Genetic Counselling
Genetic Counselling
Genetic Counselling
Counseling is a process of communicating between two or more persons who meet to solve a problem,
resource a curse or take decision on various matters.
It is not a one way process where in the counselor tells the client what to do nor it is a forum for
presentation of the counselor’s values.
Genetic counseling process follows these basic characteristic of a counseling process.
It is undertaken with families affected with genetic and inherited disorders.
Sheldon Reed proposed the terminology “GENETIC COUNSELING in 1947”
The American society of human Genetic define Genetic Counseling as a communication process, which deals with
human problems associated with the occurrence or the risk of occurrence of a genetic disorder in a family.
If a standard prenatal screening test (such as α fetoprotein test) yields an abnormal result.
An amniocentesis yields unexpected results (such as chromosomal defect in the unborn baby).
Either parent or close relative has an in heritance disease or birth defect, either parents already has
children with birth defect or genetic disorders.
The mother has had two or more miscarriage or a baby dies in infancy.
The mother is 35yrs of age or over.
The partner is blood relatives.
1. Collection of History
3. Estimation of Risk:
4. Transmitting Information
After completing the diagnosis, pedigree charging and estimation of risk the next most important step is
of communicating this information to the consultants.
This important functioning involves various factors such as
o Psychology of the patient.
o The Emotional stress under prevailing circumstances.
o Attitude of family members towards the patients.
o Educational, social and financial background of the family.
o Gaining confidence of consultants in subsequence meetings during follow up.
o Ethical, moral and legal implications involved in the process.
o Above all, communication skills to transmit facts in an effective manner i.e. making them more
acceptable and palatable
In genetics, “Treatment” implies a very limited scope. It naturally aims for prevention rather than cure.
In fact for most of the genetic disorders cure is unknown.
Treatment is therefore directed towards minimizing the damage by early detection and preventing
further irreversible damage.
For example in PKU, i.e. phenylketonuria. This disorder is characterized by a deficiency of phenylalanine
hydroxylase enzyme, which is necessary for the conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine
There are several different reasons a person or couple may seek prenatal genetic counseling.
If a woman is of age 35 or older and pregnant, then there is an increased chance that her fetus may have
a change in the number of chromosomes present.
Changes in chromosome number may lead to mental retardation and birth defects
Level II Ultrasound
The maternal serum AFP
Chorionic Villus sampling (CVS)
Pediatric Genetic Counseling
Families or pediatricians seek genetic counseling when a child has features of an inherited condition.
Any child who is born with more than one defect, mental retardation or dysmorphic features has an
increased chance of having a genetic syndrome.
A common type of mental retardation in males for which genetic testing is available is fragile X-syndrome.
Adults may seek genetic counseling when a person in the family decided to be tested for the presence of
a known genetic condition, when an adult begins exhibiting symptoms of an inherited condition, or when
there is a new diagnosis of someone with an adult-onset disorder in the family.
In addition, the birth of a child with obvious features of a genetic disease leads to diagnosis of a parent
who is affected.
A family history of early onset breast, ovarian or colon cancer in multiple generations of family is a
common reason a person would seek a genetic counselor who works with people who have cancer.
While most cancer is not inherited, there are some families in which a dominant gene is present and
causing the disease
A genetic counselor is able to discuss the chances that the cancer in the family is related to a dominantly
inherited gene.
The counselor can also discuss the option of testing for the breast and ovarian cancer genes