Choosing Your Competency Framework
Choosing Your Competency Framework
Choosing Your Competency Framework
Regardless of the specific challenge that you’re looking to address, we have found that there are a
few crucial decision points to guide your selection of a solution provider.
(if you need more info on the basics of competencies, be sure to check out our Competency Toolkit which includes our
Competencies 101 resource.)
Client spotlight:
Building competency profiles quickly for an
entire organization Hear it from the client:
Adaptavist used CompetencyCore’s included The tool made it easy for me to
competency libraries as the basis for developing customize the competencies and drop
their organization’s accurate, highly relevant
competency profiles. HRSG’s tools significantly them into the libraries, drop them into
accelerated the process of building and the roles really quickly.
customizing competencies, linking them
with roles and building an organizational — Neil Penny, L&D Consultant,
competency hierarchy. Adaptavist
HRSG’s Competencies
HRSG has identified five key categories that we look to ensure coverage on through our universal
competencies. We’ve established these five key dimensions as being essential for effective
performance in the modern world of work.
HRSG has developed a standardized set of corporate technical competencies covering these primary
business functions:
The competencies are selected to ensure coverage across common business skills required to run
businesses today. They are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure they align with market needs.
Additional industry-specific technical competencies are also available (eg. Agile Development, Cyber
Security, Insurance, etc.), which have been scoped and built over time based on client requests and
demands from the market.
2 The proficiency scale provides multiple proficiency levels for each competency. Each level
reflects a progression from a basic demonstration of the competency towards a more complex
and strategic demonstration. For example, an entry-level employee may need to demonstrate
level 1 proficiency, while an executive may need to demonstrate level 4 or 5.
Proficiency scales help you compare requirements across jobs, which is especially useful when
determining potential career paths within the organization.
3 The notion for each level provides a high-level summary of the overall theme identified for that
proficiency level.
4 A behavioral indicator provides a clear description of the observable behaviors that an employee
will demonstrate on the job.
Client spotlight:
Launching projects more quickly than you ever Hear it from the client:
thought possible
We wanted it to be easy for us to
First Commerce Credit Union used HRSG’s pre- manage in human resources and get
built content to get their career pathing initiative
off the ground incredibly quickly. To do this, they
launched, as well as be really user-
relied on CompetencyCore, with its draft job friendly on the other side so our team
descriptions + embedded competency profiles. members wouldn’t be afraid to jump
From there, it’s simply a matter of getting the on board and get involved. Finding a
users into the software, mapping everything
appropriately, and giving them the power to build package that hit those points was
their own competency-driven career paths. The very important to us.
combination of the right content and the perfect
software tools made HRSG the first choice for — Donna Moran, Culture Champion, First
the team at First Commerce. Commerce Credit Union
Account Executive
The Account Executive maintains the relationship between the customer and the company,
and strives to build new business wherever possible.
Partnering (Level 3)
• Captures opportunities to partner, identifying existing opportunities and creating new ones.
• Assesses the value of entering into partnerships in terms of achieving short- and long-term goals.
• Initiates partnerships and alliances that promote organizational objectives.
Because the interview is based directly on the competencies, it keeps interviews more objective
and planted in reality. Most importantly, hiring decisions are made based on consistent and
standardized criteria.
Describe the most complex problem that you were faced with and how
you generated a new approach or explanation or solution.
Job specific question
1 2 3 4 5
Well Below Standard Below Standard Meets Standard Above Standard Well Above Standard
Rating scale
With HRSG competencies, there’s a One of the best things to come out of this
specific set of behaviors that make it competency project was that we now
clear. We can create interview questions have a common language to talk about
around these competencies, and we can performance, development, etc. When
talk to people about where they need to be we have discussions between departments
in their jobs, or what they need to move to they go a lot more smoothly and we achieve
the next proficiency level for the next job. more because we’re all on the same page
It makes it very easy. as to what constitutes success.
— Tracey Piper, Director of Human — Mr. Thamer Al Quadaimi, Executive
Resources - Talent Management at Manager of Learning and Talent
Destination XL (DXL) Development at ELM
About HRSG
For three decades, HRSG has delivered products and services to define talent needs, address skill deficiencies
and improve individual and organizational performance.
Our Products division has distilled that 30 years of expertise into a competency, job description and career
management software solution. Leveraging the power of AI, CompetencyCore™ is unlike any other product on the
market, bringing together the power of competencies and the utility of job descriptions.
Our Talent Management Solutions division delivers best practice professional services in competency-based
management, testing and assessment. In addition, we train HR professionals worldwide in our competency-
based management methodologies.
To learn more about how HRSG makes HR professionals proactive and in-control, visit us at or call 1-866-574-7041 x600.