Noise and Modulation
Noise and Modulation
Noise and Modulation
51. In tube oscillators, this is the change in frequency due to a change in anode current or anode voltage
a. Drift b. Frequency pushing
c. Frequency pulling d. Any of the above
54. A case of single sideband emission in which the degree of carrier suppression enables the
carrier to be reconstituted and to be used for demodulation
a. Standard SSB emission b. Full carrier SSB emission
c. Reduced carrier SSB emission d. SSBSC
55. A carrier signal ec = 120sin500,000t is fed to a 50Ω antenna. Find the carrier power desired.
a. 144 watts b. 207 watts
c. 414 watts d. 72 watts
MITRC Noise & Modulation
39. The guardband for each FM broadcast channel is..... 1. 6 dBm + 6 dBm equals .....
a. 20 kHz on each side b. 25 kHz on each side a. 7 dBm b. 8 dBm
c. 25 kHz on one side only d. 20 kHz on one side only c. 9 dBm d. 10 dBm
40. When the envelope of a received AM signal is constant in amplitude, it means that modulation 2. Which of the following indicates “no gain, no loss”?
index is..... a. 0 dB b. 1 dB
a. 0 b. >1 c. 0 d. 0 dBm
c. <1 d. 1
3. Which of the following operations can be directly performed?
41. Which determines the number of sideband components in FM? a. dBm+dBm b. dBμ-dB
a. Modulation index b. Modulation frequency c. (dB)(dB) d. dBf - dBμ
c. Carrier frequency d. All of the above
4. What is the output after sending a 5 dBm signal through an 85% efficient link and another that contributes
42. Which equipment displays the AM signal in its frequency domain format? 32% power loss?
a. Network analyzer b. Multimeter a. 0.86 mW b. 0.97 mW
c. Oscilloscope d. Spectrum analyzer c. 1.83 mW d. 3.18 mW
43. Emission B8E involves 5. A 2 dBW signal is fed to a three-output port power splitter. Find the power level at each output port
a. Baseband modulation b. Independent sideband modulation a. 0.67 dBW b. -1.74 dBW
c. Single sideband modulation d. Vestigial sideband modulation c. 1. dBW d. -2.77 dBw
44. Envelope detectors perform 6. Thermal noise, atmospheric noise and cosmic noise are collectively called.....
a. Companding b. Heterodyning a. External noise b. Indestructible noise
c. Mixing d. Rectification c. Natural noise d. Steady noise
45. High Q preselectors in superheterodyne receivers have 7. A summary of worldwide atmospheric noise levels is contained in.....
a. Excellent frequency stability b. Low image rejection capability a. CCIR Report 3 320 b. CCIR Report 321
c. Narrow passband d. Wide passband c. CCIR Report 322 d. CCIR Report 3223
46. An AM transmitter is rated 1 kW at 100% modulation. What must be its rating at no modulation? 8. A 100 kΩ resistor is connected in parallel with a 100 pF capacitor. Determine the effective noise
a. 600 Watts b. 660 Watts bandwidth
c. 667 Watts d. 767 Watts a. 400 kHz b. 100 kHz
c. 5 kHz d. 25 kHz
47. Increasing the FM modulation index will most likely result in
a. An increase in transmitter output power b. A decrease in transmitter output power 9. Calculate the output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for four identical links if the SNR for any one link
c. An increase in the required bandwidth d. A fixed bandwidth operation is 40 dB
a. 34 dB b. 36 dB
48. The Costas loop is a c. Still 40 dB d. 46 dB
a. Clock recovery circuit b. Carrier recovery circuit
c. Phase recovery circuit d. Transmitter circuit 10. The noise figure of an amplifier is 4 dB. Find the output SNR when the input SNR is 42 dB
a. 36 dB b. 38 dB
49. A carrier modulation where its positive peak rises to a value twice the maximum unmodulated c. 40 dB d. 46 dB
carrier and drops to zero at negative peak
a. 0% b. 10% 11. The ideal noise factor is ...
c. 50% d. 100% a. 0 b. 1
50. It refers to the emission of frequency/frequencies immediately outside the necessary bandwidth
c. 10 d.
resulting from the modulation process except spurious emissions
a. Interference b. Noise 12. Find the noise factor for an attenuator pad having an insertion loss of 12 dB
c. Out of band d. Radiation a. 14.8 b. 15.8
c. 16.4 d. 18.5
13. Determine the thermal noise power given a noise bandwidth of 25 kHz at room temperature
a. 0.1 fW b. 0.01 fW
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MITRC Noise & Modulation
20. A TV broadcast stations effective power is 250,000 watts. Stated in another way, its ERP is ..... 33. Given that the carrier is suppressed, which of the following statements is true?
a. 23 dBk b. 24 dBk a. Fidelity of intelligence is unaffected b. Information cannot be accurately received
c. 25 dBk d. 26 dBk c. Power is consequently wasted d. Transmitted power is unaffected
21. The long term cycle of solar disturbance is ..... 34. In FM, 100% modulation means
a. 20 days b. 8 years a. Actual deviation reaches 75 kHz b. Actual deviation equals the maximum allowed deviation
c. 11 years d. 17 years c. A modulation index of 1 d. Intelligence amplitude equals carrier amplitude
22. Aside from noise, which other important factor limits the performance of a communication 35. Single sideband full carrier, single channel, AM broadcast is.....
system? a. A3E b. H3E
a. Bandwidth b. Sensitivity c. J3E d. R3E
c. Data rate d. Output power
36. Practical value of AM modulation index
23. Thermal agitation noise is.....
a. 0 b. 1
a. Deterministic b. Immeasurable
c. <1 d. >1
c. Predictable d. Random
24. Popcorn noise is another name for ... 37. In AM, the carrier component contains _____ intelligence
a. Burst noise b. Flicker noise a. No b. The same
c. Partition noise d. Shot noise c. A distorted d. All of the
25. In field effect transistor (FET), the primary or the major noise contributor is the ..... 38. Which formula gives the bandwidth for narrowband FM?
a. Flicker noise b. Thermal noise a. 2( f m
b. 2f m
c. Shot noise d. All of the above
c. 2n f m d. 2(1 m f )f m
26. Thermal noise is said to have.....
a. Poisson distribution b. Gaussian distribution
2 3
MITRC Noise & Modulation
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