ASA Prepware User's Guide: System Requirements
ASA Prepware User's Guide: System Requirements
ASA Prepware User's Guide: System Requirements
Installing ASA Prepware
System requirements
Running Setup
Installing multiple tests
Installing Prepware on more than one workstation
Getting Started
To start ASA Prepware
Using the Prepware tools
Suggested road map
ASA Product Support
Limited Warranty
Welcome to ASA Prepware, an FAA test preparation system for Microsoft Windows. ASA Prepware makes
your time spent preparing for the FAA exam more productive by providing the appropriate tools. You take
practice FAA exams and get immediate feedback on where you need more work. You can study using
tailor-made practice sessions to improve your performance in those areas where you need to concentrate
the most. You can create pop quizzes of any length, on any subject matter, to supplement the study
Running Setup
The auto-install function of the CD-ROM uses the program SETUP.EXE. The Setup program installs the
ASA Prepware program itself, the test files specific to a particular test and other product components from
the distribution CD to your hard disk. If the auto-install function does not work on your computer, you can
turn it on with the following steps:
1. From your Windows desktop, click the START button and select Settings, Control panel, system,
device manager
2. Double click on the CD-ROM
3. Select the CD-ROM unit that appears listed.
4. Select properties, Click settings and check auto insert notification.
IMPORTANT: You cannot simply copy files from the distribution CD to your hard disk and run ASA
Prepware. The files are stored in a compressed format; you must use the Setup program, which
decompresses and installs the files in their appropriate directories.
Getting Started
ASA Prepware (this User’s Guide and the program itself) assumes you know how to use a mouse, open a
menu, and choose menu and dialog options. To review these techniques, consult the documentation for
Note: If you are experienced with other Microsoft Windows applications, you will find ASA Prepware
very easy to use. If you’re new to the Windows environment, you might want to run the Microsoft
Windows Tutorial. This program (WINTUTOR.EXE) is installed as part of the normal Windows Setup
process. Assuming the tutorial has not been deleted from your system, you can access it through:
• Creating a New Program Item for WINTUTOR from within Windows Explorer
• Choosing Windows Tutorial from the Help menu in the Windows Program Manager
• Running WINTUTOR using the Run command from within Windows Explorer
Toolbar Menu
Open Database Access all Prepware databases if multiple tests are installed
Show Study Guide Before Study Session allows you to review the study guide before the study
session (always) or go straight to the FAA questions (never)
Show Test Selection Box allows you to prepare for the same FAA Knowledge Exam each time
you work with Prepware (Always) or prepare for a different FAA test from
the same database each time you work with Prepware (Never) or assign
a new test Prepware should reference when building study sessions or
practice tests (Select a Test)
Exit Exits ASA Prepware
New Test Generate a complete practice FAA exam
Open Existing Test Resume a test that has been paused or interrupted
Create Study Session Create custom study sessions on a particular subject matter; multiple
subjects may be selected per study session
Goto Question Study a specific question number or series of questions
Open Existing Session Resume a study session that has been paused or interrupted
Study Guide Explanatory text on each subject to learn the material before reviewing
the FAA questions; you can turn this feature off by selecting
File/Configuration/Show Study Guide Before Study Session/Never
Study Materials List of publications and products recommended for each certificate and
Preparation Description of the tests, how to take a knowledge test by computer, and
Performance History View performance graph for tests taken
Reset Performance History Deletes all test history
New Complete Test Create a new test with questions chosen randomly from the entire
question pool for a particular exam
New Custom Test Manually enter question numbers to build a custom exam or load the
entire database
New Subject Test Choose individual subjects to create a test from; one or more subjects
may be selected
Open Saved Test Open a test previously created and saved
User’s Guide Access the complete Prepware User’s Guide
Product Support Quick information on ASA support
FAA Testing Centers Telephone numbers to schedule your test
Subject Matter Knowledge Codes FAA knowledge code descriptions
Each window has additional buttons and menu items. These features are either labeled or can be
identified by placing your cursor over the button and reading the description in the bottom left of the
QuizMaker enables you to create pop quizzes and full-length tests for classroom applications. Once a test
modify the test by adding or deleting the questions. The question numbers you enter must be valid for the
particular test you are working with (the range is identified in the menu). You have the option to SAVE the
test for future use, as well as EXPORT the file to be opened in a different program. Note: the answer
sheets will not correspond to a test exported and modified outside the Prepware program. The PRINT
feature allows you to print the full test (TEST), the answer sheet for the students to fill out (BLANK
ANSWER SHEET), and the master answer sheet for you to use to grade the student’s tests (MASTER
If you are planning to run ASA Prepware on more than one workstation, call ASA at (425) 235-1500 to