This purchase order from PT OTICS INDONESIA to supplier Sarana Tunas Niaga details the delivery of 19 items to Plant 1 by October 15, 2021. Payment is due at the end of the following month after receipt. The total purchase amount before tax is IDR 4,666,000.00, with a 10% VAT of IDR 466,600.00 bringing the grand total to IDR 5,132,600.00. The supplier must provide various documents with the invoice for payment processing.
This purchase order from PT OTICS INDONESIA to supplier Sarana Tunas Niaga details the delivery of 19 items to Plant 1 by October 15, 2021. Payment is due at the end of the following month after receipt. The total purchase amount before tax is IDR 4,666,000.00, with a 10% VAT of IDR 466,600.00 bringing the grand total to IDR 5,132,600.00. The supplier must provide various documents with the invoice for payment processing.
This purchase order from PT OTICS INDONESIA to supplier Sarana Tunas Niaga details the delivery of 19 items to Plant 1 by October 15, 2021. Payment is due at the end of the following month after receipt. The total purchase amount before tax is IDR 4,666,000.00, with a 10% VAT of IDR 466,600.00 bringing the grand total to IDR 5,132,600.00. The supplier must provide various documents with the invoice for payment processing.
This purchase order from PT OTICS INDONESIA to supplier Sarana Tunas Niaga details the delivery of 19 items to Plant 1 by October 15, 2021. Payment is due at the end of the following month after receipt. The total purchase amount before tax is IDR 4,666,000.00, with a 10% VAT of IDR 466,600.00 bringing the grand total to IDR 5,132,600.00. The supplier must provide various documents with the invoice for payment processing.
PURCHASE ORDER Date : 08/10/2021 Supplier Confirm Approved Checked Draft
PURCHASE ORDER Number : PGA-G/21/10/0003 Delivery Date : 15/10/2021 TERM OF PAYMENT : T/T, END OF NEXT MONTH AFTER RECEIVED HENDRA ANDRI DICKY PURCHASE ADDRESS : Supplier Name : SARANA TUNAS NIAGA Attention : Ms. Dewi Novianti Please re-fax this purchase other sites sign and stamp : MR.CEPI K / MR.SUKARTA / MR.DICKY FAX Number :- Phone : +62 812-9619-4777 Please Delivery Goods : Invoice To : PT OTICS INDONESIA OTICS INDONESIA PLANT 1 Ejip Industrial Park Plot No. 5C-1, Sukaresmi, Kab.Bekasi Ejip Industrial Park Plot No. 5C-1, Sukaresmi Cikarang Selatan Kab.Bekasi Jawa Barat 17530 Jawa Barat 17530 No. NPWP :01.824.358.4-055.000 Phone No :021-8971701-02, Fax : 021-8971706 Ejip Industrial Park Plot No. 5C-1, Sukaresmi Cikarang Selatan Kab.Bekasi Jawa Barat 17530 Part Number NO RF Number Desription Qty UOM @Price Amount (Sebango) 1 EX05568 SABUN CUCI TANGAN SOS @5LITER 12 JRG 85,000.00 1,020,000.00 2 EX03880 TISSUE WAJAH PACK NICE 4 X 250PLY 5 Pack 65,000.00 325,000.00 3 EX03893 SABUN CUCI PIRING MAMA LEMON FRESH LEMON20400ML Pcs 10,000.00 200,000.00 4 EX03879 TISSUE TOILET ROLL NICE 1 X 10 Roll 5 Pack 37,000.00 185,000.00 5 EX03878 TISSUE WAJAH NICE 2 X 900GR 4 Pack 80,000.00 320,000.00 6 EX05032 TEH SARIWANGI (@50 PCS) 2 Pack 13,000.00 26,000.00 7 EX03928 COCA COLA COKE 1.5LTR 3 Pcs 17,500.00 52,500.00 8 EX03870 CREAMER MAX CREAMER 500GR 2 Pack 38,000.00 76,000.00 9 EX03871 CREAMER SACHET MAX CREAMER 50 X 3GR 1 Pack 27,500.00 27,500.00 10 EX03946 GELAS CUP (KERTAS) (@ 50 PCS) 1 Pack 30,000.00 30,000.00 11 EX03874 GULA PASIR GULAKU PREMIUM 1KG 3 Pcs 19500.00 58,500.00 12 EX05033 KOPI KAPAL API (165GR) 5 Pcs 17,500.00 87,500.00 13 EX03898 LAP PEL INDO MOP CLEANMATIC + GAGANG 10 Pcs 92,000.00 920,000.00 14 EX03916 PEMBERSIH PORCELEN VIXAL 2 X 800ML 6 Pack 47,500.00 285,000.00 15 EX03920 PENGERING KANEBO AION 3 Pcs 72,000.00 216,000.00 16 EX03922 PENGHARUM MOBIL LIQUID GLADE SPORT REFILL 6 7ML Pcs 46,500.00 279,000.00 17 EX03906 SAPU PLASTIK NAGATA 717 / 307 10 Pcs 45,000.00 450,000.00 18 EX03894 SPONNGE SCOTCH BRITE 5X 1 Pack 40,000.00 40,000.00 19 EX03918 PEMBERSIH MOBIL KIT WAS & WAX 800ML 4 Pcs 17,000.00 68,000.00
Kelengkapan Dokumen Invoice / Tagihan (AC-0001) :
1. Tanda Terima Invoice 5. Surat Jalan Asli 2. Invoice Asli 6. PO Asli atau MR Asli 3. Faktur Asli 7. Invoice Copy 4. Rekapan Surat Jalan 8. Faktur Pajak Copy
Rate : 1.00 = Rate IDR PURCHASE TOTAL IDR 4,666,000.00
Date : 01-10-2021 DISCOUNT IDR 0.00 PPN 10 % IDR 466,600.00 PURCHASE GRAND TOTAL IDR 5,132,600.00 ORIGINAL : Personnel & General Affair Copy : Accounting Efektif Document : 01-10-2021 Form Revision : 0 (01-10-2021) PC-00000000 Revisi : 0 efektif : 01-10-2021 Masa Penyimpanan 5 tahun