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R For Everyone

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R for

The Addison-Wesley Data and Analytics Series

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T he Addison-Wesley Data and Analytics Series provides readers with practical

knowledge for solving problems and answering questions with data. Titles in this series
primarily focus on three areas:
1. Infrastructure: how to store, move, and manage data
2. Algorithms: how to mine intelligence or make predictions based on data
3. Visualizations: how to represent data and insights in a meaningful and compelling way

The series aims to tie all three of these areas together to help the reader build end-to-end
systems for fighting spam; making recommendations; building personalization;
detecting trends, patterns, or problems; and gaining insight from the data exhaust of
systems and user interactions.

Make sure to connect with us!

R for

Advanced Analytics
and Graphics

Jared P. Lander

Upper Saddle River, NJ • Boston • Indianapolis • San Francisco

New York • Toronto • Montreal • London • Munich • Paris • Madrid
Capetown • Sydney • Tokyo • Singapore • Mexico City
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Lander, Jared P.
R for everyone / Jared P. Lander.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN-13: 978-0-321-88803-7 (alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 0-321-88803-0 (alk. paper)
1. R (Computer program language) 2. Scripting languages (Computer science) 3. Statistics— Data
processing. 4. Statistics— Graphic methods— Data processing. 5. Computer simulation. I. Title.
QA76.73.R3L36 2014
005.13–dc23 2013027407
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
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ISBN-13: 978-0-321-88803-7
ISBN-10: 0-321-88803-0
Text printed in the United States on recycled paper at RR Donnelley in Crawfordsville, Indiana.
First printing, December 2013

To my mother and father

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Foreword xiii

Preface xv

Acknowledgments xix

About the Author xxiii

1 Getting R 1
1.1 Downloading R 1
1.2 R Version 2
1.3 32-bit versus 64-bit 2
1.4 Installing 2
1.5 Revolution R Community Edition 10
1.6 Conclusion 11

2 The R Environment 13
2.1 Command Line Interface 14
2.2 RStudio 15
2.3 Revolution Analytics RPE 26
2.4 Conclusion 27

3 R Packages 29
3.1 Installing Packages 29
3.2 Loading Packages 32
3.3 Building a Package 33
3.4 Conclusion 33

4 Basics of R 35
4.1 Basic Math 35
4.2 Variables 36
4.3 Data Types 38
4.4 Vectors 43
4.5 Calling Functions 49
4.6 Function Documentation 49
4.7 Missing Data 50
4.8 Conclusion 51
viii Contents

5 Advanced Data Structures 53

5.1 data.frames 53
5.2 Lists 61
5.3 Matrices 68
5.4 Arrays 71
5.5 Conclusion 72

6 Reading Data into R 73

6.1 Reading CSVs 73
6.2 Excel Data 74
6.3 Reading from Databases 75
6.4 Data from Other Statistical Tools 77
6.5 R Binary Files 77
6.6 Data Included with R 79
6.7 Extract Data from Web Sites 80
6.8 Conclusion 81

7 Statistical Graphics 83
7.1 Base Graphics 83
7.2 ggplot2 86
7.3 Conclusion 98

8 Writing R Functions 99
8.1 Hello, World! 99
8.2 Function Arguments 100
8.3 Return Values 103
8.4 do.call 104
8.5 Conclusion 104

9 Control Statements 105

9.1 if and else 105
9.2 switch 108
9.3 ifelse 109
9.4 Compound Tests 111
9.5 Conclusion 112

10 Loops, the Un-R Way to Iterate 113

10.1 for Loops 113
10.2 while Loops 115
Contents ix

10.3 Controlling Loops 115

10.4 Conclusion 116

11 Group Manipulation 117

11.1 Apply Family 117
11.2 aggregate 120
11.3 plyr 124
11.4 data.table 129
11.5 Conclusion 139

12 Data Reshaping 141

12.1 cbind and rbind 141
12.2 Joins 142
12.3 reshape2 149
12.4 Conclusion 153

13 Manipulating Strings 155

13.1 paste 155
13.2 sprintf 156
13.3 Extracting Text 157
13.4 Regular Expressions 161
13.5 Conclusion 169

14 Probability Distributions 171

14.1 Normal Distribution 171
14.2 Binomial Distribution 176
14.3 Poisson Distribution 182
14.4 Other Distributions 185
14.5 Conclusion 186

15 Basic Statistics 187

15.1 Summary Statistics 187
15.2 Correlation and Covariance 191
15.3 T-Tests 200
15.4 ANOVA 207
15.5 Conclusion 210
x Contents

16 Linear Models 211

16.1 Simple Linear Regression 211
16.2 Multiple Regression 216
16.3 Conclusion 232

17 Generalized Linear Models 233

17.1 Logistic Regression 233
17.2 Poisson Regression 237
17.3 Other Generalized Linear Models 240
17.4 Survival Analysis 240
17.5 Conclusion 245

18 Model Diagnostics 247

18.1 Residuals 247
18.2 Comparing Models 253
18.3 Cross-Validation 257
18.4 Bootstrap 262
18.5 Stepwise Variable Selection 265
18.6 Conclusion 269

19 Regularization and Shrinkage 271

19.1 Elastic Net 271
19.2 Bayesian Shrinkage 290
19.3 Conclusion 295

20 Nonlinear Models 297

20.1 Nonlinear Least Squares 297
20.2 Splines 300
20.3 Generalized Additive Models 304
20.4 Decision Trees 310
20.5 Random Forests 312
20.6 Conclusion 313

21 Time Series and Autocorrelation 315

21.1 Autoregressive Moving Average 315
21.2 VAR 322
Contents xi

21.3 GARCH 327

21.4 Conclusion 336

22 Clustering 337
22.1 K-means 337
22.2 PAM 345
22.3 Hierarchical Clustering 352
22.4 Conclusion 357

23 Reproducibility, Reports and Slide Shows

with knitr 359
23.1 Installing a LATEX Program 359
23.2 LATEX Primer 360
23.3 Using knitr with LATEX 362
23.4 Markdown Tips 367
23.5 Using knitr and Markdown 368
23.6 pandoc 369
23.7 Conclusion 371

24 Building R Packages 373

24.1 Folder Structure 373
24.2 Package Files 373
24.3 Package Documentation 380
24.4 Checking, Building and Installing 383
24.5 Submitting to CRAN 384
24.6 C++ Code 384
24.7 Conclusion 390

A Real-Life Resources 391

A.1 Meetups 391
A.2 Stackoverflow 392
A.3 Twitter 393
A.4 Conferences 393
A.5 Web Sites 393
A.6 Documents 394
A.7 Books 394
A.8 Conclusion 394
xii Contents

B Glossary 395

List of Figures 409

List of Tables 417

General Index 419

Index of Functions 427

Index of Packages 431

Index of People 433

Data Index 435


R has had tremendous growth in popularity over the last three years. Based on that,
you’d think that it was a new, up-and-coming language. But surprisingly, R has been
around since 1993. Why the sudden uptick in popularity? The somewhat obvious answer
seems to be the emergence of data science as a career and a field of study. But the
underpinnings of data science have been around for many decades. Statistics, linear
algebra, operations research, artificial intelligence, and machine learning all contribute
parts to the tools that a modern data scientist uses. R, more than most languages, has been
built to make most of these tools only a single function call away.
That’s why I’m very excited to have this book as one of the first in the Addison-Wesley
Data and Analytics Series. R is indispensable for many data science tasks. Many algorithms
useful for prediction and analysis can be accessed through only a few lines of code, which
makes it a great fit for solving modern data challenges. Data science as a field isn’t just
about math and statistics, and it isn’t just about programming and infrastructure. This book
provides a well-balanced introduction to the power and expressiveness of R and is aimed at
a general audience.
I can’t think of a better author to provide an introduction to R than Jared Lander. Jared
and I first met through the New York City machine learning community in late 2009.
Back then, the New York City data community was small enough to fit in a single
conference room, and many of the other data meetups had yet to be formed. Over the last
four years, Jared has been at the forefront of the emerging data science profession.
Through running the Open Statistical Programming Meetup, speaking at events, and
teaching a course at Columbia on R, Jared has helped grow the community by educating
programmers, data scientists, journalists, and statisticians alike. But Jared’s expertise isn’t
limited to teaching. As an everyday practitioner, he puts these tools to use while
consulting for clients big and small.
This book provides an introduction both to programming in R and to the various
statistical methods and tools an everyday R programmer uses. Examples use publicly
available datasets that Jared has helpfully cleaned and made accessible through his Web site.
By using real data and setting up interesting problems, this book stays engaging to the end.

—Paul Dix, Series Editor

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W ith the increasing prevalence of data in our daily lives, new and better tools are
needed to analyze the deluge. Traditionally there have been two ends of the spectrum:
lightweight, individual analysis using tools like Excel or SPSS and heavy duty,
high-performance analysis built with C++ and the like. With the increasing strength of
personal computers grew a middle ground that was both interactive and robust. Analysis
done by an individual on his or her own computer in an exploratory fashion could quickly
be transformed into something destined for a server, underpinning advanced business
processes. This area is the domain of R, Python, and other scripted languages.
R, invented by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka of the University of Auckland in
1993, grew out of S, which was invented by John Chambers at Bell Labs. It is a high-level
language that was originally intended to be run interactively where the user runs a
command, gets a result, and then runs another command. It has since evolved into a
language that can also be embedded in systems and tackle complex problems.
In addition to transforming and analyzing data, R can produce amazing graphics and
reports with ease. It is now being used as a full stack for data analysis, extracting and
transforming data, fitting models, drawing inferences and making predictions, plotting and
reporting results.
R’s popularity has skyrocketed since the late 2000s, as it has stepped out of academia
and into banking, marketing, pharmaceuticals, politics, genomics and many other fields.
Its new users are often shifting from low-level, compiled languages like C++, other
statistical packages such as SAS or SPSS, and from the 800-pound gorilla, Excel. This time
period also saw a rapid surge in the number of add-on packages—libraries of prewritten
code that extend R’s functionality.
While R can sometimes be intimidating to beginners, especially for those without
programming experience, I find that programming analysis, instead of pointing and
clicking, soon becomes much easier, more convenient and more reliable. It is my goal to
make that learning process easier and quicker.
This book lays out information in a way I wish I were taught when learning R in
graduate school. Coming full circle, the content of this book was developed in conjuction
with the data science course I teach at Columbia University. It is not meant to cover every
minute detail of R, but rather the 20% of functionality needed to accomplish 80% of the
work. The content is organized into self-contained chapters as follows.
Chapter 1, Getting R: Where to download R and how to install it. This deals with the
varying operating systems and 32-bit versus 64-bit versions. It also gives advice on where
to install R.
xvi Preface

Chapter 2, The R Environment: An overview of using R, particularly from within

RStudio. RStudio projects and Git integration are covered as is customizing and
navigating RStudio.
Chapter 3, Packages: How to locate, install and load R packages.
Chapter 4, Basics of R: Using R for math. Variable types such as numeric, character
and Date are detailed as are vectors. There is a brief introduction to calling functions
and finding documentation on functions.
Chapter 5, Advanced Data Structures: The most powerful and commonly used data
structure, data.frames, along with matrices and lists, are introduced.
Chapter 6, Reading Data into R: Before data can be analyzed it must be read into R.
There are numerous ways to ingest data, including reading from CSVs and databases.
Chapter 7, Statistical Graphics: Graphics are a crucial part of preliminary data analysis
and communicating results. R can make beautiful plots using its powerful plotting utilities.
Base graphics and ggplot2 are introduced and detailed here.
Chapter 8, Writing R Functions: Repeatable analysis is often made easier with
user-defined functions. The structure, arguments and return rules are discussed.
Chapter 9, Control Statements: Controlling the flow of programs using if, ifelse
and complex checks.
Chapter 10, Loops, the Un-R Way to Iterate: Iterating using for and while loops.
While these are generally discouraged they are important to know.
Chapter 11, Group Manipulation: A better alternative to loops, vectorization does
not quite iterate through data so much as operate on all elements at once. This is
more efficient and is primarily performed with the apply functions and plyr
Chapter 12, Data Reshaping: Combining multiple datasets, whether by stacking or
joining, is commonly necessary as is changing the shape of data. The plyr and reshape2
packages offer good functions for accomplishing this in addition to base tools such as
rbind, cbind and merge.
Chapter 13, Manipulating Strings: Most people do not associate character data with
statistics but it is an important form of data. R provides numerous facilities for working
with strings, including combining them and extracting information from within. Regular
expressions are also detailed.
Chapter 14, Probability Distributions: A thorough look at the normal, binomial and
Poisson distributions. The formulas and functions for many distributions are noted.
Chapter 15, Basic Statistics: These are the first statistics most people are taught, such as
mean, standard deviation and t-tests.
Chapter 16, Linear Models: The most powerful and common tool in statistics, linear
models are extensively detailed.
Chapter 17, Generalized Linear Models: Linear models are extended to include logistic
and Poisson regression. Survival analysis is also covered.
Chapter 18, Model Diagnostics: Determining the quality of models and variable selection
using residuals, AIC, cross-validation, the bootstrap and stepwise variable selection.
Preface xvii

Chapter 19, Regularization and Shrinkage: Preventing overfitting using the Elastic Net
and Bayesian methods.
Chapter 20, Nonlinear Models: When linear models are inappropriate, nonlinear
models are a good solution. Nonlinear least squares, splines, generalized additive models,
decision trees and random forests are discussed.
Chapter 21, Time Series and Autocorrelation: Methods for the analysis of univariate
and multivariate time series data.
Chapter 22, Clustering: Clustering, the grouping of data, is accomplished by various
methods such as K-means and hierarchical clustering.
Chapter 23, Reproducibility, Reports and Slide Shows with knitr: Generating
reports, slide shows and Web pages from within R is made easy with knitr, LATEX and
Chapter 24, Building R Packages: R packages are great for portable, reusable code.
Building these packages has been made incredibly easy with the advent of devtools and
Appendix A, Real-Life Resources: A listing of our favorite resources for learning more
about R and interacting with the community.
Appendix B, Glossary: A glossary of terms used throughout this book.
A good deal of the text in this book is either R code or the results of running code.
Code and results are most often in a separate block of text and set in a distinctive font, as
shown in the following example. The different parts of code also have different colors.
Lines of code start with >, and if code is continued from one line to another the
continued line begins with +.

> # this is a comment

> # now basic math
> 10 * 10

[1] 100

> # calling a function
> sqrt(4)

[1] 2

Certain Kindle devices do not display color so the digital edition of this book will be
viewed in greyscale on those devices.
There are occasions where code is shown inline and looks like sqrt(4).
In the few places where math is necessary, the equations are indented from the margin
and are numbered.
eiπ + 1 = 0 (1)
xviii Preface

Within equations, normal variables appear as italic text (x), vectors are bold lowercase
letters (x) and matrices are bold uppercase letters (X). Greek letters, such as α and β,
follow the same convention.
Function names will be written as join and package names as plyr. Objects
generated in code that are referenced in text are written as object1.
Learning R is a gratifying experience that makes life so much easier for so many tasks.
I hope you enjoy learning with me.

o start, I must thank my mother, Gail Lander, for encouraging me to become a math
Without that I would never have followed the path that led me to statistics and data
science. In a similar vein, I have to thank my father, Howard Lander, for paying all those
tuition bills. He has been a valuable source of advice and guidance throughout my life and
someone I have aspired to emulate in many ways. While they both insist they do not
understand what I do, they love that I do it and have helped me all along the way. Staying
with family, I should thank my sister and brother-in-law, Aimee and Eric Schechterman,
for letting me teach math to Noah, their five-year-old son.
There are many teachers who have helped shape me over the years. The first is
Rochelle Lecke, who tutored me in middle school math even when my teacher told me I
did not have worthwhile math skills.
Then there is Beth Edmondson, my precalc teacher at Princeton Day School. After I
wasted the first half of high school as a mediocre student, she told me I had “some nerve
signing up for next year’s AP Calc” given my grades. She agreed to let me take AP Calc if
I went from a C to an A+ in her class, never thinking I stood a chance. Three months
later, she was in shock as I not only earned the A+, but turned around my entire academic
career. She changed my life and without her, I do not know where I would be today. I am
forever grateful that she was my teacher.
For the first two years at Muhlenberg College, I was determined to be a business and
communications major, but took math classes because they came naturally to me. My
professors, Dr. Penny Dunham, Dr. Bill Dunham, and Dr. Linda McGuire, all convinced
me to become a math major, a decision that has greatly shaped my life. Dr. Greg
Cicconetti gave me my first glimpse of rigorous statistics, my first research opportunity and
planted the idea in my head that I should go to grad school for statistics.
While earning my M.A. at Columbia University, I was surrounded by brilliant
minds in statistics and programming. Dr. David Madigan opened my eyes to modern
machine learning, and Dr. Bodhi Sen got me thinking about statistical programming.
I had the privilege to do research with Dr. Andrew Gelman, whose insights have been
immeasurably important to me. Dr. Richard Garfield showed me how to use statistics to
help people in disaster and war zones when he sent me on my first assignment to
Myanmar. His advice and friendship over the years have been dear to me. Dr. Jingchen Liu
xx Acknowledgments

allowed and encouraged me to write my thesis on New York City pizza, which has
brought me an inordinate amount of attention.1
While at Columbia, I also met my good friend—and one time TA— Dr. Ivor Cribben
who filled in so many gaps in my knowledge. Through him, I met Dr. Rachel Schutt, a
source of great advice, and who I am now honored to teach alongside at Columbia.
Grad school might never have happened without the encouragement and support of
Shanna Lee. She helped maintain my sanity while I was incredibly overcommited to two
jobs, classes and Columbia’s hockey team. I am not sure I would have made it through
without her.
Steve Czetty gave me my first job in analytics at Sky IT Group and taught me about
databases, while letting me experiment with off-the-wall programming. This sparked my
interest in statistics and data. Joe DeSiena, Philip du Plessis, and Ed Bobrin at the Bardess
Group are some of the finest people I have ever had the pleasure to work with, and I am
proud to be working with them to this day. Mike Minelli, Rich Kittler, Mark Barry, David
Smith, Joseph Rickert, Dr. Norman Nie, James Peruvankal, Neera Talbert and Dave Rich
at Revolution Analytics let me do one of the best jobs I could possibly imagine: explaining
to people in business why they should be using R. Kirk Mettler, Richard Schultz, Dr.
Bryan Lewis and Jim Winfield at Big Computing encouraged me to have fun, tackling
interesting problems in R. Vincent Saulys, John Weir, and Dr. Saar Golde at Goldman
Sachs made my time there both enjoyable and educational.
Throughout the course of writing this book, many people helped me with the process.
First and foremost is Yin Cheung, who saw all the stress I constantly felt and supported me
through many ruined nights and days.
My editor, Debra Williams, knew just how to encourage me and her guiding hand has
been invaluable. Paul Dix, the series editor and a good friend, was the person who
suggested I write this book, so none of this would have happened without him. Thanks to
Caroline Senay and Andrea Fox for being great copy editors. Without them, this book
would not be nearly as well put together. Robert Mauriello’s technical review was
incredibly useful in honing the book’s presentation.
The folks at RStudio, particularly JJ Allaire and Josh Paulson, make an amazing
product, which made the writing process far easier than it would have been otherwise.
Yihui Xie, the author of the knitr package, provided numerous feature changes that I
needed to write this book. His software, and his speed at implementing my requests, is
greatly appreciated.
Numerous people have provided valuable feedback as I produced this book, including
Chris Bethel, Dr. Dirk Eddelbuettel, Dr. Ramnath Vaidyanathan, Dr. Eran Bellin,

1. http://slice.seriouseats.com/archives/2010/03/the-moneyball-of-pizza-
Acknowledgments xxi

Avi Fisher, Brian Ezra, Paul Puglia, Nicholas Galasinao, Aaron Schumaker, Adam Hogan,
Jeffrey Arnold, and John Houston.
Last fall was my first time teaching, and I am thankful to the students from the Fall
2012 Introduction to Data Science class at Columbia University for being the guinea pigs
for the material that ultimately ended up in this book.
Thank you to everyone who helped along the way.
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About the Author

Jared P. Lander is the founder and CEO of Lander Analytics, a statistical consulting firm
based in New York City, the organizer of the New York Open Statistical Programming
Meetup, and an adjunct professor of statistics at Columbia University. He is also a tour
guide for Scott’s Pizza Tours and an advisor to Brewla Bars, a gourmet ice pop start-up.
With an M.A. from Columbia University in statistics and a B.A. from Muhlenberg
College in mathematics, he has experience in both academic research and industry. His
work for both large and small organizations spans politics, tech start-ups, fund-raising,
music, finance, healthcare and humanitarian relief efforts.
He specializes in data management, multilevel models, machine learning, generalized
linear models, visualization, data management and statistical computing.
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Chapter 12
Data Reshaping

A s noted in Chapter 11, manipulating the data takes a great deal of effort before serious
analysis can begin. In this chapter we will consider when the data needs to be rearranged
from column oriented to row oriented (or the opposite) and when the data are in
multiple, separate sets and need to be combined into one.
There are base functions to accomplish these tasks but we will focus on those in plyr,
reshape2 and data.table.

12.1 cbind and rbind

The simplest case is when we have two datasets with either identical columns (both the
number of and names) or the same number of rows. In this case, either rbind or cbind
work great.
As a first trivial example, we create two simple data.frames by combining a few
vectors with cbind, and then stack them using rbind.
> # make two vectors and combine them as columns in a data.frame
> sport <- c("Hockey", "Baseball", "Football")
> league <- c("NHL", "MLB", "NFL")
> trophy <- c("Stanley Cup", "Commissioner's Trophy",
+ "Vince Lombardi Trophy")
> trophies1 <- cbind(sport, league, trophy)
> # make another data.frame using data.frame()
> trophies2 <- data.frame(sport=c("Basketball", "Golf"),
+ league=c("NBA", "PGA"),
+ trophy=c("Larry O'Brien Championship Trophy",
+ "Wanamaker Trophy"),
+ stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
> # combine them into one data.frame with rbind
> trophies <- rbind(trophies1, trophies2)
142 Chapter 12 Data Reshaping

Both cbind and rbind can take multiple arguments to combine an arbitrary number
of objects. Note that it is possible to assign new column names to vectors in cbind.
> cbind(Sport = sport, Association = league, Prize = trophy)

Sport Association Prize

[1,] "Hockey" "NHL" "Stanley Cup"
[2,] "Baseball" "MLB" "Commissioner's Trophy"
[3,] "Football" "NFL" "Vince Lombardi Trophy"

12.2 Joins
Data do not always come so nicely aligned for combining using cbind, so they need to be
joined together using a common key. This concept should be familiar to SQL users. Joins
in R are not as flexible as SQL joins, but are still an essential operation in the data analysis
The three most commonly used functions for joins are merge in base R, join in plyr
and the merging functionality in data.table. Each has pros and cons with some pros
outweighing their respective cons.
To illustrate these functions I have prepared data originally made available as part
of the USAID Open Government initiative.1 The data have been chopped into eight
separate files so that they can be joined together. They are all available in a zip file at
http://jaredlander.com/data/US_Foreign_Aid.zip. These should be
downloaded and unzipped to a folder on our computer. This can be done a number of
ways (including using a mouse!) but we show how to download and unzip using R.
> download.file(url="http://jaredlander.com/data/US_Foreign_Aid.zip",
+ destfile="data/ForeignAid.zip")
> unzip("data/ForeignAid.zip", exdir="data")

To load all of these files programmatically, we use a for loop as seen in Section 10.1.
We get a list of the files using dir, and then loop through that list assigning each dataset to
a name specified using assign.
> require(stringr)
> # first get a list of the files
> theFiles <- dir("data/", pattern="\\.csv")
> ## loop through those files
> for(a in theFiles)
+ {
+ # build a good name to assign to the data
+ nameToUse <- str_sub(string=a, start=12, end=18)

1. More information about the data is available at http://gbk.eads.usaidallnet.gov/.

12.2 Joins 143

+ # read in the csv using read.table

+ # file.path is a convenient way to specify a folder and file name
+ temp <- read.table(file=file.path("data", a),
+ header=TRUE, sep=",", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+ # assign them into the workspace
+ assign(x=nameToUse, value=temp)
+ }

12.2.1 merge
R comes with a built-in function, called merge, to merge two data.frames.
> Aid90s00s <- merge(x=Aid_90s, y=Aid_00s,
+ by.x=c("Country.Name", "Program.Name"),
+ by.y=c("Country.Name", "Program.Name"))
> head(Aid90s00s)

Country.Name Program.Name
1 Afghanistan Child Survival and Health
2 Afghanistan Department of Defense Security Assistance
3 Afghanistan Development Assistance
4 Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance
5 Afghanistan Food For Education
6 Afghanistan Global Health and Child Survival
FY1990 FY1991 FY1992 FY1993 FY1994 FY1995 FY1996 FY1997 FY1998
4 NA NA NA 14178135 2769948 NA NA NA NA
FY1999 FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005
1 NA NA NA 2586555 56501189 40215304 39817970
2 NA NA NA 2964313 NA 45635526 151334908
3 NA NA 4110478 8762080 54538965 180539337 193598227
4 NA NA 61144 31827014 341306822 1025522037 1157530168
5 NA NA NA NA 3957312 2610006 3254408
FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009
1 40856382 72527069 28397435 NA
2 230501318 214505892 495539084 552524990
3 212648440 173134034 150529862 3675202
4 1357750249 1266653993 1400237791 1418688520
5 386891 NA NA NA
6 NA NA 63064912 1764252
144 Chapter 12 Data Reshaping

The by.x specifies the key column(s) in the left data.frame and by.y does the same
for the right data.frame. The ability to specify different column names for each
data.frame is the most useful feature of merge. The biggest drawback, however, is that
merge can be much slower than the alternatives.

12.2.2 plyr join

Returning to Hadley Wickham’s plyr package, we see it includes a join function,
which works similarly to merge but is much faster. The biggest drawback, though, is that
the key column(s) in each table must have the same name. We use the same data used
previously to illustrate.
> require(plyr)
> Aid90s00sJoin <- join(x = Aid_90s, y = Aid_00s, by = c("Country.Name",
+ "Program.Name"))
> head(Aid90s00sJoin)

Country.Name Program.Name
1 Afghanistan Child Survival and Health
2 Afghanistan Department of Defense Security Assistance
3 Afghanistan Development Assistance
4 Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance
5 Afghanistan Food For Education
6 Afghanistan Global Health and Child Survival
FY1990 FY1991 FY1992 FY1993 FY1994 FY1995 FY1996 FY1997 FY1998
4 NA NA NA 14178135 2769948 NA NA NA NA
FY1999 FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005
1 NA NA NA 2586555 56501189 40215304 39817970
2 NA NA NA 2964313 NA 45635526 151334908
3 NA NA 4110478 8762080 54538965 180539337 193598227
4 NA NA 61144 31827014 341306822 1025522037 1157530168
5 NA NA NA NA 3957312 2610006 3254408
FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009
1 40856382 72527069 28397435 NA
2 230501318 214505892 495539084 552524990
3 212648440 173134034 150529862 3675202
4 1357750249 1266653993 1400237791 1418688520
5 386891 NA NA NA
6 NA NA 63064912 1764252

join has an argument for specifying a left, right, inner or full (outer) join.
12.2 Joins 145

We have eight data.frames containing foreign assistance data that we would like to
combine into one data.frame without hand coding each join. The best way to do this is
to put all the data.frames into a list, and then successively join them together using

> # first figure out the names of the data.frames

> frameNames <- str_sub(string = theFiles, start = 12, end = 18)
> # build an empty list
> frameList <- vector("list", length(frameNames))
> names(frameList) <- frameNames
> # add each data.frame into the list
> for (a in frameNames)
+ {
+ frameList[[a]] <- eval(parse(text = a))
+ }

A lot happened in that section of code, so let’s go over it carefully. First we

reconstructed the names of the data.frames using str sub from Hadley Wickham’s
stringr package, which is shown in more detail in Chapter 13. Then we built an empty
list with as many elements as there are data.frames, in this case eight, using vector
and assigning its mode to “list.” We then set appropriate names to the list.
Now that the list is built and named, we loop through it, assigning to each
element the appropriate data.frame. The problem is that we have the names of the
data.frames as characters but the <- operator requires a variable, not a character. So we
parse and evaluate the character, which realizes the actual variable. Inspecting, we see that
the list does indeed contain the appropriate data.frames.

> head(frameList[[1]])

Country.Name Program.Name
1 Afghanistan Child Survival and Health
2 Afghanistan Department of Defense Security Assistance
3 Afghanistan Development Assistance
4 Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance
5 Afghanistan Food For Education
6 Afghanistan Global Health and Child Survival
FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006
1 NA NA 2586555 56501189 40215304 39817970 40856382
2 NA NA 2964313 NA 45635526 45635526 230501318
3 NA 4110478 8762080 54538965 180539337 193598227 212648440
4 NA 61144 31827014 341306822 1025522037 1157530168 1357750249
5 NA NA NA 3957312 2610006 3254408 386891
146 Chapter 12 Data Reshaping

FY2007 FY2008 FY2009

1 72527069 28397435 NA
2 214505892 495539084 552524990
3 173134034 150529862 3675202
4 1266653993 1400237791 1418688520
6 NA 63064912 1764252

> head(frameList[["Aid_00s"]])

Country.Name Program.Name
1 Afghanistan Child Survival and Health
2 Afghanistan Department of Defense Security Assistance
3 Afghanistan Development Assistance
4 Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance
5 Afghanistan Food For Education
6 Afghanistan Global Health and Child Survival
FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006
1 NA NA 2586555 56501189 40215304 39817970 40856382
2 NA NA 2964313 NA 45635526 151334908 230501318
3 NA 4110478 8762080 54538965 180539337 193598227 212648440
4 NA 61144 31827014 341306822 1025522037 1157530168 1357750249
5 NA NA NA 3957312 2610006 3254408 386891
FY2007 FY2008 FY2009
1 72527069 28397435 NA
2 214505892 495539084 552524990
3 173134034 150529862 3675202
4 1266653993 1400237791 1418688520
6 NA 63064912 1764252

> head(frameList[[5]])

Country.Name Program.Name
1 Afghanistan Child Survival and Health
2 Afghanistan Department of Defense Security Assistance
3 Afghanistan Development Assistance
4 Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance
5 Afghanistan Food For Education
6 Afghanistan Global Health and Child Survival
FY1960 FY1961 FY1962 FY1963 FY1964 FY1965 FY1966 FY1967 FY1968
12.2 Joins 147

4 NA NA 181177853 NA NA NA NA NA NA
1 NA
2 NA
3 NA
4 NA
5 NA
6 NA

> head(frameList[["Aid_60s"]])

Country.Name Program.Name
1 Afghanistan Child Survival and Health
2 Afghanistan Department of Defense Security Assistance
3 Afghanistan Development Assistance
4 Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance
5 Afghanistan Food For Education
6 Afghanistan Global Health and Child Survival
FY1960 FY1961 FY1962 FY1963 FY1964 FY1965 FY1966 FY1967 FY1968
4 NA NA 181177853 NA NA NA NA NA NA
1 NA
2 NA
3 NA
4 NA
5 NA
6 NA

Having all the data.frames in a list allows us to iterate through the list, joining
all the elements together (or applying any function to the elements iteratively). Rather
than using a loop, we use the Reduce function to speed up the operation.
> allAid <- Reduce(function(...)
+ {
+ join(..., by = c("Country.Name", "Program.Name"))
+ }, frameList)
> dim(allAid)

[1] 2453 67
148 Chapter 12 Data Reshaping

> require(useful)
> corner(allAid, c = 15)

Country.Name Program.Name
1 Afghanistan Child Survival and Health
2 Afghanistan Department of Defense Security Assistance
3 Afghanistan Development Assistance
4 Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance
5 Afghanistan Food For Education
FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006
1 NA NA 2586555 56501189 40215304 39817970 40856382
2 NA NA 2964313 NA 45635526 151334908 230501318
3 NA 4110478 8762080 54538965 180539337 193598227 212648440
4 NA 61144 31827014 341306822 1025522037 1157530168 1357750249
5 NA NA NA 3957312 2610006 3254408 386891
FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY1946 FY1947
1 72527069 28397435 NA NA NA NA
2 214505892 495539084 552524990 316514796 NA NA
3 173134034 150529862 3675202 NA NA NA
4 1266653993 1400237791 1418688520 2797488331 NA NA

> bottomleft(allAid, c = 15)

Country.Name Program.Name FY2000 FY2001 FY2002

2449 Zimbabwe Other State Assistance 1341952 322842 NA
2450 Zimbabwe Other USAID Assistance 3033599 8464897 6624408
2451 Zimbabwe Peace Corps 2140530 1150732 407834
2452 Zimbabwe Title I NA NA NA
2453 Zimbabwe Title II NA NA 31019776
FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009
2449 NA 318655 44553 883546 1164632 2455592 2193057
2450 11580999 12805688 10091759 4567577 10627613 11466426 41940500
2453 NA NA NA 277468 100053600 180000717 174572685
FY2010 FY1946 FY1947
2449 1605765 NA NA
2450 30011970 NA NA
2451 NA NA NA
2452 NA NA NA
2453 79545100 NA NA

Reduce can be a difficult function to grasp, so we illustrate it with a simple example.

Let’s say we have a vector of the first ten integers, 1:10, and want to sum them (forget
for a moment that sum(1:10) will work perfectly). We can call Reduce(sum, 1:10),
12.3 reshape2 149

which will first add 1 and 2. It will then add 3 to that result, then 4 to that result, and so
on, resulting in 55.
Likewise, we passed a list to a function that joins its inputs, which in this case was
simply . . . , meaning that anything could be passed. Using . . . is an advanced trick of R
programming that can be difficult to get right. Reduce passed the first two data.frames
in the list, which were then joined. That result was then joined to the next
data.frame and so on until they were all joined together.

12.2.3 data.table merge

Like many other operations in data.table, joining data requires a different syntax, and
possibly a different way of thinking. To start, we convert two of our foreign aid datasets’
data.frames into data.tables.

> require(data.table)
> dt90 <- data.table(Aid_90s, key = c("Country.Name", "Program.Name"))
> dt00 <- data.table(Aid_00s, key = c("Country.Name", "Program.Name"))

Then, doing the join is a simple operation. Note that the join requires specifying the
keys for the data.tables, which we did during their creation.
> dt0090 <- dt90[dt00]
In this case dt90 is the left side, dt00 is the right side and a left join was performed.

12.3 reshape2
The next most common munging need is either melting data (going from column
orientation to row orientation) or casting data (going from row orientation to column
orientation). As with most other procedures in R, there are multiple functions available to
accomplish these tasks but we will focus on Hadley Wickham’s reshape2 package. (We
talk about Wickham a lot because his products have become so fundamental to the
R developer’s toolbox.)

12.3.1 melt
Looking at the Aid 00s data.frame, we see that each year is stored in its own column.
That is, the dollar amount for a given country and program is found in a different column
for each year. This is called a cross table, which, while nice for human consumption, is not
ideal for graphing with ggplot2 or for some analysis algorithms.
> head(Aid_00s)

Country.Name Program.Name
1 Afghanistan Child Survival and Health
2 Afghanistan Department of Defense Security Assistance
150 Chapter 12 Data Reshaping

3 Afghanistan Development Assistance

4 Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance
5 Afghanistan Food For Education
6 Afghanistan Global Health and Child Survival
FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006
1 NA NA 2586555 56501189 40215304 39817970 40856382
2 NA NA 2964313 NA 45635526 151334908 230501318
3 NA 4110478 8762080 54538965 180539337 193598227 212648440
4 NA 61144 31827014 341306822 1025522037 1157530168 1357750249
5 NA NA NA 3957312 2610006 3254408 386891
FY2007 FY2008 FY2009
1 72527069 28397435 NA
2 214505892 495539084 552524990
3 173134034 150529862 3675202
4 1266653993 1400237791 1418688520
6 NA 63064912 1764252

We want it set up so that each row represents a single country-program-year entry with
the dollar amount stored in one column. To achieve this we melt the data using melt
from reshape2.

> require(reshape2)
> melt00 <- melt(Aid_00s, id.vars=c("Country.Name", "Program.Name"),
+ variable.name="Year", value.name="Dollars")
> tail(melt00, 10)

24521 Zimbabwe
24522 Zimbabwe
24523 Zimbabwe
24524 Zimbabwe
24525 Zimbabwe
24526 Zimbabwe
24527 Zimbabwe
24528 Zimbabwe
24529 Zimbabwe
24530 Zimbabwe
Program.Name Year
24521 Migration and Refugee Assistance FY2009
24522 Narcotics Control FY2009
12.3 reshape2 151

24523 Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related FY2009

24524 Other Active Grant Programs FY2009
24525 Other Food Aid Programs FY2009
24526 Other State Assistance FY2009
24527 Other USAID Assistance FY2009
24528 Peace Corps FY2009
24529 Title I FY2009
24530 Title II FY2009
24521 3627384
24522 NA
24523 NA
24524 7951032
24525 NA
24526 2193057
24527 41940500
24528 NA
24529 NA
24530 174572685

The id.vars argument specifies which columns uniquely identify a row.

After some manipulation of the Year column and aggregating, this is now prime for
plotting, as shown in Figure 12.1. The plot uses faceting allowing us to quickly see and
understand the funding for each program over time.
> require(scales)
> # strip the "FY" out of the year column and convert it to numeric
> melt00$Year <- as.numeric(str_sub(melt00$Year, start=3, 6))
> # aggregate the data so we have yearly numbers by program
> meltAgg <- aggregate(Dollars ˜ Program.Name + Year, data=melt00,
+ sum, na.rm=TRUE)
> # just keep the first 10 characters of program name
> # then it will fit in the plot
> meltAgg$Program.Name <- str_sub(meltAgg$Program.Name, start=1,
+ end=10)
> ggplot(meltAgg, aes(x=Year, y=Dollars)) +
+ geom_line(aes(group=Program.Name)) +
+ facet_wrap(˜ Program.Name) +
+ scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(from=2000, to=2009, by=2)) +
+ theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, vjust=1, hjust=0)) +
+ scale_y_continuous(labels=multiple_format(extra=dollar,
+ multiple="B"))
152 Chapter 12 Data Reshaping

Figure 12.1 Plot of foreign assistance by year for each of the programs.

12.3.2 dcast
Now that we have the foreign aid data melted, we cast it back into the wide format for
illustration purposes. The function for this is dcast, and it has trickier arguments than
melt. The first is the data to be used, in our case melt00. The second argument is a
formula where the left side specifies the columns that should remain columns and the
right side specifies the columns that should become row names. The third argument is the
column (as a character) that holds the values to be populated into the new columns
representing the unique values of the right side of the formula argument.
> cast00 <- dcast(melt00, Country.Name + Program.Name ˜ Year,
+ value.var = "Dollars")
> head(cast00)

Country.Name Program.Name 2000

1 Afghanistan Child Survival and Health NA
2 Afghanistan Department of Defense Security Assistance NA
3 Afghanistan Development Assistance NA
12.4 Conclusion 153

4 Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance NA

5 Afghanistan Food For Education NA
6 Afghanistan Global Health and Child Survival NA
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
1 NA 2586555 56501189 40215304 39817970 40856382
2 NA 2964313 NA 45635526 151334908 230501318
3 4110478 8762080 54538965 180539337 193598227 212648440
4 61144 31827014 341306822 1025522037 1157530168 1357750249
5 NA NA 3957312 2610006 3254408 386891
2007 2008 2009
1 72527069 28397435 NA
2 214505892 495539084 552524990
3 173134034 150529862 3675202
4 1266653993 1400237791 1418688520
6 NA 63064912 1764252

12.4 Conclusion
Getting the data just right to analyze can be a time-consuming part of our work flow,
although it is often inescapable. In this chapter we examined combining multiple datasets
into one and changing the orientation from column based (wide) to row based (long). We
used plyr, reshape2 and data.table along with base functions to accomplish this.
This chapter combined with Chapter 11 covers most of the basics of data munging with
an eye to both convenience and speed.
This page intentionally left blank
General Index

A multiple regression, 228 Boxplots

NAMESPACE file, 377 ggplot2, 91–94
Addition overview, 85–86
vectors, 44
matrices, 68 break statement, 115–116
Attributes for data.frame, 54
order of operation, 36 Breakpoints for splines, 302
Author information
vectors, 44–45 Building packages, 383–384
LATEX documents, 360
Aggregation Byte-compilation for packages,
packages, 375
in data.table package, 135–138 376
@author tag, 382
groups, 120–123 ByteCompile field, 376
Autocompleting code, 15–16
AICC, 320
Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Autocorrelation, 318
255–257, 259–260 Autoregressive (AR) moving averages,
@aliases tag, 382 315–322 C
all.obs option, 196 Average linkage methods, 352, 355
C++ code, 384–383
Ampersands (&) in compound Axes in nonlinear least squares package compilation, 387–390
tests, 111 model, 298 sourceCpp function, 385–387
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) cache option for knitr chunks, 365
alternative to, 214–216 Calling functions, 49
cross-validation, 259–260 B arguments, 100
model comparisons, 254 C++, 384
Back ticks ( ` ) with functions, 49
overview, 207–210 conflicts, 33
Backslashes (\) in regular expressions,
And operator in compound tests, Carets (ˆ) in regular expressions,
111–112 167
Base graphics, 83–84
Andersen-Gill analysis, 244–245 Case sensitivity
boxplots, 85–86
Angle brackets (<>) characters, 40
histograms, 84
packages, 375 package names, 384
regular expressions, 169 scatterplots, 84–85
regular expressions, 162
ANOVA. See Analysis of variance Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC),
variable names, 38
(ANOVA) 255–257, 259
Cauchy distribution, 185–186
Ansari-Bradley test, 204 Bayesian shrinkage, 290–294
Cauchy priors in Bayesian shrinkage,
Appearance options, 21–22 Beamer mode in LATEX, 369 293–294
Appending elements to lists, 68 Beginning of lines in regular Causation vs. correlation, 199
apt-get mechanism, 2 expressions, 167 Censored data in survival analysis,
Arguments Bell curve, 171 240–241
C++ code, 385 Bernoulli distribution, 176 Centroid linkage methods, 352, 355
CSV files, 74 Beta distribution, 185–186 Change Install Location option, 9
functions, 49, 100–102 BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion), character data, 40
ifelse, 110 255–257, 259 Charts, 329
package documentation, 380 Binary files, 77–79 chartsnthings site, 393
Arithmetic mean, 187 Binomial distribution, 176–181, Chi-Squared distribution, 185–186
ARMA model, 315 185–186 Chunks
Arrays, 71–72 Bioconductor, 373 LATEX program, 362–365
Assigning variables, 36–37 BitBucket repositories, 25, 31 Markdown, 368
Asterisks (*) Books, 394 Citations in LATEX documents, 366
Markdown, 368 bootstrap, 262–265 Classification trees, 311
420 General Index

Clusters, 337 Components, installing, 5 joins, 145

hierarchical, 352–357 Compound tests, 111–112 merging, 143–144
K-means algorithm, 337–345 Comprehensive R Archive Network Data Gotham conference, 393
PAM, 345–352 (CRAN), 1, 29, 384 Data meetups, 391
registering, 283 Concatenating strings, 155–156 Data munging, 117
code Conferences, 393 Data reshaping, 141
autocompleting, 15–16 Confidence intervals cbind and rbind, 141–142
C++, 384–390 ANOVA, 207–209, 215–216 joins, 142–149
indenting, 99 bootstrap, 262, 264–265 reshape2 package, 149–153
running in parallel, 282 Elastic Net, 277, 279 Data structures, 53
Code Editing options, 21 GAM, 310 arrays, 71–72
Coefficient plots multiple regression, 226 data.frame, 53–61
Bayesian shrinkage, 292–294 one-sample t-tests, 200–203 lists, 61–68
Elastic Net, 289–290 paired two-sample t-tests, 207 matrices, 68–71
logistic regression, 236 two-sample t-tests, 205–206 Data types, 38
model comparisons, 253–254 Control statements, 105 C++ code, 387
multiple regression, 226–228, compound tests, 111–112 character, 40
230–231 if and else, 105–108 dates, 40–41
Poisson regression, 237–240 ifelse, 109–111 logical, 41–43
residuals, 247, 249 switch, 108–109 matrices, 68
VAR, 324–325 Converting shapefile objects into numeric, 38–39
Collate field for packages, data.frame, 349 vectors, 43–48
375–376 Correlation and covariance, 191–200 Databases, reading from, 75–76
Colons (:) Covariates in simple linear regression, Dates, 40–41
vectors, 44–45 211 LATEX documents, 360
Color Cox proportional hazards model, packages, 375
boxplots, 92 242–244 Decision trees, 310–312
K-means algorithm, 339, 341 .cpp files, 386 \DeclareGraphics Extensions, 360
LATEX documents, 362 CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Default arguments, 101–102
line graphs, 96 Network), 1, 29, 384 Degrees of freedom
PAM, 350–351 Create Project options, 16–17 ANOVA, 215
scatterplots, 88–90 Cross tables, 149 multiple regression, 225
Column index for arrays, 71 Cross-validation splines, 300
Columns Elastic Net, 276–277 t-tests, 201–202
cbind and rbind, 141–142 overview, 257–262 Delimiters in CSV files, 74
data.frame, 53, 58 CSVs (comma separated files), 73–74 Delta in model comparisons, 258
data.table, 131–133 Cubic splines, 302 Dendrograms
matrices, 68–70 Curly braces ({}) ggplot2, 87–88
Comma separated files (CSVs), functions, 99 hierarchical clustering, 352
73–74 if and else, 106–107 normal distribution, 172–173
Command line interface, 14–15 regular expressions, 166 Density plots, 87–88, 184, 207
comment option, 365 Dependencies in packages, 30
Comments, 46 Dependent variables in simple linear
knitr chunks, 365
package documentation, 381
D regression, 211
Depends field
Community edition, 10–11 Data C++ code, 386
Comparing censored, 240–241 packages, 375
models, 253–257 missing. See Missing data Description field, 374–375
multiple groups, 207–210 Data Analysis Using Regression and DESCRIPTION file, 374–377
multiple variables, 192 Multilevel/Hierarchical Models, 50, @description tag, 382
vectors, 46 291, 394 Destination in installation, 4–5
Compilation in C++ data folder, 373–374 @details tag, 382
code, 384 data.frames, 53–61 dev option for knitr chunks, 365
packages, 387–390 converting shapefile objects into, Deviance in model comparisons, 256
Complete linkage methods, 349 Diffing process, 318–319
352, 355 ddply function, 124, 126 Dimensions in K-means algorithm,
complete.obs option, 196 Elastic Net, 272 339
General Index 421

direction argument, 265 Exclamation marks (!) in Markdown, C++, 384

Directories 368 calling, 49, 100
creating, 18 Expected value, 188 conflicts, 33
installation, 4 Experimental variables in simple linear do.call, 104
names, 18 regression, 211 documentation, 49
Distance between clusters, 352 Exploratory data analysis (EDA), 83, package documentation, 380
Distance metric for K-means 199, 219 return values, 103
algorithm, 337 Exponential distribution, 185–186
Distributions. See Probability Exponents, order of operation, 36
distributions @export tag, 382 G
Division Expressions, regular, 161–169
matrices, 68 Extra arguments, 102 g++ compiler, 385
order of operation, 36 Extracting Gamma distribution, 185–186
vectors, 44–45 data from Websites, 80–81 Gamma linear model, 240
Documentation text, 157–161 GAMs (generalized additive models),
functions, 49 304–310
packages, 380–383 Gap statistic in K-means algorithm,
\documentclass, 360 F 343–344
Documents as R resources, 394 Garbage collection, 38
F distribution, 185–186 GARCH (generalized autoregressive
Dollar signs ($) F-tests conditional heteroskedasticity)
data.frame, 56 ANOVA, 215 models, 327–336
multiple regression, 225 multiple regression, 225 Gaussian distribution, 171–176
regular expressions, 167 simple linear regression, 214–215 gcc compiler, 385
%dopar% operator, 284 two-sample, 204
General options for RStudio tools,
dot-dot-dot argument (...), 102 faceted plots, 89–92
Downloading R, 1–2 factor data type, 40
Generalized additive models (GAMs),
DSN connections, 75 factors
Dynamic Documents with R and as.numeric with, 160
Generalized autoregressive conditional
knitr, 394 Elastic Net, 273
heteroskedasticity (GARCH)
dzslides format, 369 storing, 60
models, 327–336
vectors, 48
Generalized linear models, 233
FALSE value
logistic regression, 233–237
E with if and else, 105–108
miscellaneous, 240
with logical operators, 41–43
echo option for knitr chunks, 365 Poisson regression, 237–240
fig.cap option, 365–366
EDA (Exploratory data analysis), 83, Geometric distribution, 185–186
fig.scap option, 365
199, 219 Git
fig.show option, 365
Elastic Net, 271–290 integration with RStudio, 25–26
fill argument for histograms, 87
Elements of Statistical Learning: Data selecting, 19
Fitted values against residuals plots,
Mining, Inference, and Prediction, 394 249–251 Git/SVN option, 25
End of lines in regular expressions, 167 folder structure, 373 GitHub repositories, 25
engine option for knitr chunks, 365 for loops, 113–115 for bugs, 392
Ensemble methods, 312 Forests, random, 312–313 package installation from, 31, 383
Environment, 13–14 formula interface README files, 380
command line interface, 14–15 aggregation, 120–123 Graphics, 83
RStudio. See RStudio overview ANOVA, 208 base, 83–86
Equal to symbol (=) Elastic Net, 272 ggplot2, 86–97
if and else, 105 logistic regression, 235–236 Greater than symbols (>)
variable assignment, 36 multiple regression, 224, 226, 230 if and else, 105
Equality of matrices, 68 scatterplots, 84–85 variable assignment, 37
Esc key in command line simple linear regression, 213 Groups, 117
commands, 15 Formulas for distributions, 185–186 aggregation, 120–123
eval option for knitr chunks, 365 Frontend field for packages, 374 apply family, 117–120
everything option, 196 Functions comparing, 207–210
@examples tag, 382 arguments, 100–102 data.table package, 129–138
Excel data, 74–75 assigned to objects, 99 plyr package, 124–129
422 General Index

H inst folder, 373–374 lasso in Elastic Net, 271, 276, 279,

Install dependencies option, 30 282
Hadoop framework, 117 install.packages command, 31 LATEX program
Hartigan’s Rule, 340–342 Install Packages option, 30 installing, 359
Hash symbols (#) installing packages, 29–32, knitr, 362–367
comments, 46 383–384 overview, 360–362
Markdown, 368 installing R, 2 Leave-one-out cross-validation, 258
package documentation, 381 on Linux, 10 Legends in scatterplots, 89
pandoc, 369 on Mac OS X, 8–10 Length
header command in pandoc, 369 on Windows, 2–7 characters, 40
Heatmaps, 193 integer type, 38–39 lists, 66–67
Hello, World! program, 99–100 Integers in regular expressions, 166 vectors, 45–46
Help pages in package documentation, Integrated Development Less than symbols (<)
381 Environments (IDEs), 13–14 if and else, 105
Hierarchical clustering, 352–357 Intel Matrix Kernel Library, 10 variable assignment, 36
Histograms, 84 Interactivity, 13 letters vector, 70
bootstrap, 264 Intercepts LETTERS vector, 70
ggplot2, 87–88 multiple regression, 216 Levels
multiple regression, 219 simple linear regression, 212–213 Elastic Net, 273
Poisson regression, 238 Interquartile Range (IQR), 85–86 factors, 48, 60
residuals, 253 Introduction to R, 394 LICENSE file, 380
Hotspot locations, 297–298 Inverse gaussian linear model, 240 Licenses
HTML tables, extracting data from, IQR (Interquartile Range), 85–86 Mac, 8–9
80–81 Italics in Markdown, 367 packages, 373–375
Hypergeometric distribution, 185–186 Iteration with loops, 113 SAS, 77
Hypothesis tests in t-tests, 201–203 controlling, 115–116 Windows, 3
for, 113–115 Line breaks in Markdown, 367
while, 115 Line graphs, 94–96
I Linear models, 211
generalized, 233–240
IDEs (Integrated Development J multiple regression, 216–232
Environments), 13–14 simple linear regression, 211–216
if else statements, 105–108 Joining strings, 155–156
LinkingTo field, 386
Images in LATEX documents, 360 Joins, 142–143
@import tag, 382 data.table, 149
C++ libraries, 386
Imports field for packages, 375 merge, 143–144
hierarchical clustering, 352, 355
include option for knitr chunks, 365 plyr package, 144–149
linear models, 240
Indenting code, 99 Joint Statistical Meetings, 393
Markdown, 368
Independent variables in simple linear Linux
regression, 211 C++ compilers, 385
Indexes K downloading R, 1–2
arrays, 71 installation on, 10
k-fold cross-validation, 257–258
data.table, 129 Lists
K-means algorithm, 337–345
LATEX documents, 360 data.table package, 136–138
K-medoids, 345–352
lists, 66 joins, 145–149
key columns with join, 144
Indicator variables lapply and sapply, 118–119
keys for data.table package, 133–135
data.frame, 60 Markdown, 367
knots for splines, 302
Elastic Net, 273, 289–290 overview, 61–68
multiple regression, 225 Loading
PAM, 345
L packages, 32–33
rdata files, 162
ensemble methods, 312 L1 penalty, 271 log-likelihood in AIC model, 255
multiple regression, 216 L2 penalty, 271 Log-normal distribution, 185–186
@inheritParams tag, 382 Lags in autoregressive moving average, logical data type, 41–43
Innovation distribution, 330 318–319 Logical operators
Input variables in simple linear lambda functions, 279–282, 285–289 compound tests, 111–112
regression, 211 Language selection, 3 vectors, 46
General Index 423

Logistic distribution, 185–186 Minus signs (-) in variable assignment, NAMESPACE file, 377–379
Logistic regression, 233–237 36–37 Natural cubic splines, 302
Loops, 113 Missing data, 50 Negative binomial distribution,
controlling, 115–116 apply, 118 185–186
for, 113–115 cor, 195–196 Nested indexing of list elements, 66
while, 115 cov, 199 NEWS file, 379
mean, 188
Nodes in decision trees, 311–312
NA, 50
M NULL, 51
autoregressive moving average,
PAM, 346
Mac 315
MKL (Matrix Kernel Library), 10
C++ compilers, 385 VAR, 324
Model diagnostics, 247
downloading R, 1 bootstrap, 262–265 Nonlinear models, 297
installation on, 8–10 comparing models, 253–257 decision trees, 310–312
Machine learning, 304 cross-validation, 257–262 generalized additive model,
Machine Learning for Hackers, 394 residuals, 247–253 304–310
Machine Learning meetups, 391 stepwise variable selection, nonlinear least squares model,
Maintainer field for packages, 375 265–269 297–299
makeCluster function, 283 Moving average (MA) model, 315 random forests, 312–313
\makeindex, 360 Moving averages, autoregressive, splines, 300–304
Makevars file, 386–389 315–322 Nonparametric Ansari-Bradley test,
Makevars.win file, 386–389 Multicollinearity in Elastic Net, 273 204
man folder, 373–374 Multidimensional scaling in K-means Normal distribution, 171–176
MapReduce paradigm, 117 algorithm, 339 Not equal symbols (!=) with if and
Maps Multinomial distribution, 185–186 else, 105
heatmaps, 193 Multinomial regression, 240 nstart argument, 339
PAM, 350–351 Multiple group comparisons, 207–210
Null hypotheses
Markdown tool, 367–369 Multiple imputation, 50
one-sample t-tests, 201–202
Math, 35–36 Multiple regression, 216–232
paired two-sample t-tests, 207
Matrices Multiple time series in VAR, 322–327
Multiplication NULL value, 50–51
with apply, 117–118
matrices, 69–71 Numbers in regular expressions,
with cor, 192
order of operation, 36 165–169
Elastic Net, 272
vectors, 44–45 numeric data, 38–39
overview, 68–71
VAR, 324 Multivariate time series in VAR, 322
Matrix Kernel Library (MKL), 10
.md files, 369–371
Mean N Objects, functions assigned to, 99
ANOVA, 209 na.or.complete option, 196 Octave format, 77
bootstrap, 262 na.rm argument 1/muˆ2 function, 240
calculating, 187–188 cor, 195–196 One-sample t-tests, 200–203
normal distribution, 171 mean, 188 Operations
Poisson regression, 237–238 standard deviation, 189 order, 36
t-tests, 203, 205 NA value
vectors, 44–48
various statistical distributions, with mean, 188
185–186 Or operators in compound tests,
overview, 50
Mean squared error in Name-value pairs for lists, 64
cross-validation, 258 Order of operations, 36
Measured variables in simple linear arguments, 49, 100 Ordered factors, 48
regression, 211 data.frame columns, 58 out.width option, 365
Meetups, 391–392 directories, 18 Outcome variables in simple linear
Memory in 64-bit versions, 2 lists, 63–64 regression, 211
Merging packages, 384 Outliers in boxplots, 86
data.frame, 143–144 variables, 37–38 Overdispersion in Poisson regression,
data.table, 149 vectors, 47 238
Minitab format, 77 names function for data.frame, 54–55 Overfitting, 312
424 General Index

Q-Q, 249, 252 R folder, 373–374

P residuals, 250–251 R in Finance conference, 393
p-values scatterplots. See Scatterplots R Inferno, 394
ANOVA, 208 silhouette, 346–348 R Productivity Environment (RPE),
multiple regression, 225 Plus signs (+) in regular expressions, 26–27
t-tests, 200–203 169 Raise to power function, 45
Package field in DESCRIPTION file, Poisson distribution, 182–184 Random numbers
374–377 Poisson regression, 237–240 binomial distribution, 176
Packages, 29, 373 POSIXct data type, 40 normal distribution, 171–172
building, 33 Pound symbols (#) Random starts in K-means algorithm,
C++ code, 384–390 comments, 46 339
checking and building, 383–384 Markdown, 368 Rcmdr interface, 14
compiling, 387–390 package documentation, 381 .Rd files, 380, 383
DESCRIPTION file, 374–377 pandoc, 369 RData files
documentation, 380–383 Prediction in GARCH models, creating, 77
files overview, 373–374 335 loading, 162
folder structure, 373 Predictive Analytics meetups, 391 Readability of functions, 99
installing, 29–32, 383–384 Predictors Reading data, 73
loading, 32–33 decision trees, 310–311 binary files, 77–79
miscellaneous files, 379–380 Elastic Net, 272 CSVs, 73–74
NAMESPACE file, 377–379 generalized additive models, 304 from databases, 75–76
options, 23 logistic regression, 233 Excel, 74–75
submitting to CRAN, 384 multiple regression, 216–217 included with R, 79–80
uninstalling, 32 simple linear regression, 211, 213 from statistical tools, 77
unloading, 33 splines, 302–303 README files, 380
Packages pane, 29–30 Priors, 290, 293–294 Real-life resources, 391
Paired two-sample t-tests, Probability distributions, 171 books, 394
206–207 binomial, 176–181 conferences, 393
pairwise.complete option, 197 miscellaneous, 185–186 documents, 394
PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids), normal, 171–176 meetups, 391–392
345–352 Poisson, 182–184 Stack Overflow, 392
pandoc utility, 369–371 Program Files\R directory, 4 Twitter, 393
Pane Layout options, 21–22 Projects in RStudio, 16–19 Web sites, 393
Parallel computing, 282–284 prompt option for knitr chunks, Reference Classes system, 377
@param tag, 381–382 365 Registering clusters, 283
Parentheses () Regression
arguments, 100 generalized additive models, 304
compound tests, 111
Q logistic, 233–237
expressions, 63 multiple, 216–232
Q-Q plots, 249, 252
functions, 99 Poisson, 237–240
if and else, 105 simple linear, 211–216
binomial distribution, 181
order of operation, 36 survival analysis, 240–245
multiple regression, 225
regular expressions, 163 Regression to the mean, 211
normal distribution, 175–176
Partial autocorrelation, 318–319 Regression trees, 310
summary function, 190
Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM), Regular expressions, 161–169
Quasibinomial linear model, 240
345–352 Regularization and shrinkage, 271
Quasipoisson family, 239 Bayesian shrinkage, 290–294
Passwords in installation, 9
Question marks (?) Elastic Net, 271–290
Patterns, searching for, 161–169
PDF files, 362, 369 with functions, 49 Relationships
Percent symbol (%) in pandoc, regular expressions, 169 correlation and covariance,
369 Quotes (”) in CSV files, 74 191–200
Periods (.) multiple regression, 216–232
uses, 99
variable names, 37
R simple linear regression,
Plots R-Bloggers site, 393 Removing variables, 37–38
coefficient. See Coefficient plots R CMD commands, 383 Repeating command line
faceted, 89–92 R Enthusiasts site, 393 commands, 15
General Index 425

Reshaping data, 141 multiple regression, 220–224 Standard deviation

cbind and rbind, 141–142 splines, 303 missing data, 189
joins, 142–149 scope argument, 265 normal distribution, 171
reshape2 package, 149–153 Scraping web data, 81 simple linear regression, 213
Residual standard error in least squares Seamless R and C++ Integration with t-tests, 201–202, 205
model, 298 Rcpp, 394 Standard error
Residual sum of squares (RSS), Searches, regular expressions for, Elastic Net, 279, 289
254–255 161–169 least squares model, 298
Residuals, 247–253 Secret weapon, 293 multiple regression, 225–226
Resources. See Real-life resources Sections in LATEX documents, 361 simple linear regression, 213–216
Responses @seealso tag, 382 t-tests, 202
decision trees, 310 Seeds for K-means algorithm, 338 start menu shortcuts, 6
logistic regression, 233 Semicolons (;) for functions, 100 startup options, 5
multiple regression, 216–217, sep argument, 155 Stata format, 77
219, 225 Shapefile objects, converting into Stationarity, 318
Poisson regression, 237 data.frame, 349 Statistical graphics, 83
residuals, 247 Shapiro-Wilk normality test, 204 base, 83–86
simple linear regression, Shortcuts, keyboard, 15 ggplot2, 86–97
211–213 Shrinkage Statistical tools, reading data from, 77
@return tag, 381–382 Bayesian, 290–294 Stepwise variable selection, 265–269
Return values in functions, 103 Elastic Net, 271 Strings, 155
Revolution Analytics site, 393 Silhouette plots, 346–348 joining, 155–156
Ridge in Elastic Net, 271, 279 Simple linear regression regular expressions, 161–169
.Rmd files, 369 ANOVA alternative, 214–216 sprintf, 156–157
.Rnw files, 362 overview, 211–214 text extraction, 157–161
Rows Single linkage methods, 352, 355 stringsAsFactors argument, 75
in arrays, 71 64-bit vs. 32-bit R, 2 Submitting packages to CRAN,
bootstrap, 262 Size 384
cbind and rbind, 141–142 binomial distributions, Subtraction
data.frame, 53 176–179 matrices, 68
data.table, 131 lists, 65 order of operation, 36
with mapply, 120 sample, 187 vectors, 44–45
matrices, 68–70 Slashes (/) in C++ code, 385–386 Suggests field in packages, 375–376
RPE (R Productivity Environment), Slide show formats, 369 Summary statistics, 187–191
26–27 slideous slide show format, 369 Survival analysis, 240–245
RSS (residual sum of squares), slidy format, 369, 371 SVN repository, 17, 19, 25
254–255 Slope in simple linear regression, switch statements, 108–109
RStudio overview, 15–16 212–213 Systat format, 77
Git integration, 25–26 Small multiples, 89
projects, 16–19 Smoothing functions in GAM, 304
tools, 20–25 Smoothing splines, 300–301 T
RTools, 385 Software license, 3
Run as Administrator option, 3 Spelling options, 23–24 t distribution
Running code in parallel, 283 Splines, 300–304 functions and formulas, 185–186
Split-apply-combine method, 117, GARCH models, 330
124 t-statistic, 201–202, 225
S SPSS format, 77
Square brackets ([])
t-tests, 200
multiple regression, 225
S3 system, 377 arrays, 71 one-sample, 200–203
@S3method tag, 382 data.frame, 56, 58 paired two-sample, 206–207
S4 system, 377 lists, 65 two-sample, 203–206
s5 slide show format, 369 Markdown, 368 Tab key for autocompleting
SAS format, 77 vectors, 47 code, 15
Scatterplots, 84–85 Squared error loss in nonlinear least Tables of contents in pandoc, 371
correlation, 192 squares model, 297 Tags for roxygen2, 381–382
generalized additive models, 307 src folder, 373–374, 387 Tensor products, 308
ggplot2, 88–91 Stack Overflow source, 392 test folder, 374
426 General Index

Text UseMethod command, 377 W

extracting, 157–161 useR! conference, 393
LATEX documents, 362 User installation options, 9 Weakly informative priors, 290
regular expressions, 167–169 Websites
Themes in ggplot2, 96–97 extracting data from, 80–81
R resources, 393
32-bit vs. 64-bit R, 2 V Weibull distribution, 185–186
Tildes (∼) in aggregation, 120
Time series and autocorrelation, 315 VAR (vector autoregressive) model, Welch two-sample t-tests, 203
autoregressive moving average, 322–327 while loops, 115
315–322 Variables, 36 White noise
GARCH models, 327–336 assigning, 36–37 autoregressive moving average,
VAR, 322–327 names, 37 315
Title field, 374–375 relationships between, 211–216 VAR, 324
@title tag, 382 removing, 37–38 WiFi hotspot locations, 297–298
Titles stepwise selection, 265–269 Windows
help files, 381 Variance, 189 C++ compilers, 385
LATEX documents, 360 ANOVA, 207–210 downloading R, 1
packages, 374–375 GARCH models, 327 installation on, 2–7
slides, 369 Poisson regression, 238 Windows Live Writer, 15
Transposing matrices, 70 t-tests, 203 within-cluster dissimilarity, 343
Trees various statistical distributions, Wrapper functions, 386
decision, 310–312 185–186 Writing R Extensions, 394
hierarchical clustering, 354 Vector autoregressive (VAR) model,
TRUE value 322–327
with if and else, 105–108 Vectorized arguments with ifelse, 110 X
with logical operators, 41–43 Vectors, 43–44
Twitter resource, 393 data.frame, 56 X-axes in nonlinear least squares
Two-sample t-tests, 203–206 factors, 48 model, 298
Type field for packages, 374–375 in for loops, 113–114 Xcode, 385
Types. See Data types multiple regression, 217
multiplication, 44–45
operations, 44–48 Y
U paste, 155–156 Y-axes in nonlinear least squares
Underscores ( ) sprintf, 157 model, 298
Markdown, 367 Version control, 19 y-intercepts
variable names, 37 Version field for packages, 375 multiple regression, 216
Unequal length vectors, 46 version number, saving, 6–7 simple linear regression, 212–213
Uniform (Continuous) distribution, Versions, 2
185–186 Vertical lines (|) in compound tests,
Uninstalling packages, 32
Unloading packages, 33
vim mode, 21
@useDynLib tag, 382 Violins plots, 91–94 Zero Intelligence Agents site, 393
useful package, 273, 341 Volatility in GARCH models, 330 zypper mechanism, 2

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