Every child has the same set of To be seen and heard needs. These are the foundations To be understood for the healthy development of To be validated relationships, identity and To be loved and wanted wellbeing. These needs are To feel connected universal and we never grow out To feel safe and secure of them, no matter how old we get. Freedom To express how you feel or think However, if you didn't get your To express what you like or dislike early needs met then you may feel To ask for what you need or want like you don't need them now or To make choices you don't deserve them. That idea comes from your Punitive Parent Autonomy Mode and needs to be challenged. Opportunities for independence to become our own person Opportunities for challenge and stimulation for growth These are the needs of the Opportunities to develop competence in tasks Vulnerable Child and it becomes Opportunities for self-development the responsibility of the Healthy To receive constructive feedback Adult Mode to meet the needs. Some of these needs can be met Spontaneity and Play by the self, other needs will Opportunities for fun and silliness require reaching out to other Opportunity for self-expression people in skilful ways. Opportunity for exploration and adventure Opportunities for imagination and creativity Learning to meet these needs will take time, practise and deliberate Boundaries effort. Be gentle with yourself as To practise self control you figure out how to do that. To be self-disciplined To take responsibility for our actions
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