History of Electromyography
History of Electromyography
History of Electromyography
Review article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The early development of nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography (EMG) was linked to the
Received 7 February 2017 discovery of electricity. This relationship had been concluded by observing the effect of applying electric-
Accepted 22 May 2017 ity to the body of an animal and discovering that nerves and muscles themselves could produce electric-
Available online xxxx
ity. We attempt to review the historical evolution of NCS and EMG over the last three centuries by
reviewing the landmark publications of Galvani, Adrian, Denny-Brown, Larrabee, and Lambert. In 1771,
Keywords: Galvani showed that electrical stimulation of animal muscle tissue produced contraction and, thereby,
Animal electricity
the concept of animal electricity was born. In 1929, Adrian devised a method to record a single motor unit
Edgar Adrian
History of electromyography
potential by connecting concentric needle electrodes to an amplifier and a loud speaker. In 1938, Denny-
History of neurophysiology Brown described the fasciculation potentials and separated them from fibrillations. Toward the end of
Luigi Galvani World War II, Larrabee began measuring the compound muscle action potential in healthy and injured
nerves of war victims. In 1957, Lambert and Eaton described the electrophysiologic features of a new
myasthenic syndrome associated with lung carcinoma. Overall, research on this topic was previously
undertaken by neurophysiologists and then later by neurologists, with Adrian most likely being the first
neurologist to be involved. The field greatly benefited from the invention of equipment that was capable
of amplifying small bioelectrical currents by the beginning of the 20th century. Significant scientific and
technical advances were later made during and after World War II which provided a large patient pop-
ulation with nerve injuries to study.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0967-5868/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Kazamel M, Warren PP. History of electromyography and nerve conduction studies: A tribute to the founding fathers. J
Clin Neurosci (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jocn.2017.05.018
2 M. Kazamel, P.P. Warren / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience xxx (2017) xxx–xxx
principle existing in the nerve which excited the action of the neu-
romuscular force.” [6]
A serious scientific controversy developed in Italy between Gal-
vani and Alessandro Volta (1755–1832). Volta doubted the biolog-
ical nature of the phenomenon and put more emphasis on mere
physics. He argued that the current that was generated in Galvani’s
experiment was essentially flowing between two different metals
[7,3,1,5,4]. In Galvani’s case, the metals were the brass of the hooks
and the iron of the railings, and the frog’s body provided the elec-
trolytes [1].
Unfortunately for Galvani, Volta was right too. He showed that
muscle twitching was more reliably elicited if the metal arc con-
necting the muscle and nerve was comprised of two different met-
als [4]. At that time, Volta was working on his landmark discovery,
the Voltanic Pile. By placing alternative discs of zinc and silver
above each other with a piece of cloth that had been soaked in a
salty solution in between each pair, Volta was able to build a
steady source of electricity that later replaced the Leyden jar. He
travelled to Napoleon in Paris and to the British Royal Society in
London in order to demonstrate his new scientific achievement.
People started to wonder how such a brilliant scientist could be
wrong [4].
In 1794, Galvani and his nephew Aldini showed that a muscle
twitch can still happen, even with no metal involved, if the cut
end of the sciatic nerve was brought into contact with the leg mus-
cles (Fig. 2-A) [8,9]. Volta then argued that nerves and muscles, like
metals, are still dissimilar objects. Three years later, Galvani deliv-
ered the ultimate proof on his hypothesis by carefully positioning
the sciatic nerve of the first frog’s leg so its cut end touched the
sciatic nerve of the second leg. He found that contact between
the two nerves was sufficient to produce contraction of one muscle
(Fig. 2-B) [10]. Ultimately, Galvani’s work was overshadowed by
Fig. 1. The Leyden jar. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library digital collections.
Volta’s after Napoleon invaded north Italy in 1796. Volta swore
allegiance to Napoleon; Galvani refused to do so and lost his posi-
order to prevent the charge from moving between the foils. A tion in the university. Volta died as a well decorated international
metal rod electrode projected through the jar lid and was con- figure while Galvani had a quiet burial that was attended by only a
nected to the inner foil by a hanging chain, thereby allowing it to few of his students [4].
be charged. The source of the charge to the inner foil was a friction
machine while the outer foil was grounded. The inner and outer 3. The 19th century
surfaces of the jar stored equal but opposite charges and when they
were connected, an electrical current would flow. A few years after In 1838, the concept of animal electricity was revived by Carlo
this, Benjamin Franklin managed to charge the metal rod naturally Matteucci who performed Galvani’s experiment in a different way.
from lightening [1,4]. The Leyden jar gave physiologists a way to He used a complete frog’s leg that was severed below the knee
store and to generate electricity in a more reliable manner. It has with only the isolated nerve above it. He noted the ability of the
been considered the precursor of current day capacitors or con- frog’s muscle contraction to stimulate the nerve at another
densers [1]. muscle-nerve set-up, when the former was laid across it [11].
Luigi Galvani (1737–1798) was a professor of anatomy at the Overall, Galvani’s discoveries were important in the sense that they
University of Bologna. One day he was dissecting a frog while some discredited the belief that the nervous system was activated by the
of his colleagues were playing with a Leyden jar and, serendipi- soul, a historical example of vitalism giving away to materialism
tously, a spark was thrown from a conductor at the same time Gal- [1].
vani touched the frog’s nerve with his metal knife. He reported that The center of research on this topic then moved from Italy to
the body of the frog was shaken by a violent convulsion [3,1,5,4]. It Germany and northern Europe during the 19th century. Oersted
initially occurred to him that he had mechanically stimulated the discovered that passing a current through a single coil of wire
nerve with the knife. However, he noted that there was no recur- led to an electromagnetic field that could deflect a needle, thereby
rence of contraction when he touched the nerve again. Addition- inventing the first galvanometer [12]. Emil Du Bois-Reymond
ally, when he used an ivory handled knife, no contraction (1818–1896) improved Oersted’s machine by increasing the num-
occurred [3]. He published his findings in the commentarius in ber of coils to 24,000, which were formed from five kilometers of
1791 [6]. He believed that the electricity was generated by the wire. Thus, he was able to increase the sensitivity of the
body and conducted through the nervous tissue. He used the term galvanometer to detect an electrical impulse propagated on the
‘‘animal electricity” to refer to this phenomenon [6,3,4]. Galvani surface of a voluntarily contracting muscle [13]. With Du
felt that the oily sheath of the nerves made them good conductors Bois-Reymond’s work, experimentation on human subjects started.
of electricity, and, like the Leyden jar, the muscles could receive the ‘‘If I do not greatly deceive myself, I have succeeded in realizing in
animal electricity [3]. full actuality the hundred years’ dream of physicists and
‘‘The electrical atmosphere was hit and vibrated by the spark physiologists to wit, the identification of the nervous principle with
brought to the nerve. The spark instigated some extremely mobile electricity.” [13]
Please cite this article in press as: Kazamel M, Warren PP. History of electromyography and nerve conduction studies: A tribute to the founding fathers. J
Clin Neurosci (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jocn.2017.05.018
M. Kazamel, P.P. Warren / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3
Fig. 2. Galvani’s experiments to prove the concept of animal electricity with no metal involved. (a) The 1794 experiment: when the severed nerve end touches the muscle, the
leg contracts. (b) The 1797 experiment: when the severed right sciatic nerve end touches the intact left sciatic nerve, both legs contract [69,4].
Guillaume Benjamin Duchenne (1806–1875) entered medical the highest mark in class in each. He went into medical studies at
school in Paris in 1825. Upon graduation, he returned home to St. Bartholomew’s hospital in London, somehow managing to finish
Bologna to practice medicine. In 1833, he was able to demonstrate in one year rather than the regular three. Then, he completed his
that muscles can be stimulated percutaneously. In 1842, he clinical neurology training in Queen Square [4]. He collaborated
returned to Paris again to establish connections with Pierre Paul with Detlef Bronk, a US physiologist, in an experiment aimed at
Broca, Francois Aran, and Jean Martin Charcot [3]. He worked on measuring the action potential generated from a single nerve fiber;
developing the stimulators and electrodes needed for his experi- they attempted to cut all the nerve fibers except one in the phrenic
ments. He called this technique ‘‘Localized Electrization” [14]. He nerve of a cat. Adrian and Bronk assumed that there would be 3–4
was aware of the fact that different muscles would respond more nerve fibers remaining and that if the nerve impulses were uniform
briskly if stimulated by electrical current at certain spots on their in shape and regular in frequency then they would still represent
surface. However, he did not publish the location of these spots. only one nerve fiber. They also used a concentric needle electrode
Robert Remak visited Paris to watch Duchenne demonstrating and a loudspeaker to record the electrical activity of muscle fibers
the ‘‘Localized Electricity”. However, he criticized Duchenne for that are supplied by a single nerve fiber, later to be known as
not explaining the technique to his visitors [3]. Later on, Remak ‘‘motor unit potential” [24]. Adrian later won the Nobel Prize in
determined that these points represent the nerve entry zones, or 1932 and Bronk became the 6th president of Johns Hopkins
the muscle motor points [15]. In 1861, Wilhelm Erb used faradic University [3].
and galvanic currents for electrical stimulation. He also identified Joseph Erlanger (1874–1965) was the only college educated son
the points at which the brachial plexus can be proximally stimu- of a California farmer among seven siblings. He graduated from
lated (Erb’s point) [16]. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and completed his internship
under William Osler’s supervision. In 1906, he was appointed as
chair of the physiology department at the University of Wisconsin,
4. The 20th century where Herbert Gasser was his student. Six years later, Erlanger
moved to establish his new physiology department at Washington
By the beginning of the 20th century, the stage had been set for University in St Louis and invited Gasser to join [4]. They managed
the development of clinical electromyography through the inven- to use Braun’s Cathode Ray Oscilloscope to graph the action poten-
tion of more sensitive recording equipment. d’Arsonval had already tial of a frog’s sciatic nerve [25]. They also discovered that nerve
managed to covert the action current of muscles to sound by using fibers with different diameters have different conduction veloci-
a telephone in 1878 [17]. The cathode ray tube was invented by ties. The three types of nerve fibers that they proposed were type
Braun in 1897 [18]. Then, Einthoven designed the string gal- alpha fibers with nerve conduction velocity (NCV) 100 m/s, type
vanometer in 1903 [19] and Lapicque developed more accurate beta (NCV of 2–14 m/s), and type gamma C (2 m/s) (Fig. 3). They
equipment that had a circuit breaker in 1907 [20]. Piper made suggested that the type alpha fibers were the afferent fibers for
use of these inventions in performing NCSs on the ulnar nerve muscle spindles [26]. For this landmark discovery, they were
and recording muscle potentials during voluntary contraction. He awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1944.
considered the frequency of these potentials recorded from the Derek E. Denny-Brown (1901–1981) obtained his medical
surface of the muscle as the frequency of neural impulses they degree from Otago University, New Zealand in 1924. He completed
receive. He explained his experiments in the first book on the topic a 3-year fellowship at Oxford in the laboratory of Nobel Laureate
of electromyography in 1912 [21,3]. Sir Charles Sherrington. Then, he finished his neurologic training
In 1909, Lapicque defined rheobase, as the minimal continuous at Queen Square where he was appointed as a staff member. In
current intensity needed for muscle excitation, and chronaxae, as 1939, he accepted directorship of the Harvard Neurological Unit
the minimal current duration needed to excite the muscle tissue at the Boston City Hospital. However, his move to the US was
using a double rheobase intensity, [22]. These concepts enabled delayed until 1941 due to World War II [27].
Edgar Adrian to report the muscle strength duration curves in The spontaneous muscle twitching, seen in patients with amy-
1916. His curves were consistent in healthy muscles with pre- otrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), was commonly referred to as fibril-
dictable shifts during muscle degeneration or recovery [23]. lation until Denny-Brown’s report was published in 1938.
Edgar Douglas Adrian (1889–1977) was the youngest son of a ‘‘This phenomenon commonly called fibrillations, but more prop-
London local government lawyer. In the Cambridge Natural Science erly called fasciculations, may therefore represent the intermittent
Tripos, he picked five subjects rather than the usual three, gaining involuntary discharge of single nerve impulses by an abnormal
Please cite this article in press as: Kazamel M, Warren PP. History of electromyography and nerve conduction studies: A tribute to the founding fathers. J
Clin Neurosci (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jocn.2017.05.018
4 M. Kazamel, P.P. Warren / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience xxx (2017) xxx–xxx
Please cite this article in press as: Kazamel M, Warren PP. History of electromyography and nerve conduction studies: A tribute to the founding fathers. J
Clin Neurosci (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jocn.2017.05.018
M. Kazamel, P.P. Warren / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5
Fig. 4. James Golseth, in the center, with medical personnel from the US Army showing the first EMG machine. Courtesy of the US Army Medical Department, Office of
Medical History artwork and image collection.
(RNS) test, that was named after him, and the positive decrement- He continued to work with his wife and colleague Vanda Len-
ing response in myasthenia gravis were actually reported by Har- non on further characterization of the clinical, electrophysiologic,
vey and Masland in 1941 [50]. Bernard Katz, after fleeing to the and serological aspects of the now known Lambert Eaton Myas-
UK in order to escape Nazi persecution, described several physio- thenic Syndrome [58,59]. Ultimately, they helped to differentiate
logic aspects of the process of neuromuscular junction transmis- pre- from post-synaptic neuromuscular junction transmission
sion. His work focused on the miniature end plate potential [51], disorders.
the role of the presynaptic voltage gated calcium channels Inspired by a paper published by Buchthal [60], Erik Stålberg
[52,53], and the quantal release of acetyl choline [54,55]. For this began to study propagation velocities of electrical impulses to
work, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1970. muscle fibers. He was able to build an electrode that was much
Edward H. Lambert (1915–2003) completed his MD degree at smaller than Buchthal’s with appropriate amplifier and filters. He
the University of Illinois in 1938 before obtaining his PhD degree finally managed to isolate a reproducible sharp single, sometimes
from the same institution. He joined Mayo Clinic in 1943 where multi, spike signal after 18 h of recording trials on his adductor pol-
he established the first clinical EMG laboratory in the US. He was licis muscle. However, the signal was very different from what was
awarded the Presidential Certificate of Merit in 1947 for his role reported by Buchthal. He hypothesized that he was recording from
in the development of the G-suit for aviators [56]. In 1957, Lambert a single muscle fiber based on the fast decay of volume conduction
and Lee Eaton, who was the chair of the neurology department at over 500 mm, the all or none behavior with curare and ischemia,
Mayo Clinic at the time, described a series of six cases that had a and the constant shape of consecutive discharges [61,62]. Later
disorder resembling myasthenia gravis and intra-thoracic malig- on, he discovered that the variation in peak latencies between
nancy at the same time. They found that a series of electric stimuli the two spikes, when seen, was increased in a myasthenia gravis
resulted in a transient decrease followed by a remarkable increase patient, calling it ‘‘jitter” [63]. Normative mean jitter values were
in CMAPs, with comparable increases in the muscle power after reported in several muscles [64]. This led to the discovery of single
repetitive voluntary activity. They also reported that these patients fiber EMG as the most sensitive diagnostic tool for detection of
did not respond to neostigmine, as would be expected in myasthe- neuromuscular junction transmission disorders.
nia gravis [57]. James Golseth (1912–2003) conducted research at the North-
‘‘Should this syndrome prove to be of some clinical importance, western University School of Medicine on the relative clinical val-
electromyography and stimulation of nerves must be given the ues of different electro-diagnostic parameters like chronaxae,
greatest credit. Without these techniques, the syndrome would rheobase, and galvanic tetanus ratio in different nerve injuries
have been confused with myasthenia gravis and its significance [65]. His main work was under the War Manpower Commission
would have continued to elude us.” [57] at Percy Jones Hospital where a large number of soldiers injured
Please cite this article in press as: Kazamel M, Warren PP. History of electromyography and nerve conduction studies: A tribute to the founding fathers. J
Clin Neurosci (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jocn.2017.05.018
6 M. Kazamel, P.P. Warren / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience xxx (2017) xxx–xxx
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Please cite this article in press as: Kazamel M, Warren PP. History of electromyography and nerve conduction studies: A tribute to the founding fathers. J
Clin Neurosci (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jocn.2017.05.018