INDEX Page 1 of 1
Introduction HPHT 01
HPHT Drilling Techniques and General Procedures HPHT 02
HPHT Well Control Procedures HPHT 03
HPHT Equipment, Design and Materials HPHT 04
Drilling Engineering Considerations HPHT 05
Management and Control HPHT 06
References and Further Reading HPHT 07
Drilling and Production Operations Ref: HPHT 01
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... 2
The planning of high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) wells should be carried out by
very experienced Engineers who have a broad well engineering background. This
document is aimed at these Engineers and therefore, many general well engineering
concepts will not be discussed. Only specific HPHT issues will be described in detail.
It also highlights generic industry practices for consideration and, as a result, many of
the issues are written with a strong emphasis on terms such as ‘will, should and shall’.
The objective of this document is to provide Drilling Engineers with a broad outline of
issues associated with the planning and operational execution for an HPHT well. They
should use this document as guidance, in order they know where to obtain the
specialist type of information for an HPHT well and understand the key issues. The
Institute of Petroleum (IP) Model Code of Safe Practice Part 17: Well Control During
the Drilling and Testing of High Pressure Offshore Wells, May 1992, will form the
primary link for this manual, in terms of HPHT well practices and planning. Projects
should therefore be planned on the basis that they satisfy the requirements of IP 17,
and deviations from the document should be explained and justified.
Focusing on training and human factors for contingencies and emergency response
exercises at an early stage, prior to commencing the drilling of the HPHT transition
Defining interfaces and roles/responsibilities for the operator and drilling contractor
The key message is: ‘The application of HPHT procedures and systems requires the
involvement of all personnel at all levels for planning, operations, contingencies, risk
assessments and emergency response’
Drilling and Production Operations Ref: HPHT 02
2.4 CORING........................................................................................................... 8
2.4.1 Coring Equipment ....................................................................................... 8
2.4.2 Coring Procedures...................................................................................... 8
The choke manifold and the MGS temperature and pressure data monitoring
equipment are to be function tested every week. This is to be performed in place
if possible
2.2.1 Equipment
For Kelly Drilling, a safety valve will be used below the kelly so that the kelly can be
safely disconnected, during HPHT well control operations
For Top Drive Drilling, the well will be drilled in singles, using a ‘drilling kelly’
comprising two pup joints with saver subs above and below, separated by a number
of full-opening drillpipe safety valves (at least two). This arrangement will ensure
that the top drive can always be safely disconnected during high pressure well
control operations. (This arrangement would be used at some point prior to the
HPHT transition zone)
When oil based mud (OBM) is used, drilling breaks of 5ft will be flow checked for a
minimum of 15 minutes. If the flow check indicates no flow, drill an additional 5ft
and if the drilling break continues, circulate bottoms up before drilling ahead.
Circulate bottoms up, shutting in the well as bottoms up is c. 1,500ft below the
BOPs. When water based mud (WBM) is in use, flow checks will be for a minimum
of 5 minutes, or until it is established that the well is not flowing
Drilling parameters will be continuously monitored by both the mud logging and rig
sensor packages. Any discrepancies between the two systems will be investigated
and rectified. Any deviation between physically observed parameters and monitored
parameters will also be investigated
The temperature of the mud returns will be monitored at the header box at all times.
Any changes to the temperature trend will be fully investigated. The implication of
the changes on the maximum continuous working temperature rating of the
elastomer goods will be discussed and corrective action taken as necessary.
Drilling operations will be suspended if the temperature of mud returns at surface
exceeds an agreed maximum or if the temperature measurement system fails
Note: *The limits will be set down by the drilling contractors operations manual and
agreed with the operator as part of the HPHT bridging document.
When operations dictate that a sample requires to be circulated to surface for
investigation, the following will be used as a precautionary measure to prevent
sudden release of gas at surface. The well will be shut in on the upper annular
when the sample is c.1,500ft below the BOPs and directed through the choke line
and over a full-open choke. Circulation will continue until the sample is out of the
well and gas levels return to a normal level, or shut-in procedures have to be
If drilled, connection or trip gas levels in the mud increase significantly, then the
well should be shut in on the upper annular and circulation continued through an
open choke to the poor boy degasser (taking into account choke line losses). The
well will be circulated in this manner until the gas levels have normalised. If gas
levels do not return to normal levels, further action may be required and discussed
with onshore operational personnel (Drilling Superintendent)
Whilst drilling into, or in a overpressured transition zone, the mud weight will be
increased in accordance with the indications of overpressure. If the pressure
transition zone occurs in a low permeability limestone formation, the most reliable
method of detecting overpressure is increasing gas levels. The background gas
level will be normalised by the Mud Logger for penetration rate and circulation rate,
so that a reliable trend can be followed. Drilling will stop and mud weight increased
if the continuous normalised background gas levels increase above 5%. Drilling will
not continue until the background gas level has been reduced to the previous level
Pump a heavy slug to avoid a wet trip and resultant uncertainty concerning fluid
flow volumes. Calculate the slug size and return volume to give c.200ft of dry pipe.
Allow slug to stabilise, with the top drive/kelly disconnected and ensure that the
correct volume of fluid returns as the slug equalises.
Note: The rule-of-thumb for a non-tapered drillpipe string on return mud volume
due to pumping a slug is:
Slug Volume (bbl) x (Slug Weight (ppg)/Mud Weight (ppg) – 1) = Extra Mud
Volume at Surface (bbls)
Start pulling out of hole to the shoe, monitoring the drop in fluid level. Do not fit a
pipe wiper until the hole fill has been confirmed
If the hole is not taking the correct volume of fluid, carry out the following:
Stop tripping
Install a full opening safety valve
Flow check the well in OBM systems for a minimum of 15 minutes across the
trip tank. In WBM systems, flow check for a minimum of 5 minutes and until the
well condition (static, or flowing) is established
If static:
Run in hole (RIH) to bottom, monitoring hole volumes with the trip tank.
While circulating bottoms up, shut in the well as bottoms up is c. 1,500ft below the
If flowing:
Initiate shut-in procedures.
Refer to the Well Kill Decision Tree.
Assuming the flow check is confirmed acceptable, continue tripping out of hole to
the casing shoe and perform a minimum of a 15 minute flow check in OBM systems
across the trip tank. In WBM systems, perform a minimum of a 5 minute flow check,
or until the well kill can be established as being static
Then run back to bottom, monitoring hole volumes and taking into account surge
pressures. Circulate the hole ensuring the first slug is circulated out. Close in the
well when bottoms up is c. 1,500ft below the BOP. Watch out for a pit gain as any
gas comes out of solution. If necessary, increase the trip margin and perform
further check trip. In some circumstances, it may be required to pump out of the
Once a trip margin has been established, drop survey barrel if applicable. Start the
trip out of hole and perform periodic 15 minute flow checks at casing shoe and prior
to pulling BHA through BOP
If the trip is interrupted for any reason, install the drillpipe safety valve. If the hole fill
pump fails during the trip, do not fill the hole through the drillpipe
Whilst the drillstring is out of the hole, the blind/shear rams will normally remain
open. The well will be monitored by circulating across the hole with the trip tank. If
the blind/shear rams are closed, the well will be monitored by circulating across the
BOP by pumping down the kill line and up the choke line with returns to, and
suction from, the trip tank if possible (subject to the BOP configuration)
If a 7in liner has been run, the following additional procedure will be performed. The
reduced clearance between the drillstring and the 7in liner will increase the
likelihood of swabbing whilst tripping. For this reason, the check trip performed as
part of a trip out of hole should be extended past the shoe to the top of the liner.
When pulling out of a hole with a tapered 3-1/2in to 5in drillstring, additional flow
check procedures for the OBM, or WBM systems will be performed:
When the bit is at the liner overlap
Prior to the 3-1/2in drillpipe entering the BOP
Pipe has been stripped into well, without bleeding correct volume of mud
If trapped pressure is suspected carry out the following:
Ensure accurate pressure gauges are fitted to the drillpipe and annulus,
carefully monitor drillpipe and casing pressure
Using a manual choke, bleed a small volume of mud from the annulus to a
suitable measuring tank
If both drillpipe pressure and casing pressure have decreased, continue to
bleed mud from well in increments
When the drillpipe pressure no longer decreases as mud is bled from the well,
record the drillpipe pressure as the shut-in drillpipe pressure (SIDPP). Stop
bleeding mud from the well
If SIDPP or/and shut-in casing pressure (SICP) are present, circulate out the
potential influx maintaining a constant bottom hole pressure
If there are no shut-in pressures, circulate until the potential influx is c.1,500ft below
the BOP. Close the BOP and continue circulating through an open choke
The likely effect of the chosen SCR on the surface pressures and the volume of
free gas at surface
When all information has been collated, the well kill plan will be agreed and
communicated to all personnel onshore and offshore; to ensure all key issues are
identified and understood
3.5.1 Bullheading
Bullheading may be the preferred option for one or more of the following reasons:
When a very large influx has been taken, especially where there are doubts
regarding the volumes in the annulus
When a kick has been taken off bottom and it may not be possible to strip in all the
way to bottom
When displacement of the influx by conventional methods may cause excessive
pressures, or volumes of gas at surface
If the influx contains unacceptably high H2S levels that could create additional
hazards at surface, to personnel and equipment
If rapid pressure increases require prompt action
If the open hole section is short. This depends upon the characteristics of the open
hole section, to ensure fluid is not being bullheaded higher up in the hole, above the
point of the initial well influx Preparation
The following information should be recorded and available, prior to drilling into the
high pressure transition zone:
Limiting pressures for bullheading that may affect the integrity of the wellbore
pressure vessel, including:
The last leak off test (LOT) data, the working casing burst pressure (excluding
allowances for casing wear and temperature etc) and the pressure operating
envelope of all surface equipment
Once it has been established that an influx has entered the wellbore and a decision
has been made to bullhead, the following information should be known, prior to
commencement of operations:
The size of the influx and its location in the wellbore
The location of the weak zones in the open hole section and the consequence of
fracturing the formation(s)
The estimated fracture pressure of the reservoir. This should be used with the
current mud hydrostatic pressure to determine the surface fracture pressure
The type of influx and the estimated relative permeability of the formation
The quality of the filter cake at the permeable formation
The stabilised drillpipe and annulus pressures, to establish actual formation
With the information available, annulus pressure profiles should be calculated at points
of interest, for various bullhead pressures at surface. From this, a maximum injection
pressure should be established. The volume to be bullheaded will depend on both the
volume of the influx and the way in which the influx was taken. An influx taken while
drilling may be strung out in the drilling fluid (subject to mud type, OBM or WBM) and
so may require a bullhead volume greater than the influx volume.
This can be calculated using the circulating rates at the time of the influx, together with
the rate at which the influx was taken and the time taken to shut in the well.
An influx that is swabbed in while tripping can be sized and the bullhead volume should
equal the influx volume.
It is important to note that the above issues and information can and should be worked
as well planning scenarios, during the well design and programme development. This
would be performed utilising commercially available computer well control simulators
and software. Procedures
Ensure sufficient mud of the current weight is available for the operation and that
the line to the kill pump suction is clear
Line up the BOP and choke manifold to pump with the kill pump down the kill line,
through the lower kill failsafe valves. Ensure surface equipment is pressure tested
to above the maximum injection pressure
Start the bullhead operation at a slow rate such that the volume versus pumping
rate can be monitored. Attempt to keep the rate constant during the operation and
plot the volume versus pumping rate in a similar way, as the leak off graph.
Allow for compressibility of the mud as the pressure is brought up to the
injection pressure
Note: *This figure value will depend on the type of rig, specific policies in use by
the drilling contractor. A different drilling contractor may specify a lower limit.
This would be identified as part of the rig audit prior to acceptance, as it may
require a rig upgrade with possible costs.
Evacuation procedures are to be in place and initiated as part of the contingency
plan, if choke pressures rise unexpectedly when circulating out a kick. (Surface
pressure profiles during well control are to be calculated in advance) Preparation
Circulating out an influx through the rig surface pressure equipment, is a standard
well control procedure. In dealing with high pressure gas condensate influxes,
consideration must be given to the large volumes of gas liberated at surface and
the stresses this imposes on the surface equipment. As highlighted in the previous
section, the bullheading technique can be used to reduce the influx volume
whenever possible Procedures
The initial stages of the well kill circulation will be as a standard well kill method. At
all times during the circulation, monitor the choke manifold and, if available, the
BOP temperature. If at any time the temperature approaches the defined limit by
the drilling contractor (eg 220F at the choke manifold, or 250F at the BOP), the
pumps should be stopped and a slower SCR selected
Note: Use should be made of temperature charts based on the maximum anticipated
temperatures in the choke line, for the various hole sizes. These would normally
be prepared as part of the well thermal simulations for the well design and well
control bridging document.
Special precautions and procedures are required once the top of the influx is
c.1,500ft from the BOP:
Reduce the SCR to the critical predetermined value
Commence injection of glycol at the BOP choke manifold. (The rate of injection
will have been calculated previously as part of the well planning)
As the gas reaches the choke, monitor the differential pressure between the
mud gas separator (MGS) and the liquid seal
The reading on the liquid seal hydrostatic pressure gauge indicates the maximum
operating pressure of the MGS. In the event of failure of this sensor, or if it proves
to be unreliable, the maximum operating pressure of the poor boy degasser will be
equivalent to the liquid seal being filled with a gas cut condensate, having a
0.3psi/ft gradient. (It cannot be assumed that the liquid gradient in the dip tube is
mud. At best, the mud gradient is likely to be heavily gas cut. At worst, it is likely to
be a gas cut condensate, with a gradient of 0.3psi/ft)
Note: The limitations and efficiency of the poor boy degasser will be determined
between the drilling contractor and operator at the well planning stage,
based on the separation capacity of the MGS and the blowdown capacity.
(The blowdown capacity of a MGS is that flowrate which is sufficient to
cause enough pressure to blow out the liquid seal at the base of the MGS).
If either the buffer tank or MGS approach their maximum agreed operating
pressure, then:
Close the choke
Shutdown the pumps
Allow pressure to dissipate in the MGS
Restart circulation at a lower SCR
The high pressure lines from the cement unit to the rig floor must be pressure
tested to 15,000psi, prior to entering the HPHT section of the well
The intermediate casing (13-3/8in) must be set sufficiently deep to ensure that a high
mud weight can be used to allow the production casing to be set deep into the
transition zone. In practice, this means casing off the Paleocene sands and drilling
through the ‘dirty’ Ekofisk Chalk Formation until the clean Limestone of the Tor
Formation is penetrated for a certain distance, to obtain the required LOT. It is
important to design the well with this criteria, as the LOT at the 13-3/8in shoe drives the
well design and the number of casing strings required from this point.
The kick tolerance criteria for the intermediate string will probably require a ‘limited
kick’ design approach, (see Section 5 of the Casing Design Manual) as it may not be
able to satisfy the 100bbl gas kick criteria. This requires an iterative well design
assessment based on LOT sensitivities, as a function of the 12-1/4in hole depth. This
will normally be discussed and agreed as part of the well control ‘bridging document’.
Ideally, the production casing should be set as deep as possible into the base
Cretaceous, to obtain a higher LOT. This is due to the increasing pore pressure and to
case off potential sands/fractured zones. Where the pressure transition occurs over a
short interval, it may be possible to set the production casing deep (subject to the LOT
at the intermediate casing and the 12-1/4in hole condition). However, the production
casing may have to be committed high if permeable formations are penetrated below
the transition. This leaves a long 8-1/2/(8-3/8)in hole and increases the risk of
penetrating weak formations not capable of supporting the mud weight, required to drill
the reservoir. This may then require the 7in liner to be set early, as a drilling liner,
followed by the drilling of 6/(5-7/8)in hole through the reservoir to well depth.
Metal-to-Metal Seals: Preferred sealing method for HPHT wells for all pipework,
tubulars, valves and safety critical systems. They may incorporate a combination of
resilient elastomers as backup to the primary metal sealing system
Performance Testing: API has established minimum requirements for performance
testing of wellheads and production xmas trees. API Specification 6A Wellhead and
Xmas Tree Equipment defines the pressure, temperature and fluid compatibility
classes for wellhead equipment. Pressure classes range from 2,000 to 15,000psi,
temperature classes range from 75 to 350F and fluid compatibility classes range
from sweet to sour service. HPHT operational temperatures of 400 F exceed the 6A
specification temperature classification and require additional procedures to qualify
equipment for HPHT service
Xmas tree valves are fire tested as specified in API Specification 6FA, Fire Test for
Valves. Tree valves are pressurised to 75% of design pressure and subjected to
2,000 F for 30 minutes to simulate a platform fire. The valves are expected to
contain their pressurised internal fluid, without significant leakage during and after
the fire and operate without leaking after the fire is extinguished. Wellhead and
xmas tree connections are qualified to the requirements of API Specification 6FB,
Fire Test for End Connections
Laboratory Test Results: This provides the opportunity to verify the API
specifications through qualification testing based on specific temperature and
pressure limits
For example, this requires performance testing key components within the wellhead
and xmas tree systems for HPHT service, as specified by API Specification 6A. This
may require a range to 400F to simulate anticipated production temperatures, in
conjunction with fire resistance testing. Typically, this requires performing the tests at
the anticipated extreme range of temperatures and pressures.
Other issues to consider for the functional specification and qualification testing
may be:
The required Product Specification Level (PSL) specification, eg build to PSL 3 but
with PSL 4 gas testing (API Spec 6A)
Sand Trim requirements (API Spec 14D)
Well life cycle issues such as trapped fluid pressures on initiation of production, or
if the system was on fire
Wire cutting capability of valves
Cumulative stress cycles, leading to cyclic fatigue (as part of Finite Element
Analysis, FEA)
Compatibility with well fluids (hydrocarbons, CO2 and H2S)
Lock down design for wellhead housings and hangers
Assessment and use of control line fluids for DST/completion surface controlled
subsurface safety valves (SCSSSVs) for HPHT conditions
Thermal effects and modelling for all testing and production loads, highlighting
limits of design (hottest from long-term production and coldest from scale
Annular Fluid Expansion effects and modelling, arising from closed annuli (buckling
and wellhead loading)
H2S and CO2 considerations, highlighting limitations on various tubulars, using the
NACE document
Assessment of sand production (erosion), water production (corrosion, CO2)
Assessment of perforation techniques and explosives as a function of exposure
time and downhole temperature
Accurate assessment of bottom hole pressure, including error bars and accuracy,
for risk assessment
Linking well test objectives to the data obtained during drilling, by formation
evaluation techniques (MWD, LWD, coring, wireline logs, RFT, MDT etc)
Accurate estimation of maximum pore pressure, temperature and reservoir
composition at reservoir well depth
Modelling of production flowrates relative to pressure and temperature, for
estimation of maximum wellbore loads and formation of hydrates
Assessment and use of DST/completion packers. Capability of fixed versus
retrievable packers
Reductions of tubular material yield strength, at high temperatures, including
corrosion resistant alloys
Tighter functional specification and inspection criteria, for tubulars, connectors,
surface DST packages and all downhole equipment
Qualification testing of premium tubular connectors, to confirm axial and
compression capabilities
Simplifying use and choice of seals for DST/completion design, to maximise use of
metal seal technology and high temperature elastomeric seals. (Linking seal
requirements for downhole and surface equipment by use of proven technology and
evidence of qualification testing)
Assessment and analysis of the wellhead connector and riser system,
(semi-submersible IP Guidelines) as part of well design operating envelope, for
shut down of testing and emergency disconnect
Assessment and analysis of wellhead system and xmas tree, as part of well design
pressure and thermal loads
Design, layout and hazard assessment of DST surface equipment including
emergency shutdown (ESD) systems, with the drilling contractor at an early stage
(link to initial rig audit at pre-tender stage, to identify capabilities of rig)
Design DST and completion operations to minimise wireline operations and
downhole accessories (wellbore safety and reliability)
Requirement and assessment of cement evaluation tools for well integrity and
perforating of reservoir (CBL/VDL/USIT/CET type tools)
The following points should be resolved at an early stage of the HPHT project,
assuming an SOBM system is used. (This is based on a conceptual casing design
being in place, with a clear policy on the use of either a weighted, or un-weighted
packer fluid for DST/completion purposes.):
Track record of HPHT wells drilled to date (exploration and development)
Detailed laboratory tests, (including hot rolling and thermal modelling), as part of
the well design. The casing design thermal modelling requires the mud system and
properties to be identified, in order to estimate the maximum flowline temperatures
for each hole size. This is then fed back to the fluids company, to validate the
performance of the mud system for maximum conditions
Stability tests for various system formulations, to determine long-term stability and
robustness, including well control simulations
Rheology modelling for the identified hole sizes and BHAs to determine flowrates,
ECDs, swab/surge pressures, optimum PV/YP and gels
Well simulations using a rheology model that is integrated with an advanced
pressure and temperature simulator. This should include rheology measurements
under downhole Fann 70 conditions, as the data is used to predict accurate ECDs
and ESDs (Equivalent Static Density)
Testing stability and rheology of the system at high deviations for development
The following subjects are listed as issues to consider during the operational drilling
phase of an HPHT well. This assumes the system is an SOBM.
Use of an HPHT pressurised mud balance to measure the mud properties relative
to downhole conditions
Measurement of the mud density at a 120F reference temperature. This is used
because it represents a practical value of the average circulating temperature for a
mud system. Estimation of the correct mud weight at temperature can be achieved,
by using data supplied by the fluids company
Mud property modification requires careful planning. Two examples are: Shearing
the mud system properties within the casing, prior to drill-out and restricting direct
chemical additions to the active system while drilling
Efforts to keep the mud weight as low as possible while maintaining an
overbalance, during the drilling of the high pressure zones, with narrow pore and
fracture margins
Flowline temperature control through mud flowrate adjustment: Monitoring of mud
returns at the flowline as a function of flowrates to establish the limits on equipment
and the flash point of the SOBM. Small reductions in flowrate can be sufficient to
bring down the flowline temperature. (This would have been assessed during the
planning phase, as part of the wellbore thermal modelling and assessment of hole
cleaning efficiency)
Measurement of gains and losses in the circulating system at surface in the mud
pits, due to the expansion and cooling effects of the SOBM. The fluids company
should have software for this analysis, and its use should be incorporated as part of
the drilling fluid checks
Downhole rheology behaviour of the mud system should be monitored frequently,
utilising the Fann 70 viscometer. Data from this analysis can be used to assist in
the prediction of ECD and ESD
Conducting swab and surge pressure tests in cased hole, prior to drilling out the
casing to act as a reference while drilling the section
Prior to pulling out of hole (POOH), the string should be pulled wet to obtain
information regarding the behaviour of the hole/formations and at the same time to
avoid disturbing the well by pumping a slug. Particular attention should be paid to
selecting the correct tripping speed, which will vary with bit depth. Pumping while
pulling out of hole can prevent the bottom hole pressure from falling below static
pressure due to swabbing effects
Running into the hole with the pumps on can cause significant surge pressures.
This is most important when considering washing down to bottom before drilling,
running to bottom with pumps on after a connection and when reaming into the hole
If the maximum axial Von Mises Ellipse (VME) and minimum API load capacity is close
to the limits of the operating envelope of the connector and pipe, a revised method of
casing running may be required to limit the axial load. For example, not filling the pipe
completely to a predetermined level and floating the casing into the well.
5.4.1 Equipment
The following equipment issues should be taken into consideration on HPHT wells:
Specification and selection of float equipment, including the plugs. In particular,
temperature and pressure rating of the components of the production string. This is
critical if planning to conduct the full casing pressure test, immediately after cement
plug bump
Length of casing shoe tracks. Important due to the risk of contamination at the
casing shoe, for the combination production casing (10-3/4 to 9-7/8in) and the
impact of small volumes on liners. It is not unusual to utilise a significant shoe track
length (240 to 400ft) on the combination production casing, to reduce risk of
contamination and over displacement
Centralisation, in terms of achieving the minimum standoff and identifying planned
top of cements
If offshore, assessments of surface launch versus a subsea launch plug system.
This will also be linked to the method of installing the wellhead casing seal
Identifying adequate HPHT cement heads and swedges, including inspection, work
history and QA/QC of components for high pressure use
Identifying liner hanger systems in terms of mechanical strength and sealing ability,
eg mechanical versus hydraulic. Collapse, burst ratings and limitations of
components, if using an hydraulic hanger
Fluid Loss: The temperature typically affects the fluid loss control of a cement
slurry. The fluid loss value will normally increase as the temperature rises, although
with some fluid loss additives it seems that the higher the temperature, the lower
the fluid loss value. There are two different test procedures for testing fluid loss
control; API FL test (maximum to 190F) or the Stirring Fluid Loss (at actual BHCT).
The stirring fluid loss test is the most realistic test for HPHT conditions
Thickening Time: This test should simulate as close as possible the job execution
offshore. This should include the time the mixwater takes to prepare, if mixed in a
pit, or other tank. A mixwater aging test should also be performed to ensure
physical properties of the slurry, as prepared to API, would not change. A safety
margin should be allocated to batch mix the slurry (if batch mixed, 60 to
120 minutes is generally acceptable). In addition, retarder sensitivity tests should
be performed to determine the effect of ‘more or less’ retarder added to the slurry
and the effect that a lower, or higher BHCT can have on the design
Sensitivity Testing: The slurry design should be tested for thickening time at
temperatures +20 and -20F on the estimated BHCT. At the higher BHCT the
thickening time should still be long enough to account for placement plus two hours
of safety. The reason for testing at 20F lower than estimated BHCT is that in some
cases there is a so called ‘S’ curve effect ie at lower temperatures the slurry
pumping time may be less than at higher temperatures. Assuming that there is no
‘S’ curve effect, if the slurry pumping time is extremely long at the lower
temperatures, it may be required to test the compressive strength at the lower
temperatures. In some cases the tests are performed at different slurry densities
(eg +/-0.25ppg). These tests determine the robustness of the slurry
Rheology: There is an optimum balance to achieve for HPHT slurries:
To remain stable under downhole temperatures and pressures
To be mixed readily by the equipment offshore and to be easily pumped
These two objectives may not be easily achievable. Testing should be done at the
mix temperature and at 190F and where in cases the BHCT is greater than 190F,
the slurry should be conditioned in the HPHT consistometer to the BHCT prior to
taking the rheology and freewater. Alternatively the HPHT rheometer should be
utilised to determine the rheology profile of the slurry at downhole conditions. The
HPHT rheometer should be used only on the final design
5.4.3 Spacers
Spacer designs should ensure stability at downhole conditions, especially since the
spacer is likely to be heavily weighted with solids. The spacer volume should ensure
good separation of the cement/mud and usually higher amounts are recommended
than a standard well, especially if the weight difference between the mud and slurry is
close. It is important to identify additives that are stable at high temperatures and can
also maintain suspension of the weighting agent.
The spacer system should be tested for stability with the same emphasis as a cement
slurry. This should include compatibility tests, for both mud and cement. For example,
for an HPHT liner, it is recommended to confirm the compatibility with an actual rig mud
sample, prior to the job, as there may be differences between a lab prepared mud and
actual rig sample.
5.4.4 Simulations
Wellbore simulations should be conducted with software that takes into account the
rheology, hydraulics, pore/fracture pressures, LOT data, temperatures, casing design
and mud system. Simulations should be performed to determine optimum pumping and
displacement rates. Accurate rheology is needed not only for the cement slurry but also
for the spacer and the mud. It is recommended to use Fann 70 rheologies for the mud.
For the spacer and cement the HPHT rheometer can be used for critical slurries. In
cases where there is a long cement column, perform simulations to ensure the cement
at the top of the column will set within a reasonable time (due to the change from a
maximum BHCT, to a much lower value higher up).
Issues to consider for cementation simulation are:
Displacement rates and pressures
Losses during displacement/breakdown of fracture gradient over the narrow pore
and fracture regimes, for the HPHT transition zone
Mud properties and conditioning of the system to obtain the required PV/YP and
gels prior to and during cementing (checking for sensitivity of the mud properties on
Hydraulics and pressure losses, including ECD effect in the annulus on identified
weak zones
Defining the optimum displacement rates for the spacer, to displace the mud from
the casing/formation in the annulus
Estimation of total job time to ensure cement does not set prior to end of job, with
an adequate safety margin (part of the sensitivity testing in the laboratory)
Impact of cementing liners in small hole sizes, to obtain a realistic concentric
cement sheath
All of the above cases are influenced by: The drilling circulating rates and reservoir
production flowrates, fluid types, weights, rheologies, time and limitations on the
operating envelope of the equipment. Changing one of the variables for a particular
case, will impact all subsequent assessments. This requires a detailed iterative
approach when conducting thermal modelling. Additionally, the well should be
monitored during its construction phase to check assumptions and data do not exceed
the boundary limits of the temperature model.
If the well is planned offshore, the temperature profile should also take into
consideration the water depth and temperature from the seabed to surface.
The actual temperature profile for the well from TD to surface may produce a series of
gradients, which could be above or below, the average geothermal gradient.
Information obtained from thermal modelling studies is important, as it provides a
datum for identifying suitable equipment and sealing systems, for the HPHT well.
The biggest single issue affecting the performance, operation and reliability of these
systems is the temperature of the well. Pressure does not appear to be a major
issue regarding performance. By definition, HPHT wells are hot and this has a
dramatic impact on the electrical components and the life of the battery systems.
(However, temperature degrades the seals which then collapse under high
hydrostatic pressure.)
Standard equipment is usually rated up to a maximum temperature range of 300F
(150C). HPHT equipment is generally rated up to c.350F although they have been
run at higher temperatures with success. The technology is evolving and systems
are under development to improve on the temperature limit up to 400F.
Use of heat shields are a must and the technology is evolving constantly to improve
reliability and operational performance. For example, the electronic chassis now
include new developments, such as ‘surface mount technology’ with additional heat
sinks, to disperse the heat away from critical components
As the wells are drilled deeper, the formations become increasingly harder, leading
to dramatic increases in shock and vibration. This has an impact on reliability and
so requires additional sensors to monitor downhole parameters, such as vibration,
torque and weight on bit. This also requires the systems to be optimised in
conjunction with the bit, to minimise bit whirl and vibration
Tool availability will also depend on the size required. For example, LWD systems
are available and capable of drilling HPHT wells down to 5-7/8 to 6in hole, for most
requirements (eg 4-3/4in diameter tools for Resistivity, Density, Gamma Ray and
directional MWD). Systems are constantly under development for smaller tools to
allow use in smaller hole sizes
When specifying and assessing systems for HPHT wells, spend time to consider
and discuss with the vendors issues such as, QA/QC and the resulting MTBFs
(mean time between failures) of the system sensors, including onshore and rigsite
use of calibration procedures. Keep the systems simple ie avoid complex
Operational planning requires that LWD/MWD systems are designed to allow as
much flexibility for contingency operations as possible. For example, adequate
bypass areas to allow pumping of LCM material and conducting emergency
cementing operations through the BHA and bit
To minimise risk of LWD component damage, it would be a normal practice to
perform a number of intermediate circulation’s while running in the hole. The
purpose would be to reduce the delta temperature prior to reaching bottom eg the
components do not experience extreme temperature changes. However, too many
temperature cycles can have a detrimental affect on the electrical components
Compatibility and calibration (resistivity) requirements to the mud system (eg SOBM
or WBM)
The pressure while drilling (PWD) tool (also known as the annular pressure while
drilling tool - APWD), has replaced calculations with direct, real time downhole
measurements and in doing so has exposed the limitations of conventional surface
measurement techniques for estimating annular ECDs. These types of tools are
becoming much more widely used in HPHT applications and are essential to obtain
a much more accurate real-time assessment of downhole pressures. This assists
decision making for mud flowrates, overbalance/underbalance and verification of
LOT data, at previous casing shoes
Pulser systems are also highly susceptible to failure in an HPHT environment,
although it is possible to still have the downhole recorded data but lose real time
transmission. Developments are ongoing to increase the MTBF of components for
pulser systems
LWD/GR/Resistivity may assist the wellsite geologist in recognising the stratigraphy
associated with the high pressure transition zone
The pore pressure/fracture gradient (PPFG) tool and software model calculates
pore and fracture pressures on a foot by foot basis through mixtures of all major
lithologies (shale, sandstone, limestone, salt anhydrite) in normally compacted
sedimentary sequences. The information is obtained in real time and downhole
memory mode. The overburden pressure determination requires initial calibration to
a leak off test, which is updated using a calculated porosity, matrix density and
formation fluid density. The tool can assist in identifying changes in the pore
pressure trend, along with traditional wellsite methods (cuttings, background gas,
drilling breaks) while drilling through the high pressure transition zone
The following issues should be considered for HPHT wells when utilising wireline
logging tools:
Keep the wireline logging tool runs as simplistic as possible, even if it means
multiple runs
Detailed preparation, planning and communication with the wireline company is
critical, at an early stage
Wireline logging objectives will also require samples to be taken at specific points in
the well. This may include RFT (repeat formation tester), MDT (modular dynamic
formation tester), or CST (chronological sample tester). Obtaining and verifying
maximum static temperatures will also be required to assist with the final design of
the DST programme
If the wireline logging programme is extensive over a number of days, additional
wiper trips may be required to ensure the wellbore temperatures do not degrade the
mud system and to check that the well is not deteriorating, or masking an influx
Cable strength is downgraded due to the high temperatures, resulting in a reduced
overpull capability. This can influence the maximum weight of the tools if
considering combination runs
Consider a fusible weak point within the cable system (activated electrically) as this
allows greater pulling strength to free the cable, eg a mechanical weak link may be
limited to 70% of the cable strength.
The following two techniques have been used successfully in certain instances to
identify seismic reflectors, which are apparently associated with the pressure
transition zone:
Vertical seismic profile (VSP)
Seismic while drilling (SWD)
Use of such techniques requires extensive research and understanding of the
overpressure system for the geological regional basin under assessment.
All of the above issues and sizes need to be assessed, modelled and reviewed in
terms of:
Hydraulics/high ECDs
Limitations of drilling equipment, such as the drillpipe strength
Ability to perform fishing operations
Specialised float equipment to allow drillout with PDC bits
Obtaining a satisfactory cement sheath for the hole size/pipe combination
Availability and supply of equipment such as bits, turbines, mud motors, survey
tools, LWD/logging tools. (LWD/MWD equipment would probably not be available
for 3-3/4in hole)
Sensitivity of small kick tolerances and the ability of the rig to identify the influx (in
particular, on a semi-submersible)
Ability to achieve the DST/completion objectives (eg possible need to test in
open hole)
The example illustrated is only one example. There are many casing permutations and
hole sizes that could be considered to achieve slightly larger hole sizes. However, the
issues requiring assessment are the same.
The reservoirs are characterised by high salinity formation brines. As a result, scaling
problems may be more severe than standard reservoirs and so requires a strategy for
dealing with the problems. Scale inhibitors should therefore be modelled and tested to
check for thermal instability and brine incompatibility.
Reservoir management in terms of pressure decline has an impact on the Net Asset
Value (NAV) of the project. The development drilling schedule may require all wells to
be drilled prior to producing the reservoir, because of the risk of drilling into a depleted
reservoir with an overpressured seal above. This can lead to extreme cases of losses
coupled with well control problems.
6.3 MEETINGS..................................................................................................... 17
6.3.1 Pre-spud Meetings ................................................................................... 17
6.3.2 Mid-well Meeting....................................................................................... 18
6.3.3 Daily Meetings .......................................................................................... 18
6.3.4 Pre-tour Meetings ..................................................................................... 18
6.3.5 Prior to Non-standard Operations ............................................................. 19
6.1.5 Maintenance
The operator should include as part of the pre-hire surveys, clear evidence of
maintenance systems in place. This should include records of all maintenance
performed on the rig, with a clear focus on critical equipment, such as BOP systems,
pressure integrity of pipework and links to the rig survey programme, by the rig class
certification authority.
Crane Operations
Vessel loading/
Deck equipment
Heavy lifts.
Through moonpool.
Deploy subsea
Recover subsea
Drilling Ahead.
Circulating at shoe.
Well Testing
Run tubing.
Wireline ops.
Coil tubing ops.
Marine Riser
reconnect criteria.
The drilling contractor should provide details and history of waiting on weather (WOW)
time for wells drilled in similar areas and operations in progress, at the time of
suspending operations.
Details of mooring equipment failures should be included with recommended tensions
and a basic API riser analysis for the area proposed.
Note: This should link if required, to the IP Guidelines for ‘Routine’ and ‘Non-Routine’
Subsea Operations from Floating Vessels for a riser analysis.
Specifications of all standard pump liners available, including size, pressure rating,
volume output and pressure relief valve settings
Pressure ratings of the mud pump well control/kill system, ie mud pumps, standpipe
manifold and top drive system
The operator should provide a Geologist on the rig to supervise the mud logging
contractor and to provide the operator Drilling Supervisor/drilling contractor
adequate data, on the formations and pore/fracture pressure regimes
Assuming the rig is an offshore unit and depending upon the local legislation, the
drilling contractor OIM (Offshore Installation Manager) will be the person in charge
of the installation at all times
Section 3 of IP 17 provides a guide on ‘Responsibilities and Administration’ and
discusses issues such as, communications, operator supervision, level of supervision,
duties of individual personnel and recommended crew for emergency well control
The success of an HPHT project depends upon all team members attending and
contributing to regular meetings, to ensure well objectives and safety of the well are
maintained at all times. This should include onshore and offshore personnel during the
planning and operational phases of the project and include the operator, drilling
contractor and all service companies.
The following safety meetings should be held and recorded, at various phases of the
Risk assessment
Logistics and materials
Training forms a critical part of an HPHT project, therefore adequate time and
resources should be allocated to ensure all of the rig crews are trained in the correct
drilling practices, well control, H2S and emergency procedures to be adopted for
the well.
Drills should be used on a regular basis to ensure the drill crews are fully familiar with
the procedures and techniques, that may be required when drilling a HPHT well. The
toolpusher should ensure that the drills are performed regularly and in accordance with
the written procedures.
A table is generally produced, based on the following format or similar, with some
examples on how it could be used:
Any kick indication, drilling break, increased returns, flowrate, pit gain, hole not
taking correct volume during trip, change in properties of returned mud, increase in
hookload, pump pressure decrease/pump stroke increase
All of the above subjects should be addressed as part of the well control bridging
document, during the planning phase.
Drilling and Production Operations Ref: HPHT 07
(19) SPE Papers. The web address for the Society of Petroleum Engineers is:
Paper Author(s) Title
35076 Smith JR, Cade RS, Integrating Engineering and Operations
Gatte RD for Successful HPHT Exploratory Drilling,
SPEDC Dec 1997
55052 Jellison MJ, Eckroth Teamwork Results in World Record
JJ, Fulton J, Ogren Length Casing Run
LA, Moore PW,
Barber V, Vesely D
20900 Krus H, Prieur JM High Pressure Well Design
52884 Miska SZ, Modelling of Pressure Buildup on a
Samuel GR, Kicking Well and its Practical Application
Azar JJ
56853 Watson, RJ Discussion of Modelling of Pressure
Buildup on a Kicking Well and its
Practical Application
24603 Cassidy S Solutions to Problems Drilling a High
Temperature, High Pressure Well