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Juvenile Deliquency

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Q: Juvenile delinquency, causes, risk group, detention, and Prevention?

Ans: Introduction

Juvenile delinquency is the participation by a minor child, usually between the

ages of 10 and 18, in illegal behavior or activities. Juvenile delinquency is also

know juvenile offending , and each state has a separate legal system in place to

deal with juveniles who break the law. The crimes they commit hurt society and

the children themselves.

A large number of children moving form rural areas to cities or living in slum

areas in cities are found to be highly vulnerable to this process. This has almost

in become a universal problem in most of the industrialized countries. A young

person who is yet not an adult and who is guilty of committing a crime is called a

juvenline delinquent.

The first juvenile court in the United States, authorized by the Illinois Juvenile

Court Act of 1899, was founded in 1899nin Chicago. The act gave the court

jurisdiction over neglected, dependent delinquent children under age 16. The

focus of the court was rehabilitation rather than punishment.

The concept of delinquency, as well as special trials and institutions for

confining and controlling youth, was established in the mid-19th century in Great
Britain, where courts acquired the authority to intervene as parens patriae

Latin:parent of the land to protect the property rights of children

Causes Juvenile delinquency.

i. Bad company.

ii. Mental conflicts.

iii. Love of adventure.

iv. School dissatisfaction.

v. Poor recreation.

vi. Street life.

vii. Family factors.

viii. Migration.

ix. Cultural factors.

x. Peer group.

Risk group of Juvenile deliquency.


Substance abuse, mental health concerns, impulsivity, and poor problem

solving .

Family characteristics such as poor parenting skills, family size, home discord,

child maltreatment, and antisocial parents are risk factors linked to juvenile



Academic difficuilty, unrecognized learning disabilities, poor school

attendence, academic dissatisfaction, Delinquent peers and Gang membership.

Peer group influence.

The effects of deviant peers on delinquency are heightened if adolescents

believe that their peers approve of delinquency. If they perceive pressure

from those peers to engage in delinquent acts.

Detention of Juvenile delinquency:

Juvenile detention is short-term confinement, primarily used after a youth

has been arrested, but before a court has determined the youth has been

arrested, but before a court has determined the youth’s innocence or guilt.

Pretrial detention is appropirate only when a court believes a youth to be at

risk of committing crimes or fleeing during court processing. The Sindh

Children Act and the Punjab youthful Offenders Ordinances additionally

provide for the designation of remand homes. … the Sindh Borstal Schools Act
of 1955 allows courts to detain youthful offenders between the ages of sixteen

and twenty-one in borstals, for periods ranging from three to five years.

‘’ Juvenile detention should never be normal or routine,’’ said Nate Balis,

director of the Foundation’s Juvenile justice Strategy Group. ‘’In light of what

we know about the negative effects of detention on young people and the

continued racial disparities that define juvenile detention in this country, our

systems must explore every option and confine young people only in

extraordinary cases’’. Nonetheless,one in four delinquency cases in juvenile

court involved detention in 2017. Detention refers to the charges that

merchant pays for the use of the container outside of the terminal or deport,

beyond the free time period. The purpose for detaining children in juvenile

detention centres is clearly outlined on the rationale for custodial services

being to provide age and gender appropriate programs that aim to address

the offending and developmental needs of young people in custody.

These are just some of the ways that detention can have an adverse effect on

youth, as well as their communities:

Into detention, out of the classroom.

Removing a child from their community means removing them from their

schooling schedule. And while detention centers that house school-aged

children offer education, it’s often inadequate and incongruous with the track

that they were on prior to confinement. Consequently, children who are

determined are less likely to complete high school or find employment.

Worsened health outcomes.

When children are pulled from their communities and thrust into the

instability detention, their health often suffers as a consequence in ways that

are both immediately observable and long lasting.

Lifetime consequences.

Young people who are confined in detention centers while decisions

on their cases are pending experience more negative outcomes,

according to research, than their counterparts who are able to

remain at home during this time. Youth who are detained are also

more likely to see further involvement for instance, future arrest in

the criminal justices system than those who are not.

Prevention of Juvenile delinquency.

The most effective way to prevent juvenile delinquency has indisputably been

to assist children and their families early on. The most effective programs for

juvenile delinquency prevention share as follow.


Prevantion education refers to comprehensive education that is focused on

addressing the root causes of interpersonal violence, and stalking .

Social welfare services.

Recreation facilities, parent counseling, child guidence, educational facilities

and adequate general health services.

Community involvement.

Girls scouts, boy scouts, church youth groups, and volunteer groups all involve

youth within a community. Involvement in community groups provide youth

with an opportunity to interact in a safe social environment.


One of the immediate benefits of recreational activities is that they fill

unsupervised after school hours. Youth programs are designed to fit the

personalities and skills of different children and may include sports, dancing,

music, rock climbing, drama, karate, art and other activities.

Bullying prevention program.

The Bullying prevention program is put into the place in elementary and junior

high school settings. An anonymous students questionarie fills teachers and

administrators in as to who is doing the bullying, which kids are most

frequently victimized, and where bullying occurs on campus.


The successful preventio of juvenile delinquency requires efforts on the part of

the entire society to ensure the harmonious development of adolesents, with

respect for and promotion of their personlity from early childhood.

Importance of Juvenile Deliquency.

Juvenile delinquency is a term used to describe illegal actions by a minor. ...

Understanding why a minor commits a crime is essential to preventing future

crimes from happening. Addressing the issues that has led to the choices that

the minor child has made can help them change their actions in the future.

Delinquency research serves two vital purposes: to generate or develop

theory, and to test theory. 26 In Chapter 3, we discuss research methods and

sources of data used in the study of delinquency. Here we briefly describe the

two purposes of research as it relates to theory.

Objective Juvenile deliquency.

Skill development.


Addressing treatment needs.

Successful reintegration of the youth into the community.

Research question.

Explain why juvenile deliquency is difficult to explain?

Explain the role of the child savers?

Explains how media affects deliquency behaviour?

How prone to special risks are children 18/17 years and younger in times of



This research based on qualitative method. Interviews conducted for the data

analysis and selected person through randomly sampling techniques. 10

Respondent of juvenile delinquent selected from the borstal jail in FSd and ten

person of juvenile family selected for interview and 10 officer selected from law

enforcement agencies to obtain the procedure of identification of juvenile under

the age of 18, and self-report delinquency surveys. These help produce the most

accurate juvenile offending and victimization patterns.

Literature review.

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