The document is an audio script for a test with two listening comprehension sections. The first section involves a phone conversation where Nick asks Gina if his brother and sister-in-law can stay with her, but she says she does not have room. The second section is a conversation where Kara describes her friend Stacy as very loyal and willing to help friends even when she does not enjoy doing so.
The document is an audio script for a test with two listening comprehension sections. The first section involves a phone conversation where Nick asks Gina if his brother and sister-in-law can stay with her, but she says she does not have room. The second section is a conversation where Kara describes her friend Stacy as very loyal and willing to help friends even when she does not enjoy doing so.
The document is an audio script for a test with two listening comprehension sections. The first section involves a phone conversation where Nick asks Gina if his brother and sister-in-law can stay with her, but she says she does not have room. The second section is a conversation where Kara describes her friend Stacy as very loyal and willing to help friends even when she does not enjoy doing so.
The document is an audio script for a test with two listening comprehension sections. The first section involves a phone conversation where Nick asks Gina if his brother and sister-in-law can stay with her, but she says she does not have room. The second section is a conversation where Kara describes her friend Stacy as very loyal and willing to help friends even when she does not enjoy doing so.
A Listen to the phone conversation. Check the correct answers.
[phone rings] GINA: Hello? NICK: Hi, Gina. It’s Nick. GINA: Hi, Nick. What’s up? NICK: Nothing much, but I was wondering if I could ask you a favor. GINA: Sure. What is it? NICK: Well, remember I told you that my brother and sister-in-law are coming to visit us in two weeks? GINA: Yeah. It’ll be great to see Don and Julia. It’s been over two years since I last saw them. NICK: Well, my wife and I were talking about it over breakfast this morning, and I realized we don’t have anyplace for them to sleep. Would it be OK if they stayed with you for a couple of nights? GINA: That would normally be fine, Nick, but we don’t have any room now, either, since my daughter moved back in with us. NICK: Oh, I forgot about that. I guess I’ll have to find them a hotel room in town. Thanks anyway, Gina. GINA: Sorry, Nick.
B Listen to the people talking. Check the correct answers.
STEVE: Hey, Kara, you and Stacy are really good friends, right? What kind of person is she? KARA: Well, she’s very loyal, Steve. STEVE: What do you mean? KARA: She’s just someone who’s always there when I need her. For example, a few years ago, I was sick and needed help around the house. She spent a whole weekend cleaning my bedroom, living room, and kitchen, including all my dirty dishes! STEVE: Now that’s friendship! KARA: And then last year, she helped me with my boyfriend. We had an argument, and she agreed to talk to him about my feelings, even though she doesn’t like him very much. STEVE: I really like it when someone will do something for you, even when they don’t always enjoy it. KARA: Well, that’s Stacy. She’d do anything for a friend.