Topic: Culturally Responsive Teaching: Brusov State University

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FACULTY: Education and Professional Pedagogy

STUDENT: Kristine Apikyan

LECTURER: Sharmagh Abrahamyan, Associate Professor

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1. CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE TEACHING...................................................................................... 4
1.1. Conditions for Creating a Culturally-Responsive Classroom ................................................................ 5
2. PREPARING TEACHERS TO BE CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE .................................................. 6
2.1. Reflect on your cultural knowledge and teaching assumptions related to culture ................................. 6
2.2. Learn about your students ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.3. Use students’ cultural knowledge, perspectives and skills as a resource for teaching ........................... 7
2.4. Create a safe and supportive environment and build strong relationships ............................................. 8
2.5. Encourage a discursive curriculum and enable student self-determination ........................................... 9
2.6. Connect with families ............................................................................................................................ 9
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................... 10
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................ 12


Culture is central to how all learning takes place (Gay, 2010). Culturally responsive pedagogy
is a student-centered approach to teaching that includes cultural references and recognizes the
importance of students’ cultural backgrounds and experiences in all aspects of learning (Ladson-
Billings, 1995). The approach is meant to promote engagement, enrichment, and achievement of
all students by embracing a wealth of diversity, identifying and nurturing students’ cultural
strengths, and validating students’ lived experiences and their place in the world (Villegas &
Lucas, 2007). Culturally responsive pedagogy is characterized by teachers who are committed to
cultural competence, establish high expectations, and position themselves as both facilitators and

Culturally responsive teaching is about making school learning relevant and effective for
learners by drawing on students’ cultural knowledge, life experiences, frames of reference,
languages, and performance and communication styles. This means making what students know,
and how they know it, the foundation of learning and teaching interactions and curriculum. This
is good for all students, but particularly so when there are significant differences between the
world of the teacher and the world of the child. All students have cultural ‘funds of knowledge’
or bodies of knowledge and skills for individual functioning and well-being that they can utilise
in formal classroom learning. Culturally responsive teaching recognises and deeply values the
richness of the cultural knowledge and skills that students bring to the classroom as a resource
for developing multiple perspectives and ways of knowing. Teachers communicate, validate and
collaborate with students to build new learning from students’ specific knowledge and
experience. Culturally responsive pedagogies focus on positive interpersonal relationships and
effective, socially constructed and dynamic forms of instruction and assessment. Actually, the
principles of culturally responsive pedagogy are entirely compatible with the principles of
effective teaching.


What is culture?
Culture is the complex phenomenon that includes the changing worldviews, knowledge,
values, traditions, beliefs, capabilities, and social and political relationships of a group of people
that give meaning to and influence their life and actions. This means that culture goes beyond
visible and tangible aspects, such as food or dress, to include more implicit behaviors to do with
social roles, behaviors, communication and beliefs.
Why culture matters for educational achievement
Culture influences how we think, perceive, act and communicate. Learning is mediated
through culture. This means that the experiences of students in a classroom might be different,
even where the teaching, resources, curriculum and relationships are the same, because how we
learn and what we experience is filtered through cultural perspectives as well as existing
knowledge and experiences. Problems may occur when teachers are unaware of the different
knowledge and experiences that diverse students can draw upon in their learning. Even if a
teacher is from the same culture or race as his or her students, he or she will not automatically
understand students’ backgrounds, as cultural understandings and behaviors are nuanced and
tend to vary within a particular cultural group. It is important not to pretend that differences
don’t exist, or to treat all students the same way regardless of culture. Teachers need to move
beyond cultural blindness to cultural responsiveness.
So what is culturally responsive teaching?
Culturally responsive teaching is about making school learning relevant and effective for
learners by drawing on students’ cultural knowledge, life experiences, frames of reference,
languages, and performance and communication styles. This means making what students know,
and how they know it, the foundation of learning and teaching interactions and curriculum. This
is good for all students, but particularly so when there are significant differences between the
world of the teacher and the world of the child. Culturally responsive teaching recognizes and
deeply values the richness of the cultural knowledge and skills that students bring to the
classroom as a resource for developing multiple perspectives and ways of knowing. Teachers
communicate, validate and collaborate with students to build new learning from students’
specific knowledge and experience. Culturally responsive pedagogies focus on positive
interpersonal relationships and effective, socially constructed and dynamic forms of instruction
and assessment. Actually, the principles of culturally responsive pedagogy are entirely
compatible with the principles of effective teaching.

Why culturally responsive pedagogies are important
Culturally responsive pedagogies can reduce the gaps between the highest and lowest
achievers while at the same time raising overall levels of achievement. Research shows that
culturally responsive pedagogies raise student achievement for all cultural groups, ensuring that
all students are given the encouragement and support to realize their educational potential
regardless of their social, economic or cultural background or individual needs. Many schools
and teachers struggle to engage students from cultural backgrounds that differ from the dominant
culture represented in mainstream school. When students’ home background is the same as or
similar to the mainstream culture, school activities are familiar, and they can easily build on their
cultural understandings to learn school content. When the cultural knowledge and values of
students from diverse backgrounds do not correspond or perhaps conflict with the expectations,
values and knowledge of school, students who cannot or do not want to participate in the
dominant discourse may be marginalized and fail.

1.1. Conditions for Creating a Culturally-Responsive Classroom

Teacher reflection on the changing interplay of curriculum, content and culture for each class
or lesson is very important for culturally responsive teaching. There are four conditions any
teacher must fulfill to establish a culturally-responsive classroom:
 Establish Inclusion - This starts by highlighting how the topic you’re teaching may relate or
apply to students. For example, many societies and cultures have fireworks festivals. While such a
festival runs, you could teach how to calculate speed using fireworks in sample questions.
Establishing inclusion also involves regularly grouping students with different classmates,
encouraging discussion to solve problems. In doing so, they can share unique perspectives.
 Develop Positive Attitudes - This further focuses on relating content to students. A popular
method is allowing them to choose between activities and assessments that let them showcase their
values, strengths and experiences. For example, while providing clear learning goals and evaluation
criteria, encourage students to submit their own project ideas.
 Enhance Meaning - You can bolster lesson content by drawing connections with real-world
issues, asking students to use opinions and existing knowledge to address them. For example, when
teaching about government, you could contextualize concepts through municipal political issues.
When appropriate, use student jargon to clarify these issues or improve communication in general.
 Foster Confidence - Make the assessment process less intimidating by offering different ways
to demonstrate skills and understanding. For example, avoid handing out quizzes that are purely
multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank. Among other question types, mix in problems that involve

writing short- and long-form answers. After, give students time to assess their own progress and
performance, helping them focus on growth.


Teacher reflection on the changing interplay of curriculum, content and culture for each class
or lesson is very important for culturally responsive teaching. The following paragraphs explore
actions that can help you to develop or improve a culturally responsive pedagogy.
• Reflect on your cultural knowledge and teaching assumptions related to culture
• Learn about your students
• Use students’ cultural knowledge, perspectives and skills as a resource for teaching
• Create a safe and supportive environment and build strong relationships
• Encourage a discursive curriculum and enable student self-determination
• Connect with families

2.1. Reflect on your cultural knowledge and teaching assumptions related to culture
The kind of beliefs and attitudes that teachers hold are crucial to their ability to make a
difference to diverse learners. Teaching practices, and the types and frequency of teachers’
interactions with students, are determined by teachers’ beliefs and assumptions about, and
expectations of, the student. In addition, students perceive themselves and their learning
capabilities through the eyes of their teachers. What teachers do and say impacts students’ self-
beliefs and self-efficacy. It is therefore important to evaluate your own teacher discourse and
beliefs about culturally diverse learners, and perhaps to reposition you by drawing on alternative
discourses that are more productive. Teachers who are culturally responsive share a passion for
social justice and for helping all students to achieve. They have the courage to question
mainstream knowledge, curriculum and pedagogy as well as their own beliefs and assumptions
about students, families, and communities. They also are willing to go beyond established and
familiar teaching practices to find new practices that may be more successful for all students.

2.2. Learn about your students

Students’ prior experiences provide them with unique preconceptions and knowledge bases
that must be taken into account in order for teaching to be effective. With this knowledge, you
can engage students and activate their frames of reference, life experiences, and cultural values
as a basis for building meaningful learning.

• Start with students and take time to learn about your students’ lives and cultures. Find out
about students’ home life, family, language, cultural values and expectations, socioeconomic
background, previous experience with school and achievement, self-esteem, attitudes, religion,
community experiences and practices. Don’t overlook these important parts of a student’s
identity in order to assume a ‘color-blind’ perspective and treat all students the same. You might
ask students to write about themselves, their families or family traditions, or complete a personal
questionnaire about hobbies, interests, music preferences and aspirations.
• Avoid stereotypes, which do not see students as individuals and interfere with your ability to
understand each student’s perspective. While it is important to have some general knowledge of
a cultural group and norms for behavior, etiquette, communication and learning, try to move
beyond surface level understandings of cultures, such as food, music or festivals, and try to gain
an understanding of the variance within a cultural group.
• Have conversations with students. Conversations help you get to know who your students
are in meaningful ways.
• Validate what you learn about students. Many diverse students develop an understanding of
the negative views of their race, often emphasized in the wider culture, and actually come to
internalize them. Teachers need to interrupt these discourses by endorsing students and affirming
their culture.

2.3. Use students’ cultural knowledge, perspectives and skills as a resource for teaching
When students’ culture and experience is central to their learning, they can build on their prior
cultural experiences and understandings. What students already know forms the starting point for
exploring unfamiliar knowledge and experiences.
• View the diversity of cultures within your class as a strength from which all students benefit.
See the wealth of culture and experience as a valuable asset and resource which benefits,
complements and expands your teaching.
• Gather and use students’ background knowledge and prior experience when planning
curricular content, selecting teaching strategies, and designing the classroom environment.
Ensure that your programme reflects an appreciation for and understanding of diverse ways of
knowing and being.
• Acquire some basic knowledge of the languages that your students speak, and find ways to
use this language as a bridge for new ideas and concepts. This demonstrates cultural tolerance
and shows students that their language is legitimate and valued rather than inferior.

• Display images, artifacts and different languages, and ensure that classrooms (including the
arrangement of furniture) reflect students’ cultures. Ensure that your classroom reflects your
valuing of cultural diversity throughout the year and not just on certain days or months of the
year. Include significant and more comprehensive information about different cultures and their
contributions to the curriculum, for example, important explorers, scientists and artists.
• Teach ‘to and through’ students’ frames of reference. Begin lessons by eliciting student
experiences, and build on these to develop and understand new concepts. Find out what students
know and what they want to know. Use questionnaires or discussion at the introduction of a new
topic. This helps students connect their community and home-based knowledge to classroom

2.4. Create a safe and supportive environment and build strong relationships
A supportive environment that is favorable for learning is critical to culturally responsive
teaching. The best way to create a supportive environment is through your relationship with
students. Research shows that, for culturally diverse students, the main influence on their
educational achievement is the quality of their relationships with teachers.
• Demonstrate that you care for and value your students, their lives, their culture and their
academic success. Be warm, sensitive, encouraging and yet consistent and authoritative. Show
interest and a determination to help students succeed by supporting them with personal
problems, listening to their ideas, giving personal time, supporting them in co-curricular
activities, and marking and returning their work quickly. This is particularly important for
students who feel school is not for them. Remember that students will interpret what is caring
from their cultural perspective, which will not necessarily be the same as yours.
• Attend events outside of school in which students are involved, such as extracurricular
activities. Single out students at break times to talk to them. Find out about important events in
the students’ lives, such as sports and drama, or even TV programmers, and comment on them.
• Ensure the environment is welcoming and safe, so that students feel comfortable to take
risks, especially when learning is particularly unfamiliar for students because of cultural
differences, or when using English as a second language.
• Sit down with students and help them work through their goals. Share high expectations for
their achievement and work hard to help students achieve those goals and succeed.
• Give feedback carefully to diverse students, as there is the possibility of mistrust about the
motivation for the feedback.

• Be careful not to use vernacular phrases, humor or sarcasm in ways that might be
misunderstood. Avoid confrontational or humiliating communication styles which indicate to
students that they are not liked or valued as students.

2.5. Encourage a discursive curriculum and enable student self-determination

A discursive curriculum enables students’ knowledge, experiences, concerns, questions and
sense-making processes to be shared, valued and incorporated. It involves patterns of interaction
in which all students are included and can participate successfully. Knowledge can be co-created
for specific purposes negotiated with students that will then reflect and even promote their
cultural values. Curriculum and pedagogy become culturally comprehensive rather than
monocultural, no longer solely reflecting the knowledge, values and purposes of those in power.
• Employ an interactive teaching style, soliciting discussion. Make learning a participatory
and active endeavor by assisting students to use discussion to make personal meaning of new
• Trust your students to make good decisions, and give up some of your control in inviting
student input into learning processes. Share power in decisions about curriculum planning in
terms of the curriculum content and the directions learning will take. This shows students you
value their opinions, and moves you away from a deficit model in which you believe you know
what is best for students.
• Ensure students experience power-sharing relationships and interdependence with their
peers and teachers. Develop distributed leadership in the classroom so that students can both
initiate and take responsibility for their own learning while supporting the learning of others.

2.6. Connect with families

The relationships between school and home are a significant factor in student achievement.
Culturally diverse students and families often report a sense of disconnection from schools which
they perceive as due to a lack of ongoing and personalized relationships with the teachers or
school. When relationships with families are enduring, commitment and collective responsibility
are evident.
• Give parents access to information and opportunities to participate and collaborate with a
focus on student learning. Students and parents from diverse cultures enjoy discussing learning
when discussions are data-based and focused on achievement and constructive plans for next
steps. This can help families to understand what their child needs to do to succeed in their
learning and how to support them. In particular, the impact on student achievement is greater

when parents are helped to understand how to help their child while at the same time respecting
their dignity and cultural values.
• Develop positive interactions with families through actions such as calling or emailing each
student’s family with positive information, and regularly seeking and acting upon parental
perspectives. Use various methods of communicating and following up with parents, without
assuming that families always have the capacity to access school reporting. Students perceive
teacher contact with their family as a positive sign of the teacher caring for the student.
• Seek to improve parent-teacher interviews. Research shows that many parents find these
meetings unsatisfactory due to the brevity of the appointment, as well as miscommunication and
a conflict of agendas. Families from diverse cultures appreciate face-to-face communication for a
longer period which makes it easier for parents to communicate in a culturally appropriate
manner. There is little research, however, which explores the impact of parent-teacher interviews
on student achievement.


Culturally responsive teaching (CRT) is a research-based approach to teaching. It connects

students’ cultures, languages, and life experiences with what they learn in school. These
connections help students access rigorous curriculum and develop higher-level academic skills.
Our brains are wired to make connections. It’s easier for our brains to learn and store
information when we have a hook to hang it on. That hook is background knowledge. Students
bring this knowledge to the classroom every day.
But for students of color, English language learners (ELLs), and other underserved student
populations, those assets are often overlooked. When that happens, educators miss the chance to
use them to support learning.
Culturally responsive teaching values and reflects the assets of all students. By doing that, it
raises academic expectations for all learners. It also sends the message that multiculturalism is an


 Gay, G., Culturally responsive teaching: Theory, research, and practice (2nd ed.), New
York, 2010
 Ladson-Billings, G., But that’s just good teaching! The case for culturally relevant
pedagogy, 1995
 Villegas, A. M., & Lucas, T., The culturally responsive teacher, 2007
teaching.pdf 30.10.2021
 30.10.2021


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