 77
5 Catchment area below 3000m elevation km2 2037
6 Longest flow path up to the bridge axis km 144.3
7 Flow length up to the centroid km 75.8
8 Slope of the longest river % 1.24

1.3 Stream Channel Characteristics

This river is perennial. Minimum flow in the river generally occurs in April or May. The
maximum flow in the river is during June to September. The highest flood flow in the
river generally occurs in July/August. The catchment map of the river basin are shown

Hydrology of Kamala River Bridge

Figure: Kamala river Catchment Map with outlet at proposed bridge axis

1.4 Rainfall in the Catchment

Table: 24 hours maximum rainfall data at Chisapani (1122), Dhanusa

Year Rainfall, mm Year Rainfall, mm
1999 180.2 2009 120.2
2000 124.2 2010 190.2
2001 108.2 2011 120.2
2002 130 2012 82
2003 75.4 2013 160.5
2004 315 2014 90.4
2005 134 2015 128.4
2006 120 2016 139
2007 150 2017 180
2008 84.6 2018 62.2

1.5 Flood Analysis

I. WECS/DHM study method

Hydrological studies on the rivers of Nepal have been carried out by the Water and
Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS) and published a report “Methodologies for
Estimating Hydraulic Characteristics of un-gauged locations in Nepal” in which methods
are described to calculate the flood discharge of the rivers for different return periods.

Hydrology of Kamala River Bridge

The flood flows are calculated according to the formula described in the report within the
different altitudes. The maximum flood flows are calculated in any river of catchments
area (A) below 3000m of elevation formula as given below. The following equation is
used here for maximum daily flood peak in safer side.
Q2 = 1.8767(A+1) 0.8783
Q100 = 14.639(A+1)0.7342
Where, subscript 2 and 100 stand for the return periods in number of years.
The flood flows for any other return period T is governed by
QT = exp(lnQ2+Sσ)
where, σ = ln(Q100/Q2)/2.326 is the standard deviation of the natural logarithms of annual

S = Standardized normal variable for a particular return period.

Table: Standardized normal variate (S) for different return periods
Return Period
(Yrs.) S
2 0
5 0.842
10 1.282
20 1.645
50 2.054
100 2.326
200 2.576

In this case, catchment Area below 3000m, A= 2037 km2

Q100=3934 m3/s

II. Modified Dicken’s Method

Using Dicken’s method, the T year flood discharge QT, in m3/s, can be calculated as


CT = 2.342*log(0.6T)*log(1185/P)+4

Where P=100 (As+6)/A

As= snow covered area in km2

Hydrology of Kamala River Bridge

A= catchment area in km2

In this case, As =0 km2; A=2037 km2

Then, Q100=5764 m3/s

III. Medium Hydro Study Project (MHSP)

To derive the prediction equations for the flood flow, the country is divided into three
regions, Eastern, Central and Western. Estimation of annual maximum instantaneous
flows are related to the drainage area. Similar to the WECS/DHM method, the study
areas below 3000m are used.
In this case, A=2037 km2;
k= 5.9865 and n=0.8888 for 100 years return period for central region
Therefore, Q100=5226 m3/s

IV. Rational Method

Flood flows may be estimated from rational formulae that take into account the intensity,
distribution and duration of rainfall as well as the area, shape, slope, permeability and
initial wetness of the basin. The following formulae are used to calculate the flood
discharge (QT) for return period T:
Where iT = rainfall intensity in mm/hr for return period T years corresponding to the time
of concentration of the catchment
C=runoff coefficient
A= catchment area in km2
In this case, C=0.3
tc= 16.5 hr; iT= 14 mm/hr for 100 year return period. Area reduction factor of 0.7 was
A=2037 km2
Q100 = 2376 m3/s

1.6 Design Flood and HFL

Hydrology of Kamala River Bridge

Traffic flow of the bridge is high and this flow density will be more in future after the
construction of bridge, considering the importance of bridge, the flood for return period
of 100 years is recommended for design discharge. The maximum discharge using above
methods for return period of 100 years are summarized below in tabular form:
Summary of Flood Flow Calculation at Bridge Axis

Method 100 Yrs. flood (m3/s)
1 WECS/DHM 3934
2 Modified Dickens 5764
3 MHSP 5226
4 Rational 2376

Rational approach gives lowest flow and Dickens approach gives highest flow. For this
catchment, Dickens approach seems suitable. The flood flow for 100 years return period
flow is considered for design flow of 5764 m3/s given by Dickens approach. The flood
level corresponding to the design flood has been determined from HEC-RAS analysis
using the x-section, longitudinal profile and roughness information obtained from field.
The HFL given by HEC-RAS analysis is 52.4 m before putting bridge. Plot from the
HEC-RAS output of HFL is shown below:

Figure: Flow at bridge corresponding to 100-year instantaneous maximum discharge

Hydrology of Kamala River Bridge

Table: HEC-RAS simulation detail at bridge axis for 100-year return period flood

1.7 Linear Water Way of the Flood

Design flood, Q=5764 m3/s
According to Kellerhals, mean channel width is given by
B = 3.26Q0.5 for gravel bed channels
B = mean channel length required for given discharge
Q = design discharge m3/s
B = 1400 m

According to Lacey’s formula, mean channel width is given by

B = 4.75Q 0.5 for alluvium channels
B = mean channel length required for given discharge
Q = design discharge m3/s
B =1400 m

In case of plain region and sandy bed channel, the waterway calculated by Lacey’s
approach is recommended. Accordingly, bridge length is 1400 m. However, bridge length
is decided in view of local conditions, river training and other considerations.

1.8 Afflux and Vertical Clearance

After the construction of the bridge, linear waterway gets constricted. The afflux due to
waterway constriction should be considered in bridge design. According to Nepal Bridge

Hydrology of Kamala River Bridge

Standards-2067, for discharge below 200m3/sec, vertical clearance should be minimum

1000mm; for discharge more than 200 m 3/sec to 500m3/sec, vertical clearance should be
minimum 1200mm; for discharge more than 500 m 3/sec to 2000 m3/sec, vertical
clearance should be minimum 1500 mm; for discharge more than 2000 m 3/sec to
5000m3/sec, vertical clearance should be minimum 2000 mm, and for discharge above
5000m3/sec, vertical clearance should be more than 2000mm. Here, design flow is 5764
m3/sec. Therefore, 2 m vertical clearance needs to be provided. But as the proposed
bridge is trail suspension bridge, minimum freeboard of 5m has to be provided.

1.9 Scour Depth and foundation base

Qd = Design flood discharge = 5764 m3/s

W = Proposed bridge length = 1400 m
Db = Flood discharge per meter width =5764/1400= 4.117 m3/s/m

d50 = Size of bed material such that 50% of the material are smaller = 0.3 mm
Ksf = Silt factor for a representative sample of bed material = 1.76√d50 = 0.964

According to IRC:78-2014,
Mean scour depth below HFL, dsm = 1.34*(Db2/Ksf)1/3 = 3.484 m
Maximum scour depth for abutment below HFL, Dmax = 1.27*dsm = 4.42 m
Maximum scour depth for pier below, Dmax = 2*dsm = 6.968 m
RL of maximum scour around abutment = 52.4 – 4.42 = 47.98 m
RL of maximum scour around pier = 52.4 – 6.968 = 45.43 m

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