As 4600 Rel Note

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Steel Designer AS/NZS4600

This releasenote explains the AS/NZS4600 design code in Steel Designer.

AS/NZS4600...................................................................................................................... 1
Contents:........................................................................................................ 1
Setting Properties..................................................................................................... 2
Bending.................................................................................................................... 4
Tension .................................................................................................................... 7
Compression ............................................................................................................ 8
Unbraced Length ........................................................................................... 8
Combined Actions ................................................................................................. 10
Design Properties................................................................................................... 11
Steel Grade ............................................................................................................ 12
Code Checks .......................................................................................................... 13
Design Checking Procedure ........................................................................ 13
References ............................................................................................................. 14

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Steel Designer AS4600

Setting Properties
Before performing design checks, it is necessary to enter basic design data such
as effective length, grade of steel etc. This information can either be entered in
the Frame window, by selecting members and using the commands under the
Design menu, or it can be entered in tabular form in the Design Details tab of the
Data window.

Although most of the design variables are pre-set to the most commonly used
values, you will probably want to enter the design information for at least some
of the members in the frame that you wish to check. You set design variables by
selecting the members you wish to change and then choosing the appropriate
command from the Design menu.

There are a number of design variables which are used when doing checking to
the code. A summary of all of the design variables is as follows;
Variable Description Default
Name Value
Fy Yield strength of the section's steel 250Mpa
Fu Ultimate Tensile Strength of the section's steel 320Mpa
Kx Effective length factor for buckling about the section's 1.0
strong axis
Ky Effective length factor for buckling about the section's 1.0
weak axis
Lcx Unbraced length for preventing column buckling about member's
the section’s strong axis. length
Lcy Unbraced length for preventing column buckling about member's
the section’s weak axis. length
Lateral The lateral restraints acting on the member. Each end of
restraints the member
is fully
restrained at
both flanges.
ds Length of stiffeners. Assume that all stiffeners have the 0.0 (ie no
same length regardless of whether they are web stiffeners stiffeners)
or flange stiffeners
s1 Edge distance between the first stiffener and the element 0.0 (ie no
edge. Assume that all stiffeners on a web or flange are stiffeners)
symmetric to the centre line of the element.
s2 The distance between the first and the second stiffener. 0.0 (ie less
Assume that all stiffeners on a web or flange are than 3
symmetric to the centre line of the element. stiffeners)
No. of Number of stiffeners. This is either the total number of 0 (i.e. no
stiffeners stiffeners on the web(s) or the total number of stiffeners stiffeners)
on the flange(s). eg. for a C section with 8 stiffeners on
flanges, so each flange has 8/2 = 4 stiffeners. However,
for a back-to-back C section with 8 stiffeners, each flange
has 8/4 = 2 stiffeners.
No. of The number of holes in the flanges of the section. 0

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Steel Designer AS/NZS4600

Diameter Diameter of holes in the flanges of the section. 0.0

Total Total height of any bolt holes in the flanges of the section. 0.0
Height of This value may be input directly or computed
Flange automatically when the number and diameter of flange
Holes holes are specified.
No. of The number of holes in the webs of the section. 0
Diameter Diameter of holes in the webs of the section. 0.0
Total Total height of any bolt holes in the webs of the section. 0.0
Height of This value may be input directly or computed
Web automatically when the number and diameter of flange
Holes holes are specified.
kt Correction factor for the distribution of forces. 1.0
Max The maximum depth of section which may be chosen Depth of the
Depth when using the Design command initial section
Min The minimum depth of section which may be chosen depth of the
Depth when using the Design command initial section
Max The maximum width of section which may be chosen width of the
Width when using the Design command initial section
Min The minimum width of section which may be chosen width of the
Width when using the Design command initial section
Cs Moment coefficient. +1.0 for moment causing 1.0
compression on shear centre side of the centroid while -
1.0 for moment causing tension on shear centre side of the
Cb Coefficient depending on moment distribution in the 1.0
laterally unbraced segment.
Cmx Coefficient for unequal end moment. 1.0
Cmy Coefficient for unequal end moment. 1.0
R Purlins' reduction factor. For channel- and Z-purlins in 1.0
which the tension flange is attached to sheeting, the
member bending capacity subjected to lateral buckling is
calculated with clause

It is not necessary to enter all of the above information for all members. Usually
you will want to check some members for bending, others for compression and
so on. The items under the Design menu help you enter just the required
information depending on what type of check you are doing.

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Steel Designer AS4600

When performing a bending check, you may need to specify the location and
type of lateral restraints acting on the member. It is also necessary to enter the
stiffener's information.

To determine the moment member capacity of a member, it is necessary to know

the spacing of any lateral restraints (if any) along the member. The restraints
could be provided by purlins, girts or other structural elements which are not
modelled in Multiframe. Steel Designer uses this information to determine the
length of segments used in the design calculations. The lateral restraints acting at
a particular section on a member are dependent upon which flange is the critical
flange. For a member/segment restrained at both ends the critical flange is the
flange under compression. For a cantilever or a segment with an unrestrained
end, the critical flange is the tension flange. For each restraint on the member,
the user must specify the type of restraint. As this depends upon which flange is
the critical flange, the user must specify the type of lateral restraint that would be
present at a section if
i) the top flange were the critical flange, and
ii) the bottom flange was the critical flange.

To set the properties for bending

• Select the required members in the Frame window.
• Choose Bending from the Design menu.

• Click the type of lateral restraints.

• Enter the position and type of lateral restraints for both top and bottom

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Steel Designer AS/NZS4600

If there are transverse stiffeners on the web or flange, click the stiffener tab and
see the following window.

• Enter the length of stiffener

• Enter the number of stiffeners and spacing(s) etc.
• Enter coefficients for unequal end moment
• Click OK

Lateral restraints must always be specified at the ends of the beam and so the
minimum number of lateral restraints is two. If no restraint exists at the end of a
member then it should be specified as unrestrained. The initial lateral restraints
applied to the member are full restraints at each end for either of the flanges
being the critical flange.

The different restraints acting on the member are entered into the grid using the
following codes;
F Fully restrained
P Partially restrained
L Laterally Restrained
U Unrestrained
LR Lateral restraint with full restraint against rotation on plan
LP Lateral restraint with partial restraint against rotation on plan
C Continuous restraint

Fully or partially restrained sections may also be specified as lateral rotational

restraints using;
FR Fully restrained + Rotationally restrained
PR Partial restrained + Rotationally restrained

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Steel Designer AS4600

The initial position of the loads is at the shear centre. If there are no transverse
stiffeners, leave the stiffener spacing set to zero.

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Steel Designer AS/NZS4600

When checking or designing a member for tension, you need to specify the
correction factor for the distribution of forces at the ends of the member. If the
members contain significant areas of bolt holes which need to be taken into
account when determining the cross-sectional area of the section, you will need
to enter the amount of cross-sectional area to be deducted to allow for these

To enter the properties for tension

• Select the required members in the Frame window

• Choose Tension… from the Design menu

• Type in the number and diameter of holes in the webs and flanges (and the
total height of holes will be computed automatically) or
• Type the total height of holes in the webs and flanges directly
• Choose a value for the correction factor (kt) if required
• Click OK

The total height of holes in the webs or flanges is used to compute the cross
sectional area of holes in the section. This is used compute the net area of the
section and also for computing the effective section modulus. The initial value
for the number and diameter of bolt holes is zero.

When checking or designing members for compression, it is necessary to specify

the effective length and unbraced length of the member.

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Steel Designer AS4600

To determine the critical buckling load for a member, it is necessary to enter an
effective length to indicate the type of restraint on the ends of the member. The
effective length is given by an effective length factor multiplied by the length of
the member. The effective length may be different for buckling in the major and
minor axis directions. The effective lengths are given by
Lex = K x ⋅ Lcx and Ley = K y ⋅ Lcy ,
Lcx and Lcy are the lengths of the member in x and y direction respectively,
Kx and Ky are the two effective length factors for the major and minor axes
respectively. The initial values of Kx and Ky are 1.0.

Unbraced Length
To determine the critical buckling condition of a member, it is also necessary to
know the spacing of any bracing (if any) along the member. This bracing could
be provided by purlins, girts or other structural elements which are not modelled
in Multiframe. Some bracing may only restrain lateral deflection in one
direction, therefore it is necessary to enter unbraced lengths for both axes of the
section, Lcx corresponding to the spacing of restraints preventing compression
buckling about the x-x axis and Lcy corresponding to the spacing of restraints
preventing compression buckling about the y-y axis.

To set the properties for compression

• Select the required members in the Frame window

• Choose Compression… from the Design menu

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Steel Designer AS/NZS4600

• Click on the icons for the end conditions in each direction or

• Type in values for Kx and Ky
• Type in values for Lcx and Lcy
• Click OK

If you choose a standard end condition, the recommended Kx and Ky values will
be automatically entered for you.

The initial values of Lcx and Lcy are the length of the member.

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Steel Designer AS4600

Combined Actions
No information is required when checking or designing members for combined
actions using AS/NZS4600.

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Steel Designer AS/NZS4600

Design Properties
Sometimes you may wish to set all of the design properties for a member or
group of members at once. This may be quicker than setting each of the design
values in turn using the commands above.

To set all of the design variables

• Select the required members in the Frame window
• Choose Design Details from the Design menu

• Click each tab and enter the design values

• Click OK

As a shortcut, you can examine and change the design details for a single
member by double clicking on it in the Frame window.

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Steel Designer AS4600

Steel Grade
To determine the allowable stresses for a member, it is necessary to know the
grade of steel to be used for the section. This grade determines the yield strength
(Fy) and ultimate tensile strength (Fu) of the material of the section.

To set the Steel Grade

• Select the required members in the Frame window
• Choose Steel Grade from the Design menu

In this dialog you can either

• Choose a standard and steel grade from the drop down menu,
• Type in values for Fy and Fu.

• Choose the method of fabrication to indicate the state of residual stress in
the section.
• Click OK.

If you choose a standard grade of steel, the Fy and Fu values will be automatically
entered for you.

The initial value for the steel grade for all members is AS1397 grade 250.

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Steel Designer AS/NZS4600

Code Checks
When carrying out code checks to AS/NZS4600, Steel Designer uses the
following clauses of to check your structure. No other checks are performed
unless they are specifically listed below.

AS/NZS 4600: "Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS4600-2005: Cold-

formed Steel Structures", Standards Australia, 30 December, 2005.

Clauses used are 3.1~3.5.

Design Checking Procedure

The design checking procedure is as follows;

The design actions are calculated through the first order analyses and a second
order analysis should be used for sway frames.

For major and minor bending section checks, the design bending moment is
checked to be less than the nominal section moment design capacity as found
using clause 3.3.2.

For bending member checks, the design bending moment about the major
principle axis is checked to be less than the nominal member moment design
capacity as found using clause 3.3.3. For some section shapes, the bending of
distortional buckling check may not be included: clause

For major and minor shear checks, the design shear force is checked to be less
than the nominal shear capacity found from section 3.3.4.

For tension checks, the design axial tension force is checked to be less than the
nominal section design capacity in tension as computed using clause 3.2.

For compression section checks, the design axial compressive force is checked to
be less than the nominal section design capacity in compression as computed
using clause 3.4.1.

For major and minor compression member checks, the design axial compressive
force is checked to be less than the nominal member design capacity in
compression as computed using clause 3.4.2~3.4.5.

For all combined action section checks, the design axial force (N*) is the
maximum axial force in the member, and the design bending moments (Mx*,
and My*) are the maximum bending moments in the member.

For major and minor combined section checks, the design bending moment is
checked to be less than the nominal section moment design capacity reduced by
axial force (compression or tension) as computed using clause 3.5.1.

Checks using plastic analysis are not considered.

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Steel Designer AS4600

You may find the following books useful to refer to if you need information on
the methods used to check members in Steel Designer.

• Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4600:2005, Cold-formed Steel

Structures, Australian Institute of Steel Construction, Sydney, 1998, 3rd Edition
• Design of Cold-formed Steel Structures (to Australian/New Zealand Standard
AS/NZS 4600:1996), J. Handcock, Australian Institute of Steel Construction,
Sydney, 1998, 3rd Edition
• Design of Cold-formed Steel Members, J. Rhodes, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, 1991
• Steel Designers Handbook, B.Gorenc, R. Tinyou and A. Syam, UNSW Press,
Sydney, 1996, 6th Edition
• The Behaviour and Design of Steel Structures, N S Trahair and M A Bradford,
Chapman and Hall, London, 1988

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