Steam Turbine

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Company Req. Reference: RC2-30-ROTA-SRS-67-000-9109 Contractor Req. Reference: 8458U-30-SR-0910-09

Procedure for Erection and Installation of the Steam Turbine

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Coppus RLH Turbines

Instruction Manual

April 1997 591114000

Revision B
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Coppus RLH Turbines How to Use This Manual

How to Use This Manual



This instruction manual contains installation, operation, and maintenance instructions for the
Coppus Turbine identified on the Turbine Data Sheet included with this manual. It should be
reviewed throughly by the user before attempting to install and operate the turbine, and should be
kept in a location convenient to the user for ready reference during operation and maintenance.


A complete reading of this manual by personnel in contact with the steam

turbine is essential to safety. INCORRECT INSTALLATION, OPERATION,

The Instruction Manual consists of 15 sections, as listed in the table of contents. Each section is
further broken down into subsections.

Since this is a general instruction manual, describing the general turbine (ring oiled, TG governor),
the description and illustrations contained herein may differ in minor details from the unit actually
supplied. However, all general installation, operation, and maintenance procedures are applicable.

For those turbines supplied with optional lubrication systems, control systems, and/or accessories,
or instrumentation, refer to the combined description, operation procedures, and maintenance
procedures in the Supplemental Documentation section, supplied at the end of the complete

The instructions contained in this manual do not attempt to cover all details, nor provide for every
possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation, or maintenance.

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How to Use This Manual Coppus RLH Turbines

The supplying of instructions does not imply in any manner that Coppus Turbine Division accepts
liability for work carried out by a customer or contractor personnel. Liability is limited to and as
stated in our Terms and Conditions of Sale.

Should further information be desired, or should particular problems arise which are not covered
sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be referred to Coppus Turbine Division.

All inquiries regarding installation, operation, maintenance, spare parts, or service should be
directed to your Coppus manufacturer’s representative, or to:

Tuthill Corporation/Coppus Turbine Division

Millbury Industrial Park
PO Box 8000
Millbury, MA 01527-8000
Tel. 508-756-8391
Fax 508-798-3131

Refer to Section M, Replacement Parts/Factory Service, for information on how to request factory
service or order replacement parts.

ii Revision B Instruction Manual

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Coppus RLH Turbines Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Safety Precautions ..................................................................................................................S-1
Warranty ...........................................................................................................................W-1

Section A--Introduction and General Description ...................... A-1

A.1 Turbine Description .............................................................................................A-1
A.2 Construction........................................................................................................A-1
A.3 Main Components ...............................................................................................A-2
A.4 Factory Test........................................................................................................A-7
A.5 Shipping Preparation/Crating...............................................................................A-7
A.6 Uncrating and Inspection.....................................................................................A-8
A.7 Short Term Storage.............................................................................................A-8
A.8 Long Term Storage .............................................................................................A-9
A.9 Coppus Factory Service/Replacement Parts........................................................A-10
A.10 Re-Rating and Upgrades.....................................................................................A-10

Section B--Technical Data............................................................ B-1

B.1 General...............................................................................................................B-1
B.2 Lifting..................................................................................................................B-1
B.3 Alignment............................................................................................................B-3
B.4 Thermal Growth ..................................................................................................B-3
B.5 Lubricants ...........................................................................................................B-3
B.6 Fits, Clearances and Balance Limits....................................................................B-4
B.7 Piping Forces ......................................................................................................B-4
B.8 Bolt Torques and Materials..................................................................................B-7
B.9 Sealants and Joint Compounds ...........................................................................B-8
B.10 Cooling Water to Bearing Housing Water Jackets ...............................................B-9
B.11 Steam Pressure and Temperature Limits.............................................................B-9
B.12 Turbine Rotor Data .............................................................................................B-10

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Table of Contents Coppus RLH Turbines

Section C--Installation.................................................................. C-1

C.1 General .............................................................................................................. C-1
C.2 Foundation ......................................................................................................... C-2
C.3 Piping ................................................................................................................. C-4
C.3.1 Piping Forces ..................................................................................................... C-4
C.3.2 Block Valves....................................................................................................... C-6
C.3.3 Full Flow Relief Valve ......................................................................................... C-6
C.3.4 Inlet Piping C-7
C.3.5 Exhaust Piping ................................................................................................... C-8
C.3.6 Piping Blow Down............................................................................................... C-9
C.3.7 Steam Strainer ................................................................................................... C-9
C.3.8 Check Valve ....................................................................................................... C-9
C.3.9 Expansion Joints ................................................................................................ C-10
C.3.10 Drain Piping........................................................................................................ C-12
C.3.11 Leak-Off Piping................................................................................................... C-12
C.3.12 Cooling Water Piping to Bearing Housing Water Jackets .................................... C-13
C.3.13 Gland Seal Piping............................................................................................... C-14
C.3.14 Suggested Inlet, Exhaust, and Drain Piping Schematics ..................................... C-15
C.4 Alignment Requirements..................................................................................... C-16
C.5 Couplings ........................................................................................................... C-17
C.6 Preparation for Alignment ................................................................................... C-18
C.7 Compensation for Thermal Growth ..................................................................... C-20
C.8 Cold Alignment ................................................................................................... C-21
C.8.1 Angular Alignment .............................................................................................. C-21
C.8.2 Parallel Alignment............................................................................................... C-22
C.9 Grouting ............................................................................................................. C-23
C.10 Hot Alignment Check .......................................................................................... C-24

Section D--Speed Control System............................................... D-1

D.1 General .............................................................................................................. D-1
D.2 Standard Governor ............................................................................................. D-1
D.3 Lubrication and Maintenance .............................................................................. D-2
D.4 Speed Range and Droop Adjustment .................................................................. D-3
D.5 Optional Governors ............................................................................................ D-3
D.6 Throttle Valve ..................................................................................................... D-3
D.7 Throttle Linkage.................................................................................................. D-5
D.8 Handvalves ........................................................................................................ D-5

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Coppus RLH Turbines Table of Contents

Section E--Overspeed Trip System ............................................. E-1

E.1 General...............................................................................................................E-1
E.2 Warnings ............................................................................................................E-2
E.3 Description and Function.....................................................................................E-3
E.3.1 Overspeed Trip Collar Assembly .........................................................................E-3
E.3.2 Trip Valve E-4
E.3.3 Trip Linkage ........................................................................................................E-6
E.4 Trip System Operation ........................................................................................E-8
E.4.1 Manual Reset......................................................................................................E-8
E.4.2 Manual Reset Against Full Flow and Pressure.....................................................E-9
E.5 Adjustment..........................................................................................................E-10
E.5.1 Trip Speed Setting ..............................................................................................E-10
E.6 Testing the Overspeed Trip Mecnaism ................................................................E-11
E.6.1 General...............................................................................................................E-11
E.6.2 Overspeed Trip Test Procedure ..........................................................................E-12

Section F--Lubrication System .................................................... F-1

F.1 General...............................................................................................................F-1
F.2 Lubrication Requirements....................................................................................F-1
F.3 Oil Ring Lubrication.............................................................................................F-2
F.4 Oil Mist Lubrication..............................................................................................F-2
F.5 Circulating Oil ....................................................................................................F-3
F.6 Force-Feed Oil Lubrication ..................................................................................F-3
F.7 Cooling Water to Bearing Housing Water Jackets ...............................................F-4
F.8 Constant Level Oiler............................................................................................F-7
F.9 Oil Levels/Capacities...........................................................................................F-7
F.10 Maintenance/Oil Changes ...................................................................................F-8
F.11 Lubricating Oil Selection Guidelines ....................................................................F-8
F.12 Air Purge of Bearing Housings ............................................................................F-9

Section G--Leak-Off, Drain and Gland Seal Systems................. G-1

G.1 Leak-Offs ............................................................................................................G-1
G.2 Drains .................................................................................................................G-2
G.3 Gland Seal Piping ...............................................................................................G-2

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Table of Contents Coppus RLH Turbines

Section H--Optional Instruments and Controls.......................... H-1

H.1 Sentinel Warning Valve ...................................................................................... H-1
H.2 Pressure and Temperature Gauges .................................................................... H-2
H.3 Solenoid Trip ...................................................................................................... H-2
H.4 Other Optional Instruments and Controls ............................................................ H-2

Section I--Start-Up and Operation ............................................... I-1

I.1 Warnings............................................................................................................ I-1
I.2 General .............................................................................................................. I-2
I.3 Turbine Installation and Start-Up Checklist ......................................................... I-3
I.3.1 Background ........................................................................................................ I-4
I.3.2 Facilities I-4
I.3.3 Installation I-5
I.3.4 Start-Up--Uncoupled........................................................................................... I-6
I.3.5 Start-Up--Coupled .............................................................................................. I-7
I.4 Start-Up Procedure............................................................................................. I-9
I.4.1 Restoration of Turbine from Shipping Condition .................................................. I-9
I.4.2 Initial Start-Up Procedure.................................................................................... I-10
I.5 Testing the Overspeed Trip Mechanism.............................................................. I-11
I.6 Governor Speed Adjustment............................................................................... I-11
I.7 Governor Droop Adjustment ............................................................................... I-12
I.8 Handvalve Adjustments ...................................................................................... I-12
I.9 Shutdown ........................................................................................................... I-13
I.10 Restart Procedure .............................................................................................. I-14
I.10.1 Non-Condensing Turbines .................................................................................. I-14
I.10.2 Condensing Turbines.......................................................................................... I-15
I.11 Standby Operation.............................................................................................. I-15
I.12 Auto Start Operation........................................................................................... I-18
I.13 Manual Start Operation....................................................................................... I-18
I.14 Quick Start ......................................................................................................... I-18
I.15 Sentinel Valve Check.......................................................................................... I-19

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Coppus RLH Turbines Table of Contents

Section J--Maintenance/Maintenance Schedule/Inspection...... J-1

J.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................J-1
J.2 Maintenance and Inspection Schedule ................................................................J-2
J.3 Major Inspection..................................................................................................J-3
J.4 Inspection Checklist ............................................................................................J-4
J.5 Factory Service ...................................................................................................J-7
J.6 Factory Replacement Parts .................................................................................J-7

Section K--Troubleshooting......................................................... K-1

K.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................K-1
K.2 Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................K-2

Section L--Disassembly and Parts Replacement ....................... L-1

L.1 Warnings/Cautions..............................................................................................L-1
L.2 General...............................................................................................................L-3
L.3 Turbine Cover Removal and Replacement ..........................................................L-4
L.3.1 Removable Gland Housing Models......................................................................L-4
L.3.2 Integral Gland Housing Models ...........................................................................L-13
L.4 Carbon Ring Removal and Replacement .............................................................L-16
L.4.1 Removable Gland Housing Models......................................................................L-16
L.4.2 Integral Gland Housing Models ...........................................................................L-17
L.5 Casing Labyrinth Seal Removal and Replacement ..............................................L-18
L.5.1 Casing Labyrinth Seal Removal and Replacement, Removable
Gland Housing Models ........................................................................................L-19
L.5.2 Casing Labyrinth Seal Removal and Replacement, Integral
Gland Housing Turbines......................................................................................L-20
L.6 Bearing/Bearing Housing Removal and Replacement ..........................................L-23
L.6.1 Sleeve-Type Journal Bearing Removal and Replacement....................................L-23
L.6.2 Thrust Bearing Removal and Replacement..........................................................L-25
L.6.3 Ball Bearing (Journal) Removal and Replacement ...............................................L-26
L.6.4 Bearing Housing Seal Removal and Replacement ...............................................L-26
L.6.5 Bearing Housing Removal and Replacement.......................................................L-28
L.6.6 Inproseal Removal and Replacement ..................................................................L-30
L.7 Rotor Removal and Replacement........................................................................L-33
L.7.1 Rotor Removal ....................................................................................................L-33
L.7.2 Rotor Replacement .............................................................................................L-34
L.7.3 Turbine Wheel Removal and Replacement..........................................................L-35

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Table of Contents Coppus RLH Turbines

L.7.4 Rotor Balancing.................................................................................................. L-36

L.8 Nozzle Block and Sector Removal and Replacement .......................................... L-37
L.8.1 Nozzle Block and Sector Removal ...................................................................... L-37
L.8.2 Nozzle Block and Sector Replacement ............................................................... L-37
L.9 Handvalve Removal and Replacement ............................................................... L-38
L.9.1 Handvalve Removal............................................................................................ L-38
L.9.2 Handvalve Replacement..................................................................................... L-38
L.9.3 Handvalve Adjustment ........................................................................................ L-38
L.10 Governor Removal and Replacement ................................................................. L-39
L.10.1 General .............................................................................................................. L-39
L.10.2 Governor Removal (Direct Drive) ........................................................................ L-40
L.10.3 Governor Replacement (Direct Drive) ................................................................. L-41
L.10.4 Governor Removal (Gear Drive) ......................................................................... L-42
L.10.5 Governor Replacement (Gear Drive)................................................................... L-43
L.10.6 Governor Drive Gear Box Removal..................................................................... L-44
L.10.7 Governor Drive Gear Box Replacement .............................................................. L-44
L.11 Combination Valve Maintenance......................................................................... L-44
L.11.1 Valve Removal from Turbine............................................................................... L-45
L.11.2 Valve Disassembly ............................................................................................. L-46
L.11.3 Valve Assembly .................................................................................................. L-49
L.11.4 Seal Block Maintenance ..................................................................................... L-53
L.11.5 Valve Installation on Turbine............................................................................... L-54
L.12 Overspeed Trip Mechanism Maintenance ........................................................... L-55
L.12.1 Trip Bolt and Collar Removal .............................................................................. L-55
L.12.2 Trip Bolt and Collar Replacement ....................................................................... L-57
L.12.3 Trip Mechanism Disassembly ............................................................................. L-59
L.12.4 Mounting Housing Assembly............................................................................... L-59
L.12.5 Overspeed Trip Shaft Assembly.......................................................................... L-59
L.12.6 Trip Shaft Installation.......................................................................................... L-60
L.13 Trip Linkage Adjustment ..................................................................................... L-61

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Coppus RLH Turbines Table of Contents

Section M--Replacement Parts/Factory Service ......................... M-1

M.1 Factory Replacement Parts .................................................................................M-1
M.2 Turbine Identification...........................................................................................M-1
M.3 Parts Identification ..............................................................................................M-2
M.4 Parts List ............................................................................................................M-2
M.5 Recommended Spare Parts ................................................................................M-2
M.5.1 Vital Parts M-3
M.5.2 Ideal Parts M-3
M.5.3 Preventative Parts...............................................................................................M-5
M.5.4 Interchangeability Lists........................................................................................M-5
M.6 Ordering Parts ....................................................................................................M-6
M.7 Factory Service ...................................................................................................M-6
M.8 Rerates ...............................................................................................................M-7
M.9 Upgrades ............................................................................................................M-8
M.10 Factory Start-Ups................................................................................................M-8
M.11 Parts Catalog ......................................................................................................M-9

Section N--User Notes and Maintenance Records ..................... N-1

Section O--About Tuthill Corporation/Coppus Murray Group... O-1

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Table of Contents Coppus RLH Turbines

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Coppus RLH Turbines Table of Contents

List of Figures

Figure Page

A-1 Coppus RLH Turbine, General View, Governor End ............................................A-3

A-2 Coppus RLH Turbine, General View, Casing End................................................A-4
B-1 Recommended Lifting Arrangement for Coppus RLH Turbines ............................B-2
C-1 Suggested Steam Inlet and Exhaust Piping Arrangement ....................................C-5
C-2 Unrestrained Expansion Joint..............................................................................C-10
C-3 Expansion Joint with Tie Rods.............................................................................C-11
C-4 Expansion Joint with Tie Rods for Non-Condensing Operation ............................C-11
C-5 Gland Seal Piping for Vacuum Exhaust ...............................................................C-14
C-6 Suggested Inlet, Exhaust, and Drain Piping, Manual Start ...................................C-15
C-7 Suggested Inlet, Exhaust, and Drain Piping, Automatic Start ...............................C-15
C-8 Angular Misalignment..........................................................................................C-16
C-9 Parallel Misalignment ..........................................................................................C-17
C-10 Alignment Using Dial Indicators ...........................................................................C-20
D-1 Governor Features ..............................................................................................D-2
D-2 Throttle Valve Features .......................................................................................D-4
E-1 Overspeed Trip Collar Assembly .........................................................................E-3
E-2 Trip System.........................................................................................................E-5
E-3 Collar in Tripped Position ....................................................................................E-7
F-1a Lubrication Requirements for RLHA Turbines......................................................F-1
F-1b Lubrication Requirements for RLHB Turbines......................................................F-2
F-2 Cooling Water Piping with Interconnecting Pipe...................................................F-6
G-1 Gland Seal Piping for Vacuum Operation ............................................................G-3
L-1a Labyrinth Seal Assembly, Integral Gland Housing Models ...................................L-5
L-1b Labyrinth Seal Assembly, Removable Gland Housing Models..............................L-6
L-2 Sealant Location Diagram for Horizontal Joint Surfaces.......................................L-8
L-3 Horizontal Flange Bolt Torque Sequence, Removable Gland
Housing Design.................................................................................................L-9
L-4 Sealant Location on Gland Housing.....................................................................L-10
L-5 Bolt Torque Pattern on Upper Gland Housing......................................................L-12
L-6 Horizontal Flange Bolt Torque Sequence, Integral Gland
Housing Design.................................................................................................L-15
L-7 Labyrinth Seal Assembly, RLH-24/28, HiP2 Casing .............................................L-22
L-8 RLHA Bearing Housing Alignment .......................................................................L-29
L-9 RLH Bearing Housings With Optional Inproseals.................................................L-32

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Table of Contents Coppus RLH Turbines

L-10 Handvalve Assembly .......................................................................................... L-39

L-11 Direct Drive Governor Assembly ......................................................................... L-41
L-12 Gear Drive Governor Assembly .......................................................................... L-43
L-13 Combo Valve Trip Linkage ................................................................................. L-46
L-14 Overspeed Trip Collar Assembly......................................................................... L-56
L-15 Bolt Head Shanks, Old and New Designs ........................................................... L-56

M-0 RLH Turbine, General View (Sheets 1 and 2) ..................................................... M-9

M-1 Combination Trip Throttle Valve Assembly.......................................................... M-12
M-2 Governor, Mounting Housing, and Bolt Trip Components .................................... M-14
M-3 Gland Housing and Sealing Elements ................................................................. M-16
M-4 Bearing Housing Assembly, Drive End (RLHA Version)....................................... M-18
M-5 Bearing Housing Assembly, Drive End (RLHB Version)....................................... M-20
M-6 Bearing Housing Assembly, Governor End (RLHA Version) ................................ M-22
M-7 Bearing Housing Assembly, Governor End (RLHB Version) ................................ M-24
M-8 Cover, Casing, Rotor and Associated Components,
Standard Configuration ...................................................................................... M-26
M-9 Cover, Casing, Rotor, and Associated Components
(HiP2 Configuration) .......................................................................................... M-28

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Coppus RLH Turbines Table of Contents

List of Tables

Table Page

B-1 Major Fits and Tolerances, RLHA........................................................................B-5

B-2 Major Fits and Tolerances, RLHB........................................................................B-6
B-3 Standard Bolt Torques for Turbine Bolting ...........................................................B-8
B-4 RLH Turbine Rotor Data......................................................................................B-10

F-1 Sleeve Bearing Turbines, Cooling Water Requirement ........................................F-4

F-2 Ball Bearing Turbines, Cooling Water Requirement .............................................F-4
F-3 Recommended Bearing Oil Sump and Metal Temperatures.................................F-5
F-4 Bearing Housing Oil Capacity..............................................................................F-7
F-5 Bearing Housing Oil Levels .................................................................................F-7
F-6 Viscosity Comparisons ........................................................................................F-9

J-1 Suggested Maintenance and Inspection Schedule...............................................J-2

J-2 Inspection Checklist ............................................................................................J-4

K-1 Troubleshooting Guide ........................................................................................K-2

L-1 Applied Bolt Torques ...........................................................................................L-9

L-2 Applied Bolt Torques ...........................................................................................L-12
L-3 Applied Bolt Torques ...........................................................................................L-15

M-1 Combination Trip Throttle Valve Assembly, Parts List..........................................M-11

M-2 Governor, Mounting Housing, and Bolt Trip Components,
Parts List ...........................................................................................................M-13
M-3 Gland Housing and Sealing Elements, Parts List .................................................M-15
M-4 Bearing Housing Assembly, Drive End (RLHA Version), Parts List.......................M-17
M-5 Bearing Housing Assembly, Drive End (RLHB Version), Parts List.......................M-19
M-6 Bearing Housing Assembly, Governor End (RLHA Version),
Parts List ...........................................................................................................M-21
M-7 Bearing Housing Assembly, Governor End (RLHB Version),
Parts List ...........................................................................................................M-23
M-8 Cover, Casing, Rotor and Associated Components,
Standard Configuration, Parts List ......................................................................M-25
M-9 Cover, Casing, Rotor, and Associated Components
(HiP2 Configuration), Parts List ..........................................................................M-27

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Table of Contents Coppus RLH Turbines

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Coppus RLH Turbines Safety Precautions

Safety Precautions

This turbine has been designed to provide safe and reliable service within the designed
specifications. It is a pressure containing, rotating machine; therefore, good judgment and proper
safety practices must be exercised by responsible and qualified personnel to avoid damage to the
equipment and surroundings or possible serious or painful injuries.

It is assumed that your safety department has an established safety program based on a thorough
analysis of industrial hazards. Before installing and operating, or performing maintenance on the
turbine, it is suggested that you review this program to be certain that it covers the hazards arising
from rotating machinery and pressure vessels.

It is important that due consideration be given to all hazards resulting from the presence of
electrical power, hot oil, high pressure and temperature steam, toxic gasses, and flammable liquids
and gasses. Proper installation and continued maintenance of protective guards, shutdown devices,
and overpressure protection are also necessary for safe turbine operation. The turbine should never
be operated by bypassing, overriding, or in any way rendering inoperative, guards, protective
shutdown equipment, or other safety devices.

When internal maintenance work is in progress, it is essential that the turbine be isolated from all
utilities to prevent the possibility of applying power or steam to the turbine. When performing
internal turbine maintenance, always ensure that block valves in the steam inlet and exhaust lines
are locked closed and tagged, and all drains are opened to depressurize the turbine casing and steam
chest. Precautions must also be taken to prevent turbine rotation due to reverse flow through the
driven machinery.

In general, you should be guided by all of the basic safety rules associated with the turbine, driven
equipment and plant process.

This manual contains four types of hazard seriousness messages. They are as follows:

DANGER: Immediate hazards which WILL result in severe personal injury or death.

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Safety Precautions Coppus RLH Turbines

WARNING: Hazards which COULD result in serious injury to the turbine operator and others, or
extensive damage to the turbine, driven equipment, or the surroundings.

CAUTION: Hazards which COULD result in damage or malfunction to the turbine or its parts,
leading to subsequent downtime and expense.

NOTE: A message to clarify or simplify an operation or technique, or to avoid a common mistake.


DO NOT START OR OPERATE this turbine unless the installation has been
verified to be correct and all pre-startup safety and control functions have
been checked.

DO NOT START OR OPERATE this turbine unless you have a complete

understanding of the location and function of all components in the steam
supply and exhaust systems, including block and relief valves, bypasses,
drains, and any upsteam or downsteam equipment that may affect the flow
of steam to or from the steam turbine.

DO NOT START OR OPERATE this turbine unless you have a complete

understanding of the control system, the overspeed trip system, the drain
and leakoff systems, the lubrication system, and all auxiliary mechanical,
electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, as well as the meaning and
significance of all monitoring gages, meters, digital readouts, and warning


it is in operation, unless such action is expressly described in this instruction

NEVER WEAR NECKTIES or other loose clothing while in the proximity of

the turbine or auxiliary equipment.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Safety Precautions



TURBINE, without first isolating the turbine from the inlet and exhaust
systems by closing and tagging block valves and depressurizing the turbine
casing and steam chest by opening all drains. Open connections not
protected with block valves should be covered with blank flanges, rated for
the steam conditions that may prevail.

DO NOT REMOVE any covers, guards, gland housings, drain covers, etc.,
while the unit is operating.


described in this manual.

WHEN STARTING the turbine, BE PREPARED to execute an

EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN in the event of failure of the governor,
overspeed control systems, linkage, or valves.

The turbine should NOT BE OPERATED unless a properly sized, FULL

FLOW ATMOSPHERIC RELIEF VALVE or other protective device has been
installed upstream of any shut-off valve in the exhaust line and is in
operating condition.

Under no circumstances should the TRIP VALVE be blocked or held open to

render the trip system inoperative. Overriding the trip system, and allowing
the turbine to exceed the rated (nameplate) trip speed, may result in FATAL
INJURY to personnel and extensive turbine damage. In the event the trip
system malfunctions, immediately SHUT DOWN the turbine and correct the

VERIFICATION of proper functioning and setting of the OVERSPEED TRIP

DEVICE during initial start-up is mandatory. This should be accomplished
with the turbine DISCONNECTED from the driven equipment. Turbine
speed should be increased SLOWLY in a controlled manner during trip

Instruction Manual Revision B S-3

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Safety Precautions Coppus RLH Turbines


This turbine is equipped with an OVERSPEED TRIP to protect against

dangerous overspeeding. It is absolutely essential that the complete trip
system be MAINTAINED in such a condition that it will operate perfectly if
required. It must be thoroughly INSPECTED AND TESTED. Inspection must
include all elements of the trip system. Coppus Turbine Division
recommends that the system be tested weekly and strongly recommends

Steam quality must be DRY AND SATURATED OR SUPERHEATED. There

must be provision to REMOVE MOISTURE AND CONDENSATE from the
steam supply system to AVOID DAMAGING the turbine. Steam purity
should meet or exceed American Boiler Manufacturers Association

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Coppus RLH Turbines Warranty


Seller warrants to Buyer that the goods at the time of shipment will be free from material defects in
material and workmanship, and that the goods will conform in all material respects to Seller's
specifications. This warranty shall be ineffective and shall not extend to goods subjected to misuse,
neglect, accident or improper installation or maintenance, goods which have been altered or
repaired by anyone other than the Seller or its authorized representative, or if more than one year
has elapsed from the date of shipment. Any model or sample provided to Buyer was used merely to
illustrate the general type and quality of goods and not to warrant that goods shipped would be of
that type or quality. No agent, employee or respresentative of Seller has any authority to bind Seller
to any affirmation, representation or warranty concerning the goods and/or services sold hereunder,
and any such affirmation, representation or warranty has not formed a part of the basis of the
bargain and shall be unenforceable. Seller's sole obligation under the foregoing warranty is limited
to, at Seller's option, replacing or repairing defective goods or refunding the purchase price. Buyer's
exclusive remedy for breach of warranty will be enforcement of such obligation of Seller. The
warranty contained herein is made only to and for the exclusive benefit of Buyer, and does not
extend to any subsequent purchaser or user of the goods or of any product of which the goods may

Instruction Manual Revision B W-1

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Coppus RLH Turbines Introduction and General Description

Section A

Introduction and General Description



A.1 Turbine Description

Coppus RLH Turbines are single-stage, impulse-type turbines with a two-row, velocity-compounded
rotor and one row of stationary reversing blades between the rotating blades. The rotor is contained
within a horizontally-split casing enclosed by a cover, with steam inlet and exhaust connections
located in the lower casing.

The rotor is supported on sleeve bearings and positioned axially by a thrust bearing (RLHA
Turbine), or is supported and positioned axially by ball bearings (RLHB Turbine). Another variation
of the RLH Turbine, termed the RLH HiP2 Turbine, is designed for high backpressure applications.
The HiP2 turbine is available with sleeve or ball bearing.

Steam enters the turbine casing after first passing through the built-in steam strainer, the throttle
valve and the overspeed trip valve. The turbine inlet casing incorporates the steam chest, which
contains several individual steam nozzles. Some of these nozzles are controlled by handvalves for
partial load or overload conditions. Steam flowing through the nozzles expands and is directed at
high velocity against the rotating blades of the first row on the turbine rotor. After passing through
the first row, the stationary blades redirect the steam against the second row of rotating blades. The
steam is then discharged into the exhaust casing and from there into the exhaust line, at the exhaust
system pressure.

A.2 Construction
Coppus RLH Turbines are ruggedly constructed and suitable for a wide range of mechanical drive
applications. They comply with API-611 and NEMA SM23.

The casings, valve body, shaft, wheel, blades, nozzles, valve components, and fasteners are
constructed of high-grade alloy steel, stainless steel, carbon steel, and cast iron, assuring a long and
dependable service life.

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Introduction and General Description Coppus RLH Turbines

Depending on the steam conditions, horsepower, and speed, materials used in turbine construction
may vary. Always consult the turbine data sheet or nameplate on the turbine before connecting it to a
steam inlet or exhaust supply, to ensure that the turbine is rated for the prospective conditions. Never
run the turbine in excess of the maximum allowable speed, maximum inlet or exhaust pressure,
maximum inlet temperature, or above the rated horsepower, as specified on the nameplate.


Materials used in turbine construction (cast iron, steel, stainless steel,

special alloys) vary with steam conditions, speed, and power. These
materials were selected according to the original rating of the turbine.
NEVER attempt to RE-RATE a turbine without the assistance of a Coppus
manufacturer’s representative and/or the factory. MISAPPLICATION of
materials COULD result in serious equipment damage and/or personal


NEVER connect the turbine to inlet or exhaust sources of UNKNOWN

PRESSURE OR TEMPERATURE or to sources whose pressure or
temperature EXCEED limits stated on the NAMEPLATE.

Some Coppus turbines can be re-rated for different steam conditions, powers, and speeds. Consult
your Coppus manufacturer’s representative or the factory for further information.

A.3 Main Components

Figure A-1 shows major components, as seen on the exterior of the turbine. Each major component
is described in detail below.

Inlet Flange. This is the connection to the steam supply. It is part of the Combination Overspeed
Trip/Throttle Valve (hereinafter termed the Combo Valve). Flange type, size, and material are a
function of steam conditions and customer specification. Refer to the certified drawing at the end of
this manual for a complete description.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Introduction and General Description

Combo Valve. This Combination Overspeed Trip/Throttle Valve is mounted between the turbine
casing and the inlet steam line. It houses both a throttle valve and an overspeed trip valve. The
Overspeed Trip Valve is a mechanically actuated valve that interrupts the supply of steam to the
turbine during an overspeed condition or other emergency, thereby bringing the turbine to a
complete stop. In the event of overspeed, the valve is activated by the overspeed trip collar, which is
attached to the turbine shaft inside the Governor Mounting Housing. In the event of other
emergencies, the valve can be activated using the Overspeed Trip Lever, which protrudes from the
Governor Mounting Housing.






Figure A-1. Coppus RLH Turbine, General View, Governor End

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Introduction and General Description Coppus RLH Turbines

Figure A-2. Coppus RLH Turbine, General View, Casing End

The Throttle Valve is contained in the Combo Valve upstream of the Overspeed Trip Valve. It
controls the amount of steam entering the turbine and thereby determines the speed and power
produced by the turbine.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Introduction and General Description

Trip Linkage (not visible). This linkage connects the Overspeed Trip Valve to the trip mechanism
inside the Governor Mounting Housing. The Trip Linkage is activated by either the overspeed trip
collar or the Overspeed Trip Lever.

Governor. The Governor senses the speed of the turbine and opens or closes the throttle valve, as
appropriate, to maintain the set speed. A variety of governors are available for different applications.

Throttle Linkage. This is the linkage between the Governor and Throttle Valve.

Governor Mounting Housing. This is the structure supporting the Governor and connecting it to
the Governor End Bearing Housing. The Trip Collar, Overspeed Trip Lever, and Governor Drive
Coupling are contained within the Governor Mounting Housing.

Overspeed Trip Lever. The Overspeed Trip Lever is part of the Trip Linkage, allowing manual
activation of the Overspeed Trip Valve.

Overspeed Trip Reset Handle. This handle is used to reset (open) the Overspeed Trip Valve,
permitting recovery from an overspeed trip condition. When recovering from a trip condition, the
handle is initially opened slightly to permit pilot valve operation, and then is opened fully to reset the

Full Flow Handle. This handle is used to close the throttle valve when recovering from an
overspeed trip condition. The throttle valve is held against its seat with this handle to reduce
incoming steam pressure, and then the overspeed trip reset handle is used to reset the overspeed trip

Governor End Bearing Housing. RLHA turbines have one sleeve shaft support bearing and a
thrust bearing in this housing. RLHB turbines have one ball bearing serving both purposes in this
housing. The standard housing also contains an oil ring, seals, the oil reservoir and the cooling water
jacket. An Oil Level Gauge and Constant Level Oiler are mounted on the bearing housing, along
with the oil filler/vent, oil drain plug, and plugs for cooling water inlet and outlet openings.

Drive End Bearing Housing. This housing is similar to the Governor End Bearing Housing. The
RLHA contains one sleeve bearing, while the RLHB utilizes a ball bearing.

Oil Level Gauge. The Oil Level Gauge indicates the oil level in the bearing housing. This level
corresponds with a mark inscribed on the bearing housing.

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Introduction and General Description Coppus RLH Turbines

Constant Level Oiler. The Constant Level Oiler is an oil reservoir that is set to maintain a constant
oil level in the bearing housing.

Gland Housings. Gland Housings contain Carbon Ring Seals that prevent steam from leaking along
the shaft to atmosphere. Some steam will escape past the carbon rings, lubricating them. This steam
is conveyed by the gland leakoff connection to a safe location.

Cover. The Cover is the turbine component that seals the turbine casing. It contains an eye bolt,
used for lifting the cover during turbine service. The eye bolt must not be used for lifting the entire

Inlet Casing. The Inlet Casing is the casing section containing the high-pressure steam. Steam enters
the Inlet Casing from the Combo Valve and exits through nozzles in the Nozzle Block.

Handvalves (optional). Handvalves allow the operator to open or close the passages from the
Steam chest to a portion of the nozzles--thereby turning some nozzles on and off. This permits the
operator to improve turbine efficiency at partial load. The reasoning behind this is as follows: the
Throttle Valve opens or closes in response to the Governor in an attempt to maintain a constant
speed as the load imposed on the turbine varies. At low loads, the Throttle Valve is almost closed,
resulting not only in reduced steam flow through the turbine, but in reduced steam pressure in the
Steam Chest. When steam pressure in the chest is low, then according to the laws of
thermodynamics, turbine efficiency is low. By closing some nozzles, power can be decreased by
reducing steam flow, without throttling and reducing pressure. The number of handvalves on the
turbine is determined by operating conditions and customer requirements. To avoid steam cutting
damage to the handvalve seats, handvalves must be either completely open or completely closed, and
never used as a throttle.

Exhaust Casing. The Exhaust Casing contains the exhaust steam and is integral with the Exhaust
Flange. The Exhaust Casing supports the Drive End Bearing Housing.

Turbine Pedestal and Flex Plate. The Turbine Pedestal consists of two legs that are bolted to the
Exhaust Casing. The legs are drilled for mounting bolts and dowel pins which hold the turbine in
position and help maintain alignment with the driven equipment. The flex plate, mounted to the
Governor End Bearing Housing, supports the opposite end of the turbine.

Exhaust Flange. This flange connects the turbine to the exhaust steam line. Flange type, size, and
material are a function of steam conditions and customer requirements. Refer to the certified drawing
at the end of this manual for a complete description.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Introduction and General Description

Shaft Extension. This is the output shaft of the turbine, which is ground and keyed to accept a

Sentinel Warning Valve. If specified, the turbine is supplied with a Sentinel Warning Valve. The
valve will open when exhaust casing pressure is excessive (high). The valve warns the operator only;
it is not intended to relieve the casing pressure.

A.4 Factory Test

All Coppus turbines are given a no-load run test on steam at the factory prior to shipment. The
purpose of the test is to ensure the mechanical integrity of the turbine and to adjust its controls,
overspeed trip, and accessories, as required.

The standard test includes the following:

• Turbine is run at rated speed

• Vibration levels are measured and recorded
• Rotation is confirmed
• Governor operation is checked
• Overspeed trip is set and tested
• Turbine is checked for leaks
• Sentinel Warning Valve is checked (if supplied)
• A post-test visual inspection of each bearing and sleeve bearing journal is carried out. If
evidence of wear, scoring, or overheating is found, the cause of the defect is corrected, and the
turbine is retested and inspected.

The complete test report is included in Supplemental Documentation, at the end of this manual.

A.5 Shipping Preparation/Crating

Turbines are prepared for shipment and short term storage (6 months) using the following procedure.
After testing, the turbine is allowed to cool and all moisture is drained from casings and valves. It is
then masked and painted. All unpainted surfaces not inherently corrosion-resistant, such as exposed
portions of the shaft, are coated with a rust-preventative and/or wrapped. Flange covers are installed
on all open-flanged connections. Rust inhibitor is sprayed inside the turbine. Oil in bearing housings
is drained and these cavities are partially filled with a rust-inhibiting and vaporizing oil. The turbine
is mounted on a heavy wooden skid, and depending on the shipping destination, is placed in a
wooden container, covered or wrapped with plastic.

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Introduction and General Description Coppus RLH Turbines

Just prior to crating, the turbine is given a final inspection by a quality inspector, who checks for
completeness and appearance. Photographs of every turbine and the accessories shipped with it are
taken and become a part of the factory order file for the turbine.

Refer to Section A.8 for additional measures taken if the turbine is prepared for long term storage.

A.6 Uncrating and Inspection

Remove the packing material and check all items against the packing list. Ensure that parts are not
missing or damaged. Handle all parts carefully. If inspection shows that the turbine has been
damaged during shipment, contact the carrier and file a claim immediately. If any parts are missing
from the shipment, contact your Coppus manufacturer’s representative.

Take care to ensure that loose parts are not discarded with the packing material.


Do not lift on the turbine shaft, as this could damage seals and/or bearings,
or may bend the turbine shaft.

Refer to Figure B-1 for the recommended lifting arrangement for Coppus RLH Turbines supplied
without a baseplate.

A.7 Short Term Storage

Coppus steam turbines shipped to United States destinations are prepared for short term storage for
up to 6 months. The turbine should be stored in a clean, non-corrosive atmosphere and protected
against damage, loss, weather, and foreign material, such as dust or sand. The equipment should
remain on its shipping skid, with all preservatives and covering left intact. Indoor storage is
preferred, where the temperature and humidity are maintained at a level preventing condensation.

Coppus steam turbines shipped to overseas destinations are prepared for short term storage for up to
6 months. The same general instructions stipulated for domestic US shipments also apply here.
When stored outdoors, the turbine skid should be supported above ground.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Introduction and General Description

A.8 Long Term Storage

Long term storage is defined as storage exceeding 6 months.

Long term storage must be carried out in a warehouse maintained at constant temperature, thereby
preventing condensation. As with short term storage, the turbine should be protected against damage,
loss, weather, and foreign material such as sand or dust. The turbine should remain on its shipping
skid and be raised sufficiently so as to avoid contact with excessive moisture.

Following is the Coppus long term storage procedure. This procedure should be performed on
turbines that will be subjected to long term storage, if they were not so prepared at the factory. The
procedure should be repeated after the first 18 months of storage and at 6 month intervals thereafter:

a. Remove the inlet and exhaust flange covers and spray the interior of the turbine with a rust-
inhibiting and vaporizing oil; then replace the covers securely.

b. Partially fill bearing housings to a level corresponding to the bottom of the sight glass with a
rust inhibiting and vaporizing oil. For RLHA turbines, coat bearing and shaft journal surfaces
with a rust preventative.

c. Fill governor with a rust-inhibiting and vaporizing oil.

d. Spray the exposed bonnet, seal blocks, and linkage areas of the combo valve assembly with a
rust-inhibiting and vaporizing oil.

e. Apply a rust-preventative coating on all exposed machined surfaces of the turbine. Do not
apply this material to chrome plated areas of the turbine shaft.

f. For removable gland housing designs, disassemble the carbon ring gland housings at each end
of the turbine, and then remove the carbon rings, garter springs and stop washers. Coat the
inside and machined surfaces of the gland housings, along with casing and cover flanges
exposed by the removal of the gland housings, with a rust-preventative grease. Reinstall garter
rings and stop washers on the shaft. Reassemble gland housings to the turbine. Store the carbon
rings separately and in original matched sets until the turbine is ready for installation. This
procedure will help protect chrome plated areas of the turbine shaft from corrosion damage.

g. For integral gland housing designs (RLH 24/28 turbines), pump a water-soluble lubricating
preservative at each end of the turbine, into the gland housing. Ensure that the intermediate
leak-offs are unplugged. Pump the preservative into the housing via the atmospheric leak-off
connections. Pump until the preservative is visible at the shaft seals, as well as the intermediate

Instruction Manual Revision B A-9

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Introduction and General Description Coppus RLH Turbines

A.9 Coppus Factory Service/Replacement Parts

Coppus provides a wide range of services to all its customers, including in-house factory rebuilding
of turbines, factory trained field service personnel, replacement parts interchangeability lists,
optimum replacement parts inventory recommendations, and replacement parts. Vital spare parts,
such as carbon rings, gaskets, bearings, and valve components, are available for next-day shipment.

Selected Coppus manufacturer’s representatives maintain factory-authorized repair facilities at

locations throughout the world.

For assistance with service or spare parts, contact your local Coppus manufacturer’s representative.
Refer to Section M, Replacement Parts/Factory Service for additional information regarding
identification of turbine parts.

A.10 Re-Rating and Upgrades

Most Coppus turbines can be re-rated for different steam conditions, speed, or power. Contact your
local Coppus manufacturer’s representative to determine if a re-rate can meet your needs.


Materials used in turbine construction (cast iron, steel, stainless steel,

special alloys) vary with steam conditions, speed, and power. These
materials were selected according to the original rating of the turbine.
NEVER attempt to RE-RATE a turbine without the assistance of a Coppus
manufacturer’s representative and/or the factory. Misapplication of materials
COULD result in serious equipment damage and/or personal injury.

Coppus turbines incorporate start-of-the-art technology and Coppus is dedicated to making

continuous improvements in its equipment to enhance efficiency, maintainability and safety. In an
effort to make improvements available to owners of older Coppus steam turbines, the factory offers
upgrade kits for incorporating major design improvements into existing units. Consult your Coppus
manufacturer’s representative for information regarding factory upgrades.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Technical Data

Section B

Technical Data

B.1 General
Your Coppus single-stage turbine has been built specifically for your application. Frame size,
materials used in construction, nozzling, rotor construction, and other items are based on steam
conditions, power, and speed specified in the original purchase order. This information is recorded
in three locations: 1) on the turbine nameplate; 2) on the turbine data sheet found at the beginning of
this manual; and 3) on the certified drawing found in Supplemental Documentation at the end of this
manual. These documents also provide other important information, such as installation dimensions,
connection identification, connection sizes, weight, component removal clearances, etc.

The turbine nameplate, data sheet, and certified drawing all specify the turbine serial number. This
number is a unique identifier for the turbine; it must be specified when ordering replacement parts
and in all correspondence with your local manufacturer’s representative, the factory, and service
personnel. The number is also stamped on the horizontal flange of the inlet casing.

The following subsections discuss important technical considerations that must be addressed when
installing, operating, maintaining, or repairing the turbine.

B.2 Lifting
Skid mounted turbines should remain on their respective skids until placement on their permanent
foundations. When a turbine is on its skid, the skid should be used for lifting. Turbines shipped on
baseplates can be lifted using lifting provisions on the baseplate. Do not attempt to lift the turbine
and baseplate by lifting on the turbine.

When lifting the turbine itself, use slings extending around the combo valve and two locations on the
turbine casing, as illustrated in Figure B-1. Do not use the turbine shaft, mounting housing,
governor, or the cover eyebolt for lifting purposes. Lift slowly and carefully to ensure stability and

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Technical Data Coppus RLH Turbines

For correct sling selection, refer to the turbine weight specified on the Certified Drawing in
Supplemental Documentation at the end of this manual.


NEVER attempt to LIFT the turbine USING the cover EYEBOLT. This
eyebolt is intended for lifting the cover only. Using this eyebolt to lift the
entire turbine presents a SERIOUS SAFETY HAZARD.

Figure B-1. Recommended Lifting Arrangement for Coppus RLH Turbines

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Coppus RLH Turbines Technical Data

B.3 Alignment
Correct alignment of the turbine to the driven equipment is a primary consideration in turbine
installation. Improper alignment can result in vibration, as well as wear and premature failure of
bearings, seals, couplings, and shafts. Such failures can occur not only in the turbine but in the
driven equipment as well. Alignment should be performed both under cold conditions and with the
turbine at operating temperature, using personnel experienced in turbine alignment. Refer to Section
C, Installation for cold and hot alignment procedures. Alignment may be affected not only by
turbine positioning with respect to the driven equipment, but also by thermal growth of the turbine,
piping or the driven equipment, and by mechanical forces imposed by the piping. All of these factors
must be considered when installing the turbine.


Never put a steam turbine into service without first carefully ALIGNING it to
the driven equipment under cold conditions and then again at operating
temperature. Failure to do so may result in premature FAILURE of both

B.4 Thermal Growth

Thermal growth of the turbine casing, supports, inlet/exhaust piping, and driven equipment may
result in misalignment and/or application of external forces on the turbine. To avoid vibration and
premature wear/failure of bearings, seals, couplings and shafts, along with distortion of the turbine
casing, the thermal expansion of mating components must be carefully analyzed and compensated
for by careful alignment (both hot and cold), as well as the use of flexible shaft couplings, expansion
joints in piping, and proper maintenance of these components. Refer to Section C, Installation, for
alignment procedures.

B.5 Lubricants
The importance of using a proper lubricant cannot be overemphasized. High quality turbine oils are
required. Specific brands of oil are not recommended by Coppus Turbine Division. Turbine owners
should consult reliable oil suppliers regarding the proper selection of turbine oils. As a minimum, the
selected oil should be a premium quality rust- and oxidation-inhibited turbine or circulating oil
which will readily separate from water and have minimum tendency to emulsify or foam when
agitated at actual operating temperatures. Since the proper grade of lubricant may not be available
locally, it should be ordered in advance of start-up time.

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Technical Data Coppus RLH Turbines

Consult Section F, Lubrication for viscosity recommendations, bearing housing oil capacities, oil
levels, and maintenance of lubrication systems.

B.6 Fits, Clearances and Balance Limits

Coppus steam turbines are precision machines. The fits of the turbine wheel to its shaft, bearings on
the shaft and in their housings, and other fits are selected and controlled so as to ensure long,
efficient, trouble-free operation, as well as ease of maintenance.

Whenever a turbine is disassembled and reassembled for inspection or parts replacement, factory fits
and clearances must be checked and maintained. If parts do not fit properly on reassembly, the
reason must be determined and the problem corrected. Some major fits and tolerances are listed
below in Table B-1, while others are specified in the appropriate subsection of Section L,
Disassembly and Parts Replacement.

Table B-1 also provides balancing limits. Rotors should be dynamically balanced using two planes--
one on each side of the wheel.

B.7 Piping Forces

Steam piping, if improperly designed or installed, can impose severe mechanical or thermal forces
and moments on the inlet and exhaust flanges of a steam turbine. Such forces and moments can
misalign the turbine with its driven equipment, or distort the turbine casing, resulting in internal
misalignment of the turbine shaft with bearings, seals, and other components. Such misalignment can
cause vibration and premature wear or failure.

To prevent excessive piping forces or moments, the customer must ensure that the piping is designed
and installed so as to comply with NEMA SM-23, Allowable Forces and Moments on Steam
Turbines. The maximum allowable forces and moments are a function of pipe sizes and are tabulated
in Supplemental Documentation at the end of this manual.

Additional piping information, including suggested piping layouts, can be found in Section C,

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Coppus RLH Turbines Technical Data

Table B-1. Major Fits and Tolerances, RLHA

RLHA-19 RLHA-24/28
Inches Millimeters Inches Millimeters
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
A Carbon ring inside diameter 2.257 2.259 57.33 57.38 3.0060 3.0080 76.35 76.40
B Shaft diameter 2.2525 2.2530 57.21 57.23 3.0025 3.0030 76.26 76.28
C Shaft diameter 2.2495 2.2500 57.14 57.15 2.9995 3.0000 76.19 76.20
D Bearing diametral clearance 0.004 0.006 0.10 0.15 0.005 0.007 0.13 0.18
E Labyrinth radial clearance 0.0170 0.0220 0.30 0.55 0.016 0.020 0.41 0.51
F Axial dimension 10.351 10.357 262.92 263.07 12.342 12.354 313.49 313.79
G Axial clearance 0.040 0.089 1.02 2.26 0.040 0.089 1.02 2.26
H Axial clearance 0.036 0.100 0.91 2.54 0.036 0.100 0.91 2.54
J Axial clearance 0.050 0.130 1.27 3.30 0.050 0.130 1.27 3.30
K Bolt trip clearance 0.125 0.156 3.18 3.96 0.125 0.156 3.18 3.96
Rotor dynamic unbalance RLH-19 RLH-24 RLH-28
(max.) per plane (in.-oz.)
0-2500 RPM 0.07 0.20 0.27

2501-4500 RPM 0.035 0.11 0.15

Over 4500 RPM 0.03 0.07 0.09

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Technical Data Coppus RLH Turbines

Table B-2. Major Fits and Tolerances, RLHB

RLHB-19 RLHB-24/28
Inches Millimeters Inches Millimeters
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
A Carbon ring inside diameter 2.257 2.259 57.33 57.38 3.0060 3.0080 76.35 76.40
B Shaft diameter 2.2525 2.2530 57.22 57.23 3.0025 3.0030 76.26 76.28
C Shaft diameter 2.249 2.250 57.12 57.15 2.9995 3.0000 76.17 76.20
D Shaft diameter 1.9684 1.9687 49.99 50.00 2.3620 2.3623 59.99 60.00
E Labyrinth radial clearance 0.0170 0.0220 0.30 0.55 0.016 0.020 0.41 0.51
F Axial dimension 7.595 7.610 192.91 193.29 9.106 9.118 231.29 231.59
G Axial clearance 0.040 0.089 1.02 2.26 0.040 0.089 1.02 2.26
H Axial clearance 0.036 0.100 0.91 2.54 0.036 0.100 0.91 2.54
J Axial clearance 0.050 0.130 1.27 3.30 0.050 0.130 1.27 3.30
K Bolt trip clearance 0.125 0.156 3.18 3.96 0.125 0.156 3.18 3.96
Rotor dynamic unbalance RLH-19 RLH-24 RLH-28
(max.) per plane (in.-oz.)
0-2500 RPM 0.07 0.20 0.27

2501-4500 RPM 0.035 0.11 0.15

Over 4500 RPM 0.03 0.07 0.09

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Coppus RLH Turbines Technical Data

B.8 Bolt Torques and Materials

The bolts used in Coppus steam turbines are carefully selected to ensure adequate strength at the
maximum temperatures and pressures the turbine is subjected to. The following general application
guidelines are used when selecting bolt materials.

Turbine Construction Bolt Material Bolt Marking

A Cast iron casing (200 GR8
construction)--all bolts

B Steel inlet/iron exhaust casings

(201 construction)

Bolts on trip and throttle B7 B7


All other bolts GR8

C Steel casings (202 construction)

All pressure-containing
B7 B7

All other bolts




one specified above. DO NOT MIX BOLTS during disassembly. Failure to
use the proper grade bolt could result in serious failure of pressure-
containing components.

If the applicable bolt torque is not specified in the Assembly/Disassembly section, the following
table may be used as a guideline.

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Technical Data Coppus RLH Turbines

Table B-3. Standard Bolt Torques for Turbine Bolting

Bolt or Nut Size Torque ft-lbs. (N-m)

(Inches) Bolt Grade
GR8 GR5/B7/B16 Ungraded
1/2 103 (140) 73 (99) 41 (56)
5/8 203 (275) 150 (203) 84 (114)
3/4 333 (451) 242 (328) 135 (183)
7/8 532 (721) 384 (521) 181 (245)
1 804 (1090) 580 (786) 270 (366)
1 1/8 1260 (1708) 902 (1223) 427 (579)
1 1/4 1757 (2382) 1257 (1704) 585 (793)

The above torques are based on the thread and nut or bolt seating areas being lubricated with FEL-
PRO C5-A high-temperature anti-seize compound or its equivalent.

B.9 Sealants and Joint Compounds

The following jointing materials are recommended for use within the temperature limits and jointing
areas specified.

Applicable Turbine Joints

a. Cover to casing joints

b. Gland housing joints
c. Ungasketed pressure containing joints

Jointing Materials

1. Silver Seal 337-1 (manufactured by Industrial Gasket and Shim Co.) is typically used for
turbine joints when exhaust pressure ranges from vacuum to 60 PSIG (414 kPag).

Manufacturer’s Notice for Silver Seal 337-1

The vehicle of this product contains an irritant and may have, on the unprotected
skin of such persons as are susceptible to ivy poisoning, the effects of poison ivy.
Therefore, in handling this product, in the liquid or wet state, care should be taken
to keep the skin thoroughly protected at all times from contact with or too close
proximity to the product.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Technical Data

2. TURBO-R Sealant (manufactured by TBD) is typically used for turbine joints when exhaust
pressure ranges from 60 to 105 PSIG (414 to 725 kPag). This sealant is mixed with a catalyst
prior to application on sealing surfaces.

3. Temptite String Kit: String Gasket in Turbine Seal 50 (manufactured by Industrial Gasket and
Shim Co.) can be used for specified turbine joints. String under constant pressure will flow in a
plastic state and will not damage the joint surface. Temptite String Kit is recommended for
rebuilding turbines that may have damaged or distorted casing joints and are difficult to seal. If
the turbine still fails to seal, remachining or replacement of parts will be required.

4. Fel-Pro “Hi-Temp” C5-A anti-seize compound (manufactured by Fel-Pro Inc.) should be used
to coat threads of all studs and bolting used for joints.

5. RTV 732 Silicone sealant (manufactured by Dow Corning) is used for sealing bearing caps.

6. Triple-boiled linseed oil is used for the cover-casing seal on HiP2 turbines.

The above products are available from stock at Coppus Turbine Division.

B.10 Cooling Water to Bearing Housing Water Jackets

Depending on the service conditions and the type of lubrication system supplied with the turbine,
bearing housings may require water cooling to maintain an acceptable bearing oil temperature. Refer
to Section F, Lubrication, for cooling water requirements.

B.11 Steam Pressure and Temperature Limits

The steam temperature and pressure limits of Coppus turbines are limited by the materials used in
construction and the design of valve bodies, casings, casing joints, seals, gaskets, and bolts. Steel
turbines are rated for higher pressures and temperatures than cast iron turbines.


NEVER CONNECT the steam turbine to inlet or exhaust sources of

pressure or temperature EXCEED limits stated on the NAMEPLATE.

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Technical Data Coppus RLH Turbines

Coppus turbines can be re-rated for different steam conditions, powers and speeds. Consult your
Coppus manufacturer’s representative or the factory for further information.

B.12 Turbine Rotor Data

The following table provides basic turbine rotor data. If further information is required, consult the

Table B-4. RLH Turbine Rotor Data

Frame Size Wheel Type Rotor Weight Moment Of Inertia Shaft Torsional Stiffness
lb (kg) lb-ft2 (kg-m2) lb-in RAD (N-m RAD)
(Note 2) (Note 2)
RLHA19 Flat 230 (104.2) 64 (2.7) 1.48 x 106 (167.2 x 103)
Shaped 110 (49.9) 45 (1.9) 1.48 x 106 (167.2 x 103)
RLHA19 HiP2 Flat 231 (104.8) 64 (2.7) 1.75 x 106 (197.7 x 103)
Shaped 111 (50.3) 45 (1.9) 1.75 x 106 (197.7 x 103)
RLHA24 (Note 2) Flat 360 (163.3) 117 (4.93) 3.40 x 106 (384.2 x 103)
Narrow Shaped 255 (115.7) 75 (3.16) 3.40 x 106 (384.2 x 103)
Wide Shaped 262 (118.8) 75 (3.16) 3.40 x 106 (384.2 x 103)
RLHA28 (Note 2) Flat 485 (220) 284 (11.97) 3.40 x 106 (384.2 x 103)
Shaped 355 (161) 138 (5.82) 3.40 x 106 (384.2 x 103)
RLHB19 Flat 225 (102.1) 64 (2.7) 0.92 x 106 (104.0 x 103)
Shaped 105 (47.6) 45 (1.9) 0.92 x 106 (104.0 x 103)
RLHB19 HiP2* Flat 226 (102.6) 64 (2.7) 0.96 x 106 (106.5 x 103)
Shaped 106 (48.1) 45 (1.9) 0.96 x 106 (106.5 x 103)
RLHB24 Flat 350 (158.8) 117 (4.93) 2.34 x 106 (264.4 x 103)
Shaped 245 (111.1) 75 (3.16) 2.34 x 106 (264.4 x 103)
RLHB28 Flat 475 (215.5) 284 (11.97) 2.34 x 106 (264.4 x 103)
Shaped 345 (156.5) 138 (5.82) 2.34 x 106 (264.4 x 103)

1. For applications with rateau wheels and non-standard shaft extensions, consult factory.
2. For RLHA 24/28 supplied with a 3” shaft diameter, add 11 lb. to rotor weight and 0.71 x 106 lb-in/RAD
to shaft torsional stiffness.
* Exhaust pressure ≥ 106 PSIG (7.45 kg/cm2 g)

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Coppus RLH Turbines Installation

Section C


C.1 General
Proper installation of the turbine and driven equipment is vital for successful operation of the
system. It is for this reason that competent, experienced personnel should be employed during
installation. Refer to the certified drawing in Supplemental Documentation at the end of this manual,
prior to installation.

The following subsections, C.2 through C.10, provide detailed specifications and procedures. Follow
them in the indicated sequence for complete and correct installation.

The following recommendations and instructions are provided to assist the purchaser and/or his
contractor. Fully qualified labor, including qualified supervision, is required for proper installation,
start-up, and subsequent operation. The services of a Coppus serviceman are recommended for
supervision of installation and start-up of the turbine.

To achieve satisfactory operation, the following steps must be carried out in sequence.

a. Refer to the certified outline drawing and carefully read all installation notes, piping connection
details, dimensions and clearances, and any other special data.

b. Provide a proper and adequate foundation for the turbine.

c. Provide a proper piping installation, in accordance with NEMA SM23, that will accommodate
pressure forces and thermal growth without imposing excessive force on the turbine.

d. Remove all protective coatings and foreign matter from the turbine and all piping.

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Installation Coppus RLH Turbines

e. Refer to coupling alignment instructions supplied by the coupling manufacturer, as well as

those supplied in this manual.

f. Perform an accurate cold alignment.

g. Grout the baseplate or soleplate to the foundation, as required.

h. Carefully check hot alignment at operating temperature and adjust it, if necessary, to establish
accurate alignment.

i. Dowel turbine and driven machine in place to maintain proper alignment.

C.2 Foundation
The foundation is one of the most influential factors governing overall reliability of a turbine. A
foundation must maintain alignment under all normal and abnormal conditions. This includes the
way a foundation is supported on the soil and/or superstructure, soil settling, soil resonances, thermal
distortion, piping forces, and vacuum pull or pressure forces in expansion joints.

The turbine, gear reducer (if used), and driven equipment should all be mounted on a common

Sufficient space should be provided around and above the foundation to allow for proper installation
and maintenance.

The foundation must minimize vibration by being as heavy as possible and non-resonant. It is
important that the turbine be isolated from external vibration. Neither the foundation nor related
support structure should be resonant within the operating range of the turbine.

Vibration transmissions may occur from the unit to the surroundings, or vice versa; vibration may
also be aggravated by resonance at transmission frequencies. Piping, stairways, and ducts may also
transmit vibration, which should be prevented by proper isolation.

A certified outline drawing is furnished with each Coppus turbine and is included in this manual.
This drawing includes dimensions for locating anchor bolts, turbine weight, and general information
required for determining foundation dimensions and design.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Installation

A generous safety factor should be used when determining foundation thickness. The foundation
length and width should extend at least 6 inches (152 mm) beyond the anchor bolts.

Anchor bolts must be positioned accurately and provided with sleeves. The sleeve bore diameter
should be approximately twice the bolt diameter, but should provide not less than 1/2” (13 mm)
clearance all around the bolt.

Carefully constructed templates are required to hold bolts and sleeves in position while the
foundation is cast. Templates are usually made of wood and secured to the foundation forms. Skilled
craftsman should be able to set anchor bolts to a tolerance of 1/8” (3 mm) by locating and drilling
holes in the template after they have been secured to the braced forms.

Anchor bolts should be threaded at both ends and be of sufficient length to extend one-and-a-half to
twice the bolt diameter above the top of securing holes in the baseplate or the sole plate. The lower
end of each bolt is enclosed in a sleeve and passes through an anchor plate, where it is secured by a
nut to which it is welded.

Anchor plates can be either washers or plates of cast iron or steel. They should have a diameter or
side dimensions of approximately twice to two-and-a-half the outside diameter of the sleeves.

1. Templates must be rigid enough to prevent bolts from shifting while the concrete is being

2. After concrete has been poured and before it has hardened, recheck positions of the anchor

3. Allow a 1-1/2” (38 mm) gap above the top of the foundation surface for grouting under edges
of the baseplate or sole plates.

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Installation Coppus RLH Turbines

C.3 Piping
Proper piping of a steam turbine is essential. Correctly designed and installed piping contributes to
safe, trouble-free operation and can improve ease of turbine operation and maintenance.

Before installing any piping, installation personnel should read and become thoroughly familiar with
this section.

C.3.1 Piping Forces

Any pipe connected to the steam turbine casing, valves, gland housing, or bearing housings can exert
forces and/or moments on the turbine. This can misalign the turbine with its driven equipment or
distort the turbine casing, resulting in internal misalignment of the turbine shaft with bearings, seals,
and other components. Such misalignment can cause vibration, premature wear or failure of
bearings, seals, couplings and shafts, and casing leaks.

Steam supply (inlet) and exhaust piping, being relatively large and subjected to higher temperatures
and pressures, can, if improperly installed, exert relatively large forces and moments on a steam
turbine. Leak-off, drain, lube, cooling water and gland seal piping do not normally transmit
significant piping forces.

To prevent excessive piping forces or moments, the customer must ensure that the piping is designed
and installed so as to comply with NEMA SM-23, Allowable Forces and Moments on Steam
Turbines. The maximum allowable forces and moments are a function of inlet and exhaust flange
sizes. Flange sizes are tabulated on the Certified Drawing appearing in Supplemental Documentation
at the end of this manual.

Piping forces can be reduced or eliminated with proper piping design, the use of expansion joints,
and correct piping support systems. Figure C-1 illustrates proper inlet and exhaust piping systems,
showing typical expansion joints, piping loops, and spring supports in the piping system.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Installation

Figure C-1. Suggested Steam Inlet and Exhaust Piping Arrangement

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Installation Coppus RLH Turbines

C.3.2 Block Valves

Inlet and exhaust lines to a steam turbine must be provided with block valves. The purpose of these
valves is to isolate the turbine from inlet and exhaust systems, allowing the turbine to be shut down,
along with sealing inlet and exhaust lines if the turbine is to be moved or serviced.


NEVER DISCONNECT inlet or exhaust piping of the turbine without first

DRAIN VALVES SLOWLY to relieve any pressure within the turbine. Failure
to do so may expose PERSONNEL to SERIOUS INJURY if steam were to
be introduced into the piping or captured in the turbine. As an added
precaution, always install blank flanges on inlet and exhaust lines after
removing the turbine.

The inlet piping block valve should be installed immediately upstream of the turbine. Refer to Figure

The exhaust piping block valve should be installed immediately downstream of the full flow relief
valve. Refer to Figure C-1.

C.3.3 Full Flow Relief Valve

An atmospheric relief valve must be installed between the turbine exhaust flange and the first
exhaust line shut-off valve (see Figure C-1). The purpose of this relief valve is to protect the turbine
casing from excessive exhaust pressure. The relief valve must be of ample size to pass the maximum
quantity of steam flowing through the turbine at the maximum inlet temperature and pressure steam
conditions without allowing the turbine casing pressure to exceed the limit defined below. It is the
user’s responsibility to install the relief valve in the piping.

The full flow relief valve shall begin to open at 10% or 10 PSIG (69 kPag) above maximum exhaust
pressure, whichever is greater, for non-condensing turbines; and at not more than 10 PSIG (60 kPag)
for condensing turbines. The valve shall be fully open with the additional rise in pressure not to
exceed 10%. Refer to NEMA-23 for further details.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Installation


The turbine should NOT be OPERATED unless an ATMOSPHERIC RELIEF

VALVE or other protective device has been INSTALLED ahead of the shut-
off valve closest to the turbine in the exhaust line and is in operating


The optional SENTINEL WARNING VALVE, located on the turbine casing,

DOES NOT SERVE as a RELIEF VALVE. The sentinel warning valve WILL
NOT PASS SUFFICIENT STEAM to relieve the turbine casing of
EXCESSIVE EXHAUST PRESSURE. The purpose of the sentinel warning
valve is to warn visually and audibly that excessive pressure is building in
the turbine exhaust casing.

C.3.4 Inlet Piping

As shown in Figure C-1, inlet piping should come off the top of the steam header and form an
expansion relieving loop or other strain relieving device, before coming down to the turbine. A
valved condensate drain should be installed in the inlet line upstream of the block valve and at the
low point downstream of the block valve, allowing condensate to drain prior to opening the isolating
valve and feeding steam to the turbine. Piping must be supported in such a manner as to allow
thermal growth of the turbine and piping, without imposing excessive forces and moments on the
inlet flange. Properly installed piping should mate squarely to the turbine inlet flange, without any
need to force flanges by twisting them into alignment when connecting them.

The inlet line should be well lagged to prevent heat loss and to avoid burns.

Pipe sizes should be large enough to maintain rated steam pressure at the turbine inlet flange under
maximum load conditions. In determining pipe size, proper allowance should be made for pressure
drop due to long sections of pipe, elbows, valves, or other fittings between the boiler and the turbine.

If wet or saturated steam is used, it is very important that piping be arranged so that condensate
cannot be carried over into the turbine. A steam separator of the proper size, with a trap of ample
capacity, should be installed before the turbine inlet. All horizontal runs must be sloped up in the
direction of steam flow, with drains at the low points.

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Installation Coppus RLH Turbines

The importance of protecting the turbine against slugs of water cannot be overemphasized. The issue
is not “wetness” of the steam, but with condensate, which is separated out as water. The harmful
effects of water are:

1. Rapid erosion of blading and valves.

2. In the case of turbine wheels with inserted blades, water may have a hammer-blow effect,
tearing out the blades and destroying the rotor.

3. Governing is adversely affected.

4. The rotor may be permanently distorted and/or the turbine may be seriously damaged.

5. A danger of thrust bearing failure and consequent destruction of the turbine.

C.3.5 Exhaust Piping

Figure C-1 shows exhaust piping together with the full flow relief valve and support system. Note
that the exhaust line should slope down toward the header or create an overhead loop, to prevent
condensate at the header from flowing back toward the turbine. Valved drains should be installed
before and after the exhaust block valve.

On each installation, the length of run, elbows, valves, and other fittings in the pipe must be
considered, together with all factors which may cause back pressure on non-condensing turbines or
reduced vacuum on condensing turbines, and a final decision on piping size made accordingly. On
non-condensing turbines, back pressure higher than that the turbine was designed for will cause
reduction of power and an increase in steam consumption. It may also cause gland leakage, and in
extreme cases, can rupture the turbine casing. On condensing turbines, decreased vacuum will have
an even greater effect on capacity and economy.

The exhaust pipe must be installed and anchored so that no excessive stress is placed on the turbine
from either the weight of the pipe or its expansion and contraction. In cases where such an
arrangement cannot be made with certainty, an expansion joint near the turbine can be useful in low
pressure lines and is usually required on large pipe sizes. The use of an expansion joint does not of
itself avoid undue stress. It is not as flexible as many people assume and when installed, it must be
properly aligned and not indiscriminately exposed to shear or torsion. In the majority of
applications, axial thrust created on the cross-sectional area of the largest bellows, by internal
pressure, must be restricted by the use of tie rods. They are most effective when the expansion joint
is used in shear, instead of tension or compression. When used in either a vacuum or a pressure line,
tie rods must be arranged accordingly. They are useless where a joint moves under tension or
compression, as they bypass the joint and transmit pipe forces directly to the turbine. Provision must
be made to anchor the piping in such a way that excessive forces will not be transmitted to the
turbine during shut-down and operational running. Connection to a header must be made at the top,
never from the bottom or side, and great care must be taken to avoid draining water back into the
turbine. All horizontal runs must be sloped away from the turbine exhaust connection.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Installation

Properly installed piping should mate squarely to the turbine exhaust flange, without any need to
force flanges by twisting them into alignment when connecting them. The exhaust line should be
well lagged to prevent heat loss and avoid burns.

C.3.6 Piping Blow Down

After inlet piping has been installed, but before connecting it to the turbine, steam should be blown
through the line and into the exhaust line to remove welding slag and debris. Refer to NEMA SM-
23, Steam Turbines, For Mechanical Drive Service or a reliable piping contractor for a blow-down



CONNECTING them to the turbine. Debris and welding slag can cause
serious damage to valves, nozzles, and turbine blading if allowed to enter
the turbine.

C.3.7 Steam Strainer

Coppus turbines are provided with inlet steam strainers to prevent entry of foreign material into the
turbine. Part of the throttle valve is located in the same chamber with the steam strainer. The steam
strainer will allow small debris particles to pass through the turbine and does not preclude the need
for inlet piping blowdown prior to connecting the turbine.

C.3.8 Check Valve

Where a turbine exhausts or bleeds steam into another system, and a check valve is installed for
prevention of reverse flow to the turbine, adequate bracing must be installed to absorb any forces
created by water hammer effects occurring in the exhaust line downstream and acting on the check

Instruction Manual Revision B C-9

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Installation Coppus RLH Turbines

C.3.9 Expansion Joints

Low pressure and vacuum lines are usually large and relatively stiff. It is common practice to use an
expansion joint in these lines to provide flexibility. If an expansion joint is improperly used, it may
cause a pipe reaction greater than the one which it is supposed to eliminate. An expansion joint will
cause an axial thrust equal to the area of the largest corrugation times the internal pressure. The force
necessary to compress or elongate an expansion joint can be quite large, and either of these forces
may be greater than the limits for the exhaust flange. In order to have the lowest reaction, it is best to
avoid absorbing pipeline expansion by axial compression or elongation. If it is found that expansion
joints are required, it is essential that they be properly located and their foundation rigid. Refer to
NEMA SM-23, Steam Turbines, For Mechanical Drive Service or a reliable piping contractor for
steam piping system design and installation guidance.

Figure C-2 shows an unrestrained expansion joint in a pressure line.



Figure C-2. Unrestrained Expansion Joint (Not Recommended)

The axial thrust from the expansion joint tends to separate the turbine and the elbow. To prevent
this, the elbow must have an anchor to keep it from moving. The turbine must also absorb this thrust,
and in so doing, it becomes an anchor. This force on the turbine case may be greater than the
allowable force. In general, this method should be discouraged.

Figure C-3 shows the same piping arrangement as in the previous figure, except for the addition of
tie rods on the expansion joint.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Installation



Figure C-3. Expansion Joint with Tie Rods (Acceptable)

The tie rods limit elongation of the joint and take the axial thrust created by the internal pressure so
it is not transmitted to the turbine flange. The tie rods eliminate any axial flexibility, but the joint is
still flexible in shear, meaning that the flanges may move in parallel planes. The location of this type
of joint in the piping should be such that movement of the pipe puts the expansion joint in shear
instead of tension or compression.

Figure C-4 is an arrangement frequently used, with tie rods as indicated.


Figure C-4. Expansion Joint with Tie Rods for Non-Condensing Operation (Preferred)

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Installation Coppus RLH Turbines

This arrangement will prevent any thrust, due to internal pressure, from being transmitted to the
exhaust flange. It retains the axial flexibility of the joint and may be used for either vacuum or
pressure service.

C.3.10 Drain Piping



leak-off from a high pressure upstream location connected to a steam chest
drain or throttle valve leak-off/drain could supply sufficient steam TO
an interconnection would bypass the overspeed trip valve.

Openings are provided for draining the turbine casing, throttle valve body, and overspeed trip valve
body. Each drain connection should be piped separately, without manifolding, to an open drain that
can be seen by the turbine operator, to ensure that all condensate has been removed from the turbine
prior to start-up. A valve must be installed in each line, suitable for the pressure involved. It is
desirable to have the lines slope away from the turbine. The drain lines are to be opened whenever
the turbine is shut down, and closed after all water accumulations have been removed at the time of
start up

When a turbine is required to start automatically, steam traps should be installed in the drain piping
in parallel with the manual valves.

Locations and sizes of drain openings are shown on the certified drawing. See Supplemental
Documentation at the end of this manual.

C.3.11 Leak-Off Piping

Leak-off connections are provided at the Gland Housings, Throttle Valve, and Overspeed Trip
Valve. These leak-offs must be pitched down and away from the turbine and connected to open,
unrestricted, separate, non-manifolded drain lines, which discharge to a safe and visible area. There
should not be any valves on leak-off lines. If desired, leak-offs may be connected to a gland

Turbines operated with a vacuum exhaust should have 3-5 PSIG (21 to 34 kPag) steam applied to
the gland leak-offs. See Section C.3.13. Turbines operated with high back pressure may have an
intermediate leak-off that must be piped to a 35 to 70 PSIG header.

Leak-off piping should be arranged to ensure that no pressure build-up occurs in the system,
avoiding low points where condensate could accumulate.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Installation

On gas operated turbines, it is recommended that leak-offs be piped to a safe area away from the
turbine site.

Locations and sizes of leak-off connections are shown on the certified drawing. See Supplemental
Documentation at the end of this manual.

C.3.12 Cooling Water Piping to Bearing Housing Water Jackets

Depending on service conditions and the type of lubrication system supplied with the turbine,
bearing housings may require water cooling to maintain an acceptable bearing oil temperature.

Refer to Section F, Lubrication, for cooling water application requirements, suggested piping, water
flow, pressure and temperature requirements, and oil sump temperature.

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Installation Coppus RLH Turbines

C.3.13 Gland Seal Piping

On turbines exhausting to a vacuum, sealing steam at 5 to 10 PSIG (34 to 69 kPag) must be
furnished through carbon ring glands to prevent air from entering the exhaust casing.

If gland seal piping is not furnished with the turbine, sealing steam connections should be piped via a
common connection to the user’s steam supply. A recommended piping diagram for gland seal
piping is shown in Figure C-5.

Figure C-5. Gland Seal Piping for Vacuum Exhaust

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Coppus RLH Turbines Installation

C.3.14 Suggested Inlet, Exhaust, and Drain Piping Schematics

Figure C-6. Suggested Inlet, Exhaust, and Drain Piping, Manual Start

Figure C-7. Suggested Inlet, Exhaust, and Drain Piping, Automatic Start

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Installation Coppus RLH Turbines

C.4 Alignment Requirements

Many problems experienced with turbines, gears, and driven equipment are due to misalignment.
Units must be properly supported and their alignment accurately and permanently established if the
installation is to be successful.


ALIGNMENTS performed by the factory on turbines with gears or other

driven equipment mounted on baseplates MAY SHIFT during rigging or
shipment. These alignments must be RECHECKED before startup.

Excessive vibration, bearing edge loading, and high shaft loads can result from incorrect alignment.
Factors affecting alignment can be settling of the foundation, growth in shaft heights due to
temperature changes, machine movement of either unit with respect to the foundation due to
vibration, worn bearings, or distortion of the casing due to loads from connecting structures (such as
piping). A dependable turbine drive system requires that all of these factors be given proper attention
prior to and during alignment.

The turbine and driven equipment should always be aligned cold, checked later at operating
temperature, and re-aligned if necessary. Both shafts should be parallel and their axes concentric so
that there is no offset at operating temperature.

Two types of misalignment must be identified and corrected (if necessary) to be within defined

Angular misalignment occurs when shaft centerlines intersect at an angle.

Figure C-8. Angular Misalignment

Parallel misalignment occurs when shaft centerlines are parallel to each other, but do not intersect.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Installation

Figure C-9. Parallel Misalignment

As previously noted, alignment is influenced by the thermal growth of both the turbine and the
driven equipment. This must be compensated for during cold alignment by calculating the growth of
each machine and intentionally creating a parallel offset that will disappear when the equipment is

C.5 Couplings
A flexible coupling is required to connect the turbine to the driven machine. Couplings should be
selected based on power, speed, and characteristics of the driven machine, using selection and
balancing guidelines established by the coupling manufacturer.

Correct installation of the coupling hubs is vital to proper operation of the turbine and driven unit;
great care must be exercised in assembling hubs onto shafts. Before mounting a coupling, check the
coupling bore and shaft diameter with a micrometer to determine that the interference fit is as
specified by the coupling manufacturer. Also, inspect the key and keyways, making sure that the key
is a drive fit into the shaft keyway and a push fit into the coupling hub keyway. The key should also
sit positively on the bottom of the shaft keyway, with clearance on the top of the key to allow
expansion within the hub keyway.

If the shaft key extends beyond the back of the coupling hub, the key should fill the entire keyway.
The exposed portion of the key must be removed so that it is flush with the coupling back face and
must be profiled flush to the circumference of the shaft so that only the keyway in the shaft is filled,
maintaining shaft balance. When installing coupling hubs on shafts, it is important to heat them
uniformly, taking great care to avoid overheating. A recommended method is to use an oil bath with
a temperature control or an induction heater.

When fitting the coupling onto the shaft, it is helpful to have a chamfer on the sides and top of the
key, making alignment easy with the hub keyway. Also, a temporary block should be used, to
prevent the hub from sliding too far onto the shaft.

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Installation Coppus RLH Turbines

Do not use hammers to drive coupling hubs onto the shaft, as this would damage the coupling, shaft,
or bearings. As coupling hubs are frequently used for reference in alignment, runout or eccentricity
of hubs, which may be caused by damage to the shaft, hubs, or badly fitted keys, must be avoided.


Axial clearance between the coupling hubs and shaft end faces should be in
accordance with recommendations of the coupling manufacturer, when
shafts are in their normal running condition.


DO NOT drive the coupling on or off the shaft with a HAMMER. The force of
the hammer will damage the rotor locating bearing, resulting in internal
turbine damage.

Lubricate the coupling as required, by following the coupling manufacturer’s instructions.

C.6 Preparation for Alignment

Use the following procedure:

a. Clean turbine mating support surfaces and mount turbine on the foundation.

b. Do not connect the turbine to inlet and exhaust piping.

c. Disconnect the coupling by removing the coupling spacer (if provided) and pulling coupling
sleeves away from the hub.

d. Insert suitable shim packs between supporting surfaces of the turbine and/or driven equipment
and their respective mounting surfaces. It is important to insert sufficient shims under the
equipment so that shims can be removed to lower either piece of equipment if required during
hot final alignment. A minimum of 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) is recommended.

e. Level and square the turbine with respect to the driven equipment.

f. Check for base distortion and improper shimming by placing dial indicators in vertical and
horizontal planes on the driven equipment, with the indicators detecting turbine shaft
movement. Each turbine foot anchor bolt should then be loosened and tightened, while
observing the dial indicator reading. Readings should not exceed 0.003 in. (0.075 mm); if they
are exceeded, the cause must be determined. Repeat this procedure for driven equipment.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Installation

g. Check that all anchor bolts (i.e., turbine, driven equipment, and supports) are tightened.

h. Check coupling hub face runout using the following procedure:

1. Install dial indicator (refer to Figure C-10) to read a point nearest to the outside
circumference on the face of one hub.

2. Rotate the shaft and hub on which the dial indicator is touching and record the maximum
and minimum indicator readings. Axial runout is the difference between the two readings.

3. Re-position the dial indicator to read on the external outside diameter of the same hub as
in step 1 and measure coupling hub diametral runout, as shown in Figure C-10.

4. Rotate hub and record the maximum and minimum indicator readings. Lateral runout is
1/2 of the difference between the two readings.

5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the other coupling hub.

6. Any runout exceeding 0.0015 inch (0.038 mm) should be corrected by reinstallation of
the hub and keys or their replacement.

7. Hub runout values should be subtracted from the desired alignment setting.

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Installation Coppus RLH Turbines

Figure C-10. Alignment Using Dial Indicators

C.7 Compensation for Thermal Growth

During initial alignment, allowances must be made for thermal expansion of the turbine and driven
equipment. The shaft centerline of each unit will rise when they reach operating temperature.
Therefore, the difference between the two anticipated growths must be incorporated into the cold
alignments so that the shafts will come into alignment when operating temperature is attained.


Thermal movement varies significantly with inlet temperature, load, ambient

conditions and time. Final hot alignment of the turbine to the driven
equipment must be based on actual measured shaft rise under steady state

The following formula defines thermal growth:

∆H = K × ∆T
where K is a constant dependent on turbine frame size (see below);

∆T = turbine exhaust temperature minus ambient temperature (°F);

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Coppus RLH Turbines Installation

∆H = thermal growth (inches)

Frame Size K
19 9.8 × 10-5
24/28 12.9 × 10-5

Thermal growth of the driven equipment, or its temperature change, must be obtained from the
driven equipment manufacturer.

The unit with the greater thermal growth must be set lower than the other unit, by the difference
between their thermal growths. Normally, the turbine has the greater thermal growth.


The initial alignment established with this estimated thermal growth is only
approximate. An actual hot alignment must be performed prior to putting the
turbine into service.

C.8 Cold Alignment

Cold alignment must be completed at ambient temperature (turbine and driven machine in cold
condition) and in the proper sequence, with angular alignment corrected first, followed by correction
of parallel misalignment.

C.8.1 Angular Alignment

Use the following procedure:

a. Clamp a dial indicator to one coupling hub and place the finger (contact point) against the
finished face of the other hub, as shown in Figure C-10.

b. Scribe a reference mark on the coupling hub at the point where the finger touches the hub face.

c. Rotate both shafts simultaneously (in the direction they were designed to operate), keeping the
finger against the reference mark on the coupling hub. Note the dial indicator reading at each
one-quarter revolution.

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Installation Coppus RLH Turbines

d. Angular misalignment of the shafts must not exceed the coupling manufacturer’s
recommendations or a total indicator reading of 0.001 inch (0.025 mm) for each radial
inch of the coupling hub.

e. When the distance between coupling hubs does not permit the use of dial indicators, angular
alignment can be established using one of the two following methods:

1. Use feeler gauges to determine the gap between coupling faces at four locations, 90°
apart. Adjust the turbine or driven equipment to obtain equal clearance within 0.001 inch
(0.025 mm) between coupling faces at each 90° location.

2. Use a dial indicator mounted on a flexible arm to measure runout on the back surface of
the coupling hub, as shown in Figure C-10.

C.8.2 Parallel Alignment

Use the following procedure:

a. Mark both hub rims so that their relative positions can be maintained at all times during the
alignment check.

b. Mount the dial indicator on one of the coupling hubs and position the indicator finger on the
rim of the opposite coupling hub, as shown in Figure C-10.

c. Scribe a reference mark on the machined diameter of the coupling hub at the point of indicator
finger contact, or align match marks on the hub rims.

d. Rotate both shafts at the same time, while retaining the indicator finger at the reference mark
and the two match points aligned.

e. Note indicator readings at 90° locations (90°, 180°, 270°, 360°). Remember to zero the
indicator at the starting point.

f. Repeat steps d and e two or three times to verify accuracy of readings.

Note: In installations where there is excessive coupling gap (when a coupling spacer is used), it may
be necessary to make a reading correction when determining vertical parallel misalignment.

g. Hot Parallel misalignment must not exceed the coupling manufacturer’s

recommendations or a total indicator reading of 0.002 inch (0.051 mm).

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Coppus RLH Turbines Installation

When parallel alignment is complete, connect inlet and exhaust piping, and recheck angular and
parallel alignment thoroughly.

C.9 Grouting
When cold alignment is satisfactory, grout the baseplate or soleplate to the foundation using the
guidelines specified below. (Epoxy grout procedures may differ--follow manufacturer’s

Mix a test batch of ready-to-use grouting material to verify that the material overcomes settlement
and drying shrinkage. This type of material is normally used for clearances less than one inch in
thickness, and where the size and shape of the space make placement difficult.

Coarse aggregate is normally used for clearances over one inch (2.5 cm) in thickness, where free
passage of the grout will not be obstructed. One part of pea gravel or peastone may be added to two
parts of the ready-to-use grouting material to form coarse aggregate grout.


Do not disturb alignment by removing shims or wedges under the baseplate

or soleplate.

Grouting must be done with all steam and exhaust piping disconnected from the turbine.

When prepared grout mixes are used, follow the manufacturer’s instructions and applicable safety

A suitable form should be built around the baseplate or soleplate before grout is applied.

With either of the above described mixes, use the minimum amount of water required to create a
flowable grout that completely fills the required space. Excessive water causes segregation and

Apply grout quickly and continuously to avoid the undesirable effects from overworking.

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Installation Coppus RLH Turbines

Once the grout has acquired its initial set, all exposed edges should be cut off vertically to coincide
with the baseplate. Paint the grout with waterproof paint after the grout has thoroughly dried, or
apply plaster with Portland cement-sand mortar.

C.10 Hot Alignment Check

After installation is complete, the grout is fully set, and the tightness of all hold-down bolts has been
checked, bring the turbine and driven machine up to operating temperature, shut down the unit, and
make a careful and final check of the alignment using the procedure outlines in Section C.8. This
should be done as soon as possible after shut down, to avoid erroneous readings due to cooling.
Final adjustments should be made so that both shafts are parallel and their axes concentric, resulting
in zero offset at operating temperature, consistent with the coupling manufacturer’s limits.

If the alignment is not satisfactory, check the following for possible causes:

a. Pipe strains distorting or shifting machines due to thermal growth (disconnect piping and re-
check alignment).

b. Springing of the baseplate or soleplates by heat from the turbine, from a heat source close to
the turbine, or due to soft shims or partial shims.

c. Loose hold-down bolts.

d. Shifting of the entire structure due to variable loading, a change in the foundation due to
concrete curing, or improper grouting causing non-continuous support.

When final alignment is satisfactory, dowel the turbine and driven equipment in place to maintain
proper alignment.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Speed Control System

Section D

Speed Control System

D.1 General
Your Coppus steam turbine has been designed to produce the rated power, at its rated speed, under
the specified steam conditions. This information can be found on the turbine nameplate, on the
turbine data sheet at the beginning of this manual, or on the certified drawing.

If the load created by the driven equipment is less than the rated power, the turbine would tend to
run faster than the rated speed; if the load is greater than the rated power, the turbine would tend to
run slower than the rated speed. These tendencies can be counteracted by regulating the amount of
steam admitted to the turbine. The Governor and Throttle Valve provide this function.

The Governor senses the speed at which the turbine is running and opens or closes the Throttle
Valve accordingly to maintain the turbine at its predetermined (set) speed.

D.2 Standard Governor

The standard governor is the Woodward TG Mechanical-Hydraulic Speed Control Governor. The
Governor is attached to the Governor Mounting Housing and couples to the turbine shaft via a
flexible coupling. The Governor is connected to the Throttle Valve by the Governor Linkage.

The instruction manual for the standard or optional governor is found in Supplemental
Documentation at the end of this manual.

Figure D-1 shows external features of the Woodward TG Governor.

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Figure D-1. Governor Features

Breather--this is a vent for the oil reservoir and also serves as a plug for the oil filler hole.

Oil Level Indicator--A sight gauge on the side of the Governor for checking the oil level.

Speed Adjusting Screw--this screw, located on the rear of the Governor, increases the turbine speed
setpoint when turned clockwise.

Output Shaft--opens and closes the Throttle Valve via the throttle linkage.

Input Shaft--is connected to turbine shaft, sensing turbine speed.

Drain Plug--oil drain on the bottom of the Governor.

D.3 Lubrication and Maintenance

The TG Governor has a self-contained, 1.75 quart oil reservoir. Oil level can be checked by viewing
the oil level indicator on the side of the Governor.

The turbine is shipped with the Governor reservoir filled with oil. Oil level should be checked before
starting the turbine and should be maintained at the proper level. Oil should be changed according to
recommendations in the Woodward manual, included with this manual. If oil should become
contaminated, a quality turbine oil is recommended. See Section F, Lubrication System, for oil
selection guidelines.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Speed Control System


Operating the GOVERNOR with DIRTY OIL or with a LOW OIL LEVEL can
cause the Governor to MALFUNCTION, resulting in possible damage to the
turbine and/or the Governor.

Refer to the Woodward manual for governor oil selection guidelines and for any additional
maintenance information.

D.4 Speed Range and Droop Adjustment

The TG Governor speed range is preset at the factory, as determined by the rated speed. Speed
within that range can be adjusted by the speed adjusting screw on the rear of the Governor.
Clockwise rotation of the speed adjusting screw increases turbine speed.

Droop, the variation in speed from no load to full load, can affect speed stability and may need
adjustment if the turbine hunts or surges. Refer to the Woodward manual, included with this manual,
for details on droop adjustment.

D.5 Optional Governors

Coppus turbines can be supplied with a variety of optional governors, depending on customer needs.
If your turbine is equipped with an optional governor, refer to the supplementary manual included
with this manual.


NEVER attempt to START the steam TURBINE without first reading about

D.6 Throttle Valve

The RLH Throttle Valve (refer to Figure D-2) consists of a balanced cup valve sliding in a cage
contained within the combo valve body. The valve stem extends through the valve bonnet, which
contains a carbon seal sleeve. The seal sleeve is captured by the seal block, which is provided with a
leak-off to direct any steam that escapes past the stem carbon seal sleeve away from the valve. Drain
holes at the bottom of the combo valve are used to connect piping which drains condensate from the
valve. The turbine is shipped with pipe plugs in the drain holes. Refer to Section G for leak-off and
drain piping recommendations.

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Speed Control Systems Coppus RLH Turbines

The Throttle Valve needs no regular maintenance other than replacement of the seal sleeve if
leakage becomes excessive. Valve stem freedom of movement should be checked prior to starting a
turbine that has been out of service for any significant length of time.

Figure D-2. Throttle Valve Features

The steam strainer screen, surrounding the throttle valve cage, prevents foreign matter from entering
the turbine. If foreign matter does appear in the steam chest, turbine nozzles, exhaust casing, or if
blading is damaged, then the steam strainer may be defective. Foreign matter that gets past an intact
steam strainer generally has a small particle size or comes from within the turbine itself.

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D.7 Throttle Linkage

The linkage between the Governor and Throttle Valve needs no lubrication or maintenance.
However, it should be checked periodically for freedom of movement and for worn parts.

D.8 Handvalves
The steam turbine may be equipped with one or two optional handvalves, located on the steam chest.
The purpose of the handvalves is to allow the operator to open or close passages to one or more of
the turbine nozzles. Since the turbine is more efficient when operating at the highest possible steam
chest pressure, it is advised to operate the turbine with the Throttle Valve open as wide as possible,
while regulating power with the handvalves. If operating at lower power is necessary, this is
accomplished by closing handvalves one at a time until the Governor and Throttle Valve are no
longer capable of maintaining speed (Throttle Valve is wide open), and then opening one handvalve.
If the load should increase while operating in this mode (more power is required), it will be
necessary to open additional handvalves to maintain speed.

Handvalves must be fully open or fully closed. Operation with a partially open handvalve is
equivalent to throttling, meaning that efficiency is lower. It will also cause steam cutting damage to
the valve seats.

When closing handvalves, close the valve furthest from the inlet flange first. Open handvalves using
the opposite sequence. This will prevent interrupted flow from nozzles to the blades, which will
subject blades to unnecessary stress cycles and could reduce turbine efficiency.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Overspeed Trip System

Section E

Overspeed Trip System

E.1 General
In the event of an overspeed condition, caused by a sudden loss of load or failure of the speed
control system, the supply of steam to the turbine must be quickly and positively interrupted,
preventing damage to or destruction of the turbine or driven equipment and possible personal injury.

The overspeed trip valve, working in conjunction with the trip linkage and overspeed trip collar
assembly, performs this function.

Per NEMA SM23, Steam Turbines For Mechanical Drive Service, the trip speed is 15% over
maximum continuous speed for NEMA A (Woodward TG) governors and 10% over maximum
continuous speed for NEMA D governors. Maximum continuous speed is 5% over rated speed;
therefore, trip speed is 16% (NEMA D) or 21% (NEMA A) over rated speed. The factory trip setting
speed appears on the turbine nameplate.

The overspeed trip collar assembly (see Figure E-1), located within the mounting housing on the
governor end of the turbine shaft, contains a spring-loaded bolt, within which resides a speed-
adjusting set screw. The bolt, spring, and set screw are selected and set at the factory so that the bolt
snaps out of the collar at a predetermined trip speed. This trip speed is recorded on the turbine data
sheet, the certified drawing, and the turbine nameplate.

When the bolt snaps out of the overspeed trip collar assembly (see Figures E-2 and E-3), it strikes
the trip lever, which in turn releases the trip linkage, causing the trip valve to close. As turbine speed
decreases, the bolt is pulled back into the collar by spring action. The trip valve can then be
manually reset to the open position under full inlet pressure by first closing the throttle valve and
then latching the trip linkage using the reset handle.

In the event of an emergency, the turbine can be manually tripped by pressing down the trip lever,
which protrudes from the mounting housing.

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Overspeed Trip System Coppus RLH Turbines

E.2 Warnings


TESTING, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE of overspeed trip systems must

be performed only by trained and EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL.


The OVERSPEED TRIP SYSTEM must always be TESTED and adjusted, if

necessary, when STARTING the steam turbine.






that operate continuously. This prevents build-up of foreign material in the
trip linkage and alerts the operator to deterioration that may affect trip
system performance.


Always determine and CORRECT the cause of an OVERSPEED TRIP


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Coppus RLH Turbines Overspeed Trip System



the factory setting without first consulting the factory.

E.3 Description and Function

E.3.1 Overspeed Trip Collar Assembly

The overspeed trip collar assembly (Figure E-1), consists of the following parts.

S200 Overspeed trip collar

S201 Bolt-head shank
S202 Spring retainer
S203 Set screw
S204 Bolt spring
S36 Set screw (trip speed adjusting screw)
21 Turbine shaft





Figure E-1. Overspeed Trip Collar Assembly

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Overspeed Trip System Coppus RLH Turbines

As shown in Figure E-1, the bolt-head shank (S201), which is contained within the overspeed trip
collar (S200), passes through a clearance hole in the turbine shaft (21). The overspeed trip collar
assembly is held in position on the turbine shaft by a set screw (S203). The bolt-head shank is heavy
at the head end (lower part of Figure E-1). As the shaft and trip collar assembly rotate, centrifugal
force tends to move the bolt head out of the collar, compressing the bolt spring (S204). When
turbine speed reaches the trip speed, centrifugal force at the bolt head exceeds spring retention force,
causing the bolt head to snap out, tripping the trip linkage.

The speed at which the bolt trips the linkage is a function of bolt head shank (S201) shape and
material, spring rate of the bolt spring (S204), and the size, material, and position of set screw (S36).
These components are selected by the factory, based on the desired trip speed. In the field, trip speed
is adjusted by changing the position of set screw (S36). Refer to Section E.4 for adjustment and
maintenance instructions.


Bolt head shank (S201), bolt spring (S204), and set screw (S36) are a
FACTORY-CONFIGURED SET, selected to obtain the proper trip speed for
a specific turbine. DO NOT MIX OR INTERCHANGE THESE PARTS with
similar parts from other turbines or attempt to modify these components.
Consult your local Coppus manufacturer’s representative or the factory if
replacement parts are needed.

E.3.2 Trip Valve

The trip valve (Figure E-2) is a positive shut-off, force-actuated, clapper trip valve that is spring-
loaded to ensure fast action. Major components are listed below (a complete list of components
appears in Section M, Replacement Parts/Factory Service).

S179A Clapper valve lever

S176 Set screw
128A Gasket
135 Clapper shaft key (2)
166 Clapper shaft
171 Pilot clapper disc
174 Clapper disc
179A Seal block
193A Seal sleeve (clapper)
208 Clapper shaft bushing
382 Clapper disc sleeve

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Coppus RLH Turbines Overspeed Trip System

Figure E-2. Trip System

When the turbine is running, the clapper disc is fully open, held in place by the trip linkage, which is
in turn held by trip collar (S162) action against the trip lever (S150).

When the system is tripped, torsion spring (S166) retracts, rotating trip shaft (S164), thus forcing
clapper disc (174) into the closed position via the trip linkage, isolating the turbine from the steam

The clapper disc pilot (171) allows clapper disc (174) to be opened with inlet pressure upstream of
the valve. The pilot valve, exposing only a small surface area to the inlet pressure, is easily lifted by
the clapper shaft when reset handle action is transferred via the linkage. As the pilot opens, it permits
steam to pass through a small hole in the clapper disc, balancing the pressure drop across it. The disc
is then easily lifted by the clapper shaft (166) when the reset handle brings it to the open position.

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Overspeed Trip System Coppus RLH Turbines

The drain hole on the bottom of the combo valve body, beneath the clapper disc, is used to connect
piping which drains condensate. The turbine is shipped with a pipe plug in the drain hole. There is
also an intermediate stem leak-off connection on the seal block. Refer to Section G, Leak-off, Drain
and Gland Seal Systems for recommended drain and leak-off piping configurations.

E.3.3 Trip Linkage

The trip linkage, set in motion by movement of the bolt-head shank (S201) in the overspeed trip
collar assembly (A015), controls closing of the trip valve clapper. The linkage also allows the valve
to be opened and latched in the open position via reset handle (S160).


NEVER OPEN A CLOSED TRIP VALVE without first preparing the turbine
and driven equipment for operation.

The trip linkage consists of the following components (see Figures E-2 and E-3).

185 (2) Connecting rod end

S150 Trip lever
S151 Set screw
S152 Spring
S153 Pin
S154 Cotter pin
S155 Bearing flange
S156 (2) Hex cap screw
S157 Shaft hub
S158 Key
S159 (2) Set screw
S160 Reset handle
S161 Washer
S162 Trip collar
S163 Groove pin
S164 Trip shaft
S165 Roll pin
S166 Torsion spring
S173 Lockwasher
S167 Bushing
S174 (2) Hex cap screw
S175 (2) Hex nut
S176 (4) Set screw
S177 (2) Lever key
S178A Trip lever
S180A Connecting rod

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Coppus RLH Turbines Overspeed Trip System

Figure E-3. Collar in Tripped Position

The trip linkage operates as follows:

During trip valve reset, as the clapper disc (174) approaches the fully open position, reset handle
(S160) rotates trip collar (S162) via trip shaft (S164). The trip collar then engages the trip lever
(S150) via a knife edge, holding the valve in the open position. Torsion spring (S166), operating in
the valve closing direction, applies tension to trip shaft (S164). This tension is transferred to the
knife edge, holding the linkage in the open position. With the valve in the open position, inlet steam
can now flow into the turbine.

The trip valve can then be tripped, either manually or by an overspeed condition. If overspeed
occurs, the bolt-head shank (S201) will snap out of the overspeed trip collar (S200), striking the trip
lever (S150), causing it to release trip collar (S162). The trip shaft (S164) is rotated by retraction of
torsion spring (S166), extending the linkage, closing the clapper via clapper shaft (166). The force of
the torsion spring (S166) ensures positive closing of the clapper.

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Overspeed Trip System Coppus RLH Turbines

E.4 Trip System Operation

If the overspeed trip valve is tripped shut and the turbine stopped, either by an overspeed trip
condition or manual activation of the trip lever, the clapper disc must be reset manually, as described

E.4.1 Manual Reset

Use the following procedure to manually reset the overspeed trip valve:

a. Close shut-off valve in inlet steam line as soon as possible after the turbine trips.

b. Determine cause of the trip condition. It may be due to loss of the driven machine load, a
turbine fault, or a governor problem. Remedy the cause using procedures detailed in Section K,

c. If the turbine is not at a complete stop, listen for bolt retraction into the shaft collar, or wait for
turbine speed to drop to 75% of its rated value to ensure resetting of the trip bolt.

d. Lift reset handle (S160) slightly (approximately 10-15 angular degrees) to open pilot clapper

e. Wait for pressure in the valve body to be bled off by the pilot clapper.

f. When pressure in the valve body has bled off, continue lifting the reset handle using minimal
force, until the clapper disc opens and the trip collar latches.


DO NOT try to FORCE or jerk open the CLAPPER VALVE.

g. Gradually open shut-off valve in inlet steam line to bring turbine up to normal operating speed,
allowing the governor to take control. Then open shut-off valve to full open position and back
off one-quarter turn.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Overspeed Trip System

E.4.2 Manual Reset Against Full Flow and Pressure

The Manual Reset procedure specified in Section E.4.1 is the recommended method for resetting the
trip valve after it trips shut. Always determine the cause of the trip condition before restarting the

If it is necessary to reset the clapper disc valve without closing and reopening the inlet steam shut-off
valve, the following alternative method may be used:

a. Set governor to minimum speed setting.

b. If the turbine is not at a complete stop, listen for bolt retraction into the shaft collar, or wait for
turbine speed to drop to 75% of its rated value to ensure resetting of the trip bolt.

c. Use one hand to slide full-flow opening handle (450) against the toe piece (169) and then push
handle down to fully close throttle valve (A020). Refer to Figure M-1 for component

d. While holding the full-flow opening handle down with one hand, use the other hand to lift reset
handle (S160) slightly (approximately 10-15 angular degrees), causing pilot clapper (171) to

e. Wait for pressure in the valve body to be bled off by the pilot clapper.

f. When pressure in the valve body has bled off, continue lifting the reset handle using minimal
force, until the clapper disc opens and the trip collar latches.


DO NOT try to FORCE or jerk open the CLAPPER VALVE.

g. Release full-flow opening handle slowly, permitting the turbine to reach the minimum speed
setting adjusted in step a.

h. Gradually increase governor speed setting to bring turbine speed and load up to normal
operating conditions.

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E.5 Adjustment

E.5.1 Trip Speed Setting (Refer to Figures E1, E-3, and M-2)
It may become necessary to change the factory speed setting of the trip system due to a change in the
normal operating speed of the turbine. This setting can be changed by adjusting the position of the
set screw (S36) inside the bolt-shank (S201). Use the following procedure to set turbine trip speed:

a. Test the overspeed trip system per the Overspeed Trip Test Procedure specified in Section
E.6.2. Record speed at which the trip bolt triggers the overspeed trip valve, stopping the
turbine. Close block valve in inlet steam line to prevent accidental restart.

b. Remove mounting housing cover (3100). Remove plug (S171) from governor mounting
housing access hole, located above collar (S200).

c. Manually rotate turbine shaft (21) to align female-threaded bore of bolt (S201) at access hole.

d. Depress trip lever (S150). Determine whether set screw (S36) has an Allen hex-socket head or
a screwdriver slot. If a screwdriver slotset screw is used, remove trip lever (S150) in
accordance with Section L. Insert 5/32” hex key (Allen) wrench or screwdriver tip into bore of
bolt-shank (S201) to engage set screw (S36).

e. Hold bolt-shank (S201) with 1/2” socket wrench at hex-head spring retainer (S202) while
adjusting set screw (S36). Turning the set screw in increases tripping speed; backing it out
decreases tripping speed. One complete revolution of the set screw (S36) represents
approximately 200 RPM. Replace trip lever (S150).

f. Open the inlet block valve and test the overspeed trip system per the Overspeed Trip Test
Procedure specified in Section E.6.2. Close inlet block valve after testing.

g. Repeat steps d through f, above, in sequence, until adjustments to screw (S36) provide the
tripping speed (±2%) indicated on the turbine nameplate. The first one or two “cut and try”
adjustments of this type will indicate both the direction and magnitude of screw adjustment
required to obtain the tripping speed.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Overspeed Trip System

The new trip setting should be approximately 21% above the rated speed for a NEMA A
(Woodward TG) governor and 16% above the rated speed for a NEMA D governor.


REINSTALL PLUG in mounting housing access hole after final screw

adjustment. Reinstall mounting housing cover.

h. Open inlet block valve and test turbine tripping several times after final adjustment. If the trip
speed is not repeatable within ±2%, or if erratic operation occurs, investigate and correct the
problem before placing the turbine in normal service.

i. If possible, carry out a daily check of the tripping mechanism during the first week after
adjustment, by overspeeding the turbine.

E.6 Testing the Overspeed Trip Mechanism

E.6.1 General
Before testing the overspeed trip system, the turbine must be visually inspected for defects. Pay
particular attention to governor and overspeed trip components and correct the defects prior to
initiating any tests.


The overspeed trip system may malfunction during testing. Use caution
when testing and be prepared to shut the turbine down quickly with the inlet
block valve.

The overspeed trip system should be tested weekly to verify its operation, to prevent build-up of
foreign material on the trip linkage, and to alert the operator to deterioration that may affect trip
system performance.

Coppus recommends incorporation of testing into the plant operating/maintenance program and the
keeping of a log to record tests.

Any malfunction of the trip system should be investigated and corrected prior to returning the
turbine to service.

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Overspeed Trip System Coppus RLH Turbines

E.6.2 Overspeed Trip Test Procedure

Use the following procedure to test the overspeed trip system:

a. Start up the turbine per Section I.4.2, Initial Start-Up Procedure.

b. Manually trip the turbine by pressing on the trip lever (S150). The overspeed trip valve should
close, shutting off the turbine steam supply and bringing it to a stop. This confirms operation of
the linkage and valve, but not the collar assembly. If the valve does not close, refer to Section
K, Troubleshooting. Otherwise, proceed to step c.

c. Open and latch the overspeed trip valve according to Section E.4, Trip System Operation.

d. Increase turbine speed using the governor speed adjusting screw until trip speed is reached.
The turbine should trip within ±2% of the trip speed setting on the turbine nameplate, and come
to a complete stop.

e. If the turbine fails to trip at a speed 5% greater than the trip speed setting, manually trip the
turbine by pressing down on the trip lever. Refer to Section K, Troubleshooting, to determine
why the turbine fails to trip properly.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Lubrication System

Section F

Lubrication System

F.1 General
Proper lubrication of turbine bearings and the governor is essential for long, trouble-free service.
Turbine oil must be clean, of the proper viscosity and quantity, and maintained at the proper
temperature. Oil levels should be checked before starting the turbine and on a daily basis for turbines
running continuously.

F.2 Lubrication Requirements

Lubrication requirements are a function of the turbine type, normal exhaust temperature, and rated
operating speed. In many cases, several lubrication options are feasible at a given exhaust
temperature and rated RPM; the selected method is determined by the customer.

Figure F-1a specifies lubrication requirements for RLHA turbines; Figure F-1b specifies
requirements for RLHB turbines.

Figure F-1a. Lubrication Requirements for RLHA Turbines

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Lubrication System Coppus RLH Turbines

Exhaust Temperature
Calculated Normal

RLHB 19 & 24 Speed Limit

RLHB 24/28 Speed Limit
Circulating Oil System or

Pure Oil Mist Lube

Pure Oil Mist Lube

Pure Oil Mist
Standard Oil Ring Lube or
Circulating Oil System or
Pure Oil Mist or
Purge Oil Mist



Rated Operating Speed (RPM)

Figure F-1b. Lubrication Requirements for RLHB Turbines

F.3 Oil Ring Lubrication

The standard method of lubrication for RLH turbines is oil ring lubrication. Brass oil rings running
on the turbine shaft pick up oil from reservoirs in the bearing housings. As the shaft and oil rings
rotate together, oil flows from oil rings onto the shaft, ultimately flowing into the bearings, providing
lubrication. The oil level within bearing housings must be maintained at a sufficient level to allow
the oil rings to run in the oil. An oil level that is too high results in oil leakage past the shaft seals.
Oil rings cease to rotate sufficiently when the shaft runs below 900 RPM, no longer providing
adequate lubrication. Therefore, the turbine should not be run at speeds less than 900 RPM.


DO NOT RUN turbines equipped with oil ring lubrication at speeds LESS
these speeds, causing BEARING FAILURE due to lack of lubrication.

F.4 Oil Mist Lubrication

Oil mist lubrication is offered as an option on RLH turbines. Two types of oil mist are available for
RLH turbines, “pure” oil mist (RLHB only) and “purge” oil mist (RLHA and RLHB).

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Coppus RLH Turbines Lubrication System

When “pure” oil mist lubrication is supplied, oil rings and constant level oilers are omitted and a
mist of oil is supplied to the bearing housings by a customer-supplied oil mist generator. The turbine
must not be operated without the oil mist system in operation, as this is the sole source of

When “purge” oil mist is supplied, oil rings are included and the oil mist is added as a positive
pressure purge over bearing housing oil. The turbine can be operated without the oil mist system in
operation, provided there is sufficient oil in the bearing housings.

Turbine bearing housings are supplied with or without oil mist fittings, as selected by the customer.
When oil mist lubrication is implemented, oil mist is supplied at the top of the bearing housing and
oil is removed continuously from a drain and returned to the oil mist generator. When drain piping is
installed, care must be exercised to avoid restrictions that may cause excessive pressure to build in
the bearing housing, resulting in oil leakage past the shaft seals.

F.5 Circulating Oil

Circulating oil systems utilize standard oil ring lubrication for primary lubrication and employ a non-
pressurized circulation system to provide increased oil cooling capacity. Cooling water must be
supplied to the circulating system heat exchanger.

F.6 Force-Feed Oil Lubrication

Force-feed lubrication systems, which are mandatory on RLHA turbines operating above 4500 RPM
or above a normal exhaust temperature of 650°F (343°C), employ a pump to draw oil from a
reservoir and deliver it under pressure to the turbine bearings. The oil drains by gravity and flows
back to the reservoir to be recirculated.

In most cases, the force-feed lubrication system contains an oil filter, oil cooler, and a pressure
control device. Oil temperature exiting from the cooler (to bearings) should be maintained at 130°F

Factory-installed oil rings remain in place to provide bearing lubrication during startup and
shutdown. Force-feed oil must be supplied during operation or oil may be lost down the standpipe,
resulting in a low oil level and loss of lubrication. Oil rings are not suitable for continuous operation.

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Lubrication System Coppus RLH Turbines

Various monitoring, control, and safety devices can be used with force-feed lubrication systems.
Among these devices are pressure and temperature indicators, pressure- and temperature-actuated
switches, oil flow sight glasses, oil level indicators, auxiliary pumps, alarms, and emergency
shutdown devices. Refer to the certified outline drawing and lubrication system diagram for details
on the lubrication system.

F.7 Cooling Water to Bearing Housing Water Jackets

Cooling of the bearing oil is accomplished by water jackets integral to the bearing housings. Tables
F-1 and F-2 specify when cooling water to bearing housing water jackets is required, based on the
type of lubrication system supplied with the turbine and steam/ambient conditions.

Table F-1. RLHA—Sleeve Bearing Turbines, Cooling Water Requirement

Lubrication Type Cooling Water to Bearing Cooling Water to Bearing
Housing Mandatory Housing Optional
Standard oil ring X
Purge oil mist X
Pure oil mist X
Circulating oil X
Force feed X

Table F-2. RLHB—Ball Bearing Turbines, Cooling Water Requirement

Lubrication Type Cooling Water to Bearing Cooling Water Water to
Housing Mandatory Bearing Housing Optional
Standard oil ring Only when inlet steam
temperature exceeds 550°F
(288°C) OR when ambient
temperature exceeds 110°F
Pure oil mist X
Purge oil mist Only when inlet steam
temperature exceeds 550°F
(288°C) OR when ambient
temperature exceeds 110°F
Circulating oil X

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Coppus RLH Turbines Lubrication System

The optional application of cooling water will assist in maintaining recommended oil temperatures
under severe service conditions such as high ambient temperatures, partial load (high exhaust
temperature) operation, and frequent shutdown (heat soaking).

Refer to the certified drawing found in Supplemental Documentation at the end of this manual for
the location of cooling water connections on bearing housings.

Cooling water should be piped into one of the lower connections and out from the upper connection
on the opposite side. If interconnection of water jackets on the two bearing housings is desired,
connect the outlet of the governor end bearing housing to the inlet of the drive end bearing housing.
See Figure F-2. All unused bearing housing connections should remain plugged.

Valves should be included in the cooling water piping to control the flow of water and allow it to be
shut off. The ideal system would employ two valves—one upstream of the bearing housing, acting as
a shut-off valve, and one downstream to control flow. This arrangement ensures that water jackets
are filled with water and allows water to be shut off without disturbing the flow adjustment. If one
valve is used, it should be downstream of the bearing housings.

Flow should be adjusted to maintain bearing oil sump temperature in the normal range shown in
Table F-3. Bearing metal temperatures apply to sleeve bearings only (RLHA type turbines); sleeve
bearing temperatures are measured with optional thermocouples or RTDs.

Table F-3. Recommended Bearing Oil Sump and Metal Temperatures

Bearing Oil Sump Temperature— Sleeve Bearing Metal

RLHA and RLHB Temperature—RLHA Only
Operating Status °F °C °F °C
Normal Operation 130-180 54-82 150-220 66-104
Alarm 200-220 93-104 230-240 110-116
Trip 230 110 250 121

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Lubrication System Coppus RLH Turbines



TEMPERATURE TO BELOW 130°F (54°C), as this may interfere with the
action of the oil rings or cause ATMOSPHERIC MOISTURE to CONDENSE
in the oil reservoir.

Cooling water for bearing housings must meet the following specifications.

Flow rate (per housing): 1 gpm (3.5 l/min)

(if interconnecting pipe used): 2 gpm (7.0 l/min)
Maximum inlet pressure: 100 PSIG (690 kPag)
Maximum inlet temperature 90°F (32°C)
Condition: Clean, non-corrosive

Pipe (Optional)

Drive Governor
End End

Water Out Water In

Figure F-2. Cooling Water Piping with Interconnecting Pipe

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Coppus RLH Turbines Lubrication System

F.8 Constant Level Oiler

Turbines lubricated with oil rings are equipped with constant level oilers. The purpose of these oilers
is to maintain the correct oil level in the bearing housings. Instructions for Constant Level Oilers
may be found in Supplemental Documentation at the end of this manual.

F.9 Oil Levels/Capacities

Note: For governor oil requirements, refer to the governor instruction manual found in Supplemental

The following table shows the approximate oil quantities required to fill bearing housings, according
to RLH frame size. In addition, each constant level oiler has a capacity of about 8 oz. of oil.

Table F-4. Bearing Housing Oil Capacity

Frame Size Governor End Capacity Drive End Capacity

RLHA 19 32 oz. (0.95 l) 32 oz. (0.95 l)
RLHA 24/28 48 oz. (1.43 l) 48 oz. (1.43 l)
RLHB 19 32 oz. (0.95 l) 32 oz. (0.95 l)
RLHB 24/28 48 oz. (1.43 l) 48 oz. (1.43 l)

The following table shows the required oil levels that should be maintained by proper adjustment of
constant level oilers. The oil level gauge on the side of the bearing housing indicates the oil level. A
mark inscribed on the lower-half bearing housing indicates the proper oil level. If the mark is
obscured, refer to the following table.

Table F-5. Bearing Housing Oil Levels

Frame Size Distance Below Bearing

Housing Horizontal Split in
RLHA 19 2.25 (5.72 cm)
RLHA 24/28 3.00 (7.62 cm)
RLHB 19 2.25 (5.72 cm)
RLHB 24/28 3.00 (7.62 cm)

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Lubrication System Coppus RLH Turbines

F.10 Maintenance/Oil Changes

Note: For governor oil requirements, refer to the governor instruction manual found in Supplemental

Oil levels in both bearing housings and the governor should be checked daily.

Low point drains in the bearing housing should be checked weekly for water.

Establish an oil change frequency based on oil tests. Otherwise, oil in bearing housings should be
changed monthly; or earlier, if there is reason to believe that the oil has been contaminated with
water, dirt, or by overheating.


The presence of oil in the constant level oilers does not necessarily mean
that oil in the bearing housings is at the proper level.


CLEANLINESS is ESSENTIAL for long and trouble free service from

BEARINGS and the GOVERNOR. Care must be taken to ensure that no
foreign material enters bearing housings, the governor, or constant level
oilers when performing maintenance, checking oil, adding oil, or making

F.11 Lubricating Oil Selection Guidelines

The importance of using a proper lubricant cannot be overemphasized. High quality turbine oils are
required. Coppus Turbine Division does not recommend specific brands of oil. Turbine owners
should consult reliable oil suppliers regarding the proper selection of turbine oils. As a minimum, the
selected oil should be a premium quality rust- and oxidation-inhibited turbine or circulating oil
which will readily separate from water and have minimum tendency to emulsify or foam when
agitated at actual operating temperatures. EP additives are not recommended. Since the proper grade
of lubricant may not be available locally, it should be ordered in advance of start-up time.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Lubrication System

Oil temperature 100°F

Viscosity, Saybolt Universal, seconds 150
Viscosity, Metric, mm2/sec, Centistokes 32
Minimum flashpoint 350°F/175°C
Viscosity Index Above 90

Comparisons between different viscosity grading systems are shown in Table F-6.

Table F-6. Viscosity Comparisons

Centistokes Saybolt Universal ISO VG

(CST, CS, or CTS) Seconds (SUS)
at 40°°C Nominal at 100°°F
15 80 15
22 106 22
32 151 32
46 214 46
68 310 68
100 463 100
150 696 150
220 1020 220
320 1483 320
460 2133 460

F.12 Air Purge of Bearing Housings

An air purge connection can be furnished as an option on the bearing housing for the supply of low
pressure, dry, filtered air. The positive pressure (relative to atmospheric pressure) will prevent the
intrusion of dust, moisture, and other contaminants into the bearing housing. The supply pressure
should not exceed a 1 inch (25.4 mm) water column.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Leak-Off Drain and Gland Seal Systems

Section G

Leak-Off, Drain and Gland Seal Systems



leak-off from a high pressure upstream location connected to a steam chest
drain or throttle valve leak-off/drain could supply sufficient steam TO ALLOW
interconnection would bypass the overspeed trip valve.

G.1 Leak-Offs
Leak-offs are piping connections on the gland housings and combo valve that allow steam leaking
past seals to be carried away to a safe area. Refer to the certified drawing found in Supplemental
Documentation at the end of this manual for locations and sizes of leak-off connections.

Shaft and valve stem seals depend on some leakage for lubrication and to minimize wear. Leakage is
therefore acceptable and necessary.

Leak-off piping should be arranged so as to ensure no pressure build-up and to avoid low points
where condensate could accumulate. There should be no valves in leak-off lines. Horizontal leak-off
pipe runs must slope downward away from the turbine. No vertical upward pipe runs are to be
included in leak-off piping. Unavoidable low points should be trapped.


LEAK-OFF PIPES that are left UNCONNECTED will allow the escape of
contamination of lubricating oil.

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Leak-Off Drain and Gland Seal Coppus RLH Turbines


On GAS-OPERATED TURBINES, leak-offs should be piped to a safe area

so as not to create an EXPLOSIVE ENVIRONMENT or a HEALTH

High back pressure (HiP2), internal gland housing RLHA/B 24/28 turbines have an intermediate
leak-off that must be piped into a 35 to 70 psi header. There must be a valve in this line to avoid
backflow into the turbine during shutdown. This valve must be left open when the turbine is in

G.2 Drains
Drains are low-point piping connections at valves and casings that allow release of condensed water.
Drains are opened before starting the turbine, to allow any accumulated water to escape. They are
left open during the start-up cycle to allow water condensing in the cold casings to exit. Once the
turbine reaches normal operating temperature, drains should be closed.

Drain valves must be installed by the user when not supplied by Coppus (optional equipment).

Drains can be automated with properly sized steam traps, if desired. Refer to Section C.3.14,
Suggested Inlet, Exhaust and Drain Piping Schematics.


DRAIN PIPING flanges and valves must be SELECTED AND INSTALLED

designed or installed drain systems could FREEZE, become PLUGGED
AND RUPTURE, causing serious personal injury or equipment damage.

Sizes and locations of drains are shown on the certified drawing. See Supplemental Documentation
at the end of this manual.

G.3 Gland Seal Piping

On turbines exhausting to a vacuum, sealing steam at 5 to 10 PSIG (34 to 69 kPaG) pressure must be
furnished through the carbon ring glands to prevent air from entering the exhaust casing.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Leak-Off Drain and Gland Seal Systems

If gland seal piping is not furnished with the turbine, sealing steam connections should be piped
through a common connection to the user’s steam supply. A recommended piping diagram for gland
seal piping is shown in Figure G-1.

Figure G-1. Gland Seal Piping for Vaccum Operation

Refer to the certified drawing found in Supplemental Documentation at the end of this manual for
sizes and locations of these connections.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Optional Instruments and Controls

Section H

Optional Instruments and Controls


Refer to Supplemental Documentation at the end of this manual for

instructions/operation data on non-Coppus instruments and controls, which
are provided when available.

H.1 Sentinel Warning Valve

If specified as an accessory, the turbine will be furnished with a Sentinel warning valve to alert the
operator when excessive pressure arises in the exhaust casing.



pressure exists in the casing. It will NOT RELIEVE THIS PRESSURE.



VALVE in the exhaust line between the turbine exhaust casing and the first
shut-off valve. This relief valve should be sized to relieve the FULL AMOUNT
OF STEAM THAT THE TURBINE WILL PASS, in the event that the exhaust
line is blocked.

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Optional Instruments and Controls Coppus RLH Turbines

H.2 Pressure and Temperature Gauges

If specified as accessories, the turbine will be furnished with inlet and exhaust pressure and
temperature gauges. These gauges are maintenance-free and require no attention.

H.3 Solenoid Trip

When specified, the turbine will be supplied with a solenoid trip that acts on the overspeed trip lever,
causing the overspeed trip valve to close. The signal to the solenoid can be automatically or
manually transmitted.

H.4 Other Optional Instruments and Controls

When specified by the customer, other optional instruments and controls can be supplied. Refer to
Supplemental Documentation at the end of this manual.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Start-Up and Operation

Section I

Start-Up and Operation

I.1 Warnings
The operator should read Sections A through H of this manual to become familiar with the turbine,
before attempting to start and operate it.


DO NOT START OR OPERATE this turbine unless the INSTALLATION has

been VERIFIED TO BE CORRECT and all pre-startup SAFETY AND


DO NOT START OR OPERATE this turbine unless you have a COMPLETE

UNDERSTANDING of the location and function of ALL COMPONENTS in
the steam supply and exhaust systems, including block and relief valves,
bypasses, drains, and any upstream or downstream equipment that may
affect the flow of steam to or from the steam turbine.


DO NOT START OR OPERATE this turbine unless you have a COMPLETE

SYSTEM, the drain and leakoff systems, the lubrication system, and all
auxiliary mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, as well as
the meaning and significance of all monitoring gages, meters, digital
readouts, and warning devices.

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Start-Up and Operation Coppus RLH Turbines


When STARTING the turbine, be prepared to execute an EMERGENCY

CONTROL SYSTEMS, linkage, or valves.


The turbine should NOT BE OPERATED unless a properly sized, functional,

FULL FLOW RELIEF VALVE or other overpressure protective device has
been installed UPSTREAM OF THE SHUT-OFF valve closest to the



OVERSPEED TRIP DEVICE during initial start-up is MANDATORY. This
should be accomplished with the turbine disconnected from the driven

I.2 General
The following recommended start-up and operating procedures apply to the basic turbine (ring-oiled,
TG governor, without reduction gear). For information on any optional equipment, refer to the
combined description, installation, and operating instructions in Supplemental Documentation at the
end of this manual.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Start-Up and Operation


None of the recommended start-up and operating procedures contained in

this manual shall be construed in any way as relieving the user of his
responsibility for compliance with the requirements of any regulatory body,
or for the exercise of normal good judgment in the start-up, operation, and
care of the turbine.

To ensure trouble-free operation, the turbine must be:

a. Cleaned thoroughly prior to start-up, and kept clean at all times.

b. Properly lubricated at regular intervals.

c. Subjected to regular checks for the correct functioning of protective devices.

d. Regularly inspected and maintained according to a scheduled preventive maintenance program.

e. Operated according to the procedures specified in this instruction manual.

I.3 Turbine Installation and Start-Up Checklist

The following turbine installation and start-up checklist is provided as a guide on the following
pages. Although intended for use by Coppus servicemen, this checklist is suitable as a guide for end-
users as well.

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Start-Up and Operation Coppus RLH Turbines

Turbine Installation and Start-Up Checklist

I.3.1 Background
Customer _________________ Location ______________
Serviceman _________________ Customer Contact ______________
Start Date _________________ Complete Date ______________

Nameplate Data:

Turbine Driven Equipment

Serial Number _________________ __________________
Rated Speed/RPM _________________ __________________
Overspeed Trip RPM _________________ __________________
Power/HP _________________ __________________

Governor Lube System

Manufacturer _________________ __________________
Serial Number _________________ __________________
Part Number _________________ __________________


Use: Continuous _______ Standby _________ Autostart _________

I.3.2 Facilities
Actual Steam Conditions:

Inlet press. (P1) ______ Inlet Temp. (T1) ______ Exhaust press. (P2) _____

Yes No

Is the base provided level and adequate to support the turbine? ❒ ❒

Is piping deadweight supported by hangers or supports? ❒ ❒
Do inlet and exhaust flanges line up with piping flanges? ❒ ❒
Does the steam inlet pipe have a top take-off from the main header to ❒ ❒
minimize moisture induction?

Is there a piping run or dead leg beyond the take-off? ❒ ❒

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Coppus RLH Turbines Start-Up and Operation

Yes No

Have expansion joints been used? ❒ ❒

Has the piping been blown put with steam (including exhaust for back ❒ ❒
pressure units)?
Has inlet and exhaust piping been drained at low points or trapped to avoid ❒ ❒
water legs?
Has a full-flow relief valve been installed in the exhaust system upstream of ❒ ❒
the first shut-off valve? Setting? ___________

I.3.3 Installation
Is the turbine in good condition without signs of improper storage, mishandling ❒ ❒
or shipping damage?
Are foundation and base plate securing bolts adequate? ❒ ❒
Is the turbine properly secured to the base plate? ❒ ❒
Has the base plate been grouted? ❒ ❒
Was rust preventative removed from the shaft and other exposed surfaces? ❒ ❒
If the turbine was prepared for long term storage, was the inside of gland ❒ ❒
housings wiped clean and carbon ring sets installed?
If a sleeve bearing turbine (RLHA) was prepared for long term storage, was the ❒ ❒
bearing and shaft journal surface wiped clean?
Were bearing housings flushed and drained with a light oil prior to filling? ❒ ❒
Are lubricating oil levels correct? Turbine ❒ ❒
❒ ❒
Lubricating Oil Used:
Turbine -- Brand _______________ Type __________
Governor -- Brand _______________ Type __________
Is the coupling properly lubricated and free to oscillate by hand? ❒ ❒
Does the Turbine rotate freely when turned by hand? ❒ ❒
Do the oil rings rotate with the shaft? ❒ ❒
Is the turbine rotation correct? ❒ ❒

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Start-Up and Operation Coppus RLH Turbines

Yes No
Do the throttle valve, overspeed trip valve and associated linkage move freely? ❒ ❒
Does the Overspeed Trip lever reset easily and trip when operated by hand? ❒ ❒
Does the bolt trip move freely in the collar assembly? ❒ ❒
Has the lube system been site flushed? ❒ ❒
Are lube oil return lines pitched to the sump? ❒ ❒
Is there a Sentinel warning valve? Setting? _________ ❒ ❒
Is the turbine adequately drained at all points? ❒ ❒
Are water cooling lines to bearing housings properly installed? ❒ ❒
Are there provisions for regulating cooling water flow?
❒ ❒
Are steam leak-off connections piped correctly and unrestricted? (i.e., with no ❒ ❒
valves, manifolds, water legs or pipe size reduction).
Does the user understand the following:
Overspeed Trip System operation?
Overspeed Trip Valve reset procedure? ❒ ❒
Overspeed Trip exercising requirement and procedure? ❒ ❒
❒ ❒

I.3.4 Start Up--Uncoupled

Drive shaft run out? ________ Driven equipment shaft run out? __________

Cold alignment method? (attach print out if available)

Rim & Face ( ) Reverse Indicator ( )

Laser () Other ()


Indicator mounted on _______________ coupling reading _________________

Turbine ___________________ inches low to driven equip.
Coupling Manufacturer _________________ Model ________

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Coppus RLH Turbines Start-Up and Operation

Yes No
Did governor operate properly? ❒ ❒
Is the running speed satisfactory? ❒ ❒
Trip speed checks #1 _______ #2 ________ #3 ________ RPM
Overspeed test witnessed by _______________________
Bearing Oil Temp (sump) Gov End _______ Drive end__________
Lube oil pressure to bearing ________ psig
Lube oil temp- Into Cooler ___________ Out ____________
Are protective devices operating properly? ❒ ❒

I.3.5 Start Up—Coupled

Actual Steam Conditions:

Inlet press. (P1) ______ Inlet Temp. (T1) ______ Exhaust press. (P2) _____

Does the turbine operate at rated speed? ❒ ❒

Speed variation? _____________ RPM ❒ ❒
Does auxiliary equipment operate properly? ❒ ❒
Is steam leakage within acceptable limits? ❒ ❒
Vibration: (in/sec) (mils) filtered unfiltered
(Indicate speed if mils are used __________ rpm)
Turbine (Vert/Horiz/Axial)
Gov Bearing ___/__/___
Coupling Bearing __/___/___

Driven equipment
Driven End Bearing ___/___/__
Non-Driven End Bearing ___/___/__

Are oil levels correct with no evidence of leakage? ❒ ❒

Oil temp at discharge? Gov. End _______ Drive End ________

Hot alignment method? (attach print out if available)

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Start-Up and Operation Coppus RLH Turbines

Rim & Face ( ) Reverse Indicator ( )

Laser () Other ()


Indicator mounted on _______________ coupling reading _________________

Turbine ___________________ inches low to driven equip.
Yes No

Were piping changes required to correct hot alignment readings? To turbine? ❒ ❒

Describe ___________________________________

To driven equipment? Describe __________________________ ❒ ❒

Is turbine doweled to baseplate? ❒ ❒
Is driven equipment doweled?
❒ ❒
Was a copy of this report left with the customer? ❒ ❒


I-8 Revision B Instruction Manual

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Coppus RLH Turbines Start-Up and Operation

I.4 Start-Up Procedure


Turbine installation, operation, repair and service must be performed by

EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL ONLY. Read and understand this instruction
manual before installing, operating, repairing or servicing RLH turbines.

I.4.1 Restoration of Turbine from Shipping Condition

After factory testing, turbines are prepared for shipping and storage. The following two sections
describe activities to be performed prior to initial start-up.

I.4.1.1 Flushing/Filling of Bearing Housings

Before starting the turbine for the first time, open bearing housing drains and allow any residual oil
to drain. Then close the drains and fill bearing housings with a light, warm oil. Rotate the shaft by
hand and then drain this oil.

The oil recommended for permanent operation should now be added to the turbine through the oil
hole covers, until levels shown on oil gauges reach their respective permanent marks on bearing
housings. Add oil as necessary to constant level sight feed oilers mounted at each bearing housing.
Note that a low oil level may result in improper lubrication and a high oil level may cause leakage
past the seals and/or overheating.

If a sleeve bearing turbine (RLHA) was prepared for long term storage, wipe the bearing and shaft
journal surface clean of rust preventative.

Refer to Section F, Lubrication System, for oil recommendations. Gland Housings

If the turbine was prepared for short term storage, then no additional steps are required.

There are two types of long term storage preparation for the gland housing. For removable gland
housing designs, the gland housings, garter springs, and stop washers should be wiped clean to
remove the rust preventative. Matched carbon ring sets (shipped with the turbine) should be installed
and the gland housings reassembled.

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Start-Up and Operation Coppus RLH Turbines

For integral gland housing designs, the cover should be removed and the inside of the gland housing
and all internal components should be cleaned of the water-soluble preservative.

I.4.2 Initial Start-Up Procedure

Before connecting steam piping to the turbine for the first time, all piping should be thoroughly
blown out with steam to ensure that solid particles such as welding beads and rust are not carried
along with the steam inlet into the turbine. Refer to Section C, Installation. Thereafter, the following
precautions must be taken:

a. Review warnings outlined in Section I.1. If this is the first time the turbine is put in service,
review the Installation Start-Up Checklist in Section I.3.

b. Check the driven machine and verify that it is ready to start.

c. Check oil levels in bearing housings and the governor.

d. Verify that the magnetic pick-up to signal gear clearance is correct (if supplied).

e. Verify that all valves downstream of the exhaust block valve are open.

f. On condensing units, admit sealing steam to carbon ring glands.

g. Open the exhaust block valve.

h. Open all handvalves.

i. Drain all condensate from low points in the inlet steam line, from the casing or low points in
the exhaust steam line, and from overspeed trip and throttle valve bodies. Drain valves may be
left open while the turbine is started, to allow condensate to drain as the turbine warms up.

j. If a cooling water system is used, admit cooling water to bearing housing water jackets. Flow
should be adjusted to maintain bearing oil sump temperature in the normal range, as shown in
Table F-3. See Section F, Lubrication System.

k. Start the lubrication system, if applicable.

l. Verify that the overspeed trip valve (clapper) is latched open, by raising the manual reset

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Coppus RLH Turbines Start-Up and Operation

m. Provide a means for measuring turbine speed, either with a tachometer or with a stroboscope.

n. Turn governor adjusting screw on end of governor fully counterclockwise to the low speed
position. (Refer to the certified dimension drawing or Figure D-1 for screw location.)

o. Admit sufficient steam through the inlet block valve to turn the turbine over slowly (900 RPM
minimum) and continue to operate at this speed until the turbine is fully warmed. Close all
drain valves when condensate no longer drains. Some of the incoming steam will condense on
the “cold” turbine walls.


Do not continuously operate the turbine below 900 RPM; inadequate bearing
lubrication may result.

p. Listen for uneven running or vibration. Shut down and correct, if required.

q. Open block valve in the inlet steam line gradually, bringing turbine speed up slowly until the
governor takes control at the low speed setting. If the governor has not assumed speed control
by the time rated speed is reached, shut down immediately and refer to Section K,

r. Once speed control has been established, open the throttle valve by adjusting the speed setting
screw on the governor clockwise to bring the turbine up to the required operating speed of the
driven equipment.

s. Monitor turbine operation until stable operation is attained.

I.5 Testing the Overspeed Trip Mechanism

Refer to Section E.6.

I.6 Governor Speed Adjustment

Operating speed of the turbine is adjusted using the TG governor speed adjustment screw, located in
the cover plate of the governor. Refer to the Certified Drawing or Figure D-1 for adjusting screw
location. The speed adjustment mechanism is provided with sufficient internal friction to eliminate
the need to externally lock the screw. A screwdriver, coin, or key may be used to adjust speed, and
only light torque is required to turn the adjusting screw.

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Start-Up and Operation Coppus RLH Turbines

Turning the adjustment screw clockwise increases the turbine speed setting. Exercise care when
increasing the speed setting, to ensure that driven machine speed limits or trip speed are not
inadvertently exceeded as a result of such increases.

Turning the adjustment screw counterclockwise decreases the turbine speed setting. Continuous
governing below 1100 RPM for the low speed governor, below 2200 RPM for the medium speed
governor, or below 4000 RPM for the high speed governor is not recommended because governor
oil pressure may not be sufficient to actuate the governor valve.

I.7 Governor Droop Adjustment

Droop is factory adjusted to provide a no-load speed of approximately 106% to 110% of the full-
load or normal speed. If it becomes necessary to alter droop from this initial setting, follow
instructions in the Woodward Governor Manual, supplied in Supplemental Documentation at the
end of this manual.

Exercise caution whenever the governor is opened. The TG governor is a precise hydraulic
mechanism, and the entry of dirt or any other foreign material can cause the governor to malfunction.



INEXPERIENCED PERSONNEL. Governors contain powerful springs that
could cause PERSONAL INJURY and have delicate components which, if
damaged, could result in GOVERNOR FAILURE.

I.8 Handvalve Adjustments

RLH turbines can, as an option, be fitted with up to 2 handvalves. These handvalves provide the
operator with the ability to increase or decrease the number of nozzles admitting steam to the turbine

The turbine will operate most efficiently when the pressure in the steam chest is at a maximum
(approximately 90% of line pressure). The highest chest pressure occurs when the fewest number of
handvalves are open which will allow the desired operating speed.

To adjust handvalves for maximum efficiency, proceed as follows:

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Coppus RLH Turbines Start-Up and Operation

With all handvalves open and the normal load applied, adjust the governor to the required operating
speed. Close one handvalve at a time until the turbine speed falls off sharply. Then reopen the last
handvalve that was closed. The speed should return to the required value. If both handvalves are
closed and no sharp drop in speed occurs, leave both handvalves closed.


Do not leave any handvalve partially open, as this may result in steam
cutting of the valve and seat. Handvalves should be completely open or
completely closed. Turbine speed should not be controlled by the
handvalves; this is the function of the governor.

I.9 Shutdown
Shutting down the turbine may be accomplished as follows:

a. Check shut-down instructions for the driven equipment.

b. Trip the overspeed trip lever manually.

c. Close the block valve in the inlet steam line.




d. If cooling water is used, turn off cooling water to the bearing housings after the turbine has
cooled down, unless on standby or automatic start.


WATER COOLING JACKETS must be DRAINED if there is a possibility of


e. Close the exhaust block valve.

f. On condensing units, turn off sealing steam to carbon rings.

g. Open all condensate drains.

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Start-Up and Operation Coppus RLH Turbines

h. If the turbine is on standby service, or is to be shut down for an extended time period, it should
be started up, or at least turned over one or two times by hand, once or twice each month to
distribute oil to bearings, preventing rust.

i. Turbines in standby service, where cooling water continues to be supplied, must be checked
periodically to ensure that moisture is not condensing in the lubricating oil. See Section F,
Lubrication System.

I.10 Restart Procedure

Before restarting the turbine, refer to the warnings in subsection I.1.

I.10.1 Non-Condensing Turbines

Use the following procedure:

a. Check all oil levels. Fill lubricators as necessary. Start lube oil system, if applicable.

b. Place any controls, trip mechanisms, or other safety devices in their operating positions.

c. Open all drain valves on steam lines, turbine casing, and steam chest, and fully open
handvalves, if furnished.

d. Open the turbine exhaust block valve.

e. If cooling water is used, introduce cooling water to bearing housing cooling chambers to
prevent overheating. Cooling water flow should be adjusted to maintain bearing oil sump
temperature in the normal range, as shown in Table F-3.

f. Open the steam inlet block valve and bring the turbine up to desired speed.

g. Make necessary governor adjustments to attain desired speed as load is applied to the turbine.

h. Close all drain valves when drain lines show the system is free of condensate.

i. Close handvalves, as appropriate, to attain maximum efficiency.

j. Check bearing temperatures and overall operation for any abnormal conditions.

k. Monitor turbine operation until stable operation is attained.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Start-Up and Operation

I.10.2 Condensing Turbines

Use the following procedure:

a. Check all oil levels. Fill lubricators as necessary. Start lube oil system, if applicable.

b. Place any controls, trip mechanisms, or other safety devices in their operating positions.

c. Open all drain valves on steam lines, turbine casing, and steam chest, and fully open
handvalves, if furnished.

d. Turn on sealing steam to carbon rings.

e. Open the turbine exhaust block valve.

f. If cooling water is used, introduce cooling water to bearing housing cooling chambers to
prevent overheating. Cooling water flow should be adjusted to maintain bearing oil sump
temperature in the normal range, as shown in Table F-3.

g. Open the steam inlet block valve and bring the turbine up to desired speed.

h. Make necessary governor adjustments to attain desired speed as load is applied to the turbine.

i. Close all drain valves when drain lines show the system is free of condensate.

j. Close handvalves, as appropriate, to attain maximum efficiency.

k. Check bearing temperatures and overall operation for any abnormal conditions.

l. Monitor turbine operation until stable operation is attained.

I.11 Standby Operation

Turbines that are not running continuously are often in standby operation where they must be ready
to operate at any time with little or no advance notice. Turbines in standby service must be capable
of starting quickly and reliably in emergency situations to prevent damage to large, costly systems,
such as boilers or large rotating machinery.

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Start-Up and Operation Coppus RLH Turbines

Turbines in standby operation present unique operational and maintenance situations that must be
understood and addressed. Listed below are the most frequently encountered issues:

• Need to prevent collection of condensate in piping, valves or turbine casing. Such condensate
could slug or otherwise damage the turbine.

• Need to avoid thermal shock (casing and rotor stress) on rapid start-up.

• The need to start quickly with little or no intervention or effort by an operator.

• Avoidance of corrosion and fouling of control linkages, valves, glands, packings, seals, etc.,
through lack of use.

• Degradation of lubricant by leakage, oxidation due to excessive heat, or contamination from

water, condensate, dirt or chemicals.

• Freezing of condensate or lack of lubrication due to extremely cold ambient conditions.

Some methods and equipment employed to deal with the problems above are:

STEAM TRAPS - Steam traps are "smart valves" used in turbine drains and inlet piping. Traps
sense the presence of condensate and automatically open to allow it to drain. When the condensate
is drained the traps automatically close. Steam traps are rated by pressure, temperature and flow.
The amount of condensate passed will vary, depending on the steam conditions and the steam piping
design. Steam traps should be valved to allow for maintenance and isolation. Manual drains that
bypass the trap are also recommended. When specifying steam traps the highest pressure and
temperature the trap might see should be taken into account. This is often inlet pressure and

AUTO START VALVE - A valve in the inlet steam piping which can be automatically and remotely
opened to start the turbine. The auto start valve actuation speed should be sufficiently slow to
minimize thermal shock to the turbine and to allow sufficient time for governor control.

BYPASS VALVE - A small valve typically used to pass a small amount of steam around an auto
start or block valve to provide warming and in some instances slow roll of the rotor.

IDLING NOZZLE - A special nozzle, usually piped separately via a bypass valve that is optimally
chosen to provide warming and slow roll of the rotor with minimal steam consumption.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Start-Up and Operation

SLOW ROLL - The steam powered slow turning of a turbine rotor, usually several hundred RPM.
Slow rolling a turbine will maintain the bearings, seals and carbon rings free and operable. It
provides warming which will reduce thermal shock on start up, and prevent freezing of condensate.
Slow rolling maintains lubricant moisture free and flowing. Some types of driven equipment cannot
be slow rolled. When a turbine is slow rolled special considerations may be required for lubrication
depending on turbine design, lubrication design, speed, exhaust temperature and ambient conditions.

EXHAUST WARMING - A means of warming a turbine by closing the inlet block or auto start
valve and opening the exhaust block valve. This is only effective when exhaust pressure is greater
than atmospheric. Precautions are necessary to prevent introduction of foreign material into the
turbine via the exhaust steam and excessive exhaust pressure that might exceed the turbine's rated
exhaust pressure. No slow roll occurs. Condensate must be drained or trapped prior to auto starting.

When operating on standby, the following practices and precautions are necessary:

• The turbine should be started periodically to verify that it is in proper operating condition.
This must include test and exercise of the overspeed trip system.

• Steam traps should be checked periodically to insure that they are operating.

• An idling nozzle provides more efficient operation than a simple bypass valve for slow roll.

• To prevent excessive bearing temperatures, bearing housing cooling water may be required
during slow roll or exhaust warming operation.

• Excessive cooling water flow during standby operation could cause condensation to
contaminate lubrication oil. Maintain bearing oil sump temperature in the normal range, as
shown in Table F-3.

• Lubrication oil levels in the bearing housings and governor must be checked periodically.

• When a standby turbine is started, cooling water must be turned on if required.

• Prior to start up, standby turbines must be drained of all condensate using traps or manual

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Start-Up and Operation Coppus RLH Turbines

• The exhaust block valve on a turbine with auto start must be open at all times to prevent
overpressurization of the exhaust casing on start up.

• Hydraulically governed Coppus RLH turbines are provided with a built in spring that holds the
throttle valve partially open in the "at rest" condition. This feature allows steam to pass
through the valve during auto start, until the governor comes up to speed and takes control.

• When it is not possible to periodically operate or slow roll a standby turbine, it should be
periodically turned by hand.

• If a turbine in standby operation is exposed to freezing temperatures, provisions must be made

to prevent damage and clogging of drains with frozen condensate.

I.12 Auto Start Operation

If a standby turbine must be started quickly and automatically or from a remote location, then the
turbine must be equipped with an auto start valve and trapped drains. The exhaust block valve must
be kept open.

Refer to Section I.11, Standby Operation, for additional information and considerations.

Refer to Section C.3.14 for suggested inlet exhaust and drain piping schematic.

I.13 Manual Start Operation

If a standby turbine is to be started manually the inlet block valve is normally closed, drains do not
require steam traps and the turbine is put into service by manually opening these valves.

Refer to Section I.11, Standby Operation, for additional information and considerations.

Refer to Section C.3.14 for suggested inlet, exhaust and drain piping schematic.

I.14 Quick Start

In some applications, it is desirable to start up the turbine rapidly. Auxiliary oil pumps and
boilerfeed pumps are often called upon to start quickly in emergency situations. In such applications,
condensate ingestion (slugging) and thermal shock to the casing and rotor are concerns. Piping
should be carefully designed and trapped to prevent accumulation of condensate upstream on the
inlet. Turbine drains should be trapped as well. A small amount of inlet steam should be bled into
the inlet line to heat the turbine. Exercise care to ensure that the line supplying this warming steam is
not large enough to supply enough steam to drive the turbine. Exhaust back pressure can be used for
this purpose as well. Refer to Section I.11, Standby Operation, and I.12, Auto Start Operation, for
additional information.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Start-Up and Operation

Coppus recommends that turbines be quick-started infrequently, only for periodic testing or true
emergencies. Coppus does not recommend quick starting cast iron (200 construction) or cast iron
exhaust casing (201 construction) turbines.

I.15 Sentinel Valve Check

A sentinel valve (when provided) is mounted on the turbine casing to warn of excessive exhaust
pressure. It is not a pressure-relieving device. The following test of this valve can be performed
when the turbine is not running and should be carried out at least yearly. The sentinel valve should
be set to operate just before the full-flow relief valve starts to open.

The sentinel valve can be tested as follows:

a. Close the inlet block valve.

b. Open the exhaust block valve.

c. Latch the overspeed trip mechanism.

d. Open exhaust casing drain valve two turns.

e. Slowly open inlet block valve until a little steam flow is visible from the exhaust casing drain.

f. Close the exhaust drain valve.

g. Slowly close block valve in exhaust line and observe pressure on a pressure gauge mounted to
the turbine casing, or in the exhaust line before the block valve. The sentinel valve should open
at the pressure value stamped on it.


DO NOT allow EXHAUST PRESSURE to EXCEED the stamped setting

value by more than 10 PSIG (69 kPag).

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Start-Up and Operation Coppus RLH Turbines

h. Relieve pressure in casing by rapidly and fully opening block valve in exhaust line.

i. Close the inlet block valve.

j. Open all drains.

k. If sentinel valve does not function properly, replace it and repeat the above test procedure.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Maintenance/Maintenance Schedule/Inspection

Section J

Maintenance/Maintenance Schedule/Inspection

J.1 Introduction
The Coppus RLH Turbine is a high-quality prime mover that has been carefully assembled and
thoroughly tested at the factory. As with any machinery, the turbine requires periodic maintenance
and service. This section discusses periodic maintenance requirements and procedures. Please refer
to Section L, Disassembly and Parts Replacement, for major service and overhaul instructions.



the TURBINE, its CONTROLS and ACCESSORIES, before attempting any
maintenance or service. Thorough familiarity with this manual is


TURBINE, unless explicitly recommended in this manual.

If INTERNAL COMPONENTS of the turbine require REPAIR or replacement,

all turbine drain valves, thereby isolating the unit and preventing
ACCIDENTAL INTRODUCTION OF STEAM into it. Ensure that driven
equipment cannot rotate turbine shaft or uncouple the turbine from the
driven equipment.

When RESTARTING a turbine that was stopped for maintenance or service,

returning the unit to service.

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Maintenance/Maintenance Schedule/Inspection Coppus RLH Turbines

J.2 Maintenance and Inspection Schedule

Maintenance requirements and the corresponding schedule will vary with the application and service
conditions. The following maintenance and inspection guidelines are recommended for turbines
operated under normal conditions.

Table J-1. Suggested Maintenance and Inspection Schedule

Frequency Maintenance or Inspection Procedure

Daily Check oil levels in bearing housings and governor. Add oil if required.

Check for smoothness of operation, unusual noises, or other changes in

operating conditions.

Check bearing oil temperatures and pressures; check coupling temperature.



TEMPERATURE while the turbine is RUNNING.

Check overall appearance of turbine system for steam, oil, or coolant leaks,
and for external damage.

Weekly Test the overspeed trip system. Refer to Section E, Overspeed Trip System,
for the test procedure. This exercise will not only confirm operation of the
trip system, but will prevent sticking of the overspeed trip valve and linkage
due to corrosion or steam deposits.

Check throttle valve and linkage for freedom of movement.

Monthly Sample the lubricating oil and replace it, if necessary.

Check bearing housings for sludge, sediment, or water (condensate). Flush

and refill, as required.

Check that oil rings rotate freely and smoothly.

Check throttle and overspeed trip linkage for looseness, wear, and freedom
of movement.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Maintenance/Maintenance Schedule/Inspection

Table J-1. Suggested Maintenance and Inspection Schedule (Cont’d)

Frequency Maintenance or Inspection Procedure

Yearly Change oil in the Woodward TG governor.

Remove and clean the steam strainer.

Inspect internal components of the throttle valve for wear. Replace, if

required. Replace valve stem seals.

Clean and inspect the overspeed trip valve. Replace worn parts. Replace
valve stem seals.

Thoroughly inspect the throttle linkage and overspeed trip linkage for wear.
Replace as required.

Inspect, clean, and flush bearing housings, oil reservoirs, and cooling water

Inspect carbon ring gland seals. Replace as required.

Check operation of the Sentinel warning valve.

Check alignment and foundation.

Check calibration of all instrumentation.

J.3 Major Inspection

Coppus recommends that the turbine be periodically shut down and subjected to a major tear-down
and inspection. The frequency of this inspection will depend on turbine service conditions, its
maintenance history, the convenience of scheduling a shutdown, and the user’s experience with this
or similar machines.

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Maintenance/Maintenance Schedule/Inspection Coppus RLH Turbines

J.4 Inspection Checklist

The following list summarizes parts that should be inspected during a major inspection.
Table J-2. Inspection Checklist

Parts to be Inspected Area to Be Inspect for Action Required


Turbine and sector Shrouds Cracks, poor rivet Consult manufacturer’s

blades heads representative or factory
Blades Corrosion, cracks, File or grind smooth (Note:
erosion removal of excessive material will
affect balance and blade integrity.
Consult manufacturer’s rep. or
Coppus factory if in doubt.)
Bearings Surfaces Wear, signs of foreign Replace if defective. Check
matter, scratches condition of oil system.
(pitting, corrosion,
galling, excessive
radial play on ball
Bearing housing oil Labyrinth seal Wear, dents in Clean thoroughly
seals rings surface, scale, dirt
Glands Carbon rings Breakage, wear, high Replace if badly worn or broken.
spots, dirt Clean. Carefully scrape high
Chrome plating on Blistering, peeling Replace shaft
Throttle valve Stem Scale Remove with solvent and/or
crocus cloth
Galling, wear Replace
Seal sleeves Wear, excessive Replace
clearance, steam

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Coppus RLH Turbines Maintenance/Maintenance Schedule/Inspection

Table J-2. Inspection Checklist (Cont’d)

Parts to be Inspected Area to Be Inspect for Action Required


Throttle valve Cup and cage Cutting, scaling Replace valve or cage, as
(Cont’d) required.

Steam strainer Cracks, dents, or Remove obstructions and dents.

obstructions Replace if cracked or broken.
Determine cause of damage and

Governor linkage Connecting rod Wear, excessive Replace worn components. Clean
ends, linkage pins, clearance/play, with solvent and polish, if
bushings corrosion necessary

Overspeed trip valve Clapper shaft Scale and boiler Remove with solvent and/or
compund, dirt crocus cloth

Clapper shaft Wear, excessive Replace

carbon seals clearance, steam

Valve seat Wear, cutting, cracks Replace

Pilot valve Wear Replace

Overspeed trip system Trip collar Binding, scale, Disassemble and clean; inspect for
assembly corrosion, wear wear; replace as an assembly.

Linkage, Foreign material, Clean and inspect. Replace worn

connecting rod wear, corrosion, and defective parts. Adjust and
ends, bushings, freedom of movement confirm correct operation before
pins, reset handle returning turbine to service.

Handvalves Stem and packing Corrosion, foreign Replace packing; remove foreign
material, wear material from stem; replace stem
if pitted or worn.

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Maintenance/Maintenance Schedule/Inspection Coppus RLH Turbines

Table J-2. Inspection Checklist (Cont’d)

Parts to be Inspected Area to Be Inspect for Action Required


Pressure lube system Piping reservoir Fouling, scale, rust, Clean thoroughly to remove. Filter
(when used) and water oil to remove dirt. Drain oil,
remove access covers to clean out
any accumulated scale and refill
with new oil.

Oil filter(s) Increased pressure Replace filter element


Oil cooler(s) Fouling and corrosion Clean according to manufacturer’s

on both oil and water instructions

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Coppus RLH Turbines Maintenance/Maintenance Schedule/Inspection

J.5 Factory Service

Coppus Turbine Division maintains a complete repair and rebuild facility at its manufacturing plant
in Millbury, Mass., along with factory-approved service facilities at selected locations worldwide. In
addition, factory-trained servicemen are available for start-up, field service, and troubleshooting.
Consult your Coppus manufacturer’s representative or the factory for service needs. Refer to Section
M, Replacement Parts/Factory Service.

J.6 Factory Replacement Parts

Coppus Turbine Division recommends that only Coppus-supplied parts be used in Coppus turbines.
The use of Coppus parts ensures that replacement components are manufactured from the highest
quality materials, to exacting tolerances and specifications, thereby assuring efficient, long-lasting,
and maintenance-free operation, under service conditions that the turbine was built for.

Coppus and selected Coppus manufacturer’s representiatives maintain a supply of the most
frequently requested spare parts for immediate shipment worldwide. Parts requested less frequently
can be manufactured quickly on an emergency basis when required.

Your Coppus manufacturer’s representative can supply you with an interchangeability list and a
suggested stocking list of recommended spare parts for your turbine or turbines, allowing you to
stock spare parts at your facility. Refer to Section M, Replacement Parts/Factory Service.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Troubleshooting

Section K


K.1 Introduction
This section should be consulted when the turbine is not operating satisfactorily. The table in Section
K.2 lists the more common symptoms, probable causes, and corrective actions in each case. If the
problem cannot be completely remedied using the table, refer all questions to your local Coppus
manufacturer’s representative, or to:

Tuthill Corporation/Coppus Turbine Division

Millbury Industrial Park
PO Box 8000
Millbury, MA 01527-8000
Telephone 508-756-8391
Fax 508-798-3131

If corrective actions specified in items 5 through 8 of Section K.2 are attempted and are not
successful, and if the factory must be consulted, it is imperative to provide exhaust pressure, speed,
horsepower, and chest pressure. Chest pressure is measured by installing a pressure gage in a
handvalve chamber drain hole and reading the pressure with the handvalve closed.

Instruction Manual Revision B K-1

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Troubleshooting Coppus RLH Turbines

K.2 Troubleshooting
The following table lists common problems, possible causes, and the appropriate corrective action.

Table K-1. Troubleshooting Guide

No. Symptom Probable Cause Corrective Action

1 Excessive vibration or Misalignment Disconnect coupling between turbine and driven

noise machine; run the turbine alone. If the turbine runs
smoothly, there is either misalignment, a worn
coupling, or the driven equipment is at fault. To
check alignment, refer to Section C.

Worn bearings Replace bearings. Refer to Section L.

Worn coupling to driven Check condition of coupling. Replace if

machine necessary.

Unbalanced coupling to Remove coupling halves and check for

driven machine unbalance.

Unbalanced wheel Check if turbine wheel has become unbalanced

due to fouling, overspeeding, or loss/damage to
shrouds or blades. Check if turbine has been
standing idle for a long period without drainage
of the exhaust casing; solid matter can build up in
the lower half of the wheel, causing unbalance.
Turbine wheel must be cleaned, rebalanced or
replaced. Refer to Section L.

Piping Strain Both inlet and exhaust steam lines should be

properly supported to prevent strains from being
imposed on the turbine. Sufficient allowance
should be made for thermal expansion. Refer to
Section C.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Troubleshooting

No. Symptom Probable Cause Corrective Action

1 Excessive vibration or Excessive end play Check axial position of rotor. If end play exceeds
noise (Cont’d) 0.020”, replace thrust bearing. Verify that
coupling is cleaned and installed properly so that
excessive thrust is not imposed on turbine from
driven machine.

Bent shaft Check shaft runout near the center, as well as at

the shaft extension. Replace shaft if runout
exceeds 0.0005” for bearing journals or 0.001”
for glands and coupling end. Refer to Section L.

2 Bearing Failure Improper lubrication Refer to Section F to verify that the proper
lubricant is being used. Check oil periodically to
ensure that it is free of condensate and sediment.

Improper water cooling When water cooling is required, cooling water flow
should be adjusted to maintain bearing oil sump
temperature in the normal range, as shown in Table

Wear and/or scratches in Replace sleeve bearings, drain oil reservoirs,

sleeve bearing clean bearing housings, and add new oil. Inspect
journal surfaces.

Misalignment Misalignment is one of the common causes of

bearing failure. See remedies for Misalignment
under Vibration above.

Bearing fit Ball bearing(s) should fit on the turbine shaft

with a light press fit. Too tight a fit can cause
cramping; too loose a fit will allow the inner race
to turn on the shaft. Either condition results in
wear, vibration, overheating, and ultimate
bearing failure. Replace the shaft if worn
undersize. Refer to Section L.

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Troubleshooting Coppus RLH Turbines

No. Symptom Probable Cause Corrective Action

2 Bearing failure (cont’d) Excessive thrust Verify that the coupling is clean and is installed
so that excessive thrust is not imposed on the
turbine from the driven equipment. If a fairly
high thrust is imposed on the turbine, consult the
factory to determine whether the thrust bearing is
suitable for the application.

Excessive belt pull On belt driven units, verify that belts are not too
tight and consult the factory to determine whether
the turbine bearing is suitable for the application.

Unbalance See Unbalanced Wheel under Vibration above.

Unbalance can cause excessive bearing wear and
early failure.

Rust Rust may develop on bearing surfaces when the

turbine is improperly stored; refer to Section A
for details. Rust may also develop when the
turbine is out of service for long periods, without
receiving proper attention; refer to Section J.

3 Excessive steam Dirt under rings Steam leaking under carbon rings may carry scale
leakage under carbon or dirt, which can foul the rings. Remove rings
rings and clean, as per Section L.

Shaft scored The shaft surface under carbon rings must be

smooth to prevent leakage. Factory-supplied
shafts are hard chrome plated. Polish minor shaft
imperfections or replace the shaft, per Section L.

Worn or broken carbon Replace with new carbon rings, as per Section L.
rings Although there are 3 or 4 segments per ring, the
entire ring must be replaced.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Troubleshooting

No. Symptom Probable Cause Corrective Action

3 Excessive steam Corroded, worn or dirty Steam will leak past the carbon ring partition
leakage under carbon partition plate surfaces surface if dirt, corrosion or scoring prevents a
rings (Cont’d) good seal. Polish sealing surfaces. Replace
partitions (when used) if badly worn or pitted.
Refer to Section L.

Excessive joint sealing When replacing carbon rings, use joint seal
compound in gland compound sparingly. Excess compound may foul
housing carbon rings and gland housing sealing faces.

Leak-off pipe plugged Verify that all steam and condensate can
discharge freely. Refer to Section G.

4 Oil leaks past labyrinth High oil level Reduce oil level to coincide with marks on
seals bearing housings. Refer to Section F.

Scratched or rough shaft Polish shaft under seal and install a new seal.
under seal Refer to Sections F and L.

Seal improperly installed Refer to Section L for proper installation


Shaft vibration Refer to all causes under Vibration above. Install

a new seal, if necessary, as per Section L.

5 Insufficient power Too many handvalves Open additional handvalves. Refer to Section I
(turbine does not run at closed for proper adjustment of handvalves.
rated speed)

Oil relay governor set too Refer to Section D for speed adjustment and
low speed range limits.

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Troubleshooting Coppus RLH Turbines

No. Symptom Probable Cause Corrective Action

5 Insufficient power Inlet steam pressure too Check steam pressure at the turbine inlet and
(cont’d) low or exhaust pressure exhaust pressure close to the exhaust casing,
too high using accurate gauges. Refer to the turbine
nameplate for intended steam conditions. Low
inlet pressure may be the result of auxiliary
control equipment such as a pump governor
which is too small, improper piping size,
excessive piping length, etc.

Reversing sector out of Position sector to cover all nozzles and check for
position proper bucket orientation.

Load higher than turbine Determine actual load requirements of the driven
rating equipment. Sometimes available turbine power
can be increased by modifying a few
components. Consult the factory for this

Throttle valve not Close main inlet valve and disconnect throttle
opening fully linkage. The valve lever should move freely from
fully open to fully closed. If not, disassemble the
throttle per Section L and free up the assembly,
as required.

Low governor oil level Refill--see Section D, Speed Control System.

Nozzles plugged or Open turbine and check nozzles. Clean or replace

damaged nozzle block, as required.

Steam strainer Remove all foreign matter from steam strainer.

Refer to Section L.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Troubleshooting

No. Symptom Probable Cause Corrective Action

6 Speed increases Throttle valve not closing Refer to Throttle valve not opening fully under
excessively as load is fully Insufficient power above.

Leaky throttle valve or Remove throttle valve, as per Section L. Check

leak near throttle valve valve and cage for wear or steam cutting. Replace
if necessary.

7 Excessive speed Governor droop An increase in the internal droop setting will
variation adjustment reduce speed variation or hunting. Refer to
Droop Adjustment in the Woodward Governor

Governor lubrication Low governor oil level, or dirty or foamy oil may
cause poor governor operation. Drain, flush, and
refill governor with the proper oil. Refer to
Section D.

Throttle assembly friction Disassemble throttle per Section L. Inspect for

free and smooth movement of all moving parts. If
required, polish throttle valve, cup, and valve
stem with very fine Emery cloth. Inspect valve
stem for straightness and for build-up of foreign
material. Replace components as required.

Throttle seal friction Check valve stem for free and smooth motion
through the throttle bonnet. If friction or binding
occurs, disassemble throttle bonnet assembly and
repair or replace seal components, as necessary.
Refer to Section L.

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Troubleshooting Coppus RLH Turbines

No. Symptom Probable Cause Corrective Action

7 Excessive speed Light load and high inlet In some cases, where the turbine provides a large
variation (Cont’d) steam pressure amount of reserve power and the inlet steam
pressure is quite high, there is a tendency for
excessive speed variation. Try operating the
turbine with additional handvalves closed. This
condition can sometimes be corrected by
installing a smaller-than-standard throttle valve in
a new valve body. Consult the factory, providing
details of the application.

Rapidly changing load Rapidly changing load can sometimes cause

governor hunting. Consult the factory, providing
details of the application.

8 Sluggish governor Governor droop Reduce droop setting. Refer to Droop

response adjustment Adjustment in Woodward Governor Manual.

9 Slow start-up General See all causes under Insufficient power above.

High starting torque of Obtain the required starting torque from the
driven equipment driven equipment manufacturer and consult the
factory to determine whether the turbine is
overloaded in the application.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Troubleshooting

No. Symptom Probable Cause Corrective Action

10 Governor not operating Throttle valve travel See Throttle valve not opening fully under
restricted Insufficient power above.

No governor control on If speed increases continuously on start up and

start-up the governor does not close the throttle valve, the
governor pump may be installed in the wrong
direction of rotation. Also verify that the installed
governor operates in the proposed speed range. If
pump rotation appears to be the problem, remove
the governor according to Section L. Replace it
with a governor of the proper rotation. Refer to
the Woodward Governor Manual for instructions
on changing governor rotation or consult the

11 Governor oil leakage General Isolate the source of leakage. If leakage is at the
cover plate gasket, drain plug, or oil breather,
replace the gasket and/or tighten these
components to stop the leak. If leakage occurs at
terminal shaft seals or the drive shaft seal, replace
the governor per Section L.

Drive assembly vibration Vibration of the turbine shaft or governor drive

coupling may induce leakage at the governor
drive shaft seal. See all causes under Excessive
vibration or noise above. Inspect and tighten the
coupling per Section L. Check for misalignment
or bent turbine or governor shaft.

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Troubleshooting Coppus RLH Turbines

No. Symptom Probable Cause Corrective Action

12 Overspeed trip actuates Overspeed trip set too The overspeed trip should be set at
on load changes close to turbine operating approximately 16 OR 21% above the rated speed,
speed depending on the NEMA rating (D or A) of the
governor. Refer to Section E.

General See all causes under Speed increases excessively

as load is decreased above.

Light load and high inlet See Light load and high inlet steam pressure
steam pressure under Excessive speed variation above.

13 Overspeed trip actuates Excessive vibration Replace trip lever and/or trip collar if latching
at normal operating surfaces are worn, after resolving cause of
speed excessive vibration.

Trip speed setting too low If the turbine consistently trips at or close to the
same speed, the trip setting may be set too low.
The setting should be approximately 16 OR 21%
over rated speed, depending on the NEMA rating
(D or A) of the governor. Refer to Section E for
adjustment procedures.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Troubleshooting

No. Symptom Probable Cause Corrective Action

14 Overspeed trip does not Trip speed setting too If the overspeed trip has not actuated when the
actuate at overspeed high turbine reaches 25% above rated speed, the trip
speed setting may be too high. The setting should
be approximately 16 OR 21% over rated speed,
depending on the NEMA rating (D or A) of the
governor. Refer to Section E for adjustment

Improper adjustment or Adjust linkage, clean parts, and replace worn or

poor condition of tripping damaged parts. Verify that trip valve closes
mechanism, springs, or quickly and stops the turbine.

Overspeed trip valve Overspeed trip valve may be frozen in place due
unable to close to steam deposits, corrosion, or other
contaminants. Disassemble and clean clapper
valve according to Section L.

Bolt trip mechanism Examine mechanism. Verify that it is clean and in

good order, and that the trip bolt can be moved
easily and freely by a small screw driver or
similar tool. Verify that overspeed trip collar
clears the trip lever by 0.125”/0.156” when the
turbine shaft is rotated.

15 Excessive steam flow Clapper disc pilot valve The clapper disc pilot may be incorrectly
from overspeed trip not properly backseated adjusted, preventing proper backseating. Refer to
leak-off Section L.

Deposits or wear may be present on clapper disc

backseating surface. Disassemble overspeed trip
valve, clean and/or replace clapper disc pilot.
Refer to Section L.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Disassembly and Parts Replacement

Section L

Disassembly and Parts Replacement

L.1 Warnings/Cautions



turbine WHILE IT IS IN OPERATION, unless such action is expressly
described in this instruction manual.



without first isolating the turbine from inlet and exhaust systems by
CLOSING AND TAGGING BLOCK VALVES and de-pressurizing the turbine
casing and steam chest by opening all drains. Open connections not
protected by block valves should be covered with blank flanges.



COVERS, etc. while the unit is OPERATING.

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Disassembly and Parts Replacement Coppus RLH Turbines


NEVER SUBSTITUTE A BOLT of unknown or lesser grade for an original

bolt supplied with the turbine. DO NOT MIX BOLTS during disassembly.
Failure to use the proper grade bolt could result in SERIOUS FAILURE of
pressure-containing components. Refer to Section B, Technical Data.



attempting any maintenance or service. A complete reading of this manual is


Coppus Turbine Division recommends that ONLY COPPUS-SUPPLIED

PARTS be used in Coppus turbines. The use of Coppus parts ensures that
replacement components are manufactured from the highest quality
materials, to exacting tolerances and specifications, thereby ensuring safe,
efficient, long-lasting and maintenance-free operations, under service
conditions the turbine was built for. Refer to Section M, Replacement
Parts/Factory Service.


Coppus turbine components are manufactured from a variety of materials,

depending on steam pressure, steam temperature, speed and horsepower.
Before replacing any components, be absolutely certain that the

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Coppus RLH Turbines Disassembly and Parts Replacement


When RESTARTING a turbine after repair, maintenance or rebuilding,

always TREAT the turbine as if it were a NEW TURBINE being started for
the first time. Refer to Section I, Start-Up and Operation.


CLEANLINESS is ESSENTIAL for long, trouble-free service from

BEARINGS and the GOVERNOR. Take care to ensure that no foreign
material enters bearing housings, the governor or constant level oilers when
performing maintenance, checking oil, adding oil, or making adjustments.

L.2 General
This section describes disassembly and parts replacement on Coppus RLH turbines. Any part of an
RLH turbine can be replaced in the field using instructions presented in this section, if qualified
personnel and facilities are available. If not, it is recommended that a Coppus service representative
be employed to make the field repairs, or that the turbine be returned to the factory, where a
complete inspection can be made. If returned, the factory will prepare an estimate of the cost of
cleaning the turbine, replacing parts as required, and restoring the turbine to practically new
condition. After factory repair, the turbine will be no-load tested and preserved just as a new
machine would be. A factory rebuilt turbine receives a new turbine warranty.

Instruction Manual Revision B L-3

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Disassembly and Parts Replacement Coppus RLH Turbines

L.3 Turbine Cover Removal and Replacement

The procedure for removing and replacing the turbine cover depends on whether the turbine model
has a removable or integral gland housing. Use the applicable procedure specified below.

L.3.1 Removable Gland Housing Models

Refer to the following figures:

L-1b Labyrinth Seal Assembly, Removable Gland Housing Models

L-2 Sealant Location Diagram for Horizontal Joint Surfaces
L-3 Horizontal Flange Bolt Torque Sequence, Removable Gland Housing Design
L-4 Sealant Location on Gland Housing
L-5 Bolt Torque Pattern on Upper Gland Housing
M-0 RLH Turbine, General View (Sheets 1 and 2)
M-3 Gland Housing and Sealing Elements
M-8 Cover, Casing, Rotor and Associated Components, Standard Configuration

L.3.1.1 Cover Removal

a. Remove the four bolts holding gland housing covers (211) to the cover (2), and four bolts
from the horizontal flange of the gland housing.

b. Remove gland housing covers (211).

c. Remove bolts from horizontal flange of the turbine.

d. Break horizontal joint (cover/case mating surfaces) by inserting jacking bolts in holes
provided at the four corners of the cover flange.

e. Using a hoist and the eyebolt provided in the cover, lift cover (2) slowly and carefully so as to
avoid damaging the rotor inside.

f. On combined carbon ring/labyrinth designs (RLH-19, 106 to 175 PSIG back pressure (731 to
1208 kPag); and RLH-24/28, 106 to 150 PSIG (731 to 1035 kPag) back pressure), rotate and
remove the upper labyrinth seal segment (420 on RLH-19) or segments (420 on RLH-24/28)
from the cover, using care to prevent the loss of locating springs (700). Refer to Figure L-1.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Disassembly and Parts Replacement

g. Place cover on a clean surface so as to prevent damage to its sealing face.

Figure L-1a. Labyrinth Seal Assembly, Integral Gland Housing Models

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Disassembly and Parts Replacement Coppus RLH Turbines

Figure L-1b. Labyrinth Seal Assembly, Removable Gland Housing Models

L.3.1.2 Cover Replacement

a. Inspect the interior of the cover (2) and exhaust casing (1B). Remove any foreign material.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Disassembly and Parts Replacement

b. Remove all old sealant from both surfaces of the horizontal joint. Do not file, gouge or scratch
these surfaces. If the surfaces are warped, steam-cut or otherwise damaged, a leak-tight seal
may not be possible.

c. If so equipped, replace the upper labyrinth seals (420) and locating springs (700) in the cover.

d. If so equipped, check the lower labyrinth seal (420) to verify the absence of foreign material
that could interfere with sealing.

e. For turbine exhaust pressures up to 60 PSIG (414 kPag), apply joint sealant as follows:

1. Apply Silver Seal to the horizontal flange of the lower half casing, as shown in Figure L-

2. Apply 1/8” (3 mm) diameter Temp-Tite over the Silver Seal, inside the bolt circle on the
horizontal flange.

3. Apply Silver Seal to the horizontal joint on the lower half gland housing, as shown in
Figure L-2

4. Apply 1/8” (3 mm) diameter Temp-Tite on the inside 3-way corner of the casing, cover,
and lower gland housing, approximately 1/8” (3 mm) from the edge and extending

f. For steam turbine exhaust pressures between 61 and 175 PSIG (414 and 1208 kPag) (150
(1035 kPag) for RLH 24/28), apply joint sealant per step e above, substituting Turbo-R sealant
for Silver Seal.

1. Turbo-R must be heated to 100°F (38°C) in a metal container (do not exceed 120°F

2. Turbo-R must be thoroughly mixed with the correct proportion of X-1 catalyst.

g. For gas turbines of any exhaust pressure, apply joint sealant per step e above, substituting
RTV for Silver Seal.

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Disassembly and Parts Replacement Coppus RLH Turbines

All shaded areas are to be covered with a thin layer of sealant

Figure L-2. Sealant Location Diagram for Horizontal Joint Surfaces

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Coppus RLH Turbines Disassembly and Parts Replacement

h. Apply anti-galling thread lubricant to the threads of all bolts.

i. Lower cover (2) onto lower half of casing, using care to avoid hitting the wheel.

j. Align cover to lower half casing using the two dowel pins.

k. Install and tighten horizontal flange bolts in accordance with Figure L-3 and Table L-1.
Tighten all bolts to level 1, then repeat the sequence at level 2, and if required, level 3.

21 23
17 12 9 5 3 1 7 11 15 19
25 27

28 26

24 22
20 16 12 8 2 4 6 10 14 18

Figure L-3. Horizontal Flange Bolt Torque Sequence, Removable Gland Housing Design

Table L-1. Applied Bolt Torques

Bolt Size/Pitch Torque Level Torque, ft-lbs (N-m)

5/8-11 UNC 1 60 ±10 (81 ±13)
2 120 ±10 (162 ±13)
3/4-10 UNC 1 100 ±15 (135 ±20)
2 200 ±15 (270 ±20)
1-8 UNC 1 200 ±25 (270 ±34)
2 400 ±25 (542 ±34)
3 500 ±25 (678 ±34)

l. Remove all old sealant from all casing/gland housing surfaces. Do not file, gouge or scratch
these surfaces, or damage the sharp 90 degree corner where machines surfaces of the upper
gland housing meet. Such damage will prevent a leak-tight seal.

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Disassembly and Parts Replacement Coppus RLH Turbines

m. Inspect interior of gland housing upper half (211), along with the shaft (21) and carbon rings
(215), for foreign material and damaged or misaligned carbon rings (216).

n. For steam turbine exhaust pressures up to 60 PSIG (414 kPag), apply joint sealants as follows:

1. Apply Silver Seal to the cover and horizontal sealing surface of the lower gland housing,
as shown in Figure L-4.

2. Apply 1/16” (1.5 mm) diameter Temp-Tite and flatten it, as shown in Figure L-4.

Figure L-4. Sealant Location on Gland Housing

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Coppus RLH Turbines Disassembly and Parts Replacement

o. For steam turbine exhaust pressures between 61 and 175 PSIG (414 and 1208 kPag) (150
(1035 kPag) for RLH 24/28), apply joint sealant per step n above, substituting Turbo-R
sealant for Silver Seal.

1. Turbo-R must be heated to 100°F (38°C) in a metal container (do not exceed 120°F

2. Turbo-R must be thoroughly mixed with the correct proportion of X-1 catalyst.

p. For gas turbines of any exhaust pressure, apply joint sealant per step n above, substituting
RTV for Silver Seal.

q. Position upper gland housing (211) on turbine cover (2) and lower gland housing (211).
Tighten bolts according to Figure L-5 and Table L-2.

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Disassembly and Parts Replacement Coppus RLH Turbines

10 2 1 9

8 4 3 7

Horizontal Flange
Bolt Torque 40 ft-lb

14 6 5 13

12 11

Vertical Flange
Bolt Torque 80 ft-lb

Figure L-5. Bolt Torque Pattern on Upper Gland Housing

Table L-2. Applied Bolt Torques

Step Torque, ft-lbs (N-m)

1, 2 40 (54)
3, 4 20 (27)
5, 6 15 (20)
7, 8, 9, 10 40 (54)
11, 12, 13, 14 80 (108)

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Coppus RLH Turbines Disassembly and Parts Replacement

L.3.2 Integral Gland Housing Models

Refer to the following figures:

L-1a Labyrinth Seal Assembly, Integral Gland Housing Models

L-6 Horizontal Flange Bolt Torque Sequence, Integral Gland Housing Design
M-9 Cover, Casing, Rotor and Associated Components (HiP2 Configuration)

L.3.2.1 Cover Removal

a. Remove the four bolts from the horizontal flange of the turbine.

b. Remove the four threaded, tapered dowel pins from the horizontal joint.

c. Break horizontal joint (cover/case mating surfaces) by inserting jacking bolts in holes
provided at the four corners of the cover flange.

d. Using a hoist and the eyebolt provided in the cover, lift cover (2) slowly and carefully so as to
avoid damaging the rotor inside.

e. Place cover on a clean surface so as to prevent damage to its sealing face.

L.3.2.2 Cover Replacement

a. Inspect the interior of the cover (2) and exhaust casing (1B). Remove any foreign material.

b. Remove all old sealant from both surfaces of the horizontal joint. Do not file, gouge or scratch
these surfaces. If the surfaces are warped, steam-cut or otherwise damaged, a leak-tight seal
may not be possible.

c. Apply a thin (0.050 inch (1 mm)) coating of triple-boiled linseed oil to the horizontal flange
of the lower half-casing. Observe the following precautions:

1. Avoid getting oil into bolt holes. If this occurs, remove the oil.

2. Do not apply oil closer than 1/2 inch (12 mm) from outer (417) and inner (418) gland
housing assemblies.

3. Triple-boiled linseed oil is very sticky. Spread it with a flexible metal blade or spatula.
Do not attempt to spread or wipe oil with rags or paper.

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Disassembly and Parts Replacement Coppus RLH Turbines

4. Avoid contaminating linseed oil with foreign material after application to the casing

d. Apply anti-galling thread lubricant to the threads of all bolts.

e. Lower cover (2) onto lower half of casing (1B) , using care to avoid hitting the wheel (14).

f. Align cover (2) to lower half casing (1B) and firmly tap in the four dowel pins.

g. Install and tighten horizontal flange bolts in accordance with Figure L-6 and Table L-3.
Tighten all bolts to level 1, then repeat the sequence at level 2, and then at level 3.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Disassembly and Parts Replacement

Figure L-6. Horizontal Flange Bolt Torque Sequence, Integral Gland Housing Design

Table L-3. Applied Bolt Torques

Torque Torque, ft-lbs (N-m)

1 200 ±25 (270 ±34)
2 400 ±25 (542 ±34)
3 500 ±25 (678 ±34)

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Disassembly and Parts Replacement Coppus RLH Turbines

L.4 Carbon Ring Removal and Replacement

L.4.1 Removable Gland Housing Models

Refer to the following figures:

M-0 RLH Turbine, General View (Sheets 1 and 2)

M-3 Gland Housing and Sealing Elements

Each gland housing contains 4 carbon rings. The outboard ring has an atmospheric leakoff
upstream of it and is not subject to steam pressure. The purpose of this ring is to prevent
condensate from leaking up the shaft toward the bearing housing.

Gland housings and carbon rings on both ends of the turbine are identical. The following procedure
thus applies to either end. Carbon rings consist of several segments: when a carbon ring is replaced,
all segments of that ring must be replaced at the same time.

L.4.1.1 Carbon Ring Removal

a. Disconnect leak-off piping system (or steam seal pipes on turbines exhausting to vacuum)
from the gland housing leak-off pipe. Remove leak-off pipe from gland housing.

b. Remove the four bolts holding gland housing covers (211) to the cover (2) and four bolts from
the horizontal flange of the gland housing.

c. Remove gland housing covers (211).

d. Remove garter springs (216) and stop washers (214).

e. Remove exposed carbon ring segment(s) (215). Rotate remaining segments by rotating them
around the turbine shaft (21).

L.4.1.2 Carbon Ring Installation

a. Remove all old sealant from all casing/gland housing surfaces. Do not file, gouge or scrape
these surfaces, or damage the 90 degree corner where machined surfaces of the upper gland
housing half meet. Such damage will prevent a leak-tight seal.

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b. Clean interiors of upper and lower gland housing halves (211). Clean chrome plated surfaces
of the shaft (21). Inspect chrome plating on the shaft. If plating is bubbled, split, or peeling,
the shaft must be replaced.

c. Replace carbon rings (215), garter springs (216) and stop washers (214). Verify that stop
washers are in tab slots. Be certain to maintain the correct relationship between carbon ring
segments by matching dots stamped on each segment. Replace all segments.

d. Replace gland housing upper halves (211) according to the procedure specified in steps n
through q of section L.3.1.2.

L.4.2 Integral Gland Housing Models

Refer to the following figures:

L-1a Labyrinth Seal Assembly, Integral Gland Housing Models

M-9 Cover, Casing, Rotor, and Associated Components (HiP2 Configuration)

The cover must be removed to access the carbon rings on these models. There are 3 sets of carbon
rings on each end of the turbine. The outboard ring has an atmospheric leakoff upstream of it and is
not subject to steam pressure. The purpose of this ring is to prevent condensate from leaking up the
shaft toward the bearing housing.

Carbon rings on both ends of the turbine are identical. The following procedure thus applies to
either end. Carbon rings consist of several segments: when a carbon ring is replaced, all segments
of that ring must be replaced at the same time.

L.4.2.1 Carbon Ring Removal

a. Disconnect leak-off piping from turbine cover.

b. Remove turbine cover (2) according to section L.3.2.

c. Remove bolts and taper pins from carbon ring seal housing (417).

d. Remove upper carbon ring seal housing half (417B).

e. Unhook garter spring ends (216). Remove springs (216) and carbon ring segments (215). Note
that the anti-rotation pin in the partition plates (419) may interfere with segment removal. If
so, simply rotate the segment in the opposing direction.

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f. Inspect and clean partition plates (419). If partition plates are damaged, they should be
replaced. Refer to Section L.7, Rotor Removal and Replacement.

g. Clean chrome plated surfaces of the shaft (21). Inspect chrome plating on the shaft. If plating
is bubbled, split, or peeling, the shaft must be replaced.

L.4.2.2 Carbon Ring Installation

a. Install carbon ring sets (215), one complete set at a time. Be certain to maintain the correct
relationship between carbon ring segments by matching dots stamped on each segment. Dots
should face toward the turbine wheel. The anti-rotation notch must engage the anti-rotation
pin in the partition plate (419). The thick carbon ring set goes into the outermost slot.

b. Thread the garter spring (216) under the ring segments in the lower half of the carbon ring
housing (417A). Align carbon ring segments, stretch the garter spring over the ring, and hook
the ends.

c. Lower the upper half of the carbon ring housing (417B) onto the lower half (417A). Use care
to align partition plate grooves with the outside diameter of the plate.

d. Install cap screws and taper pins by hand.

e. Do not use sealant anywhere in the assembly.

f. Tap taper pins firmly into position with light hammer taps.

g. Torque the bolts to 10-25 ft-lbs (13-34 N-m) torque.

h. Rotate turbine shaft to check for binding.

i. Replace turbine cover (2) according to section L.3.2.2.

L.5 Casing Labyrinth Seal Removal and Replacement

Labyrinth seals are used in addition to carbon rings to seal the shaft/casing area on the following
turbine models:

• RLH-19 Removable Gland Housing Turbines with back pressures of 106 to 175 PSIG (414 to
1208 kPag).

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• RLH-24/28 Removable Gland Housing Turbines with back pressures of 106 to 150 PSIG (414
to 1035 kPag).
• RLH-24/28 HiP2 Integral Gland Housing Turbines with back pressures of 151 to 300 PSIG
(1035 to 2070 kPag).

All of these turbine designs require removal of the turbine cover to remove, inspect, and replace
labyrinth seals. Refer to the appropriate section below to service these labyrinth seals.

L.5.1 Casing Labyrinth Seal Removal and Replacement, Removable Gland Housing
Refer to the following figures:

L-1b Labyrinth Seal Assembly, Removable Gland Housing Models

L.5.1.1 Labyrinth Seal Removal

a. Remove the turbine cover (2) according to the procedure specified in Section L.3.1.1. The
labyrinth seal segment(s) in the cover will be removed during this operation.

b. Rotate labyrinth seal (420) segment(s) around the turbine shaft and out of the lower half
casing. Use care to prevent loss of locating springs (700). Refer to Figure L-1b for details.

c. Inspect labyrinth seal (420) segments, locating springs (700), and the shaft for corrosion,
scoring, or other damage. Clean all components. Replace any part that is no longer
serviceable. Labyrinth seal segments must be replaced as a set. Severe rubbing one side of all
labyrinth teeth may indicate a worn or failed thrust bearing. Refer to Section L.6 if the thrust
bearing is suspect.

L.5.1.2 Labyrinth Seal Replacement

a. Install labyrinth seal segments (420) into the lower half casing by rotating them between the
shaft (21) and casing. Install the locating spring (700) in the depression in the segment and
compress the spring as the segment is rotated.

b. Replace the cover (2) and gland housing (211) cap according to the procedure in Section

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L.5.2 Casing Labyrinth Seal Removal and Replacement, Integral Gland Housing Turbines
Refer to the following figures:

L-7 Labyrinth Seal Assembly, RLH-24/28, HiP2 Casing

L.5.2.1 Labyrinth Seal Removal

a. Disconnect leak-off piping from the turbine cover (2).

b. Remove the turbine cover (2) according to the procedure specified in Section L.3.2.1.

c. Remove bolts and taper pins from labyrinth seal housing (418).

d. Remove the upper labyrinth seal housing (418B).

e. Rotate upper labyrinth seal segment (420) out of the upper half housing (418B). Use care to
prevent loss of locating springs (700).

f. Inspect labyrinth seal segments (420), locating springs (700), and the shaft (21) for corrosion,
scoring, or other damage. Clean all components. Replace any part that is no longer
serviceable. Labyrinth seal segments must be replaced as a set. Severe rubbing one side of all
labyrinth teeth may indicate a worn or failed thrust bearing. Refer to Section L.6 if the thrust
bearing is suspect.

L.5.2.2 Labyrinth Seal Replacement

a. No sealant is used in this assembly procedure.

b. If the lower half of the labyrinth seal housing (418A) has been removed, place it back into the
casing. This half is identified by the tapped bolt holes.

c. Insert two locating springs (700) into receiving holes in the outer surface of the labyrinth seal
segment (420) stamped 1. Rotate this segment into the labyrinth housing (418A), bringing it
into contact with the anti-rotation pin (422). The end of the segment adjacent to the stamped
number 1 should rest against the pin.

d. Insert 2 locating springs (700) into the next segment (420) stamped 1. Compress the springs
and rotate the segment into the labyrinth seal housing, again with the end adjacent to the
stamped 1 resting against the anti-rotation pin (422).

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e. Use care to avoid mixing segments from different sets of seals.

f. Repeat steps c through e above to install labyrinth seal segments (420) and locating springs
(700) into the upper labyrinth seal housing (418B).

g. Place upper labyrinth seal housing assembly (418) onto the lower half, using care to align
components within it as it is lowered into place.

h. Install cap screws and taper pins by hand.

i Tap taper pins firmly into position with light hammer taps.

j. Torque the bolts to 10-25 ft-lbs torque.

k. Rotate turbine shaft (21) to check for binding.

l. Replace turbine cover (2) according to the procedure in Section L.3.2.2.

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Figure L-7. Labyrinth Seal Assembly, RLH-24/28, HiP2 Casing

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L.6 Bearing/Bearing Housing Removal and Replacement

RLHA turbines are supplied with two split sleeve journal bearings and one ball thrust bearing.
RLHB turbines are supplied with two ball-type journal bearings, one of which also serves as the
thrust bearing.

Refer to the following figures:

M-4 Bearing Housing Assembly, Drive End (RLHA Version)

M-5 Bearing Housing Assembly, Drive End (RLHB Version)
M-6 Bearing Housing Assembly, Governor End (RLHA Version)
M-7 Bearing Housing Assembly, Governor End (RLHB Version)

L.6.1 Sleeve-Type Journal Bearing Removal and Replacement

The journal bearing can be inspected and replaced without removing the turbine cover.

L.6.1.1 Bearing Removal

a. Remove the two bolts securing the governor mounting housing (315) to the governor end
bearing cap (10).

b. Remove dowel pins and bolts in bearing housing horizontal joints (10, 8).

c. Use a soft drift and hammer to loosen the upper half of the bearing housing (10, 8). Tap on the
area where the upper half overlaps the lower half. Remove the upper half.

d. Lift, raise, and slide oil rings (112) over to allow removal of the upper bearing half.

e. Raise the shaft (21) slightly (0.040 inch/1 mm) to expose the bearing split line and remove the
upper bearing half (367).

f. Rotate lower bearing half (367) out of the bearing housing (10, 8) with the locating tap exiting
the housing upon initial rotation.

g. The shaft (21) can then be rested on the labyrinth seal (381) or optional Inproseal after the
bearing is removed.

h. Inspect bearings (367) for wear or scoring. Replace if necessary.

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i. Inspect shaft journals. If journals are worn or scored, the shaft must be replaced. Slight
scratches or nicks can be removed by stoning or with crocus cloth.

L.6.1.2 Bearing Replacement

a. Verify that the bearing journal is clean and undamaged. Coat the journal with turbine oil.

b. Lift the shaft (21) (0.040 inch/1 mm) to permit sufficient room to rotate the lower bearing half
(367) into the housing.

c. Rotate lower bearing half (367) into bearing housing (10, 8) with the locating tab correctly
aligned with the slot in the housing. Note that the bearing split line is below the bearing
housing split line.

d. Lower the shaft (21) onto the lower bearing half (367).

e. Snap the upper half of the bearing (367) into the lower bearing housing half (10, 8), aligning
the tab so that it fits into the milled slot.

f. Place the oil ring(s) (112) into slot(s) on the upper bearing half (367) and verify that they are
free to turn.

g. Drain and clean bearing housing reservoirs and refill to the proper level with clean oil.

h. Apply a thin coating of oil resistant sealant to the horizontal joint of the bearing housings.

i. Replace the bearing cap (367) carefully, so as not to crush the sleeve bearing tabs.

j. Insert and drive in the dowel/taper pin.

k. Install washer and nuts on studs (RLHA 24/28 only). Torque the nuts first to 25 ft-lbs (34 N-
m) and then to 55-65 ft-lbs (75-88 N-m).

l. Install bolts and torque them to 55-65 ft-lbs (75-88 N-m).

m. Rotate shaft (21) by hand and observe oil rings (112) through inspection holes in the bearing
cap to verify that rings rotate freely.

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n. Install bolts holding upper bearing housing half (10) to governor mounting housing (315).

L.6.2 Thrust Bearing Removal and Replacement

The thrust bearing is a ball bearing located in the governor end bearing housing. On turbines with
ball bearing journal bearings (RLHB turbines), the same bearing serves as both the thrust and
journal bearing. The turbine rotor must be removed to remove and replace the thrust bearing.

Kingsbury tilting pad thrust bearings are supplied optionally on some turbines. Refer to
Supplemental Documentation at the end of this manual for details.

L.6.2.1 Removal
a. Remove the turbine rotor (21) according to Section L.7.

b. Remove locknut (23) and lockwasher (113) from the turbine shaft (21).

c. On RHLB turbines (ball bearing journal bearings), remove the oil ring (112) and oil ring
sleeve (202).

d. Using a suitable puller, remove the thrust bearing (33) from the shaft.


When removing or replacing ball bearings mounted on a shaft, NEVER

PRESS OR APPLY FORCE to the OUTER RACE, as this may damage the
races or balls. NEVER HAMMER on either the inner or outer races. Bearings
should be pressed on or off shafts with a steady force. Always inspect the
shaft for burrs or foreign material and remove them as necessary, prior to
removal or installation of bearings. If a BEARING BINDS during installation
or removal, DETERMINE THE CAUSE and CORRECT it rather than apply
more force. Installation should be performed by heating bearings prior to
assembly. Heat bearings slowly and evenly to a temperature not exceeding
250°F (120°C). Special electrical heaters are available from industrial
suppliers for bearing heating. Alternatively, bearings may be heated in an oil

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Disassembly and Parts Replacement Coppus RLH Turbines

e. On RLHA turbines (sleeve journal bearings), take care not to lose the flat spring (379) located
in the bottom of the bearing housing groove. This spring prevents rotation of the outer race of
the thrust bearing.

L.6.2.2 Replacement
a. Install thrust bearing (33) on the shaft (21) with the shield (if so equipped) facing out. The
shield is used on RLHA turbines (sleeve journal bearings) only.

b. On RLHB turbines (ball bearing journal bearings), replace the oil ring sleeve (262) and the oil
ring (112).

c. Replace lockwasher (113) and locknut (23).

d. Bend the lock tab(s) to lock the nut into position.

e. Replace the rotor into the turbine casing according to Section L.7.2.

L.6.3 Ball Bearing (Journal) Removal and Replacement

Bearing removal and replacement on RLHB turbines with ball bearing journal bearings is
accomplished using the same procedure as that specified for the thrust bearing in Section L.6.2.2.
The only exception is that there is no lockwasher or nut retaining the bearing on the casing end of
the shaft. Removal of the casing end bearing requires removal of the coupling and outboard bearing
housing seal. Refer to Section L.6.4 for the seal removal and replacement procedure.

L.6.4 Bearing Housing Seal Removal and Replacement

Bearing housings are provided with either labyrinth-type oil seals or optional Inproseals. These
seals prevent oil leakage from bearing housings and also prevent penetration of steam, dust, and
dirt into the housings.

L.6.4.1 Labyrinth Seal Removal and Replacement

Three labyrinth seals (387) are mounted on the turbine shaft to prevent oil leakage from bearing
housings. There are two seals on the casing end bearing housing and one on the governor end
bearing housing. The mounting housing has labyrinths machined into it that act as the seal on the
outboard side of the governor end bearing housing.

Use the following procedure to remove seals:

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a. Remove the turbine rotor (21) according to the procedure specified in Section L.7.

b. Remove the coupling half and key from the turbine shaft (21).

c. On RLHA turbines, remove the thrust bearing (33) from the shaft according to Section L.6.2.

d. On RLHB turbines, remove the outer casing end labyrinth seal (387) by removing the two set
screws and sliding the seal off the shaft (21). On RLHA turbines, remove all labyrinth seals

e. On RLHB turbines, remove the ball bearing (33) according to Section L.6.3.

f. Remove remaining labyrinth seals (387) on RLHB turbines.

Use the following procedure to replace seals:

a. Place inboard labyrinth seals (387) on the turbine shaft (21). Do not tighten the two set

b. On RLHB turbines, install the ball bearings (33) according to Section L.6.3.

c. On RLHA turbines, install the thrust bearing (33) according to Section L.6.2.

d. Install the outboard labyrinth seal (387) on the casing end of the shaft (21). Do not tighten the
set screws.

e. Install coupling half and key on the shaft.

f. Replace turbine rotor (21) into the casing according to Section L.7.2. Adjust labyrinth seal
positions as the rotor is lowered into the casing, ensuring that seals straddle bearing housing
ends and are not damaged.

g. Position labyrinth seals (387) so as to obtain the clearances shown in Table B-1.

h. Tighten setscrews to lock labyrinth seals (387) into position on the shaft (21).

i. Lock setscrews into place by staking the setscrew/labyrinth seal interface.

j. Use finger to apply a light but continuous fillet of RTV sealant to seal faces at the
shaft/labyrinth seal fit, on the external face of the seal.

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k. Replace upper halves of bearing housings (8, 10) according to the procedure specified in
Section L.6.1 for sleeve-type journal bearings and L.6.3 for ball bearing journal bearings.

L.6.5 Bearing Housing Removal and Replacement

RLHA and RLHB bearing housings are attached to the lower turbine casing with 4 bolts. Their
position is maintained by two dowel pins on each housing. Alignment of bearing housings to the
casing and to each other is essential for vibration-free operation and long bearing life. Bearing
housings are accurately aligned at the factory prior to pinning. Should it be necessary to remove or
replace a bearing housing, it is essential that the alignment be checked and corrected, if necessary,
prior to re-installation of the rotor.

Bearing housing alignment is a precision process that requires skill, experience, and precise
measurement. If there is any question regarding the ability of site personnel to properly align
bearing housings, Coppus recommends that a factory trained serviceman be engaged to perform the
service. Contact your Coppus manufacturer’s representative of the Coppus factory to schedule a
service visit.

L.6.5.1 Removal
a. Remove all instrumentation and piping from the bearing housing (8, 10).

b. Remove the rotor (21) according to Section L.7.

c. Drain oil from the bearing housing (8, 10).

d. Support the lower bearing housing half with a suitable sling and hoist before attempting to
remove it from the casing.

e. Remove tapered locating pins, if so equipped.

f. Remove the four bolts attaching the lower bearing housing half to the casing.

g. Separate the bearing housing from the casing by tapping with a soft hammer.

h. Remove the straight dowel pins, if so equipped.

L.6.5.2 Replacement
Before replacing the bearing housing, thoroughly clean its interior and all mating surfaces. Inspect
both the upper and lower halves. Replace bearing housings that are cracked or have out-of-round or
scored bearing liner surfaces. Bearing housings must be replaced as an assembly. Lower and upper
halves are not interchangeable.

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a. Use a suitable sling and hoist to position the lower bearing housing half against the lower
turbine casing half.

b. Insert the four retaining bolts and tighten them sufficiently to prevent bearing housing
slippage relative to the casing.

c. Insert two 0.357 dowel pins into the locating holes to roughly align the bearing housing. Tap
the housing with a soft hammer to move it.

The following steps assume that both bearing housings are being replaced. If only one has been
removed, begin alignment by checking the location of the undisturbed housing. If its alignment is
satisfactory, proceed to the unaligned housing. If its alignment is not satisfactory, both housings
must be aligned. Refer to Figure L-8 for alignment guidelines.

Figure L-8. RLHA Bearing Housing Alignment

d. Use a suitable arrangement of V-blocks, a mandrel, and dial indicator to indicate the bearing
bore of the governor end bearing housing and position it so that TIR in Plane A is 0.002”

e. Without re-zeroing the indicator, check plane B at three points to confirm 0.002” maximum.

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f. Tighten bearing housing bolts to 60 ft-lbs.

g. Without disturbing the V-blocks or re-zeroing the indicator, rotate the mandrel 180 degrees in
the V-blocks so that the indicator is positioned at the drive end bearing housing.

h. Checks planes D and C with the indicator for 0.002 TIR, repositioning the bearing housing as

i. Tighten bearing housing bolts to 60 ft-lbs.

j. Ream dowel pin holes to the next largest dowel pin size (standard is 0.375”) and install new
dowel pins.

k. Recheck alignment on both housings.

l. Replace the rotor according to Section L.7.2.

m. Reconnect any piping and instrumentation.

n. Refill bearing housings to the proper level with fresh oil.

L.6.6 Inproseal Removal and Replacement

Inproseals are optional, non-contacting bearing housing oil seals that replace the three standard
labyrinth-type bearing housing seals. The drive end bearing housing has both an inboard and
outboard inproseal. The governor end has only an inboard inproseal.

Servicing of the inboard inproseals requires removal of the rotor and thrust bearing. Ball bearings
must also be removed on RLHB turbines. The outboard inproseal on the drive end can be serviced
without rotor removal.

Refer to the following figure:

L-9 RLH Bearing Housings With Optional Inproseals

L.6.6.1 Inboard Inproseal Removal

a. Remove the half-coupling from the shaft.

b. Remove the rotor (21) from the turbine according to Section L.7.

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c. On sleeve bearing turbines (RLHA), remove the thrust bearing (33) from the shaft (21)
according to Section L.6.2.

d. On ball bearing turbines (RLHB), remove the ball bearings (33) according to Section L.6.3.

e. Clean the turbine shaft outboard of the Inproseal (600).

f. Slide the Inproseal assembly (600) off the turbine shaft (21).

L.6.6.2 Inboard Inproseal Replacement

a. Clean the shaft (21) and remove any burrs that could damage the Inproseal O-ring.

b. Lubricate the shaft (21) and inproseal O-ring with turbine oil to facilitate seal insertion on the

c. Slide the inproseal assembly (600) onto the shaft (21), placing it at is approximate final

d. On sleeve bearing turbines (RLHA), replace the thrust bearing (33) according to Section L.6.2

e. On ball bearing turbines (RLHB), replace the ball bearings (33) according to Section L.6.3

f. Replace the rotor according to Section L.7, using care to correctly position the Inproseal (600)
when installing upper halves of the bearing housings.

g. Replace half-coupling on the shaft.

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Figure L-9. RLH Bearing Housings With Optional Inproseals

L.6.6.3 Outboard Inproseal Removal (Drive End)

a. Remove the half-coupling from the turbine shaft.

b. Remove upper half of drive end bearing housing (8) (sleeve type) according to Section
L.6.1.1. Remove only the upper half. Do not remove bearings. This removal method applies to
both sleeve- and ball-bearing units.

c. Slide Inproseal (600) out of the recess in the bearing housing (8) and off the shaft (21).

L.6.6.4 Outboard Inproseal Replacement (Drive End)

a. Clean drive end of the shaft (21) and remove any burrs that could damage the Inproseal O-

b. Lubricate the shaft and inproseal O-ring with turbine oil to facilitate seal insertion on the

c. Slide the Inproseal (600) onto the shaft (21), placing it into the recess in the lower bearing
housing (8) half.

d. Replace the upper bearing housing (8) half according to Section L.6.1.

e. Replace half-coupling on the shaft.

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L.7 Rotor Removal and Replacement

The governor, mounting housing, turbine cover, gland housing covers (if so equipped), casing
labyrinth seals (if so equipped), and carbon ring seal housings (if so equipped) must be removed or
disassembled to remove the rotor.

Refer to the following figures:

M-0 RLH Turbine, General View (Sheets 1 and 2)

M-1 Combo Valve Assembly
M-2 Governor, Mounting Housing, and Bolt Trip Components
M-3 Gland Housing and Sealing Elements
M-4 Bearing Housing Assembly, Drive End (RLHA Version)
M-5 Bearing Housing Assembly, Drive End (RLHB Version)
M-6 Bearing Housing Assembly, Governor End (RLHA Version)
M-7 Bearing Housing Assembly, Governor End (RLHB Version)
M-8 Cover, Casing, Rotor and Associated Components
M-9 Cover, Casing, Rotor, and Associated Components (HiP2 Configuration)

L.7.1 Rotor Removal

a. Remove the governor (313) per Section L.10.

b. Remove the governor drive coupling (314).

c. Remove the overspeed bolt trip collar (A015) according to Section L.12.

d. Remove the governor mounting housing (315).

e. Remove upper halves of bearing housings (8, 10) according to Section L.6.1.1.

f. Remove turbine cover and gland housing covers (211) (if so equipped) according to Section

g. Remove casing labyrinth seals (420) (if so equipped) according to Section L.5.

h. Remove carbon rings (215) according to Section L.4.

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i. On sleeve bearing units, slide oil ring(s) (112) to the side and remove upper bearing halves

j. Arrange a suitable support for the rotor assembly. Verify that turbine wheel blades and
bearing journal surfaces on the shaft will not make contact with any surrounding object.
Verify that the assembly will not roll off the support.

k. Use slings and a crane or hoist to lift the rotor assembly from the casing. Use extreme care
when lifting the assembly to avoid damaging the wheel, blades, shaft, or sector (15).

l. Place rotor assembly on the support.

L.7.2 Rotor Replacement

a. Verify that the interior of the turbine casing is clean and that all foreign objects have been

b. Clean or replace journal bearings (367), if so equipped, and lubricate journal area of the shaft
to prevent scratching or scoring.

c. If so equipped, place lower journal half (367) into the bearing housing (8,10). Position oil
rings (112) so that they fit into openings provided in the bearing housings.

d. Using slings and a crane or hoist, lower the rotor assembly into the casing. Use care to avoid
damage to the wheel, blades, shaft, or sector.

e. Replace carbon rings (215) according to Section L.4.

f. Replace casing labyrinth seals (420) (if so equipped) according to Section L.5.

g. Replace turbine cover (2) and gland housing upper halves (211) (if so equipped) according to
Section L.3.1.2.

h. Replace sleeve bearing upper halves (367) (if so equipped) and bearing housing upper halves
(8, 10) according to Section L.6.

i. Replace governor mounting housing (315).

j. Replace overspeed bolt trip collar (A015) according to Section L.12.

k. Replace governor drive coupling (314), governor (313), and associated linkage according to
Section L.10.

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L.7.3 Turbine Wheel Removal and Replacement

The turbine wheel is secured to the shaft with an interference fit and a key. Separation of the wheel
and shaft requires heating the wheel and pressing the shaft from it.

L.7.3.1 Turbine Wheel Removal

a. Remove turbine rotor from the turbine according to Section L.7.1.

b. Remove overspeed trip collar (A015) from the shaft according to Section L.12.

c. Remove thrust bearing (33) according to Section L.6.2.

d. Remove drive end ball bearing (33) , if so equipped, according to Section L.6.3.

e. Remove outboard labyrinth seal (387) or Inproseal (600), as appropriate, according to

Sections L.6.4.1 and L.6.6.3, respectively.

f. Remove inboard labyrinth seals (387) or Inproseals (600) according to Sections L.6.4.1 and
L.6.6.1, respectively.

g. Support rotor assembly with the drive end face of the wheel (14) down and the governor end
of the shaft pointing upward.

h. Carefully, evenly and rapidly heat the inner rim area of the wheel (14) to 500-600°F (260-
315°C) (the wheel material will begin to take on a bluish coloration at about 500°F (260°C)).


DO NOT allow the heating FLAME TO IMPINGE on turbine BLADES, as this

could anneal and WEAKEN them.


Exercise appropriate CAUTION in handling the HOT WHEEL during

disassembly and assembly.

i. Slide the shaft out of the wheel bore, using a press at the governor end of the shaft. Do not use
excessive force on the shaft. Damage to both components will likely result.

j. If the shaft cannot be removed, consult the factory.

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L.7.3.2 Turbine Wheel Replacement

a. Verify that the wheel key is a free fit in the wheel to avoid hang-up on reassembly.

b. Position the wheel (14) horizontally, with the shorter (smaller) row of blades downward.


Be certain to assemble the wheel and shaft with THE SHORTER BLADES
TOWARD the GOVERNOR END OF THE SHAFT. Otherwise, the rotor
cannot be installed.

c. Carefully, evenly and rapidly heat the wheel to 500-600°F (260-315°C) or until the wheel bore
is at least 0.002 inches (0.05 mm) larger than the shaft diameter.

d. Drop the shaft and installed wheel key (378) into the wheel bore until the shaft shoulder seats
solidly against the face of the wheel. Note that the shaft shoulder is always on the same side of
the wheel as the second, or longer, row of blades.

e. If the shaft hangs up in the wheel before the shaft shoulder is solidly seated, a moderate press
may be used to complete the assembly operation. If this fails, allow the assembly to cool and
then start over by disassembling the wheel and shaft, as described above.

f. Allow the assembled wheel to reach room temperature before moving the assembly.

g. Rebalance the rotor per Section L.7.4, Rotor Balancing.

h. Re-assemble the rotor and re-install rotor in the casing by reversing steps a through f of
Section L.7.3.1, referring to the sections referenced in these steps as necessary.

L.7.4 Rotor Balancing

Whenever a wheel or shaft is replaced, the wheel and shaft subassembly should be dynamically

Rotors should be dynamically balanced using two planes (one on each side of the wheel) to within
the limits given in Table B-1, Major Fits and Tolerances. Consult the factory for detailed wheel
and rotor balancing procedures.

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L.8 Nozzle Block and Sector Removal and Replacement

The sector consists of either one or two segments, depending on the number of nozzles in the
nozzle block. The exact location of the sectors should be recorded prior to disassembly, to ensure
correct positioning upon re-assembly.

Sectors must be removed in order to remove the nozzle block.

L.8.1 Nozzle Block and Sector Removal

a. Remove turbine rotor according to Section L.7.1.

b. Remove nuts from sector (15); then, remove sector and spacer studs (364). Note: mark
locations of studs so that they may later be assembled correctly.

c. Remove nozzle block (363) by removing bolts securing it to the steam chest (1A).

L.8.2 Nozzle Block and Sector Replacement

a. Clean steam chest and nozzle block sealing surfaces.

b. Apply a thin coat of Silver Seal or a suitable joint compound to the nozzle sealing surface in
the turbine casing. Make certain to apply joint compound at the hand valve partitions in the
seam chest.

c. Apply anti-galling compound to threads of the nozzle bolts and studs.

d. Bolt the nozzle block to the turbine steam chest. Check that sector stand-off studs are in the
same positions marked in L.8.1b above.

e. Position the sector assembly (15) in the turbine casing and bolt it to the nozzle block. Verify
that the sector assembly is installed in the same location from which it was removed and it
coincides with turbine rotation.

f. Tighten spacer studs in a progressive criss-cross pattern to a final torque. Tighten remaining
screws in this assembly to the same torque. See Table L-1 for the correct torque.

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L.9 Handvalve Removal and Replacement

Handvalves are optional items. Depending on steam conditions, required power and speed, and
initial customer requirements, the turbine may incorporate no handvalves, one handvalve, or two

The purpose of handvalves is to isolate a nozzle or group of nozzles from inlet steam, thereby
allowing the turbine to operate at reduced power output without excessive throttling. When
operated at reduced power in this fashion, the turbine is more efficient than it would be if all
nozzles were active.

Handvalves should be either fully open or fully closed, never in between. Operating with a partially
closed handvalve is not only inefficient, but could result in steam cutting of the seat and excessive

Refer to Figure L-10, Handvalve Assembly.

L.9.1 Handvalve Removal


Close and tag inlet and exhaust isolating valves and open drains to
depressurize the turbine casing and steam chest before maintaining

Remove the entire handvalve assembly from the bottom half casing by unscrewing the handvalve
body (368).

L.9.2 Handvalve Replacement

a. Coat screw threads of handvalve body (368) with anti-galling compound.

b. Back off valve stem (369) from valve body (368) until fully open.

c. Screw valve body (368) into turbine casing and tighten.

L.9.3 Handvalve Adjustment

a. Keep valve stem packing (371) tight by adjusting packing nut (370).

b. Replace packing (371) and packing washer (373) when packing nut adjustment no longer
prevents steam leakage along the valve stem.

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c. The valve stem should be screwed fully closed or fully open; do not leave in an intermediate

Figure L-10. Handvalve Assembly

L.10 Governor Removal and Replacement

Refer to the following figures:

M-2 Governor, Mounting Housing, and Bolt Trip Components

L-11 Direct Drive Governor Assembly
L-12 Gear Drive Governor Assembly

L.10.1 General
Field service on the oil relay governor (313) is normally limited to yearly oil changes per Section J,
and droop setting adjustment, which is described in the Woodward Governor Manual provided in
Supplemental Documentation at the end of this manual.

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In the event that the governor exhibits operational problems, Coppus recommends that the governor
be removed as a unit and returned to the factory for repair or overhaul, as required. In the
meantime, a replacement oil relay governor can be quickly and easily installed to keep the turbine
in operation. The Coppus factory maintains a stock of replacement governors for rapid field
delivery, and is equipped to perform comprehensive repair, overhaul, and testing of oil relay

For shipment, care should be exercised to support the governor by its mounting flange and not by
its shaft extension.

Some governors are direct-drive types coupled to the end of the turbine shaft by couplings, as
shown in Figure L-11. Others, due to speed requirements, are connected by right-angle gear
reduction units, as shown in Figure L-12.

L.10.2 Governor Removal (Direct Drive)

a. Drain oil from governor (313) at drain.

b. Disconnect connecting rod (197) at governor lever (265) by removing connecting rod bolt.
Do not disturb position of rod end bearing on rod (to preserve open/close stroke adjustment).

c. Rotate shaft (21), if necessary, to disengage coupling hub (314) by loosening coupling set

d. Prop or support governor (313); then, unbolt governor from mounting housing (315) and slide
governor out of mounting housing. Be careful not to lose the governor key (319).

e. Remove governor lever (265) (if same governor is not to be used as temporary replacement)
by loosening its set screw.

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Figure L-11. Direct Drive Governor Assembly

L.10.3 Governor Replacement (Direct Drive)

a. Install governor lever (265) and tighten lever set screw securely.

b. Slip coupling spider between jaws of coupling (314) hub on turbine shaft extension.

c. Install coupling hub (314) on governor shaft.

d. Slide governor (313) into place on mounting housing (315), verifying that coupling (314)
engages properly.

e. Install and tighten four cap screws to secure governor to mounting housing (315). There
should be 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) play for the coupling spider between coupling hubs. Coupling
access is available through the open side of the mounting housing. Tighten screw to secure

f. Reconnect connecting rod (197).

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g. Remove governor breather cap (339) and fill governor with oil to proper level indicated on
sight glass.

h. Rotate turbine shaft (21) slowly by hand to ensure that governor and coupling are free to turn
when placed in operation.

L10.4 Governor Removal (Gear Drive)

a. Drain oil from governor (313).

b. Disconnect connecting rod (197) at governor lever (265) by removing connecting rod bolt.
Do not disturb position of rod end bearing on rod (to preserve open/close stroke adjustment).

c. Remove cap screws securing governor (313) to gear box (384) adapter; then, lift governor
vertically from adapter. The coupling will remain on the governor shaft at removal. The lower
key may remain in the gear box shaft or may remain in the coupling. Do not remove governor
lever or coupling from governor if same governor is to be installed again. If a new governor is
to be installed, transfer lever and coupling (with keys) to new governor. The lever and
coupling are secured to governor shafts by set screws.

Note: The coupling which joins the governor and gear box shafts is supplied with the gear box.

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Figure L-12. Gear Drive Governor Assembly

L.10.5 Governor Replacement (Gear Drive)

a. Verify that coupling and keys are installed on governor shaft, and that the governor lever is
mounted to its shaft at the side of the governor.

b. Lower governor (313) on gear box (384) adapter with coupling key slots positioned to allow
mating of keys and key slots of shaft and coupling as governor and adapter flanges meet.

c. Rotate governor to align cap screw hole; then, install cap screws tightly.

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L.10.6 Governor Drive Gear Box Removal

The Governor (313) must be removed as directed in Section L.10.4, above, before the gear box
(384) is removed.

a. Drain oil from gear box (384).

b. Remove set screws from coupling (314) to release coupling from gear box shaft.

c. Prop or support gear box; then, remove cap screws to separate gear box from mounting
housing (315). Pull gear box out to disengage from coupling (314). Retain coupling keys for

The Coppus factory maintains a stock of replacement gear boxes for rapid delivery to the user, and
is equipped to perform complete repair and overhaul service on gear boxes.

L.10.7 Governor Drive Gear Box Replacement

a. Install key in gear box (384) shaft; then, rotate shaft or coupling (314) to align key slots.

b. Mount gear box (384) on housing (315), verifying that the coupling key slot accepts the gear
box shaft key properly. Install cap screws on keys to secure gear box on housing.

c. Fill gear box (384) with recommended lubricant to required level, as indicated by oil sight
gage plug.

L.11 Combination Valve Maintenance

Refer to the following figures:

M-1 Combo Valve Assembly

M-2 Governor, Mounting Housing, and Bolt Trip Components
L-13 Combo Valve Trip Linkage
The design of the Coppus Combination Valve assembly permits routine maintenance (disassembly
and assembly) procedures while still mounted on the turbine and without disconnecting the inlet
piping. For major overhaul or necessary machine work, remove the valve as indicated below.

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BEFORE SERVICING ANY COMPONENT of the combo valve, verify that

turbine is connected to the exhaust steam header, CLOSE the BLOCK
to ensure venting of all pressure before disassembly begins.


In the following procedures, remove and replace all parts slowly and carefully
to avoid damage (digs, bends, scoring, chipping, etc.) to conditioned
surfaces. DO NOT use excessive force to remove parts. Use backup
bracing for unsupported parts when taper pins or dowels are removed by
hammer and drifts.

L.11.1 Valve Removal from Turbine

a. Remove linkage connecting rod (197) at end of valve body (151) by removing bolts (186).
Uncouple and remove leakoff pipes connected to valve body.

Note: Do not disturb settings of locknuts and connecting rod-ends (185) on rod (197) unless parts
need to be replaced. These are factory-set to provide the required stroke for the rod.

b. Remove inlet flange bolting and gasket; then, if necessary, jack or pull inlet header away from
valve body (151) to eliminate contact with body completely.

c. Rig slings and hoist to support valve body (151); take up slack in slings but do not lift yet.

d. Scribe alignment marks on valve body and turbine mounting flange for correct repositioning
at reassembly.

e. Remove connecting rod (S-180) from end of clapper valve lever (S179), being careful not to
disturb the linkage.

f. Remove bolting at turbine flange; then, lift valve by slings and hoist to service area for further

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g. Cover flange openings of turbine and steam feed lines to prevent entry of dirt or solid particles
while valve is removed.

Figure L-13. Combo Valve Trip Linkage

L.11.2 Valve Disassembly

a. If valve is removed from turbine, stand valve assembly vertically on studs (151A), but prop
sides of valve body to keep valve from toppling during disassembly.

b. Remove lever (173) by removing taper pin (167A); then, slide lever from end of toe piece
shaft (167).

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c. Release toe piece (169) from toe piece shaft (167) by driving out taper pin (167A); then, pull
shaft (167) out of linkage stand (155) at governor end, thus releasing toe piece (169) from end
of shaft.

d. Loosen socket head screw in trunnion assembly (147, 180, 180A, & 180B), and slip trunnion
assembly and toe piece (169) from end of valve stem (A020).

e. Examine bushings (152A) in each end of stand (155); remove and replace with new bushings
if worn excessively, cracked or broken.

f. Release seal block (179B) from bonnet (152) by removing socket head cap screws which
secure block to bonnet; remove screws in crisscross pattern in several increments to avoid
distortion; then, slide seal block off stem (A020).

Note: Seal blocks (179B) and (179A), (removed later), need not be disassembled unless excessive
steam loss at their bores indicate a need for replacing seal rings.

g. Push valve stem (163) into valve body until cup valve (162) reaches valve seat in cup valve
cage (165) (closed position of valve).

h. Pull valve stem (163) directly out. Seal sleeve (193) should ride out on stem (163).


Burrs caused by set screw (466) at each end of cross-hole in valve stem
must be dressed off to protect seal rings during removal and reinstallation.

i. Remove seal sleeve (193) carefully from stem (163) and set aside for use during assembly if
not broken, worn at the bore, or damaged beyond use.

j. Push valve stem (163) into valve body (151) to close valve again.

k. Remove cap screws (152B) and nuts (152D) in several loosening increments in a crisscross
pattern to prevent distortion of bonnet (152).

l. Remove stand (155) from studs (152C) and bonnet (152). Drive pins (155A) will remain in

m. Pry bonnet (152) loose from valve body (151) gently, using two prying tools (e.g.
screwdrivers) at several locations around bonnet edge; then lift bonnet off studs (152C)
without contacting stem (163).

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Use two men to remove bonnet (weighing 75 pounds) without damaging

valve stem.

n. Pull stem (163) and cup valve (162) assembly out of valve vertically.

o. Remove cup valve cage (165) from bore of valve body (151) by freeing it from its seat in the
valve bore, and removing it at bonnet end of valve body. Verify that screen (S-8) is clean and
holes are not plugged with solid particles; use wire brush to clean it, if necessary.

Note: If cage (165) is stuck in bore, it can be pulled firmly but carefully to prevent damage to the
bore, ports, and labyrinth tips within the cage. If necessary, use soft metal (brass or aluminum) bars
or hooks to help in pressing or prying it free.

p. Remove 3/4-inch pipe plug at top of valve body (151).

q. Loosen set screw to release clapper lever (S179A); then, pull and pry clapper lever from shaft
(166). Remove key (S177) from shaft.

r. Remove clapper seal-block assembly (179) by removing seven socket-head cap screws which
secure it to valve body (151); remove screws in crisscross pattern in several increments to
avoid distortion; then, slide seal block assembly off shaft (166).

s. Remove seal sleeve (193A) from bore and remove from shaft (166).

t. Reinstall clapper seal block (179A), without gasket, using seven socket-head cap screws to
secure it to valve body (151).

u. Slide clapper disc pilot (171) along shaft (166) in bore until hub of pilot (171) seats in the
valve body bore, which previously contained seal sleeve (193A).

Note: Removal of seal sleeve (193) and seating of pilot hub (171) in its seat provides support for
shaft (166) during pin-removal in the following step.

v. Insert drift through pipe plug hole (plug removed in step p) and drive pilot-arm pin (136) out
of shaft (166) to permit later removal of clapper disc pilot (171).

Note: In extreme cases, an arbor press may be needed to press pin (136) out of shaft. If press is
ineffective, pin must be drilled out carefully. If drilling is not done carefully, shaft (166), clapper
disc pilot (171), as well as pin (136), will require replacement.

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w. Remove 3/4-inch pipe plug from other end of shaft (166) bore in valve body (151).

x. Using a light to view end of shaft (166) in pipe-plug hole (just removed in step w), rotate shaft
(166), if necessary, to align keys in shaft with key slots in clapper shaft bushing (208); then,
push end of shaft (at gland-seal end) to push shaft keys through bushing slots until shaft end
can be grasped at pipe-plug hole.

Note: Long-nose pliers or long-stemmed tongs may be needed to reach parts within the valve body.

y. Reach into valve bore, and while carefully moving shaft (166) toward pipe-plug end, remove
clapper disc pilot (171); then clapper disc (174); and withdraw shaft completely from pipe-
plug hole.

z. Use a drift through 3/4-inch plug hole to press out clapper shaft bushing (208), and remove
from valve bore for examination.

This completes disassembly of major components or subassemblies of the valve. These parts can be
cleaned, if necessary, for close inspection of wear, damage, breakage or disfiguring, which may
cause trouble or faulty operation. Verify that valve faces which contact the turbine and steam-line
flange are scraped and wiped clean, and that all scrapings are removed from the valve interior.

If further disassembly is required, detailed instructions are provided in later subsections.

L.11.3 Valve Assembly

Before final assembly, verify that all subassemblies and components are clean and that no burrs,
chips or foreign matter of any kind is in the bore of the valve body before, during and after

a. Coat outside diameter surface of clapper shaft bushing (208) with "Never Seez" lubricant;
then, position it inside valve body (151) and start it in bushing seat with grooved end away
from seat, and internal key slots positioned such that one slot is between 1 o'clock and 2
o'clock and other slot is between 7 o'clock and 8 o'clock (top of valve body is 12 o'clock
position as viewed at clapper seal-block (179A) side of body (151).

b. Apply drift through shaft bore to bushing and start tapping bushing into seat with hammer.
Use hammer to tap bushing into seat completely if bushing OD versus seat diameter permits.
If bushing has loose fit, use appropriate punch to stake body material into angular bushing
groove to seat and retain bushing firmly in its recess. A. small amount of upset staking should
suffice. Remove any bushing material which chips or flakes off during pressing or staking

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c If removed during disassembly, insert two keys (135) in in-board keyways of shaft (166). If
necessary, stake keys lightly on their insert sides to press fit them into keyway. Do not mar or
distort shaft finish or axial alignment (shaft surface is polished to serve as bearing and sealing
surface). Support shaft at keyways when pressing keys into shaft.

d. Coat socket-head cap screw threads and under heads with high temperature anti-seize
lubricant and install clapper seal block (179A) assembly (without gasket) on side of valve
body (151). Tighten cap screws progressively in a crisscross pattern, and tighten with a torque
wrench to a final torque of 45 ±3 foot-pounds (61 ±4 N-m). Check that all cap screws are
tightened to required torque.

Note: Clapper seal block (179A) is similar in size and shape to seal block (179B), but is
dimensionally different and contains clapper shaft bushing (388). Do not mix seal blocks.

e. Apply high temperature anti-seize lubricant to cross-drilled drive-pin hole in shaft (166) and
insert end of shaft without keys into shaft bore at pipe plug end, and start shaft end into
bushing (208).

f. Insert clapper disc (174) into bore of valve body from bonnet (152) end to seat in its closed
position with hub aligned to accept shaft end; then, carefully push shaft through bushing (208)
and into, but not through, hub of disc (174).

g. Insert pilot clapper disc (171) in valve body and engage its hub on shaft (166) in the same
manner as for disc (174) in step f, above.

h. Continue shaft insertion until shaft end touches seal block (179A) face; then, reach into valve
bore and gently guide shaft-mounted discs (171) and (174) to insert shaft end in seal block
(179A) bore until keys (135) in shaft touch bushing (208).

i. Using long-nose pliers or tongs in pipe-plug hole, rotate shaft to align keys in shaft with key
slots in bushing (208).

j. Continue inserting shaft (166) until keys touch hub of clapper disc (174).

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k. Reach into bore of valve body and raise clapper disc (174) to the half-open (45 degree angle)
position, and maneuver shaft (166) and disc (174) gently to align keys in shaft with key slots
in hub of disc (174); then, insert shaft fully until side of clapper disc pilot hub touches inner
wall of valve body (151).

l. Reach into valve bore and lift both discs (171) and (174). Move them independently to align
cross-drilled groove-pin hole in shaft with hole in hub of clapper disc pilot (as viewed through
top pipe-plug hole); then, apply high temperature anti-seize lubricant to shaft hole and pilot-
arm pin (136), and insert pin in aligned holes by long-nose pliers through pipe-plug hole, and
slide edge of pilot clapper (171) just into seal sleeve (193A) bore.

m. Using drift with diameter smaller than pin diameter and an arbor press, gently press with
continuous pressure (DO NOT use press as hammer) until pin end is approximately 1/16-inch
(1.58 mm) below hub surface. Do not allow press to contact hub. (1/16-inch (1.58 mm)
depression creates punch guide for pin removal at later disassembly.)

n. Return valve assembly from arbor press to assembly bench, and prop valve body on its side so
that shaft (166) is vertical with keyless end up.

o. Remove hex-head cap screws which secure clapper seal block (179A). Use crisscross removal
pattern (as during assembly) to avert part distortion; then lift off seal block (179A) vertically.

p. Install seal sleeve (193) immediately because unsupported shaft (166) end is exposed to
possible damage by bending, scoring, or other distortion.

q. Repeat step d above to assemble clapper seal block (179A) and cap screws on body of valve
(151). Verify that gasket (128A) is inserted in seal groove (apply grease to hold it in groove, if
necessary) before carefully sliding assembly on shaft end. Check that all cap screws are
tightened to a torque of 45 ±3 foot-pounds (61 ±4 N-m).

r. Return valve body to horizontal and reach into valve body again and check full stroke of both
clapper discs (171) and 174). Each should lift easily and drop freely with no evidence of
binding or friction. If not, determine the cause and eliminate binding before proceeding.

s. Apply High-temperature thread sealant to threads of top shaft-bore end, and bottom 3/4-inch
pipe plugs, and install them firmly in valve body (151).

t. Install clapper lever (S179A) and key (S177) loosely on clapper shaft (166) in preparation for
assembly of combination valve to turbine.

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u. Install toe-piece shaft (167) in linkage-stand (155) bore bushings (152A).

v. Stand valve body erect on studs (151A). Prop sides of body to keep it from toppling.

w Install new gasket (128C) in groove of cup valve cage (165); a few dots of grease can be used
to hold gasket in groove -- DO NOT use gasket cement or adhesive.

x. Lower cup valve cage (165) into core of valve body until it seats completely in its recess in
the bore.

y. Lower cup valve and stem assembly (A020) into cage (165), carefully and slowly, until it is
seated on bottom of cage.


During reassembly, use care to prevent damage to the sharp seating edge
of the cup valve. This is essential for proper performance.

z. Install new gasket (128B) in its recess to seal cage and body joints. Gasket must be pressed
into recess (slightly larger OD).

aa. Mount linkage stand (155) on bonnet (152) and secure with groove pins (155A).

ab. Use two men to lower bonnet (152) and stand (155) assembly carefully on studs (152C)
without touching stem (163) so that stand (155) has correct orientation.

ac. Apply high temperature anti-seize lubricant to threads of cap screws (152B) and (152C), and
install nuts (152D).

ad. Tighten nuts (152D) using a torque wrench in a crisscross pattern to evenly distribute the
tightening to a torque of 550 ±25 foot-pounds (745 ±34 N-m). Check torque on each nut once
again when last nut is brought to final torque.

ae. Slip seal sleeve (193B) over the stem of the valve assembly (A020).

af. Install gasket (128A) in groove of throttle-stem seal block (179B) mating face. A few dots of
grease may be needed to hold gasket in groove during assembly. DO NOT use an adhesive or
gasket cement.

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ag. Lower seal block (179B) assembly over the valve stem slowly and carefully to avoid damage
to carbon seal (193B) inside until gasket (128A) seats on outboard face of bonnet (152).
Rotate block so that centerline of leakoff hole is at right angle to centerline of toe piece shaft

ah. Apply high temperature anti-seize lubricant to threads and under heads of socket head cap
screws to secure seal block (179B) on bonnet (152). Tighten all cap screws in a criss-cross
pattern to a final torque of 45 ±3 foot-pounds (61 ±4 N-m) with a torque wrench to assure
uniform pressure on seal block (179B), bonnet (152) and gasket (128A).

ai. Manually lift the cup valve assembly (A020) to check stroke of cup valve (162). The stroke
should be smooth, easy, even, and there should be no binding or drag at any intermediate
position. If any binding occurs, disassemble to determine cause and eliminate it; then,
reassemble and check stroke of cup valve and stem again.

aj. Install trunnion assembly (180, 180A & 180B) and toe piece (169) on end of stem (163) using
valve stem groove pin.

ak . Withdraw toe piece shaft (167) toward governor end of stand (155) to swing toe piece (169)
into position; then, engage hub of toe piece on end of shaft, and rotate shaft (167) to align
groove pin holes.

al. Install groove pin (167A) in aligned holes of shaft (167) and toe piece (169) using a C- clamp
to press the pin in place (DO NOT use hammer and back-up anvil).

am. Slide hub of lever (173) on end of shaft (167); align pin holes and install pin (167A) as done
in step al, above.

an. Install assembled connecting rod-end (185), connecting rod bolts and connecting rod (197) on
lever (173).

ao. Attach assembled connecting rod (S180) and rod ends (S185) to clapper valve lever (S179)
with hex head cap screw (S174) and secure in position with set screws (S176).

L11.4 Seal Block Maintenance

The two seal blocks (179B) and (179A) are similar in size, shape, and formation, but differ in that
179A has a hardened bushing (388) pressed into it.

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Disassembly and Parts Replacement Coppus RLH Turbines

The detailed parts of the two blocks are otherwise identical and both can be disassembled and
reassembled with replacement parts (if necessary) by the following procedures:

L.11.4.1 Disassembly
a. Remove gasket (128A)

b. Remove retaining ring (223) using appropriate pliers.

c. Remove seal block washer (157).

d. Remove seal ring (158). Replace if bore of ring is worn excessively or if ring is cracked or

L.11.4.2 Assembly
a Insert seal ring (158), recessed face outward, in bore of block (179A or 179B).

b. Insert washer (157) over seal ring (158).

c. Install retaining ring (223) using appropriate pliers.

L.11.5 Valve Installation on Turbine

a Remove protective covers on turbine flange and steam-line flange which were installed during

b. Scrape and wipe clean turbine and steam-line flanges. Verify that interior of turbine and steam
line are clean and all scrapings are removed.

c. Install Flexatallic 600-pound, pipe gasket on studs (151A) to face with turbine flange. Also,
install same type of gasket between inlet ports of valve and steam-line flange.

d. Apply antigalling compound (such as Fel Pro C-5 or Led-Plate No. 250) to threads of all bolts
and studs.

e. Verify that steam line was purged (as described in the turbine manual).

f. Rig slings and hoist to valve body (151) and lower valve body into position at turbine.

g. Align valve-body scribe marks to rematch with scribe marks on turbine flange; also check that
inlet flange of valve body is completely vertical as checked with a precision level.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Disassembly and Parts Replacement

h. Install and tighten valve-body flange nuts and bolts (lubricated per step d, above) to a torque
of 390 ±15 foot-pounds. Use a crisscross tightening pattern to assure even-tension mounting.

i. Remove props or supports from inlet piping (applied during removal procedure), and install
lubricated flange nuts and bolts (per step d) using same crisscross pattern of step h, above.
Tighten bolts and nuts to a torque of 390 ±15 foot-pounds (525 ±20 N-m). Check torque on all
nuts of both flanges (inlet and turbine mounting) to assure even-tension mounting.

j. Verify that clapper shaft (166) and valve stem (163) can be moved freely by hand; then, attach
connecting rod (197) to governor lever (265) with connecting-rod bolts (186); position trip
reset handle and connect trip linkage

L.12 Overspeed Trip Mechanism Maintenance



Mechanism, verify that the BLOCK VALVE in the INLET LINE is CLOSED
AND TAGGED. If the turbine is connected to the exhaust steam header,
TURBINE DRAINS to ensure venting of all pressure before disassembly

The overspeed trip mechanism may be readily disassembled or assembled at a work bench and then
mounted to the turbine as a subassembly. Prerequisites for this process are removal of the governor
and coupling according to the procedure described in Section L.10, followed by removal of the
overspeed trip collar (A015) from shaft (21), as described below. The governor mounting housing
(315) can then be removed for bench disassembly of the parts.

L.12.1 Trip Bolt and Collar Removal

Refer to the following figures:

L-14 Overspeed Trip Collar Assembly

L-15 Bolt Head Shanks, Old and New Design
If only the bolt-head shank (S201) requires removal for inspection and/or part replacement, perform
only steps a through c and leave the collar on the shaft.

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Disassembly and Parts Replacement Coppus RLH Turbines


The procedures described below apply only to Coppus RLH turbines

using the improved bolt trip employing self locking “Spiralock”
threads in bolt head shank (S201) to retain spring retainer (S202).
This design is readily identified by the groove surrounding the hex
slot in the head of the bolt head shank (refer to Figure L-15). If this
groove is not present, this section does not apply to the turbine being
worked on. Use the appropriate manual or consult the factory. When
replacing bolt trip parts, always upgrade to the new “Spiralock”


If the Overspeed Trip Collar Assembly is replaced, the rotor may

need to be rebalanced with the new assembly attached.

Bolt Spring
Spring Retainer
(S204) (S202)

Set Screw
(S203) Set Screw

Trip (21)
Figure L-14. Overspeed Trip Collar Assembly


Figure L-15. Bolt Head Shanks, Old and New Designs

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Coppus RLH Turbines Disassembly and Parts Replacement

Use the following procedure:

a. Remove access plug (S171) in governor mounting housing above collar (S200).

b. Rotate shaft (21) to align hex-head screw spring retainer (S202) directly under plug hole.

c. Insert 5/16” hex key wrench into bolt-head shank (S201) and 1/2 inch socket wrench onto
spring retainer (S202). Unscrew hex-head screw. Bolt-head shank (S201) and bolt spring (S-
204) can be removed from shaft (21) and the collar (S-200).


The bolt-head shank is threaded with selflocking "Spiralock" threads. Do not

attempt to retap these threads as this will destroy the locking nature of the

Note: Do not disturb set screw (S36) within bolt-head shank (S201) unless screw has lost its
locking torque.

d. If collar (S200) is to be removed, unscrew and remove set screw (S203) and slide collar from
shaft (21).

L.12.2 Trip Bolt and Collar Replacement

Assemble collar (S200) and trip bolt assembly only if mounting housing (315) is mounted on the
turbine and the tripping mechanism is installed on housing (315).

a. If collar (S200) has been removed, degrease collar (S200) using Safety Solvent or chlorinated

b. Slide collar (S200) on shaft (21) with tapped-through set-screw hole aligned with set-screw
detent in shaft. The stamped face of the trip collar should face the governor end of the shaft.

c. Install 1/4-20 by 1/2 inch, knurled cup point, socket-head, set screw (S203) into shaft detent.
Turn it tightly to sit firmly in detent.

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Disassembly and Parts Replacement Coppus RLH Turbines


Use only a 1/4-20 by 1/2-inch, knurled cup-point, socket head setscrew;

otherwise, unbalance will occur.

d. Degrease bolt head-shank (S201) and bolt spring (S204) using safety solvent or chlorinated

e. Rotate shaft to align bolt-trip bore in collar with access plug hole in governor mounting
housing. The bolt head bore end must be at the access plug hole.

Note: Bolt-head shank (S201) must be assembled into the end of the collar with the smallest
diameter bore.

f. Rotate shaft 180 degrees, while holding bolt-head shank in collar bore. Drop bolt spring
(S204) in so that it is located between bolt head-shank (S201) and collar bore.

g Screw hex-head screw spring retainer (S202) into bolt-head shank (S201).

Note: If spring retainer (S202) protrudes beyond the outside diameter of the collar, it is not
assembled incorrectly; refer to step e above.

h. Insert 5/16 inch hex key socket wrench into bolt-head shank (S201) and 1/2 inch socket
wrench onto spring retainer (S202). Tighten spring retainer firmly to 200 ±15 in-lbs. (271 ±20
N-m) torque.


The spring retainer must be torqued to 200 ±15 in-lbs. (271 ±20 N-m)


The bolt-head shank/spring combination has been pre-set at the factory for
the trip speed originally set when the turbine was shipped. See Section L.13
if minor trip speed changes are to be made.

i. Press down on spring-loaded hex-head screw spring retainer (S202) with socket wrench to
ensure freedom of movement and turn bolt-head shank (S201) a few times to assure proper
seating of the bolt assembly.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Disassembly and Parts Replacement

Note: If binding of the bolt shank assembly is noted, remove the bolt collar assembly and ream the
hole in shaft (21) with a 0.4687 inch standard reamer, to ensure that the hole is clean and that there
is proper clearance between the hole and bolt shank (S201).

j. Replace plug (S171) at top of governor mounting housing.

L.12.3 Trip Mechanism Disassembly

a. Depress trip lever (S150) to unlatch trip collar (S162) and close clapper (174).

b. Loosen set screws (S176) and remove trip lever (S178A) from end of trip shaft (S164).

c. Loosen bolts (S156) and withdraw trip shaft assembly (S155 through S166) including parts.

d Loosen and remove set screw (S151) and spring (S152).

e. Remove cotter pin (S154) and lever pin (S153).

f. Slide trip lever (S150) out from housing slot.

L.12.4 Mounting Housing (315) Assembly

a. Assemble trip lever (S150) and lever pin (S153) into housing. Fasten with 3/32” x 3/4” cotter
pin (S154).

b. Assemble bushing (S167) into housing.

L.12.5 Overspeed Trip Shaft (S164) Assembly

a. Assemble trip collar (S162) to shaft with 3/16" x 1-1/4” groove pin (S163). Orientation:
looking at keyway end of shaft, with keyway up (12 o'clock), the notch in the collar (S162)
should be on the far side and 42 degrees from vertical (between 1 and 2 o'clock).

b. Slide bearing flange unit (S155) onto shaft. Locate 0.016” (0.41 mm) away from collar and
tighten set screws. This is a primary setting to establish a 0.125 inch (3.17 mm) clearance of
the trip lever over the trip collar and may be changed later on.

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Disassembly and Parts Replacement Coppus RLH Turbines

c. Slide torsion spring (S166) onto shaft.

d. Insert 3/16" x 7/8" roll pin (S165), engaging torsion spring.

e. Assemble washer (S161) and trip handle (S160).

f. Assemble shaft hub (S157) and 1/8" x 3/4" square key (S158). Locate with 0.005"/0.010"
(0.127/0.254 mm) clearance between the washer and bearing flange. Tighten set screw.

L.12.6 Trip Shaft Installation

a. Attach clapper valve lever (S179) marked VLV BDY to end of clapper valve shaft (166) with
key (S177) so that the lever is vertically down and VLV BDY markings face the mounting
housing (315). Secure with set screws (S176).

b. Attach mounting housing to turbine with four 3/8" x 1-1/4" hex head cap screws.

c. Install bolt trip and collar (A015) according to Section L.12.2.

d. Insert overspeed trip shaft assembly, per L.12.5, in housing (315), through bushing (S167),
and engage torsion spring end in anchor hole. Shaft keyway should be at the 3 o'clock

e. Attach bearing flange unit (S155) with (2) hex head bolts (S156) and lock washers.

f. Lift handle (S160) to "cocked" position and engage trip lever (S150). Install spring (S152)
into mounting housing (315). Retain with 1/2" x 1/2" socket head set screw.

g. Check for 0.125 to 0.156 inch (3.17 to 3.96 mm) clearance of trip lever (S150) over trip collar
(S162), when trip lever is in cocked position. To reset, loosen handle hub (S157) and set
screws in bearing flange unit (S155). Tap shaft in to increase clearance.

h. Assemble handle stop to flex plate (362).

i. Attach trip lever (S178A) marked MTG HSG to end of trip shaft (S164) with key (S177) so
that the lever is vertically up and MTG HSG markings face the steam inlet valve. Secure with
set screws (S176).

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Coppus RLH Turbines Disassembly and Parts Replacement

j. Rotate clapper valve lever (S179), marked VLV BDY, and clapper shaft (166) from the
vertically down position, up as far as possible (i.e., approximately horizontal position).

k. With the clapper valve lever (S179), marked VLV BDY, held up in position per step j, rotate
the trip lever (S178A), marked MTG HSG, back as far as possible (it should move
approximately 5 degrees from the latched position of step j). With both levers held in this
position, establish the distance between levers.

l. Assemble connecting rod assembly items S180A, 185, S174 and S173 to levers at the length
established in step k.

L.13 Trip Linkage Adjustment

The following adjustments should be made before the combination valve is placed back in

a. Trip the linkage assembly by striking the end of trip lever (S150); then relatch the linkage by
pulling up on reset handle (S160). Repeat several times to check for proper operation. The
tripping and resetting action should be smooth, easy and there should be no drag or binding at
any intermediate position.

b. Governor lever (265) must stroke throttle valve (162 and 163) from wide open to completely
closed positions. If not, loosen locknuts on connecting rod (197), remove connecting rod bolts
and change threaded positions of rod ends in appropriate direction to provide required full
stroke of throttle valve; then, install and tighten connecting rod bolts and locknuts on
connecting rod (197).

c. The turbine trip speed is controlled by the position of set screw (S36) in the bolt assembly.
Normally, this set screw should not be removed or adjusted, and the trip speed would be
unchanged. If it was removed, adjusted, or a new bolt assembly has been installed, refer to
Section E.5.1, Trip Speed Setting and Section E.6, Testing the Overspeed Trip Mechanism for
instructions on adjustment and testing.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Section M

Replacement Parts/Factory Service

M.1 Factory Replacement Parts

Coppus Turbine Division recommends that only Coppus-supplied parts be used in Coppus turbines.
The use of Coppus parts ensures that replacement components are manufactured from the highest
quality materials, to exacting tolerances and specifications, thereby assuring safe, efficient, long-
lasting, and maintenance-free operation, under service conditions for which the turbine was designed
and built.

Coppus and selected Coppus manufacturer’s representatives maintain a supply of the most frequently
requested spare parts for immediate shipment worldwide. Parts requested less frequently can be
manufactured quickly on an emergency basis when required.

Your Coppus manufacturer’s representative can supply you with a stocking list of recommended
spare parts for your turbine or turbines, allowing you to stock spare parts at your facility. Refer to
Section M.5, Recommended Spare Parts.

M.2 Turbine Identification

Coppus RLH turbines are marked with a serial number, which appears on the nameplate and is also
stamped on horizontal flange of the inlet casing. This serial number is used by the factory to identify
the turbine and should be used in all inquiries and parts orders. The serial number has the following



YY is the last two digits of the year in which the turbine was ordered. If YY is 92, then that turbine
was ordered in 1992.
H indicates that the turbine is an RLHA or RLHB turbine (Coppus RLA or RLVA turbines are
represented by a T).
XXXX is a four-digit sequential number assigned by the factory.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

M.3 Parts Identification

The drawings, illustrations, and text of this manual identify individual parts by description and by
reference number. The reference number is a generic number common to many Coppus parts having
the same description, but different Coppus part numbers. An example is the turbine shaft, which has
a reference number of 21. This number is the same for all RLH turbine shafts, although there are
many 9-digit Coppus part numbers representing individual shafts used in the various frame sizes.

Coppus 9-digit part numbers have the form XXXXXXXXX. There is no significance to the digits in
these numbers. Occasionally, on some documents, one or both of the last two digits are omitted and
the number appears as XXXXXXXX or XXXXXXX.

When inquiring to determine parts availability, or when placing an order for spare parts, the
following minimum information is required:

Item Typical Example

Turbine serial number: 90H 5298
Part description: Shaft
Reference number: 21

If the turbine parts list is available (it is included with this manual), then the Coppus 9-digit part
number should also be specified. An example of a 9-digit part number is 210347902.

M.4 Parts List

A parts list is included with this manual, providing a description, quantity, reference number, and
Coppus 9-digit part number for each part. This list represents the as-built parts list when the turbine
leaves the factory. It includes parts, sets, and assemblies that are sold as replacement parts, with the
exception of commercially available fasteners. Note that all turbine components are included;
however, some are included as sets or assemblies for the sake of convenience, reasons of safety, or
method of manufacture.

M.5 Recommended Spare Parts--The VIP Program

The VIP Program for turbine owners is a three-phase inventory program, identifying spare parts as
Vital, Ideal, or Preventative. The inventory recommendation for each class of parts is based on
Coppus’ long experience with turbine applications.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

M.5.1 Vital Parts

Vital spare parts comprise a set of relatively few but critical spare parts that should always be kept
on hand. The Vital Parts Inventory ensures that lack of a small component does not result in costly
turbine downtime. These parts are especially important to have on hand during initial start-up and for
the first 100 hours of operation. Vital parts are:

Ref. No. Description

P106 Thrust Bearing Set
including (Ref. No.): 23 Shaft Nut
33 Ball Bearing
113 Lockwasher
379 Flat Spring
P107 Carbon Ring Set
including (Ref. No.): 214 Stop Washer
215 Carbon Ring
216 Garter Spring
P116-3 Gasket and Seal Set
including (Ref. No.): 128A Seal Block Gasket
128B Bonnet Gasket
128C Cage Gasket
128D Inlet Flange Gasket (cast iron)
128E Inlet Flange Gasket (steel)
157 Seal Block Washer
158B Seal Ring (Valve Stem)
193B Seal Sleeve (Valve Stem)
223 Retaining Ring
371 Handvalve Packing
112 Oil Ring Set
367 Journal Bearing Set
S8 Strainer Screen
S158 Reset Handle Key

M.5.2 Ideal Parts

When combined with Vital parts, this recommended inventory includes those parts which are subject
to wear over a long period of time. Frequently, these parts are referred to as “two-year operating
spares.” This Ideal parts inventory permits the user to handle all but the most extensive repairs. Ideal
parts are:

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Ref. No. Description

A015 Collar Assembly (sold as an assembly only)
A020 Valve Cup and Stem Assembly
P112-2 Overspeed Trip Lever Assembly
including (Ref. No.): S150 Trip Lever
S151 Set Screw
S152 Spring
S153 Pin
S154 Cotter Pin
P114-3 Toe Piece and Trunnion Set
including (Ref. No.): 147 Trunnion
167 Toe Piece Shaft
169 Toe Piece Assembly
170 Trunnion Pin
173 Lever
180 Trunnion Block Assembly
450A Groove Pin
454 Return--Full Flow Spring
P117-3 Clapper Valve Set
including (Ref. No.): 135 Clapper Shaft Key
136 Pin
157 Seal Block Washer
158A Seal Ring (Clapped Shaft)
166 Clapper Shaft
171 Pilot Clapper Disc
174 Clapper Disc
193A Seal Sleeve (Clapper Shaft)
208 Clapper Shaft Bushing
223 Retaining Ring
P119-3 Overspeed Trip Linkage Set
including (Ref. No.): S162 Trip Shaft Collar
S163 Groove Pin
S164 Trip Shaft
S165 Roll Pin
S166 Torsion Spring
152A Linkage Stand Bushing
314 Governor Drive Coupling
382 Clapper Disc Sleeve (200 Construction)
387 Labyrinth Seals

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

M.5.3 Preventative Parts

These parts, which include a complete rotating assembly, together with Vital and Ideal Parts
Inventories, make it possible to complete extensive repairs on site. The Preventative Parts Inventory
is especially recommended for turbines operating in remote or highly critical installations, and/or
where back-up capacity is partial or non-existent. Preventative parts are:

Ref. No. Description

P100 Rotating Assembly

including (Ref. No.): 14 Turbine Wheel
21 Shaft (complete with nuts,
lockwashers, and keys)
P113 Governor Valve Connecting Rod Set
including (Ref. No.): 185 Rod End Bearing
186 End Bearing Bolt
189 Connecting Rod Nut
197 Governor Connecting Rod
265 Governor Lever
15 Sector
165 Valve Cup Cage
211 Gland Housing
313 Oil Relay Governor (see exchange plan below)

Oil Relay Governor Exchange Plan

Should the governor need replacing in the event of a governor failure, Coppus can provide a like-
new governor on an exchange basis, which carries a new governor warranty. With this arrangement,
the customer purchases the governor on a full price, regular charge basis, and upon receipt of the
original governor by Coppus, a partial credit is issued.

M.5.4 Interchangeability Lists

These lists are designed to maximize the effectiveness of your spare parts inventory, while at the
same time minimizing your inventory costs, without losing critical parts coverage. Computer
generated, they are designed to provide a quick, easy reference to those parts that can be used on
more than one installed machine.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

M.6 Ordering Parts

Contact your local Coppus manufacturer’s representative to order parts. Your representiative will be
pleased to provide any assistance you may require, as well as to quote prices and delivery dates.

The following information is required when placing a parts order:

1. Your purchase order number.

2. Complete marking, shipping, and billing instructions.

3. Turbine serial number--from nameplate or horizontal flange of inlet casing (YYHXXXX).

4. Turbine frame size--from nameplate, i.e., RLHA-19, RLHB-24, RLHA-28, etc.

5. Quantity of each part, set, or assembly.

6. Part, set, or assembly reference number from drawing, illustration, or text.

7. Description of part, set, or assembly.

8. Coppus 9-digit part number, if known (optional).

M.7 Factory Service

Coppus Turbine Division maintains a complete repair and rebuild facility at its manufacturing plant
in Millbury, Mass., USA, along with factory-authorized service facilities at selected locations
worldwide. In addition, factory-trained servicemen are available for start-up, field service, and
troubleshooting. Consult your Coppus manufacturer’s representative or the factory for service needs.

When contacting the representative or factory, please specify the turbine serial number, frame size,
nature of the problem or service requirement, and date that service is required.

Turbines can be returned to the factory to receive an estimate for repair or rebuilding. Contact your
Coppus manufacturer’s representative or the factory prior to returning a turbine.

M.8 Rerates


Materials used in turbine construction (cast iron, steel, stainless steel,

special alloys) vary with steam conditions, speed, and power. These
materials were selected according to the original rating of the turbine. Never
attempt to re-rate a turbine without the assistance of a Coppus
manufacturer’s representative and/or the factory. Misapplication of materials
may result in serious equipment damage and/or personal injury.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Often customers will find that their steam conditions or power and speed requirements change.
Frequently, an existing turbine can be renozzled and rerated to the new steam conditions and/or
power and speed requirements, at significantly less expense than the cost of a new turbine.

Contact your local Coppus manufacturer’s representative to request a rerate quotation, specifying the
following information:

1. Turbine serial number--YYHXXXX

2. Frame size--RLHA-19, RLHB-24, RLHA-28, etc.

3. Existing rated steam conditions:

Inlet pressure
Inlet temperature
Exhaust temperature

4. Existing horsepower (kW) and speed

5. New steam conditions:

Inlet Pressure Inlet Temp. Exhaust Pressure


6. New horsepower (kW) and speed required.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

M.9 Upgrades
From time to time, Coppus creates conversion kits to add improved features to older Coppus
turbines. If you own other Coppus turbines that lack features present on your new Coppus turbine,
you may want to upgrade the older turbines. Installation of conversion kits can produce higher
efficiency, improved reliability, decreased maintenance, improved safety, and greater
interchangeability of spare parts among turbines.

Listed below are just some of the conversion kits available for Coppus turbines.

Conversion Kit Benefit

Governor Conversion Kits Changes from mechanical flyball governor to
hydraulic Woodward Governor, improving reliability
and reducing maintenance

Your Coppus manufacturer’s representative can quote these and other conversion kits and will notify
you when other conversion kits become available.

When requesting information on upgrades, be sure to specify the following information:

1. Turbine serial number--YYHXXXX

2. Frame size--RLHA-19, RLHB-24, RLHA-28, etc.

3. Type of upgrade desired

M.10 Factory Start-Ups

Authorized Coppus servicemen are available for start-up service and to train operating personnel in
the operation and maintenance of Coppus steam turbines. An experienced serviceman will review
your installation prior to start-up, following established Coppus procedures. Piping, alignment,
lubrication, overspeed trip, etc. will be carefully checked. Upon commissioning the new installation,
operating personnel will be trained.

Consult your Coppus manufacturer’s representative to schedule a start-up.

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

M.11 Parts Catalog

Figures M-0 through M-9 and Tables M-1 through M-9 provide an illustrated parts breakdown for
Coppus RLH turbines. Use this parts catalog to identify reference numbers of RLH parts.





Figure M-0. RLH Turbine--General View (Sheet 1 of 2)

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Figure M-0. RLH Turbine--General View (Sheet 2 of 2)

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Table M-1. Combination Trip Throttle Valve Assembly, Parts List

Reference Description Qty Notes
A020 Cup/Stem Assembly 1
S173 Lockwasher 2
S174 Hex Cap Screw 1
S175 Locknut 1
S176 Set Screw 4
S177 Key, Lever 1
S179A Lever, Clapper Valve 1
S180A Connecting Rod 1
S8 Strainer Screen 1
128A Gasket, Spiral Wound 2
128B Gasket, Spiral Wound 1
128C Gasket, Spiral Wound 1
128D Gasket, Spiral Wound 1
128E Gasket, Spiral Wound 1
135 Key, Clapper Shaft 2
136 Pin, Pilot, Clapper 1
147 Trunnion 1
151 Valve Body 1
152 Valve Bonnet 1
152B Hex Cap Screw 6
155 Linkage Stand 1
155A Groove Pin 2
157 Washer, Seal Block 1
158A Seal Ring (Clapper Shaft) 1
158B Seal Ring (Valve Stem) 1
165 Cup Valve Cage 1
166 Clapper Shaft 1
167 Toe Piece Shaft 1
167A Taper Pin 2
169 Trunnion Lever 1
170 Trunnion Pin 1
171 Clapper Disc Pilot 1
173 Lever 1
174 Clapper Disc 1
179A Seal Block (Clapper Shaft) 1
179B Seal Block (Valve Stem) 1
180 Trunnion Block 1
185 Connecting Rod End 2
186 Hex Cap Screw 1
189 Locknut 1
193A Seal Sleeve (Clapper) 1
193B Seal Sleeve (Valve Stem) 1
197 Connecting Rod 1
208 Clapper Shaft Bushing 1
223 Retaining Ring 2
382 Clapper Disc Sleeve 1 200 construction only
388 Clapper Shaft Bearing 1
393 Spring Collar 1
450 Handle, Opening-Full Flow 1
450A Groove PIn 1
452 Spring, Auto Start 1
454 Spring, Return-Full-Flow 1
457 Cotter Pin 1
458 Plain Washer 1
459 Set Screw 2
460 Cotter Pin 1
461 Socket Cap Screws 2
464 Plain Washers 4
466 Set Screw (Valve Stem) 1

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

128D, 128E

208 151

S176 135
S179A 388
S180A 179A
S176 166 135
S175 174

128C 171 136
S173 223 158A
185 58



158B 128B
170 152
169 460
180 193B
457 459 128A
167 454
461 152B
155 155A 450
189 393

186 185
173 167A

Figure M-1. Combination Trip Throttle Valve Assembly

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Table M-2. Governor, Mounting Housing, and Bolt Trip Components, Parts List
Reference Description Qty Notes
A015 Collar Assembly, Overspeed Trip 1
S36 Set Screw (Trip Speed Adjusting Screw) 1
S150 Trip Lever 1
S151 Set Screw 1
S152 Spring 1
S153 Pin 1
S154 Pin, Cotter 1
S155 Bearing Flange 1
S156 Hex Cap Screw 2
S157 Hub, Shaft 1
S158 Key 1
S159 Set Screw 2
S160 Handle, Reset 1
S161 Washer 1
S162 Collar, Trip 1
S163 Pin, Groove 1
S164 Shaft, Overspeed Trip 1
S165 Pin, Roll 1
S166 Spring, Torsion 1
S167 Bushing 1
S171 Plug 1
S173 Lockwasher 1
S174 Hex Cap Screw 1
S175 Hex Nut 2
S176 Set Screw 4
S177 Key, Lever 2
S178A Trip Lever, Shaft 1
S200 Safety Trip Collar 1
S201 Bolt-Head Shank 1
S202 Spring Retainer 1
S203 Set Screw 1
S204 Bolt Spring 1
180A Connecting Rod 1
185 Connecting Rod End 2
186 Hex Cap Screw 1
189 Locknut 1
197 Connecting Rod 1
265 Governor Lever 1
313 RL Governor 1
314 Coupling 1
315 Mounting Housing 1
319 Key, Governor 1
336 Drain, Governor 1
339 Breather Cap 1
461 Socket Cap Screw 1
3100 Mounting Housing Cover 1

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

3100 S152 S167 S176

S151 S178A
S176 S173
S154 S202
S153 S204
S203 A015
S150 314
S166 S201
S164 S36
319 339
S165 S162 313 265 186

S161 S163
S159 189
S155 197

336 461
S160 S156

Figure M-2. Governor, Mounting Housing, and Bolt Trip Components

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Table M-3. Gland Housing and Sealing Elements, Parts List

Reference Description Qty Notes

211 Gland Housing 2 Consists of upper
and lower halves
214 Stop Washer 8
215 Carbon Ring 8
216 Garter Spring 8

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Figure M-3. Gland Housing and Sealing Elements

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Table M-4. Bearing Housing Assembly, Drive End (RLHA Version), Parts List

Reference Description Qty Notes

8 Bearing Housing Assembly, Drive End 1
112 Oil Ring 2
367 Journal Bearing 1
387 Seal, Labyrinth 2

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Figure M-4. Bearing Housing Assembly, Drive End (RLHA Version)

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Table M-5. Bearing Housing Assembly, Drive End (RLHB Version), Parts List

Reference Description Qty Notes

8 Bearing Housing Assembly, Drive End (RLHB) 1
33 Ball Bearing 1
112 Oil Ring 1
262 Shaft Sleeve 1
387 Labyrinth Seal 2
387A Labyrinth Seal 1

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Figure M-5. Bearing Housing Assembly, Drive End (RLHB Version)

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Table M-6. Bearing Housing Assembly, Governor End (RLHA Version), Parts List

Reference Description Qty Notes

10 Bearing Housing Assembly, Governor End 10
23 Shaft End Nut 1
33 Ball Bearing 1
112 Oil Ring 2
113 Lock Washer 1
362 Plate, Flex 1
367 Journal Bearing 1
379 Spring, Flat 1
387 Seal, Labyrinth 1

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Figure M-6. Bearing Housing Assembly, Governor End (RLHA Version)

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Table M-7. Bearing Housing Assembly, Governor End (RLHB Version), Parts List

Reference Description Qty Notes

10 Bearing Housing Assembly, Governor End 1
23 Shaft End Nut 1
33 Ball Bearing 1
112 Oil Ring 1
113 Lock Washer 1
362 Plate, Flex 1
262 Shaft Sleeve 1
387 Seal, Labyrinth 1

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Figure M-7. Bearing Housing Assembly, Governor End (RLHB Version)

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Table M-8. Cover, Casing, Rotor and Associated Components, Standard Configuration, Parts

Reference Description Qty Notes

1A Casing, Inlet 1
1B Casing, Exhaust 1
2 Cover 1
14 Wheel Assembly 1
15 Sector Assembly 1
21 Shaft, Complete 1
31 Eye Bolt 1
38 Hand Valve Assembly 1 or
319 Key, Governor Coupling 1
361 Pedestal, Mounting 1
363 Nozzle Block 1
364 Stud, Spacer
365 Stud
368 Body, Handvalve 1 Per handvalve
369 Stem, Handvalve 1 Per handvalve
370 Packing Nut 1 Per handvalve
371 Packing 1 Per handvalve
373 Packing Washer 2 Per handvalve
377 Key, Shaft Extension 1
378 Key, Turbine Wheel 1
385 Pin, Valve Stem 1 Per handvalve
386 Plug, Valve Stem 1 Per handvalve

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Figure M-8. Cover, Casing, Rotor, and Associated Components, Standard Configuration

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Table M-9. Cover, Casing, Rotor and Associated Components (HiP2 Configuration), Parts List

Reference Description Qty Notes

1A Casing, Inlet 1
1B Casing, Exhaust 1
2 Cover 1
14 Wheel Assembly 1
15 Sector Assembly 1
21 Shaft, Complete 1
38 Hand Valve Assembly 1
215C Carbon Ring 4
215D Carbon Ring, Partitioned 2
216 Garter Spring 6
319 Key, Governor Coupling 1
361 Pedestal, Mounting 1
363 Nozzle Block 1
364 Stud, Spacer
365 Stud
368 Body, Handvalve 1 Per handvalve
369 Stem, Handvalve 1 Per handvalve
370 Packing Nut 1 Per handvalve
371 Packing 1 Per handvalve
373 Packing Washer 2 Per handvalve
377 Key, Shaft Extension 1
378 Key, Turbine Wheel 1
385 Pin, Valve Stem 1 Per handvalve
386 Plug, Valve Stem 1 Per handvalve
417 Outer Seal Housing Assembly 2
418 Inner Seal Housing Assembly 2
419 Partition Plate with Pins 6
420 Labyrinth Seal Set 2
421 Pin, Seal Housing, Anti-rotation 4
422 Pin, Labyrinth Seal, Anti-rotation 2

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Coppus RLH Turbines Replacement Parts/Factory Service

Figure M-9. Cover, Casing, Rotor, and Associated Components (HiP2 Configuration)

Instruction Manual Revision B M-28

RC2-31-00050-INM-022-0013 225/ 230

Coppus RLH Turbines User Notes and Maintenance Records

Section N

User Notes and Maintenance Records

Date Observation or Service Performed Comments By

Instruction Manual Revision B N-1

RC2-31-00050-INM-022-0013 226/ 230

User Notes and Maintenance Records Coppus RLH Turbines

Date Observation or Service Performed Comments By

N-2 Revision B Instruction Manual

RC2-31-00050-INM-022-0013 227/ 230

Coppus RLH Turbines About Tuthill Corporation/Coppus Murray Group

Section O

About Tuthill Corporation/Coppus Murray Group

Corporate Profile
Coppus Engineering Corporation was founded in Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1909 by Frans
Coppus, a Dutch-born engineer, to manufacture his invention, a steam turbine-driven fan unit
directed toward rapid start-up of steam locomotives in a round-house. Today, the Company still
manufactures and markets product lines that are derivatives of Coppus’ initial concept: single and
multi-stage steam turbines and portable ventilation equipment for industrial applications.

Although the Company was small for many years, it experienced rapid growth in the 1970s. Early in
that period, Coppus sparked the development and pioneered the introduction of the oil relay speed
governor. This brought to the turbine industry a new standard of control performance with moderate
cost and high reliability. In 1975, Coppus shipped its first horizontally-split design, single stage
steam turbine, the RLH, using the latest in proven component technology. This new design moved
Coppus into a higher horsepower range--up to the practical maximum output for single stage

From 1970 to 1980, sales increased from $5.4 million to $22.1 million. This dramatic growth was in
large part due to the Company’s involvement in the petroleum processing and petrochemical
markets. In the early eighties, that market was then hit hard by skyrocketing oil prices and the
resultant drive for conservation. This environment caused a reorientation of market strategy which in
the end resulted in an expanded market share for its core business.

As a key element in that overall strategy, Coppus acquired Murray Turbomachinery, which is located
in Burlington, Iowa, from the Trane Company of Lacrosse, Wisconsin in early 1984. Murray, a 120-
year-old producer of capital equipment focused on the production of multi-stage steam turbines and
turbine generator sets, is a logical complement to Coppus’ efforts with single stage steam turbines.
This acquisition not only expanded product offerings to the 15,000 HP, 10 Megawatt range, but also
diversified Coppus’ traditional markets and brought an established worldwide sales and distribution
network to the Murray organization.

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About Tuthill Corporation/Coppus Murray Group Coppus RLH Turbines

Markets for the Company’s products are worldwide with large shipments going to the petroleum
processing industry, heavy industry in general, food processors, marine, and cogeneration plus space
and process heating markets. Applications for steam turbines today are as prime movers for pumps,
compressors, fans, generators, and mills. Portable ventilation uses relate to exhausting fumes, dust,
smoke, and hot air from enclosed places plus delivering fresh air to confined areas.

Customer uses of our products cover a broad range of applications. Many customers are large,
sophisticated, engineering-oriented entities, including oil refiners, OEMs, mechanical contractors,
and architectural engineers.

In late 1992, The Tuthill Corporation acquired Coppus Engineering, and the name was changed to
the Coppus Murray Group.

The Coppus Murray Group consists of three autonomous divisions: Coppus Turbine Division;
Coppus Portable Ventilation Division; and Murray Turbomachinery Division, all of which market
and sell their products through a common worldwide sales network.

In 1994 the Coppus Turbine Division acquired the Carling Turbine Blower Corp.

The Coppus Murray sales organization, through a powerful network of 83 agencies with over 100
offices located throughout the world, can focus local attention to the Coppus Murray array of
products, working within the unique local cultures and business climates of an individual country.

Coppus Murray Regional Sales Managers, located in Massachusetts, Zurich and Singapore, not only
direct the activities of the agent network, but also provide the coordination of multi-national
products, i.e., a Murray Turbomachinery turbine, packed with a German compressor, for installation
in Indonesia, by a Spanish contractor.

Coppus Murray, with its global perspective, emphasis on product and market development, first and
foremost, recognizes its most precious and productive resource is its people. Its culture, with
emphasis on the human side of the equation, employee involvement and entrepreneurial spirit, has
sparked its continued growth and success, which is consistent with the Tuthill Corporation

O-2 Revision B Instruction Manual

RC2-31-00050-INM-022-0013 229/ 230

Coppus RLH Turbines Addendum

For use with manual # 591114000 RLH Revision B

Issue Date: 7-1-98

This addendum contains important corrections not indicated in the following
manual. Read this addendum in its entirety and review the sections of the
manual where the changes have taken place. These corrections may or may
not pertain to your turbine depending on equipment options and operating

Changes have been made in the following sections:

Page A-9 Section A.8 Long Term Storage

All turbines prepared for long term storage (excluding RLH 24/28 HiP2) have had
the carbon rings, garter springs, and stop washers removed. Removal of these
components helps protect the shaft from corrosion. These components are packaged
separately in a box attached to the skid, and labeled with a long-term storage
warning tag. Installation of these components is necessary before start up. (See
section L.4 Carbon Ring Removal and Replacement to properly re-assemble seals.)

Page F-3 Section F.6 Force-Feed Oil Lubrication

(Applies only to turbines supplied with Force-Feed and Circulating lubrication systems by
Tuthill Energy Systems – Coppus Turbine Division)

A pump priming port is included with the force-feed and circulating lubrication
systems. This port has been provided to allow the operator to add oil to the suction
line between the oil pump and the reservoir before startup. If the unit has not been
run for some time, oil may slowly leak past the check valve and drain the suction
line to the pump. This oil level must be checked and refilled before startup. If the
pump runs dry from lack of oil, the force-feed system will not be able to provide oil
to the bearings.

Oil exiting from the cooler should be maintained as follows:

Oil temperature = 130°F (54°C)
Oil pressure = 20 – 25 psig (137 – 172 kPag)
Oil flow = 3 – 5 gpm (11 – 19 l/min)

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Coppus RLH Turbines Addendum

Page L-18 Section L.5 Casing Labyrinth Seal Removal and Replacement

A misprint occurred in the description of the back pressures for the RLH-19 and the
RLH-24/28. The correct back pressures are:
RLH-19 = 106 to 175 PSIG (730 to 1208 kPag)
RLH-24/28 = 106 to 150 PSIG (730 to 1035 kPag)

Page L-58 Section L.12.2 (h) Trip Bolt and Collar Replacement

In subsection “h” two misprints occurred. The proper spring retainer torque setting
should be: 200 ± 15 in-lbs. (22.6 ± 1.7 N-m) “

Instruction Manual ADD-2

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