Unit 4 Answer

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Group :

1. Arini Nur Jauhara

2. Dessy Fitri Wulandari
3. Fattah Syahdila Handafa
4. Muhammad Soleh
5. Rusnelli Linawati Lumban Gaol
6. Winda sari

Getting real

1.You make a list of questions you want to ask the interviewer.

=Yes I agree because making list of questions before interview makes you looks prepared and makes
you looks really want to know about the jobs more

2.You meditate for half an hour before leaving for your job interview.
= I agree, so that the mind can relax and think clearly during the interview

3. You wear very flattering clothes for your job interview although the waistband pinches and you
feel uncomfortable.
= No, i disagree. You just need to wearing the formal and comfortable clothes for your interview to
makes you comfort to doing interview

4. You decide to wear your most comfortable clothes although they are not very smart.
= i disagree if the comfortable clothes thats means is like pajamas because this is the formal
meeting. So, you must wearing the formal clothes

5. Before sending off your letter of application, you show it to a few friends for their comments.
= I agree, because before i sending off my letter i have to make my application perfect. So, thats why
i need some recomendation from my friend to make it perfect

6.You have a small whisky before you leave for your interview, to calm your nerves.
= i disagree, because most work places have policies against dringkin during working hours, drinking
just before an interview would be a red flag to any interviewer you want very well bee dropped if
the interviewer detects a hint of alcohol

7.You find out which newspaper carries ads for the kind of work you„re looking for, and study the
column regularly.
= I agree, because i really need a job, then i will be serious about studying and following the column
regularly, so that i can pass accepted into the job

8.You ask some friends to practice the interview situation with you before the big day.
= I agree, because the practice before the interview will make us better prepare , prepare the right
answer and train ourselves not to be nervous
9.You make it clear to a prospective employer that you have a number of other interesting
interviews lined up.
= I am an accounting person, i am used to handling many potential clients in my previous experience,
i worked at an agency company. In the company, i was able to achieve the target of increasing
company profits. I really enjoyed the job, but i wanted to get a bigger opportunity and dig deeper
into health company, this is the reason why i am very intrested in working for this company

10. When the interviewer asks you “What job would you like to be doing in ten years’ time?”, your
answer is “Your job!”.
= I agree because it will makes you looks really want this job

11. You phone your local employment office to see if they can offer you a job.
= I agree because with that i can find job vacancies

12. You have a very definite idea of how much money you want to earn.
= The amount of money i make later i must be able to adjust to the quality of myself and my high
enthusiasm for work. I just hope that my life's needs can be fullfilled, make good use of money for
important things and always proritize the money i make to save for unexpected needs later and also
for the future.

13. You squeeze in a hair employment just before an important job interview.
= I disagree, because it makes our own hair look messy and make us uncomfortable and less
confident, and less prepared for the interview

14. As you sit down, you tell the interviewer you are really nervous.
= I disgree,because we need to hide things like that.If we say it or even show an expression that we
are nervous it will show ourselves that we have not made good preparations so that the interviewer
will know that we are afraid or not ready for the interview.

15. You send unsolicited letters of application to companies you are interested in working for.
= I better find out information before acting because here will be miss understandings later,and also
have tobe able to dig up information in other companies,not just sticking to one place

16. Your interviewer is uncomfortable looking you in the eye, so you avoid his gaze and look
elsewhere as you talk to him.
= I agree,you don’t need to look he interviewer in their eye if they not comfort to do it.But if they
think It’s okay you need to look them in their eyes to show that you really interested with he topic of

17. Before you start looking for a job, you decide what city or region you want to work in, and
exactly what kind of work you want to do.
= Yes, I really agree about this statement because if you don't thinking about this perfectly it would
bring problem to your job life in future.
18.You go to the interview with some notes on how you would develop their product and some idea
about improving customer service.
= I agree with this, because it will give you point plus because some interviewer wants people who
really knows about their product and having a good idea to develop their product rutle future.

19.Your interviewer has not prepared very interesting questions and you take the opportunity to
direct the interview in your own way.
= I agree, because in here the interviewer will know you really interested with this job an company
or not but I think, try not to ask more than three questions, because aim for questions that are less
obvious, and related to aspects of the position and company in which you have the most interest.


Agustina Hia
Dita Rizki Fadhilla
Fajar Rachma
Isma Restu Fadilah
Miranda Julieta


1. What would you do if your boss refused to let you take your holiday at a time
convenient for you and your family?
I will ask my supervisor about the reasons for my refusal of vacation permit and explain
the reasons I applied for a vacation permit and the availability of my annual leave
entitlement. If the reason for my leave is considered non-urgent, then I will accept a
vacation permit rejection if there is an important and urgent company task and will apply
for a vacation permit when the work is completed. However, if the reason for my leave is
for an important and urgent matter, then I will still apply for leave to my supervisor
because I still have the right to annual leave.

2. How would you deal with a colleague who always complained to the boss about
other colleagues?
I will try to advice him/her if I think what is he/she complaining about is not true. But if it
turns out to be true and the purpose is good, then I will support him/her in order to create
a positive work atmosphere and keep professional.

You think the work procedures of your company are badly in need of change. How
would you suggest this to the boss?
When I want to apply for an update on the company's work procedures that have been set
to the superiors, then I must explain the reasons why changes must be made to the work
procedures to the supervisor by showing the strengths and weaknesses of the procedures
that are currently being applied. I say that the current work procedures are not appropriate
if they are still applied, for example because they are not in accordance with the current
rapid technological developments, there are often contradictions between procedures and
practices in the field and comparing the work procedures of other similar companies to
apply. That way, I can suggest how the new work procedures are good, effective and
efficient for the company.

3. What would be your advice to a friend who is preparing for a job interview?
I will give advice to my friend to first seek information about the company and the
position he wants to go to for an interview, and I will tell what to do and not to do when
conducting an interview, discipline, dress neatly, polite, attractive appearance and in
conducting interviews, one must be optimistic and confident in answering every question
from the interviewer.

4. How would you entertain a very important client?

If I want to entertain a client, we must seek information about the client's
personality and what the client likes from social media and from the client's staff so that
when we want to have conversations and meetings with our clients we can do what can
entertain them, for example, he is a lover. coffee then we will invite him to have a
business meeting at the coffee shop he usually goes to.
5. The instruction manual (a very thick one!) for your latest piece of equipment is in
Japanese only. What would you do?
I will look for the instructions on the internet so that I can understand better and if there
are none, then I will ask my friend who understands Japanese to help me understand the
contents of the instructions.

6. Staff motivation is very low at the moment. How would you suggest motivating
people to work harder?
I think that in order for the staff to remain highly motivated I will explain the company's
initial goals and will provide rewards if the staff can meet the target in the form of
bonuses and I will give a motivational sentence that we will never feel tired when we love
what we do.
7. How would you react if your boss (of the opposite sex) started taking a more than
business-like interest in you?

I will continue to work professionally and adapt myself both inside and outside the work
environment and be wise and think positively.

Speaking: Interview advice

1. Alwardi Harahap
2. Iftitah sokya
3. Jhon Luther harefa
4. Rara windya
5. Zidannul Ghifari

Check (√) the appropriate columns. Give your reason.


1. Observe the proper dress code: Do

Because, by paying attention to the dress code of ethics will make us considered professional and
experienced in following company rules

2. Wear bright and loud clothes: Don't

Because, wearing bright clothes will make people not focus and only pay attention to your clothes,
it's better to adjust to the conditions and needs and don't forget the company's code of ethics

3. Show what you know about the company: Do

Because, Knowing the company well will also show your enthusiasm for the job being applied for.
And Will help you to answer the question of the recruiter with well

4. Relax and just be yourself: Do

Because, panic Will make you stuck and doesnt answer the question with we, and it also Will make
the uncomfortable situation. So relax and just be yourself is important, show yourself well your
competency and also your capability.

5. Give a casual, informal greeting: Don't

Because, office enviroment is a formal place so giving a casual and informal greeting Will show that
you are bad attitude and doesnt have good character expecially when you are talking with Slank

6. Say negative things about past employers: Don't

Because, recruiter Will assume that your are a toxic people and you can make it to other employers.

7. Maintain good eye contact: Don't

Because, it Will give a positive and optimism and also Will help you to make a warm discussion with
your recruiter.

8. Reply with short yes or no answers: Don't

Because, reply a question in the interview must have any reason, no need long reason just say it on

Unit 4
Amelia R.B Sirait
Immanuel Christian Ricardo
Maria Lasmian Elisabeth Samosir
Rika Yoselin Silaban
Syahra Safitri Siregar
Study short excerpts from thee interviews and the discuss the following question in
pairs small groups.

1. How well-prepared is each interviewee for his/her interview?

Answer =
The interview 1 & 3 is not unprepared
The second interview has good preparation

2. How would you describe the emotional state of each interviewee?

Answer =
The first Interviewee was ignorant
The second Interviewee was enthusiastic
The third interviewee is too confident

3. What comment would you make about the emotional state of each
Answer =
Interview I
“unprepared, the questions doesn’t explain the answer and not giving
some detail about the purpose of the interview”
Interview II
“the questions make the answer more varied”
Interview III
The question from the interviewer isn’t varied because just asking about
relation in the company

4. What comment would you make abou the formality of the interviews?
Answer =
Interview I
the answers from the interviewee was impolitely ( “yeah” , “yep” ) it is
better to use formal language.
Interview II
Interview III
“so you’re interested in joining our company” this sentence is refer to ask
some question than a statement.

Practice :
Choose one of the interviewees who, in your opinion.

( Interview I )

Interviewer : Have you checked out our company on networks?

Interviewee : Yes, of course. i believe this company is great, and i’m confident
have ability that is suitable for this company.

Interviewer : Were you

Interviewee : Yes, i’m so impressed what i read. because the informations

very detailed and clear.

Interviewer : Are you..

Interviewee : Yes, i’m impressed, because it was a huge company and the
has been offered it was suitable with my passion

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