Re: Tell Me Any Bug Which U Could Not Able To Find Answer
Re: Tell Me Any Bug Which U Could Not Able To Find Answer
Re: Tell Me Any Bug Which U Could Not Able To Find Answer
1) Masked Defect
2) Cascaded Defect
3) Latent Defect
Re: tell me about ur self and ur testing experience? i don't how to start ,
what to explain in an interview? plz answer the question in detail.
Answer Tell me abt yourself
Ur name
Re: What was the difference between Test case and Bug Report is there any
template for this
Answer Testcase is prepared for comparing expected
# 2 results with
actual results.If any variations from
expected result to
actual result leads to "bug"
testcaseid,desprition,test steps,exp
res,act resilt,remarks.
2. Disc=0
Read order_qty
if order_qty>=20
if order_qty>=100 then
Re: Find statement coverage and branch coverage: 1) Read P Read Q if
P+Q>100 then print "Plarge" endif 2. Disc=0 order_qty=0 Read order_qty
if order_qty>=20 Disc=0.05 if order_qty>=100 then Disc=0.1 endif endif
Answer for 1) - For stmnt. coverage we would
# 1 require only 2 test
case to execute all the stmnts. in section
Re: what are the ways to crash an application when it is unter testing?
Answer To crash an application, use the
# 1 negative/exceptional
scenarios like:
1.Invalid Inputs (including space,
NULL,characters like ',-
etc,0,-0, divsion by zero, in case of
2.For performance point of view,
loading/exporting huge
data above specified
Re: plz dont give any def. wat actions do u perform on website while doing
monkey testing? or how can u do monkey testing?
Answer During monkey testing a tester have to
# 1 assume him as a
customer who do not know any thing
regarding the website
where a tester have to check all the links,
paths,every thing that appears on the
For Square:
Re: This question has been asked in my recent inerview with Adithya Birla
Group.When to prepare System test plan after getting build or before
getting build?
Answer system test plan needs to be prepared well
# 1 in advance
before build. Testing should first start
with system test
plan in which we define the way we are
going to test. the
type of testing we are going to follow any
automation is
planned or not. Non testable requirements.
any trainings
needed any other resources needed. It also
includes effort
estimation and other details needed for
Re: we enter that user name field is blank and password field is blank and
click on Ok. what type of testing is this 1) functional testing 2)security
Answer Your question is really good and I am sure
# 2 most of them
would eager to know what is the real
testing going through it.
Re: what are the inputs fo writing testcases and what are the outputs after
executing the testcases?
Answer 1.The Input of Test case can be Requirement
# 2 or Scope of the
Porject. we can say It is a Clearly defined
requirement specification.
Re: After receiving the build.How will you start the testing
Answer First i will do smoke testing on
# 1 applicstion build ,
if build is stable then i will proceed to
system testing
Re: How will you prepare traceability matrix if there is no Business Doc
and Functional Doc?
Answer Get Briefings from the BA's Developers ,
# 1 PM/PL understand
the domain of the application, try to
understand the
application by going through the prototype,
Understand the
modules and their functionalities. list out
sceanroius, document them in the
traceability matrices
Re: what is test objective?
Answer The test Objectives provide a prioritized
# 7 list of
verification or validation objectives for
the project. You
use this list of objectives to measure
testing progress,
and verify that testing activity is
consistent with project
1.Logical bugs
2.GUI related bugs
3.Database related
4.System related
5.Software service pack
6.Browser related
Testing Methodologies :
1) Black Box Testing:
Methods are -
a) Equivalence
b) Boundary Value
c) Error Guessing
d) Use Case based
e) State
Transition Testing
2) White Box Testing:
Control Flow Testing -
a) Statement
b) Decision
c) Condition
d) Multiple
Condition Coverage
e) Path Coverage
Testing Techniues :
1) Static Testing (Verification)
2) Dynamic Testing (Validation)
Re: How to create Test Data? What are the Fields in Test Data.
Please any one specify the format of Test Data?
Answer Hi Mr,
# 2 The source of the Test data differs
from Phases to Phases,
If you are in IAT then extract data
from Design docs,
if you are in System
testing( functional or non
functional ) get the data from SRS and
if you are in UAT,
then get data from BRS or some times
you are allowed to use
live data.
Re: in SDLC,at what phase life cycle stops?and what are the input and
output of each phase?
Answer In SDLC life cycle never stops untill the
# 1 pplication/product
becomes outdated or obsolete.
One thing i want to clear you friends
Requirement Gathering
Requirement Analysis
Coding & integration
Re: what is the main difference between high and low level design in sdlc
Answer High level design is the over all
# 1 architechture means root
requirement to leaf requirement but low
level design's
consists internal logic requirement of that
soft ware.
Re: what is the main difference between high and low level design in sdlc
Answer High level design:
Overall architecture of the
# 2 appplication (e.g) data
flow, flow chart, data structure ect.
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Byeee Friends
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Re: What is the difference between Client server and web based systems?
Answer Client server:
1.Application and server will be
2.if we want data we will send a
request to server
3.Server will fetch data and send to
Re: From Which part of the Requirement we will prepare Test Cases
Answer We can use requirements document or
# 1 FRS(Functional
Requirement Specification) to prepare test
cases, and we use
test case template also.
Re: If there there are 100 test cases which need to be executed in
one day and out of them 50 are of Critical Severity, 30 are Major
and 20 are Minor. What would be your approach?
Answer we have to plan our tests in manner 0 Manasa
# 1 that the test cases are
executed on priority bases .by the time
if they ask to
quit,we have done the best in the time
available.according to priority
critical should be executed
first, then major and then minor.
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Re: If there there are 100 test cases which need to be executed in
one day and out of them 50 are of Critical Severity, 30 are Major
and 20 are Minor. What would be your approach?
Answer You are right manasa.
# 2 But consider the below scenario also:
Re: what are the –ve test cases for Railway Ticketing System?
Answer 1.check the invalid username and password
# 1 is accept or not
2.check the lessthan today date accepted
or not
3.check and Entered from and to place not
appearing list is
accept or not
4.Not select the Ticket type then click the
find trains Msg
display or not.
5.Not select the train Radio button then
click the
Showdetails system accept or not
Re: who will prepare the SRS,FRS,BRS, AND When Will they prepare that
Answer BRS(Business Requirement Specification) is
# 1 prepared in
Requirement Gathering phase by Business
Analyst who are
also known as ISM(Information Service
Re: what are the inputs fo writing test cases and what are the
outputs after executing the test cases?
Answer Inputs of test cases can be any of the 4 Gg
# 1 following:
1. FRS - Functional Requirement
2. SRS - System Requirement
3. BRS - Business Requirement
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Correct ? 17 Yes 4 No
Re: what are the inputs fo writing testcases and what are the
outputs after executing the testcases?
Answer 1.The Input of Test case can be
# 2 Requirement or Scope of the
Porject. we can say It is a Clearly
defined Project
requirement specification.
Re: How will u write the test case if u don’t have the requirements and ahve
the similar application
Answer If requirements are not clear or we do not
# 3 have requirements
then we will write Test Cases in ADHOC
Manner. i.e. pls
Verify the ADHOC Testing Definition.
Re: How will u write the test case if u dont have the requirements and ahve
the similar application
Answer For this scenairo v can write the Test
# 2 cases in such a way
Re: What is the format for accentence testing. please answer me ASAP
Answer I think there is no specific format for
# 1 Acceptance Testing.
Basically Acceptance testing is a final
round testing which
is done by the client/customer to verify
the developed
product/project are in acceptable condition
or not.
Re: A bank application with From a/c, To a/c, amount and a submit
button - What are the conditions that you write for it.
Answer gui test cases 1 Chris
check wether the acc in accepting how
# 1 many digits according to test plan
same with other account wether it is
accepting alpha numeric characters
then performance test cases
try to enter submit button with out
entering valid amount
try to enter submit button with valid
submit button try to enter submit
button with entering any amount in acct
Re: An employee table, with the columns id, name, sal and dob.Query to
select emp names of all highest salaries(there are 4-5 people having the
same salary which happens to be the highest).
Answer select * from emp where sal = (select
# 2 Max(sal) from emp)
Re: Assume you are handling multiple projects and the scheduled were
clashing how would you mange about this
Answer I will reschedule the timing and create the
# 1 schedule which
will give same time to every project so
that it will never crash
Exit Criterai:
Re: What is meant by UAT testing? And how is the UAT testing carried
Answer UAT Testing is a final level of testing and
# 2 Black box test
engineers will perform testing on the user
desired areas in
the presence of user in order to make him
accept the
Re: what the diff b/w Smoke Testing and Santy Testing?
Answer Smoke Testing:- Smoke testing is after
# 1 build releasing we
will test high level functionalities
working or not.
Re: what are the risks and challanges u face while testing?
Answer The challenges include to execute all
# 2 possible cases in the
given time frame. The testing performed
should be well
executed within the predefined scope of
testing, meeting
the customer requirements.
Re: what are the risks and challanges u face while testing?
Answer The below are the Risks and chanllenges in
# 3 Testing:
1.Lack of Time
2.Lack of Resources.
3.Lack of Knowledge in Project domain
4.Lack of Test data
5.Ego Problems
6.Lack of Communication between the teams
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Correct ? 15 Yes 8 No
Re: Guys, can any one of u give the realtime example for Ad Hoc Testing
Answer If we are give a login page & its strictly
# 2 restricted to
input special characters in the email ID,
The testers try to input special characters
& blank space .
Then if the system is creating a new email
ID ,Then the
test fails.
If it displays an error message then its
Re: Guys, can any one of u give the realtime example for Acceptance
Answer After the build is relesed & reaches at
# 1 customers place
customer checks for the required
specifications.If the
specifications are as required then the
customer gives an
acceptance report.Its called acceptance
Is This Answer
Correct ? 6 Yes 1 No
Re: What is the difference between Functional and Technical bugs? Give an
example for each.
Answer Functional bugs are related to
functionality of application
#3 whereas technical bugs are associated with
technical issues
in application.Below are examples for each
type of bug.
Re: What are test case formats widely use in web based testing?
Answer Web based applications deal with live 0 Lakshmi
web portals. Hence the
# 1 test cases can be broadly classified V
as - front end , back
end, security testing cases,
navigation based, field
validations , database related cases.
The test cases are
written based on the functional
specifications and wireframes.
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Correct ? 8 Yes 1 No
Re: What test data will be required if Person 1 transfer money in Person2
Answer Pre-Conditions:
# 6 (1) Person 1 & 2 should have valid accounts
(2) Should have transferable amount
Required Test Data is :
(1) Person 2's Account Number.
(2) Bank Name of the Person 2
(3) Branch of the Bank of the Person 2
Re: What test data will be required if Person 1 transfer money in Person2
Answer Here the precondition should be satisfied
# 4 to do Transfer
-The Person whoever is doing the money
transfer should have
that Transfer amount may be more than this
if it satisfied
then only he can go furthur
Flow 1:
Re: Where you involve in testing life cycle ,what type of test you perform
Answer In testing life cycle a test engineer's
# 3 involvement will be
based on the role or designation of the
employee in that
company. Test leads will involve in
preparing test
planning. Senior test engineers will
involve in preparing
the test cases and executing the test cases
as well if
permits, and junior testers will involve in
test execution,
reporting, etc. any test engineer has to
perform all kinds
of testings like build verification or
smoke testing,
retesting, regression testing, system
testing, system
integration testing (black box integration)
testing etc.
Please let me know if i am right or wrong.
Re: only one tester & one developer ,the product is released to be today
night.if you found a critical bug then wat u do
Answer Its totally depends on the Developer &
# 3 Tester how to go
through that problem.
Depending on the application it that bug
effects the whole
application than its not the right time to
release the
product, but if the bug affects any
particular module so
remove that module at that instant and the
developer and
tester can do that.
And as per sujata its not necessary to
report that bug in
BTT because while releasing the product we
cant show the
Client any Bug. Developer can fix that bug
at that instant
Re: when there are any CRs in the projects, as a tester what do you do?
Answer When a CR's Arrives, all the following
# 2 thinkgs are carried
out step wise:
>>Walkthrough meeting where the business
analyst explains
the CR in detail to the developers and the
>>Review meeting carried by Testing team
seperatly and
assigning the CR to a particular candidate
to find the
impacted area due to this.
>>Candidate to write test cases and send
across for review.
>>And as soon as the code is ready, carry
out testing and
keep the proofs for the defects raised.
>>Retesting for fixes if pass
simultaneously carry out
regression testing.
>>And once testing is stopped, it is