Organizational Behavior

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Three features should be emphasized-

• Study of human behavior

• About behavior in organizations (org)

• Useful in improving an organization’s effectiveness

Definition-“OB is directly concerned with the understanding, prediction & control of human
behavior in orgs.”
By Fred Luthans

The managers (mgr) ability to understand, appreciate & manage people in orgs. They also provide
unique opportunities to enhance personal n organizational effectiveness
Scope of OB
 Intra-personal behavior covers such aspects as personality, attitudes, perception, learning,
opinion, motivation & job satisfaction.
 Inter-personal behavior includes group dynamics, inter-group conflict, leadership,
communication & the like.
 Orgs, the study covers such aspects as their formation, structures & formal n informal orgs.
Why study OB
1. It helps an individual 2 understand himself n others better
2. Managers can motivate his subordinates to work 4 better results
3. Useful 2 maintain cordial industrial relations.
4. Understand the cause of problem, predict its course of action in control its
5. Useful 4 marketing flow of goods n services 4m producers 2 consumers.
6. Predict behavior n apply to make org more effective.
Approaches to the study of OB
1.Human Resource (HR) Approach- people r the central resource in any org. n developed
towards higher competency, creativity n fulfillment

2.Contingency Approach- or situational approach, methods (methods) or behaviors which

works effectively in 1 situation
3.Productivity Approach- ratio of output 2 input, organization’s effectiveness, optimizing
resources utilization
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
Douglas McGregor.
Theory-X emphasizes managerial action. It is autocratic
 Management (mgt) is responsible 4 organizing elements of production- men, material, money
 Mgt should direct n motivate people n control their action
 In the absence of intervention of mgt people will be inactive n idle
 The av. Individual has dislike 4 doing work n try 2 avoid it
 Individual prefers 2 be guided by others
 People by nature resist change.
Theory-Y is decentralization of authority n creating opportunities 4 workers 2 do their best.
 Work is not a burden or load, but it is a play
 Individual readily takes to work
 Autocratic methods of mgt will lead to unproductive result
Formal and Informal Leadership
A formal leadership occurs when a person is appointed or elected as an authority figure.
The informal leadership emerges when a person uses interpersonal influence in a group without
designated authority or power.
Difference between Leaders and Managers
It has followers
It has subordinates
Follower wont obey their leader
Subordinates may obey their mgrs
Leader has emotional appeal
Mgrs r expected 2 b rational decision
maker n problem solver
Leader fulfill followers need
Main aim of mgr is to meet goal
Leaders r doing right things
Mgrs r doing things right
Is an original
It is a copy
Focus on people
Focus on system n structure
Inspires trust
Relies on control
Has long range perspective
Has short range perspective
Asks what n why
Ask how n when
Trait Theory
Leaders pocesses a set a traits which make them distinct from followers.
Successful leaders has following qualities
1. a strong desire 4 accomplishment
2. achieve the goals
3. creativity n intelligence used 4 problem solving
4. initiative applied 2 social situations
5. self assumed personality
6. high tolerance
7. ability 2 influence others
Evaluation of trait theory
It is criticized by many
 personality trait of successful leaders is too long
 this theory says leaders is born not trained but this is not accepted by contemporary thinkers
 how much of which trait a successful leader must have is not clear
 it is wrong tat a effective leaders depends only on the personality, there r other variables like
his task, characteristics of followers
 Some people who fails as leaders has possess some of the traits as successful leaders.
Behavioral Theories
It studies how a leader behaves n the followers performs well and have job satisfaction
It was started after World War II.
It can be summarized as follows
1. consideration was positively related 2 low absenteeism but was negatively related 2
Behavioral Theories

It studies how a leader behaves n the followers performs well and have job satisfaction
It was started after World War II.
It can be summarized as follows
1. consideration was positively related 2 low absenteeism but was negatively related 2
2. initiating structure was positively related to performance but was negatively consequence as
3. when both consideration n structure were is high, performance n satisfaction tended to be high
Criticism of theory
 it could mot successfully identify a consistent relationship b/n leadership behavior n
group performance.
 General statement could not be made because results would vary over different range
of circumstances
Contingency Theory or Situational Approach
No leadership style is the best for all times & in all situations. Situation helps the people to develop
their leadership qualities n emerge as leaders. The extent to which the leader has control over the
The effectiveness of a leader depends upon –
1. his motivational style
2. the favorableness of the situation

Communication is the transmission, facts, feelings & ideas b/n 2 or more people.
The person who sends the message is the sender or communicator and who receives it is the receiver
or communicatee.
Need for communication
1. to establish n spread goals of an org widely
2. to develop plans for future achievement
3. to organize human n resource in most efficient n effective way
4. to select n appraise members of the org
5. to lead, direct, motivate n create good working environment
6. to control n maintain uniform performance
Process of communication
1. Sender- person who starts the communication process 4 passing information to others
2. Communicating channels- medium through which the encoding information is passed from
sender to receiver. For example Fax, e-mail, etc
3. Symbols- the basis for transfer of information it may be in the form of words, sketch,
diagrams etc
4. Receiver- person who receives the final information n understand it
5. Noise & feed back communication- checking the information whether it is correctly reached
or not

Written, oral and non-verbal forms of communication
An organization mainly uses oral communication for day today activities.

• Doubt is clarified immediately

• Feedback is known

• Provide team spirit

• Quick n effective method


• No permanent record

• Likely to be forgotten

• Likely to be misunderstood n noisy

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