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Aerial Hoop Curriculum

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Aerial Arts Syllabus

Primary Aerial Hoop

Strength: (hoop at hanging wrist height)

1. Hanging tuck demonstration
2. Hanging 1 leg pike demonstration (right or left)
3. Hanging straddle demonstration
4. Hanging shoulder shrugs (3 reps)
5. Upside down straddle demonstration
6. Hanging hollow demonstration
7. Hanging neutral demonstration

Balancing: (hoop at belly button height)

1. Back balance pike demonstration
2. Back balance straddle demonstration
3. Tummy tuck, hold 3 seconds
4. Nose to knee (from double knee hang), demonstration
5. 1 knee hang (1 hand) demonstration (right and left)

Postures: (hoop at belly button height)

1. Relaxed in the moon demonstration (right or left)
2. Sit in the moon demonstration (right or left)
3. Angel (2 hands) (legs bent/together), demonstration (right and left)
4. Hanging bridge demonstration
5. Hanging Z demonstration
6. Double knee hang (hollow position)

Technique: (hoop at nose height)

1. Tendu kick to 1 knee demonstration (right or left)
2. Pull over to tummy demonstration
3. Hanging double stag demonstration (right or left)
4. Pre-pencil demonstration (right or left)
5. Candle (1 arm) demonstration (right or left)

Spinning: (hoop at belly button height)

1. 1 knee spin right demonstration
2. 1 knee spin left demonstration
3. Freestyle spin right demonstration
4. Freestyle spin left demonstration
5. Examiner’s choice spin demonstration

Bonus Skill

© Acrobatic Arts Inc.

Aerial Arts Syllabus
Level 1 Aerial Hoop

Strength: (hoop at reaching wrist height)

1. Hanging tuck, hold 5 seconds
2. Hanging pike, hold 5 seconds
3. Hanging straddle, hold 5 seconds
4. Hanging shoulder shrugs (5 reps)
5. Upside down straddle, hold 5 seconds
6. Hanging hollow, hold 5 seconds
7. Hanging neutral, hold 5 seconds

Balancing: (hoop at belly button height)

1. Back balance pike, hold 5 seconds
2. Back balance straddle, hold 5 seconds
3. Tummy pike, hold 5 seconds
4. Double knee hang (no hands), hold 5 seconds
5. 1 knee hang (1 hand), hold 5 seconds (right and left)

Postures: (hoop at belly button height)

1. Relaxed in the moon, hold 5 seconds (right and left)
2. Sit in the moon, hold 5 seconds (right and left)
3. Angel (2 hands) (legs bent/together), hold 5 seconds (right and left)
4. Hanging bridge, hold 5 seconds
5. Hanging Z, hold 5 seconds
6. Level 1 cartwheel series (right or left)

Technique: (hoop at nose height)

1. Tendu kick to 1 knee, hold 5 seconds (right and left)
2. Bird pose (through pull over to tummy), hold 5 seconds
3. Hanging double stag, hold 5 seconds (right and left)
4. Pencil (through pre-pencil), hold 5 seconds (right and left)
5. Candle (1 arm), hold 5 seconds (right and left)

Spinning: (hoop at belly button height)

1. 1 knee spin right (3 spins)
2. 1 knee spin left (3 spins)
3. Freestyle spin right (3 spins)
4. Freestyle spin left (3 spins)
5. Examiner’s choice spin (3 spins)

Bonus Skill

© Acrobatic Arts Inc.

Aerial Arts Syllabus
Level 2 Aerial Hoop
Strength: (hoop at hanging wrist height)
1. Hanging pike runs (4 reps)
2. Hanging straddle to pike (2 reps)
3. Hanging shoulder shrugs (8 reps)
4. Upside down straddle, hold 8 seconds, lower to straddle hang demonstration
5. Leg lifts (2 o’clock) (1 rep)
6. Hanging hollow, hold 8 seconds
7. Hanging neutral, hold 8 seconds

Balancing: (hoop at belly button height)

1. Back balance pike (cross 1 leg), hold 8 seconds (right or left)
2. Bird’s nest (through back balance straddle), hold 4 seconds each
3. Tuck hold (through tummy bird pose), pike hold, hold 4 seconds each
4. Double knee hang (no hands), 1 leg stag, hold 4 seconds each (right and left)
5. 1 knee hang (1 hand) with a peace sign, hold 8 seconds (right and left)

Postures: (hoop at belly button height)

1. Relaxed in the moon (dance arms), hold 8 seconds (right and left)
2. Sit in the moon (dance arms), hold 8 seconds (right and left)
3. Angel (2 hands), double stag, hold 4 seconds each (right and left)
4. Hanging bridge, hanging Z, hold 4 seconds each
5. 1 knee hang (legs stag), double stag, hold 8 seconds (right and left)
6. Level 2 cartwheel series (right and left)

Technique: (hoop at nose height)

1. Tendu kick to 1 knee, release 1 hand, hold 8 seconds (right and left)
2. Bird pose (through pull over to tummy), hold 8 seconds
3. Hanging double stag, hold 8 seconds (right and left)
4. Arabesque (through pencil), hold 8 seconds (right and left)
5. Candle (no hands), hold 8 seconds

Spinning: (hoop at belly button height)

1. 1 knee spin right (5 spins)
2. 1 knee spin left (5 spins)
3. Level 2 pivot spin (right or left) (5 spins)
4. Freestyle spin (right or left) (5 spins)
5. Examiner’s choice spin (5 spins)

Bonus Skill

© Acrobatic Arts Inc.

Aerial Arts Syllabus
Level 3 Aerial Hoop

Strength: (hoop at hanging wrist height)

1. Hanging pike runs (8 reps)
2. Hanging straddle to pike (4 reps)
3. Hanging shoulder shrugs (10 reps)
4. Upside down straddle, hold 8 seconds, lower to straddle hang, hold 2 seconds
5. Leg lifts (2 o’clock) (2 reps)
6. Hanging hollow, hold 10 seconds
7. Hanging neutral, hold 10 seconds

Balancing: (hoop at belly button height)

1. Hanging pike balance, hold 5 seconds
2. Back balance straddle, bird’s nest, ankle hold, hold 5 seconds each
3. Tummy pike hold to 1 hip straddle, hold 5 seconds each (right and left)
4. Double knee hang (release hands), straddle shoulder stand, adapted relaxed in the
moon, hold 5 seconds each
5. 1 knee hang (no hands), hold 5 seconds (right and left)

Postures: (hoop at belly button height)

1. Relaxed in the moon, sit in the moon, hold 5 seconds each (right and left)
2. Half scorpion (on back) (1 hand), hold 5 seconds (right or left)
3. Angel (1 hand) (legs bent/together), double stag, hold 5 seconds each (right and left)
4. Hanging bridge, hanging Z, hold 5 seconds each, lower to tummy
5. Level 3 knee split posture series (right and left)
6. Level 3 cartwheel series (right and left)

Technique: (hoop at nose height)

1. Tendu kick to 1 knee, knee lock, release hands, hold 5 seconds (right and left)
2. Bird pose (through pull over to tummy), hold 10 seconds
3. 2 arm elbow hang, hold 5 seconds
4. Arabesque (through pencil), hold 10 seconds (right and left)
5. Candle, Y hang (no hands), hold 5 seconds each (right or left)

Spinning: (hoop at belly button height)

1. 1 knee spin right (10 seconds)
2. 1 knee spin left (10 seconds)
3. Level 3 pivot spin (right and left) (10 seconds)
4. Freestyle spin (right or left), 10 seconds total
5. Examiner’s choice spin, 10 seconds total

Bonus Skill

© Acrobatic Arts Inc.

Aerial Arts Syllabus
Level 4 Aerial Hoop
Strength: (hoop at hanging wrist height)
1. Hanging pike runs (10 reps)
2. Hanging straddle to pike (4 reps)
3. 1 arm hang (tuck), hold 5 seconds (right and left)
4. Upside down straddle, hold 8 seconds, lower to straddle hang, hold 4 seconds
5. Leg lifts (toes to bar) (1 rep)
6. Hanging hollow, hold 12 seconds
7. Hanging neutral, hold 12 seconds

Balancing: (hoop at belly button height)

1. Hanging pike balance, hold 5 seconds, thread knees (2 reps)
2. Back balance straddle, bird’s nest, ankle hold, hanging straddle, hold 5 seconds
3. Tummy pike hold, 1 hip straddle, hold 10 seconds each (right and left)
4. 1 knee pop, tilted split, hold 5 seconds each (right and left)
5. 1 knee hang (no hands), leg grab (2 hands), hold 5 seconds each (right and left)

Postures: (hoop at belly button height)

1. Relaxed in the moon, sit in the moon, optional skill, 12 seconds total (right and left)
2. Half scorpion (on back) (1 hand), hold 10 seconds (right and left)
3. Angel (1 hand) (double stag), hold 10 seconds, lower to tuck
4. Hanging bridge, hanging Z, hanging half scorpion (through lower to tummy),
hold 5 seconds each (right or left)
5. Level 4 knee split posture series (right and left)
6. Level 4 cartwheel series (right and left)

Technique: (hoop at nose height)

1. Tendu kick to 1 knee, release hands, knee lock, half scorpion (from one knee), 10
seconds total (right and left)
2. Bird pose (through pull over to tummy), aerial classique, 15 seconds total
3. 2 arm elbow hang, hold 10 seconds
4. Hanging full body tempo (3 reps)
5. Candle, Y hang (no hands), 12 seconds total (right or left)

Spinning: (hoop at belly button height)

1. 1 knee spin right, pencil (right knee), 12 seconds total
2. 1 knee spin left, pencil (left knee), 12 seconds total
3. Level 4 pivot spin (right and left), 12 seconds total
4. Freestyle spin (right or left), 12 seconds total
5. Examiner’s choice spin, 12 seconds total

Bonus Skill

© Acrobatic Arts Inc.

Aerial Arts Syllabus
Level 5 Aerial Hoop
Strength: (hoop at hanging wrist height)
1. Hanging press to straddle (1 rep)
2. Hanging press to nutcracker (1 rep) (right and left)
3. 1 arm hang (tuck), hold 10 seconds (right and left)
4. Upside down straddle, hold 10 seconds lower to hanging straddle, hold 6 seconds
5. Leg lifts (toes to bar) (2 reps)
6. Hanging hollow (15 seconds)
7. Hanging neutral (15 seconds)

Balancing: (hoop at hanging wrist height)

1. Hanging pike balance (5 seconds), thread knees (3 reps), 1 knee hang (legs stag) to
knee split, hold 5 seconds (right or left)
2. Neck hang (2 hands), hold for 5 seconds
3. Tummy pike hold, killer split, hold 5 seconds each (right or left)
4. 1 knee pop, tilted split, hanging arch, hold 5 seconds each (right and left)
5. 1 knee hang (no hands), leg grab, half scorpion (from knee), hold 5 seconds each
(right and left)

Postures: (hoop at belly button height)

1. 1 knee hang, window split, hold 10 seconds (right and left)
2. Half scorpion (on back), hold 10 seconds, release arms/leg (stag) (no hands), hold 5
seconds (right and left)
3. Angel (1 hand) (double stag), hold 15 seconds, lower to tummy tuck, twist to 1
knee hang (right and left)
4. Hanging Z, crocodile prep, hold 5 seconds each
5. Level 5 knee split posture series (right and left)
6. Level 5 cartwheel series (right and left)

Technique: (hoop at nose height)

1. Straddle press to knee hang, tempo body swing, sit
2. Bird pose (through pull over to tummy), aerial classique, 20 seconds total
3. 1 arm elbow hang, hold 5 seconds (right or left)
4. Hanging full body tempo (3 reps), illusion
5. Foot hang with assistance, hold 10 seconds

Spinning: (hoop at belly button height)

1. 1 knee spin right, pencil (right knee), push to arabesque, 15 seconds total
2. 1 knee spin left, pencil (left knee), push to arabesque, 15 seconds total
3. Level 5 pivot spin (right and left), 15 seconds total
4. Freestyle spin (right or left), 15 seconds total
5. Examiner’s choice spin, 15 seconds total

Bonus Skill
© Acrobatic Arts Inc.
Aerial Arts Syllabus
Level 6 Aerial Hoop
Strength: (hoop at hanging wrist height)
1. Hanging press to straddle (2 reps)
2. Hanging press to nutcracker (2 reps) (right and left)
3. 1 arm hang (tuck), hold 12 seconds (right and left)
4. Upside down straddle, hold 10 seconds, lower to hanging straddle, hold 10 seconds
5. Leg lifts (toes to bar) (3 reps)
6. Hanging hollow (20 seconds)
7. Hanging neutral (20 seconds)

Balancing: (hoop at hanging wrist height)

1. Hanging pike balance, hold 5 seconds, thread knees (4 reps), knee split, hold 8 seconds,
slide down to one knee (right or left)
2. Neck hang (hands on), peace sign, 10 seconds total
3. Tummy pike hold, killer split, hold 10 seconds each (right and left)
4. 1 knee pop, tilted split, hanging arch, hold 8 seconds each (right and left)
5. Hanging swan, split, 10 seconds total

Postures: (hoop at belly button height)

1. Inside hoop window split, hold 10 seconds (right and left)
2. Half scorpion (on back), release arms/leg (stag), hold 10 seconds each, front walkover
inside hoop (right and left)
3. Angel (1 hand) (double stag), hold 15 seconds, lower to tummy tuck, aerial classique (right
and left)
4. Hanging Z, crocodile hold, hold 5 seconds each
5. Horizontal split, hold 5 seconds (right or left)
6. Level 6 cartwheel series (right and left)

Technique: (hoop at nose height)

1. Straddle press to knee hang, tempo body swing, release knees land on floor
2. Bird pose, tempo, tuck (3 reps)
3. 1 arm elbow hang, hold 5 seconds (right and left)
4. Hanging full body tempo (3 reps), illusion (bent or straight legs), forward tempo (3 reps)
5. Foot hang with assistance, hold 15 seconds

Spinning: (hoop at belly button height)

1. 1 knee spin right, pencil (right knee), push to arabesque, choice of skill, 15 seconds total
2. 1 knee spin left, pencil (left knee), push to arabesque, choice of skill, 15 seconds total)
3. Level 6 pivot spin (right or left), 20 seconds total
4. Freestyle spin (right or left), 20 seconds total
5. Examiner’s choice spin, 20 seconds total

Bonus Skill

© Acrobatic Arts Inc.

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