Chapter Two: Choosing and Narrowing A Topic Thesis Statement: It Is The Main Idea of The Paper As Doing Research

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Writing Research Papers: A Practical Guide

By Bailey/ Powell/Shuttle worth

Third Stage

Second Lecture Asst. Inst. Ghada M. Ahmed

Chapter Two: Choosing and Narrowing a Topic

Thesis Statement: It is the main idea of the paper as doing research

everyone may choose to state his/her topic either as a question or as a
hypothesis, an assertion of a possible conclusion. The answer to the
question or hypothesis will become the thesis statement. Thesis
statements have two parts a subject and an assertion. All thesis
statements, then, have a subject and an assertion about that subject. A
good thesis statement has a narrowed subject and a precise assertion.

The procedures to choose a topic for a thesis paper

1-Choose a general topic that interests you.
2-Do some quick, preliminary reading to learn more about your topic
and to see whether enough sources appear to be available. 3-While
doing your preliminary reading and throughout your research, develop
a "working" thesis statement and continue to refine it.
The tips you must avoid while choosing a topic
1- Do not choose a topic that's trite.
2-Do not choose a topic that's too contemporary.
3-Do not choose a topic that's too obscure.
4- Do not choose a topic just because you have read an interesting
book it.

The differences between Report and Thesis

Report Thesis
1-The presentation overall is 1-The overall presentation to
intended to be objective. persuade readers to see the
information in particular way.
2-It has few details. 2-It has many details.
3-It needs few papers. 3-It needs a lot of papers.
4-It has few sources. 4-It has many sources.
5-Presents accepted facts. 5-Uses the facts as support for
an argument.

The similarities between the Report and Thesis

1-The content of each type for a given topic will be similar.
2- Both types require you to locate sources, collect information,
evaluate facts and opinions, and organize them for presentation.
3-Both require objective honesty on the part of the writer.

The elements of Thesis and Dissertation?

A Thesis or Dissertation is consists of three elements:
1-The preliminaries (front mater)
2-The Body of the paper
3-The reference materials (back mater or end mater)
Preliminary consists of:
-Title page: The first page of a Thesis, dissertation, or other research
project. It presents the title, the full name of the writer and the
submission statement, which includes the faculty or school, the
institution and the degree sought , the month and year in which the
degree is to be granted.
-Copyright page (Holly Quran):It is a separate page immediately
following the title page.
-Approval sheet: It provides space for the signatures of persons such
as the supervisor ,the name of the members, chairman and the dean
indicating their acceptance of the work.
-Acknowledgement: It presents expressions of appreciation for
assistance and guidance.
-Abstract: A brief descriptions of the contents of articles, thesis and
dissertation. It is a summary of dissertations that graduate students have
written. It should include a statement of the problem , aims of the study
,hypothesis , limits, value and the basic definitions. It should not be
numbered or counted as a page.
-Table of contents: Table of contents usually follows the preface and
acknowledgments, the accepted practice for a thesis or dissertation is
to place the table of contents before all the sections it lists. The table of
contents should list all elements of the preliminaries, the chapter(part
or section) titles, the main headings and subheadings, and the reference
-List of Tables and Figures: List of tables and figures should follow
the table of contents. The preferred form for listing titles or captions of
tables, figures and palates calls for capitalization of the first and last
word and of all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs.
-List of Abbreviation
-List of Appendices

The Body consists of:

-Chapter One: Introduction
-Chapter Two: Theoretical Background
-Chapter Three:
-Chapter Four:
-Chapter Five :
the Reference Material Consists of: -References or bibliography.

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