Case Study Shaky Grounds in Indonesia
Case Study Shaky Grounds in Indonesia
Case Study Shaky Grounds in Indonesia
This case study is all about leadership and organization. A good leader can handle any
situation at any conditions. Company may not always run efficiently and it’s all about
leader who take prompt and appropriate decision for company. This Case Study Brief
everything. We have assigned the task to make plan to manage the situation in Jakarta
Indonesia where the country has just left in disaster state due to earthquake, supposedly
working. The CEO is stuck in the lift and it will take several hours for him to rich
geothermal plant. CEO has given narrator the task to prepare strategic action plan to
The risk that the company main geothermal power plant could be irreparably destroyed
and that operation may have to severely disrupted. This can be prevented as geothermal
plant safety feature shutdown machinery and explaining to public that plant is
phenomenon. The government may also interfere in geothermal plant operation they can
put heavy penalty increase taxes to prevent this they can offer benefits of working with
the company like company can offer electricity at reasonable rate to state electricity
company. The potential CSR fallout Form the local community can led to revolt alabour
and employee who are coming form local population can stop working to prevent this
company can help all the people who been affected by the earthquake and can
compensate them and can work hand in hand with government to support the people who
are in need. Bank can threat company they can stop their financial support ask for
repayment of their loan to tackle this company can explain them that the earthquake is
not intentional cause by company and the earthquake will not affect company operation,
company will continue its operation ethically. The potential threat of losing Suppliers and
service provider as the destruction affect the goodwill of company, supplier and service
provider will fear to work with the company to tackle this problem supplier and service
provider are make sure that their payment won’t be late and company has no hands in the
destruction. Employees will also fear to work with the company as they do not want to
risk their life and employee will fear that they will not be provided with enough material
and their salary as the company is not in financial condition company can loose employee
who are skilled and good at their work this can be prevented by giving a salary hike to
employee or we can give bonus to employee and we can assure them we are insuring
every safety precaution we can take. Shareholder can start selling their holdings which
can affect company reputation as company share will start to fall due to heavy selling and
this will also increase risk for company when company has shareholders the risk is
divided among all of them to prevent this we can offer dividends to shareholder and