Final Proposal Edited

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction
Ecommerce is reasonable to say that the process of shopping on the web is becoming
common place. It is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or
data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet. The terms ecommerce and e-business are
often used interchangeably. The main objective of this project is to help farmers ensure greater
profitability through direct farmer to end user communication. Our project deals with respect to
the farmers benefit of getting their products sale at a best price online. Here, the main users of
this website are farmer, customer, and admin. The farmers who grow crops according to the
season and fertility of the soil, after growing the crops they accumulate the crops, further process
and pack them and contact the admin regarding the availability of stock. The admin first asks the
price to the farmer who tells the price at which he/she can trade at. The admin aiming for his own
profits negotiates with the farmer regarding the price the poor framers sacrificing their profits
generally accept the price quoted by the admin. So, he/she sell their stock at low prices due to
some unfavorable conditions such as financial problems, unavailability of wholesale vendors or
market etc.

Some farmers who live very near to the cities bring their stock directly to the wholesale markets
and sell their stock to the retailers and end customers. But for the farmers who live in the remote
areas, it is not possible for them to come to the cities do frequently and sell their stock directly in
their quoted price. Hence, they have no other option but to contact the admin for selling their
products in the market.

It is indeed a very long process to grow crop since there are various other conditions such as
weather issues, soil infertility, seed defects etc. They expect to get some profits for many such
issues they face.

The admin after buying the stock from the farmers in their quoted price, they sell it to the retailer
vendors and customers as well. The retailer vendors then sell it to the end consumer. The price
changes stage to stage depending upon the negation done either earning profits or saving money.

The sellers negotiate for profit quoting high but on the other hand the buyers want to purchase
the stock at feasible and low rates availing maximum stock at minimum amount. Hence, from the
growth of stock till it is sold to the end customers is a long process in which farmers play a vital
1.2 Problem Definition
The typical situation of a farmer is not as good as a person living in the city. They may have
taken some loans from banks for financing agricultural material, seeds, pesticides, manure etc.
Some of the weather conditions such as droughts and floods prevent stock from growing and also
destroy the already grown stock, this is the biggest challenge in front of the farmer.

Some of the weather conditions such as droughts and floods prevent stock from growing and also
destroy the already grown stock, this is the biggest challenge in front of the farmer. Since these
stocks then are unable to be sold and hence, farmers cannot repay their loans on time and have to
bear high rates of interests.

Keeping in mind the various issues which a farmer faces such as poor financial conditions,
indebtedness, etc for these problems, the farmers expects to get profit or even the price quoted at
par for some or other improvement. But then he/she has to agree upon the low price quoted by
the wholesale vendors due to some situation such as absence of unreachability of to the market,
unavailability of other wholesale vendors etc, with expectation of some improvement though the
money earned he/she bears lots as well.

Despite of all the hard work and patience to grow the stock, farmers play a major role in the
agriculture life cycle but still they fail to get profit due to their poor conditions.

Some of problems are below:

 Lack of an agricultural market.

 Customers are not buying agric products directly from the farmers and they are paying
high costs.

 Farmers have not a conventional way what products they must produce or grows
according to demand

 Lack of technical knowledge.

 Lack of buy & sale through an online system.

1.2.1 Solution  
Our HamroTarkariBazar can overcome the problems mentioned above as:

 HamroTarkariBazar can provide the easily and quickly agri product in our country all
the marketplaces.
 The farmer easily sells their product with the help of this project.
 Customers are easily able to find out the low or high cost product and they order the
products which they want quickly and easily.
1.3 Objective
The objectives  of  these projects are as follows:. 
 To provide the platform for the farmer to sell their crops on reasonable price.
 Removal of intermediaries benefitting growers and consumers, cross-boundary
selling, easy delivery, and price transparency.
 To provide current rate of crops to farmers so they can choose suitable time and
market to sell their crops for maximum profit.

1.4 Scope and Limitations

1.4.1 Scope

The research is going to focus on a farmer’s point of view, rather than on an agricultural market
point of view. Indeed, there is a lack of research in this area, and the researcher does not want to
speak about big alimentary distributors, but about the first level of the agricultural market. Often,
consumers see the big food brands they are consuming, and do not think about farmers. But these
big brands are strong and use marketing in every step of their promotional process. The
researcher wants to know how farmers, who are producers of raw products, are dealing with
marketing. Because agriculture is a wide area, and there is a lot of different farmer and producer,
the researcher is going to speak about several different types of production, but with a focus on
milk, meat and vegetable producers. The researcher is going to use a lot of academic resources
about marketing improvement in business and its possibilities. Professionals of agriculture will
be contacted, and consumers will be asked to provide their opinion. 
1.4.2 Limitations
Each system has some limitations. This system has following types of limitations that this system
could not cover:
 Requires internet connection.

 Requires technical knowledge to use this site.

 This site does not guarantee to buy if Admin does not respond.
1.5 Report Organization
This report is organized into 5 chapters.
 In the 1 chapter, the project is introduced in detail along with the problem statement, its

objectives and scope.

 The 2 chapter contains the functional and non-functional requirements of the project. Analysis

and evaluation of the Project is done by feasibility analysis. Also, data modeling and process
modeling of the project are done to analyze the data and working mechanism of the system in
The 3rd chapter looks into detail about the system design of the project that includes interface
design and process design among others. 
The methods and tools used to implement the project and all testing for this system are clearly
explained in the 4 chapter.

Finally, the 5 chapter contains Conclusion based on the project.


Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis and Feasibility Analysis

2.1 Requirement Identification

There are various techniques available for requirement collection. These are studying existing
systems, observation techniques, interviews and surveys. The technique for requirement
collection used in this project is studying and analyzing the existing system. Most of the
requirements that are needed to be developed and this project is collected through the studying
and existing and its related document.

2.1.1 Literature Review

Through this chapter the researcher is going to discuss academic, secondary information
enabling him to obtain comprehension of the research problem and context. The literature review
will provide the basis of the research. It will provide an explanation and understanding of the key
points, essential to the research.                                                            

Dr. Subhi Mohammed  Ismail  et. al.  in their  book mentioned details about the concept and
importance of agricultural marketing, types of agriculture markets, working of agriculture
markets, pricing mechanisms, grading methods, storage,marketing margins etc. of Saudi Arabia
Syed Khizer (May 2017) has presented a framework and model for  the development  of
AMS.The suggested  model is  used here in the development of the AMS for the kingdom [7].

2.2 Requirement Analysis

Requirement analysis is the process of precisely identifying, defining, and documenting the
various requirements that are related to a particular business objective. Requirements gathering
help in clearly understanding the needs of the customer, defining the scope of the project, and
assessing the timescales and resources required to complete it. There are two types of
requirement which are as follows:
2.2.1 Functional Requirements
This requirement determines what the system should do. In order to make the application
functional, we require the following:

a) Online Access:-

 Since our system is soundly web-based application, there should be access to the internet.

b)User Registration:-
After having access to our system with the access of the internet, users can be able to register
themselves. The admin has major authority for the full access of the system. And users can be
managed by the admin that has been registered. And later the user is provided with the username
and password to order the products from the system.

c) Home Activity:-  Given that the user is logged in to this application, then the first page that is
shown should be the home activity. The admin gets authority to all activities like adding
information about products  can depict the notices. And also the users get references to other
activities like search products, sorting products and view the latest products etc.

d) Edit and View product and product category details:- The admin should be able to edit
about the product  and product categories  and users should be able to view.

e) User Profile:-The user should be able to view their own profile, and order details which is
done by that particular user.

2.2.2 Non-Functional Requirements

This requirement determines what the system should do. The non-functional requirements of this
system are as follows:
 Performance

The performance requirement provides detailed specification of the user interaction with our
system and measurements placed on the application performance. The performance will be
viable to the users.
Response time will not be longer if the user has a proper internet connection and for the fault
tolerance, if the system loses internet connection or the systems get some input or failure errors,
the user will be informed.
 Maintainability
The system will be easy to extend. The code should be written in a way that it favors
implementation of new functions. New features or modules can be added or deleted if needed. In
addition to this, a test environment will be built for the application to allow testing of the
different functions.
 Look and Feel

The user interface will be light and easy to use so that any Luddite users can also make use of it.
The attractive color will be used and bright color will be discarded. If a user does something
wrong, systems will show the relevant messages through the dialogue box.

 Security
Secure connection between user and system will be implemented. Only authenticated users are
allowed to view notices and photo galleries. No two or more users with the same email will be
2.2.3 Use-case Diagram
The use-case diagram for the Online Agriculture Marketing System depicting the interactions
among the elements of the system is shown below:
Fig 1. Use case Diagram
2.3. Feasibility Analysis
A feasibility study is an assessment of the practicality of a proposed project or system. It is a test
of a system according to its work ability, impact on the organization, ability to meet user needs,
and effective use of resources. The feasibility study of this application had been carried out
which are as follows:
2.3.1 Technical Feasibility 
This proposed system is technically feasible. The software and hardware requirements for the
development of this application are not many more and already available as free as open source.
All technical aspects that are to be used in this system are easily available. The software like
XAMPP server, PHP and JavaScript high level programming language are to be used to
complete this system.
2.3.2. Operational Feasibility
Operational feasibility is the measure of how well a system solves the problems, and takes
advantage of the opportunities identified during scope definition and how it satisfies the
requirements identified in the requirements analysis phases of system development. Our system
intends to solve the problem faced by the users that are mentioned as problem statements. These
activities are included in operational feasibility of the system.
2.3.3. Economic Feasibility
Economic feasibility is the analysis of a project’s costs and revenues in an effort to determine
whether or not it is logical and possible to complete. This application is economically feasible
because our application is made using software that is available on the Internet and can be
downloaded free of cost. 
Chapter 3: System Design
System design is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces and
data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. Design of the system brings down the
knowledge of requirements and analysis to design the software product. Generally, this topic
deals with the module, database design, user interface design and the program design. For the
designing of the application, various diagrams like use case diagram, schema diagram, ER
diagram, DFD etc. have been used.

Fig 2. System design of Hamro Tarkari Bazar

3.1 Module
A module is a software component or part of a program that contains one or more routines. One
or more independently developed modules make up a program. The application is divided into
four modules:
3.1.1 Login Module
The first module in this system is the login. The general user must input his username and
password if he/she has already got an account, else the user should sign up which is approved by
admin filling form with name, address, contact, email, username, password and so on. Thus the
Admin can be able to give access to the users, display notices etc. and the user can have access to
see the notices on dashboard and have access to view the whole part of the website.
3.1.2. Home Panel Module
The second module in this application is the accessibility of the main features of the application
after login. The features in this module include search bar, view notices, show list of product
categories available etc. 

3.2 Database Design

Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of a database. This database
model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and physical storage
parameters needed to generate a design in a data definition language, which can then be used to
create a database. For the database design of the application, ER diagram, schema diagram, and
the format of data on the online database has been shown which are as follows: 
3.2.1 ER Diagram
An Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram is a type of flowchart that illustrates how “entities” such as
people, objects or concepts relate to each other within a system. ER Diagrams are most often
used to design or debug relational databases in the fields of software engineering, business
information systems, education and research. Also known as ERDs or ER Models, the use of
defined sets of symbols such as rectangles, diamonds, ovals and connecting lines to depict the
interconnectedness of entities, relationships and their attributes. They mirror grammatical
structure, with entities as nouns and relationships as verbs.

Fig 3. ER-Diagram
The above ER diagram shows the relationship between different entities of our system like
buyer, users, admin and product. Entities have been represented by the rectangle, attributes of an
entity have been represented by the oval and the relationship between the entities has been
represented by the diamond shape. The lines with arrowhead represent that there is only one
instance of an entity involved in the relationship and the arrowless lines represent that there is
one or more instances of an entity. The underline word inside the oval shape represents the
primary key. In the above diagram, the primary keys are email id , admin id etc.

3.2.2 Database Schema

A database schema is the skeleton structure that represents the logical view of the entire database
and defines how the data is organized and how the relations among them are associated. It
formulates all the constraints that are to be applied on the data and defines its entities and the
relationship among them. It contains a descriptive detail of the database, which can be depicted
by means of schema diagrams. The database schemas of the application are follows:
Fig 4. Database Schema of Tables

In the above schema diagram, there are 8 tables. They have their own primary key and attributes.
The connecting line shows the relationship between the tables and foreign keys are used to link
tables together. When the user first enters into the system, he or she will able to view and get the
service of the system. When the user needs to register/login their account by adding their
personal details if needed to place an order. The admin view the orders details information. After
the completing all the process by the user, the admin manage the order’s information by taking
further required action.

3.3 User Interface Design

User interface design is the process of designing user interfaces for computing devices and
hardware so that they’re easy for people to use. It’s an interdisciplinary field that involves
graphic designers, artists, programmers, psychologists and even anthropologists.
3.3.1 User Interface Representation
In order to make user interfaces in our system, many new groups and child views are used. The
view groups and child views that will be used in this application are as follows:

 Relative Layout

A relative layout refers to a layout that defines web page width using some relative unit of
measurement. In our system, the content in the page will resize according to the size of
browser window users access it on.

 Linear Layout

Linear Layout is a View Group that arranges its collection of UI components or containers in a
horizontal or vertical row. In our application, it is implemented to have the layout_width, layout
height, and orientation attributes and to indicate how control will be aligned on the screen. 
 List View

List view is a view group that displays a list of scrollable items. The list items are manually
inserted in the list and using Bootstrap to get action on clicking on the list items.

 Scroll View

Scroll view is a view that is used in the home content panel, list, in the form which shows more
areas that cannot be covered in a particular area. Scroll view is used in our system to make easier
scrolling. Because our site could benefit from the advantages of long scrolling but doesn't want
to convert entirely from a multi-page structure.  

 Image View
Image view is used to display image resources in the pages of our system.
 Text View

Text view is a user interface element (view) that displays text to the user. Text view is used in
our system to provide user-editable text, see Edit Text etc. 

 Buttons

A user interface element (view) the user can top or click to perform an action. Users can also
make selection among options just like radio buttons and check buttons.

 Popup Menu View

Popup menu view is a menu view that doesn’t appear until you click. It can be dynamically
popped up at a specific position within a component.

 Slider 

The Slider component is used because it is responsive and supports mouse drag for desktops and
also supports touch and swipe and to keep up with users pace when they click through previous
and next navigation. 

3.4 Process Modeling

Process modeling is used to describe how things must be done in contrast to the process itself
which is really what happens. A process model is roughly an anticipation of what the process
will look like. The process modeling of the application is done through Flowchart and DFD
3.4.1 Flowchart of the System
The flowchart of the online agriculture marketing system is shown in figure below. The
Flowchart shown below has used simple geometric symbols and arrows to define relationships.
The beginning or end of the program is represented by a rectangle, a decision is represented by a
diamond and the I/O process is represented by a parallelogram. 
Fig 5. Admin panel
3.4.2. DFD  

The flow of data in our proposed system is shown through graphical representation of various
levels. The various levels include level 0 DFD(context diagram),level 1 DFD they are as follows:


Fig 6. Level 0 DFD (Context Diagram)

Fig 7. Level1 DFD
Fig 8. Level 2 DFD

Chapter 4: Implementation and Testing

4.1 Implementation
Systems implementation is the process of defining how the information system should be built
(i.e., physical system design), ensuring that the information system is operational and used,
ensuring that the system meets quality standards (i.e., quality assurance).

Waterfall model
Based on the waterfall model, the system was being developed as well as tested at the same time
to maintain quality. In our project use of the waterfall model is a breaking down of a project
activities into linear sequential phases, where each phase depends upon deliverables of the
previous one and correspondence to the specialization of the task.

Fig 9. Waterfall Model


 Requirement Analysis
Requirement analysis is the first phase of our project. In our project, requirement analysis
defines the expectation of users for the application. Those expectations can be being able
to set and view notices, check the product, location of product categories etc. All these
requirements were analyzed.

 System Design
System design defines the architecture, modules, interfaces, data for the system.

 Implementation
The main purpose of implementation is to carry out the activities like coding of
applications with the aim to achieve objective. 

 Testing
In our project, the testing plan is to check whether the actual result matches the expected
result and to ensure that software is defect free.

 Deployment
Deployment of the system includes the action of bringing resources and the developed
system into an effective action and delivering results and outputs.

 Maintenance 
The main work of maintenance is to keep details in proper condition for the durability of
the system.
4.2 Tools Used
The tools used in the development of Online Agriculture Marketing System are as follows:

4.2.1 XAMPP Version: 3.2.2

The full form of XAMPP is X stands for Cross-platform, A stands for Apache server, M stands
for Maria DB or MYSQL, P stands for PHP, and another P stands for Perl. XAMPP is an open
source cross-platform. It is a simple, lightweight apache distribution that makes it extremely easy
for developers to create a local web server for testing and deployment purposes. It is also cross-
platform, which means equally well on Linux, Mac, Windows. In our project it is used as a local
host server to access data from databases without use of internet connection.

4.2.2 Browser 
Browser is a software application for accessing information. We used Google Chrome as a
browser to access data from the database.

4.3 Technology
4.3.1 PHP
PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, is a general purpose programming language designed for
web development. PHP is a server side scripting language that is used to develop static websites,
Dynamic websites or web applications. PHP is a server side interpreter scripting language, in our
system it is used for creating dynamic web pages and web pages that work with databases. 

4.3.2 MYSQL Database

MYSQL database is a type of database that supports the use of Structure Query Language (SQL),
to access their data. MYSQL is just the brand of one database software, one of many MYSQL
database is very popular among programs that run on websites (probably because it is free),
which is why we often see one or both of them being advertised in the feature lists of web hosts,
as well as being listed as one of the "system requirements" for certain web software (like blogs
and content management systems).

4.3.3 JavaScript
JavaScript is an object-oriented computer programming language, commonly used to create an
interactive effect within a web browser. JavaScript is a client side scripting language which is
used for creating web pages. It is used when a web page is used to make dynamic and special
effects on pages. 
4.3.4 CSS
CSS is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation of a document. Cascading Style
Sheet, referred to as CSS, is a simple design language intended to simplify the process of making
web pages presentable. In our project CSS, is used to control the color of text, the style of fonts,
the spacing between the paragraphs, how columns are sized and laid out, what background color
and images are used. 

4.3.5 AJAX
Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a client side programming. In our project
Ajax is used for the selection of addresses. To allow web pages to be updated asynchronously by
exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes, Ajax is used. This means
that it is possible to update parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page. 

4.4 Algorithm Used

4.4.1 Using Quick Sort
Quicksort is an in-place sorting algorithm. Developed by British computer scientist Tony Hoare
in 1959 and published in 1961, it is still a commonly used algorithm for sorting. When
implemented well, it can be somewhat faster than merge sort and about two or three times faster
than heapsort.
Quicksort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm. It works by selecting a 'pivot' element from the
array and partitioning the other elements into two sub-arrays, according to whether they are less
than or greater than the pivot. For this reason, it is sometimes called partition-exchange
sort. The sub-arrays are then sorted recursively. This can be done in-place, requiring small
additional amounts of memory to perform the sorting.

Pseudocode steps:

function quick_sort($my_array)
    $loe = $gt = array();
    if(count($my_array) < 2)
        return $my_array;
    $pivot_key = key($my_array);
    $pivot = array_shift($my_array);
    foreach($my_array as $val)
        if($val <= $pivot)
            $loe[] = $val;
        }elseif ($val > $pivot)
            $gt[] = $val;
    return array_merge(quick_sort($loe),array($pivot_key=>$pivot),quick_sort($gt));

4.5 Testing
Testing is done in each and every project during or after the completion of building the products. 
Software testing is the process of evaluating a software item to detect differences between given
input and expected output. It also assesses the features of a software item. Testing assesses the
quality of the product. Software testing is a process that should be done during the development
4.5.1 Unit Testing
Unit Testing has been done testing the system individual activity. Each activity like registration,
sign in, reset password, homepage, photo gallery, product details, etc. has been tested
Test Case

 For Admin login

Table 1 Test Case for Admin login

Test Test Test Steps Input test Expected Actual Pass/fail

Case Scenario data Results Results
TC-1 Check  Open  Userna User login As Pass 
signup the login me: Admin successfully expected
activity page  Passwo and redirected
with valid  Fill up rd: Admin to the admin
data. the form dashboard
 Click on
 For User  Registration on User Panel
Table 2 Test Case for User Registration

Test Test Test Steps Input test data Expected Actual Pass/fail
Case Scenario Results Results
TC-1 Check the  Open  Your Users should As Pass 
registration login page. Name:  get a “User expected
activity  Click on  Your registration
with valid create Email: successfully”
data. account.  Your message and
 Fill up Password: redirect to
the  Your the login
registration Phone: page.
form with
the valid
 Click on
the submit

4.5.2 Integration Testing

Integration testing is the phase in software testing in which individual software modules are
combined and tested as a group. Integration testing is conducted to evaluate the compliance of
system or component with specified functional requirements. In our system, integration testing
applied after unit testing where modules like login form, buyer entry form etc are integrated as a
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Conclusion
The need of agriculture and agriculture marketing system have been vital aspect in human life in
this ever growing world. The aim of this project was to develop agriculture marketing system.
The development of this system designing consideration was clear fully undertaken and
implemented number of articles and literatures were explored and reviewed before starting the
project. The developed system is developed using different technology like PHP as main
programming language HTML,CSS and java script as defining the layout of the system.

The Agriculture Marketing System is the most important in now days, it provide the agriculture
product globally market place. The main aim of this project is to help the farmer and customer
to easily connect with each other and . The farmer s are to upload their product in large amount
the needed customer is contact them .

5.2 Recommendation or Future Scope 

The future scope of online agriculture marketing system is to make the easier of the farmer and
customer it means farmer can easily sold their product and they do not face any problem like to
waste their product and they can easily supply their product in the market. In the help of online
marketing system they provide all over country or  region and farmer directly contact their
customer .The customers are easily order their product and they can buy. The scope of
agriculture marketing system can be defined through the functions served by it in pursuit of
achieving the sustainable economic growth and development.
1. Fellows, P. (2004). Processed foods for improved livelihoods. Rome: Food and Agriculture
2. Organization of the United Nations. Retrieved from
4. Fernandes, V. (2013, August). The Potato Farming Success of Gujarats Banaskantha District.
5. Retrieved from
6. Glover, D. J. (1987). Increasing the benefits to smallholders from contract farming: Problems
7. for farmers organizations and policy makers. World Development, 15(4), 441–448.
8. Governance Knowledge Centre. Direct Agricultural Marketing?: Rythu Bazar in Andhra
9. Gujarat State Agricultural Marketing Board. (2014). Contract Farming. Retrieved June 27,
10. 2017, from
11. Hobbs, T. (2016). Tesco backed to return to growth this year as “Farm” brands drive sales.


Appendix A : Screenshots of Hamro Tarkari Bazar

Admin Login Form

Admin dashboard
Homepage/Frontend page
Contact us page

User login/registration page

Order page

  Product Category
Searched bar


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