Collaborative Exercises
Collaborative Exercises
Collaborative Exercises
1. aɪs eyes ice
2. ˈæŋkəl ankle uncle
3. səʊl soil soul
4. briːð breathe breath
5. əˈvɔɪd avoid evade
6. θɪŋ thin thing
7. ˈpəʊz ɪz possess poses
8. vaɪn vein vine
9. ˈluːv ə louvre lover
10. ˈfiːl ɪŋz fillings feelings
4. Mark in bold what you think is the stress pattern on the following
words, the first is done for you.
a. daredevil: deredevil
b. deactivate deactivate
c. deputation deputation
d. deputy deputy
e. deregulation deregulation
f. derelict derelict
g. dermatitis dermatitis
h. derogatory derogatory
i. desecrate desecrate
j. discrimination discrimination
k. dishonest dishonest
l. dishwater dishwater
6. Write the IPA symbol for the first sound in each of the following
7. Using the IPA symbols, provide 2 examples for each type of place
of articulation
plosives b big
fricatives s soap
affricates tʃ cheap
approximants j young
nasals n near
laterals l low
Voiced voiceless
-Than -Finger
Than Flake - Flake -Wash
- Social - Church
Land Social
River toe -Land - Keyboard
10. On the following diagram indicate with an arrow the movement of
the tongue for the diphthongs in the given words. Give a phonetic
transcription first.
12. Write the phonetic symbol for the first sound in each word
Judge: ___ ʤ________
Easy: _____ iː_______
Pneumonia: __ nju_____
Contact: ____k_______
Phone: ____f______
Civic: _____s_______
Usually: _____ju:_______
University: ___ju:______
Hospital: _____h______
13. Write the phonetic symbol for the final sound in each word
Beds: ____z_____
Bets: ____s_____
Nest: ____t_____
Bathes: __z_____
Belts: ____s____
Twelfth: __θ____
Fifths: ____s___
Next: _____t____
Lapsed: ___t____
14. Put the following words in the relevant column according to the
manner of articulation of the consonant in bold.
/ˈdɑːnsɪŋ/ /ˈsæt.ə.deɪ/
/ˈfeɪ.məs/ /ˈtrɔː.mə/
/trænzˈleɪ.tər/ /fɔːk/
/ˈɡlæs·əz/ /əˈprɒk.sɪ.mənt/
15. Circle the words according to their place of articulation