Optimal Product Mix (LP - Simplex)

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Optimal Product Mix (LP - Simplex)

Q1. A drug company produces six different drugs. Each drug requires labour hours and raw material mentioned in Pounds below. For each dr
given below in Pounds. Also, Company has a limit of Monthly Capacity in terms of available Labour Hours and Raw Material. This month, ma
this company maximize its monthly profit? Refer to Q3 details below.
Q2. Shoe Company produces three types of ethnic footwear - shoes, sandals, and slippers. It makes a profit of $40, $25, and $30 on each pa
and 45 min of machining time. Each sandal requires 20 minutes of labour time and 25 min of machining time. Each slipper requires 30 minute
2400 minutes of labour time and 2400 minutes of machining time. How many shoes, sandals, and slippers, it should manufacture to maximize

Q3. WoodCo produces desks and chairs. It makes a profit of $250 per desk and $150 per chair. Each desk requires 22 sq. ft. of wood and 14
procures 1200 sq. ft. of wood per month and has available 600 monthly labour hours. How many desks and chairs, it should manufacture to m

Product Code A B C
Labor Hours Needed Per Pound of Drug (In Hours) 6 5 4
Raw Material Required Per Pound of Drug (In Pounds) 3.2 2.6 1.5
Unit Selling Price per Pound of Drug ($) $ 12.50 $ 11.00 $ 9.00
Unit Cost Price Per Pound of Drug ($) $ 6.50 $ 5.70 $ 3.60
Market Demand Limit For Each Drug (Pounds) 960 928 1041
duct Mix (LP - Simplex)
ed in Pounds below. For each drug, Unit Cost and Unit Price per Pound is given below. Monthly Demand for each drug is
d Raw Material. This month, maximumof 4,500 hours of labor and 1,600 pounds of raw material are available. How can

of $40, $25, and $30 on each pair of shoe, sandal and slipper respectively. Each shoe requires 40 minutes of labour time
Each slipper requires 30 minutes of labour time and 26 min of machining time. Shoe Company has a weekly capacity of
should manufacture to maximize the weekly profits?

equires 22 sq. ft. of wood and 14 labour hours. Each chair requires 18 sq. ft. of wood and 8 labour hours. WoodCo
hairs, it should manufacture to maximize the monthly profits?

3 2.5 1.5
0.8 0.7 0.3
$ 7.00 $ 6.00 $ 3.00
$ 2.80 $ 2.20 $ 1.20
977 1084 1055
Optimal Product Mix (LP - Simpl
Q. A drug company produces six different drugs. Each drug requires labour hours and raw material mentioned
below. Monthly Demand for each drug is given below in Pounds. Also, Company has a limit of Monthly Capaci
4,500 hours of labor and 1,600 pounds of raw material are available. How can this company maximize its mont

(Hit N Trial) Monthly Drug Production (Pounds)

Product Code
(Input 1) Labor Hours Needed Per Pound of Drug (In Hours)
(Input 2) Raw Material Required Per Pound of Drug (In Pounds)
Unit Selling Price per Pound of Drug ($)
Unit Cost Price Per Pound of Drug ($)
Market Demand Limit For Each Drug (Pounds)
Unit Profit per Pound of Drug ($)

=SUMPRODUCT(E11:J11,$E$4:$J$4) Profit ($)

=SUMPRODUCT($E$4:$J$4,E6:J6) Total Labor Used (Hours)

=SUMPRODUCT($E$4:$J$4,E7:J7) Total Raw Material Used (Pounds)
Optimal Product Mix (LP - Simplex)
hours and raw material mentioned in Pounds below. For each drug, Unit Cost and Unit Price per Pound is given
pany has a limit of Monthly Capacity in terms of available Labour Hours and Raw Material. This month, maximumof
an this company maximize its monthly profit?

0 0 0 596.66667 1084 0
6 5 4 3 2.5 1.5
3.2 2.6 1.5 0.8 0.7 0.3
$ 12.50 $ 11.00 $ 9.00 $ 7.00 $ 6.00 $ 3.00
$ 6.50 $ 5.70 $ 3.60 $ 2.80 $ 2.20 $ 1.20
960 928 1041 977 1084 1055
$ 6.00 $ 5.30 $ 5.40 $ 4.20 $ 3.80 $ 1.80

$ 6,625.20
Available Limit
4500 <= 4500
1236.1333333 <= 1600
er Pound is given
month, maximumof
Optimal Product Mix (L
Q2. Shoe Company produces three types of ethnic footwear - shoes, sandals, and slipper
slipper respectively. Each shoe requires 40 minutes of labour time and 45 min of machinin
time. Each slipper requires 30 minutes of labour time and 26 min of machining time. Shoe
minutes of machining time. How many shoes, sandals, and slippers, it should manufacture

(Hit N Trial) Weekly Production (Units)

Available Product Code
4500 (Input 1) Labor Time Required Per Unit (Minutes)
1600 (Input 2) Machining Time Required Per Unit (Minutes)
Unit Profit ($)

Profit ($)

Total Labour Time (Minutes) Available Per Week

Total Machining Time (Minutes) per Week

(0,41,52) => 2585

Optimal Product Mix (LP - Simplex)
twear - shoes, sandals, and slippers. It makes a profit of $40, $25, and $30 on each pair of shoe, sandal and
abour time and 45 min of machining time. Each sandal requires 20 minutes of labour time and 25 min of machining
nd 26 min of machining time. Shoe Company has a weekly capacity of 2400 minutes of labour time and 2400
and slippers, it should manufacture to maximize the weekly profits?

0 41 52
Shoe Sandal Slipper
40 20 30
45 25 26
$ 40.00 $ 25.00 $ 30.00

$ 2,585.00
Available Limit
$ 2,380.00 <= 2400
$ 2,377.00 <= 2400
e, sandal and
25 min of machining
ime and 2400
Optimal Product Mix (L
Q3. WoodCo produces desks and chairs. It makes a profit of $250 per desk and $150 per
requires 18 sq. ft. of wood and 8 labour hours. WoodCo procures 1200 sq. ft. of wood per
chairs, it should manufacture to maximize the monthly profits?

(Hit N Trial) Monthly Production (Units)

Available Product Code
4500 (Input 1) Labor Hours Required Per Unit
1600 (Input 2) Raw Material Required Per Unit
Unit Profit ($)

Profit ($)

Total Labour Hours Available Per Month

Total Wood Available per Month (square Feet)
Optimal Product Mix (LP - Simplex)
ofit of $250 per desk and $150 per chair. Each desk requires 22 sq. ft. of wood and 14 labour hours. Each chair
o procures 1200 sq. ft. of wood per month and has available 600 monthly labour hours. How many desks and

16 47
Desks Chairs
14 8
22 18
$ 250.00 $ 150.00

$ 11,050.00 =SUMPRODUCT(E5:F5,E9:F9)
Available Limit
600 <= 600 =SUMPRODUCT(E5:F5,E7:F7)
1198 <= 1200 =SUMPRODUCT(E5:F5,E8:F8)
ours. Each chair
ny desks and

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