Eration Of: Employee Not An
Eration Of: Employee Not An
Eration Of: Employee Not An
22 VINESH Target
Utimate Accountan
(d) 9,216
(a) 7.216 b) 8,216 c) 7.600
Question. 115
Question. 116
When a company grants option to its employees to subseribe the shares at a price that Is lower than the
market price, this situation is called
(a) Preferential Allotment (b) Private Placement of
(c) Employees Stock Option Plan (ESOP) (d) Bonus Shares Issued to Employee
Question. 117
Identify the wrong statement from the
(a) Employee Stock Option Plan is an option or a right granted by the company
Stock Option Plan is
not an obligation on employees to subscribe the shares
Employees may or may not accept the option of subscription
a) Employee Stock Option Plan is completely different from Sweat Equity Shares
Question. 118
Papa Ltd. offered to the public for subscription 80,000 Equity Shares payable per share as: 5 on Application
& Allotment; 7 3 on First Call and Balance on Second and Final Call. The issue was fully subscribed and all
amounts due were received except both calls money on 2,000 shares. These shares were forfeited.
Amount of Share Capital to be shown in the Balance Sheet:
(a) 7,90,000 (b) 7,80,000 (c) 7,60,000 (d) 8,00,000
Question. 119
Mother Ltd. invited application for 70,000 shares 30 each at
par and received applications for only 68,000
shares. All calls were made and duly received except the final call of 7 10
per share on 5,000 shares. These
shares were forfeited.
Amount of Share Capital to be shown in the Balance Sheet:
(a) 21,00,.000 b) 20,50,000 (c) 19,50,000 d) 19,90,000
Question. 120
Which of the following term will clearly def+ne, when
appropriation of a certain number of shares is made
to an applicant in response to his application?
(a) Share Allotment (b) Share Forfeiture (c) Bonus Shares (d) Refund of Money
ting for are Capital
Question. 121
basis. The amount.
Vino Ltd. had allotted 10,000 sharesthe applicants of 13,000 shares
o n pro-rata
an application was 3 per share. Yash one shareholder who applied for 520 shares.allotment?
payable on applíca
alloted to him and how much of his excess amount adjusted towards
ow many shares were
Allotted 400 Shares and adjusted on allotment 7 400
Allotted 360 Shares and adjusted on allotment 7 400
Allotted 400 Shares and adjusted on allotment 1,200
Allotted 400 Shares and adjusted on allotment 7 360
Question. 122
of forfeiture of shares,
Premium the forfeited shares has
received, at the time
Ifthe already been
Reserve Account will be:
issued 2,30,000 Equity Shares ofr 10each at a premium of Re.3 each payable as
Yes Ltd.
(including premium) and balance First and final call, Applications were received for 3,50, 000
& Allotment
Call. Last call
on 1,000
shares and company allotted them 2,50,000 shares. Excess money was applied
hares not received and these shares were forfeited.
which of the following is not part of the above situation?
(b) Pro-rata Allotment
(a) Over-subscription
(d) Under Subscription
(c) Forfeiture of Shares
Question. 124
Question. 126
A company forfeited 800 equity shares of 7 10 each issued at par for non-payment of two cal
calls of 7 2
What will be the amount
of forfeiture account?
(a) Share Forfeiture Alc Share Forfeiture
A/c 6,400
5,600 (b)
(c) Share Forfeiture Alc Share Forfeiture
A/c 4,000
4,800 (d)
Question. 127
Vinod Limited forfeited 100 equity shares ofR10 each issued at a premium of 20% for non-paymer
call of 5
nent of fina
including the premium.
What amount will be shown
by Share Forfeiure A/c?
(a) Share Forfeiture Alc 800 A/c 700
b) Share Forfeiture
(c) Share Forfeiture Alc 600 Alc 500
(d) Share Forfeiture
Question. 128
Od LAd.purchased a machine from Luxmi Machines Ltd. for t3,80,000. As per purchase agreemem
20,000 were paid in cash and balance
issue of of 7 100 each.
How many shares to be issued to Luxmi Machines Ltd. if shares are issued at a premium of 20%?
Question. 129
Vinod Limited offered 10,000 shares of T10 each for public subscription at a premium of 10%. Full amount
was payable on application. Applications were received for 15,000 shares and the Board decided to allot the
shares on pro-rata basis.
How much amount is to be refunded?
(a) 60,000 (b) 50,000 () 45,000 (d) 55,000
Question. 130
Vinod Limited purchased machinery for 7 30,00,000
from Suraj Limited. Half of the amount was
paid by
accepting a 'Bill of Exchange' drawn by Suraj Limited, payable after 3 months. The balance was paid by isue
of Equity Shares of 10 cach at a premium of 25%.
How many shares are to be issued?
(a) 1,00,000 Shares (b) 1,20,000 Shares (c) 1,50,000 Shares (d) 1,80,000 Shares
Question. 131
Vinod Limited purchased Furniture for 4,05,000 from Kisan Limited. The
payment was made by issue of
Equity Shares of 10 each. How many shares are to be issued?
(a) 50,000 Shares (b) 40,000 Shares (c) 40,500 Shares (d) 35,000 Shares
Question. 133
for buying assets or busins
is the Durchasing company
Consideration amount paid by the
other company.
(b) False
(a) True
Question. 134
Question. 135
Reserve Capital.
(b) False
(a) True
Question. 137
Question. 140
the S E B l and not hu
fixed by oy the
issued, is
the shares
nm Subscription
um limit of at least 90% of
Companies Act, 2013.
(b) False
(a) True
Question. 141
of Rs 10
each which were
forfeited dh
lorfeited de
Ltd.reissued 800 (80% of the Forfeited shares) equity shares 1 2 each fully paid u
Gagan now
reissued for up a
and first and final
0 n0n payment of allotment money
76,300. forfeiture of
payable as follows: Application 60;
issued 20,000 Equity Shares of T 100 each. Amount
Nyra Ltd. received an amount of 7 3,60,000 on
first and final call. Company
7 20 and balance on
shares on which allotment money is not
Calculate number of (d) 20,000 shares
(c) 6,000 shares
(b) 2,000 shares
(a) 400 shares
Question. 145
10,000 Equity Shares
of 10 each at a premium of 20%. Company has forfeited
Nyra Ltd. issued ofR5 (including premium),
first and final call of 7 3 is not yet called up.
on non-payment allotment
of shares?
accountat the time of forfeiture of
amount to be shown in call-in-arrears
Calculate the
(c) 1,250 (d) 1,750
b) 2,000
(a) 2,500
aunting for Share Capital 5.27
Question. 146
Ltd. forfeited 600 shareson is not yet called
amount, final call
untpayable non-payment
-payment Allotment
of Allotment amount 7
of Rs 10);Allotment 40: first and final
as :On fio 40 cau
u p . A m o
(a) 30
b) 80 (c) 70 (d) 100
Question. 147
GN Ltd
forfeite 400 shares of 7 10 money has been
each at a premium of 40%. on which only application
r e c e i v e d .
Question. 148
Nyra Ltd. forfeited 500 shares of 10 each. Out of these forfeited shares 250 were reissued at 3,000
Calculate the Reissue price per share.
(a) 12 (b) Rs 6 (c)710 d)25
Question. 149
GN Lid. acquired a running business of Vinod Ltd. consisting Assets of 20,00,000 and creditors of
2,00,00, of 7 Bills Payable 3,00,00. Purchaseconsideration is settled
by a Bank draft of R 4,00,000
1,00,000 Equity Shares of 10 each at a premium of 7 2.
Amount of Goodwill/capital Reserve at the time of purchase of business
(a) Goodwill 1,00,000 b) Capital Reserve 1,00,000
(0) No Goodwill/No Capital Reserve (d) Capital Reserve 3,00,000
Question. 150
150. Gagan Ltd. invited applications of 45,000 Equity Shares of 10 each at a premium of 4. Company
received applications of 15,000in excess. Amount payable as follows: on ApplicationR 7 (inchuding premium of
2),on Allotment 73 (including premium of 7 ), Balance on first and final call. One shareholder Megha who
applied for 600 shares failed to pay allotment and first and final call money.
Amount of Securities Premium to be debited at the time of forfeiture of shares?
(a) Debited by 7 900 (6) Debited by 6500
(c) Debited by 7 450 (d) Debited by 750
VINESH Target Uitimate Accoe
Question. 151
30,00,000 and
Assets of
Ltd.purchased running business of GN
5,00,000 at a purchase consideration of 23,00,000.
Ltd. consisting
abilities of
Amount ofCapital
Reserve/Goodwill at the time of purchase oI 2,00,000 Capital Reserve
(a) 2,00,000 Goodwill (b) 7
(C)4,00,000 capital Reserve (d) 7 5,00,000
Question. 152
Question. 155
Nanak L t d . invited application
for 50,000 of 60%. Whole
equity shares of 7 10 each at a premium
oble 000
application. The issue was over-subscribed hby 2.5 times of the issue. 25,000 applications
on were
p a y a h ,
e d a n d mone efunded with sa letter
ney was refunded
of regret.
Total nount refunded by the
(a) 2 . 5 0 , 0 0 0
(b) 4,00,000 (c) 12,00,000
(d) 7.50,000
durin the
life time of the business. It will be called only the case of winding u
Choose the Correct Option from the following
(a) Assertion and Reason both are correct and Reason is the correct explanation of the assertion
() Assertion and Reason both are correct but Reason is not correct explanation of assertion
(c)Both Assertion and Reason are not correct
Assertion is
d Only correct
Question. 157
Assertion (A):
off the 'Share Issue Expenses.
Amount received on shares as 'Securities Premium' can be utilized to write
explanation of assertion
but Reason is not correct
(b) Assertion and Reason both are correct
Question. 158
Assertion (A):
of the shares offered for subscription, in such a case, company
If a company receives subscription less than 90%
cannot issue shares and amount
received on application will be refunded to the applicants.
(b) Assertion and Reason both are correct but Reason is not correct explanation of assertion
(c) Both Assertion and
Reason are not correct
(d) Only Assertion is correct
Question. 159
Assertion (A):
ncorporation Expenses Account or Preliminary Expenses Account is to be opened when shares are js.en shares are
issued to
Reason (R):
rendered to the company.
pany may issue shares to its promoters for their services
Choose the
Correct Option from the following: of the
O n and Reason both are correct and Reason is the correct explanation
or assertion
0) ASsertion and Reason both are correct but Reason is not correct explanation
(c) Both Assertion and Reason are not correct
(d) Only Assertion is correct
Question. 160
Assertion (A):
wnen a company purchase a running business of other company, and payment is settled by issue of shares, in ge
a case, it purchase consideration is more than the net assets, then difference is debited tothe Goodwill Acco
Reason (R):
Goodwill is recorded in the books when some money or money's worth is paid for it.
Choose the Correct Option
from the following:
(a) Assertion and Reason both are correct and Reason is the correct explanation of the assertion
() Assertion and Reason both are correct but Reason is not correct explanation of assertion
(c) Both Assertion and Reason are not correct
(d) Only Assertion is correct
Question. 161
Assertion (A) :
When a running business of other company is purchased, and payment is setled by issue of shares, in such a case.
if purchase consideration is less than the net assets, then difference is credited to the Capital Reserve.
Reason (R):
Capital Reserve is a capital loss for the company.