Code of Conduct - Asian Paints
Code of Conduct - Asian Paints
Code of Conduct - Asian Paints
Asian Paints Limited (the Company) is committed to good corporate governance and
has consistently maintained its organisational culture as a remarkable confluence of
high standards of Professionalism, Growth, and Building Shareholder Equity with
principles of Fairness, Ethics and Corporate Governance in spirit.
Nothing in this Code or in any related communications (verbal or written) thereto shall
constitute or be construed to constitute a contract of employment for a definite term
or a guarantee of confirmed employment.
All the employees of the Company shall affirm compliance with the code on an
annual basis.
The Company expects all the employees to act in accordance with the highest
standards of personal and professional integrity, honesty and ethical conduct,
whenever the Company’s business is being conducted or at any place where such
employees are representing the Company.
The Company considers honest conduct to be conduct that is free from fraud or
deception. The Company considers ethical conduct to be conduct conforming to the
accepted professional standards of conduct. Ethical conduct includes ethical
handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional
Conflict of Interest
The employees of the Company shall not generally engage in any business,
relationship or activity which might detrimentally conflict with the interest of the
Company or any of its subsidiaries.
The main areas of actual or potential conflicts of interest would include the following:
Notwithstanding that such or other instances of conflict of interest exist due to any
historical reasons, adequate and full disclosure by the interested employees should
be made to the Vice President – Human Resources before any business amounting
to an actual or potential conflict of interest is conducted. It is also incumbent upon
every employee to make a full disclosure of any interest which the employees or
his/her immediate family relatives, (which would include parents, spouse and
dependent children) may have in a company or firm which is a supplier, customer,
distributor or has other business dealings with the Company before any business is
conducted with such a supplier, customer, distributor or business associate.
Every such disclosure as mentioned above shall be done in writing and shall be
submitted to the Vice President – Human Resources, who in consultation with the
Company Secretary/ Compliance Officer and the Managing Director & CEO, will
communicate to the concerned employee to take necessary action, as advised, to
resolve/ avoid the conflict, if any.
Any employee’s duty to the Company demands that he or she generally avoids
conflicts of interest. If a conflict of interest exists, the Company demands that he/she
discloses actual and apparent conflicts of interest in the aforesaid manner.
All employees (including their immediate family member) shall not accept or give a
gift or favour of any nature from any supplier, vendor, dealer, contractor, customer,
competitor or any business associate.
This prohibition does not apply to routine two way exchange of normal business
courtesies, which might reasonably be expected to be exchanged in the ordinary
course of business. These courtesies include business lunch/dinner and exchange of
company diaries and calendars, pens with company logo and the like that are not
lavish in any way.
Corporate Opportunities:
The employees may not exploit for their own personal gain opportunities that are
discovered through the use of corporate property, information or position, unless the
opportunity is disclosed fully in writing in the manner as prescribed under this policy.
Recruitment of Relatives:
Employees are prohibited from influencing the hiring/ recruitment of their relatives in
any position with or without remuneration in the organisation. In the event of any
relative seeking an opportunity to be employed with the organisation, the concerned
employee shall inform the Vice President – Human Resources. The recruitment shall
be done as per the rules laid down therein by the Company in conformance with the
standards set for recruitment of employees in the Company.
Employees are expected to follow all the rules and regulations laid down at their
respective workplaces with regard to discipline, workplace timings, dress code, etc.
These rules and regulations are made available to the employees at their respective
Other Situations:
The Company shall strive to provide a safe and healthy working environment and
comply, in the conduct of its business affairs, with all regulations regarding the
preservation of the environment of the territory it operates in. The Company shall be
committed to prevent the wasteful use of natural resources and minimize any
hazardous impact of the development, production, use and disposal of any of its
products and services on the ecological environment.
The Company reiterates its belief in and adherence to the principles of human rights
as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations and
to act in accordance with the principles laid down in it. It will also respect and abide
by the requirements, in this behalf, of the countries in which it operates. The
Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations is available at the url:
All transactions should be fully and accurately recorded in the Company's books and
records in compliance with all applicable laws. All required information shall be
accessible to the company's auditors and other authorized persons and government
agencies. False or misleading entries, unrecorded funds or assets, or payments
without appropriate supporting documentation and approval are strictly prohibited
and violate Company policy and the law. There shall be no willful omissions of any
company transactions from the books and records. Any willful material
misrepresentation of and/or misinformation of the financial accounts and reports shall
Employees are required to ensure that they claims of reimbursement of expenses are
based on actual spends and are supported by valid documents as required. Any
misrepresentation of facts, false claims or submission of invalid documents shall
invite appropriate disciplinary action.
The purpose of this section is to set forth and convey the Company's business and
legal requirements in managing records, including all recorded information regardless
of medium or characteristics. These records include paper documents, CDs,
computer hard disks, email, floppy disks, microfiche, microfilm or all other media. The
Company is required by local, state, foreign and other applicable laws, rules and
regulations to retain certain records and to follow specific guidelines in managing its
Company records:
The results of operations and the financial position of the Company must be recorded
in accordance with the requirements of law and generally accepted accounting
principles. It is Company policy, as well as a requirement of law, to maintain books,
records and accounts that in reasonable detail accurately and fairly reflect the
business transactions and disposition of assets of the Company.
The integrity of the Company’s accounting and financial records is based on the
accuracy and completeness of the basic information supporting entries to the
Company’s books of accounts. The employees involved in creating, processing and
recording such information are held responsible for its integrity. Every accounting or
financial entry should reflect exactly what is described by the supporting information.
There must be no concealment of information from (or by) management, or from the
Company’s internal or independent auditors. No payment on behalf of the Company
shall be approved or made with the intention or understanding that any part of such
payment is to be used for any purpose other than that described by the documents
supporting the payment.
No false or misleading entries may be made in any books or records of the Company
for any reason, and no fund, asset or account of the Company may be established,
acquired or maintained for any purpose unless such fund, asset or account is
properly reflected in the books and records of the Company. No corporate funds or
assets should be used for any unlawful or improper purpose.
Revenue and expenses should be properly recognized on a timely basis. Assets and
liabilities should be properly recorded and appropriately valued.
The assets of the company should not be misused but employed for the purpose of
conducting the business for which they are duly authorised. These include tangible
assets such as equipment and machinery, systems, facilities, materials, resources as
well as intangible assets such as patents, trademarks, proprietary information,
relationships with customers and suppliers, etc.
Confidential Information:
All employees are prohibited from disclosing such information. In case need arises,
all confidential information must be used for Company’s business purposes only.
Every employee must safeguard it.
• Not to disclose this information to persons within the Company or outside of the
Company without prior approval of the Compliance Officer or Vice – President –
Human Resources. Not to use this information for the employee’s own benefit or
the benefit of persons outside of Company.
It is the Company’s policy to provide full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable
disclosure in reports and documents that are to be filed with or submitted to the stock
exchanges where the Company’s shares are listed, statutory authorities and in our
other public communications. Accordingly, employees must ensure the compliance
with such disclosure controls and procedures. All employees must also respect the
confidentiality of information acquired in the course of one's work except when
authorized or otherwise legally obligated to disclose.
The requests for financial or business information about Company from the media,
press, financial community, the Securities and Exchange Board of India or other
regulators or the public must be referred to the Company Secretary/ Compliance
All employees must comply with all applicable governmental laws, rules and
regulations. The employees must acquire appropriate knowledge of the legal
requirements relating to their duties sufficient to enable them to recognize potential
dangers, and to know when to seek advice from the Legal Department. If the ethical
and professional standards set out in the applicable laws and regulations are below
that of the code, then the standards of the code shall prevail.
The Company shall be committed to enhance shareholder value and comply with all
regulations and laws that govern shareholders' rights. The Board of Directors of the
Company will duly and fairly inform its shareholders about all relevant aspects of the
company's business, and disclose such information in accordance with the respective
The Company will fully support the development and operation of competitive open
markets and will promote the liberalization of trade and investment in each country
and market in which it operates. The Company or its employee will not engage in
restrictive trade practices, abuse of market dominance or similar unfair trade
activities in order to secure commercial gain or advantage.
The Company will support the development of laws that promote, encourage or result
in fair competition.
The Company expects all the employees to conduct themselves in accordance with
the company’s commitment to foster competition.
The employees can make Protected Disclosures to the Ethics Committee as per the
procedure defined in the policy, on becoming aware of any wrongful conduct or
activity within 30 days after becoming aware of the same. The identity of the Whistle
Blower shall be kept strictly confidential. The Whistle Blower policy is available on
Egloo at My HR Applications – HR Helpdesk.
It is a part of the employee’s job, and his/her ethical responsibility to help enforce this
Code. The employees should be alert to possible violations and report this to the
Compliance Officer or the Vice President – Human Resources. The employees
should cooperate in any internal or external investigations of possible violations.
Actual violations of law, this code, or other Company policies or procedures, should
be promptly reported to the Compliance Officer or the Vice President – Human
Resources. The Company will take appropriate action against those whose actions
are found to violate the Code or any other policy of the Company.
The Company is committed to continuously reviewing and updating our policies and
procedures. Therefore, this Code is subject to modification. Any amendment or
waiver of any provision of this Code must be approved in writing by the Company’s
board of directors and promptly disclosed on the Company’s website and in
applicable regulatory filings pursuant to applicable laws and regulations, together
with details about the nature of the amendment or waiver.
Ernest Louis
Vice President – Human Resources
I have received and read the Company's Code of Conduct and Ethics for employees.
I understand and agree to comply with the standards and policies contained in the
above mentioned Code of Conduct and understand that there may be additional
policies or laws specific to my job.
Employee Code
This form shall be made available online subsequently for you to acknowledge.