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The Monster Hunter (Playtest Version)

ofuckin' Monster Hnter, man. A
combination of the Bloodborne Hunter
and the Monster Hunter from, well,
Monster Hunter. Meant for playtesting
for a class.

The Monster Hunter (Playtest Version)

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Superiority Dice
1st +2 Hunter's Craftsmanship, Fighting Style -
2nd +2 Hunter Superiority 3d8
3rd +2 Hunter's Quarry 3d8
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3d8
5th +3 Extra Attack 4d8
6th +3 Hunter's Quarry Feature 4d8
7th +3 Evasion 4d8
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5d8
9th +4 Superior Maneuver 5d10
10th +4 Hunter's Quarry Feature 6d10
11th +4 Extra Attack (2) 6d10
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6d10
13th +5 Quickening 6d10
14th +5 Hunter's Quarry Feature 7d10
15th +5 - 7d10
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 7d10
17th +6 - 8d12
18th +6 Hunter's Quary Feature 8d12
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 8d12
20th +6 Extra Attack (3) 8d12

Skills: Choose three from Arcana, Acrobatics, History,

Class Features Investigation, Inisght, Intimidation, Perception, or
As a Monster Hunter, you gain the following Class Features.
Hit Points You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Monster Hunter level equipment granted by your background:
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier (a) Two Simple Weapons or (b) One Martial Weapon and
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your one Simple One
Constitution modifier per Monster Hunter level after 1st (a) A firearm of your choosing and 20 bullets or (b) a
Proficiencies Crossbow of your choosing with 20 bolts.
Armor: Light, Shields Smith's Tools, Tinkerer's Tools, A Torch and Leather
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial Weapons, Firearms Armor
Tools: Smith's Tools, Tinkerer's Tools
Saving Throws: Dexerity, Wisdom
Hunter's Craftsmanship Trickster Fighting When fighting while using a Hunter's
Weapon, you may choose to transform it as part of an attack
During a short rest, the Monster Hunter may choose to forgo action.
the benefits of that rest in order to craft an item in order to Two-Weapon Fighting When you engage in two-weapon
help them in their hunts. fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of
the second Attack.
A Hunter's Weapon Using 10gp of materials, the Hunter
may begin to make a specialized weapon. The weapon also Hunter Superiority
requires two weapons; either two simple weapons or one Starting at level 2, you gain a number of Superiority Dice as
martial, and one simple weapon, neither of which may be a listed on your Class table above. These dice are d8's, and may
firearm. While wielding this weapon, the weapon has the be used to perform the following Maneuvers.
statistics of one of those used in it's creation, and it may be Focus Attack When you make an attack, you may roll a
changed between it's two forms as a bonus action. Superiority Die and add the result to your attack roll.
At level 9, when a Hunter's Weapon is crafted, it may Dodge Roll When you are the target of an attack, you may
instead incorporate three weapons instead of two. This may roll a Superiority Die, and add the result to your Armor Class.
be a weapon that has three forms (such as a sword, lance and After the attack, if you are not incapacitated, you must move
axe form) or it may be a weapon that splits into multiple 5ft. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
forms (such as a sword and shield that combine into a great Parry When you are hit by an attack, you may roll a
axe.) Superiority Die, and reduce the damage of the attack by your
Hunter Level+ The result of the roll. After the attack, you may
Firearm The Monster Hunter may also craft firearms, as use your reaction to make an attack against the original
long as they have the materials to do so; attacker if you are able. If the damage of the attack was
reduced to 0, the counter attack has advantage.
Gain Momentum When you hit an enemy with an attack,
Cost of roll a Superiority Die. You gain a number of Temporary Hit
Firearm Materials Wield Damage Range Points equal to the result + Your Hunter Level.
Pistol 20gp One-Handed 1d8 60/120 Brutal Attack When you make an attack against a creature
Piercing that is Incapacitated, Blind, Stunned or Bound, you may roll a
Blunderbuss 40gp One-Handed 2d10 20/60 Superiority Die, and add double the result to the weapon
(Disadvantage) Pierce damage. This damage is in the same type as the weapon's
or Two-Handed original damage.
Rifle 80gp Two-Handed 2d12 100/300
Pierce Hunter's Quarry
At level 3, you may choose what sort of creature you hunt
from Beasts, Giants, Witches or Hunters. You gain a benefit
Ammunition The Monster Hunter may craft 1d10+ Your from your Quarry choice immediately, then gain another
Wisdom Modifier in ammunition for any weapon they are feature at levels 6, 10, 14, and 20.
proficient in.
Explosives The Hunter may craft 1d4+ your Wisdom Extra Attack
Modifier in explosives. These explosives may be thrown 30ft, Starting at level 5, you may make a second attack as a part of
and deal 2d8 fire damage to the target and all creatures the same action.
within 5ft of it.
At level 11, you may attack three times as part of the same
Healing Potions The Hunter may craft 1d4+ your Wisdom action. At level 20, you may attack four times as part of the
modifier in healing potions. Each one consumed heals 1d6 same action.
Fighting Style Evasion
You adopt a particular style of fighting. Choose one style from At 7th level, you can dodge out of the way of certain area
the following list. effects. When you are subjected to an effect that allows a
Gadget When you have both hands occupied by weapons, Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead
you may use an item such as a potion or explosive without take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only
stowing either weapon, in place of one of your attacks. half damage if you fail.
Great Weapon Fighting When you roll a 1 or 2 on a
damage die for an Attack you make with a melee weapon that Superior Maneuver
you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and At 9th level, your Superiority Dice become d10's instead of
must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The d8's. At level 17, they become d12's.
weapon must have the Two-Handed or Versatile property for
you to gain this benefit.
Gunner When using a Firearm or Crossbow, add +2 to the
damage dealt. Additionally, you no longer suffer disadvantage
when using these weapons against a target within 5ft.
Quickening Beast Hunter
At level 13, increase your Armor Class by an amount equal to Beast Slayer
your Proficiency Modifier. Additionally, when you perform the
Dodge Roll maneuver, you may move through 10ft, and you At leve 3, after choosing Beasts as your Quarry, you have
may move through occupied squares. advantage on tracking or investigating anything pretaining to
Beasts. Additionally, any attack you make against a Beast-type
creature, increase your attack roll by 1d4. At level 12, you
instead increase your attack roll by 1d6.
Pack Breaker
At level 6, at the start of the Beast Hunter's turn, if you are
within 10ft of three or more hostile creatures and not within
10ft of a friendly creature, they immediately gain two of their
Superiority Dice, to their normal maximum.
Superior Hunter's Weapon
At level 10, when you create a Hunter's weapon, it may have
the Finesse, Versatile or Thrown properties, regardless of
whether any of the weapons used had these properties.
Sweeping Attacks
At level 14, the Beast Hunter may attack up to two creatures
within their weapon's reach with any melee attack, dealing
the weapon's full damage to both.
Alpha Seeker
At level 20, the Beast Hunter's movement never provokes
attacks of opportunity. Additionally, if the Beast Hunter is
within 10ft of more than two hostile creatures, all of their
attacks have advantage.
Lay Low the Giant
Giant Hunter At level 20, when the Giant Hunter attacks a creature of a
Powder Keg greater size than themselves, the attack always has
Starting at level 3, when the Giant Hunter creates a Hunter advantage. Additionally, the Hunter may always use their
Weapon, they may place a Firearm in place of one of the two Brutal Attack maneuver against creatures 2 sizes larger than
weapons. The weapon still only has the properties of one them, regardless of the creature's status.
weapon at a time. If three weapons were used to create it, it
may ave the properties of a Simple Weapon and a Firearm at
the same time, without requiring transformation.
Blasting Engine
Beginning at level 6, when the Giant Hunter creates a Hunter
Weapon, in addition to the weapons used, the Hunter may
spend an additional 20gp on materials to create and
implement a Blasting Engine into the weapon.
As an action, the Giant Hunter may engage the Blasting
Engine. The next time the Giant Hunter attacks with their
Hunter Weapon, the engine generates an explosion, dealing
2d8 Force damage, and 1d8 Fire damage.
After the attack is made, regardless of whether the attack is
a hit or miss, the Blasting Engine is used, and a new one
must be crafter during the next rest.
Weakness Exploitation
At level 10, when dealing damage to a creature of a larger size
than themselves with their Hunter Weapon, the Giant Hunter
may spend a Superiority Die to force the target to make a
Dexterity save (DC equal to the result of the Hunter's level +
the result of the Die roll). If the target fails, they become
Dragon Piercer
At level 14, during the next Long Rest, the Giant Hunter may
craft a special ballistae called the Dragon Piercer. This
weapon may only be used by the Giant Hunter, and may not
be used as part of a Hunter's Weapon.
This weapon weighs 100lbs, and requires a full round
action to set up, and after it is set up, it would require a full
round action to break down. The Dragon Piercer can not be
moved after it is set up until it is broken down.
The weapon has within it a specially-made harpoon,
attached to a rope, which can be fired at a target as an action,
and retracted as an action. The weapon has a range of
100/200. When attacking using the Dragon Piercer, the Giant
Hunter reduces their attack roll by -5. The damage dealt by
the weapon is 10d12+10.
If a creature is hit by the Dragon Piercer, the Giant Hunter
may use their action to force the target to make a Dexterity
save (DC 13 + Hunter's proficiency bonus). Upon a successful
save, the harpoon is withdrawn from the creature's body and
retracted. If the save is failed, the creature is pulled to the
ground and knocked prone.
If the Dragon Piercer is lost or destroyed, it may be rebuilt
with 24 work hours and 900gp of materials.
Hunter of Hunters Witch Hunter
Bloody Weapons Hex Shield
At level 3, as an action, you may spend one Hit Die to make a At level 3, while using the Hunter's Craftsmanship feature,
weapon you carry into a Bloody Weapon. For the next 24 the Witch Hunter may craft a single Hex Shield. While
hours, if you use the weapon to attack a creature that has wielding the shield, when making a save against any spell, you
blood, the weapon deals 1d6 additional damage of the same may use your reaction to roll a Superiority Die, and add the
type as the weapon, and the weapon is considered to be a result to your save.
magical weapon. Multiple Hit Dice may not be used to extend If this Shield is lost or destroyed, you may make a
this time. At level 8, this additional weapon becomes 1d8, and replacement for 100gp worth of materials over the course of
at level 16, it becomes 1d10. a Short rest.
Man Hunter's Maneuvers Light Rune
At level 6, you may perform the following maneuvers in At level 6, when you craft a Hunter Weapon, you may carve a
addition to your others. Light Rune into the weapon. When using a Hunter Weapon
Pursuer As a Bonus Action, you may expend a Superiority with a Light Rune carved into it, they may use the following
Die to move 30ft. Maneuvers;
Kidnapper When you make an attack, instead of dealing Counterspell If a creature within 60ft of you casts a spell,
weapon damage, you may roll two Superiority Dice The you may use your reaction to roll 2 Superiority Dice to force
target makes a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity that creature to make a Wisdom spell, with a DC equal to the
(Acrobatics) save (their choice), DC = the result of the Dice, result of this roll. if the save is failed, the spell is lost and has
or become bound. The creature may retake this save at the no effect.
end of each of their turns. Healing Light As an action, you may expend two
Stalker After making an attack, you may expend a Superiority Dice and choose up to six creatures within a 10ft
Superiority Die to move up to 1/2 their movement, then sphere of you. Each chosen creature is healed equal to the
perform the Hide acton. This movement does not provoke result of the Superiority Dice.
attacks of opportunity. Mage Slayer When a creature within 5ft of you casts a
Press If the you hit a creature with an attack, you may roll sepll, you may use a reaction to expend a Superiority Die and
a Superiority Die. The target makes a Strength (Athletics) make an attack on the caster. If the creature is casting a spell
or Dexterity (Acrobatics) (their choice), DC = double the that requires Concentration, they also have disadvantage on
result of the die roll. If the creature fails, they are moved 5ft in the save to maintain concentration.
any direction. Smite When making a weapon attack, you may expend a
Keen Reaction During a round, when you use your Superiority Die to add radiant damage equal to double the
reaction, you may spend a Superiority Die to gain another. result to the weapon damage. The result's damage is tripled if
the target is undead or a fiend.
Bloody Critical Purify
At level 10, when the Hunter of Hunters scores a Critical Hit At level 10, as an action, the Witch Hunter may spend a
against a creature that has blood, the attack deals triple Superiority Die to end one continuous spell effect on
damage. themselves or a willing creature they can touch.
Chill of the Grave
At level 14, when the Hunter of Hunters uses a Firearm or
Crossbow, the weapon deals 2d6 Cold damage in addition to At level 14, when the Witch Hunter is dealt damage by a
the weapon's normal damage to non-undead creatures. creature they can see within 60ft, they may spend a
Additionally, the target's movement is also reduced by 1/2. Superiority Die to deal the attacker psychic damage equal to
the result.
Keep the Pressure Mage Killer
At level 20, if the Hunter of Hunters deals damage to a At level 20, you become an antimagic engine. You are
creature twice during their turn, all of that creatures have resistant to all spell damage. Additionally, you and all allies
disadvantage until the start of the Hunter's next turn. within 30ft of you have advantage on spell saves if you aren't
incapacitated, and all spellcasters within 30ft of you have
disadvantage on Concentration saves.

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