Re: Tell Me Any Bug Which U Could Not Able To Find Answer

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Re: tell me any bug which u could not able to find

Answer In testing terminology we need to use the

# 1 word Defect
instead of Bug.

Defects can be divided into three types:

1) Masked Defect
2) Cascaded Defect
3) Latent Defect

Masked Defect: There will be a defect

existing in the
application and it never occurs due to
occurance of other
defect. Just like hiding in the applicatoin

So these type of defect caould not be able

to find.

Example: A bus has to teavel from Delhi to

Hyderabad. And
the driver is new and the only option to
identify the route
is road marks or direction symbols.
Unfortunately due to
last night wind blow the Hyderabad
direction is chaged to
Banglore (This is a defect).And the bus
tyres are made such
that they will not get punchered as
garenteed by

1) If in this case if the bus goes fine the

driver might
have gone to wrong City. (Due to
Environment Defect)

2) If the bus tyre has punchered before the

bus reached the
direction symbols (High Priority Server
Error Defect) the
previous defect 1 is not identified (Masked

Re: tell me about ur self and ur testing experience? i don't how to start ,
what to explain in an interview? plz answer the question in detail.
Answer Tell me abt yourself
Ur name

I start my career as jr test engineer in

xyz company.
Now im having more than three,two,four
years of experience
in testing environment.
my responsibilities
My domain experience
other skills.....................

Re: What was the difference between Test case and Bug Report is there any
template for this
Answer Testcase is prepared for comparing expected
# 2 results with
actual results.If any variations from
expected result to
actual result leads to "bug"

testcaseid,desprition,test steps,exp
res,act resilt,remarks.

Bug report containing number of bugs to be

sent to developer
to fix.

bug id,bug desp,version,who


Find statement coverage and branch coverage:

1) Read P
Read Q
if P+Q>100
then print "Plarge"

2. Disc=0
Read order_qty
if order_qty>=20
if order_qty>=100 then
Re: Find statement coverage and branch coverage: 1) Read P Read Q if
P+Q>100 then print "Plarge" endif 2. Disc=0 order_qty=0 Read order_qty
if order_qty>=20 Disc=0.05 if order_qty>=100 then Disc=0.1 endif endif
Answer for 1) - For stmnt. coverage we would
# 1 require only 2 test
case to execute all the stmnts. in section

for 2) For branch coverage we would require

3 test cases.
B'coz for every if condition we need to
execute true and
false. So, false condition can be executed
in a one go for
both IF condition and 2 test case would be
required to
execute true for both IF condition.

Re: What is the structure of the project??? I

explained its 3 tire... But that was not the correct
answer it seems...
Answer Hai this is sunithaysgnamurthy 0 Sunithayagnamurthy
# 1 three tier architecture means in
Heartcom In
this layer Buisiness lozic
and user interface and database
access seperately .in this
layer all the layers are
seperated .if any change is thr
any one of the phse it will not
effect to another phase.
This is called the three tier
If any mistakes is thr please

Is This Answer 1 Yes 0 No

Correct ?

Re: What is the structure of the project??? I explained its 3 tire...

But that was not the correct answer it seems...
Answer structure of the project means
# 2 the process to be followed
flow r order of the project. The
SDLC model explains u the
structure of the project , it
depends on the process
followed by the companies.
Re: can any one give the example for high severity high priority high
severity low priority low severity high priority low severity low priority
Answer Defect Severity determines the defect's
# 8 effect on the
application where as Defect Priority
determines the defect
urgency of repair.
Severity is given by Testers and Priority
by Developers

1. High Severity & Low Priority :If there

is an
application , if that application crashes
after mulple use
of any functionality (exa--save Button use
200 times then
that application will crash

2. High Severity & High Priority : In the

above example if
there is a fault while calculating weekly
report. This is a
high severity and high priority fault
because this fault
will block the functionality of the
application immediately
within a week. It should be fixed urgently.

3. Low Severity & High Priority : If there

is a spelling
mistake or content issue on the homepage of
a website which
has daily hits of lakhs. In this case,
though this fault is
not affecting the website or other
functionalities but
considering the status and popularity of
the website in the
competitive market it is a high priority

4. Low Severity & Low Priority : If there

is a spelling
mistake on the pages which has very less
hits throughout
the month on any website. This fault can be
considered as
low severity and low priority.

Re: 1. What is the difference between Build Management and Release

Management ? 2.When will conduct build verification and end to end
Answer 1.Build Mngt is something that deals with
# 3 the delivery of
the (application)build.Build delivery
dates,bug fixes and
subsequent delivery.
Release Mngt deals with the whole delivery
from requirement gathering to going live.It
deals with the
cut off dates.
2.Build verification test is done by
testers,not necessarly
done by leads or Sr.Testers.End to End
testing is testing
the complete flow of the application.Eg.If
there is a
application with different modules,where
the data flows
from one module to other,testing the flow
of data from one
module to other is called E2E testing.
Again each module is tested indepentently

Re: What is difference between web application and non-web applications?

Answer windowbased app:in this we insatl the
# 1 application in each
and every p.c
2:it is two tier architecher
3:we make any changes in each and every

web: we instal the application in server

side only
2:it is generally three or n- tier
3:we make changes inserver then
automatically effected in
client side

Re: what are test beds

Answer test beds means testing environment.testing
# 1 environment
contains hardware, instrumentation,
simulators, software
tools & other support elements needed to
conduct a tes.

Re: What is Test Responsibility Matrix?

Answer By using TRM we can able to identify the
# 6 test status every
stage of the SDLC.we can able to know the
following points
by observing the TRM

1)How many test cases prepared

2)How many test cases executed
3)How many defects are we have with new
4)how many defects we have with open status
5)how many defects are with fixed status
6)how many defects are with closed status
7)how many defects not yet fixed

Its like complete test status report


Re: what are the ways to crash an application when it is unter testing?
Answer To crash an application, use the
# 1 negative/exceptional
scenarios like:
1.Invalid Inputs (including space,
NULL,characters like ',-
etc,0,-0, divsion by zero, in case of
2.For performance point of view,
loading/exporting huge
data above specified

Re: plz dont give any def. wat actions do u perform on website while doing
monkey testing? or how can u do monkey testing?
Answer During monkey testing a tester have to
# 1 assume him as a
customer who do not know any thing
regarding the website
where a tester have to check all the links,
paths,every thing that appears on the

Re: how to write test case for triangle and sqaure?

Answer For Triangle:
1. Check if there are 3 sides
2. Check for the angles and their
sum [should be
180 degrees]
3. Check if the triangle is
equilateral or
isosceles or
4. Check if the sides are
coinciding or not
5. Check if the axioms SAS, SSS are
6. Check if the user is able to
draw the 3 circles
[Interior, exterior,

For Square:

1. Check if there are 4 sides

2. Check if the four angles should be
in 90 degrees.
3. Check if the four sides are in
equal length or not.
4. Check if the sides are coinciding
or not.

Re: how do i know that i have to do white\Black box testing

Answer Hey its very simple,
# 1 You have to perform in coding level of
testing, it is called
white box testing where as you have perform
in behavior of
application like., functional level, it is
called block box

Re: what is oss testing?

Answer OSS testing : open sourse software testing.
# 1 it is a functional testing tool.any body
can use this tool.
example for the oss tool is selenium

Re: This question has been asked in my recent inerview with Adithya Birla
Group.When to prepare System test plan after getting build or before
getting build?
Answer system test plan needs to be prepared well
# 1 in advance
before build. Testing should first start
with system test
plan in which we define the way we are
going to test. the
type of testing we are going to follow any
automation is
planned or not. Non testable requirements.
any trainings
needed any other resources needed. It also
includes effort
estimation and other details needed for

Re: we enter that user name field is blank and password field is blank and
click on Ok. what type of testing is this 1) functional testing 2)security
Answer Your question is really good and I am sure
# 2 most of them
would eager to know what is the real
testing going through it.

First of all we would check out for the

testing as we have to test whether the "ok"
(behaviour) is working accordingly when the
both the text
boxes are blank and apart from it we would
come across
different test scenario's like keeping one
text box blank
and the other duly filled or wise versa or
we me have other
cases like only using alphabets/ chars/
this was the first thing we would

second approach is every thing in the

functionality is fine
then we will go for the security testing by
giving wrong pwd
and other user names..etc as per the
requirement demands,
firewalls etc would also be considered.

Re: what is the difference between Developer environment and Test

Answer Development environment consis of:
# 4 desiginng
unit testing
module testing
integration testing

Testing environment consists of:

sanity testing
userinterface testing
usability testing
functional testing
non functional testing
aplha testing
beta testing ....... and some more.....

Inputs of testcases can be any of the following:

1. FRS - Functional Requirement Specification

2. SRS - System Requirement Specification
3. BRS - Business Requirement Specification

Outputs after executing the testcases are basically the

expected result as stated in all above documents.

Re: what are the inputs fo writing testcases and what are the outputs after
executing the testcases?
Answer 1.The Input of Test case can be Requirement
# 2 or Scope of the
Porject. we can say It is a Clearly defined
requirement specification.

2. Outputs after executing the Test case

are the Actual
results based on the scenerio we executed.
We have to make
sure that The Actual result Met the
Expected Result.

Re: After receiving the build.How will you start the testing
Answer First i will do smoke testing on
# 1 applicstion build ,
if build is stable then i will proceed to
system testing

Re: what are the different statuses of test cases?

Answer There will be 2 Status for the Test Cases:
# 2 1) Pass
2) Fail
Re: as a manual tett eng, waht should i learn in database or sql? could u plz
list out the topics in sql or database?
Answer Ideally every manual tester should have
# 1 sound knowledge of
databases. Tester should able to write
medium to complex
SQL queries to verify the data against
database and
application. He/She should able to
understand the database
ER diagram, relationship between different
tables and
should able to write the SQL queries by
using them.

Gone are the days of pure manual testing.

Now we see a
saturation in testing. Companies are
looking for people who
are having wide range of skills and not
merely manual

If you have a certification in Oracle/SQL,

that will be
surely counted.

Re: what is hotfix?

Answer A hotfix is a software package that are
# 6 used to solve a
particular problem/bug. One hotfix may be
used to address
more than 1 bug. They are similar to
patches. This is more
helpful in regression process because they
are prepared in
keeping possible side effects into

Re: How will you prepare traceability matrix if there is no Business Doc
and Functional Doc?
Answer Get Briefings from the BA's Developers ,
# 1 PM/PL understand
the domain of the application, try to
understand the
application by going through the prototype,
Understand the
modules and their functionalities. list out
sceanroius, document them in the
traceability matrices
Re: what is test objective?
Answer The test Objectives provide a prioritized
# 7 list of
verification or validation objectives for
the project. You
use this list of objectives to measure
testing progress,
and verify that testing activity is
consistent with project


Answer Test planning is some thing which is
# 3 planned by the Testing
HE/She decide how he/she is gone handle the
Its strategy,
How many tester would be involved & which
part of the
project the selected tester would test.
Which all testing technique would be

Tester only has to abide , what the

testing Lead tells the
tester to do.
Tester only has executed the test case.
Some time they made even the make the test

Re: EXplain the diffeenet types of bugs.....

Answer Different types of bugs are
#1 1.Missing of fuctionality
2.user interface bugs
3.Boundary related bugs
4.Calculation bugs
5.race conditions(hanging of
system bcoz dead lock)
6.Version controlbugs.......etc

Re: EXplain the diffeenet types of bugs.....

Answer Different types od bug:
# 5 1.User interface defects
2.Boundary related defects
3.Error handling defects
4.Calculation Defects
5.Control flow defects
6.Interpreting data defects
7.Competibility & intersystem defects
8.Hardware failure
Types of bugs during the testing phase of a

1.Logical bugs
2.GUI related bugs
3.Database related
4.System related
5.Software service pack
6.Browser related

Re: What are the testing processes, methodologies and techniques

Answer Testing Process :
# 3 1) Establish Test Objective
2) Prepare Test Plan
3) Design Test Cases
4) Review Test Cases
5) Execute Tests
6) Examine Test Results
7) Prepare Test Report
8) Prepare Post Mortem Report

Testing Methodologies :
1) Black Box Testing:
Methods are -
a) Equivalence
b) Boundary Value
c) Error Guessing
d) Use Case based
e) State
Transition Testing
2) White Box Testing:
Control Flow Testing -
a) Statement
b) Decision
c) Condition
d) Multiple
Condition Coverage
e) Path Coverage

Testing Techniues :
1) Static Testing (Verification)
2) Dynamic Testing (Validation)

Re: 1.what types of testing do testers perform ?

Answer Testers do Black box testing, means they
# 1 don have any idea
about the internal system or coding...They
test how the
system behaves, how the functionality is
working, it also
includes GUI's, alert messages, spellings,
everything that
is visible to you.

Re: How will you test Email field?

Answer E-mail address validation
Address = "A@b.c"; -- Valid
Address = "A@b.cnet"; -- Invalid
Address = "A@b.c_"; -- Invalid
Address = "A@bcnn"; -- Invalid
Address = "Ab.cnn"; --
Address = "A@bc"; -- Invalid
Address = "A@bat@.cnn"; -- Invalid
Address = "A@bat/.com"; -- Invalid

Must not be too short and too long.

Only one @ in email address
Only one period ’.’or two periods.
No more than 3 characters after the final
period (reverse
find is 0 based not 1 based)com/
Should not have an underscrode after @
Allowed characters 0-9 A-Z _. @-

Re: can u tell me what is orthogonal array testing?

Answer Othogonal Array Testing to my understanding
# 1 is not exactly
a testing type but a technique to reduce
the testing effort
by reducing the Testcases, identifying the
repetition of
pairwise combination.

Re: How would you ensure 100% coverage of testing?

Answer Using tracebality matrix

Re: how releases will happen in your company?

Answer Releases will happened in our company is
# 1 based on the client
requirements .If we reached/completed all
the requirements
then we go for release.dead lines reached
then we will go
for the release.
Re: Hai, Can anybody tell me what is test scenarios and how to write test
scenarios, pls give me one example.
Answer Test Scenario is nothing but the scenario
# 1 which you are
going to test.
Let me give you example of writing test
scenario for the
login screen in any web based application.

Consider that you need to test this screen.

The login screen contains the Logn
Name(Label)followed by
Text box to enter login and Password
(label)followed by
Text box to enter Password. Submit Button
and a Reset

Here we needs to concentrate both on

positive test scenario
by entering all the values and clicking on
the submit
button.Negative scenarios such as invalid
login name,
invalid password etc

Re: Is Alpha testing done by developers or testers?

Answer Alpha Testing is done by Client with the
# 2 Presence of Developer and Tester At the
Development Site.......

Re: what is suspension criteria and exit criterai in test plan/????

Answer Suspension criteria specify the criteria to
# 1 be used to suspend
all or portion of testing activities. And
Resumption criteria
specify when a testing activity can be
resumed after it has
been suspended.

Exit criteria specify the criteria to be

used to stop the
testing activities.
Re: what is non-functional testing? give 2 example..
Answer Basically non-functional testing refers to
# 1 the testing the quality attributes of the
system like Performance, Reliabilty load
testing etc.
Re: how can u do usability testing on website?
Answer Testing to determine the extent to which
# 2 the software
product is understood, easy to learn, easy
to operate and
attractive to the users under specified


Answer Manily Database Testing is used to Test 0 Amit
the application at
#1 Verma
Database Level.

Like whether all actions are shown on

databse or not.
For Ex. If v save any record then v
verifed at database
level whether the created record are
shown on database or
not & vice versa. That is known as
Manual Database Testing.

Is This Answer Correct ? 0 Yes 2 No


Answer according to my knowledge
# 2 database testing is done to check
whether the data entered
is stored in the databases in the right
format or not and
while retrieving r we able to retrieve
the right data and it
is not allowing to retrieve any secured
this is all done for database testing

the only way i know is by query in the

data bases we will
come to know
so using different tools and query lang
sql we can accomplish this task

Re: what is agile testing?

Answer When the customer requirements are suddenly
# 1 changing. In
this situation we use the agile testing
Re: How to create Test Data? What are the Fields in Test Data.
Please any one specify the format of Test Data?
Answer If you are writing test case then you 0 Rajesh
# 1 need input data for
any kind of test. Tester may provide
this input data at the
time of executing the test cases or
application may pick
the required input data from the
predefined data locations.
The test data may be any kind of input
to application, any
kind of file that is loaded by the
application or entries
read from the database tables. It may
be in any format like
xml test data, system test data, SQL
test data or stress
test data.

Design your test data considering

following categories:
Test data set examples:
1) No data: Run your test cases on
blank or default data.
See if proper error messages are

2) Valid data set: Create it to check

if application is
functioning as per requirements and
valid input data is
properly saved in database or files.

3) Invalid data set: Prepare invalid

data set to check
application behavior for negative
values, alphanumeric
string inputs.

4) Illegal data format: Make one data

set of illegal data
format. System should not accept data
in invalid or illegal
format. Also check proper error
messages are generated.

5) Boundary Condition data set: Data

set containing out of
range data. Identify application
boundary cases and prepare
data set that will cover lower as well
as upper boundary

6) Data set for performance, load and

stress testing: This
data set should be large in volume.

This way creating separate data sets

for each test
condition will ensure complete test

Is This Answer Correct ? 5 Yes 0 No

Re: How to create Test Data? What are the Fields in Test Data.
Please any one specify the format of Test Data?
Answer Hi Mr,
# 2 The source of the Test data differs
from Phases to Phases,
If you are in IAT then extract data
from Design docs,
if you are in System
testing( functional or non
functional ) get the data from SRS and
if you are in UAT,
then get data from BRS or some times
you are allowed to use
live data.

if you are not ok with my answer, -

contact me on

Re: diff b/w installation testing & compatibility testing?

Answer testing the installations of hardwares 0 N@n!
# 1 and softwares in the
application is called installation

testing the compatability between

existing product and
comparative product is called
compatability testing.

Is This Answer Correct ? 3 Yes 3 No

Re: diff b/w installation testing & compatibility testing?

Answer testing the installations of hardwares
# 2 and softwares in the
application is called installation

testing the compatability by execute

application on multiple
platform is called compatability

Re: In whic page of QC , we run our Test case, or from where we

run our Test cases from QC?
Answer In Test Lab: 0 Balaji
#1 M
The place to execute the Test Case in
qaulity Center.

Is This Answer Correct ? 2 Yes 1 No

Re: In whic page of QC , we run our Test case, or from where we

run our Test cases from QC?
Answer we can run the test cases in test lab
# 2 module in QC.

Re: in SDLC,at what phase life cycle stops?and what are the input and
output of each phase?
Answer In SDLC life cycle never stops untill the
# 1 pplication/product
becomes outdated or obsolete.
One thing i want to clear you friends

Typical SDLC phase looks like

Requirement Gathering
Requirement Analysis
Coding & integration

The above Seven are the major and important

SDLC Phases.
ofcourse one can think that after
deployment of
application/product in client enviroment
process will be ended.

But in real it never ends like that.After

deployment client
may need some changes or some additions or
some pathches
to fix bugs or support.

So life cycle never ends until the


Re: what is the main difference between high and low level design in sdlc
Answer High level design is the over all
# 1 architechture means root
requirement to leaf requirement but low
level design's
consists internal logic requirement of that
soft ware.

Re: what is the main difference between high and low level design in sdlc
Answer High level design:
Overall architecture of the
# 2 appplication (e.g) data
flow, flow chart, data structure ect.

Low level design:

Detailed description of the each and

every module.

Re: where do u store u'r Test cases?

Answer Usually the testcases are stored into 0 Bishwajit.rk
# 3 the common location
or a Repository. This repository can
within ur company's
server or outside. Its all depands on
company's policies.
But, during an interview, it's always
better to give a
single answer.
Testcases can be in WinWord or Excel
format and it should
be easily available to all whenever

Is This Answer
Correct ? 1 Yes 1 No

Re: where do u store u'r Test cases?

Answer Its differ frrom company to company 0 Seenu
# 4 some comapnies stores
inVSS,TD and Quality Centre.
Is This Answer
Correct ? 1 Yes 1 No

Re: where do u store u'r Test cases?

Answer Normally the test cases are stored in
# 5 the Quality Center,
Test Directory, Configuration
Management Tool (VSS). It is
basesd on the company it iwll be

Re: what is Application state,Base state and call state?

Answer Application state: When we do any action in
# 1 the application,
the changed state is called as Application

Base State: The initial state of the

application just after

Call State: Before performimg any action on

the application,
the state of the application what we are
visualising that it
will happen after doing a certain step of

Re: what is suspension criteria and exit criterai in test plan/????

Answer Suspension criteria specify the criteria to
# 1 be used to suspend
all or portion of testing activities. And
Resumption criteria
specify when a testing activity can be
resumed after it has
been suspended.

Exit criteria specify the criteria to be

used to stop the
testing activities.


Answer VSS: Visual Source Safe.(configuration
# 2 Management)
The tool is used to store all our project
Re: What is a TEST CONDITION?When it is used?who prepares
tesst conditions? Also pls explain me clearly with an example.Plsss
reply me fast. Thanks for the repliers.
Answer Test conditions are generally scenario 0 Khushbu
matrix which is based
# 1 upon use cases which are made from Nemade
developers side . and
then scenarios are generated so that
on this basis test
cases are generated .these are test
conditions, mailnly it
is path and some conditions through
which all paths of
application go tested.

Is This Answer
Correct ? 4 Yes 2 No

Re: What is a TEST CONDITION?When it is used?who prepares

tesst conditions? Also pls explain me clearly with an example.Plsss
reply me fast. Thanks for the repliers.
Answer a) Test condition is nothing but
which test cases
# 2 first execute the give test scenarios
b) The given test scenarios
totally depended on the
test condition
c) So must and should follow the
test condition other
wise in execution times coming to the
lot of defects
d) In other words it is the
preciosity of the very
important test case in the given
e) With help of the test condition
remain test cases
execution is very essay
f) It is prepared by whose the
write the this test
scenarios that person is given this

Re: How will you test Email field?

Answer E-mail address validation 0 Rajendra
# 3 Address = "A@b.c"; -- Valid
Address = "A@b.cnet"; -- Invalid
Address = "A@b.c_"; --
Address = "A@bcnn"; --
Address = "Ab.cnn";
-- Invalid
Address = "A@bc"; --
Address = "A@bat@.cnn"; --
Address = "A@bat/.com"; --

Must not be too short and too long.

Only one @ in email address
Only one period ’.’or two periods.
No more than 3 characters after the
final period (reverse
find is 0 based not 1 based)com/
Should not have an underscrode after @
Allowed characters 0-9 A-Z _. @-

Byeee Friends

Is This Answer
Correct ? 8 Yes 2 No

Re: How will you test Email field?

Answer There are many validation for E-mail
# 4 here i am defining some
of them.
Email format: vishal.bilgaiyan @
(1) (2) (3)
I have devided Email ID in 4 parts..
In first part we have to check invalid
condition input
spaces, Left blank, use special
character, symbols etc.

In Second part we have to check

invalid condition input
other specail character [!#$
%^&*()_-:;"'?/|\) at the place
of @. left thisfield as blank. input

In third part we have to check invalid

invalid domain.

In fourth part we have to check only


every time EmailID should be in well


Re: what i s SRS

Answer SRS is Software Requirement
# 1 Specification,whenever any
project started the first step is of
planning then
requirement gathering ,this requirement
gathering is the
phase for SRS.

Re: What is the difference between Client server and web based systems?
Answer Client server:
1.Application and server will be
2.if we want data we will send a
request to server
3.Server will fetch data and send to

Web based System:

1.Application, Middleware and

2.if we sent data request, request
will go to
middleware from middleware to server.
3.Response will come from server to
middleware and
middleware to application.

4.we r not authorised to connect

dirrectly to server(
mailnly for security ) ex: Yahoo

Re: From Which part of the Requirement we will prepare Test Cases
Answer We can use requirements document or
# 1 FRS(Functional
Requirement Specification) to prepare test
cases, and we use
test case template also.

Re: Suppose in your Project have 2 test engineers.Module A is tested by

You and Module B is tested by another Test Engineer.module A and B has
inter related functions.Then how you check the functionality of the
Answer in this case if we want to test the inter
# 1 related
functionality, the module A and B is to be
integrated. once
the integration of module A and B is done,
we can check the
inter related functionality of both the

Re: Tell me abuot your daily activities as a test engineer.

Answer i create test cases for every 0 T.k.padmalatha
# 1 project & prepared bug report
for correspond testcases and send to
test lead

Is This Answer 0 Yes

Correct ? 0 No

Re: Tell me abuot your daily activities as a test engineer.

Answer Role:
1.Understanding the BRS and Usecases
2.Giving system demo to PM, System
analyst, designer, Dev
3.Preparing the Test Actions in xls
4.Updating the Test Actions based on
review commnets by
System analyst/Business Analyst.
5.Preparing the Testcases and
Datasets(System level and
global level datasets) in word
6.updating the Test Cases based on
review comments by
System analyst.
7.Installing the application-Testing
environment set up.
necessary), Regression testing based
on Test cases
9.Preparing the defect report, Bug
tracking list and
sending daily status report to PM,
Re: What do u mean by BATCH test?
Answer It is also called as regression testing,
# 1 after u debugging
the appliction u can run it from top to

Re: What do u mean by BATCH test?

Answer Batch testing means during execution we
# 4 have to make a
dependent test cases as a batches.
ex; 1. insertion of atmcard
2. entering the pin number
here if we insert atmcard then only it will
ask the pin
number. after enterin the pin number only
it will ask
whether u want to withdrawl, balance
enquiry etc.
then only it will ask from wher i mean from
c/ac or saving.
then it will ask how much u want
if u observe here each and every test case
is depending on
the previous test case.
therefore group all these test cases as a
and execution of this batch i mean this
dependent test
cases is called batch testing.

Re: what is non-functional testing? give 2 example..

Answer non functional testing: testing the speed
# 2 of execution of
an application under various load
conditions is called non
functional testing.
4)stress e.t.c....


Answer priortize the test cases in such a way
# 2 that the features
which are most important to busy and have a
high impact on
the business and the feature which r
visible to the
customer are to be tested
Re: what is severity and what is priority
Answer severity defines the importance of defect
# 1 with respective
to functional point of view.(functional
Where as priority defines the
importance of defect
with respective to customer point of view.
(business effect)

Re: Test case for Google home page

Answer The Google logo Should be Displayed at the
# 1 top.
2.It Should have text box to do Search.
3.If you enterd nothing and just clicked
search the nothing
should be occur.
4.If you entered Special Characters
like !,@,#,$ etc it
should not search anything.
5.It should do the same search either
clicking on Search
button or pressing enter key.
6.It must have advanced Search option.
7.if a person has searched irrevelant it
display "Did you mean" link.
8.On clicking "Did you mean" it should
modify Search of its
9.It should have Sign IN option.
10.It should have language option

Re: explain fields of a bug

Answer Bug
# 2 Title,Build,module,Priority,siveority,steps
reproduce, Actual,Expected results and
Screenshots (if

Re: explain fields of a bug

Answer 1) Bug id
# 3 2) Version No Of AUT
3) Module Name
4) Status
5) Detail Description
6) Steps To Reproduce
7) Severity
8) Priority
9) Reported By
10) Assigned To
11) Reported Date
12) Fixed Date
13) Comments If Any

Re: What are the advantage of using V models?

Answer 1.The formal'V'model is a software
# 1 development and testing
model which helps identifying need of
planning and design
of testing in the early satge of
development process.
2.The major benefit of having both SDLC
along with STLC is
that,testing and development both get equal
importance in
the process and forces management for their
commitment,attention,and palnning of
required resources
equally for both.
3.another important advantage is that,o/p
from the
development phase can be tested or reviewed
by testing team
to validate the testability.
4.The last but not laest,early planing of
testing process
significantly reduces non-conformities
which otherwise not
detected at their respective phases.

Re: what is latent bug and golden bug.

Answer Latent bug: Bug which is identified by one
# 5 or more builds
are released.

Golden bug: Bug which is effected by more

critical parts
and major functionalities in our
application build.

Re: Is Alpha Testing done by Testers or Developers?

Answer alpha test done by customer at developer
# 4 side.beta test done
By customer at customer side.
Re: What is the difference between TEST STRATEGY and TEST
Answer Test strategy - it defines the projects
# 2 testing objecctives
& the means to achieve it. It also
determines the testing
effort & cost. It is more at project level.

Test process - It defines what is the

process used for
tesing in the organization. It is more at
organizational level

Re: what do you understand by browser and what r the types?

Answer The term browser is the short form for the
# 2 term web
browser. It is basically a software
application and is also
used to help in displaying as well as
locating various web
pages. These browsers generally help in
displaying graphics
as well as text, in other words they are
better known as
graphical browsers. It is better known
among the commons as
a web browser that is used to access the
World Wide Web.

And the Different Types of Browsers are:

3)Chrome (Google)
4)Safari (Apple)
10)Maxthon Browser
13)Dillo Web Browser
14)Kid Rocket
15)Phaseout Web Browser
16)Crazy Browser
17)Smart Browser
18)Shenz Browser
19)XB Browser
21)Space Time
22)Browser 3D
23)3B Room
24)Bitty Browser

Re: If there there are 100 test cases which need to be executed in
one day and out of them 50 are of Critical Severity, 30 are Major
and 20 are Minor. What would be your approach?
Answer we have to plan our tests in manner 0 Manasa
# 1 that the test cases are
executed on priority bases .by the time
if they ask to
quit,we have done the best in the time
available.according to priority
critical should be executed
first, then major and then minor.

please suggest me i i am wrong.

Is This Answer
Correct ? 4 Yes 0 No

Re: If there there are 100 test cases which need to be executed in
one day and out of them 50 are of Critical Severity, 30 are Major
and 20 are Minor. What would be your approach?
Answer You are right manasa.
# 2 But consider the below scenario also:

We have 20 minor test cases. Now lets

assume that these 20
test cases(Requirements) is being used
frequently by the
customer. Then we have to test these
test cases also(as the
priority is high). Its not just the
severity that decides
the execution but also the priority.

So before we proceed with the testing

we need to decide
what functionality is being used
frequently by the customer.

If the requirement is critical(High

severity) but very less
frequently used by the customer(low
priority) then there
may not be a need to test it under
tight schedules.

Re: Where are more than 50% of the defects introduced

Answer requirement phase - 56%
#3 design phase - 27%
coding - 7%
others - 10%

Re: WHAT is Sprint in term of Agile model?

Answer The sprint cycle is an iterative cycle of
# 2 about 3-4 weeks,
in which the actual development of the
product is done. It
starts out with a Sprint Planning Meeting
to decide what
will be done in the current sprint. Then
the development is
done. A sprint is closed with a Sprint
Review Meeting where
the progress made in the last sprint is
demonstrated, the
sprint is reviewed, and adjustments are
made to the project
as necessary.

Re: what are the –ve test cases for Railway Ticketing System?
Answer 1.check the invalid username and password
# 1 is accept or not
2.check the lessthan today date accepted
or not
3.check and Entered from and to place not
appearing list is
accept or not
4.Not select the Ticket type then click the
find trains Msg
display or not.
5.Not select the train Radio button then
click the
Showdetails system accept or not

Re: What Tester should do after getting Requirement Doc?

Answer First we know about clear requirement
# 1 function, after they
will go and write a test cases

Re: What does FRS contain ?Explain in detail.

Answer FRS mean functional requirement
# 3 specification document which
tells about the purpose, scope, goal etc...
of an
application which is to be tested. it
contains the
functional requirements of
application/project and hardware
& software requirements of the application
and objective of
the application.

Re: who will prepare the SRS,FRS,BRS, AND When Will they prepare that
Answer BRS(Business Requirement Specification) is
# 1 prepared in
Requirement Gathering phase by Business
Analyst who are
also known as ISM(Information Service

SRS(System Requirement Specification) &

Requirement Specification) both are the
same and are
separated by Project Manager from the BRS
Document. It is
done in Requirement Analysis phase.

Re: Who writes "white box " test cases ?

Answer who has knowledge in both coding and 0 Ashok
# 1 testing will write "white box"test

Is This Answer Correct ? 8 Yes 1 No

Re: Who writes "white box " test cases ?

Answer developers writing white box test cases
# 2 by seeing "program
Flow diagrams (PFD)".

Re: what are the inputs fo writing test cases and what are the
outputs after executing the test cases?
Answer Inputs of test cases can be any of the 4 Gg
# 1 following:
1. FRS - Functional Requirement
2. SRS - System Requirement
3. BRS - Business Requirement

Outputs after executing the test cases

are basically the
expected result as stated in all above

Is This Answer
Correct ? 17 Yes 4 No

Re: what are the inputs fo writing testcases and what are the
outputs after executing the testcases?
Answer 1.The Input of Test case can be
# 2 Requirement or Scope of the
Porject. we can say It is a Clearly
defined Project
requirement specification.

2. Outputs after executing the Test case

are the Actual
results based on the scenerio we
executed. We have to make
sure that The Actual result Met the
Expected Result.

Re: what is build and release?

Answer when a product/project is under development
# 2 it is divide in
to several modules and developed
and this modules are furthur dividedin to
small units

so whenever a unit or a particualy module

is developed by
developer it is stored in one place and
like this remaiing
modules are also stored in that place
the process of storing the product in one
place untill it
developed completely is called build

where as release is when the whole project

is done the
project is handedover
to customer whihc is called release

and in real timesome call build as release

and release as

Re: How will u write the test case if u don’t have the requirements and ahve
the similar application
Answer If requirements are not clear or we do not
# 3 have requirements
then we will write Test Cases in ADHOC
Manner. i.e. pls
Verify the ADHOC Testing Definition.

Re: How will u write the test case if u dont have the requirements and ahve
the similar application
Answer For this scenairo v can write the Test
# 2 cases in such a way

-Can write UI Test cases by using UI of the

-By using Experience based tech., v can
also write some
teat cases.
Re: what is the difference beween dry run testing and smoke testing?
Answer A dry run is a testing process where the
# 2 effects of a
possible failure are intentionally
mitigated. For example,
an aerospace company may conduct a "dry
run" of a takeoff
using a new aircraft on a runway before the
first test

Smoke testing is a term used in plumbing,

woodwind repair,
electronics, computer software development,
disease control, and the entertainment
industry. It refers
to the first test made after repairs or
first assembly to
provide some assurance that the system
under test will not
Catastrophically fail. After a smoke test
proves that "the
pipes will not leak, the keys seal
properly, the circuit
will not burn, or the software will not
crash outright,"
the assembly is ready for more stressful

Re: How to test cookies in Manual testing?

Answer Some generic Cookie test conditions are:
# 1 Nor mal test conditions are:
1.Cookie expiry check
If the application using persistent cookie
Then alter or modify the cookie Expiry
Date and Time to
paste date then the cookie must expire.
If the application using Session cookie
Close the application browser, cookie
should expire.
2.Check application functionality by:
Disabling cookies from browser
Enabling cookies from browser.
(Some applications may not work if we
disable the cookies
from browser)
3.If the application allows one user from
one System IP
then test:
Different User ID’s to check authentication
on same browser
& System Different User ID’s from different
browsers on
same system.(Note: different browsers
maintains different
places to store cookies)
4.If the application is designed to track
the user login
sessions then test whether the Login stats
updating accurately by logging in
application from same
system and different systems.

Some test conditions will come if the

testing inclues
session security.
they are:
1.Session Hijacking
2.Cookie Poisoning..etc

Re: What is the format for accentence testing. please answer me ASAP
Answer I think there is no specific format for
# 1 Acceptance Testing.
Basically Acceptance testing is a final
round testing which
is done by the client/customer to verify
the developed
product/project are in acceptable condition
or not.

Acceptance testing are of 2 types;-

-Alpha testing
-Beta Testing

-In Alpha Testing,customer test the

application with the
persence of Developers or Testers at the
Developers end.
-In Beta Testing,customer test the
application at their own
site w/o envolvement of Developers/Tester
i.e Live

Re: A bank application with From a/c, To a/c, amount and a submit
button - What are the conditions that you write for it.
Answer gui test cases 1 Chris
check wether the acc in accepting how
# 1 many digits according to test plan
same with other account wether it is
accepting alpha numeric characters
then performance test cases
try to enter submit button with out
entering valid amount
try to enter submit button with valid
submit button try to enter submit
button with entering any amount in acct

Is This Answer Correct ? 5 Yes 0 No

Re: A bank application with From a/c, To a/c, amount and a

submit button - What are the conditions that you write for it.
Answer I have explained the interviewer all
# 2 possible scenarios
drawing a decision table. But he is
asking me to write
exclusive test cases as i am

I think anybody's experience comes in

place when there is a
lot of complexity associated with the
application. If you
give login to a tester and to a sr
tester, they will both
write the same kind of test cases.

Re: An employee table, with the columns id, name, sal and dob.Query to
select emp names of all highest salaries(there are 4-5 people having the
same salary which happens to be the highest).
Answer select * from emp where sal = (select
# 2 Max(sal) from emp)

Re: in web application , what are the common "browser compatabality

issues " that you have across.?
Answer few browsers do not support the framing &
# 1 alignment . in
some browsers the objects or fields change
their location in
such a way that it gives a odd look .
Re: table X havng 3 column A,B,C....A column havng data 10 20 i
wanna have 1o value in A columns all three rows
Answer update X
# 1 set A=10

where A=20 and A=30


Re: Assume you are handling multiple projects and the scheduled were
clashing how would you mange about this
Answer I will reschedule the timing and create the
# 1 schedule which
will give same time to every project so
that it will never crash

Re: what is entry and exit criteria?

Answer From my understanding:
# 1 Entry Criteria:
•Approved design and requirement documents.
•Test plan must be reviewed and signed off
by TestLead/
•All developed code must be unit tested.
Unit and Link
testing must be completed and signed off by
•All human resources must be assigned and
available with
the necessary Test bed.
•Application must be installed and
configured similar to
the customer environment independently
(segregated from
development environment) to start test
•Test cases for Functional testing are
created and reviewed.

Exit Criterai:

•All high priority defects must be fixed

and re-tested.
•If any medium or low-priority defects are
outstanding –
Project Manager must sign off the
implementation risk as
•Test cases execution with test results.
•Bug Report.
•Test Report and Release approved by the
Test Manager.
•Software Release Checklist

Re: What is a Show Stopper?

Answer Severity ratings vary from organization to
# 2 organization and
project to project. But most organizations
have four kinds
of severity rating as shown.

Severity 1 (showstoppers): These kinds of

defects do not
allow the application to move ahead. So
they are also called
showstopper defects.
Severity 2 (application continues with
severe defects):
Application continues working with these
types of defects,
but they can have high implications, later,
which can be
more difficult to remove.
Severity 3 (application continues with
unexpected results):
In this scenario the application continues
but with unexpected
Severity 4 (suggestions): Defects with
these severities are
suggestions given by the customer to make
the application
better. These kinds of defects have the
least priority and
are considered at the end of the project or
during the
maintenance stage of the project.

Re: what is meant by system test case

Answer Test case written covering all System 0 Rohit
# 1 Requirements(E2E)is
called system test case.

Please correct me in case i am wrong

Is This Answer Correct ? 4 Yes 1 No

Re: what is meant by system test case

Answer A test case which covers major
# 2 functionality of application
e.g. ATM application - Authenticate
users, Withdraw money,
Balance Inquiry, Change pin, Pay bill
etc. are examples of
system test case

Here take an example of process of

withdrawing money
required whole system flow

Re: What are the different Testing methodologies?

Answer Testing Methodologies or Testing Techinques
# 4 both are same..
Black-Box Testing
White box testing

Test design Techniques


Process development Models or Process

Models are
Waterfall Model
V-V Model
Agile, Iterative, Spiral model, Prototype

Hello friends do not confuse be clear ok

Re: What is meant by UAT testing? And how is the UAT testing carried
Answer UAT Testing is a final level of testing and
# 2 Black box test
engineers will perform testing on the user
desired areas in
the presence of user in order to make him
accept the

UAT Testing is having 2 types

Alpha Testing : conducted testing in the

software company,
just before delivery by the test engineers
in the presence
of user.

Beta Testing : Conducted testing in the

client's place,
either by the end-users or 3rd party
testing experts just
before actual implementation of the

Re: What are the different phases available in STLC.

Answer The phases in STLC are 0 Sravan
# 1 1. Test Planing Reddy
2. test Development
3. Test Execution
4. Result Analysis
5. Bug Tracking & Reporting

Is This Answer Correct ? 2 Yes 0 No

Re: What are the different phases available in STLC.

Answer Phases in STLC
# 2 Requirement analysis
Test Planning
Test design
Test Execution
Defect Logging
Defect Reports
Results analy


Answer Verify the memory capacity of pen drive 0 Sagar
# 1 Verify the Warranty of the pen drive
verify the brand name of the pen drive

thats it my though about pen drive if

any body know more
then post and think about -ve TC's
Is This Answer Correct ? 1 Yes 0 No


Answer Verify whether der is virus or not.
# 2 check whether it is detected or not.
check whether contents are fully
loaded(i.e pd is full)

Re: What are Test Deliverables?

Answer Test deliverable Contains
# 1 test case document'
Bug report
test log
test script
test summery report

Re: what the diff b/w Smoke Testing and Santy Testing?
Answer Smoke Testing:- Smoke testing is after
# 1 build releasing we
will test high level functionalities
working or not.

Sanity Testing:- Sanity testing is we will

test all
functionalities working properly or not.

Re: what are the risks and challanges u face while testing?
Answer The challenges include to execute all
# 2 possible cases in the
given time frame. The testing performed
should be well
executed within the predefined scope of
testing, meeting
the customer requirements.

Re: what are the risks and challanges u face while testing?
Answer The below are the Risks and chanllenges in
# 3 Testing:
1.Lack of Time
2.Lack of Resources.
3.Lack of Knowledge in Project domain
4.Lack of Test data
5.Ego Problems
6.Lack of Communication between the teams

Re: how to write system test cases for a pen

Answer 1. Open Cap then the Pen shoul write 2 Nawaz
#1 Pass
2. Close the Cap then the Pen Should
not Write Pass
3. Pen is not writing even the Cap Open
4. If there is no Ink then pen Should
not write

Like this you can create a number of

Test Cases for pen

Is This Answer
Correct ? 15 Yes 8 No

Re: how to write system test cases for a pen

Answer There are few pre-requisite before test
# 2 case writing.
1. Tester should have Requirement (BRD,
2. He/She should be completed with the
3. Scenario identification should be
4. Then test case writing should be
basis of the task done

Answer of above question is like...

User cannot write test
cases based on the above statement.
As a tester, he/she cannot assume and
write any statement
to write test cases.

Re: Guys, can any one of u give the realtime example for Ad Hoc Testing
Answer If we are give a login page & its strictly
# 2 restricted to
input special characters in the email ID,
The testers try to input special characters
& blank space .
Then if the system is creating a new email
ID ,Then the
test fails.
If it displays an error message then its

Re: Guys, can any one of u give the realtime example for Acceptance
Answer After the build is relesed & reaches at
# 1 customers place
customer checks for the required
specifications.If the
specifications are as required then the
customer gives an
acceptance report.Its called acceptance

Ex- I place order to purchese a pen with

pink colour having
2 types of ink colour.After i receive the
pen i will check
the body colour & ink colour ,this is
called acceptance
testing & usually done by customer.

Re: what is meant by defect tracking system?

Answer it is an s/w apllication used to track the
# 1 defects that are
found while testing any

when tester finds a bug he needs a

way/method to report to
developing team ,he cant just say it oraly
or write a mail
becoz this may lead to miscommunication and
more other

so this defect tracking system or bug

tracking system is
used to keep track of the bug status and
its detail

Re: can we give special characters in password

Answer yes, we can give special characters 0 Rajenreddy
# 1 in pwd but should not
that happened to start with a special
And also it is depends on different
domains i.e client
requirement bcz most of the Banking
Domain projects willl
not accept specials characters.

Is This Answer 16 Yes

Correct ? 0 No

Re: can we give special characters in password

Answer We cannot say the answer as yes or
no. it depends upon
client requirements as some clients
want the passwords must
be strong having combination of
alphanumeric and special
characters. some clients wants it to
be simple.

Is This Answer 10 Yes

Correct ? 1 No

Re: How or why testing is associated with the term "BOTTLE

Answer Testing a large amount of requirement 0 Yaachit
# 1 requires a set of Plan,
These Plans are nothing but ways to
reduce work load in an
efficient manner to cover a vast field
of software testing.

By Word Bottle Neck Means how testing

process handle vast
requirement and to test it effectively
and efficiently
within a specified period of time.

Thus, Testing Put of emphasis of

executing Vast areas/states
of an software in an efficient similar

Is This Answer
Correct ? 6 Yes 1 No

Re: How or why testing is associated with the term "BOTTLE

Answer Bottle neck means a state in project
# 2 because of which
project can not progress further.This
is related to testing
because using this term tester can
analyse bugs which are
introduce because of this state (Bottle
neck).These bugs
are called as show stopper bugs.Project
can not progress
further unless an until these bugs get

Re: What is the difference between Functional and Technical bugs? Give an
example for each.
Answer Functional bugs are related to
functionality of application
#3 whereas technical bugs are associated with
technical issues
in application.Below are examples for each
type of bug.

Functional bugs: 1)As per SRS Gross Salary

= Salary in hand
+HRA+DA though in application Gross Salary
is calculated by
applying some other formula.
2)As per SRS students who has scored
percentile more than 69
should be grade as "Distinction" however
after processing
grades of students ,students who has scored
percentile less
than 69 are also confer distinction grade.

Technical bugs : 1)Application is not

compatible with
windows vista OS.
2)Website is not working with Mozilla

Re: Pls give proper Seq. to following testing Types

Regression,Retesting,Funtional,Sanity and Performance Testing.
Answer sanity,functional,retesting,regression,performance

Re: What are test case formats widely use in web based testing?
Answer Web based applications deal with live 0 Lakshmi
web portals. Hence the
# 1 test cases can be broadly classified V
as - front end , back
end, security testing cases,
navigation based, field
validations , database related cases.
The test cases are
written based on the functional
specifications and wireframes.

Is This Answer
Correct ? 8 Yes 1 No

Re: what are different types of test cases?.

Answer 1.Functionality Test Cases
# 3 2.User Interface Test Cases
3.Performence Test Cases
4.Integration Test Cases
5.Usability Test cases
6.Database Testing Test Cases
7.Security Test Cases
8.User Acceptence Test cases
9.Unit test cases....................etc
or call me:9885162742

Re: what are different types of test cases?.

Answer I would broadly classify test Cases into 3
# 4 categories:
1. Positive test case - system is doing
what it suppose to
2. Negative Test Case - system is not doing
what is it
suppose not to do
3. Destructive Test Case - trying to break
the system and
see if it get effected

Re: What test data will be required if Person 1 transfer money in Person2
Answer Pre-Conditions:
# 6 (1) Person 1 & 2 should have valid accounts
(2) Should have transferable amount
Required Test Data is :
(1) Person 2's Account Number.
(2) Bank Name of the Person 2
(3) Branch of the Bank of the Person 2

Re: What test data will be required if Person 1 transfer money in Person2
Answer Here the precondition should be satisfied
# 4 to do Transfer
-The Person whoever is doing the money
transfer should have
that Transfer amount may be more than this
if it satisfied
then only he can go furthur

Flow 1:

If the Person2 account infmn is valid then

1.Tranfer amount should be deducted from

the Person1 and a
confirmation mail should be generated to
the user with the
Transaction number
2.Check the Person2 account branch is same
as Person1,Here
depending on the Bank conditions the same
amount should be
added to the Person2
Alternate Flow:

If the Person2 account infmn is Invalid:

Same amount should be added back to the

Person1 with in the

Re: Where you involve in testing life cycle ,what type of test you perform
Answer In testing life cycle a test engineer's
# 3 involvement will be
based on the role or designation of the
employee in that
company. Test leads will involve in
preparing test
planning. Senior test engineers will
involve in preparing
the test cases and executing the test cases
as well if
permits, and junior testers will involve in
test execution,
reporting, etc. any test engineer has to
perform all kinds
of testings like build verification or
smoke testing,
retesting, regression testing, system
testing, system
integration testing (black box integration)
testing etc.
Please let me know if i am right or wrong.

Re: what is test report?

Answer Test report will define the exact test case
# 3 execution result
that done for a particular cycle or may
be for a phase

Test report includes the following :

1)Number of cycles/iterations
2)Total Execution hours
3)Total number of test cases
4)Number of test cases passed
5)Number of test cased failed
6)Number of test cases not executed
7)Number of defects identified(including
the severity)
8)Defects verified/terminated/unverified
9)Defects verified
10)Cumulative Defects

Finally percentage of test case passed,

failed etc..
Re: What is CMM-1,2,3,4,5 Level Company? How much levels are there
like CMM?
Answer capability maturity model, this shows the
# 1 company standards
the procedured

1) Initial: The software process is

characterized as ad hoc,
and occasionally even chaotic. Few
processes are defined,
and success depends on individual effort
and heroics.
2) Repeatable: Basic project management
processes are
established to track
cost, schedule, and functionality. The
necessary process
discipline is in place to repeat earlier
successes on
projects with similar applications.
3) Defined :The software process for both
management and
engineering activities is documented,
standardized, and
integrated into a standard software process
for the
organization. All projects use an approved,
tailored version
of the organization's standard software
process for
developing and maintaining software.
4) Managed :Detailed measures of the
software process and
product quality are collected. Both the
software process and
products are quantitatively understood and
5) Optimizing :Continuous process
improvement is enabled by
quantitative feedback from the process and
from piloting
innovative ideas and technologies.

Re: is tha integration testing include non functional test?

Answer intergration testing includes bothe 0 Rekha
# 1 functional & non
functional tetsing as per the
requirement of application
Is This Answer Correct ? 7 Yes 3 No

Re: is tha integration testing include non functional test?

Answer No it will not include Non Functional
# 2 testing because
intergration testing is done in
Development environment,

Sysytem Intergation Testing is done by


Here all we get confuse integration is

different from
System interation

Re: Who Decide Severity And Priority ?

Answer Priority is decided by the lead or PM.
# 1 severity is decided by the tester.

Re: what are the types of priority and sevority?

Answer Priority- Importance of the bug is known as
# 1 Priority
Seviority-Impact of the bug is known as

Re: what are the types of priority and sevority?

Answer Priority : how fast the bug should be
# 3 resolved.
Severity : how badly it effected the

Priority : p1 --> Fatal ------------- S1

--> Critical
p2 --> Major ------------- s2
--> High
p3 --> Minor ------------- s3
--> Medium
p4 --> Suggestion -------------
s4 --> Low
Re: Tell me your views in this project?
Answer a) In the my project my views always
meet to customer
# 1 requirements
b) I am take the lot of input test
data and execute
the all test cases
c) Always I am give to very good
quality of to customer
d) I am always help to my team members
and I can
possible to help to total of project
e) And so on

Re: How to do test if we have minimal or no documentation about the

Answer then we go for adhoc testing

Re: only one tester & one developer ,the product is released to be today
night.if you found a critical bug then wat u do
Answer Its totally depends on the Developer &
# 3 Tester how to go
through that problem.
Depending on the application it that bug
effects the whole
application than its not the right time to
release the
product, but if the bug affects any
particular module so
remove that module at that instant and the
developer and
tester can do that.
And as per sujata its not necessary to
report that bug in
BTT because while releasing the product we
cant show the
Client any Bug. Developer can fix that bug
at that instant

Re: what is meant by bug identification ratio?

Answer bug identification ratio=no of defects/no
# 1 of test case * 100

Re: What is exact meaning of Standalone application?

Answer Application which doesn't depends on any
#1 external resources
is Standalone Application, ie Calculator.

Re: 1.How will u write traceability matrix? 2.What is Test summary

Report…? 3. What is Test Closure report…? 4.What are the Testing
methodologies that u have followed in your project ?
Answer Traceablity Matrix is nothing but its a
# 1 document mapping
between the customer requirements and tes
have a standard template for traceablity
Our compnay template is:

1. Requirement( which is mentioned in SRS)

2. Test Scenario.
3. Test Cases.
$. sub module name( whether it is report or
tools (form
5. Status.
6. Bug Id.
7. Remarks.

Other name of traceability matrix is

Requirment Validation
matirx and Requirement Tracebality matrix.

2.Test Summary Report is nothing its a

document describes
what are the activities involved in the
contains the resources name,tools used,test
many bugs are passsed and failed.test cases
are completed
fully or not. All the testing activities
are summarized in
this document.

3) Test Closure document also same as Test

Summary Document.

4) It depends, v r following waterfall

model. most of the
companies using this model.

Re: what is the use of a tester.Even admin or developer others can do

testing What is the main advantage of atester. why do testing team need
Answer Developers point of testing is mainly
#3 application oriented.
If the result or output meets the
requirement then their
work is done. Developers lack the
objectivity of testing.

Tester test the product in all aspects

including the
characteristics such as reliability,
interoperability and stress / load the
system can work upon
and so on..

Really testers have lots to do than


Re: what is defect leakage?

Answer Defect leakage occurs at the Customer or
# 1 the End user side
after the application delivery. After the
release of the
application to the client, if the end user
gets any type of
defects by using that application then it
is called as
Defect leakage. This Defect Leakage is also
called as Bug

Re: What are the ways to check memory leak?

Answer hi i m swapnil
# 1 when ever we perform PERFORMANCE Testing we
load the
machine to the max the memory leaksmemory
leak means we
have limeted resources like limited memory
to use
temporarily but we shud deallocate memory
so that it can be
use correctly like in load function we load
the file but it
will be still in memory by using load and
unload we can
over come this problem...

Re: when there are any CRs in the projects, as a tester what do you do?
Answer When a CR's Arrives, all the following
# 2 thinkgs are carried
out step wise:
>>Walkthrough meeting where the business
analyst explains
the CR in detail to the developers and the
>>Review meeting carried by Testing team
seperatly and
assigning the CR to a particular candidate
to find the
impacted area due to this.
>>Candidate to write test cases and send
across for review.
>>And as soon as the code is ready, carry
out testing and
keep the proofs for the defects raised.
>>Retesting for fixes if pass
simultaneously carry out
regression testing.
>>And once testing is stopped, it is

Re: Explain 5 Test Matrics?

Answer Test case effectiveness
# 1 Test coverage
Number of defects
Defect severity
Time to find a defect
No of passed testcase
No of Fauiled testcases
Test Cases Executed
Test Cases Unexecuted (Blocked)
Test Cases Re-executed
Number of testers invloved in testing(Man

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