Mini Rhombus Table Runner: Pattern For 5" Squares
Mini Rhombus Table Runner: Pattern For 5" Squares
Mini Rhombus Table Runner: Pattern For 5" Squares
precut 5" print squares. The results are sure to wow your friends
and family!
1 cut
Select 36 squares from your to lay out the whole table runner
package and set the remaining before sewing because the pieces
squares aside for another project. must match the vertical row next
From each of the (36) 5" squares, to it.
cut (2) 2½" x 5" rectangles.
Subcut 39 rhombuses using the Begin laying out the table runner
template. along the bottom horizontal
row. This row is made up of 13
Using the template again, subcut triangles. The first triangle on
2 triangles from each of the the left side of this row points
remaining 33 rectangles. A total toward the right. Beginning with
of 65 triangles are needed. Keep the second triangle in this row,
the matching triangles together. 2 triangles of matching fabric
are set next to each other and
point in opposite directions. This
2 arrange & sew is repeated for the remaining
This table runner is arranged so 2 triangles in the row. Let’s call this
matching triangles form the top Row A for clarity. 2A
of a tumbling block. It’s important
Lay out the next horizontal row 2A
3 sew
From now on, we are going Nest the seams and sew the
to work in vertical rows for vertical rows together.
constructing this table runner.
Begin with the triangle on the After the rows are sewn together,
left side of the top horizontal row trim the top and bottom edges of
of the table runner and sew it to the table runner. Be sure to leave a
the triangle that is directly below ¼" seam allowance as you trim. 3D
it. Press the seam toward the
bottom. 3A
4 border
Sew the rhombus that is next in Cut (3) 4" strips across the width
the vertical row to the bottom of the fabric. Sew the strips
of the second triangle. Press the together end-to-end to make 1
seam toward the bottom. 3B long strip. Trim the borders from
this strip.
Continue sewing the triangles and
rhombuses to the bottom in the Refer to Borders (pg. 6) in the
order that they are laid out until Construction Basics to measure
you have sewn the entire vertical and cut the borders. The strips are
row. Press all of the seams in approximately 12" for the sides
this vertical row toward the and approximately 33½" for the
bottom. 3C top and bottom.
5 quilt & bind
Layer the table runner with
batting and backing and quilt.
After the quilting is complete,
square up the table runner and
trim away all excess batting and
backing. Add binding to complete
the project. See Construction
Basics (pg. 6) for binding
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Construction Basics
general quilting measurements to make sure
• All seams are ¼" unless you have an extra 4" all the way
directions specify differently. around to make allowance for
• Precuts are not prewashed; the fabric that is taken up in the
so do not prewash other fabrics in quilting process as well as
the project. having adequate fabric for the
• Remove all selvages. quilting frame.
• Trim off all selvages and use a
press seams 1/2" seam allowance when piecing
• Set the temperature of the iron on the backing. Sew the pieces
the cotton setting. together along the longest edge.
• Set the seam by pressing it just as Press the seam allowance open to
it was sewn, right sides together. decrease bulk.
• Place the darker fabric on top, lift, • Use horizontal seams for
and press back. smaller quilts (under 60" wide),
• Press seam allowances toward the vertical seams for larger quilts.
borders unless directed otherwise. • Don’t hesitate to cut a length of
fabric in half along the fold line if
borders it means saving fabric and makes
• Always measure the quilt top in 3 the quilt easier to handle.
different places vertically before • Choose a backing layout that best
cutting side borders. suits your quilt. Note: large quilts
• Start measuring about 4" in from might require 3 lengths.
the top and bottom.
• Take the average of those 3
• Cut 2 border strips to that size.
Piece strips together if needed.
• Attach one to either side of the
quilt. Position the border fabric
on top as you sew to prevent binding
waviness and to keep the find a video tutorial at:
quilt straight. • Use 21/2" strips for binding.
• Repeat this process for the top • Sew strips together end-to-end
and bottom borders, measuring into one long strip using diagonal
the width 3 times. Include the seams, a.k.a. plus sign method
newly attached side borders in (next). Press seams open.
your measurements. • Fold in half lengthwise with wrong
sides together and press.
backing • The entire length should equal the
• Measure the quilt top vertically outside dimension of the quilt plus
and horizontally. Add 8" to both 15" - 20".
plus sign method
find a video tutorial at:
• Lay one strip across the other • The fold will lie along the edge
as if to make a plus sign right just completed.
sides together. • Begin sewing on the fold.
• Sew from top inside to bottom
outside corners crossing the
intersections of fabric as you sew.
Trim the excess fabric 1/4" away
from the sewn seam.
• Press seam(s) open.
close binding
• Stop sewing when you have 12"
left to reach the start.
• Where the binding tails come
attach binding together, trim excess leaving only
• Match raw edges of the folded 21/2" of overlap.
binding to one edge of the top of • Pin or clip the quilt together at
the quilt. the two points where the binding
• Leave a 10" tail at the beginning. starts and stops to take the
• Use a 1/4" seam allowance. pressure off of the binding tails.
• Start sewing in the middle of a • Use the plus sign method to sew
long straight side. the two binding ends together,
except this time, match the
edges. Using a pencil, mark your
miter corners sewing line and stitch.
• Stop sewing 1/4" before the corner.
• Trim off excess; press the seam
• Move the quilt out from under the
presser foot.
• Fold in half with wrong sides
• Flip the binding up at a 90° angle
together and align all raw edges
to the edge just sewn.
to the quilt top.
• Fold the binding down along the
• Sew this last binding section to
next side to be sewn, aligning
the quilt. Press.
raw edges.
• Turn the folded edge of the
binding around to the back of the
quilt and tack in place with an
invisible stitch or machine stitch.
Mini Rhombus Table Runner
Grunge Metallics by Basic Grey for Moda Fabrics
33" x 181/2"
1 package 5" print squares
1/2 yard
1/4 yard
¾ yard
Missouri Star Mini Rhombus Template
Mini Rhombus Table Runner™ ©2019 All Rights Reserved by Missouri Star Quilt Company. Reproduction in
whole or in part in any language without written permission from Missouri Star Quilt Company is prohibited.
No one may copy, reprint or distribute any of this pattern for commercial use without written permission of
Missouri Star Quilt Company. Anything you make using our patterns or ideas is your business, do whatever you
want with the stuff you make, it’s yours!